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Most forceful rebuttal of trump yet, saying that trump was wrong and could have overturned the election. Plus were Learning Details about who trump was speaking to in the hours before the insurrection. Also a jobs report provided a much needed boost for the biden administration. What is meant for the overall strength of the economy more than two years into the pandemic. Plus, the nfl is under fire and in legal jeopardy following allegations of discrimination from one of its former head coaches. And now others are speaking up. What this could mean for the league moving forward. And the Winter Olympics, theyre going on in beijing, but diplomatic delegations from around the world, theyre sitting out. How chinas Human Rights Issue is looming large over this years winter games. Saturday, february 5th. Youve made it to your weekend. Thank you so much for spending some time with us this morning. We always appreciate it. Thank you, boris. Hey, christi, always great to be with you. Yes. So, lets talk about something that a lot of people were not quite expecting from former Vice President mike pence. He called out his former boss by namely, saying that, quote, President Trump is wrong. In claiming that he, meaning the Vice President , could overturn the 2020 election. Now, pence has previously defended his actions on january 6th. But since trump has ramped up his push of the big lie. And even suggested he might pardon some of the insurrectionists if hes reelected pence has come back with his most forceful pushback of the former president yet. Listen to this. I heard this week that President Trump said i had the right to overturn the election. President trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American People. And had the American People alone. And frank list, theres no idea more unamerican than the notion that any one person could choose the american president. Under the constitution, i had no right to change the outcome of our election. Meantime, the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection now has records that provide new details about a phone call that former President Trump made to republican congressman jim jordan. And the committee is really drilling down on the many ways that trump and his allies including those in congress tried to overturn the election results. Glyer is with us. What did he tell you . Reporter before i get to what i talked about with Congressman Jordan specifically, i want to give key context. We reported that the committee had white house call records that show that donald trump requested to speak with jim borden on the morning of january 6th. That the pair spoke for ten minutes that morning while trump was in the residence of the white house. This is significant because jim jordan is a key ally of donald trump on capitol hill and was helping the former president in his mission to try and stop the certification of the election. So the fact that the pair spoke for an extensive period of time that morning, before congress meant to certify is really significant. Now, jim jordan has said himself that he spoke with donald trump that day. But hes been very unclear with his answers. Hes ranged from saying he cant remember, to saying he only remembers speaking with trump later in the day. And i asked jim jordan directly to try and nail down when he spoke with the former president yesterday. Take a listen to what he had to say. As i said, i had a number of calls with, i talked to the president A Couple Times a day but i dont know the times. So i dont remember. So, you dont remember if it was the morning . If theres one in the morning . Before i dont recall. But i know i talked to him after we left off the floor but i dont recall. So, you dont remember if there was one before the violence started . I dont. And that it was ten minutes . I dont. Reporter so, as you can see, jim jordan is not confirming the records that is on file with the January 6th Committee. But it is significant that he told me that he spoke with trump after he left the floor. Thats the most specific hes been until any answer hes given. But clearly, you know, jim jordan has key details that are of great interest to the committee which is why they asked jim jord ton speak with them. But that request is voluntary. And jim jordan has not accepted it. So, now the committee is weighing whether to subpoena jim jordan and take that unprecedented step. The big picture here that the January 6th Committee is building a key time line of the events leading up to and specifically on the day of january 6th. And this tenminute phone call say new piece of information for that time line. And, of course, it leads to questions about what they discussed. And Smefl What Trump was trying to relay to jordan at that time. Annie grayer, thanks so much for the reporting. The Republican National committee has voted to sentence sewer representatives list cheney and adam kinzinger, the two republican members of the January 6th Committee. Yeah. The attack on the capitol has led the largest investigation in fbi history. There have been more than 700 Arrests Hundreds on the run, several people died. Organize to the rnc resolution representative cheney and kinzinger are participating in a democratled persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in political discourse. To be clear, these two representatives are participating in a thorough investigation into what happened in the days leading up to and on the day of january 6th. Where there were 700 arrests. Dozens of convictions. People died. Capitol Police Officers were killed. In response, cheney tweeted this video from january 6th writing, quote, this was january 6, this was not legitimate political discourse. Well, there are signs of hope this morning that the surges of the Omicron Variant is over. Both covid cases and hospitalizations are declining here in the u. S. And some states and counties are now weighing whether to scaleback indoor mask mandates. Whether its over or not we dont know. But thats the greenest weve seen this country in a very long time. So whether its completely over, maybe in question, certainly slowing down. It is good to see the green on that map. President biden said yesterday that the country has, quote, come back stronger, despite the Omicron Variant as the economy added 467,000 jobs last month. I know that january was a very hard month for many americans. I know that after almost two years, the physical and emotional weight of the pandemic has been incredibly difficult to bear for so many people. But heres the good news. We have the tools to save lives. And to keep businesses open. And to keep schools open. To keep workers on the job. Lets bring in cnns Polo Sandoval for more on this, polo, that map we just showed, clearly, theres good news but yet we hit a somber milestone. 900,000 lives lost to covid for a couple years now. That grim number that you mentioned. And as you mentioned there is absolutely hope. Especially as you look at the new infections across the country that continues to plummet by more than half since that last number we saw. Hospitalizations are on the decline, giving the Health Care Workers who would be working tirelessly for the last couple years finally time to recover. Still, were losing 2400 americans a day. That is a number that declined significantly in the last couple of weeks. Reporter a somber marker of the pandemics impact on friday as the u. S. Surpassed 900,000 deaths from covid19. But still, there are signs of progress. As nearly every state in the country now seeing decreases in key covid19 metrics. New covid cases in the u. S. Now averaging about 350,000 a day. A nearly 39 decrease since last week. Covid deaths, however, remain high with the u. S. Averaging 2400 a day. Thats a 6 increase over last week. Every single death of these 100,000 is so tragic. And i also think about the fact that so many hundreds of thousands of deaths occurred after that became widely available. Reporter The Push For Americans continues Health Officials hoping full fda approval and cdc confirmation of the Moderna Vaccine could help americans finally get their shots. Cdc director Rochelle Walensky signed off on the Advisory Panel recommending the fda approve the Moderna Covid vax 17 adults after granted full approval on monday. Prior to fridays vote the vaccine was only recommendeddy the cdc on an interim basis. I still have a Sense Of Wonder on whats been accomplished here. That and a deep sense of gratitude. You know, we now have two vaccines against covid19 that are fully licensed in the u. S. Reporter the cdc also released Pressure Data on a Covid Surveillance Approach first announced in 2020. One that relied on waste water to identify high Covid Infection in communities. Its called the National Waste water surveillance system, 400 testing sites in the United States with more to come. Researchers say the new data flags possible covid surges to get resources in place and to warn hospitals. The rates of coronavirus in the waste water goes up before the attention in the hospitals or in the clinics outside. Really interesting. And the reverse is true, too. Those levels start going down even before the case levels start going down in the local area. So its really a great indicator of whats going to happen. The truth is cases are going to continue to decline. Reporter nearly two years later, a new analysis paints a clear picture of the human toll of the pandemic. More than 200 residents and staff at longcare term facilities died from covid19 since march 2020. Thats nearly a quarter of covid deaths in the u. S. Despite the global progress on the vaccination front, more than 100 countries are projected to fall short of the World Health Organizations goal set in december to vaccinate at least 70 of their population. The United States is among the highincome countries on the list as are many Central European nations. New york state governor kathy hochul with numbers saying weve seen a 19 drop in covid cases here in the state alone. The National Guard are still manning their posts at various facilities throughout the state with hospitalizations here also on the decline. Boris and christi. Polo sandoval, thank you so much for the report. Appreciate it. President biden is celebrating januarys better than expected jobs report. The United States adding nearly 500,000 jobs in january. A sign that the economy may finally be breaking free of the pandemic. Cnns chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans has more in this private in job growth. Christi and boris, surprising strength in the jobs market even with the disruption from the omicron wave, the job market powered ahead in january. Adding back 467,000 jobs, almost 500,000, that crushed expectations. The Unemployment Rate rose slightly. Thats because more people searched for work. And wages jumped up 5. 7 from a year ago. The trend here is really important. The government relies higher job creation at the end of the year. In december, up to 501,000 net new jobs, instead of just under 200,000. And in november, jobs growth was almost triple the first read. For the first 12 months of the biden administration, 6. 6 million jobs added the most since the Great Depression when Record Keeping began. About 87 of the jobs lost in the covid crash has been recovered. Leading the way in january, leisure and hospitality, business and professional services, retail and trade and warehouse jobs, as the economy works through the supply chain mess. The strong reported surprise here, since about 12 Million People were out of work either sick, quarantined or taking care of family in midjanuary when the government collected this data. It shows an economic recovery resilience and companies eager to hire more workers. The strong jobs market puts pressure on the Federal Reserve to keep the economy from overheating and will have to raise Interest Rates. Christi and boris. Christine, thank you so much. The chief economist in moodys analytics, s mark sandy with us. Mark, good morning to you. Does inflation throw a stop into that do we know where this is going . Well, inflation is a problem, you know. But i think thats also related to the pandemic, particularly if you go back in the last summer fall when the delta wave hit, if does a lot of damage to the global economy, particularly asia where the Supply Chains begin. So as the pandemic fades and it feels like its moving in the right direction here, continues to wind down, i do think the Supply Chains will iron themselves out. Labor markets will continue to improve. Labor shortages will abate. And inflation will moderate. It will take some time. Its not going to happen next month, next quarter. But i think by this time next year, inflation will be in a place that still may be high but not a place top of mind where people are very upset about it. Hopefully, the pandemic fades, job market continues to improve, inflation moderates, that feels like the most likely scenario going forward. So, Interest Rates, obviously, we know are rising. In an atmosphere that were talking about, really uncomfortable with all of this inflation right now. I know the question that is looming in that regard is how high is it going to go and how fast are those Interest Rates going to escalate there. Two things i want to talk about. First of all, lets talk about the Housing Market. How would you advise sellers and buyers right now . Well, to the point about Interest Rates theyre going up, because the economy is strong. It is coming back to full strength, to full employment. And right now, Interest Rates, at least Interest Rates federa Reserve Controls are close to zero. That doesnt make a lot of sense in the context of the economy. So the fed needs to raise rates just to normalize them to get them back to a place where its more consistent with a wellfunctioning economy. As that happens, of course, parts of the economy that are sensitive to Interest Rates will have to adjust. So, housing, you know, home buying, is very dependent on Mortgage Rates and Interest Rates. And as Mortgage Rates rise, that will combine with the higher house prices that weve seen in markets. And affordability is more of an issue. So, the kind of the balance of negotiating power with the Housing Market is going to shift. I mean, throughout the pandemic when Interest Rates were low, it was really until favor of the seller. And now thats going to shift in the favor excuse me, it was more in the favor of the seller. Now, its going to start shifting. So buyers and sellers are going to have more of a difficult time adjusting to this and were going to see much weaker Housing Activity and house prices. Theres going to be a bit of adjustment, to make sure that the economy does not overheat as Christine Romans has described it. As you say that Interest Rates will go back to normal rates. What are normal rates because they were so low for so long . Good question, and a debate. Well have to see exactly where things land as Interest Rates do rise and the economy adjusts. But having said that, the Federal Reserve thinks that for the rates that they control, the federal funds rate which is now as i said at zero, in a wellfunctioning economy, in the long run, it should be about 2. 5 . We need to go from zero to 2. 5 . Historically, the fed has raised rates in times like these by about a quarter percentage point every quarter or so. So, if they kind of stick to that script, well go from zero to 2. 5 by mid2024. Over the next, couple, 2 1 2 years. A couple years, mark zandi, appreciate your expertise. Thank you for taking time for us. Sure, thank you. Sure. Coming up, an athlete from chinas Uighur Population was one of the torchbearer who lit the olympic cauldron was this passiveaggressive show. Plus, brian flores said he was never truly considered for a Head Coaching Physician after the dolphins let him go. Will his lawsuit against the league stand up in court. 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Making sure that you have somebody, a team of individuals that have seen it before, have seen every circumstance and seen every challenge, and have your back when you need it most, is one of the most valuable things a Financial Advisor could provide to a family. I am vince lumia and we are morgan stanley. Came under intense scrutiny this week. Alleging that the National Football league runs like a plantation, former Miami Dolphins head coach brian flores filed a Class Action Lawsuit just days before the super bowl. He claims that Job Interviews with teams in new york and denver were discriminatory, a sham, designed to get around League Policies meant to boost the hiring of minority candidates. He as claims his exboss, The Dolphins Owner steven ross broke League Tampering rules and offered him money to lose games. Heres what flores told cnn about what he wants to come from this lawsuit. Im not looking for fluff policies. Im looking for real change. To me, that starts in the hearts and minds of people who make those decisions. Thats got to come through dialogue. Thats got to come through communication. Thats got to come through keeping an open mind. And being willing to talk to and get to know people that are different than youre used to. And, quite frankly, i think that if an owner is not willing to do that, then hes not fit to own in this league. This league is better than what is show. Some background. Because of a lack of diversity in leadership positions the nfl established the rooney rule in 2003. It requires every team to interview at least one diverse candidate. Notably it was amended in 2009 to include gentle manager and front office positions. To take a closer look at the lawsuit and the impact of the rooney rule is m. Jeremy duru, a professor of law at New York University where among other things he teaches employment discrimination law. Hes worked to Champion Diversity in the nfl and author of the book advancing the ball, Race Integration and yeft in the nfl. Jeremy, were grateful to have you this morning. Before we get into the rooney rule and the details that flores describes in the lawsuit. I just want to ask you, when you read the lawsuit, how you feel about the strength of it. Does it have a chance to be successful, perhaps at a discovery where documents are subpoenaed and people are interviewed that may have answers . Sure. So, yeah, thanks very much for having me. It is a strong lawsuit. This is not a lawsuit when you read it was cobbled together over a couple of days. This is a lawsuit thats designed to get media splash. This is a lawsuit that is designed to go the distance. Now, whether it will, its hard to say. And its good that you pointed out Discovery Phase of litigation. The key right now, the key question is not whether flores will win at the end of the lawsuit. The question question is will he be able to get past the motion to dismiss. Theres going to be a preliminary filing that the defendants are going to file seeking to get rid of the case right off the bat. If he gets that, then hell get into a process they call discovery where he will have access to emails, documents, everything related to the allegations. And if he gets to those, then hes in a place where he can really try to prove his opportunity, try to prove his case. And jeremy, describing the nfl Business Model as a Plantation Economy that is ahead of the accusation, and im sure there are a lot of folks that might be watching that think theyd love to be paid millions of dollars to play sports for a living. Would you agree there is systemic racism in the nfl specifically when it comes to these positions of power, like head coach . Yeah, i think theres no way to deny that systemic racism exists. The complaint identifies a number of places where there are double standards where black coaches have shorter tenures than white coaches. Where black coaches are more likely to be terminated after a winning season than white coaches. Where black coaches have a harder time getting a second job than white coaches. With that question, there is systemic discrimination, and flores really identifies that. He takes that systemic discrimination that statistically based and wraps that around his own experiences in miami and new york in his allegations that brings them all together in the lawsuit which is the core which is the challenge against the league. Is it time to reexamine the rooney rule . Because it seems like at this point its just a hurdle for some teams to hire whatever candidate they want and they just run through this process of humiliating someone like flores, going into an interview that he knows isnt well intentioned . So, it is always important to reassess equal Employment Opportunity initiatives and not get stale in the approach. With that said, i think the Rooney Rule Concept is sound. The idea that you described a few moments ago, that you let someone in the door, in the Interview Room that otherwise wouldnt have gotten in, to give them an opportunity, thats the idea. A Think A Sound Idea and policy. The challenge is designed on implementation, if clubs dont implement the rule and flores alleging thats exactly what happened in new york. If clubs dont implement the rule and the league does not punish clubs that dont blement the rule. Then other clubs arent going to see it as important that they need to tend to. Then they wont implement the rules. Its not a question of the rule. Its a question of implementation. Jeremi, i should let you know, im actually a huge dolphins fan. I was upset when the team fired flores. He was a good coach. They had won a lot of games. Even though he alleges that the owner offered him 100x per loss effectively tanking. Hes putting his career in jeopardy here. Do you think he is coaches in the nfl again . Boris, i hope he has the opportunity to as you point out, he was a fantastic coach. Hes well respected throughout the league as a coach. I hope he has the opportunity to coach again but youre absolutely right that he has unfortunately put his career in jeopardy. It shouldnt be that way. But we found when individuals challenge sports leagues, across the landscape of american sports, with these sorts of challenges, challenges alleging discrimination, they often dont get another opportunity, you know, to ply their trade. You know, maybe hes risking his career. I really hope he has a chance to coach again because he wants to coach there. We got to leave the conversation there. Professor duru, thank you for sharing your part of your weekend with us. Thank you, appreciate it. Politics are at play in the Winter Olympics. Russian president Vladimir Putin arrived in beijing for the opening ceremonies. Were live from china for you, next. Your eyes. Beautiful on the outside, but if you have diabetes, there can be some notsopretty stuff going on inside. Its true, if you have diabetes, you know high blood sugar is the root of the problem. But that excess sugar can cause the Blood Vessels to be seriously damaged. And when that happens, this could happen vision loss or even blindness. Thats right, Diabetic Retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness for adults in the u. S. But even though you cant see it, there is something you can do about it. Remember this now is the time to get your eyes checked. Eye care is an incredibly important part of your longterm diabetes management. See a path forward with actions and treatments a Retina Specialist can provide that may help your eyes and protect against vision loss. Just say to yourself, now eye see. then go see an eye care specialist. Visit noweyesee. 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In an attempt to brush off the controversy one of the two chinese athletes who finished the torch relay is a member of the uighur community. Cnns selina wang has more. Reporter Vladimir Putin leaning into the eyes of the world to beijing, like the russian president who has silented his critics at home and threatened his enemies abroad, many of the dignitaries at the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics do not have a glowing record when it comes to human rights and freedoms. Its a constant charge by host china. We should not be here at all. Reporter while athletes will compete, far fewer than the vips of the opening ceremony. Most of those places are considered free or partly free by u. S. Freedom rights Group Freedom house. Theyre all Filling A Gap Led by the United States and likeminded countries who are staging a diplomatic boycott. Washington said chinese Rights Committee applicant temporarily the uighur minority means it cannot contribute to the fanfare of the games. Despite mounting evidence, the Chinese Government said its not persecuting the uighurs. U. S. Diplomatic or official representation would treat these games as Business As Usual in the case of the prcs egregious human rights atrocities in yanqing and we cant do that. A far cry from sitting shoulder to shoulder with chinese officials. Saying we despise your awful regime. We hate what youre doing with human rights abuses. Were not going to validate your olympic games. And were not coming but were sending our athletes to do what they do. So its really the perfect answer. Reporter the 2008 games were a moment for china to prove to the world what they were capable of. But this time around, the country isnt asking for approval and the world is well aware of chinas might. The u. S. Believes its diplomatic is snub will keep beijings rights record in focus but as the right turns its back on china, xi jinping is finding friends elsewhere, friends who wont be so quick to criticize. And beijing made a provocative decision in choosing an athlete from the xinjiang region. For athletes staging this diplomatic boycott because of allegations in the xinjiang rege. With more authoritarian increasing at odds with the west. When we saw the host games in 2008 china was trying to meet the world terms. Now the message from beijing, the world must accept chinas. Boris, christi. Selina wang, we appreciate it. Thanks. Up next, a story that terrorized the nation two decades ago. Were going to be joined by the first victim of the d. C. Sniper as lee malveaux could be granted parole. Well get that next. Celebrate e. Forever connected. Exclusively at kay. I may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Or psoriatic arthritis. But we are so much more. Were team players and artists. Designers and doityourselfers. Parents and friends. If joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, its time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. 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All you have to do is sleep. Dont miss our weekend special. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 0 interest for 48 months on all smart beds. Ends monday. Starting monday, the three White Georgia Men Convicted of murdering 25yearold black jogger Ahmaud Arbery will go on trial for federal hate crime charges. This comes after gregory and Travis Mcmichael both withdrew their guilty pleas after the federal judge overseeing the case rejected those plea agreements. Remember, arbery was back jogging in 2020 when had was chased down and shot to dead. After their convictions in a Georgia State court. Arguments Begin Next Week in d. C. Sniper legal boyd malvo to have his life sense reduced. He was was 17 when he and John Allen Muhammad went on a Killing Spree to terrorize the district of columbia. Malvo was convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. But a Supreme Court ruling bars mandatory Life Sentences without parole for juvenile offenders, and malvos attorneys believe he should benefit from a new law in maryland enabling criminals to seek release once theyve served at least 20 years. Joining us now is the first victim shot by the d. C. Sniper. Paul, we appreciate you being here with us. Youve been add advocate for juvenile criminals to get parole, im wondering whats motivating that, especially being a victim of this heinous crime. Well, most people think that victims automatically think, well, throw away the key, put the person in prison and dont let them out. And actually, at the time, i was shot and shortly thereafter, when they were caught, when malvo and muhammad were caught, i felt that way, too. Now, my mind changed along the way when about four or five years ago, i came in contact with cfsy which is the campaign for the fair sentencing of youth. And i happened to meet people who committed crimes when they were juveniles. And they were quite rehabilitated. And after serving, 20, 30, 40 years in jail, i met them. I talked with them. They were released. And i realized that they are different people than they were when they were teenagers. And that Life Without Parole for a child under 18 isnt justice. And so, i became active with cfsy in trying to change the laws in many states to the one like in maryland, and virginia, where it allows, after 20 years a chance, a chance. Not a guarantee, but a chance at parole and freedom. So it gives hope to a kid who commits a heinous crime when they were a juvenile, it gives them hope that some day they might have freedom and they wont be sentence they wont be doomed to 50, 60, 70 years behind bars. I find it interesting that you note that there are others out there, and im thinking about the families of some of the victims that we noted previously. That might feel like there are crimes that are too brutal to rehabilitate from. And that parole, the very premise of it, would be unacceptable to them. For Lee Boyd Malvo. Do you think its possible that he can be rehabilitated . And if so, whats your message to those families . Well, i respect that the decision and the feeling of people who think it should be Life Without Parole. However, one thing i always bring up is, if you if you meet some of these people who have been released, you may change your mind, because its obvious that they are not the same person they were. Now, one big statistic that might help change peoples minds is that more than 800 people have been freed, or released, under these laws, where after 20 years, you get a chance to be released. Now, 800 and some odd people have been released. And the Recidivism Rate is just about zero. So something is working here. These people have been rehabilitated. Theyre not going out after 20, 30 years in jail and immediately displaying the same behavior they did when they were 16 years ago old. So, thats one fact that is there to consider. But i respect peoples opinions and i dont sure. I know what its like to be a survivor. I dont know what its like to lose a mother or father, brother, or sister, would i feel differently . I dont think so. But i understand their feeling. And their feelings and their opinions should be should be considered. And the thing with malvo is its not a guarantee. You know, will he ever see the light of day . I think a lot of other people will see the light of day before he does. And, quickly, paul, you have spoken to Lee Boyd Malvo . I have not. I would like to speak have the chance to speak to him. But, no, i have not. I have listened to his interviews and heard him and seen him. But ive never spoken to him personally. Well, the hearing is on tuesday. And if you do happen to have communication with him, wed love to hear that story. So youre more than welcome to come back. Paul laruffa, thank you for sharing your story. Youre welcome. And stay with cnn. Well be right back. Your lifest. You dont have to eat diet food. I can enjoy the things that i really love like wine. Cheese. You can add points for eating vegetables or being active. I lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. The all new ww personalpoints program. Get started for just 10 a month at ww. Com hurry offer ends february 7th i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. I am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different Oxygen Levels and starved it. I am here because they switched off egfr Gene Mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. Theres a place thats making one advanced Cancer Discovery after another for 75 years. I am here. I am here. Because of danafarber. What we do here changes lives everywhere. I am here. Well, well, well. Look at you. 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Com to learn more. vo for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. We discover exciting new technologies. Redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. Basically, choose what we want our future to look like. So whats yours going to be . Russia is showing no sign of deescalation in its standoff with ukraine. And happen right now in the region is a call for unity in the face of russian aggression. Cnn Senior International correspondent sam kiley is with us from ukraine. Sam, tell us whats happening behind you. Reporter well, this is a city of 1. 5 Million People. At least three quarters of them are native russian speakers, and its only about 30 miles from the russian border. At the end of the last month, president zelensky here said he feared that karket could be at the het. Central to the border of the heart handof ukraine. But these demonstrators, their dwindling now, but they came out today in a show of unity with the slogans week east and west. Thats east and west ukraine united. Of course, to the east of the country, some of the east of the country was illegally captured by russianbacked separatists and troops annexed Crimea Due South effectively of the capital city. So theyre deeply concerned that theyre trying to demonstrate to federal ukrainians that kharkiv is in no way a rollover to potential russian invasion. And there are people here from the far right and the gay community, normally people who are at loggerheads in this town. Openly in a state of friction. Here theyre coming together, particularly as russian speakers to reject what they say is the russian threat to aggression. Vladimir putin perhaps inadvertently galvanizing Ukrainian National identity. Sam kiley reporting from ukraine, thank you so much, sam. Thank you so much for joining us this morning. Christi, i hope youre free in an hour or so, because were supposed to come back. Do i have to be . Yes, i do. We will absolutely be back with you. Michael smerconish, though, is up next. Go make some good memories today. One tool that helps you choose, change, and master your style. King c. Gillette i see trees of green red roses too i see them bloom for me and you music so i think to myself oh what a Wonderful World its the valentines day sale. Get 25 off everything. At zales. The Diamond Store before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable nights sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. Now, that dream. Is her reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . Trump gets namechecked by his former number two. Im Michael Smerconish in philadelphia. Former Vice President mike pence called out his old boss yesterday, but not in a way that trump wanted. It was just one of several developments yesterday all tied to the events of january 6. First, former Vice President mike pence said the words pretty trump is wrong. And i heard this week that President Trump said i had the right to overturn the election. President trump is wrong. Heres what trump had to say about that, quote, the Vice President s position is not an automatic conveyor, if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist, thats why

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