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Health care. He wrote, he is totally engaged in health care and he knows the subject well and he just wants victory for the United States. So his defensive tweet and comments are a response to the New York Times reporting that one republican senator who backed the health care bill, supports it, left the meeting at the white house with a sense that the president did not have a grasp of some basic elements of the senate plan. Lets go to Phil Mattingly on capitol hill with more. Good morning. Theres a lot of behind the scenes happenings going on right now. Theres a lot of public tension going on right now. The big question is regardless of relationships with the white house, within the republican conference, how do you get to 50 votes . Thats what they are working on. They are trying to get something done by friday. There are some positive senses coming out. Take a listen to somebody who was a no on the motion to proceed the motion to take up the bill, ron johnson, earlier this morning. The bottom line is we can do this. But we need the information. The problem in washington, d. C. Is we talk policy absent and void of information. That was my problem with the process is it started with all these policy arguments void of any information. We finally have some information. One cbo score. I think this is going to give us an awful lot of latitude to get the votes. Thats process. Lets talk about policy. Thats where this really kind of the rubber hits the r50d he road here. There are differences inside the republican conference. Thats what Mitch Mcconnell has been trying to navigate. The cbo score, the top line coverage number, 22 million fewer americans would have insurance by 2026. That is very important. Whether republicans quibble with the modelling, quibble with how that was reached, for certain senators like Susan Collins, like dean heller, they have pointed to that number. Medicaid cuts, 772 billion of reduced spending. For senators that rely on medicaid like west virginia, thats important. You have opioid funding. Behind the scenes theres work from people to bolster that funding. Its important to note, they have money to work with here. They have a pot of 180, 190 billion of space to hand out money to senators. The big question though is if you give money to moderate senators, medicaid expansion, what do you give to conservati e conservatives . Its about cutting back obamacare. The divide is too deep at the moment. The work over next 48 to 72 hours is trying to figure out a way to narrow that. A way to get to 50. Phil mattingly, thank you very much. You will be up all hours covering this, i know. See if they can get there by friday. Nice to have you here, senator. As a senator who supports this legislation as a physician yourself actually, you have been on the fence whether you support it. Let me get clarity. Do you fully support this at this point this morning . Have you seen progress, movement this morning this. We dont know we have to see what the final product is. I will make a decision as to how i will vote once we see the final product. We spoke regarding the jimmy kimmel test. For lower income americans and middle income americans it does are to help them be able to afford the care for those loved ones who are ill. Thats one of the things im looking to see whether or not the next iteration improves. Where does it need to improve on the first iteration to get your vote, to secure your vote, to make it a definite yes . Give us some details. For example, if somebody if we scale back medicaid thats okay. But we need to make it so somebody goes off medicaid on private insurance, which is good, that they can afford it. Under the current plan, somebody making 18,000 a year would have a deductible of 6,000 on their private insurance plan. Republicans bitterly complained about obamacare requiring that for folks making a little bit more money. I just as bitterly complained about that for someone making less money. So we have to make it so those trump voters who voted for donald trump because he said he was going to help them have coverage truly have coverage. Senator, a lot of the criticism aimed at majority leader Mitch Mcconnell is this was crafted behind closed door, in secret, by 13 senators. You, a physician, were not someone in the room. Someone in the room for that, senator john thune on this program yesterday, said this. There was a working group that sort of developed organically. But the leader made it open to anyone and then, of course, we had countless meetings with 52 republican senators. Everybody had input into this. He is saying everyone had input, this was not done in secret. Could you ha you could have been in that room. Is that true . I ended up joining the room. Theres a political article today here in d. C. That had a very disturbing article. It was chuck shoochumer told al Democratic Senators they could not collaborate, cooperation. Susan collins and i put out the patient freedom act. It was an effort to reach across the aisle to let democrats and republicans find a common solution. Democrat schumer shut them down. I dont like the process. I wish it had been bipartisan. That article indicates there was no hope for it. I hate to say it but mitch was right. Were not going to get assistant. It should be about patients. It was made about party. Thats too bad. Look, we have democrats on. Were pressing them about where they will cooperate and why they wont in some cases with you. You mentioned Susan Collins, because you did work on a bill with Susan Collins, one that has not been incorporated too much into the current republican bill. But she said this yesterday about tinkering with the Current Senate version. She said basically it may take more than you can get. Listen. I would say that i have so many fundamental problems with the bill that have been confirmed by the cbo report that its difficult for me to see how any tinkering is going to satisfy my fundamental and deep concerns about the impact of the bill. Senator, she basically says tinkering is not going do it. Whats your message to Susan Collins . Shes probably right. Tinkering will not do t. President trump said the house bill should have more money added to it. Instead, the senate bill took 200 billion more away. Thats 200 billion less for coverage. I dont consider 200 billion tinkering. But if we do what President Trump suggested, that we put more money back in to improve the coverage for those trump voters who were told on the campaign trail they would have coverage, the preexisting conditions addressed, if we take care of all americans, but just the representative that voted for trump, that believed his pledge, then we will do the right thing. That will be more than tinkering. That will be surpribstantial. You heard Mitch Mcconnell after the meeting yesterday basically say, if we cant get this done, were going to have to work with the democrats and theyre not going to do what we want. You are saying to us this morning, we should have been working with the democrats from the beginning. I know you are pointing your finger at Chuck Schumer. Is it better for america if your party fails on this this week in the senate and you do have to work with the democrats . One, i attempted to work with democrats. Two, i dont point the finger at Chuck Schumer. I quote an article in which Chuck Schumer reveals himself as a person who decided not to cooperate at all even with a good faith effort such as the patient freedom act. Of course its better that its bipartisan. But theres no that article this morning from schumers own words suggests that that will not occur. If i have a frustration here, my frustration is that this should not be a republican plan, it should not be a democrat plan. It should be an american plan which puts patients first. Which puts our National Priorities first. For whatever reason, a political decision was made by senator schumer not to do that. Therein lies my frustration. As we have said before, obamacare passed without a single republican vote. The republican version of health care has been pushed through without a single democratic vote. We all agree with you, not the best way to get the best product for the american people. Always a good discussion. Thank you, sir. Thank you. President trumps longtime confident roger stone scheduled to testify before the House Intelligence Committee next month. Stone wanted to testify publically about everything having to do with russia. The committee turned down that request. So what will stone have to say behind closed doors . Joe johns at the white house. Joe . He will appear closed session and late next month. He parentally lapparently is ge was not nearly as plugged in as people thought he was. This is one of the big, mysterious avenues of the russia investigation, whether roger stone, that ally, the confidant, the associate of President Trump somehow had foreknowledge that damaging information was going to many could out about the Hillary Clinton campaign, specifically the emails of john podesta, her campaign chairman. Stone has been put out a statement, this statement focusing on testimony by podesta ta occ that occurred yesterday on capitol hill behind closed doors. It wasnt clear what he said. Here is the statement. Im confident that podesta, like most likely repeated his lie that i knew in advance about the hacking of his email and am anxious to rebut this falsehood. Im unhappy my testimony will not be in public. I believe its more important to resolve the question of russian collusion with the Trump Campaign which i believe was nonexiste nonexistent. Give you an idea of what is the there there. August of last year, stone said he communicated with wikileaks founder assange. Then the same month indicated some other things. Then finally in october, of course, wikileaks came out with all of its information, the emails and so forth. Lets talk about john podesta. He did speak to cameras right after he finished his testimony on capitol hill. One of the things he did was make it clear that he was not blaming the Obama Administration for not handling the interference of russia properly. Listen. I think the president and the entire administration were dealing with an unprecedented incident of the weaponization of the fruits of russian cyber activity. And i think they were trying to make the best judgments they could on behalf of the american people. So theres going to be plenty for the House Intelligence Committee to talk to roger stone about when he gets there at the end of july. Joe johns at the white house, thank you very much. The United States has ships and aircraft in place if the Syrian Regime under assad decides to conduct another chemical attack. Happening now, the ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley is testifying on capitol hill. What will she say about the new u. S. Pros tosture . Three chicago officers facing charges of a coverup, accused of lying in connection with the shooting death of a teen. With shrimp crusted with kettle chips. Or new, overthetop lobster and shrimp overboard. But it cant last, so hurry in. Sweet, sweet st. Thomas nice. So nice, so nice. St. Croix full of pure vibes. So nice, so nice. St. John a real paradise. So nice, so nice. Book three nights and receive 300 in spending credits. Only at visitusvi. Com sleep number 360 smart bed. 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Were gonna hit our launch date scream thank you goodbye let us help with money and knowhow, so you can get business done. American express open. Happening now, the u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations is on capitol hill. Shes testifying before the House Foreign Affairs committee. Looking at live pictures right now. This is going on as the Trump Administration is warning syria against a new chemical attack. Us military ships and aircraft are watching to see if the assad regime will carry out another chemical attack. The last attack in april sparked a u. S. Missile strike on a syrian air base. Barbara starr joins us from the pentagon. It was yesterday on this show that you broke the news about the activity that the administration had been seeing at that air base concerning them about another possible chemical weapons attack. Has anything escalated from there . Well, in fact, according to defense officials, it looks like it may be ratcheting down a little bit. To be clear, u. S. Planes and ships remain on station and ready to present options to President Trump if the syrians do move ahead. But a short time ago, defense secretary mattis told reporters traveling with him let me insert here, no Television Journalists were invited on that trip. So we are quoting reuters here. Secretary mattis telling them that it looks like the syrians, in fact, backed off. Separately, defense officials here telling me that does appear to be true. It looks right now like perhaps the syrians are not moving ahead, perhaps like President Trumps warning worked. Last night, National Security aide talked about his view about this warning. Have a listen. The president was sending a very clear message, under this administration of donald trump, red lines mean red lines. What would you do in his position if the most powerful nation in the world depp straig demonstrated that we can see what you are doing . Wouldnt you think again about actually executing on that decision . I know i would. I wouldnt test donald trump. However, remember that President Trump was not a fan of red lines on syria and any notion of a red line presents every president with a problem. Because if they dont act on it, then they are seen as backing off. So still the fundamental National Security question on the table is if the syrians were to move ahead and you saw then begin to take off with chemical weapons on board, what would you do about it . Barbara starr at the pentagon, thank you for the reporting. Lets get to retired Major General james spider marks. He joins us from washington. Lets talk about the calculus that assad may be making right now. Why would he even consider using more chemical weapons given the response of the Trump Administration in april . You know, poppy, thank you for having me on. I would say that the regime change in syria is not on the table for the United States in terms of a policy option. So assad is no dummy. He understands that. Were we to move forward and try to remove assad, we would be in complete contravention. We would have the potential of a real challenge with russia. Because russia backs assad. So the big picture is, assad understands his flexibility. He could launch chemical weapons, certainly as barbara indicated, we have sufficient intelligence collection this is a Real Intelligence activity right now, a campaign of technical and human intelligence means that would give us some good warning as to when he was going to do that. I dont think we would interrupt that activity, but we would be able to confirm it. Assad can move with a certain degree of impunity because of the backing of russia. Clearly, putin i dont think is any big fan of assad andrew teenly takes him out to the woodshed and says, cut this out. However, theres no known replacement for assad. Until the United States and russia can have that discussion about what the next step could be with a regime change in syria, its not going to happen. Assad has the flexibility to do essentially what he wants. How much more currency does the United States have after what it did in april . After the limited missile strike against that syrian base in april, are these threats from the white house more believable and in any way more threatening . No, i dont think so. Sadly, john, what happened back in april, it was a very proportional response. I think it was done very precisely and very deliberately. It was done, as i said, at a proportional level to send the message, dont do that again. The United States needs to be out of the business of establishing red lines. You hold yourself accountable to what the result is. You must act. You want to preserve your flexibility. Dont establish red lines. Just say, its unacceptable. Again, what we could do to punish assad is not going to push him we have to have a very delicate approach. We cant push him to the point where he will collapse. Because we have russia we have to deal with. The discussion in syria right now is all about our relationship with russia. That has to be established and we have an opportunity here to agree upon something. And what does the Syrian Regime look like after assad . Ambassador nikki haley is on capitol hill being asked about this. I can tell you that due to the president s actions, we did not see an incident. What we did see before was all of the same activity that we had seen prior for the april 4th chemical weapons attack. So i think that by the president calling out assad, i think by us continuing to remind iran and russia that while they choose to back assad, that this was something we were not going to put up with. So i would like to think that the president saved many innocent men, women and children. Let me ask you a question on the u. N. Security Council Resolutions passed with respect to north korea. Were a few years away from north korea having an icbm capability that can reach the u. S. Joined by retired Major General spider marks. You heard nikki haley saying the president saved lives, threatening assad saying, dont do this chemical attack, we see vessels and ships moving in that direction, dont do it. She says the president saved lives. Do you think its true . I dont think you can link whats been said and activities on the ground. I think what has worked to the advantage of the population in syria, if there is an advantage lets speak honestly here is that the actions by the United States a couple of months ago in fact degraded syrias capabilities, albeit minimally, but it degraded their capabilities. They had to respond to that. So i think the only thing that assad would respond to is any type of immediate pressure that came from moscow that said, cut this out or im going to shoot you in the face. Well try to find a replacement. Putin is not that impettous. What we should do is look very at this and realize there are limits to our powers in the mideast. We have to have some type of discussion with russia that allows us to agree so we can move forward and get assad off the table. Retired Major General james spider marks, always a pleasure to have you with us. Thanks. We are watching action on capitol hill this morning. The fight to get to 50 votes for the Senate Republicans, perhaps some movement to bring republicans together to work out some kind of deal. We will discuss with our panel next. When heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. At crowne plaza we know Business Travel isnt just business. Theres this. a bit of this. Why not . Your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. Which is what we do. Crowne plaza. Were all business, mostly. [ no[ laughing ] an ] its driving me crazy come on. [ spitting from tongue ] time for my secret weapon. Sports, movies, tv, ah, show me music to distract a minion. [ voice remote click ] oh [ pharrell starts to play ] [ minion so happy to see screen ] ahh im pretty smart. Ahhh [ lots of minions ] [ mooing sound ] show me unicorns. [ click noise for tv ] ahhh that works too. Find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. See despicable me 3. In theaters in june. Senate Republican Leadership searches for a path to 50 votes. Paul ryan says his party cannot blow it when it comes to trying to move forward their agenda. We have this opportunity. We cannot blow it. Thats why we are so motivated. Thats why we are moving so quickly. People dont realize all were doing because were doing it so quickly. We want to make good on our promises. They are doing it so quickly that they just delayed a vote in the senate on health care. They wanted it today or tomorrow. Will not happen until after the 4th of july recess. Joining us chris and scott, former special assistant to george w. Bush. Scott, lets start with you. We have had republican senators on this morning saying they are trying to work out a new framework by friday morning. Thats 48 hours from now. This thing that they had just sort of went down in silence. They couldnt get people to agree on it. Is it just a matter of making small changes, giving the conservatives more choice and more flexibility and more money for medicaid from the centrists . We are talking about billions of dollars. Obviously, there were senators that had big problems with the bill. That doesnt mean it cant be worked out over the course of a few days. I have heard this morning from some people familiar with senator mcconnells thinking that the white house is fully engaged and actually helping getting these votes in line and getting the policy in line. It strikes me this morning that the reason you are hearing some positive vibes coming out of the Senate Republicans is that you do have positive movement and you also have a white house at the president ial level and at the staff level thats engaged and helping get this thing over the line. You have some positive vibes coming from republicans. You also have Susan Collins who is saying, no tinkering is going to get this done. It has to be bigger than that. Let me ask you, chris, because you have worked for some of the more moderate democrats, do you think democrats feel any pressure right now to do more than stand on the sidelines . Do anything. Do anything . Not as long as the bill is what it is. When you are talking about taking away health care from 22 Million People, imposing lifetime caps, essentially providing a tax cut to the wealthiest 1 while you raise rates and Health Care Costs for middle and working class americans, you are not going to get a lot of democrats, whether liberal or moderate, wanting to be involved. The problem here from the very get go was the process became political through the election and really from the beginning you saw it in the house, in the senate. Theres no willingness to work together. Every side will blame the other side. But here is the problem. When you are dealing with an issue thats as complex as health care, the idea that you want to rush it through and you are going to end up with a good bill or one that invites bipartisan support is foolishness. Its fantasy. One of the things that you seem to get when it comes to Public Opinion in health care is that most americans seem to dislike any version of the health care that they have or is being proposed. Theres a new nbc poll i saw an npr pbs poll showing 17 . Not a lot of people like the new bill coming out as they are trying to tinker with it, make improvements on it. Im struck by something that Scott Jennings said just as we were coming on here, saying the president is now fully engaged, which is a message that the president himself seems to want to be sending this morning. He sent out a message saying, dont Pay Attention to the new york tyimes that i dont understand the details. I get it. I understand health care. Why is the white house sending that message and perhaps people like scott sending that this morning as well . President trump is clearly on the defensive right now. He feels that he it shows that he has lost his juice, especially with the senate and the house. This is the second time they have had to bring a bill back to work on it again. Clearly, his dinner, his threats, theyre not working. I remember when the house bill, the first iteration came through. Some lawmakers were telling me that trumps major concern about the bill wasnt necessarily the policy details but the way they were marketing it, which goes back to trumps roots as a master marketer. He didnt like the word buckets. He felt buckets were something you put trash in. While he may be engaged, he is not involved in the nittygritty that a lot of the lawmakers care about. Because of that, mike pence, the vicepresident , had more juice. When he was on hill, he was as a policy man. The one thing that trump according to aides seems to be passionate about is deregulation. That goes back to Real Estate Days where his Health Care Policy he cares about tax reform more than that and sees this as a hurdle to get to what he wants to do. He needs one to get to the other. Theres a lot of issues with the money and financing and how you are going to get to all of it. You cant just move on. Scott, let me get your take on the New York Times headline on mcconnell. Everyone yesterday was saying, if anyone can thread this shrinking hole of the needle, if you will, its going to be mcconnell. He couldnt do it. Is that a correct assessment . Well, he wasnt able to get it done this week. But that doesnt mean it wont get done next week or in july. I suspect if it does get done, we will look back on the delay as a minor blip. Any Time Congress is doing complex things, there are always 1,000 deaths. The obituary is written on big complex bills 100 times before they become law. Thats what we will be talking about. One thing mcconnell has goingfa nearly half of all counties in the United States having one or no insurance carriers because of the collapse of the insurance market. That is a circumstance that exists and has to be dealt with. Were still in a place where premiums are going up by double digits in states all over the country. As long as those circumstances continue to exist, it will continue to put pressure on the republicans to put up or shut up on writing a bill. I think mcconnell trying to force the issue and force the party to put Details Behind the policies that they ran on in the campaign has been a good thing and it will lead to success. He gets a bill, no one will remember it took an extra week or two or three if he gets it through. Can he bridge what seems luke a big gap here . Roger stone, he of netflix fame, has been in the political world, he is going to testify to the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors about what he knows or knew in his dealings with russia during the president ial campaign. How colorful do you think this moment will be, even with it behind closed doors . Well, those stories will be leaking out before the interview is done or the testimony is given. Its going to be colorful. This is another chapter in the endless set of bad stories for the administration which it comes to the russia investigation. The reality is as long as this continues, the president s power is weakened. Its that simple. There is no this could take another two, three, four, six months, a year. As long as that is out there, the Political Capital the president has on the hill this is where the russia and Health Care Issues dont necessarily seem to connect, but they do. A weakened president is weakened in terms of their influence on capitol hill. Theres no way that a moderate senator, especially those that are up, like dean heller, in less than two years will sit there and listen to the president saying you should take this risk, when he sees a president whose numbers are in the 30s. That is why these issues end up connecting. We will see. Got through the house. See if that is faded by the time it gets to the senate in the next few weeks. Thank you all very much. Ahead for us, three Chicago Police officers accused of lying to cover up the details in a shooting death of Laquan Mcdonald. Live in chicago next. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. 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So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. Felony charges for three Chicago Police officers, including one who was still on the force. They are accused of covering up the shooting death of a black teenager killed by a white officer. Their story came into question when dash cam video was released showing Laquan Mcdonald walking away from police. He was holding a fourinch knife. This contradicts the officers original story that mcdonald lunged towards them with the knife. Ryan young is live with more. What have you learned . This really changed things in chicago. When the shooting happened and that video was released, it sparked protest across the city. In fact, the term was 16 shots and a coverup. Now you are seeing the special prosecutor and a grand jury cutting into this debate in terms of whats going on by charging the three officers. As we show you this video, everyone sees Laquan Mcdonald walking away with the knife. Then the shots are fired. 16 shots were fired by jason van dyke, an officer at the time who is facing a separate court case. But now we know three officers, according to this special prosecutor, have been charged with lying. They have been charged with conspiracy, obstruction of justice and official misconduct. They not only tried to avoid interviewing witnesses who had a differing account, but they said mcdonald assaulted them with the knife and that after the shots were fired, that he tried to get up again and lunged towards the officers. The special prosecutor pointed to the code of silence here in chicago and said its something the city cant stand for. This indictment alleges that these defendants lied about what occurred during a policeinvolved shooting in order to prevent independent criminal investigators from learning the truth. The indictment makes clear that it is unak acceptable to obey an unofficial code of silence. I think something to remember here is that this investigation still continues. More officers could be charged. Since this shooting and that protest that 16 shots and a coverup, we have seen changes to the Chicago Police department. People realize this is not over just yet. Ryan young with the latest. Thank you for that update. We are watching the white house. The president has an event short shortly where he will speak. We will bring that to you live. Will he discuss the current state of play, republicans trying to hammer out a new deal open health care by friday . Are there signs of progress . Stick around. woman vo is now a good time to refinance . man vo yes Mortgage Rates just plummeted. The time to refinance your home is right now. Get started at lendingtree dot com. The only place you can compare up to five real offers side by side, for free. Our average customer saves 20,000. Quick. Beat the feds 2017 rate hike. Do not miss this window. Are you sure you have the best rate . 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This is a compromise to that in that if all of these measures are followed, countries can avoid this laptop ban. I spoke with one Airline Industry official who tells me they expect some of the issues that dhs will lay out will be increased use of k9s as well as explosion detective explosive detective equipment. Back to you. Rene marsh, thank you for that. Again breaking news, john kelly will announce the new measures shortly. We will bring them to you when we know more. The message from the president this morning is i understand the inner workings of health care, thats after criticism from a republican senator was reported in the New York Times. If President Trump was supposed to be the closer to bridge the gap between conservatives and modera moderates, it hasnt happened. The president will speak shortly at the white house. We are waiting to see what he says about the effort to get to 50 on the health care push. Joining us is someone who will not be part that was 50, democratic senator patty murray. Thank you for being with us. The president was writing about health care. He says he is fully engaged. Do you think he is fully engaged . I think if this rhetoric continues to be obamacare is broken, its broken, then he really isnt listening to what the facts are of Insurance Companies telling us, as long as this administration continues to undermine the subsidies and to continue the uncertainty, that is whats creating a lot of the chaos in the marketplace. Senator, this administration, there was a threat of pulling the subsidies but has not carried through. Would you admit some of the instability of obamacare is coming not as a result of this administration, some the Insurance Companies said is because of a confusing message from the administration, but arent there things that need to be fixed and hopefully as voters tell us by bother parties together . Insurance companies are telling us is they have to look out into the future and they do not know whats going to happen. They cant operate month to move with this uncertainty of whether or not this administration will pay the subsidies. The other part of your question is, what can we do to make sure this Health Care System is more affordable and accessible . Obviously, as democrats we want to participate in that conversation. If the goal of this administration and republicans is repeal obamacare, take healthcare away from millions of people, increase costs and leave a lot of people uninsured, thats not a conversation were going to participate in. So you wrote the back room deals and arm twisting are going into overdrive starting now. This is in the effort to get to 50. If part of the back room deals include more money for medicaid, for instance, more money to fight opioid addiction, isnt that moving the bill in the right direction . This isnt a compromise between 24 Million People uninsured or 15 Million People uninsured. 15 million is not a goal we should be working towards. Yes, we need to make sure were looking at how we improve our Health Care System. But what we are urging our republican colleagues to do is to throw away this mantra of repeal obamacare and work with us through a committee. Lets have hearings. Lets talk about a public option. Will that help solve some of the problems . How do we make sure were looking at prescription drugs, a major part of our healthcare cost today so that we can make sure that they are affordable . Theres a number of things we are going to look at. But having a period of a couple more days or another week for this administration to buy off a few senators by having a few less than 22 Million People uninsured is not a compromise that will work for the american people. Senator patty murray of washington, thanks for being with us. We will see if there is any compromise or working together across party lines, something washington could all use more of. The chicago cubs going back for seconds. Some of the members of the team set to make a new trip to the white house. We will tell you why next. D th. Its your paradise perfected with behr premium plus paint. Right now get incredible savings on behr. Only at the home depot. Where are mom and dad . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Love mom and dad im takin a nap. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. When heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. The ford summer sales event is on. Its gonna work, i promise you, we can figure this out. Babe. Little help. Hold on, mom. No, wifi. Wifi. Its not a question, its a thing. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer. Get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. During the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. Offer ends july 5th. The Florida Gators won the College Baseball world series for the first time in school history. More in this mornings bleacher report. Good for them. Good morning. Florida became the Fourth School in history to have won titles in baseball, football and mens basketball. The gators are celebrating. There are two lsu fans that need to be celebrated. During mondays game, dr. Jerry pochet, along with another lsu dad, saved an elderly florida fans life. His heart stopped beating. They revived him, they performed cpr until paramedics arrived. The score was close nearly the entire time. The gators scored four runs in the eighth inning putting it out of reach for the tigers. The gators win 61, sweeping the series and winning their first title in their programs 103year history. The chicago cubs are making a second visit to the white house today. They are in town to play the nationals. This has been dubbed as an informal visit. Its closed to the media. The manager said its voluntary for his players and it has to do with the fact the owners of the cubs have strong ties to capitol hill. The chairman donated to Donald Trumps campaign in a big way. He thinks the president thought it would be fun to have an unofficial visit with the team while theyre in town. The cups visited chicago native president obama at the white house in january. You want to know the secret to victory . Fail to make the varsity team. Spend 108 years as a local loser. Be on the wrong side of the biggest upset in your sport. You really want to know the secret to victory . Matt ryan is in disbelief. Defeat. A rare ad appearance revealing that sometimes our greatest success in life comes after our worst defeats. Our failures can fuel us. We can find strength in our struggles. Highlighting the flip side of some of the biggest wins in sports. Its official. Phil jackson as a coach has more tigtles than any coach in history. He got let go as a Front Office Exec by the knicks. 80 wins and 166 losses in his threeyear tenure there. No playoff appearances. Fans were not happy with his tenure there. Now many fans feel like the biggest knicks fan, spike lee who posted this photo saying, alleluia. Jackson was the highest paid executive in American Sports earning 12 million per year. As a celtics fan, i am sorry to see him go. He made the league safe for anyone who wants to root against the knicks. Thank you. We appreciate it. Thank you for being with us today. At this hour with kate bolduan starts right now. Thank you. Hello. Its a back to the drawing board sort of kind of day. Senate Republican Leaders put the planned healthcare vote on hold for now. That means its time to head back behind closed doors and try to hammer out a new compromise that can satisfy republicans or at least enough republicans to get this Healthcare Plan over the finish line in the senate. That brings us a new sort of deadline, kind of, sort of. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell wants a new

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