Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20181118

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numbers from the manual recount that started thursday. it looks as though bill nelson gained about 2,000 votes in the process, but it's not nearly enough. it seems pretty sure that rick scott will be the next u.s. senator from florida. there is still a process in place. the election canvassing committee will meet on tuesday to certify the results. that's just a formality. it seems pretty clear that scott as won. what we are waiting for is a statement from bill nelson. he is expected to release a video statement in about an hour. 3:00 eastern in which we expect he will concede. we don't know that definitively, but it seems to be the most logical conclusion about the statement that bill nelson will make in the next hour. what we learned today is really not that much of a surprise as we saw this process play out over the past five days. we had people in different spots around florida. it didn't appear that there were enough votes available for nelson to make up that gap that scott had built on election night. this was obviously a long drawn out process. many, many lawsuits filed in the fight over this florida recount. at the end of the day the election results we saw at least in the governor and u.s. senate race we saw on election night have held and it looks as though the republican will be the next governor and the current governor will be the next u.s. senator. fred? >> what about the variety of lawsuits? do they go away or would some remain? >> that's a great question. we should point out for the most part, there were nine lawsuits on various levels on the state and federal level. most were not settled. they were denied injunctions and in some cases they have the case to be appealed to the next level of the federal court system. but we should point out that the democrats had a very poor record in this process. they lost and the cases that they did win were narrow rulings that department chandidn't chan. in this race at this time it's basically over. >> ryan nobles, thank you very much in tallahassee. the other big story we are following out of california with the calamity of those fires is growing. the numbers are simply staggering. 79 people are dead. 1300 remain missing. the so-called camp fire in northern california now the deadliest and most destructive in state history. search and rescue combing through the ashes as those forced out wonder what comes next for them. >> my house burned down. it's the picture of your kids growing up. the report card and the first pictures they draw and all that. that you can't replace. >> president trump witnessed the devastation first hand when he visited paradise and malibu on saturday with the state's governor and governor-elect. >> you see what's happened here. nobody would have ever thought this could have happened. the federal government is behind you and we are behind each other. as far as the lives are concerned, nobody knows quite yet. they are up to a certain number, but a lot of people are unaccounted for. this is the kind of destruction, they tell me this is not as bad as some areas. they are just charred. >> it's a tough day for survivors. the camp fire has left hundreds homeless. in the northern california city of chico, many evacuees are camped out in parking lots and pop up cities. the camp fire has scorched more than 149,000 acres and only 60% contained. paul is in chico and paul, we understand the people in these pop up cities, in the tents, there is a deadline in which many have to leave? >> reporter: that's right, fred. it's a fluid situation though. we will see that they will be allowed to stay in the grassy area away from this wal-mart parking lot and people on the ground say that's what they want to do. they created, as you said, this makeshift city. they are cooking food here and there is a medical unit here. what the idea is, they are trying to get people to a shelter in nearby gridly. this area is thinning out, but to suggest that all of them will be gone, if you look at the higher wide shot that we have hereof this village, those are the tents of the people they have been staying in. many of them telling us we are not going anywhere. we don't have anywhere to go but on the horizon. the weather is going to change and they want to get people out of here before it rains on wednesday. we should note quickly that there is a story of these individuals, 22 children, two teachers and a bus driver who made a harrowing escape from the school. up on the hill which is in paradise. i can tell you, they went through a five-hour odyssey that was just miraculous. >> it was very scary. it was like -- it felt like armageddon. >> i was seeing smoke everywhere. i couldn't see and i how -- i love animals and it was so crazy. there were like fires left and right. everywhere you look, there was smoke everywhere. people trying to get out. it was really hard. >> we look forward to telling you more about that miracle. >> look forward to that. thank you so much. so while touring the california wildfire devastation, president trump said the u.s. needs to follow the lead of other countries when managing forests. >> you look at other countries where they do it differently. it's a whole different story. i was with the president of finland and he said we have a much different -- we are a forest nation. he called it a forest nation. they spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they don't have any problem. what it is, it's a small problem. everybody is looking at that, to that end. >> at the time yesterday you saw standing with the president, the california governor and the governor-elect. today jerry brown responded, saying a lot of the land is run by the federal government and also said part of the problem is climate change, but mostly avoided the topic during the president's visit. why? today the explanation is simple. money. >> where paradise is surrounded by federally managed land. these are national forests. they are not state parks and not private property by californians. it is the federal government. the fact is that managing the forests is part of it. they are a lot denser than they were 200 years ago, but on top of this, we is a five-year drought and reduced rainfall and the dryness that turns vegetation and bushes and houses and trees into literally timber. it's ready to explode. there is an atmospheric element which is part of the natural cycle and then there is an increasing effect of climate change. i have read specifically pure reviewed scientific articles that say the amount of land burnt in california over the last 15 years has doubled because of climate change. >> did you make that case to president trump? >> i certainly raised it, but i didn't feel that was where we needed to go. we need the money. >> i am joined on the phone by cal fire director ken pim lot who was with the president yesterday during the visit. director, give me your point of view. what kind of dialogue did you have with the president yesterday and when you heard the president still blame forest management, what were your thoughts yesterday at the time and your thoughts today? >> i think in all honesty, the dialogue was good and did mostly focus on the need at hand which was to take care of the citizens of butte county in this tragedy. the forest management discussion is important. forest management is one component of the overall problem. governor brown really brought the point home there. it's not just about forests. the fire in southern california, that's a chap ral brush fire and no forest involved there. the common factor of all of this are extreme weather patterns and the wind. these fires were burning where there was 40 or 50 mile per hour winds. vegetation is critically dry. we need to engage in active forest management and as the governor said, a good portion of our forest lands of federally owned. this is a partnership and all lands and all hands. the nongovernment organizations. working hand in hand. they all have to increase the amount of work we are doing. >> what are you hoping will come from the president's visit, seeing firsthand devastation and having the dialogue that you had with him with the governor-elect and him. do you hope that there is greater clarity and it will open the door to federal possibilities? what? >> i think in the short-term it's the task at hand and that's taking care of the people and getting the sheltering and taking care of this community until ultimately things can be rebuilt and supported. that will take a number of years. the dialogue about engaging -- this is a challenge. we are seeing fires unlike we have ever seen before. communities are being destroyed completely. all the tools in the tool box approach. not only do we need to treat the vegetation, but the communities. we need to make sure the infrastructure resists the intense fires. it's going to be working together across the aisles and working in all levels of government. we made a great start in california and invefsting in hundreds of millions of dollars and over the next five years utilizing $5 billion for forest health and fire prevention. >> on the issue of evacuation, i spoke with the paradise mayor yesterday, jodi jones. she wanted to challenge the issue of evacuations and it's not that simplistic. she received a lot of criticism that people did not get notified soon enough to get out. when you look at where that city is, there are very limited routes in which to get in and to get out. what is the answer on improving evacuations when you have areas such as that city which are perched in the foothills and by design, there are few roads to get in and get out. >> this was a community that for several years now has recognized that it is in a fire-prone area. that's because of the work they have been doing to address that. they added an additional evacuation route and highway that was used significantly during this fire to evacuate people. they have divided the city into zones so when the orders come in, you know which zone to use. the treatment around the water supply and actually saved it. they have a water supply now. we need to do more. the fire occurred so quickly, within an hour it was spotted into the city. it was very difficult. these fires are spreading so quickly, notification is a challenge. 6:30 in the morning when they move so quickly. we need to look at all of that and make sure roads of widen and we rebuild the community to make sure the infrastructure and buildings are built to be fire resistant to the current standards to prevent that or mitigate the impact. >> all right. cal fire director, no easy answers here. appreciate it. this breaking news. right now to cnn. florida senator bill nelson has called florida governor rick scott to conceit the race for u.s. senate. scott releasing a statement saying that nelson was gracious in his concession. scott saying that he thanked nelson for his years of public service. u.s. senator since 2000. still ahead, president trump leaves the door open on whether he might do a one-on-one interview in the 2016 election. >> is that your final position that there is going to be no sit down interview and nothing written or in person on obstruction? >> i would say probably. probably. i can change my mind, but probably. >> no ending? >> we wasted enough time on this witch hunt. >> the fate of the mueller probe will be left up to his new acting attorney general. ♪ ♪ -[ slurping ] ♪ -act your age. get your own insurance. [ child babbling ] -aah! -oh! -act your age. get your own insurance. new today, president trump now says he probably won't sit for an interview with special counsel robert mueller after he said he finished writing answers about possible collusion. in a new interview that aired on fox news today, the president said he has no plans to respond to questions about obstruction of justice in writing or in person. >> you are submitting written answers to the special counsel about the issue of collusion, but not on obstruction of justice. >> there was no obstruction of justice. >> if i may, sir -- all you have to do is. >> is that your final position that there is no sit down interview and nothing written or in person on obstruction? >> i would say probably. probably. i can change my mind, but probably. >> no -- >> we wasted enough time on this witch hunt and the answer is probably. we're finished. >> let's bring in white house correspondent boris sanchez and what else did the president say about the mueller probe? >> this was a wide ranging interview by president trump on fox news with chris wallace speaking specifically about the russia probe in detail. the president suggesting it is not likely he will sit down and testify in person with robert mueller. he suggested that he was interested in doing that, looked forward to it instead of saying he is going to hand in his written responses to questions from a special counsel within the next week. the president spoke openly about his acting attorney general, matt whitaker. they made statements suggesting that the investigation could be stifled from within the doj by limiting funding for the probe. the president was asked about the comments. he said he didn't know that whitaker made the statements and he held the strong positions against the special counsel before he named him as the acting attorney general to hold the fort for out going attorney general, jeff sessions. listen to what he told chris wallace on fox news. >> i did not know that. i did not know he took views on the mueller investigation as such. >> when you found that out? >> i don't think it had any effect. if you look at the statements, they can be viewed either way. >> he said no collusion and you can starve the investigation. >> what do you do when a person is right. he happened to be right. he said it and if he said there is no collusion? i am supposed to take someone who said there is? he would have been wrong. if he said there is no collusion, he is right. >> if whitaker decides to limit or curtail the mueller investigation, are you okay with that? >> look, it's going to be up to him. i think he is very well aware politically and astute politically. he's a very smart person. a very respected person. he's going do what's right. >> you won't overrule him if he decides to curtail? >> i would not get involved. >> if you listen closely, president trump did not answer when he found out that whitaker held the views. he told wallace, i don't think it had any effect. the second point, the president was asked a similar line of questions just a few days ago by our colleague. at the time the president didn't take a liking to her questions, calling them stupid. fred? >> who can forget? boris sanchez, thank you so much. former assistant to robert mueller and senior columnist for the badaily beast. the president said he probably won't answer questions about possible obstruction of justice in writing or in a sitting interview. so, would or could mueller subpoena him? >> yes, he could. whether he would remains to be seen. however, of course, when mueller or if mueller seeks a subpoena, he has to get matt whitaker if he replaced rosenstein. he has to get matt whitaker's approval coming into this acting job. >> and matt, the president to that question of whitaker knowing about how he felt about the investigation, the president said he didn't know anything about it. he is essentially saying he doesn't watch television, which we know he does. whitaker was on the air quite a bit saying he didn't believe this probe needed to carry on. so now what? when the president said he is hoping that the acting attorney general wouldn't curtail the probe and he also said it will be up to him. >> yeah, i think the thing that is holding this together is really politics. here's the thing. most presidents, i think would have exercised forbearance. they wouldn't put whitaker in the situation to begin with. it would have been perceived we couldn't do this. we have to make rosenstein the acting attorney general and get senate confirmation. once you decide to violate political norms and they are held together not by statute, but because they are norms that have been observed by presidents in the past. donald trump is basically breaking that apart. the only thing holding this together is because the senate is not apparently going to do anything about it. public opinion. and elections. what will the public tolerate? that's where we are at right now. which, you know, if you are optimistic or pessimistic about the american public. >> it seems as though the president is allowing for wiggle room and said he wouldn't get involved and at the same time he said it will be up to whitaker on whether to curtail the probe or not. what do you buy? >> i think it's correct for the president not to intervene in this case now that whitaker as the president doesn't try to intervene. the president should step back from this and let the process play out as it will play out. if, however, matt whitaker determine that is a subpoena will not be issued, that denial to muller has to go to the senate and house judiciary and intelligence for their review. if he does that, he may be actually extending the life of this investigation in ways that matt spoke about in terms of politics and norms that will be much more detrimental to the president's political interests than if he just let it be and see how the folks are involved. >> that gives more time and color in which to delve into. >> they want to wrap this up as soon as they can and not interfere as a matter of budget or process. if he is correct that there was no collusion nor obstruction, mueller has the fortitude to say that. >> outgoing republican jeff flake is concerned because he threatened to vote against 30 nominees if the senate does not hold a vote on that bipartisan protection bill. take a listen to what he said. >> this has to be priority now. we have a situation where the president has fired the attorney general and has installed and has given responsibility for the mueller investigation to somebody who has not been confirmed by the senate and somebody who expressed hostility to the mueller investigation. how in the world my colleagues don't see this as priority, i just don't understand. it does need to come to the senate floor and think it's worth using a little leverage here. >> so does he have leverage? he is outgoing, but does anybody else want to follow suit. >> there are never trump conservatives that don't even believe in what he wants to do because they think it's unconstitutional. a few people who want to do this on the republican side, but mitch mcconnell will decide and i don't think he wants to set a precedent for letting people like jeff flake use their leverage to tell him what to do. >> didn't it seem earlier in the year mcconnell was all for it as part of that chorus and now deafening silence. matt lewis and michael zeld on, good to see you both. still ahead, president trump said the u.s. has the tape that captured part of the murder of jamal khashoggi, but the president is not going to listen to it. we will tell you why. okay, i never thought i'd say this, but i found bladder leak underwear that's actually pretty. surprised? it's called always discreet boutique. it looks and fits like my underwear. i know what you're thinking. how can something this pretty protect? hidden inside is a super absorbent core that quickly turns liquid to gel for incredible protection. so i feel protected and pretty. always discreet boutique. new color. new size. billions of problems. sore gums? 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"all sites are green." all of which helps you do more than your customers thought possible. comcast business. beyond fast. . president trump said he declined to listen to a recording of jamal khashoggi being kill and his body dismembered by a saudi hit squad in turkey last month. >> we have the tape. i don't want to hear the tape. no reason to hear the tape. >> why don't you want to hear it? >> it's a suffering tape. it's a terrible tape. i have been briefed on it. i asked should i? they said no. >> and what happened? >> it was very violent and vicious and terrible. >> the u.s. state department issued a statement saying there is no final constitution on who is responsible for jamal khashoggi's murder. this follows cnn's reporting that they assessed the sougaudi crown prince who ordered the killing. aaron david miller was there for more than 20 years. good to see you. >> you, too. >> in that wide ranging interview, the president said he doesn't need to see or listen to the tape. is the president reluctant to use any cia findings to shape his approach with saudi arabia? >> a pattern of the president's reaction with the cia has been clear. it seems to me he accepts the intelligence when it's convenient and rejects it when it's not. the decision no to the listen to that tape i think frankly creates the worst of both worlds for the president. he has been briefed on the horrible details of what happens to jamal khashoggi once he interested that consulate, yet in not wanting to listen to it, in a way he distances himself and refuses to accept i think the responsibility for owning the fact that he has to find a way to hold mohamed bin salman accountable and which he wants to do precisely the opposite. >> you see a danger in not listening because it's sanitized when you don't listen to it and perhaps if he did listen to it and heard how gruesome it was, perhaps that might better influence his decisions about how to move forward with saudi arabia? >> it is intriguing because he was moved personally back in april 2017 when he was briefed on the photographs of the impact of syrian chemical weapons attacks on civilians. he was moved emotionally. >> and at the time in his daughter is the who said here's the picture. you have to do something. >> there is an emotional investment, but the problem is broader than that. the u.s.-soughty has been is out of control. it's not just the murder. it's the reckless and impulsive behavior on the part of the crown prince that i think undermined both u.s. interests and values. we have a relationship with saudi arabia and it's important and needs to be maintained. it's out of control and we need to reinject a measure of balance and reciprocity into it. >> the president was asked about it before he went out to california and he said we gain a lot out of saudi arabia. jobs and deals. is the president struggling with the culpability of jamal khashoggi's murder and the value of saudi arabia's cooperation in so many things? >> i think he is exaggerating what the saudis can deliver. job creation and modest arms sales are modest. containing iran are very modest. the peace process yet to be determined what mom -- mohamed bin salman. after all, where did the president go in his first trip to saudi arabia? that was frankly unprecedented. he is looking for a way to maintain the relationship. >> always good to see you. thank you very much. next, an unexpected visitor crashes michelle obama's book tour. we have hold you who it is. it's all in good fun. why the former first lady said she wishes president obama would just speak up more. got directions to the nightclub here. and if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. man: tom's my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house... tom: it's a $10 cover? oh, okay. didn't see that on the website. he's been acting more and more like his dad. come on, guys! jump in! the water's fine! tom pritchard. how we doin'? hi, there. tom pritchard. can we get a round of jalapeño poppers for me and the boys, please? i've been saving a lot of money with progressive lately, so... progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. >> it's the former first lady, michelle obama's book tour, but the crowd went wild as you saw right there in the d.c. area arena when former president barack obama surprised his wife on stage with flowers. michelle obama's book, becoming, is out and she is promoting it by dotting the map with these appearances. last night as she talked about hershey and her husband are taking a moment to reflect on their time in the white house and how frustrated she said she is with the current state of politics. joining me right now is desiree barnes is a former aide for the obama administration. good to see you. >> thanks if are having s for . >> this tour and the book come at a pivotal time. she makes reference to so much discourse and how important it is to be a class act. what do you suppose it's like for audiences to see her and hear her messages like this and her book. >> it's great that she is defining her own narrative and she is a testament that your political affiliation doesn't need to determine your decency. she is leading by example and that's so important. >> someone was yelling out, we miss you. former obama senior adviser valerie jarrett helped direct the interview. she was up on stage with her and she reflected on how people in the administration wanted to behave perfectly and wanted to have it perfect. how did you see the obamas set the tone for all of you who worked in the administration? >> the wonderful part is that we didn't question their character or judgment. as a staffer, we could focus on doing the work to serve the american people. so i think anyone who goes to work for the federal government knows how important it is to be above reapproach and focus on the work in front of you and producing results. >> she wishes her husband would speak out more on current political events and putting her now -- there are so many times where i just want him like i know all of you to just curse them out and just say these things. he's like well, that's not the point. you know the president is not the president for his own ego. the president is the president for the entire country. so we have to be very mindful of what we say and how we say it. do you wish that the president would speak out or does this exemplify the no drama obama? >> i'm confident in the word that is the former president put out there, but it remains to be said over 22 obama alumni ran for office and won. it's not just about the voice of former president obama or mrs. obama, but people using their voices and platforms to draw attention to the issues that matter. >> what are did you learn about yourself and your responsibility and how to handle things by virtue of being part of that administration? >> i think work ethic was a great learning lesson for me. having consistent work ethic and being a team player. that was something that i learned. i also have to say that there is young people out there who whether or not i choose to be a role model for them, they are seeking guidance and so i tried to do my job as best as i could and pretty much focused on the work in front of me and that was the greatest lesson for me. desiree barnes, good to see you. thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you very much for having me. >> next, why the democratic candidate for georgia governor is stopping short of calling her republican opponents legitimate. and i found out that i'ma from the big toe alian. of that sexy italian boot! so this holiday season it's ancestrydna per tutti! order your kit now at billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there's a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can... breathe easy. there's therabreath at walmart. former democratic georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams is making it clear she is not going to walk away from an intentional destruction of the election process in her state. she conceded to her republican opponent, brian kemp, who has georgia's secretary of state oversaw in that position. he enforced some of the nation's most restrictive voting laws and was accused repeatedly before and during the campaign of seeking to suppress the minority vote. a brab brams said he continued attempt to block eligible voters. while he is the legal governor-elect, she declined to call him the legitimate winners. >> the law said he received an adequate number of votes. i am a lawyer by training and someone who has taken a constitutional oath to uphold the law. sometimes the law does not do what it should. something being willing does not make it right. this is someone who compromised our system. he compromised our systems and that is not appropriate and therefore my admission is to make sure no one else has to paface this conversation. >> abrams plans to file a federal lawsuit for gross mismanagement of the gubernatorial election. the senate race that was supposed to be an easy win for republicans is headed for a run off. cindy hyde smith raised controversy by attending a public hanging if invited by a supporter. then she had this to say on voter suppression. >> but she also has the president backing her, announcing that he will come to a rally next weekend. hyde smith is facing off against mike espy and he is trying to be the ifrt black senator since just after the civil war. that run off is set for november 27th. much more ahead in the newsroom, but here's this week's staying well. >> without question, running is tough on the body. anywhere between 60 and 80% of all runners will get injured. through running analysis, we are able to identify what part of the runner's form may be driving their injury. >> i have done 10-ks and a few half marathons and the new york city marathon. i go at my own pace so i know i'm not hurting myself or overdoing it. i was training and i started noticing knee pain and it was happening within the first mile. i went to see a physical therapist. she did a gait analysis and saw which areas of form were weak. >> where your foot is hitting the ground and how much forces going through you. your forward lean and loading the joints and assessment on the ground and looking at alignment. >> because i was leaning too far back when i was running, my hips were tilt and pulling my quad muscles and knees and she told me how to correct my form. she has me doing a hip flexor stretch to open up the front of my torso. she set me up with a bunch of exercises to do if i feel pain. usually if i make that adjustment, it goes away immediately. hopefully my options are limitless. smile dad. i take medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol. but they might not be enough to protect my heart. adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. because my second chance matters. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. -of course, daniel. -fridge, weather. -clear skies and 75. -trash can, turn on the tv. -my pleasure. -ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. -okay. -and make ice. -pizza delivered. -what's happened to my son? -i think that's just what people are like now. i mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. even on social media. he'll be fine. -[ laughs ] -will he? -i don't know. a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! . hello again, everyone. thanks for being with me. breaking right now, a war of words between president trump and the man who oversaw the raid that killed osama bin laden. in an interview on fox news, trump criticized the military for not having killed

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