the right-wing ecosystem do. >> and so some of it is hearing from trump directly and some of it is the show helping program what trump says when we've spent so much time focused on the trial are focused on $1. trump talks about revenge when you talk to campaign folks right now, it brings a ton of money or the course of alaska weeks. no question. i think republicans have, once again kind of coalesced around him and the. wagon new york case where do they feel like things stand six months out they don't know it look, five months is a very long time electorally. most republican die hard. donald trump republican supporters are adamant that this is going to help him republican strategist who have run in past campaign, run past campaigns would like him to talk about this less they just don't think that this is especially helpful to be talking about the court case are the details or retribution all the time that it can scare swing voters and it can scare others, and it can have a secondary effect, which is that in this climate of threats, of political violence increasing