wind on the shores of lake titicaka are almost as magical as uranus. i make it look magical. that's the way you do it. as you mature, you learn how to deal with these things. let me just point out you're doing just fine. so tonight, on behalf of everyone at "360" we want to thank you for the work you do every day for your dedication, your leadership and for letting us all get the last laugh with you on the "ridiculist." anderson? >> thank you very much. everybody on the show, thank you very much. to all the viewers, thanks for watching. i appreciate all the nice birthday wishes i've been getting throughout the day. i do feel old, though. i feel old. 46. i don't know. it's getting up there. >> moving up in the world. you know, 46 is, what, the new 36? is that what they're saying? >> that's what people who are 46 say. but i don't think that's really true. >> you're doing fine. you look great. can you put the glasses on just once so our viewers can see you and me together?