Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20180306 16:00:00

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li thehi there, i'm brianna keilar. north korea opening the door for diplomacy with the united states saying it would end its nuclear program if its security is guaranteed. what does that mean though? officials from seoul and pyongyang will host an inter-korean summit next month, this is following a round of talks that saw kim jong-un meet with high ranking south korean officials including the president there. for more on the major developments i am joined by cnn asia pacific editor andrew stevens. tell us what you're learning. >> reporter: well, it is such a lot to take in all at once, brianna. this came just a few hours ago after the delegation from south korea came back to seoul. and we got this readout from the president. so basically there is a diplomatic path which the north koreans seem to be serious about following.
and they have changed their mind on a couple of important issues. number one, agreeing to sit down with the united states and talk about denuclearization. it was two days ago they were calling it a preposterous idea that you would include denuclearization as a condition of any talk with the u.s. so they are now saying they're prepared to do that. as you say, they're also saying they're prepared to have a fully denuclearized korean peninsula if their security can be guaranteed. that is key. and that's also a big ask. there are more than 20,000 u.s. soldiers stationed here in south korea. there is no peace treaty between the u.s. and south korea at this stage. so there are a lot of unanswered questions about what it would take given the security guarantee. certainly, it is a major step forward and that other issue you mentioned, the north koreans are saying they will suspend what they call strategic provocations and they explicitly said missile
we turn to barbara starr. what are you hearing from government officials? >> well, brianna, we're getting the first reaction from two key officials in the u.s. intelligence community, testifying at this hour before the senate armed services committee, the director of national intelligence dan coats saying he's skeptical of the statement from north korea. he's very much in the mode of show me. he wants to see what the north koreans are really talking about. also, lieutenant general robert ashley who is the head of the defense intelligence agency, the head of u.s. military intelligence if you will, even more skeptical about all of this, someone who knows this business in and out and i want you to listen very quickly to what general ashley had to say when he was asked about this from the committee. >> there is no reason to believe that king jong-un is going to be a changed person. but i think the news last night
korea is willing to denuclearize. they're trying to buy time. i think sanctions are beginning to bite and they're trying to -- they're looking for sanctions relief, looking -- they're also watching very closely what coming out of washington and all this talk of bloody nose and limited strike and so on, i think it spooked them. i think they're buying time. just because they don't test or there is a pause in testing it doesn't mean they're not going to continue to work on their nuclear missile program. we have to see. i'm skeptical. i'm hopeful at the same time. but we have to wait and see what really occurs. >> and, capitol hill, you ha ke attention to south korea, they're hopeful, they're living in the shadow of this potential conflict. what they're saying north korea wants. they're saying the north is willing to denuclearize in return for a guarantee of security for the north and the elimination of the military threat against it. that's bye-bye u.s. military, a huge ask. >> it is a huge ask. right now it is a positive development. i am a little bit skeptical as
well. but i think it is certainly better than the alternative which was looking more and more likely like a possible preventive war on behalf of the united states. i think it is the positive development. i think the key now is for the national security council staff, the pentagon, the intelligence agencies and the state department to really be putting together a diplomatic game plan. this is not going to happen quickly. this is the hard part, frankly. if diplomacy is going to succeed with north korea, it is going to succeed sort of in a phased approach, most likely. we both have maximum issues, the north koreans want us to leave the peninsula. we have to meet in the middle somewhere. and i think that's the hard part. the trump administration has to have the diplomatic dexterity and discipline to carry out a plan. >> it may be too soon to give anyone a pat on the back here, but there is some sort of movement or an openness it dialogue. who gets the credit for that? >> i think it is a few things. number one, i think the sanctions are biting. i also think it is a little bit
to the credit of the south korean president moon jae-in who has been persistent about the importance of diplomatic solution to this problem. and, you know, i think there is a possibility that there is, of course, a diplomacy aspect that succeeded here. >> this announcement, it is important to note as we did before that it hasn't been corroborated by the north koreans. is that problematic? what do you think? >> yes, i would be waiting for north korea to corroborate this because the moon government obviously desperately wants this current inter-korean thought to translate into washington momentum and breakthrough between washington and pyongyang. so i think north koreans need to corroborate this. but, again, i think the problem is going to be the trump administration is not going to be giving any kind of relief in sanctions so we have to see what kind of diplomatic package we can come up with. i think that is going to be a debate about do we really give sanctions or continue with this maximum pressure policy.
really appreciate both of you and your insight here. still ahead, former trump aide sam nunberg going from screw that to i have no problem cooperating with the grand jury subpoena from the special counsel. what new questions will robert mueller have for nunberg after his national tv gab fest? plus, a new twist in the stormy daniels saga engulfing president trump's personal lawyer. there is a new report on michael cohen's six figure payment to at adult film actress and it is raising new questions about what president trump knew and when. oh, manatees. aka "the sea cow"" oh! there's one. manatees in novelty ts? surprising. what's "come at me bro?" it's something you say to a friend. what's not surprising? how much money matt saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
in his white house, tweeting that the new fake news narrative is that there is chaos in the white house, he says that's wrong. people always come and go and i want strong dialogue before making a final decision. he says i still have some people that i want to change, always seeking perfection. and then he adds there is no chaos, only great energy. which is certainly a statement, brianna, to say the least that a lot of staff in the white house would not agree with. they say that morale is at an all time low here in the west wing and they often compare it to the early days of the administration when things were especially chaotic. now, as far as the president's tweets, specifically, he says this line, people will always come and go, he's refer to the recent rash of departures, two last week, one of those being his closest confidantes, hope hicks, which is certainly a significant departure. and then says he wants strong dialogue before making a final decision. now, many people have read that as minimum referring to this fight that has ensued in the
west wing between some of his top trade and economic advisers over these tariffs that he announced during that hastily arranged meeting last week, something we have reported that gary cohen has threatened to resign over. not a sentiment that many people in the west wing would agree with here. they think there is a lot of chaos in this west wing. but that seems to be something that the president thrives on. >> it sure does. kaitlan collins at the white house, thank you. this comes as a former adviser to the trump campaign is backing off of his steel john defiance. the evolution of sam nunberg was both bizarre and somewhat unsetting. and it unfolded live during several hours of rambling and breathless interviews on television. initially nunberg said he refuses to comply with the grand jury subpoena, but as you'll see, that did seem to soften as he moved into the evening. >> they want me over at the
grand jury. screw that. why do i have to go? why? for what? >> what i'm not going to have is to help mueller's team target roger stone. roger is my mentor. roger is, like -- roger is like a surrogate father to me. and i'm not going to do. i was thinking to save time, i've been advised against this, maybe just give them my password. my e-mail password. because what do i have to go -- >> then you're going to comply? >> then i would comply, yes. >> all right, let's bring in cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider. nunberg was a short lived adviser to the campaign, but su e-mails with some of those closest to the president. what does this tell you? >> reporter: hthis shows the special counsel continues to look into a wide range of communications. this subpoena served on sam nunberg, it requests all documentation with ten prominent people including the likes of rick gates and paul manafort who
have already been indicted, gates in fact has pleaded guilty, and the document requested dates back to november 1st, 2015, about five months after donald trump announced his run for president. and we're not only seeing nunberg subpoenaed, but nunberg also has shed some light on the questions he was asked by the special counsel's investigators when he was interviewed last month. he said that the questions indicate to him that the special counsel in his words suspects something about the president, possibly relating to the president's business dealings. that was very intriguing. then, of course, there was this about what nunberg thinks the president knew about that june 2016 trump tower meeting where donald trump jr. met with the russian lawyer after he was promised dirt on hillary clinton. here is what nunberg had to say. >> i think he probably knew in advance and -- >> in advance? >> yeah. i think if i had to guess don informed them about it.
>> and nunberg did provide no evidence to back up any of the claims and, of course, both president trump and donald trump jr. have denied that the president knew anything about that trump tower meeting and, of course, brianna, it is important to remember that nunberg was this short-lived campaign adviser, he does seem to indicate a lot of bad blood with the president, in fact, he sued the president for $10 million after he was fired. so a lot of questions about what nunberg has said, but perhaps it was interesting that he shed some light on some of the questions he got from the special counsel's team when he was interviewed for about 5 1/2 hours last month. >> it certainly was. jessica schneider, let's talk about that with our panel, we have cnn politics reporter and editor at large chris cillizza. we also have michael zeldin, aide to robert mueller at the justice department. you wrote a column that cracked me up, especially because you said why do i have to go or screw that, why do i have to go, reminds you when your wife tells you need a physical.
>> i respond like a 5-year-old. >> that's what we saw last night. the president is responding to this narrative of chaos. he says, no, it is great energy. total chaos or great energy? >> it doesn't have to be one or the other. you can have energy and chaos. often you do. i would say it is hard for the president to sell the no chaos idea when in the tweet where he's selling it, he says and there is still a few people i would like to get rid of on my staff. >> more great energy to come. >> right. i don't think any neutral observer would look at -- let's say the last week of this white house, ben carson, hope hicks, sam nunberg there are more, and say that this is all energy and positive direction. there is chaos. and i think some of that is
self-created. donald trump exists in a world in which he thinks chaos is helpful. he said on saturday night he thinks chaos is a good thing. but it seems to me that particularly in the last week you've seen it hugely distracting, many of the principal players in his white house. >> in jessica's report there, michael, you heard what sam nunberg is saying at least opining about, right? he says mueller has something on trump, and he claims that the president knew or would have known about the trump tower meeting with don jr. set up with a russian lawyer. if you're robert mueller and looking at that, do you say this guy knows something or this guy is mouthing off? >> he's been with the fbi for five and a half hours and i expect that that has been fully covered. now it pay be tmay be the reaso a subpoena to bring documents in is because they want to see documentation that supports that opinion. that's one theory of why he gets
the grand jury subpoena to bring all the documents in. the other thing is that if you're mueller, you have to just rely on the facts that you gather. and not the opinions of these witnesses because that's not provable in court testimony that you can put in. so he's most interested in the writings. if you look at -- >> contemporaneous e-mails. >> it is more than e-mails. we look at the subpoena itself, documents are very broadly defined as correspondents, hard drives, discs, memoranda, draft memoranda, so he wants a full layout of the communications that this man, sam nunberg, has had with these ten people as a very foundational part of his work. >> did nunberg's series of interviews yesterday and what he talked about tell you anything about where this special counsel is that you didn't know? >> well, it confirms something which i surmised, which is that mueller has as his primary mandate counterintelligence.
the russian indictment, 13 russian individuals, three corporations, is phase one. that's the social media, outward coming into the u.s., to interfere with the election. i always thought there was going to be a phase two, the hacking. and that would be something that would go either through wikileaks or otherwise. and what nunberg said that was interesting to me was they want to know about roger stone's communications with wikileaks around the hacked dnc and podesta e-mails. that seems to me to indicate mueller has this phase two, he's looking to see who hacked and may see another indictment. but then he's got the flip side of it. on the social media part of it, that already has been indicted, i expect he's looking at jared kushner and cambridge analytica and also roger stone, wikileaks, don jr., wikileaks. >> chris, so nunberg is, as you saw throughout the evening, seems to be moving towards actually cooperating with the
special counsel. is that something that -- is that your read on it? >> yeah, i mean, what was odd in the early part of the afternoon with all of his interviews, it seems as though he was under the belief that he would simply tell bob mueller no and that would be the end of it. i told him no, so he goes away. obviously that's not how it works legally. bob mueller has a number of legal avenues to pursue if nunberg said no. i don't know whether nunberg, somebody told him that, whether he, you know, was angry and then took a step back and thought, what am i doing here? he still has -- >> do i really want to go to jail? >> exactly. he has until friday to comply. my guess is he probably will. all of this was a lot of show. but to michael's point, i think it is important to note, we at least now have a copy of a subpoena, that was given to a
player, whether, you know, a minor player, and we have some sense of the universe that bob mueller is looking at. i'm not sure he can prove any of that. he would say whatever you want, donald trump knew about the russia meeting. maybe. but who knows. that is the key. the universe of what mueller is looking at. >> you think -- do you think he complies? >> yeah, i think he's going to comply. i think he's woken up to the reality that he will go to jail if he doesn't cooperate. >> michael, chris, thank you so much to both of you. up next, with days before the president -- before the president is expected to approve steep new tariffs, he's facing growing opposition from republicans on capitol hill and from top aides inside the white house. we'll have the details next.
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the republican pushback on the presidents' tariff proposal is on full display this morning. house speaker paul ryan says he thinks the president has the righted in, but needs to hone it a little more. >> there is clearly abuse occurring. clearly there is overcapacity dumping in trend shipping of steel and aluminum by some countries, particularly china. but i think the smarter way to go is to make it more surgical and more targeted. so i think 232 is too broad. and i think it is more prone to retaliation. and so we're encouraging the administration to focus on what is clearly a legitimate problem and to be more surgical in its approach so we can go after the true abusers without creating any kind of unintended consequences or collateral damage. >> cnn is learning the chief economist gary cohen is trying to organize a meeting to help explain how the tariffs would affect the economy. word from a senior administration official that some countries would be exempt
from the tariffs. joining me now is republican congressman warren davidson from ohio. he's called the president's tariff proposal a big mess. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me on. >> so you actually have some rare first hand knowledge of the effects of the steel and aluminum tariffs. you have a background in manufacturing. you managed one of your family's companies which dealt with metal stamping. so people think about spoons, if you think about brackets on, as you said, ikea furniture. lots of stamped metal products out there. that was your wheel house before getting involved in congress. with that in mind, how do you see, how do you worry about all of this impacting manufacturing workers in ohio and other industrial states? >> the brob uniform tariffs, it taergts our friends and allies.
the best trading partners we would want to have, you're assuming no one meets the criteria. to unite the world really against the united states when we really could be building a coalition of friends and i'll lies and good trading partners to focus on the bad actors stealing our intellectual property and subsidizing competitors. this is happening to -- in our district, and so while we think about the steel company, there is five to six times, you know, massively more jobs in the area that are focused on manufacturing as a sector where the end user uses the product. a target approach could be helpful in getting after the bad actors. but right now the announcements have caused disruptions to supply chains, even if we change course already, the announcements have moved ma ed markets. >> you're saying there is this -- this lead time when it comes to doing this kind of
work. already the market is responding to it. what is your concern without a more targeted approach about how this is going to trickle down to constituents that you represent, how are you going to field this on a day to day basis. >> in the steel consuming industries, say the auto industry, can makers, food or beverage, and any number of other component parts makers, the lead times get shifted because the domestic supply, supplies about 75% of u.s. consumption and there is not enough capacity to meet all the demand. even if it is a bad policy, if it is implemented badly and takes effect immediately, the deliveries are going to be shifted. so that could mean work stoppages at some of the factories because they don't have steel to even begin with. and the companies are already spending tens of millions of dollars, i met with a company on monday who said it is going to cost him more than $10 million, just to meet the gaps in the
supply chain. and that has canceled their plans to hire six new employees. so they're still planning to hit the operating plan for the company, but $10 million worth of negative variance will have to be covered somehow and they'll kill some of their marketing programs. >> jobs as you said. you've been very outspoken about this. you directly tweeted responses to the president, one of them you said, couldn't disagree more. here's what a white house official just told cnn, we had members over to the white house for months now to discuss this, so i think that the president is very aware of where member sentiment is. we had them over to the white house many times to discuss trade policy, and they have articulated their upon on tariffs and desire to see nafta renegotiated. that's the white house saying they have heard you, but they're going ahead anyway. what is your reaction to that? >> this is something the president clearly has authority to do. i will say that we have had private conversations behind closed doors and certainly gary
cohen had those conversations as well. what you see is the time from behind closed doors conversations has come to a pass for now. and not that they're not still happening and we're going very public with our views. because i think it is vitally important to sustain the momentum that we have had in our economy, with the regulatory reforms that the house passed, with the tax reform that is out there, we don't want to steal that momentum. all of our hope is the president is using this as a negotiating tactic to get a better deal out of nafta. and that would be a long-term win. >> the house chamber wants something more narrow. we heard that from a number of republicans. what do you want to see instead of what has been put out there by the president? >> i've been pushing for targeted actions on things like electrical conductive steel. china has been stealing intellectual property and dumping to kill market share. there is one u.s. producer left and we had several. and this is important, especially as we start talking about infrastructure projects. so this is killing the
intellectual property of the united states, nearly a trillion dollars a year stolen in intellectual property. china is not the only country doing that. but this is a big effect. i think that we could build a coalition of good trading partners and allies to the united states to help take action on this. and my hope is that the president has been working on that, this is a tactic that will help bring them to the table. what i am concerned is that if we do implement the uniform tariffs, it will unite people that would otherwise be friends and allies and opposition to the united states. and hurt our jobs. >> congressman warren davidson, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. up next, a new report says the president's personal lawyer complained he wasn't paid back after making a six figure payment to a porn star who allegedly had an affair with donald trump. we'll have details ahead. liberty mutual saved us almost $800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. liberty did what? yeah, they saved us a ton, which gave us a little wiggle room in our budget. i wish our insurance did that. then we could get a real babysitter
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just in to cnn, the mayor of nashville announcing her resignation under a cloud of scandal. democrat megan berry has been under criminal investigation since admitting she had an ex a extramarital affair with her bodyguard. her resignation comes after she admitted to felony theft. she addressed none of that in her brief farewell speech. >> nashville, with its boundless energy, its infectious optimism, it is never encountered an obstacle it couldn't overcome attitude, will in the years ahead continue its steady march toward the very top of the list of great american cities. it is a continued climb that i will watch, but i will watch as a private citizen.
>> cnn's nick valencia has been following this. he's joining us now with more details. nick, tell us what led up to this moment in nashville? >> reporter: we should mention that in recent memory you would be hard pressed to find a female politician who resigns as a result of a sex scandal, but that appear to be what happened earlier this morning in nashville. mayor megan barry, former mayor megan barry of nashville stepping aside, never making direct reference to her extramarital affair, never using the words i've resigned, only saying she would be observing the post as a private citizen and ensuring smooth transition to the vice mayor. this announcement comes weeks after turmoil for megan barry. she admitted earlier this year to an extramarital affair with her head of security. all of that may have been kept private between the two if not for the investigation of a local tv station who started following money. they realized their head of security incurred tens of thousands of extra money in overtime costs, started digging
into it, to which they realized this mayor, now former mayor, was having an affair with her head of security. it was earlier this morning that we learned that also megan barry admitted to $10,000 felony theft of property. she said she would be paying that back about $11,000 of that. multiple investigations led to find the facts that her head of security had a naked photo of her on his phone, all of that may have led to her >> thank you so much. the stormy daniels pay off scandal just keeps going. and with an interesting new twist. the wall street journal reporting that president trump's personal attorney michael cohen groused to friends that he wasn't reimbursed for a $130,000 payment to stormy daniels, an adult film actress, to buy her silence before the presidential election. well, the journal has reported that daniels had an affair with donald trump back in 2006, though cohen said the affair didn't happen.
journal also reports that the bank flagged cohen's transaction as suspicious and reported it to the treasury department. i want to talk more about this now with cnn contributor larry noble, former general counsel at the ftc, now at the campaign legal center. i wonder, there are some new details here, i wonder how it changes the legal exposure for michael cohen, maybe also for president trump. in this story you have michael cohen saying he missed multiple deadlines to pay stormy daniels because he couldn't reach trump in the final days of the campaign, also that trump did not -- also that -- sorry, pardon me, so it was that he missed the deadlines and previously he had said that trump didn't know about the payment, right? and he said that he was not reimbursed either by the trump organization or the campaign, though it seemed like maybe there was some wiggle room there. does this change anything legally? >> it does. previously what he said, about
six weeks ago, he said the trump organization did not pay for it, he said that the campaign did not pay for it. he said he facilitated the payment for it. which was great lawyer statement. so the question we all had at that time was did trump pay for it, did trump know about it. what we have is evidence that he complained that at first trump wasn't paying the money. he had three times he had to request the money, wasn't getting it, he paid it out of his own pocket. >> if you're mad someone deposit didn't reimburse you, then they know about it. >> after the election he complained he had not gotten reimbursed for it. why this is important, if trump made a payment, i think it really strengthens the case that this was a campaign expenditure, trump can make that payment, but it should have been reported by his campaign committee. also, when the lawyer -- >> violate the purpose of nondisclosure money. >> right. if you run for office, you have this problem. and then cohen himself when he advanced the money he was making
alone in the campaign that wasn't excessive contribution and the campaign did not repay him, that excessive contribution remained. and if they haven't repaid him to this day, then he has an illegal contribution. >> he has a liability. >> he has a liability. this fills in a gap that existed before. >> okay. so, all right, okay. so what makes the $130,000 illegal is that it would be technically a campaign contribution. are you surprised michael cohen wasn't aware that something of that size, unusual, that payment, would be flagged? >> i am. so what happened here is that the bank saw it and they flagged it and apparently did a suspicious activity report to the government. which their required to do if they see something that looks like it might be money laundering, might be some sort of illegal activity. and they flagged it to the government. and you would think that a lawyer would know that if you make a large transaction,
financial transaction, it is unusual that the bank -- that they may very well file a suspicious activity report. >> so first republic bank, the bank that filed a suspicious activity report, or a bank that did, this -- there was a lag time of about a year on this flagging of suspicious activity. what does that tell you really quickly many. >> it is not clear. one of the banks waited a year. they may have gotten some information. somebody may have come to them, they may have gotten questions from mueller. they may have gone back still ahead, teachers celebrating in west virginia. the governor says a deal has been reached to end a nine-day strike. we're going to have details next. have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol®
we have breaking news out of west virginia where a statewide teachers strike has shut down public schools for the last nine days. this morning a reason to celebrate. ♪ ♪ west virginia, mountain mama. >> now, state officials say they have struck a tentative deal that could reopen schools in just a day or two. cnn's polo sandoval has been following what has really turned into a bit of a saga that's now resolved in charleston, west virginia. polo? >> reporter: yeah, that very familiar john denver song, brianna, echoing through the halls of the state capitol here in the last hour or so. there is a very celebratory mood happening among teachers as they wait for this piece of legislation to make it out of
both chambers and finally make it to the justice's desk. there was a promise last year of a 5% raise for teachers and a 4% raise for state employees. this announcement accident made by justice judge gentry and they just need to get this bill passed. how much teachers are underpaid in west virginia is a big deal. but teachers want to see this raise because they see it as a promise they will tackle the next issue, which is their insurance. >> yesterday that was the question, is it 4% or is it 5%? in the end it stuck to 5%. polo sandoval covering this for us for days. we do appreciate it. coming up, perhaps a major
breakthrough on the north korean peninsula. kim jong-un stopping production of nuclear missiles and agreeing to meet with the u.s. on diplomacy. we'll have details ahead. you always pay your insurance on time. tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? news flash: nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch and you could save $782 on home and auto insurance.
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