dreams because it's just too expensive yeah. >> i'm going to tell you this, which i think you should just say to yourself when people sort of push homeownership on you, when you're not ready, you are not a financial failure. if you are a renter, sade, it to yourself every time someone says you got to buy a house. listen, there are millions of people who are renting, who can afford her house or maybe don't even want a house. and a lot of times we're pushing that homeownership because we say that's the way you build wealth and it is a way to build wealth for most americans. but guess what? there are other ways to build wealth. you can put 20 and time. you're fine. you can say outside of retirement fund, and eight low cost index start from, you can still built well without being a homeowner i'm a big believer in homeownership. but when it's right and at the right time for you and you're okay if you're rich, you are a financial failure.