And canadian coast, just hours ago, lee, hurricane lee, weakening from a category one to a post Tropical Cyclone. But it is still posing serious threats, including strong winds and heavy rain, Meteorologist Derek Van Dam is live for us in cape cod. The National Hurricane center issuing a new advisory, just moments ago, on this major storm, was a hurricane, what is going on now . We have all of the latest information to pass along to you, and our viewers, were on cape cod, on the coast of massachusetts, still getting beard by the occasional Tropical Storm force gusts here. And that information, you want to hear is, that this storm is only a matter of hours before making landfall, somewhere as according to the National Hurricane center, between the border of canada and the United States. So it is well north and east of where im at, but were still feeling the impacts. Thats the idea that weve been stressing for several days now, that this wind field is just so large. Speaking of winds, 75 mileanhour sustain winds with this post Tropical Cyclone, you can think of this as a powerful noreaster, right . We dont need to get into the details of what post Tropical Cyclone means, just basically loses its tropical characteristics, but still causing havoc. As you can see up and down the coastline here in cape cod, marthas vineyard, nantucket, on the open ocean behind us where they had 20foot waves breaking on their shoreline earlier this morning. Here is the new updated forecast track. This storm is expected to weaken. Refer, it moved into considerably cooler water this morning and yesterday, too, because it moved out of the gulf stream, and Water Temperatures in this part of new england, just off the coast, they are in the upper 50s. So hurricanes dont like that cold water, so that causes the weakening of the system, thats why it is post tropical, or one of the reasons, and thats why the wind field continues to expand. That is what typically happens with these types of storms as they interact with the environment around them. The latest watches and warnings, this is new as well, theyve dropped Tropical Storm warnings, across the coastline, of rhode island, and into marthas vineyard, because we know were on the backside of the storm, that continues to race to the northeast, over 20 miles per hour, but we continue with the Tropical Storm warnings, across down east maine, all the way into, lets see, New Brunswick as well as the coast of the canadian maritimes, into nova scotia, thats where we currently have Hurricane Watches still in effect. So they believe that the potential still exists at least for Hurricane Force gusts. And as we advance, you will see how large this wind field is, that stretches over 400 miles from the center, and that is how large this system is, fredricka, and this is why we still feel the impacts of all along the new england coastline, from cape cod, where i am now, all the way through the state of maine, right along the coast. And now, just check the power outage. U. S. And there are over 55,000 customers without power this morning, in maine. And we expect those numbers to continue, you can see people still just walking around, you know, some of the locals here on cape cod, over my left shoulder, these guys going about their own business, theyre used to these types of weather, and noreasters occur here and they batten down the hatches and they protect their property and go about their day. They know Better Weather is coming tomorrow. Just dont get in the water and be able to move back if you see that water rising. Right. Because it moves fast. Derek van dam, thank you very much. Appreciate that. 400 miles, thats very significant, which is why it is still volatile and unpredictable. Just moments ago, President Joe Biden approving an Emergency Declaration for massachusetts, due to worsening conditions from lee. Joining me right now to discuss, chip riley, he is the Emergency Preparedness director for Barnstable County, massachusetts. Chip, so what are you all experiencing where you are . Well, the winds are diminishing slightly. Were expecting it to drop off in the next couple of hours. We were pleasantly surprised, we did have some significant wind gusts, especially toward the outer cape, but we havent seen any major, major damage, weve had some trees down, some Utility Lines down, and we are very fortunate that we didnt face major coastal erosion. We had some small spots up and down the north side beaches, but nothing major. No major impacts to homes that we know of, as of yet. So you all are hardy folks. Used to noreasters and used to Tropical Storms, hurricanes, all of that. But then how does the cape prepare for Something Like lee, when it has been so unpredictable along the way . One thing we do very well here on cape cod is regional coordination. We Work Together with all of the towns, with all of the harbor agencies, state agencies, local ngos, we meet monthly, weve been meeting daily for the last week or so, twice a day calls over the last couple of days, so we coordinate well together. And thats a big part of preparedness, so we integrate well, were very efficient in how we respond to incidents, and then of course, we have a great Outreach Program with our residents, who follow femas guidelines to make a plan, be informed, and build a kit. So our folks here are pretty hard. Yes. Even with that kind of preparedness, are there areas that youre still very concerned about . Are there particular vulnerabilities . Were very susceptible to beach erosion, especially on the north side beaches. We do have assessment teams who are County Departments as well as state Coastal Zone Management divisions out doing further inspections. Theyre working with the local communities. Right now, were worried about additional power outages, limbs down, especially as folks head out, and we always count on people to not go see the big waves, we ask folks to stay off the beaches, or if they go to the beach, be extremely safe and we want to make sure we dont have any waterborn issues. We did have one issue in one of the communities where they had a water rescue this morning. So we try to keep people away from the situations, and be safe, as they travel out there, if they travel out, and try to leave the First Responders available for the bigger incidents that may still occur. All the best to you and everybody else in the Barnstable County and surrounding areas. Chip riley, thanks so much. Thank you. Now, to an historic auto workers strike that is in its seconds full day. Negotiators for the United Auto Workers and the big three car makers are expected to be back at the Bargaining Table today. And for the first time ever, workers are striking at plants from general motors, ford, and stellantis all at the same time. Workers say they want bigger raises and other benefits after years of concessions during rough times for the industry. The car makers say despite big profits in recent years, the raises being demanded would drive them out of business. President biden weighed in, saying now is the time for companies to step up. No one wants a strike. Say it again. No one wants a strike. But i respect workers rights to use their options under the collective bargaining system. They have been working around the clock and the company has made some significant offers but i believe they should go further as record corporate profits mean record contracts for the uaw. Cnns gabe cohen is at a Stellantis Plant in ohio where workers are striking. Are there any signs of progress . Or any anticipated progress as the two sides meet . Reporter well, fred, that is the Million Dollar question here. And you can hear the honking going by. It is just on repeat, every few seconds, you see a car fly by, honking, a lot of support for the picketers here outside of this Stellantis Plant where they typically would be building and putting out a thousand jeeps every single day, but it is shut down right now. As you mentioned, the sides heading back to the Bargaining Table today. And the head of the Auto Workers Union said yesterday that they have put counter offers in front of each of the three big automakers, ford, gm and slant is and are waiting for a response. We got a much better sense yesterday how wide the divide has been with the head of the Auto Workers Union saying at this point 80 of members demands, 80 have not been met in any of the offers that they have seen from the big three. So it does seem like were still possibly a ways away from a deal. Now, these workers who are on strike, about 13,000 across the country, including 5800 here in toledo, theyre making just 100 a day in strike pay at this point, being paid by the union, because theyre not making a salary, and yet worker after worker that ive spoken with over the past 36 hours, i asked, how long do you think you can do this . Do you think you can sustain . And they have told me they were prepared for this, they have been saving up money, told months ago, at least, that this could happen, and they say they are ready to strike, for as long as they need to. I actually want to bring in one of those workers ive been speaking with, heather, if you want to come chat for a moment, you were telling me, youre a temporary worker here, but it doesnt really mean temporary. Talk to me about the experience that you say you have had here at this Stellantis Plant. I am getting ready to hit my sixyear mark as a temp. I was hired in as a temporary parttime worker. Our last contract, we were looking at supplemental employees, which means they could change how long they could work, and now, we work ten hour days generally, six days a week, and at an hour before quitting time, our supervisors come through and pick who they want to work up to 12 hours a day, so we get an hours notice that we are mandatory 12 hours. Within an hours notice they tell you you cant leave and you have to stay for two or three more hours . Yes and that happens a lot. So we number almost half of the work force here. They have to stop. There is no end game. Their 20 proposal is to pay people is ridiculous. Six years, and i have not had a raise in almost two years now. And i have cap out at 19. 28. Ive been making 19. 28 for two years. Trying to raise a family. And with inflation. And its hard. Thank you, heather. And best of luck to you out here. So you can hear the energy level high, there is so much frustration among these workers, fred, and theyre ready for the long haul here. It sounds like it. All right, gabe cohen, thank you so much. In toledo. Lets talk more about all of this, nathan bony is with us, a Business Reporter for axios who has been covering the Auto Industry for ten years now, and also the author of the book detroit resurrected to bankruptcy and back. Nathan, great to see you, so you just heard gabe reporting here, strikers say 80 of their demands are not being met. Does that say to you that this is going to be a very lengthy strike . I do think it will be. This is a wide gap. Youve got the uaw wanting a Wage Increase of about 36 right now. Ford and gma have offered 20 . Thats a 16point gap. The funny thing is i think thats where theyre the closest. Where theyre the furthest away is on benefits because the uaw wants a return to traditional pensions and Retiree Health care. And the automakers say that is absolutely not going to fly. And then you hear from auto, the automakers who are saying, and the companies are saying, we cant afford to pay everybody 40 increases over a certain period of time. And i mean that will make us go bankrupt. Do you buy that . Well, the automakers are concerned about the competition that theyre facing, the likes of tesla, toyota, and volkswagen, nissan, hyundai, all of which are nonunionized and all of which already have a Cost Advantage on the big three. And so the only question is, how much wider is that Cost Advantage going to be . The automakers remember the bankruptcies of 2009, with gm and chrysler, and they understand that their compensation got out of whack at that point. But the uaw says no, this is not that old time. The profits have come back. And now we want big increases. And you wrote, actually, this week, that the future of the Electric Vehicles plays a very significant role in all of this. Electric vehicles are here to stay. All of the automakers have adapted and now have, you know, Electric Vehicles, but does this strike also say that, you know, workers are concerned that the demand for Electric Vehicles just might outpace their ability to even be able to make modifications that they need to make, in order to keep their jobs . Yes, i mean i think that the uaw is concerned about the ev transition. And theyve said as much to the president. They do support Electric Vehicles, but they want this to be an equitable transition. The concern is that evs dont typically require as many people to assemble as a gas engine vehicle. So that means potentially fewer Union Members over time. But you know, this is where i think the problem is for the president. The president wants both Electric Vehicles and he wants a strong contract. And theres some tension there that theyre going to have to resolve. Uaw says huge Wage Increases for top executives and record profits are proof that the Companies Really can afford to pay these workers more. Is that a fair claim . I think there is no doubt they can afford to pay them more. They have already offered 20 pay increases, and thats just on a base wage, that does not even speak to some of the other benefits that theyre discussing. So i think the question is how much is too much, and to hamper their profit, to hamper their ability to make these vehicles profitably. I think Everyone Wants them to be in business. The uaw understands that theyre partners in this and they dont want to hobble the automakers. I think the debate is just going to continue for a while here, on where the middle ground is. Nathan, thanks so much. Thank you. More humanitarian aid is arriving in libya as authorities and civilians continue to search for the thousands of people still missing. Well have a report from inside libya next. Also ahead, the latest on the historic indictment against a president s son. Why hunter biden could still face more charges. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Well be right back. That actively cools, warms and effortlessly responds to both of you for up to 44 minutes moree restful sleep per night. Save 150000 on the sleep Numbr Climate360 smart bed. Shop now at slsleep number. Co. Shelves. Shelves smart enough to see, sense, react, restock. So Caramel Swirl is always there for the taking. With 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks uuuhhhh. 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We use diversified strategies to position our clients portfolios for their longterm goals. other Money Manager but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right . Fisher Investments no, we dont sell commission products. Were a fiduciary, obligated to act in our clients best interest. other Money Manager so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money . Fisher Investments yep. We do better when our clients do better. At Fisher Investments, were clearly different. News just in to cnn, just moments from now, the Republicanled Senate in texas will publicly vote on articles of impeachment for suspended attorney general ken paxton. A conviction requires 21 of the 30 eligible senators to vote against paxton. Cnns ed lavandera joins us with more from austin. What are you learning . Reporter it will be the historic vote here in the texas capitol, as State Senators are beginning to enter into the Senate Chamber there, and at 10 30 central time, 11 30 a. M. Eastern time, the voting on this Impeachment Process will begin. It will be a lengthy process. As you mentioned, there are 16 articles of impeachment that theyre voting on, they will do each article individually and each senators vote will be read allowed individually. So there are 30 voting senators, one senator cannot vote, and this is senator angela paxton, the wife of the attorney general. So you can imagine as they go through this process, it is going to take some time. If he is convicted, on just one of the articles of impeachment, the attorney general will be removed from office. Now at the end of all of this, senators will also be able to vote on whether or not ken paxton will be barred from holding future office. So you can imagine here in texas political circles many people trying to read the tea leaves and trying to predict exactly what is going to happen, and what ken paxton needs, he needs ten of the 19 voting republican senators to vote for him to acquit him of these charges. And now, at the very beginning of this impeachment trial, there was a vote to dismiss all of the articles of impeachment. This was a 246 vote. So it is kind of the conventional wisdom right now, it says that paxton has about six votes but he is going to need another four republican senators, and of course, were assuming here that all 12 democrats are going to vote to convict ken paxton. What is the drama that is unfolding here, is trying to figure out exactly which of the republican senators will vote against one of their own party members, and this is coming with very heightened political tension, because of this vote, and extreme right wing groups that support ken paxton here in texas are vowing to go after any republican that votes against ken paxton this afternoon, so you can imagine as we enter the 2024 political season, what kind of a political pressure many of these senators are under. And thats what at least provides so much drama in this vote. As i mentioned here off the top of this impeachment vote, after many of these senators spent much of the day yesterday deliberating in a closed session, just themselves, that vote is now expected to be made public here, starting at 10 30 a. M. , central time. Drama indeed. With a lot of minute details but really important. Ed lavandera, thank you so much. We will check back with you as we get more information on that vote. Meantime, overseas, turkish ships are arriving in libya, carrying humanitarian aid, equipment, and over 300 aid workers, following catastrophic flooding there. More than 5,000 people are dead, and thousands are still missing. Search and rescue crews are racing against time to find survivors. Video shows turkish Disaster Workers pushing through debris, while waistdeep in water and mud searching for the victims. Cnns Jomana Karadsheh is in the city hit hardest by the floods. Explain to you where we are right now, we are also in the derna valley area, this is where you have those flood waters, just coming through this entire area here, right in front of us, thats where those dams were, before they ruptured, and then you have the water that was coming through here, pretty much destroying everything in its way, including a bridge that was here, you might not be able to see it by this traffic that is block can the roads rate now, it has become a main artery in the city where much of the infrastructure has been destroyed and roads are blocked but that is where a bridge stood connecting the city. Now thats gone. And it might be difficult for us to move the camera, because this is very challenging now in the city right now, over my right shoulder, that was a neighborhood, an entire neighborhood that no longer exists right now. And this entire neighborhood was washed into the sea. And while were standing here, we have seen people walking past, survivors carrying whatever they have been able to salvage of their belongings, grown men and women who are walking past and sobbing. This is absolutely shocking and heart breaking to see. It was a storm like no other libyans had ever seen before. But its not only mother natures wrath that is to blame for these apocalyptic scenes. Right up there is where the dams were, when they burst, it unleashed all of that water. The flood that swept entire neighborhoods like this into the sea, and you can see the force of the water, when you look at buildings like this, and you can see how high the waves were. Waves as high as 22 feet for seven meters, submerged buildings, and currents so strong, destroyed almost everything in its path, and washed it all into the sea. The mediterranean turned into a grave yard for the people here. How many lives lost here, no one really knows, but its in the thousands. The once Crystal Clear blue waters now murky and brown tell the grim story of a city that was once was, of those gone, young and old. Children a few months older, elderly people, pregnant women, theyre in the sea, the this 21yearold tells us, with nothing but a rope tied around his waist, he pulled 40 bodies on the first day, he says. There are other bodies, we dont know how to get them out. We just dont have any equipment, he says. Dead and gone. You wont see them again. Theyve gotten some help since, International Support has been slowly trickling in. But nowhere near enough to deal with the disaster on this scale. Its mostly libyans here, volunteers from every corner of the bitterlydivided country, foes who fought each other for years, united in grief, doing what they can to mend the wounds of this broken city. Most are here to try and get the dead a dignified end. Its not the time to lay blame for what happened, they say. But the dams had not been maintained for decades, residents say. Had they been, this area and its people would still be standing. Nearly a week on, emotions still high, climbing on top of the water tanks on their roof, they all survived but most of his neighbors did not. There are 12 to 15 homes on our street, we lost 33 people, he tells us. He then starts to name the dead. Entire families gone. Its all just too much. Libyans know loss and death all too well, but nothing could have prepared them for this. And a short time ago, we were at the water front, which has become the main staging area for delivering the bodies that have been retrieved, to prepare them for movement, for burial, and we were speaking to a number of the volunteers there who say that they are still getting a lot of bodies, 22 today, while we were there, we saw several bodies delivered, and yesterday, 19 bodies, and people are so emotional and people will tell you now, these bodies have become unrecognizable and you can imagine what this means for the thousands of people who are still searching for the more than 10,000 loved ones who have gone missing. Jomana karadsheh, thank you so much in libya. The Special Counsel investigating hunter biden may not be finished charging the president s son. The details on that and why bidens Attorney Says the indictment violates a prior gun deal they made with the government. And this pro with the perfect slice. And if we proferer it, we know america a will too. 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Uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. Glucerna, bring on the day. My Blood Pressure is borderline. Garlique healthy Blood Pressure formula helps maintain healthy Blood Pressure with a custom blend of ingredients. Im taking charge, with garlique. Welcome back. Just days after being indicted, were now hearing that president bidens son hunter could face more federal charges. Special counsel david weiss has a roughly onemonth window to decide whether he will file taxrelated charges against biden, in california or washington, d. C. All of this comes after weiss indicted hunter biden on three Felony Gun Charges after a plea deal fell apart. We have the details. Theres a new potential deadline in the Special Counsels investigation into hunter biden. Investigators are examining whether hunter biden failed to pay taxes on time over a several year period. For one of those years, the deadline to bring charges, or the statute of limitations expires next month. Prosecutors with Special Counsel david weisss office say they may bring charges in washington, d. C. Or california, meaning charges could be announced within the next four weeks. The potential charges come on the heels of the federal indictment announced thursday, charging hunter biden with lying on an atf form when he said he wasnt using or addicted to illegal drugs, and for possessing the firearm while using or being addicted to a controlled substance. It is a dramatic reversal when only several weeks ago, hunter biden a deal to avoid prosecution on charges if he abided by certain conditions for two years. He had also agreed to plead guilty to two Tax Misdemeanor Charges but that deal fell apart under a federal judges scrutiny. The attorney abbey lowell says they cowed to political pressure from republicans. You have to ask what changed, and what changed, you also just talked about it is the folks like the chairman and the republican maga crazies who have been pressuring this u. S. Attorney to do something to vindicate their political position, and guess what, they succeeded. Lowell has vowed to fight the charges say they may be unconstitutional. Hunter biden is expected to be arraigned in court soon on the gun charges, and he now faces the prospect of going on trial in the middle of his fathers president ial campaign. Thank you so much. Lets talk further on all of this, with me now is randy zellen, a trial attorney, who specializes in white collar criminal defense, he is also an adjunct professor of law at cornell law school. Randy, great to see you, professor, i should say. So let me start with the possibility of hunter biden facing more federal charges. This time, related to tax charges. In july, a plea deal, on the two Misdemeanor Tax Charges that fell apart, similarly, with the gunrelated charges, how will prosecutors be able to justify taxrelated charges when in that plea deal conversations, there were certain admissions . Well, certainly, i think that there are four paths that the defense had and will take to defeat this in its entirety. Number one, there is an agreement, there is a plea agreement, there is a diversion agreement. Agreements with the government can be enforced just like any other contract, like a contract to buy a house. So that is road number one for the defense to go, to make a motion, to enforce those written agreements. Two, the question of whether or not the judge has the authority to reject the plea deal, there are certain instances where no question, the judge does. I dont think the judge had the authority to do so here. It would be one thing if she found the defendant not to be competent, not to understand his rights, he didnt do this knowingly and voluntarily. He could have been convicted of wrong doing. But merely because she is uncomfortable with the plea deal, i dont know that she has the authority to reject it. Three, whether or not the gun statute is constitutional. We saw it happen in new york. We saw it happen in the Fifth Circuit. Being a drug addict. Nowhere in the Second Amendment does it say if you are a drug addict, or you are an alcoholic, you cant have a gun. So the constitutionality of the statute may be questioned. And finally, we do treat people who are drug addicted differently than we treat people who commit crimes knowing exactly what theyre doing. Thats why we have diversion treatment programs. On a couple of those things there, number one, on the whole issue of the judge, the judge saying this, rejecting the plea agreement, who will then make judgment on whether the judge has jurisdiction to do that . Is that an appellate, you know, panel, or who makes that determination . I believe its going to be, and i think the defense has constructed it, to be both. In other words, immediately, the defense will go back to the judge and make a motion to enforce the plea and the diversion agreement. If she agrees with the defense, its over. And the defense gets what we call specific performance of those agreements. If the judge rejects that, then i believe the defense will ask for the right to go immediately to the Court Of Appeals, normally you have to wait until a case is over, but there are exceptions. The defense will say, judge, it would be unfair to make us go through a trial, when there shouldnt be a trial at all, we would like to go to the Court Of Appeals now, they will go to the Court Of Appeals, ask the Court Of Appeals for the right to say we need to deal with this now. This is too important. And the Court Of Appeals could say youre right, you do get specific enforcement, send is back and then you know what, maybe we should have another judge oversee this at the trial court level. And then a followup to your other two points if i could consolidate them and precedent setting, nowhere does it say if youre a drug user or an alcoholic, or does that preclude you from being able to own a gun, whatever the outcome here is, its a potentially, it could potentially impact millions of people, right . Not just hunter biden. But millions of people who may be alcoholics, or you know, once drug addicted or still drug addicted in terms of whether they had the right to own a gun. Yes, and we have precedent right now. We saw what happened where there have been laws in the books, on the books in new york, basically saying, if you want to have a carry permit, in new york city, youve got to show proper cause. Youve got to show special circumstances. The Supreme Court of the United States said no, you dont. That is nowhere in the seconds amendment. That law was struck down. We saw it happen in the Fifth Circuit, where there was a gentleman who had a history of being a drug addict, couldnt get a gun permit, and the Fifth Circuit said again, we may be able to stop people presently who are intoxicated, presently under the influence of drugs from processing a gun, but merely because you have been, nowhere does the Second Amendment say you cant have a carry permit, you cant carry a gun. So that is where we see the precedent, and we will see it for hunter biden, and as you said, perhaps millions of other people who have been drug addicted or alcoholics who want to have a carry permit. Wow, thats fascinating. Professor, thank you so much. Thank you. If you have ever taken overthecounter cold medicine, and perhaps you didnt feel better, now there might be a reason. An fda panel says a popular ingredient used in a lot of medicines doesnt actually work. That story straight ahead. And tomorrow, our special champions for change series. 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The sleep number climate360 smart bed is the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms and effortlessly responds to both of you for up to 44 minutes more restful sleep per night. Save 1500 on the sleep number climate360 smart bed. Shop now at sleep number. Com. Swords Clashing had enough . No. Arthritis. Here. Aspercreme arthritis. Full prescriptionstrength . Reduces inflammation . Thank the gods. Dont thank them too soon. Kick pain in the aspercreme. With gold bond. You can age on your own terms. Retinol overnight means. The smoothing benefits of retinol. Are now for your whole body. Plus, fastworking crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. Gold bond. Champion your skin. The fda says a popular ingredient in many overthecounter medicines for colds and allergies doesnt work. A Panel Meeting this week, the main ingredient in those drugs is ineffective in tablet form. Phenol he frin is used in products like Benadryl Allergy plus congestion, sud fed pe and more, and according to the fda these projects generally, generated nearly 1. 8 billion in sales last year alone. Dr. Jane morgan, a cardiologist, joining me right now, dr. Morgan, good to see you. A lot of doctors have questioned the effectiveness of ph phenol he frin for these products. It was approved in 1972 when the criteria was a little less stringent and we started to have pushback around 2006, 2007 and then in 2016, really started generating data to refute the original claims in 1972. And so it has really come to this point here in 2023, where were finally looking at that data and saying you know what, it really doesnt work. Its not any better than placebo, in the oral formulation. The reason for that is if you take it by mouth, in form, your liver and Gut Metabolize it, in other words, degrade it to such a degree, until theres not much active compound left. So you can still take the nasal spray but you cannot take anything oral. Okay. So do you see that drug even being reclassified as a result of this discovery or acknowledgment . And so we will wait for the Comment Portion of the fda, and then their final ruling on whether or not they will actually Ask Companies to reformulate their products, or whether it will be a total recall and say all of these have to be removed from the shelves. Remember, this is an entire industry. There are over 250 products, overthecounter, that contain pheylephrine and it will be very impactful and we have to have products available that are effective and do what we say they are going to do. I wonder how that will impact consumers. When you have a cold or you have symptoms, related to a cold, or flu, or something, to those degrees, you generally are going to, you know, reach for some of these products. But now, there may be some reticence of trusting any of them. Even if they dont have this ingredient in them. You know, i have an opposing view. We should actually have more confidence in our system now, because we have the ability to go back and say you know what, we made a mistake, and you know what, things have changed in 50 years, and were going to acknowledge that science has advanced and that we have new information and were going to act on that information. If in fact you have a cold, you can ask for products that have pseudoephedrine in them. Overthecounter, but behind the counter. You have to ask the pharmacist for them. You dont need a prescription because they do have value in making street meth. Also, products with guanefenisi in them, ingredients that are very effective for people with nasal congestion. There is still some good stuff out there. Yes. Okay. Now a big concern, of course, this fall, and of course this winter, and spending more time inside, and covid, in the latest strain of, there is a new Covid Vaccine already on the market. Thats right. When do we start getting that . So that vaccine is available now. And in fact, we saw the fda say that this really should be broadly available to everybody six months of age and older. And then the cdc came behind them and supported it. And said universally this should be available. And we thought that originally, it was only going to be targeted to immunocompromised and specialized group. That was an option. But it will be universally available, and its available right now, as of yesterday. Six months and older. Six months and older. And we will see it be broadly available now that manufacturing will really ramp up. In the next week or two. All right. Get those shots. Once again. Here we go. All right, dr. Jayne morgan, thank you. Nice to see you. Thank you so much. Messi mania reached atlanta and there is question whether the soccer star will play at the scheduled game tonight. Were live from the stadium, with a few answers. Intermiami is set to play Atlanta United this afternoon in a big mls matchup. But the game may be defined by a player who wont actually take the field, namely, lionel messi. Don riddell is with us live from the pitch at the mercedesbenz stadium. I think there are going to be a whole lot of disappointed fans. I think youre right, fred. This is the thing when youre the greatest of all time. Every time you play, its news. But also, every time you dont play, its news. Messi is going to miss his first game for miami since coming here. Hes electrified Major League Soccer ever since he arrived. Club sources told us hes not only not playing, but hes not even traveling for this game. He wont be here at all, even warming the bench. Thats going to be really, really disappointing for the fans, some of whom paid an awful lot of money for tickets. We foe they were changing hands for hundreds of dollars. Right now you can get one as low as 40. The air has really popped out of the balloon here. The club told us its not because of the artificial turf. There had been concerns messi wouldnt play on turf. He said a couple of weeks ago that he would. But here we are. We all got a sense this was coming last night when the team had already traveled and messi was posting on social media pizza he had consumed. Thats when we got a sense he wasnt going to be making the trip. We could have a separate conversation about the toppings on that pizza. Ive never seen a pizza quiet like that. The guy has played a ton of games. Hes played 12 games in 48 games. Hes going to be playing five games in the next 15. I can see why they would rest him, but for the fans it is bitterly disappointing. I understand why hed have to rest as well. I dont know if the fans are going to appreciate the pizza moment. Theyre going to think hes a little happy about not traveling. Thank you so much. Well be right back. With no children and no casinos. We actualllly have reinvented ocean voyages, designing allinclusive experienceces for the thinking person. Viking voted worlds best by both Travel Leisure and conde nast traveler. Learn more at viking. Com. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Ensure, complete balancedutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. Anensure complete with 30 grams ofrotein. [coughing] when caroline has a cough she takes robitussin. So, she can have those one on ones again. Hey jim hey can we talk about your yoga breaks . Sure. Get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. 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