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Very hard to do. But in that commandment, in my view lies the essence of the gospel and the essence of the american promise. When we see each other as neighbors, not enemies, the progress and justice come. When we see each other as fellow human beings, as children of god, we begin to walk the path of dr. Kings beloved community. The path is dream inspired, and his legacy propels us forward to this day. Heres what i learned in my life and career along that path, as many of you have learned along your path. Were all imperfect beings. We dont know where and what fate will deliver to us and when. But we can do our best to seek a life of light, hope and love. And, yes, truth. Truth. Thats what i try to do every day, to build the future we all want. Were reminding ourselves that nothing, nothing is guaranteed in democracy. Nothing. Every generation is required to keep it, defend it, protect it, to be repairers of the breach. And to remember the power to redeem the soul of america lies where it always has led in the hands of we the people. We the people. [ applause ] i was vividly reminded of that truth on the south lawn of the white house. I believe you were there, both of your senators, the south lawn of the white house when Vice President Kamala Harris and hearing these words, and i quote it took just one generation of segregation to the Supreme Court of the United States, end of quote. Those are the words Ketanji Brown jackson, our Supreme Court justice. It took just one generation of segregation to the Supreme Court of the United States. Posts posts [ applause ] as i told folks at the time, shes smarter than you are. As dr. King said give us the ballot. We will place judges on the bench who will do justly, and we are. That is the promise of america. Change is hard but necessary. Progress is never easy, but its always possible. Things do get better on our march toward a more perfect union. At this inflection point, we know theres a lot of work that has to continue with economic justice, civil rights, voting rights, protecting our democracy. Im remembering that our job is to redeem the soul of america. Look, i get accused of being an invete erate op mist. I call it the irish of it. We were never on top, but optimistic. Like dr. King was optimistic. Folks, as i said, progress is never easy. Redeeming the soul of the country is absolutely essential. I doubt whether any of us would have thought even in dr. Kings time that literally the institutional structures of this country might collapse. What were seeing in brazil, in other parts of the world, folks, i will close with this, with the blessing i see today. In the oval office, and many of you have been there, in my office. You get to set it up the way you want within reason. As i sit at my desk [ laughter ] as i sit at my desk and look at the fireplace, just to the left is the bust of dr. King. Its there in that spot on purpose. He was my inspiration as a kid. He does know where we should go. I ran for three reasons. I said i wanted to restore the soul of america and wanted to rebuild this country from the bottom up and middle out. I wanted to unite it. Not far from him, if you look about 40, 50 degrees to the right, theres another statue, another bust of rosa parks. People ask me, why . I say, i put it in my words, she would say, ive had enough. Ive had enough. Folks, i often think of the question that dr. King asked us all those years ago. I think its important you all and the nation remembers. He said, Where Do We Go From Here . Thats a quote Where Do We Go From Here . Well, my message to the nation on this day is, we go forward. We go together. When we choose democracy over autocracy, a beloved community over chaos, when we choose believers in the dreams, to be doers, to be unafraid, always keeping the faith, every time i walk off my Irish Catholic grandfathers home in scranton, he would yell, joey, keep the faith. My grandmother would be, no, joey, spread it. Spread the faith. The point is, theres hope. Theres always hope. We have to believe. Ladies and gentlemen, that was dr. Kings path, in my view, the path to keeping the faith. It must be our path. Folks, for gods sake, this is the United States of america. The United States of america. Theres nothing beyond our capacity. Nothing beyond our capacity if we set our mind to it. Ladies and gentlemen, were a land of dreamers and a land of doers. Nothing is beyond our capacity. The gospel song that dr. King loved weve come too far from where we started. Nobody told me the road would be easy. I dont believe he brought me this far to leave me. He did not get me this far to leave me. My fellow americans, i dont believe the lord led us to this far to leave us. My word. God bless dr. Martin luther king and his family, and based on one of his favorite hymns, pressure lord, take my hand through the storm through the night, and lead me on to the light. May god bless you all. Lets go find the light. We can do this. [ cheers and applause ] snoot. Youve been listening to President Biden delivering a sermon at atlantas Ebenezer Baptist church, where dr. King was once pastor. You just saw him say hello to raft yet. This State Of The Union live. Of course he had a difficult week. Hes now facing a Special Counsel investigation. My panel is here with me, though, to focus briefly now on what we just heard from President Biden, from that special pulpit on this special weekend. Karen, lets start with you. This would have been Martin Luther kings birthday had he not been assassinated. What did you make of the address . Powerful and meaningful. This Midterm Election was just a ballot in terms of democracy. As he talked about when he ran for president , the soul of the nation, and we need to find a way forward when it comes to voting rights, when it coming to being unified. I thought he did a good job, staying on script, and staying in the moment, which is what it means to be at been kneeser baptist church. President biden is the first sitting u. S. President to ever speak at a Sunday Service thats an important distinction, where senator warnock is the pastor. What did you make of it all . Look, if you know anything about black culture, the church is one of its pillars. For a black preacher at any church to gipp up their pulpit on a sunday means a lot. Theres a loft history that goes into the community of having a safe place to come when youve had a rough week, and commune with your fillo parishioners. I thought it was a great opportunity for the president to remind us why he ran. He talked about restoring, rebuilding, uniting. We have come off a tough midterm. Senator warnock was a victor of one of those races. And people want to restore, unite and rebuild. I learned something i did, too. When he returned to the bust of rosa parks in the oval office. I havent been in the office since he became president. There is also one of harry truman, robert kennedy, caesar chavez. I was a bit underwhelmed over it, but in his defense, he did not claim to have been arrested at any civil rights march. He didnt call his political opponents Jefferson Davis and so a step in the right direction. Just to be clear, though, last year was no the on a Sunday Service. It was mlk just because we want to be clear. This is unique. And a less partisan event is what i think youre saying. Absolutely. Last year that was more about i mean, we were leading into an election. I can say, you know, this is the other significance of this, during the election, top issue for African Americans concerned about racism, concerned and the impact on peoples lives. Concerned about voting rights, actually topped economic concerns. So, for the president to come to this hallowed hall, hallowed civil rights and black culture, as you were just saying, that is a very meaningful to the black community. I hope again, as you said, for everyone to hear a president talk about unity, i think its a reminder, he had a rough week. Its a reminder president s do still have the opportunity to use the bully pulpit, to refocus to try to refocus on the bigger issues of the day. He does have a big decision to make on whether to run for reelection. It looks like hes going to run. Are they going to listen . Nobody wants this, but it appears that he is moving in the direction of running, and trump at least will have a challenge from somebody in the republican party. I have long believed if one of these party goes new and goes old, whoever it is, new will have the advantage. You know, which i say, last year on mlk day, i had the privilege to spending time with one of his sons. Martin luther kings sons . Yes. His family said, i dont want you to celebrate unless you legislate. It was clear they wanted that holiday last year, and probably this year, to be about voting rights. When a piece of legislate isnt passed, legislators saying thats deadweight. I appreciate President Biden showing up again and saying we arent giving up on this issue. Voter suppression is still a real issue. Georgia is one of the epicenters of Voter Suppression historically and present day. I think it was a policy speech, even though he didnt get into specifics, but i think it was the familys wish to talk about that particular issue. To that point, earlier there was at story about a wisconsin official who was bragging about decreased black and latino turnout. So we know its still very much an issue on peoples minds. The other thing ill just remind us about the king holiday, it was a struggle for it to become a holiday. That was something the king family wants us to remember, we move forward through struggle. Thats how we got this holiday. Ashley, we need to acknowledge this has been not been President Bidens favorite week, with all of these classified documents being found in various locations, in his private offices, at the Penn Biden Center here in d. C. , in a garage, in another room. That has to factor into his decision, the fact that this is a its a significant bump in the reed for him. Sure, i think its an issue that the administration wishes probably didnt happen at all, but here we are, i think its important to searchal his properties, and if there are more found, they turn them over to the archives, the doj. Its not the think he wants leading into mlk weekend, but i think he can overcome it. You think it defangs the trump investigation. Yes. For all the differences you can list, how do you go after one person for having documents and not the other . I think it was right to appoint a Special Counsel, but i also get the feeling theres a lot of people around biden who dont know exactly what will happen next year. Every day they send out the press secretary, that it was a complete search, weve been transparent, but the next day you get more. Then you add on bidens statements on top of it Attacking Trump last year, how can someone be so responsible . Yes, indeed, how could someone . There are material differences between the two. Those matter. I think continuing to make that case i actually think that its possible that this makes it easier, actually. Remember, with trump, its not just the maralago documents. There are multiple lawsuits, multiple fronts on which hes in real trouble. Were going to get into the probe and how this compares to former President Trumps investigation with congressman james comer, who joins me next. And what happens with the debt ceiling . We may find out. Stay with us. Announcer Statate Of The Union is broad to you by so its decided,d, well park even deeper into Parking Spaces so people think theyre open. Surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, Muffled Talking ] cant hear u, jerry. Sorry. Uh, yeah, n we get a system where when someone bike is in the shop, then we could borr someone elses . No no or you can get a quote with americas numberone Motorcycle Insurer and maybe save some money while youre at it. All in favor of that. [ horn honking ] theres a lot of buttons and knobs in here. cecily whats up, einstein . einstein my network has gone kaput cecily you tried to save a buck on it . einstein not so smart. cecily well, there is a smarter way to save. einstein oh . cecily switch to verizon vo thats right. 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And now House Republicans who downplayed the much bigger trove of over 300 documents found at maralago, and the yearlong effort to try to recover them, the House Republicans are making clear now they want in on the investigation of joe biden. Joining me now to discussion is chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, republican james comer of kentucky. Mr. Chairman, thanks for joining us. Lets start on the news yesterday that five additional pages of classified documents were found at President Bidens residence in that wilmington suburb in a room adjacent to the garage. Whats your reaction to this latest development . Well, my concern is that Special Counsel was called for, but yet hours after that, we still had the president s personal attorneys who have no Security Clearance still rummaging around the president s residence looking for things. That would essentially be a crime scene, so to speak, after the appointment of a Special Counsel. So we have a lot of questions for the National Archives. We have a lot of questions for the department of justice and hopefully well be getting answers very soon. Just this morning you have a new letter to the white house Chief Of Staff ron klain demanding more information about these classified documents. What more do you want to know . We want to know the visitor logs to the residence. We want to know who had access to the biden center for diplomacy. This is the same type of investigation that the democrats were so outraged and launched, and demanded ham to President Trump. What we see with President Biden, there are multiple locations. We would never have known about the possession of the classified documents were it not for Investigative Reporting by cbs that somehow got a leak to determine that this had happened prior to the election. The administration hasnt been transparent about whats going on with President Bidens possession of classified documents, and we just want equal treatment here with respect to how both former President Trump and current President Biden are being treated with the document issue. Ill get to trump in a second. I want to be clear here, are you accusing President Biden or anyone on his team of breaking the law . Well, we dont know exactly yet whether they broke the law or not. I will accuse the Biden Administration of not being transparent. Why didnt we hear about this on november 2nd when the first batch of classified documents were discovered . Remember, they were quick to call for a Special Counsel prior to the Midterm Elections, and joe biden used as his Closing Argument during the Midterm Elections that republicans were a threat to democracy, and he cited the fact that President Trump mishandled the documents. While he was doing this, he knew very well that he, himself, had possession of classified documents. So the hypocrisy here is great. Were very concerned about a lack of transparency. Were very concerned, as ive said many times about a twotier system of justice in america. We just want equal treatment and hopefully well get some answers very soon. Just to give the answer that the Trump Lawyers gave, because i also have been asking why did it take so long for them to disclose this given the fact that Biden Attorneys i said trump, i meant biden Biden Attorneys discovered this november 2nd and we didnt find out about it until january. And the explanation from bidens attorneys are they theres a balance here between wanting to disclose and also not wanting to impede any department of justice investigation because when you announce it, then you are getting potentially in the way of investigators when it comes to witnesses and such. Thats what they say. Hard to believe. I would consider the fact that it was right before a Midterm Election, a very important Midterm Election that was close that was going to determine the Balance Of Power in congress, the fact that they were quick to call for Special Counsel with trump, it seems political here. It seems hypocritical. It seems like a double standard. Thats our concern. I have jurisdiction as chairman of the House Oversight committee over the National Archives. This is the agency im most frustrated with, jake, because they have not been transparent at all. They should be briefing myself and Ranking Member raskin who will be your next guest on the show, about whats going on here. They never did tell us about november 2nd. We asked questions about what went on with maralago. Why was maralago raided but the president s home not . Why are the president s lawyers still allowed to rummage through looking for documents after a Special Counsel has been appointed . It doesnt make sense. Its not fair. We just want equal treatment. So lets go there. Youre talking about the trump documents. Former President Trump is under an investigation for his own classified documents. There are about 20 in the case of biden. For trump there are more than 300 classified documents at maralago. A big difference here just on the facts. Trump did not fully complete comply with his subpoena. His lawyers falsely told investigators they turned everything in. Take a listen to what you told cnn about this situation last november. I dont know much about that. Thats not something that weve requested information, just to see what was going on because i dont know what documents were at maralago. So thats something were just waiting to see what comes out of there. Is it fair to say an investigation will be a priority . That will not be a priority. What are you saying to viewers who dont understand why President Bidens documents seem like a big priority for you, but President Trump who took hundreds more documents did not comply with the subpoena, did not reach oat to the National Archives or the Justice Department to say, hey, we found these documents. Its not a priority. Do you only care about classified documents being mishandled when democrats do the mishandling . Absolutely not. Look, we still dont know what type of documents President Trump had. Thats one of the questions weve asked National Archives. Just because joe bidens lawyers say they turned over five documents doesnt mean they turned over five documents. They could have turned over 500 documents. Im sorry, but i dont have a lot of confidence in President Bidens personal lawyers. At the end of the day, the National Archives implied to us at former chairman maloneys request and told me that the National Archives was working with the Trump Administration during the transition. Thats the last communication we had with whether or not the archives had worked with Trump On Removal of all the documents from the white house. So we dont know exactly what trump has versus what biden has. At the end of the day, my biggest concern isnt the classified documents, to be honest with you. My concern is how theres such a discrepancy in how former President Trump was treated, by raiding maralago, getting security cameras, but taking pictures of documents on the floor, going through melanias Closet Versus joe biden, your personal lawyers who dont have Security Clearance, they can go through, they can just keep looking and keep looking and determine whatever is there. Thats not equal treatment, and were very concerned and theres a lack of trust here at the department of justice by House Republicans. Thats the outrage. So i get that. But theres a big difference in how President Biden and his team reacted and how President Trump and his team reacted. The fbi searched maralago because trump for more than a year refused to turn over documents to the National Archives and the Justice Department which was trying to get them back into secure hands. Trump and his lawyers lied about it. Trump lied about not having classified documents, did not keep them in a secure location, did not comply with a subpoena but said he had, and that Search Warrant which trump forced out into the open through his legal machinations, that cited laws that trump might have violated including the espionage act. Its my understanding that President Trump did let the National Archives go through on numerous occasions, maralago, looking at the documents. My understanding again, we dont know because we havent been briefed, was that President Trump was arguing with National Archives over what is classified and what is not. As we heard the president say before, the president has the authority To Declassify documents. The question is whether or not the president actually declassified the documents. The Vice President does not have the authority To Declassify actually the Vice President does we dont the Vice President does have that authority. We disagree that the Vice President does. Just to put first of all, youre asking for the visitors logs at President Bidens greenville, outside wilmington, delaware, home. Are you asking asking for the visitor logs at maralago . The issue of whether or not sources and methods are compromised, whether or not these documents got into the wrong hands, whether or not biden or trump allowed documents to be kept in a haphazard way. That exists, period. Im wondering why the request for visitor logs in greenville but not at maralago. Well, were doing the biden family Influence Peddling investigation. I can tell you what we learned just from bidens mishandling of classified documents is that the biden center was funded primarily through anonymous donations from china was it the biden center or University Of Pennsylvania . I know the University Of Pennsylvania had it was the University Of Pennsylvania that funneled it through the biden center. And then you have the biden center says they didnt get any money in chinese anonymous donations. I get that schools get money from chinese donations. Theres a pattern here. Well, what the American People are going to see from our investigation is a pattern of anonymous donations going to hunters business deals to the biden center, to the Artwork Hunter sold at the art gallery in new york. Theres a pattern here of Anonymous Sources of money flowing into the biden pockets and biden interests, and its very concerning. This is a National Security risk. Thats my biggest concern. Thats why were trusting forward with this investigation. I guess the Average American who doesnt really care whether the person youre investigating has a d or r next to their name might listen to this interview and think, i dont have any problem with anything hes investigating when it comes to biden, but how come hes not investigating all the same stuff when it comes to trump . There are questions about Influence Peddling when it comes to the trump family, questions about visitor logs when it comes to maralago. If youre going to be doing the oversight and Accountability Committee which youve renamed for the American People, not just for republicans, it would seem to me that all of it should be investigated. And i think the Influence Peddling with respect to the Trump Administration will be a part of our overall investigation, because both democrats and republicans have complained about this with the previous two administrations. So something needs to be done. Also, something needs to be done with respect to how classified documents leave the white house and go to the postpresident , the postVice President. Thats something well try to fix from a legislative point of view. With respect to investigating President Trump, there have been so many investigations of President Trump, i dont feel like we need to spend a whole lot of time investigating President Trump because the democrats have done that for the past six years. No one has been investigated more than donald trump. Who hasnt been investigated is joe biden. Thats why were finally launching an investigation of joe biden, the House Oversight committee, one investigation, and i hope to have it wrapped up as soon as possible. All right. Lets move on to another issue because treasury secretary yellen said just a few days ago that the u. S. Will formally hit the debt limit next week and could default on its debt as soon as june. Weve just learned that House Republicans are working on a plan to direct the Treasury Department to keep funding bare bones necessities such as Interest Payments and the military. If republicans in the house refuse to raise the debt limit and the country cannot pay its bills in june, you know how potentially disruptive to the American Economy it could be if we default, or any of these measures, really. I get you want to have spending cuts, too. Why arent republicans working with Senate Democrats to bring down spending to avoid this disaster instead of planning for the best way to manage the disaster . Well, we hope that this is avoided. We hope the senate, democrats and republicans, will agree to spending cuts. Look, this has to stop. We cannot continue to operate with these types of deficits. Our National Debt is one of our biggest threats to our National Security. China continues to have leverage over us because of the basic financial strength of their overall economy versus ours with respect to the National Debt. So republicans were elected with a mandate from the American People in the Midterm Elections. We campaigned on the fact that we were going to be serious about spending cuts. The senate has to recognize were not going to budge until we see meaningful reform with respect to spending. We keep Learning Things that Speaker Mccarthy agreed to during the Speaker Fight Last week, these side deals with members of the insurgent group, the rebels. This revelation about the debt ceiling just came out. We learned from Congressman Matt Gates about a separate agreement to the Release Mosh Footage from january 6th mplgts. Do you know what else mccarthy agreed to . Why shouldnt he just disclose everything he agreed to . These are things its not Kevin Mccarthys house. Its the peoples house. These things are not his to give. Its the speakership. Why not in the interest of being transparent . I wasnt a part of the group of 20. I dont know exactly what they were negotiating or not negotiating. Ill say this. What the American People got to see last week was what really goes on Behind Closed Doors in washington and in state legislatures. I served in the kentucky General Assembly and the same things happened. You have arguments, heated debates going back and forth. You have a lot of giving and taking to try to get to a consensus. Its always hard to get to a consensus with a room full of politicians. Even our Founding Fathers had the same type of problems. This is the first time we had a lot of cameras and a lot of media, and it was played out in real time. So im not concerned about any of the concessions that Kevin Mccarthy made because at the end of the day, the majority of our republican conference are serious about spending cuts. We recognize that our National Debt is one of the biggest threats to the future of our democracy. We have to focus on making spending cuts. We have to live within our means and that battle starts today. Last question for you, sir. Seven of your fellow House Republicans have called for George Santos to step down. Former House Speaker paul ryan told me that santos was a fraudulent candidacy and he should step down. Should he . Look, hes a bad guy. This is something that is really bad. Hes not the first politician, unfortunately, to make it to congress to lie. Elizabeth warren wasnt truthful about her ethnicity, and i could go on and on. George santos was duly elected by the people. Hes going to be under strict ethics investigation, not necessarily for lying, but for his Campaign Finance potential violations. I think santos is being examined thoroughly. Its his decision whether or not he should resign. Its not my decision. Certainly i dont approve of how he made his way to congress, and i havent even introduced myself to him because its pretty despicable the lies he told. At the end of the day, its not up to me or any other member of congress to determine whether he can be kicked out for lying. If he broke Campaign Finance laws, he will be removed from congress. Chairman comer, thank you for being with us today. Really appreciate year your time. Thanks for having me. What are the House Democrats thinking on the strategy when it comes to these new republican investigations . A top democrat on the oversight committee, jamie raskin will join me to respond to his next. Clean is good. Sanitized is better. An allstar menu of delicious subs. Theres the philly, the monster, the boss. If i hadnseen it in person, i wouldnt have believed it. Eating is believing step the subw series. Try subways tastiest menu upgrade yet. Not flossing well . Then add the whoa of listerine to your routine. 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Theyve been forced to sit back and watch as republican investigations move forward, whether democrats like it or not. Joining us now, the top democratic on the House Oversight committee, maryland congressman jamie raskin. Congressman raskin, we have a lot to cover, first, this is the first ive spoken to you since you announced youve been diagnosed with a form of lymphoma which you called serious but curable. I know the chemo has started. How are you feeling . How is the prognosis . Thank you for asking me, jake. My energy is good. Im losing about 40 or 50 hairs a day i would think to chemo. Thats upsetting, but otherwise im hanging tough, and the doctors are very optimistic and im very optimistic that the chemo is going to get the cancer. Well, just speaking on behalf of all of us including Chairman Comer who has said very nice things about you in the context of all of this, were rooting for you. I should say go ahead. I was going to say that Chairman Comer has been very kind to me, and ive gotten lots of support from across the aisle and all my colleagues, and im grateful for that. Lets get your reactions to what you just heard from Chairman Comer about bidens mishandling of Classified Information. I think every american has an interested in seeing that classified documentssh handled properly by whoever is president. All were looking for is equal treatment. We were delighted to learn that the president s lawyers, the moment they found out about the documents that day turned them over to the National Archives and ultimately to the department of justice. Thats a very different posture than what we saw with donald trump where he was fighting for a period of more than eight months to not turn over hundreds of missing documents that the archives was asking about. He defied a Government Subpoena and they ended up having to go to court to get a courtissued subpoena to go and search maralago. So thats just a completely different posture. When my friend mr. Comer says were looking for equal treatment, thats all were looking for. I think its good in the hands of Special Counsels on both sides. The Special Counsels are both trustworthy lawyers and i think well get to the bottom of it. Comer raises an interesting question, why the president s lawyers which do not have Security Clearance is doing the searching at the Penn Biden Center in washington, at the president s greenville, delaware, home. Why are they . They dont have the proper Security Clearance. Shouldnt fbi agents or justice officials actually be doing the searching . Well, thats one of the things we can look at, what is the proper thing for a former president to do if he finds that there are Government Documents or classified documents that are in his possession. My understanding is they did the right thing by immediately alerting the archives and turning them over that day. Maybe theres a different procedure for dealing with them that were unaware of. Thats a meaningful thing we could look at. Obviously we dont want to turn this into just a political football. Its a bit disturbing to me, the people who are saying theres no problem with what donald trump did which was to defiantly reject any cooperation in turning over hundreds of classified documents are upset about President Bidens voluntary and rapid turnover of a handful of documents that they found. Speaking of political footballs. Take a listen to President Bidens reaction last year when he was asked on 60 minutes about the classified documents found at trumps home in maralago. How that could possibly happen, how anyone could be that irresponsible. I thought what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods. Just totally irresponsible. Now we learned that President Biden had roughly 20 classified documents, including some marked top secret in three different locations. By bidens own standard, wasnt biden totally irresponsible with Classified Information . And arent we right to wonder, to use bidens words, quote, what data was in there that might compromise sources and methods . Well, i think well get to the bottom of all of that. Thats why Special Counsel has been appointed by attorney general merrick garland. He did the right thing there, to look into it. Im hoping that we will keep a sense of symmetry about our analysis of these situations and a sense of proportion about the underlying offenses. There are some people trying to compare having a Government Document that should no longer be in your possession to inciting a violent insurrection against the government of the United States. Those are obviously completely different things. Thats apples and oranges. So we should keep a sense of proportion and measure about what were talking about. The first batch of documents was found on november 2nd, a week before the midterm, but the public didnt learn about it until it was reported in the press just this past week. Even then the white house didnt acknowledge that a second batch of documents had been found in december until that, too, leaked. Chairman comer has a point when he says we learned about this because cbs reported on it. Now weve learned they found more documents previously disclosed in a third location. Its hard to argue the administration has been transparent and told the American People about this as soon as they could have. Well, of course, it was a very rapid clip at which we learned about it compared to the trump case where he fought it for nearly a year or perhaps over a year. The government investigators had to go to court in order to get a subpoena to go to maralago to get dozens of boxes of classified material and Government Documents that were being held down there. Look, i dont know yet, and im hoping our investigations will reveal, what youre supposed to do if one of these documents surfaces. Obviously president s and Vice President s are able to take those documents while they are president or Vice President home with them. And if some of them get mixed in with their other stuff, then theyre there. The question is what do you do with them afterwards. I havent seen a set of protocols or procedures that defines what should happen. Im satisfied that President Bidens lawyers did the right thing in immediately contacting the archives and turning them over as well as over to the department of justice. Youre satisfied. Chairman comer sounded like he didnt have much confidence in bidens attorneys. Let me ask you another question because were learning all these side deals that Kevin Mccarthy made to get the speakership. Republican congressman matt gaetz said he promised he he would release all the Capitol Security Footage from january 6th. What do you make of that deal . As someone who has seen the footage, presumably all of it . Do you think it should be released . Is there any issue with it . On the oversight committee, and i think Chairman Comer stated this, were interested in transparency. America needs absolute transparency to everything Speaker Mccarthy gave away to the raven rampaging rightwing faction of the Freedom Caucus to assembling a majority after all the ballots we saw on the house floor. The first thing they did was to give a huge gift to Millionaire Tax Cheats by undermining irs enforcement. What about the footage though . I get it. I havent seen exactly what was extracted or who was demanded what was demanded . My interest has always been in turning over everything that we saw during the january 6th investigation. There are different legal requirements governing different kinds of material that are in there, but, look, the people have a right to know. If they want to rerun the january 6th investigation, then more power to them because all roads lead to the exact same place, donald trump refused to accept no for an answer from the American People and tried to overthrow the 2020 election. If they think antifa was behind it and donald trump, they can have at it and wed love to be part of the investigation. Congressman raskin, thank you for being with us. All of us are praying and sending our best wishes when it comes to your health. Thank you very much, jake. It means a lot to me. There are special ways you can mark Martin Luther king day with your family. Thats next. Woman i have a few more minutes. Lets go tech h vo thats service that fits your schedule. Go to safelite. Com. Singers safelite repair, safelite replalace. A must in your Medicine Cabinet less sick days cold coming on . Zicam is the number one Cold Shortening brand highly recommend it zifans love zicams unique zinc formula. It shortens cold zicam. 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Welcome to all of you in the United States and around the world. Im fareed zakaria

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