honestly. no one knows how any plan that comes from the senate could be received by more conservative members of the senate and in the house, by the republican-controlled house. we have every angle covered for you this morning. let's start with senior white house correspondent jim acosta at the white house. good morning, jim. >> reporter: senate leaders harry reid and mitch mcconnell are busy working on a deal to prevent the government from going into default. here is what the deal looks like right now. just got this from a senate gop source. let's put this up on screen. the government would be re-opened and funded through january 15th. the debt ceiling would be raised until february 7th, a new budget commission would be created presumably to work through this breyer patch. also, income verification requirements for the new health care law and sequester flexibility, giving agencies

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Us Senate ,Plan ,Republican ,House Of Representatives ,In The House ,Members ,Angle ,Jim Acosta ,No One ,One ,Deal ,Reporter ,Government ,Harry Reid ,Default ,Mitch Mcconnell ,White House ,Looks ,Debt Ceiling ,Source ,Screen ,Budget Commission ,January 15th ,February 7th ,15 ,7 ,Health Care Law ,Flexibility ,Sequester ,Agencies ,Income Verification Requirements ,Breyer Patch ,

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