how long could this defendant actually remain in custody? >> yeah, this is harrison floyd. again he's one of the lesser known co-defendants in this case. he's been accused of being a harassment campaign against the election workers. he's the only one of the 19 defendants who did not prenegotiate some kind of bond with the district attorney's office. he showed up at jail and he turned himself in and he was detained there and he appeared before the judge today that shed he would not release on bail. he has to appear before the judge assigned to oversee this case. now in this hearing harrison floyd made the argument he could not afford an attorney and they said that you don't neat the requirements needed for a public defender. so he could still be sitting in there through the weekend while we wait for the judge who has been assigned to this case in georgia to weigh in on his bond conditions and whether he could be released. >> i want you to stay with us. i want to continue this conversation with some of our legal and historic and political