actor in global affairs. we stand up to big, bad america. >> reporter: u.s. officials say they expect the russians to look at all their options and expel snowden so that he can be brought back here to the united states. meanwhile officials remain deeply concerned about the leaks of classified information and about the potential for additional leaks. kate? >> dan, thanks so much. it's amazing that we don't know where edward snowden is. >> we'll just keep asking the question until we get an answer. a sweeping immigration bill is one step closer to passage. beefed up border security helped it to pass in the senate. will the house approve it? cnn's chief congressional correspondent dana bash is live from tush tush. the tug-of-war between keep them out and keep them in. can there be compromise dey that? >> if you look at what happened in the senate the answer would be yes. it was probably the most consequential vote, two-thirds of the senate voted yes

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Reporter ,Russia ,Big Fed Official Yesterday ,Officials ,Options ,Affair ,Actors ,Bad America ,America ,Edward Snowden ,Question ,Immigration Bill ,Answer ,Kate Bolduan ,Leaks ,Potential ,Classified Information ,Dan Lothian ,House ,Senate ,Border Security ,Lets Go To Cnn ,Passage ,Dana Bash ,Step ,Stush ,Tug Of War ,One ,Vote ,Compromise ,Yes ,Two ,

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