>> first of all, they'll go for the black box, of course, and download the information about the speed, the controls, whether there was time for braking, you know, where everyone was and what everyone was doing in terms of the locomotive crew on the train, but also they will be looking at the controls on the track and, of course, i believe it's bsnf that has the track, that owns the track, and where that section of track was being controlled, who was controlling it, and what they were doing. also they're going to be looking because sadly this plays into a lot of accidents is whether there was any work going on on the track or that section of track at the time. that will be very important as well. you know, they always look into whether systems that are aavailable for train tracks and trains all over the country to control the trains, the speeds, would have made any difference and that may or may not come into it.