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Our area is full. The sector is full. Cant take you anymore, im sorry. Also this weekend, the families that u. S. Border officials broke up under the trump administrations zero tolerance policy, a federal court says it might take two years before the moms, dads and children are back together again. Now, to las vegas where the president is in mid speech. Boris sanchez is there. Its a friendly crowd. Overall, Jewish Voters usually do not vote republican. How is he trying to change that . Reporter its really a twopronged approach. The president took the stage about 15 minutes ago. He is speaking to a friendly crowd. Hes effectively touting his record on israel. First he mentioned jews within his administration, jname dropping his soninlaw, jared kushner. The president and surrogates talking about his recognition of the sovnty of the heights and moving the American Embassy to jerusalem and talking to rahm, which drew applause. The other aspect to the approach is the president going after democrats. A moment ago, he asked the crowd, how the hell they supported barack obama after he struck the nuclear deal with iran. We should point out, there was a small group of protesters that started chanting early on after the president began speaking, antiisrael statements, one had a sign saying remarks and the president had words for them as well. This is clearly a priority for President Trump. He took the stage a moment ago. He is known to go off the cuff during these speeches. We will keep monitoring what he says. How are white house officials characterizing the president s unbending policy on immigration and asylum seekers. He said the country is full. Do they see this as winning policy . The president s own mother was an immigrant. Reporter thats right, ana. Part of this has to do with timing, right . As you know, shortly before the midterm elections in 2018, President Trump took a tough stand on immigration, talking about invaders, describing these migrants, refugees moving through Central America and into the United States. Hes doing it again now because we are headed into 2020. Its a part of the reason he is here, speaking to the folks. Keep in mind, of course, the president is trying to push this image of himself as somebody who is very strong on immigration, making progress on the long promised border wall. The president s rhetoric hasnt really changed from the first day he came down the escalator in 2018 and said some mexicans were rapists and thieves. Well see it continue as we get closer and closer to election day. The president wont hesitate to make it an issue that he speaks candidly on. Ana . Boris sanchez in las vegas. Keep us posted on the president s remarks. As much as the president likes to threaten he is closing the southern border. I will do it. You know i will do it. I dont play games. Experts say its not possible to physically close the entire border. The southern border, alone, is almost 2,000 miles long. 650 miles of that has some sort of barrier in place. The rion grand runs along a big chunk. Then theres this, 1. 7 billion of goods travel that daily. It would threaten 5 million jobs and u. S. Autoplants would have to close down within a week, we are told. According to economists, some of the effects of a border shutdown that you, me, everyone in this country would feel, including nationwide shortages of key medical supplies and shortage of foods like avocados, strawberries. When the biggest one was closed last year, the u. S. Lost 5. 3 million in five hours. It would hurt american farmers, consumers, manufacturers nationwide. One of the key reasons President Trump says a border wall needs to be built is stop the flow of undocumented immigrants. The truth is, most of those who are undocumented in the u. S. Now came here legally and overstayed their visas. According to the department of ho Homeland Security from 20162017 alone, 2,000 people overstayed their visas. A majority of them having come through airports. The president claims building more sections of wall would stop drug trafficking. Most drugs enter through official and legal points of entry. That is from the president S Drug Enforcement Administration and the call for staffing to be moved from ports of entry is prompting lawmakers to express the concern more drugs could sneak through, disguised as commerce. The president likes to say his wall is already being built, well, thats not true. Congress has appropriated a billion dollars for 55 miles of fencing, but construction hasnt started yet. There have been barriers replaced or fixed like where the president visited yesterday with funds approved to do that work well before trump became president making plaques like this misleading, at best. Under President Trump, not one new linear mile of border wall has been completed in his two years in office. We have a commentary writer with with us and lynn sweet. I want to start with the president s on again off agin threat to close the border. The repercussions would be so egregious. Is this a scare tactic . It could be. President trump wanted to shut down the border, he would have done so. Obviously, shutting down the border would focus cvp and i. C. E. To focus on parts of the border that are more porous. It would triple the economy. It would have a Lasting Impact on American Workers and farmers as well. If he was going to, you know issue this threat, giving mexico a year warning, its not going to improve the situation from where it already is. You know, President Trump declared a National Emergency to build a border wall and this threat to shut down the border seems to ring hollow because hes not treating it exactly as a National Emergency. The president is using a few new lines at rallies about this, saying our country is full, telling people to turn around. Lynne, what message does that send to the rest of the world about how america feels about immigrants . Sad to say, it is not a welcoming message. The country is not full. It is it defies rational explanation why a president , except for a President Trump who seems to want to throw provocative slogans out there to be inflammatory. So, the demand, by the way, to close the border the way trump coupled it with drugs. People who studied it say another way to stop the flow of drugs over the border is stop demand for drugs in the United States. Thats another solution. We are not seeing an attack on this issue. Let me ask you about the issue of leadership when it comes to immigration. We know the president roughly polled the nomination for his choice to lead i. C. E. It was white house adviser, Stephen Miller who lobbied for somebody tougher because they were not in favor of closing the southern border. What do you make of that . Ron has been serving as acting i. C. E. Director since 2018. During that time, trump declared a National Emergency. Its well within Stephen Miller and President Trump, just by their reputation, if they want someone who is tougher on immigration, to get that person. Ron probably didnt live up to his performance, hence why he declared, President Trump declared a National Emergency. Things were not getting better. Things have gotten worse considering the cdc commissioner said they have reached higher than average migrants coming into the country. 50,000 from october to december and 100,000 in march. There needs to be a staff shake up in the department of Homeland Security with respect to cdp and i. E. ,ke it. Theres this other new, disturbing information w separa border. Do you think Something Like this could hurt the president going into election cycle . Actually, no, because it would just continue to play to a base that, so far, has not punished him for the policies that separated the families in the first place. So, the finding that it would take longer than whatever perhaps people would have guessed it would have taken and the difficulty of putting families back together. I think, politically, the price trump will pay wont be that much. Remember how unpopular this was with both parties . Yes, but its with something being unpopular in congress, this case does not always translate. Im giving you an analysis here into whether or not the president is being really was the case, then the subsequent talk about the country isjust think of the stu the stunning, what goes into a that. As a slogan, something that you could put on a bumper sticker, it is part of the cunning genius of the president to try and stir the pot, be provocative and put forest a policy that i would think almost everyone in congress who is an elected official could not agree with because, even if you wanted to play along for a moment and say its full, every place is full, new york full, california full, there is no meaning to it. And, one other quick thing, is it full only this is where you have the underlying discrimination here. If the country is full, i cant believe im taking this seriously, why arent we closing other ports of entry to other people coming from other places who are coming here as immigrants, legal or not . Thats a good point. Lets talk more about 2020. I want to flip the script here. We heard from president obama today, weighing in about his party. He said this at a town hall in berlin, germany. Watch. One of the things i worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States, maybe its true here as well, is a certain kind of rigidity. This is how its going to be, then we create a circular firing squad, where you shoot at your allies because one of them is spraying from purity on the issues. With such a crowded field of democrats, is this a risk . Absolutely. It is a risk that democrats had to weigh in the 2016 president ial election when it was Hillary Clinton versus Bernie Sanders. You are seeing a lot of the same elements that happened in the 2016 democratic primary that you are seeing now. Joe biden, who is obviously leading in most polls would be seen as the head of the race, even though he was president vi. The window in the Democratic Party is shifting further to the left. You could make the case, democrats, you know, if trump was not president , they would probably fall into the same traps they did in 2016. Knowing that trump could win another term probably would remind a lot of democrats that he very well could win again. Good to see you both. Thank you. Its a hill the trump team says they are ready to die on. The president is willing to go all the way to the Supreme Court to fight releasing his taxes. Is the law on his side . After stumbling with black voters in 2016, Bernie Sanders is making a pitch to the critical voting block ahead of the 2020 election. Is it too little too late . Well take a look, next. Getting dressed can be rough. Downy free gentle has no perfumes, no dyes and softens clothes. Laundry isnt done, until its done with downy. Were all under one roof now. Congratulations. Thank you. How many kids . My two. His three. Along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. That is quite the family. Quite a lot of colleges to pay for though. A lot of colleges. You get any Financial Advice . Yeah, but im pretty sure its the same plan they sold me before. 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So go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our technowizardry calculates your cars value and gives you a real offer in seconds. When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. Thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. Africanamerican voters are an important part of the democratic base, according to 2016 primary exit polls and new 2018 data from the research center. Black voters make up 20 of democratic voters. Those numbers in the power of the black vote are not lost on the campaign trail as candidates like Bernie Sanders focus on them for 2020. More from ryan nobles. Reporter Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign is off to a fast start. But, in order to go from current frontrunner to democratic bearer, the vermont senator needs to bring in a more Diverse Group of supporters than in 2016. He needs to develop cultural competency when it comes to the black community. This is an naacp president , a state that is crucial in the primary and sanders lost by over 50 to Hillary Clinton. Reporter overall in 2016, sanders lost black voters to clinton by an average of 57 in states where there were exit polls. What i have seen tonight, we are going to do just fine here in south carolina. Reporter this time around, he has made changes to his approach, in part, by getting personal about his connection to civil rights. Youth here in chicago gave me the opportunity to become involved in the civil rights movement. Reporter sanders filled his schedule, traveled to selma, alabama to commemorate the anniversary of bloody sunday. We have a president of the United States who is a racist. Reporter he is named black leaders to prominent roles within his campaign and made a push to address issues of concern to africanamerican voters. This month, he appeared with James Clyburn to tout a plan to increase funding to help sanders. That impacts people across the country and impacts people of color. Reporter he believes efforts from sanders are important for him to grow support. Does that resinate with him in a primary . It should. I hope it does. I really believe people ought to give just due to people who do things. Reporter while the sanders strategy shift is inherent, its too early to tell if its paying off. His rallies draw predominantly white crowds. Charleston, the population is half black. The advice to sanders, make sure you address the concerns of black voters. Its still going to be hard to float. That was ryan nobles reporting. Joining us, cnn commentator, the former mayor of tallahassee and candidate for florida governor, andrew. Andrew, good to have you. What do you make of the efforts to appeal to black voters . Is it too little, too late . No, its not too little, too late at all. Good to be with you. I enjoyed ryan nobles piece and it struck important themes with the sanders campaign. They have got to, and i think they are doing a better job at it this cycle around, bring the senators experience with the black community forward, the personal narrative. The fact that in 1962, he went to chicago as a young activist fighting for civil rights. He was an early endorser of jesse jackson. Furthermore, the last point from the piece around the rising tide list, i think voters of color want to hear very directly about how the inequality exists within the communities to address specifically with public policy. Lets talk a bit about some of senator sanders key policy platforms. He is talking free tuition for public universities, medicare for all, increasing the minimum wage. Do you think the policies have the concerns of black voters in mind . Well, i think hes going to have to, again, show and discuss with the black community where they show up in these issues and where they show up and how he is going to address the public policy. The truth is all the systems are structural in equality around education achievement, particularly in communities of color. Structural Economic Issues when it comes to black women being at the end of the line when it comes to wage equality. Hes got to put voice into how people of color are going to be impacted by policies, in addition to watching the public. Im hearing you say, he has work to do, still, with the black voting demographic. Although, i know you liked what you hear in terms of how he is bringing his story and personal relationships forward. He was one of the first to support your candidacy when you ran for governor. Do you think you will endorse him . At this stage, im staying out. You may or may not have heard, i made a goal of registering 1 million voters in florida, all 67 counties. My contribution to this election cycle is float a blue for whoever is the governor. How is that going, that Voter Registration drive . We are just getting started. A coalition of 22 organizations across the state of florida. I feel confident we are going to hit our goal. If we do that, to put it in perspective, i lost my race for governor by 32,000 votes. We are working to get 1 million. If i fell short by 25 or got to 25 , thats 250,000 voters who have the impact of changing it. The new polls find your former opponent, governor ron desantos enjoying a 62 approval rating. Do you believe he is doing a good job . The proof is in the eating. We are in the middle of the legislative session. There are important issues to Arming Teachers with guns to dismantling it. I want to hear where the governor is on those issues and how he will make sure the will of the voters is executed. We have observing to do. Sure, but 62 approval is nothing to sneeze at. Is this support going to make it harder for democrats to win florida next year . I dont think so. I think we are a 1 state. I think what will be the biggest difference between who wins and loses my state is who gets in and organizes the state of florida and turn out the vote. If we turn out the vote, we win. If we dont, we lose. It wont be an additive or hindrance to whether or not they win the white house. What is the best determination is who does the best organizing. Florida is an exciting place to be for both parties going into 2020. Thank you for being here. Thanks for having me, take care. You, too. The fight over the president s tax returns is a hill they are willing to die on. The president is ready to go all the way to the spreek court to fight releasing taxes. Is the law on his side . I call it my comfortable future plan. Its our confident forever plan. Welcome to our complete freedom plan. Its all possible with a cfp professional. Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. 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They keep going. I am under audit. When you are under audit, you dont do it. Lets remind everyone, we have no idea if trump is under audit. The irs does not confirm that. We know trump lied when he said this. If i decide to run for office, ill produce my tax returns, absolutely. Washington investigative correspondent, mark is with us and cnn legal analyst, ross garber. Is the law on the president s side of this fight or not . It gets complicated. Theres a statute that says, if the chairman of the ways and Means Committee asks for somebodys tax returns, the irs shall give it to him. In law, shall is probably the strongest word that can be used. Shall means, its got to happen, but, the overlay is the constitution. There is a but. Its the law. The overlay is, but, the constitution. The constitution says, yeah, okay, shall, but it has to be for a proper legislative purpose. By the way, that statute applies to the president , you, me, all of our viewers. It applies to everybody. The constitution says theres got to be a legitimate purpose. Thats where theres an issue. The president s lawyers have said this is about politics. There is no legitimate legislative purpose. Thats where the issue comes. Do you see a legitimate purpose based on how democrats are approaching this . So, here is the issue. The democrats have said the legitimate legislative purpose is the irs is supposed to, under regulation review a sitting president s tax returns. So, they are saying thats what they are interested in. They want to know whether the irs is complying with that. The president says, hey, look, that makes no sense. They have asked for many years of tax returns, business tax returns, personal tax returns. They wouldnt have needed all of that if that was the point. The answer is, if its, i think, an open question and is one that is going to wind up, if both sides want to fight it, going to wind up in court. That, i think, is just fine for the president. Thats where he wants to be. Any litigation about this is going to take a long time and, so, theres enough of a question about it where it gets into court. Okay. Mark, the times reported the president asked Senate Majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell to fast track his nominee for irs chief counsel. That was before confirmation hearings for President Trumps attorney general pick, william barr. How significant is that . Its a sign, of course, if you can draw a direct line the president is going to continue to fight this issue. He is going to continue to, you know, ensure that his administration, including irs, doesnt turn over the returns and, as ross said, they are going to probably end upbringing it to court. Its wrapped a lot of his administration in. Remember, Steve Mnuchin was asked about the request to turn over the tax returns. He said he had to talk to his lawyers. The president made it clear, he has no intention to do it. Thats where we are going to expect the political and legal fight frch fight. From the democratic point of view, they see the returns as the Rosetta Stone as trump investigations. If they can see the returns, it is then a key to find out what to look at. We dont even know if Robert Mueller looked at trumps tax returns and adam schiff, the chairman of the house said he wants to see them because of possible foreign money that the president received. These returns are this legislative legal, political fight. As ross said, you would expect it to go for some time. As part of the legal argument, they are pointing to the fact democrats arent requesting information about the audits of previous president s, the way they are saying this is political. Given previous president s relie released their tax returns, how strong is that argument. What they note is that and, also, previously, there havent been these requests, not just for the president s tax returns. Its the background information, all of that information. Not just the tax returns. Its a point that they are making. Its not their strongest point, probably. Following up on one thing mark said, i think the president is fine with fighting this. I think the democrats in congress are also fine with fighting this out for a few reasons. One, most of these issues, it happens in every administration, Congress Wants information from the white house, the white house doesnt want to give it, other parts of the administration dont want to give it and theres a fight about it. What usually happens is a negotiated solution. So, i think democratic leadership thinks, they will fight it out. During the fight they get some information. The second thing, they are showing the american people, in particular, their base that they are willing to go to bat and try to get this information and do what they need to do. Third, ill note, in the unlikely event there is an impeachment prothe president isnt cooperating with congress. Both sides are happy to have it. Right, point four, the more the democrats can say, ha does he have to hide, the more theres a lingering question of maybe there is something to hide. So, he is right, they are happy to go along with this as well. Firing up both bases in some ways. Mark, the president is tweeting twood about Robert Mueller and his report, which we are waiting to see. Here is part of what he wrote today, i have not read the mueller report, yet, even though i have every right to do so. Only know the conclusion and the big one, no collusion. Likewise recommendations to the ag, who found no obstruction. You broke a story that investigators on muellers team were frustrated by the fourpage summary of the work, the conclusions they offer. They didnt adequately describe their findings. Do we have an indication why william barr didnt use the summaries muellers team prepared in advance . The Justice Department says they werent ready for prime time t. Summaries had grand jury materials and couldnt have put them out. They will come out in some capacity, possibly redacted. We should point out, we never indicated they would have just come out or without any kind of redactions, but certainly there was a concern inside the mueller team that more of the information from those summaries was not included in the barr letter. Some could have been included, certainly not grand jury material, but it would have presented a different picture than barr did in his leathele l. That allows the president to say what he has. He was totally vindicated and exonerating. The barr letter didnt say that. Accept the narrative for those two weeks that some concern is by the time the conclusions come out, people have shaped their opinions. The barr letter specifically quoted mueller as saying he was not exonerated as to the question of obstruction of justice. Ross, mark, good to have you with us. Thanks. Thank you. Sure. A preliminary report says it pilots of the Ethiopian Airline plane that crashed shortly after take off did everything boeing said try to save it. Now, boeing ceo is accepting the blame and promising changes. Will it be enough to restore faith in fact aircraft manufacturer . [ horn honking ] [ engine revving ] whats that, girl . [ engine revving ] flo needs help . [ engine revving ] take me to her coming, flo why arent we taking roads . flo. [ horn honking ] oh. You made it. Do you have change for a dollar . This was the emergency . [ engine revving ] yes, i was busy 24hour roadside assistance. From americas numberone motorcycle insurer. You know, i think youre my best friend. You dont have to say im your best friend. Thats okay. Nothing can prepare you to hear those words. End. Stage 2 breast cancer. 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Its unbelievable. Unbelievabrow longwear brow gel. Loreal paris. Boeing is cutting production of the best selling 737 airplane amid fallout of the deadly crashes that claimed 300 lives. Boeing says the 737 production will drop from 52 planes a month to 42, starting later this month. The boeing ceo acknowledged the planes antistall software played a role in the crashes. Now the Ethiopian Airlines pilot battled the antistall software for six minutes before the plane nose dived into the ground. This comes as the Washington Post reports regulators ordered boeing to fix a second Software Problem on the 737 max jets. Boeing tells cnn the problem is relatively minor. Cnn investigative correspondent is tracking every angle of the story. Here is drews brandnew report. Reporter the ceo of boeing making a rare admission, accepting blame for two of the airliners that crashed. Its apparent in both flights, the maneuvering characteristics known as mcas responded to erroneous angle of attack. Its our responsibility to eliminate this risk. We own it and know how to do it. Reporter the video message comes after a devastating preliminary report that a Software Issue caused the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines flight last month and suggesting the same issue may have caused a lion air flight to go down last year. The preliminary report shows the pilots did everything required to bring the plane back safely, but ultimately couldnt control it. Former boeing analyst says during development of the 737 max, boeing had a mandate, make sure any changes to the plane would not require additional Pilot Training in a simulator. Unprecedented. Never happened in the past, that im aware of. We were very uncomfortable with this. Reporter boeing managers said they sold the plane to Southwest Airlines with a guarantee, a rebate of 1 million a plane if Simulator Training was required. They say the demand to avoid Simulator Training, known as level d took over the aircraft. All the status meetings with managers was something that was always asked, you know, are we threatened or risking level d. If you are, you have to change them. Philosophically, it was the wrong thing to do, mandate such a limitation. To strongly avoid it, makes sense, but to prevent it, i think you can see the line from that to these accidents. Reporter federal investigators are trying to determine if boeings cost saving moves could lead to criminal charges. Boeing and southwest airline refuse to comment on their business deal that was referred to in this piece. In the meantime, they are learning what is causing the delay in getting boeing software fixed with the faa. It was supposed to be sent last week. Cnn learned there was a glitch in integrating the software with other boeing programs, which caused a delay. Drew griffin, cnn, outs boeings ren ton facility. Three black churches in a louisiana parrish, they are investigating. Details ahead. Can make you look amazing, too. 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All these fires were burning in the middle of the night, but beyond that similarity, there are a couple that authorities are pointing to. All three of these churches have been active for more than 100 year, and each building were off of a rural highways. Authorities have not yet said they are able to conclusively connect these three fires, but they say there were suspicious elements found in each, and the elements are being thoroughly probed. The fire marshal cautions that argue arson veg can take months. Essential all of your evidence has been burned. The churches have been reduced to not much more than rubble, so the st. Landry parish sheriff is telling the community, that progress has made. A new york man is charged with threatening to kill ilhan omar because of her muslim faith. Details on that investigation just ahead here in the cnn newsroom. 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Amen to experience his community, and to nominate someone go to cnnheroes. Com right now. Thank you for being here and repeats that the door to the United States is closed to families who need asylum. They have a visa lottery, democrats, a lottery. Countries, a lottery, you picked out a name. Do you think theyre

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