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The most deployed unit in the u. S. Army since 9 11. Thank you for being here to sign the Historic National Defense Authorization act, which includes the largest pay increase, support for our military families, and investing in our military readiness. Climb to glory 10th Mountain Division. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] shes an incredible representative. I also want to thank representatives don baker, dan donovan, and joe wilson who are with us today also. Thank you. Where are you . Stand up, please. Thank you, thank you fellows. There is another member of congress here today who is not only an air force veteran, but the first woman ever to fly a fighter jet in combat in u. S. History. And ive gotten to know her very well. And she is terrific. Congresswoman martha mcsally. Congresswoman. Thank you, martha. Thank you for being here. [ applause ] thank you very much. Thank you all for fighting for our military and for fighting for our vets. Nobody has made more progress on anything than what weve done with our vets. We have choice approved. You know that. We have so many other things approved for our vets. Its really moving along well. And i think maybe almost as important as choice is accountability. Now when we find somebody not treating our vets properly, you know what we say, right . Youre out. Get out. Youre fired. Get out. They couldnt do that. They couldnt do that. Now they can do it. Now they have to treat our vets properly. Our vets are our great people, and they get treated properly. So you have choice and you have accountability. And nobody thought that would ever get approved. They have been trying for many, many decades. Finally, i want to thank a very special group of patriots at fort drum. All of the amazing spouses and Family Members whose love and support make your service possible, whether you like it or not, they make it possible. Please, thank you. Thank you very much. [ applause ] they know. They know. Right . Look at him. Hes smiling. They know. Last year, we secured a historic 700 billion to rebuild our military. And now the National Defense authorization act paves the way for another 1700 listen to this now. So we have been trying to get money. They never gave us money for the military for years and years. And it was depleted. We got 700 billion. And next year, already approved, we have 716 billion to give you the finest planes and ships and tanks and missiles anywhere on earth. Nobody makes them like we do. And very, very far distant in this case jobs are very important in all cases. But in this case, military might is more important than even jobs. But all this equipment is made right here in the u. S. A. And its the best equipment on earth. Nobody makes it like we do. So you have 700 billion. And now 716 billion. So congratulations. [ applause ] america is a peaceful nation. But if conflict is forced upon us, we will fight, and we will win. Right, general . Right . Right . You Better Believe it, generals. There are the guys. We are powered by the Unstoppable Force of the United States army. Very special. With this new authorization, we will increase the size and strength of our military by adding thousands of new recruits to active duty, reserve, and National Guard units, including 4,000 new active duty soldiers. And we will replace aging tanks, aging planes and ships, with the most advanced and Lethal Technology ever developed. And hopefully well be so strong we will never have to use it. But if we ever did, nobody has a chance. It all includes 135 brandnew beautiful m1 abrams tanks. 60 bradley fighting vehicles. And joint light tactical vehicles for the army combat bringing aid tactical team. New blackhawk and apache helicopters, fine nest the world for the Army National gave. 77 f35 joint strike fighters. You any, thats stealth. I talked to a couple of pilots, great pilots. I said, how are they . They said its hard to beat because you cant see them. Full funding for the b21 raider bomber program. 13 new Battle Force Ships and support ships including a fourth class Aircraft Carrier and lateral combat ships. Funding to modernize our nuclear arsenal. So important. We are doing a major upgrade of our missile defense. We are spending a tremendous amount of money on our nuclear arsenal. Nobody will have close. We will hopefully never ever have to use it. But nobody will be close. More than 11 billion for the military construction, including family housing, and we are proudly giving our troops the biggest pay increase in a decade. And i know you dont want it because you are very patriotic, you will say just save the money, pay down the debt. Does anybody not want it . Please raise your hand. Whats going on here . Are these real patriots . I dont know, general. I dont know. The biggest increase in a decade. A Strong Military also requires a strong economy, and our economy is setting records like never before. We have the greatest economy we have ever had. I think thats going to help us a lot. In a lot of ways. It also helps us a lot in funding and doing all of the great things we are doing for our great military. We have created almost 4 million new jobs since the election, a number that the media in the back would never have said would be possible if during the campaign. [ applause ] im so proud of myself. I didnt call them the fake news media. I didnt call them. I said to myself, i i will not today in front of our great armed forces call them fake news. We know the real truth, but we wont say it today. But they wouldnt have believed it possible. 4 million new jobs. Nobody would have thought that possible on the campaign trial. If when we were campaigning mike, if i would have said that if i would have said 2 million new jobs, people would have laughed us off the stage. Well, we have 4 million new jobs. Something im very proud of, the africanamerican, hispanic, speckamerican, and asian, asianamerican the Unemployment Rates for all three have reached the lowest levels in the history of our country. Unemployment for africanamericans, hispanics, asian the lowest level in the history of our country. Womens unemployment is not, im sorry, doing quite as well. Its only the lowest level in 65 years. So we are not doing as well. But well do better. I think within about three weeks, when the new numbers come out, you will probably be lowest in history also. Very importantly, the veterans Unemployment Rate recently reached its lowest level in nearly 20 years. Thats a big one. [ applause ] and we are creating manufacturing jobs again. Remember during the campaign they said oh, you cant create manufacturing jobs. I said, really . We are not going to make things anymore . Is that what it has come to . We are going to have other countries make things . They are going to make thing and we are going to buy them. And they are going to have the jobs it doesnt work that way. We are doing manufacturing jobs at the fastest pace in many, many decades. No longer are we apologizing for america. Instead, we are now standing up for america. Its called america first, if thats okay with you. [ applause ] we are standing up for our military. And we are standing up for our Great American flag. We are standing for our flag. The armed forces have endured continuous combat for the past 17 years. Yet since the 1990s, the number of soldiers on active duty was cut by more than one third. Our bases and Vital Equipment were allowed to fall into a state of disrepair. And i saw some of them. Total disrepair. But those days are over. Every day, the army is fighting for us. And now, we are fighting for you, 100 . [ applause ] no one better understands how stretched our military has become than the soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division. Is that right, general . You were the first conventional combat force to deploy after 9 11. Since then, no division in the army has been deployed more times to iraq and afghanistan than you. You have sent over 9,000 courageous soldiers to 26 Different Countries all around the world in the past year alone. The 2nd bringing aid combat team just returned from a rotation at the joint Readiness Training center. And later this year, they will once again bravely answer our nations call and deploy to afghanistan. Through it all, you have proven to the world, to our country, to your families, that fort drum soldiers around just tough. Youre mountain tough. Thats what you are. Mountain tough. [ applause ] i said to your general, whats the difference . He said, sir, trust me, theres a difference. I said i trust you general, right . I said dont go into it. I trust you. One of those soldiers is specialist braden cook, who is with us today. Where is braden . Oh, braden good location, braden. Last october, his team came under heavy fire while cleaning and clearing clearing them out, Taliban Strongholds in various locations in afghanistan. An afghanistan soldier fighting alongside u. S. Troops was badly wounded when an explosive detonated nearby. Specialist cook braved the hale of bullets and mortar rounds all over they said it was all over. It was heavy fire, saving the life of that wounded soldier, and earning a bronze star for valor for his courageous action. Braden, i want to thank you. A brave young man. Thank you. Please stands up again, braden. [ applause ] we are also inspired by the devotion to duty shown by the Family Members who serve their nation here at home. Ashley shepard is one of those Family Members. Shes been married to Sergeant First Class ian shepard for more than 14 years. Ashley supports military families in every way you can imagine. She has served as a Family Readiness group leader, coleader, treasusasurer and assistant treasurer for three companies. She works hard. Raises money for sclis, organizes Charity Events for gold star families. Ashley, i want to thank you. Ashley . Where is ashley . I had a feeling that was you. Stand up, ashley. [ applause ] thank your husband, too. Thank you. America is eternally grateful for every soldier, service member, and Family Member here at fort drum. And we are forever in the debt of every american who has ever served our nation in uniform. From the snows of valley forge to the jungles of vietnam and the mountains of afghanistan, its just incredible what you do. A few days ago, Vice President pence flew to hawaii to greet the remains of some of our nations greatest heroes. Our fallen warriors who gave their lives many years ago in korea. Now these American Heroes are finally starting to come home. They will be laid to rest on american soil. We believe in no american left behind. [ applause ] and we believe our war fighters deserve the tools, the equipment, and resources they have earned with their blood, sweat, and tears n. A few moments, in honor of that sacred obligation, i will put my signature on the National Defense authorization act. This authorization will give americas war fighters the fire power they need to win any conflict quickly and decisively. Thanks to the leadership of representative stefenic, we are also making an unprecedented commitment to developing our Artificial Intelligence capabilities. In order to maintain americas military supremacy, we must always be on the cutting edge. That is why we are also proudly reasserting americas legacy of leadership in space. Our foreign competitors and adversaries have already begun weaponizing space, developing new technologies to disrupt vital communications, blind satellites and just i mean, you look at what they are doing. They have given me rundowns. I have seen things that you dont even want to see what they are doing and how advanced they are. We will be catching them very shortly. They want to jam transmissions which threaten our battlefield operations and so many other things. We will be so far ahead of them in a very short period of time, your head will spin. China even launched a new military division to oversee its war fighting programs in space. Just like the air, the land, the sea, space has become a war fighting domain. It is not enough to merely have an american presence in space. We must have american dominance in space. And that is why just a few days ago the Vice President outlined my administrations plan to create a sixth branch of the United States military called the United States space force. [ applause ] got to get it, joe. Got to get it, joe. Right, joe . Right . We will ensure that the next great chapter in history is written by the heroes of the United States military. America will always rise to every challenge, and overcome every danger because we are backed by the strength and power of the american soldier. Speaking to his troops, general george patton, a great one, once said, we have the finest equipment and the best spirit, and the best men in the world. Now, if it were today, he would be saying the best men and women this the world. Things do change. But that was quite a statement many years ago. Continuing his remarks, patton then declared, i dont want to get any messages saying i am holding my position. We are not holding a damn thing. We are advancing constantly. That was patton. Nearly 75 years later, pattons words still ring true. America has the best equipment anywhere in the world. We have the best spirit. The best soldiers ever to set foot on any battlefield anywhere at any time. We are the most powerful. We are the best funded. We are the biggest. We are the strongest. We are the smartest. And we are still not holding a damn thing, because america is on the move once again. And we are not backing down. Our country is respected again. I dont know if you see it, but america is respected again. It is a big difference, and a big difference in the air. You take a look around. There is a big, beautiful difference. We are advancing forward with our confidence renewed, our might restored, and the unwavering conviction that our destiny is our victory. Americas future is safe, sound, and brighter than ever because each of you is mountain tough, mountain proud, and mountain strong. And always will be climbing to glory. You will be climbing to glory. Thank you again for the incredible men and women of fort drum. Special, special, great people. God bless our troops. And god bless the United States of america. I would now like to invite a few of our fantastic soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division 2nd bringing aid combat team to join me on stage to sign the National Defense authorization act. Its been an honor to be with you today. Thank you all very much. Thank you. [ applause ] this is it. I will just sign it. We wont be here a long time. Okay. Thats good, right . [ applause ] thank you very much, everybody. Great honor. Thank you. All right. So the president there just signed this 716 billion defense bill using the event not only of course to talk about the military, the home of the 10th Mountain Division there in fort drum, but to get political, which sadly and unsurprisingly at this point in time included an attack on the media. Kevin lip tack is our white house producer. Kevin, you wouldnt know that this National Defense authorization act is named after senator john mccain because i did not hear as the president was hailing or war heroes he is a hero. Didnt mention his name once. No. No. Mccains name didnt come out of the president s mouth during this speech. As you mentioned, this 716 billion bill is actually named after senator john mccain. He of course the chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee for the past several years. He has been a leading proponent of getting this National Defense authorization act through the senate. It is a yearly bill. There is always quite a bit of wrangling, mccain has always been a proopponent of that. But the president of course sustained this ongoing feud with mccain going back to his campaign. He alludes to him not by name but alludes to him at nearly every Campaign Rally he is at making mention the no vote mccain cast on the proposed obamacare overhaul. He has questioned whether he was a war hero since he was captured. Perhaps it is not surprising that the president didnt mention his name but eluding the fact that he played this role going back some years. This bill increases pay for service members. It boosts spending on military equipment. We should also say this bill also authorizes the military parade that the president has ordered the pentagon to put together for late they are year. A lot is included in here. The senate and the house passed it well ahead of schedule. It is the first time in maybe more unanimous a decade that that has happened. So the president signing this. There was really no question that he would sign it, getting some time in front of the troops. There was that sort of striking moment when the president made mention of the fake news. He said he was proud of himself that he didnt call us the fake news, for not mentioning the jobs numbers back in the campaign. Of course by not mentioning it he mentioned it. He got a few hoots and hollers there in the crowd. Not all that surprising at this point anymore for the president. Of course. But no mention of the man, the war hero, the American Hero whose name is on this bill senator john mccain. We will say it once again. Kevin thank you for that. Coming up next, President Trump goes anna twitter rant about former white house aide omarosa calling her wacky and a low life. This after she release as new tape of her conversation with the president himself after she was fired. We will talk about whether what she did was in fact even legal. And the fbi agent wroent answered trump Text Messages has now been fired. Trump calls it long overdue but Peter Strzoks lawyer says all americans should be alarmed. Later, shocking allegations of Domestic Abuse against komg congressman ellison. Hear how the congressman is responding to the claims from his exgirlfriend. You are watching cnn. Im Brooke Baldwin. For just 59. Ancestrydna can open you to a world of new cultures to explore. With two times more detail than any other dna test. You can get a new taste of your heritage. Only 59 our sites lowest price ever. I knew at that exact moment. Im beating this. 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Just yesterday she released a recording of chief of staff john kelly firing her in the situation room, a room that the white house describes as the nerve center for the president , a Processing Center for secure communications and a hub of intelligence gathering. It is in that room that omarosa recorded this conversation. Can i ask you a couple of questions, dozen the president is the president aware of whats going on . Lets not go down the road. S that nonnegotiable discussion. I dont want to negotiate. I just never had the chance to talk to you general kelly. If this is my departure i would like to at least have an opportunity to understand. We can talk another time. This has to do with some pretty serious integrity violations. So ill let it go at that. So the staff and everyone on the staff works for me, not the president. Haerz heres is what the president is saying today quote wacky omarosa who got fired three times on the apprentice now got fired for the last time. Never made it. Never will. She begged me for a job. Tears in her eyes. I said okay. People in the white house hated her. She was vicious but not smampltd i would rarely see her but heard really bad things. Nasty to people, constantly missed meetings. General kelly told me she was a loser with nothing but problems. I told him to try to work out out because she only always said great things about me until she got fired. Lets talk about it. Great to have both of you on. Tara, first things first, this is a woman who changes her story every day, every hour. How is she even credible . Shes not, other than having the tapes. Let me explain something about omarosa. As a black republican who has been around these circles for 20plus years, it is true that she was reviled. Omarosa was a democrat. She had no relationships with black republicans. She had no relationships really with anyone credwith anyone cre the campaign circles. When she was brought in it riled a lot of people up, qualified veterans that were involved in campaigns and the movements for years. They were shut out. Same thing when she went to the white house. She was completely incompetent. She had zero experience to be a special assistant making the maximum amount of money in the white house, no business being here. The the president of the United States hired her. Hes calling her wacky, going on and on how she was fired multiple times but he hired her multiple times. What does that say about him, about only the best people . She is part of a litany of unqualified people who were disasters working for the American People brought in by this president that did not know what they were doing. In this instance here im not surprised you bring in a snake you are going to get bit. Thats exactly what happened here. Its unfortunate that we are in this mess. But thats what happens when you bring a reality tv president in. He is going to bring in reality tv crash trash with him, too. To make it messier, jack, you know the white house, the situation room. If people arent as familiar it is where the famous shot is taken of president obama and his team as they are watching the so samma bin laden raid go down. This is supposed to be a highly secure atmosphere. I am a curious, what is incredible, that she manages to bring a cell phone inside the secure situation room and roll on this conversation with chief of staff or the fact that this white house is just so dysfunctional in terms of the personnel situation and security. Which is it . Do i have to choose between the two . I mean, they are both just its breath taking. Breath taking. Its breath taking. First of all, everybody who gets into a skiff as its called, the situation room is one where you have got sensitive, compartmented or classified information, and theres a facility there where you put your devices. The reason why you cant bring Electronic Devices like this cell phone in to a facility like that is because that device can be turned into a transmitter by another foreign power, doubtless an enemy power. You know, we dont want our enemies being able to eves drop on conversations in a facility like that. So the fact that she did this was just reckless in the extreme. As you point out can i Say Something about that, too, really quickly. Go ahead, tara. I have sources that told me today that she was bragging about the fact that she had a go ahead gadget pen thatly she used to record thing. A gogo gadget pen. As in a pen that records everything. People told me she bragged about that. It may not have been a cell phone. She could have used a pen recording device. It doesnt matter what kind of device it is. None of it is allowed. Any device that can be a recorder that is a recorder is you get to the second point, which is the judgment issue here. Yeah. And i think, by the way, tara, i dont think she was a special assistant. The reports i have read is that she had the title assistant to the president. There are only about 20 to 25 people with that title in a white house. She was sworn in and made the highest amount of money. So she was sworn in. Again, i understand she was an assistant to the president. There are only 20 to 25 people with that title. That is the highest level of white house staff. And you have to wonder, why was she given that senior a position in that white house . Taras point from the beginning how was she even hired. I want to get onto the point about the ndas. Trump tweeted wacky omarosa already has a fully signed nondisclosure agreement. Jack, back over to you, what kind of ndas exist at the white house f at all . Well, there arent ndas. I one might be required to sign a confidentiality agreement if one is being presented with sci classified top secret information and promise not to reveal it. That would carry with it criminal penalties if you disclosed it. Ndas are the things of which donald trump and Michael Cohen were concerned when we were dealing with these civil lawsuits. And i gather that reportedly again i dont know this firsthand that people in the white house were asked to sign ndas that prohibited them from revealing information about the president for his family or his business. And it may be that she and others were required to sign these things. But the fact that he would fall back on someone like her having signed an nda is just weird in this context. It goes beyond that. This is a serious this is a serious this is a serious security issue, and it is a very serious issue about the judgment of both the president and frankly chief of staff kelly. Right. For bringing her into that facility. 20 seconds. About the ndas, they are not enforceable. There has been numerous legal scholars who said there are First Amendment violations possibly here with ndas. These people work for the federal government, are employees of the government. Their loyalties are to the people they work for, the constitution. Not to the president personally. The aclu has come out about this. Whistle blower laws protect their nda rights. Why do they need it anyway . Why is trump so passionate about keeping people silent. I wonder about that, too. Her first loyalty was supposed to be to the United States. Her first loyalty is to herself. Bringing that device into the situation room was a violation of that duty. Jack and tara, thank you so much to both of you for that conversation. We will follow up on it. Also coming up next, the fbi agent who wrote antitrump Text Messages has now been fired. President trump is celebrating that as Peter Strzoks lawyer says this was outside of fbi protocol. Wont get there without you. Join the fight with the alzheimers association. Chicken thats right, chicken . candace new chicken creations from starkist. 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If you cant afford your medication, im a small business, but i have. Big dreams. And big plans. So how do i make the efforts of 8 employees. Feel like 50 . How can i share new plans virtually . How can i download an efile . Virtual tours . Zipfile . Really big files . In seconds, not minutes. Just like that. Like everything. The answer is simple. Ill do what ive always done. Dream more, dream faster, and above all. Now, ill dream gig. Now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Some republicans think he tried to stop donald trump from becoming treasure. President. Ed to we are learning fbi special agent peter strzok has been fired. Strzok who exchanged Text Messages with another fbi employee during the 2016 was removed from Robert Muellers investigation and rei signed within the fib. Still President Trump and his republican allies who tried to use strzoks involvement on the special counsels team to discredit the investigation. Strzoks attorney issued a statement. The decision to fire special agent strzok is not only a departure from typical bureau practice but also contradicts director wrays testimony to congress and his assurance has the fbi intended to follow its regular process in this and all personnel matters. This decision should be deeply troubling to all americans. With me now a former federal prosecutor for the Southern District of new york. Im curious because of what we just said with regard to trump and other republicans do you think the fbi caved to them or is this simply the result of their investigation . There is certainly an appearance they did something outside the ordinary chain of events. Strzoks Attorney Says the recommend days ago was a suspension and reassignment. All of a sudden they come in with the firing. There is a presumption there. We could have some employment litigation coming from strzok that may get into what was the reason for this departure. Do you think w the president s tweet ill read part of it. Agent peter strzok just fired from the fbi finally. Talks about the list of bad players, fbi, d. O. J. , threes him into that group. I spoke to Josh Campbell last hour who said that he believes that the way the president is weighing in may help strzoks case if he chooses to appeal the firing down the road. Do you agree with that . I do. The gist of strzoks claim would be i was treated different lesion outside the normal channels. It is very unusual to have a president making a statement that strong that publicly. Whether the president instructed the fbi to do this or just influenced them through his tweet i think that will help strzok if he brings a lawsuit here. Apology for the briefity today. Thank you so much. Coming up next, shocking allegations of Domestic Abuse against congressman keith ellison, democrat. 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Son mentioned on saturday night that his he had seen a video on the mothers computer last year of congressman ellison allegedly pulling his mother off a bed while yelling expletives at her. We spoke to her probably i would say a few hours over the course of friday, saturday and sunday and today. She basically backed up her sons account saying that this happened. When asked to see the video, she said basically that it she put it on a flash drive whether the son saw it. Misplaced it when she moved. And how is the congressman responding . Hes denying. What is he specifically saying . Ellison has denied these allegations saying theres no video because he would never behave in such a manner. Now she he also said that he cared very deeply for the woman, karen. Do you want to read the statement in. Yeah. We were in a longterm relationship that ended in 2016. I still care deeply for her wellbeing. This video does not exist because i never behaved this way and any characterization otherwise is false. The other thing is we did speak to several of her friends who said that she confided this incident, this bed incident, in them. A couple of months after she moved out of ellisons apartment in late 2016. Keep this conversation going. Again, congressman denies. Andrew, thank you so much. Doing the digging with kfile. Appreciate it. Omarosa with another secret tape from within the white house and a conversation with the president himself. Might this put her in legal jeopardy . Well discuss. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Chicken thats right, chicken . candace new chicken creations from starkist. 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Remember last summer mocking a tv news host and said she was bleeding badly from a facelift . Retweeted a photo of heidi cruz to Melania Trump and who could forget this moment . A scene in the debate 2015. An interview last week in Rolling Stone magazine donald trump said the following about you. Quote. Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that . Can you imagine that . The face of our next president. Mr. Trump later said it was your persona, not your appearance. Please feel free to respond what you think about his persona. I think women all over the country heard very clearly what mr. Trump said. I think shes got a beautiful face and i think shes a beautiful woman. I mean, Gloria Borger really . He said that he said that. Like what is with his commenting on womens looks . Look. He has always done that. I remember talking to women who used to work for him. At the trump organization. Who said that actually if some of them gained weight he would say to them, you know, you look like you put on a few pounds there and would talk about them this way and who can forget . About a year ago, brooke, do you remember this . In the oval office. When there was this irish reporter that the president of course. Singled out to talk about. Take a look at this. We have a lot of your irish press watching this. Theyre just now leaving the room. Where are you from . Go ahead. Come here. Come here. Where are you from . We have the beautiful irish press. From rt news. Good. Katrina perry. She has a nice smile on her face. I bet she treats you well. You know, she even tweeted about it afterwards and she called it bizarre and of course it was. And, you know, this is the way the president objectifies women and how he talks about his own beautiful and how beautiful she is and its just its a little bizarre. But he doesnt stop doing it. Just no he doesnt. I give Maggie Haberman for calling it out. Between the president and Ohio Governor john kasich. This is the ohio 12th district. He hurt an Ohio Republican senates campaign and kasich responds with this short clip of Vladimir Putin laughing. Right. He didnt say the lovely john kasich i might say. He did not. Handsome, the debonair. They dont like each other. I would have to point out that john kasichs Approval Rating in the state of ohio is somewhere above 50 and the president s somewhere in the mid30s i guess. So, you know, kasich is pretty popular in his own state and hes been one of the republicans, quite frankly, whens been forthright and willing to take on donald trump on the issues. Maybe thats because he doesnt serve in congress. Who knows . But he is a governor. I think that, you know, trump if trumps candidate doesnt end up winning he wants to have someone to blame it on and that would be john kasich. 30 seconds. Looking into your magic 8 ball huh oh. What do you think kasichs longterm plan is . I think some point hell run. I think its clear to me he wants to run for president. Its not so clear to me to get nominated in the republican party. So would john kasich run as an independent . Well have to see. Who knows . Gloria borger, thank you so much. Good do see you. And im Brooke Baldwin here in new york. Lets go to washington, d. C. The lead with jake tapper starts right now. Thanks, brooke. I mean, omarosa showed no signs of this kind of behavior in the three seasons on the apprentice. The lead starts right now. President trump going off after secret tapes are released again. This time by the reality show villain no one wanted in the white house it seems except for President Trump. President trump signs a 716 billion defense bill without a mention of the ailing senator john mccain. Why does that matter . Well, because mccain is chairman of the Relevant Committee that wrote the bill and the bill is named after him. Plus, the architect of President Trumps no mercy immigration policy slammed by his own family today. Why steven millers uncle saying, hey, boy chick, take a look at where you come from. Welcome to

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