now eisenberg can't speak. what is it the president is afraid he'll say? that's obstruction of congress. abuse of power and obstruction of the congress, together that's what these articles are about. we're protecting the constitution. we're protecting the american people and our elections. that's why we need to proceed with these articles of impeachment. i yield back. >> gentleman yields back. for what purposes seeking recognition? >> i move to strike the last word, the movement is recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i've been a prosecutor, i was a prosecutor in baghdad when i was in the navy, prosecuted terrorists. i was a defense attorney in the navy. actually got to defend a navy s.e.a.l. against trumped up charges by the obama administration and i had the honor of serving as a district judge in my hometown in the south hills of pittsburgh. so i've been on all sides of a courtroom, and i can tell you that i would defend this case every single day, and it's because the facts just aren't