Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With John Berman And Poppy Harlow 20180530

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some of roseanne's tweets they just affirm abc's decision to cancel her show and fire her. there's retweets portraying her as a victim. but some apologies. barr said to her fan, don't defend me. it's sweet of to you try, but losing my show is nothing compared to being labeled a racist over one tweet that i regret even more. remember, there was more than one tweet but let's move on to the next one. she also said, i did something unforgivable, don't defend me. it was 2:00 in the morning and i was ambien tweeting. it was memorial day weekend. i went too far. it was ageej justice and indefensible. she's blaming ambien but later in the morning she deleted that post. she continued on saying please don't boycott abc. i'm not a censor. they have a right to do whatever they wish. it's okay. she's thanking her fans. she went on by wrpg to a fan. i'm not a racist, i'm just an idiot that made a bad joke. i gave them the weapon to kill me. i was not equipped to take all the heat. i cracked and made a student, insensitive joke. it's my fault. of course a lot of folks don't think she was making a joke at all. i was really struck by something her longtime producing partner tom warner said in a statement to overnight. he's been her partner for decades but he said she needs help, maybe therapy or counseling. here's what he said, i support abc's decision to cancel the show. i hope the good work of the show is not totally eclipsed by these offensive comments and that roseanne seeks the help she so clearly needs. >> brian, this is far from the first time that she's tweeted racist things. she did it about susan rice five years ago. she called george soros a nazi. valerie jarrett is responding to all of this. >> yes. not to reply on twitter but instead to speak about this at a previously scheduled town hall. here's a part of how she addressed it. >> first of all, i think we have to turn it into a teaching moment. i'm fine. i'm worried about all the people out there who doesn't have a circle of friends and followers who come right to their defense, the person who's walking down the street minding their own business and they see somebody cling to their purse or walk across the street. those ordinary examples of racism thap every single day. >> and certainly this incident has people talking about racism and what is happening in america society. i'm really struck by the outpouring of reactions against roseanne barr. she does have millions of fans, some of whom are following her on twitter, still trying to promote her right now. it's unfortunate how she and some of her fans are so susceptible to these kinds of racist and conspiracy theories that she's still promoting today. >> thank you. stay with us. joining us in this conversation for a much deeper look michelle turner and gary levin. thank you very much for being here. gary, let me ask you, as brian outlined, this is repeating history here for roseanne barr. susan rice retweeted a tweet from roseanne calling her an ape in 2013. she called george soros a nazi. she said this abhorrent thing about valerie jarrett. a lot of this happened before abc rehired her and decided to, you know, put this sitcom back on television. so why did abc take the risk in the first place? >> i guess it was a calculated risk on their part. they knew that she was controversial, they knew that she had a big fan base. her show, the last time it aired, was a massive hit. i thought -- i think they felt that she had sort of calmed down a little bit and she knew what she was getting in to and that they would -- they would live with it to the point where it was -- it was okay, but i think it quickly escalated beyond that point and they realized they had a problem before this last incident happened. >> when you look at how abc responded here, responding pretty swiftly and certainly critics of what roseanne had said and of roseanne, this is the way it should be. this is how fast this should have happened. does abc deserve the praise its getting? >> well, yes, just on the surface, yes. i guess i'm not really one who likes to give a lot of hand claps to somebody for doing something right and doing something that they should do. i don't think they did anything above and beyond what was responsible, what was corporate responsibility in this case and a lot of people feel that same way. you guys were talking about the risk they took. they did know that they were taking a risk by bringing the show back. that's one of the reasons why they only gave it nine episodes for the first season. they were testing the waters with this show. then when they renewed it for season two, usually shows get 22 episodes. they gave it 13 episodes. they still were testing the waters here, trying to see, okay, is this all right. do we really want to get in fully with rows anne and like we're seeing now they don't because of what happened. >> the lesson my mom always taught me, you are who you surround yourself with. brian, listen to what roseanne said back in march. >> i really hope that it opens up, you know, civil conversation between people instead of just mudslinging. i really do because i think we need to be more civilized than that. >> a civil conversation, no mudslinging. she's mudslinger and chief today. >> she's trying to have it both ways. i had a source at disney say to me, yesterday, roseanne connor is not roseanne barr. roseanne connor is hilarious and warm and someone you want to watch on tv. when she's playing that character, that's someone you want to watch. roseanne barr is not able to control or restrain herself. there's no excuse for that. just take the phone away. just put the twitter device down. it's as easy as that. she stepped it in again and again and again and enough was enough. there was no way to come back from this. her tweets on tuesday were quote/unquote, unsurvivable. >> and her apologies are odd as well. they're uncensored. she's even saying to her supporters, don't defend me, don't boycott abc, but then she's blaming it on ambien. when she's faulting ambien, how seriously can you take the apology part? >> you really can't. i think she's just floundering to fine some excuse where her -- where she can escape the p.r. debacle that it is. she said all the right things in march when the first came on the air. she's a new person. she's not going to do politics. but, of course, i just think she can't help herself. >> something interesting that some are pointing out is that, they say, look, this is -- this is liberal hollywood acting so fast to fire roseanne, to cancel the show, acting much faster than it acted to respond to the allegations against harvey weinstein and roseanne even retweeted some of these claims in the last 24 hours or so. any merit to that? is that fair criticism? >> well, it's a little like comparing apples and oranges but they're right in the fact that they did act much quicker in this case than hollywood did react to harvey weinstein. i think we're in a different era now. harvey weinstein may be one of the reasons they acted so quickly in this case because there has become or is becoming, but there is becoming this kind of zero tolerance policy for any of these type of antics in hollywood's where we didn't see that a couple years ago. we didn't see them reacting as quick. we saw a situation with charlie sheen and his show a few years back but that took a lot going on there and that show wasn't called the charlie sheen show so they could get away with replacing him and keeping the show, but this has been very swift. it's been very quick. i don't think that we can dismiss the fact that the head of abc entertainment is a black woman. i think this also hit her where she lives and it's hard to overlook that when she is talking about someone who looks like you. it's hard to brush that aside. >> one really quick follow-up, i know you had a personal experience with this once you saw this coming through, went to your bosses on this one. >> i did. let me just previous face this by saying, whenever i've interviewed roseanne, she's been lovely to me and very nice. once this came through yesterday, we all have to draw the line and i was at a point yesterday where i said enough is enough myself and this is before the show was canceled and any of that when i saw the tweet. i did go to my bosses and said, listen, i feel like there's some very hard questions that these people need to answer, that roseanne needs to answer and until we do that, i can't cover this show any more. i can't do it as a woman, as a black woman, as a human being. i can't smile and just be ask fluff questions of this cast and of this woman when she's saying things like this so until that happens i no longer want to cover the show. >> gary, it's really hard at this point in time to separate roseanne barr from roseanne connor, but what you're hearing from people who like the show, who are sad to see it go is they say, look, i would look at this show and i would see a debate going on in this family that reflects my family more than other sitcomes that i could watch. i wonder now how this effects networks as they try to strike the balance between programming for a broad swath of america. >> you just hit on an unfortunate side effect of all of this in that there has been criticism that middle class, average americans have not been properly reflected on television. there was a show on abc that followed roseanne called the middle, that just ended. there's two few shows like that that talk about real americans and their struggles because television is like an aspirational medium and people want to see people that they strive toward, so that is unfortunate. i'm hopeful that the networks will see the appeal that roseanne had separate from the difficulties that the star created and learn from that and learn from the popularity of the show. it was the top rated show. >> if i could add one detail to that. let's not rule out the possibility of a version of this show without roseanne. this is a lot of attention later today. there's a lot of people in hollywood that would like to see some of the cast members and crew not use their jobs or be out of work but instead have some reboot of the reboot. i asked a very well placed source about this a few minutes ago, the source said, quote, there will be a time to sit down and look at all the options. i read that as the door being wide open. >> yeah. >> to the possibility of a roseanne without roseanne. >> it's interesting, yesterday, mindy kaling just tweeted and we know her from the mindy projects, but she's a writer. john goodman, laurie metcalf, let me write some things for you. she has some ideas. you never know what could happen. you never know what could come out of this. i don't think abc would redo the show in some form, but you never know what could happen. >> the problem with it -- the problem, brian, is that roseanne is not only the star of the show, she's an executive producer and the creator of the show, so any change they would make to the show, a reboot without her she would still profit from, she would have approval over so takes more complicated situation. >> good point. >> thank you guys so much. we do appreciate the conversation and still to come, the president wants cheered on roegs anne for her ratings but will he condemn her for the racist tweet. he's still staying silence. the president asked the attorney general to reverse his division to recuse himself. what that means for robert mueller's special investigation. plus the swipe the president took at sessions just moments ago. the unraveling of a conspiracy theory. republican congressman trey gowdy has seen all the intel about the president's claims of a spy, the unfounded claims and he tells the country the fbi acted just fine. the president's not going to like that. hi i'm joan lunden. today's senior living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, 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[park announcer] all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that's why we're providing half off family lines to all military. everyone has an opinion on roseanne but so far silent is president trump and this is notable given his recent praise of the conservative sitcom star. >> look at roseanne. i called her yesterday. look at her ratings. look at her ratings. i got a call from mark burnett. he did the apprentice. great guy. donald, i called just to say hello and to tell you, did you see roseanne's ratings? i said, mark, how big were they? they were unbelievable. 18 million people and it was about us. they haven't figure it had out. the fake news hasn't quite figure it had out yet. >> joining us now we have cnn political commentators. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> and so tara, i wonder if you could listen to some of the things president trump has said because some people are drawing a line here between the tone he has set and the tone that roseanne has carried out. >> i'm one of those people. is president trump directly responsible for what roseanne says and does, no. has his own rhetoric, his own racially inflammatory comments, not only throughout his career but during the campaign and still while in office, has that set a tone that's emboldened people like roseanne who have these awful bigoted, racist view points on things, has that emboldened them to think it's okay now to publicly behave like that or say those things, yeah, i think it does. there's no way you can ignore that the president of the united states who has the bully pulpit, the most powerful position in the world, the level of influence he has. his behavior and words and what he condelz and doesn't condemn matters. it sets a tone. i don't care what anybody says. it has been accelerated with the way donald trump behaves. >> let's listen to some of that. let's roll it. >> you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides -- >> look at my african-american over here. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapist. >> wouldn't you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now. >> they call her pocahontas. >> so ben ferguson, there's also the refusal the president to immediately denounce kkk grand wizard david duke. democrats draw a direct line between the president at the top setting the tone and people like roseanne writing what she wrote, is that fair? >> i think roseanne has been someone that is for a long time pushed limits and i don't think that you can blame that on donald trump. i think she's a grown adult. she should be held accountable for her own words. clearly what she said, she apologized for, took it down and said it was wrong. i don't think you can blame donald trump for any of roseanne's antics. look back over the last 30 or 20 years of her career. she's always pushed the limit. she pushed the limits the first time the show was on the air. she pushed the limits the second time it was on the air. what she wrote was wrong and inexcusable but this has been consistent with roseanne's. they knew they were taking a risk with her. that has nothing to do with donald trump so to somehow claim that donald trump is responsible or somehow influenced roseanne and her antics which have had a massive history of pushing the line i think is basic like a child saying, well, he made me do it. they're both grown adults. let's hold them accountable individually for what they do and not imply that donald trump made this happen when he didn't. >> that's not what i said. that's not what i said. >> i think you're implying that it's the culture that he's brought out is somehow she should do this. >> no, i felt -- i think that the fact that even abc given her a second chance with the reboot on the show is something that probably never would have happened under the obama administration because of how dis applicable roseanne is and how low class and trashy's she's been and racist and anti-semitic, the list goes on and on that both kinds of things were not -- those kinds of things were -- were not acceptable before donald trump came along. he's pushed the envelope because so many conservatives and i'm a conservative and i'm calling it out. too many conservatives have decided that donald trump's racist and bigoted behavior and obnoxiousness on a lot of other things are okay just because as long as they get a policy. >> here's my point, though. here's my point. then explain to me why abc/espn can now bring back keith observerman who has referred to the president as the mfer -- >> they shouldn't. >> i want to focus on what we're talking about here. >> that's an important point. it's the same company. they don't -- they fire roseanne. they bring him back. he wrote a book referring to the presidency as a f bomb. >> they withheld an episode on blackish. you do believe that roseanne was targeted because she was a conservative supporting trump. to be clear there's a lot more going on here, though, right? she's peddled conspiracy theories. she's said what she said about susan rice as well as valerie jarrett which susan rice retweeted. she called -- >> sure. >> she tweet that had george soros was a nazi. i understand while you laud that she's someone who through her show has represented conservatives or the show has represented conservatives, they feel akinship with the characters and with the show, why is it that the person you want reflecting a wide swath of americans would be someone like this? >> i would've never picked her in the first place. i don't think she represents me truly. i think the show was having an open dialogue and it had many diverse viewpoints whether it be her sister or nieces or anyone else in the show. the show if you watch the actual show, it had one extreme to the other extreme and they had a conversation about it, which is why people enjoyed it. why many conservatives are very upset that she was, in fact, fired after, by the way, apologizing, taking the tweet down and saying do not defend me, i am sorry is the fact that there is a double standard clearly at abc/espn when you have people that they will defend and higher like obarman who they just hired back, how can you stand out there and say we will not defend and we refuse to stand by roseanne and we're firing her to set an example but you hire a guy that's gone 100 times worse on twitter toward the president of the united states. >> that's a fair criticism and abc can answer for themselves. the problem is that too many conservatives are trying to make excuses instead of unequivocally saying -- >> i'm not making excuses. >> i'm not saying you. they're out there including the coverage of this. including arguments i had with conservatives on this on twitter. roseanne went back on twitter and was retweeting pictures, memes of apes and donald trump and still trying to justify so, you know -- >> we have to leave it there. we have to leave it there. the president hasn't said anything on this. don junior retweeted the tweet, the lie that roseanne tweeted. that's notable and ben, i would just say, if you delete something, you still said it and you still wrote it. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. coming up, president trump telling the world he wishes he'd picked another attorney general. a new report says he berated sessions recusing himself. so how will all of this impact robert mueller's probe. we'll discuss that next. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪ go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about anoro. ♪ go your own way get your first prescription free at give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. 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prokupecz is in washington with more. >> the latest series of tweets he essentially says that he wishes he had picked a different attorney general. now "the new york times" reporting that the president in march 2017 just after sessions recused himself from the russia investigations that when sessions flew to mar-a-lago to meet with trump, they had dinner and that trump there at that dinner berated the attorney general and told him he should reverse his decision to recuse himself from the russia investigation. now the "times" says that that was an unusual and potential inappropriate request and that jeff sessions refused trump's request. now "the new york times" has apart of the special counsel's investigation is looking at this meeting, it's part of its obstruction investigation as well as the repeated attacks on sessions by trump in the media and on twitter. poppy, as we've been reporting here at cnn, trump's lawyers are trying to keep mueller from questioning trump about these interactions with sessions, certainly some of the obstruction issues and about the firing of comey. >> thank you for the reporting. with me now to look at the legal side of this is our legal analyst and formal assistant to robert mueller, michael zeldin. the president this morning is responding to trey gowdy saying on cbs, look, there are a lot of lawyers. the president could have picked someone else to be attorney general and the president writes, i wish i did. this all ties into the "the new york times" reporting that shimon just laid out because "the new york times" reporting that the president tried to get sessions to unrecuse himself from the russia probe because of the issues there causing him to recusing himself is reason for mueller to look into obstruction of justice here, not just with the firing of james comey, but with how the president has handled jeff sessions, legally what are the obstacles here for the president? >> so there are a couple of things that this story raises. first, of course, is jeff sessions did, in fact, do the right thing. the guidelines that he is under as a justice department employee require him to recuse himself from an investigation where it is of a campaign that he was a senior member of. he has no choice but to follow the regulations and he's doing that properly. the president really has no business asking him to essentially violate the code of federal regulations governing recusals and asking him to quote/unquote, unrecuse himself. the president is out of bounds asking recusal -- unrecusal from the recused attorney general. >> one of the things that "the new york times" points out that's interesting is of the four dozen or so questions that the trump team compiled, eight of them relate to the attorney general and mr. sessions. here's a key one, quote, that mueller would ask the president, what efforts did you make to try to get him to reverse his recusal? what is mueller trying to get at here? intent? >> right. exactly. and what we've talked about in the past is that obstruction of justice, or in this case really probably abuse of office, because there's a question about whether you can obstruct justice if you are doing things that you're constitutionally permitted to do, so if there is a abuse of office inquiry, that inquiry is a mosaic of various components. the firing of comey, the asking of comey to let the flynn investigation go and now we have this additional group of pieces that all involve whether or not there was undo pressure point on not only sessions but also white house counsel don mcgahn to undo himself because of the thought -- because of the thought that if he had the right guy then they could stymie this investigation. that's what underlies this. >> and the talk about, you know, cmparing him to holder and saying holder protecting obama. before you go, giuliani, the president's personal lawyer, his defense in this is important. unrecused doesn't say bury the investigation. it says on the face of it, take responsibility for it and handle it correctly. good enough? is that going to fly with mueller's team? >> remember, giuliani was a guy who said a couple of weeks ago, he's only partially there in terms of learning the law and facts. he's still partially there because as we started at the top of this segment, the law requires sessions to be recused from an investigation of a campaign on which he was a senior member. so there is no partial pregnancy here. he is pregnant with conflict and he has to recuse himself. so giuliani's notion that he could partially manage this is just inconsistent with the regulations that govern sessions' behavior and good for jeff sessions for following the regulations and resisting the calls for him to come back on to the case. >> by the way, executing so many of the president's wishes, perhaps the one in his cabinet who's done that the most, who's looking at key things like immigration for this president. thank you very much. ahead for us, conspiracy challenged, a top republican lawmaker delivers a stinging takedown of the president's repeated unfounded claims that a spy was planted in his campaign. >> i am even more convinced that the fbi did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do. we had long deployments in iraq. i'm really grateful that usaa was able to take care of my family while i was overseas serving. it was my very first car accident. we were hit from behind. i called usaa and the first thing they asked was 'are you ok?' they always thank you for your service, which is nice because as a spouse you serve too. we're the hayles and we're usaa members for life. see how much you could save with usaa by bundling your auto and home insurance. get a quote today. if you have moderate to severe or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable with 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deere, it's worth it. >> i am even more convinced that the fbi did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got and that it has nothing to do with donald trump. house oversight chairman and top republican trey gowdy defending the fbi on fox news last night upending the president's repeated and unfounded claims that the fbi planted a spy in his campaign. gowdy's comments also striking because he's one of the select few who's been briefed on the fbi's confidential source. joining me now to discuss this, we have cnn political analyst el-lee ana johnson and bianna golodryga. so el-lee ana, i wonder how significant you think it is that -- i think a lot of critics certainly of trey gowdy would be surprised, liberal critics would be say he's breaking with president trump. this is a big deal. >> it is a big deal. trey gowdy, of course, was the house republican who led the benghazi investigation. he was a fiery critic of hillary clinton and the question about is this fbi mole or spy has been, was he conducting -- was he part of a rightful, just fbi counterintelligence investigation or did this counterintelligence investigation verge into something not quite right that was actually looking at donald trump. gowdy is saying this was a perfectly normal fbi counterintelligence investigation looking into russian interference in the trump campaign that they then warned president trump about. gowdy on the conservative side of house republicans i do think this hurts president trump. >> and it's important to note that gowdy knows what's going on here, he has the facts. he has been briefed. devin nunes has been briefed and they come to very different conclusions about this. >> he has the fact and this is a big deal, if you step back and look at it from a nonpolitical perspective, it shouldn't be a big deal, because trey gowdy is a former prosecutor. he knows how investigations are run and he's doubled down this morning on "cbs this morning," he said that he's never heard the term spy used in these types of investigations and that informants are used by law enforcement all the time in these matters. so once again he's stating the obvious. what's not obvious is for the majority of americans to understand how these investigations are run, so when you have only a select few of people coming out and explaining it, you can see why the president is being successful in at least attempting to muddy the waters by using the term "spy." trey gowdy confirming he doesn't use the term spy, he's never heard the spy used and informants are standard operating procedures in law enforcement investigations. >> you hit exactly on the reason why who president trump is really talking to here including in a rally that he was at last night in nashville. let's take a listen. >> so how do you like the fact they had people infiltrating our campaign? can you imagine? can you imagine? can you imagine? people infiltrating our campaign? is there anybody in this big, beautiful arena right now that's infiltrating our campaign? never in the history of our country has something taken place like took place during this election. >> it seems that no matter what the president -- no matter what trey gowdy says, even though this is very significant, president trump is going to make some people believers here. >> yeah. donald trump has a bigger mega phone than trey gowdy. he was at the president. i was at that rally and i have to say, trump has a real skill at boiling complicated issues down into very simple tropes and he's done that with the mueller investigation where the democrats have lost the threat. it's gotten very, very complicated and trump has made it into an issue of obama administration government overreach, trying to undermine his campaign and i think he's made that very simple for his supporters. >> go on. >> let's not forget who else intill traited a campaign and that is the russians and that is something we don't hear the president talking about at all throughout this time period despite the fact that you have intelligence chiefs telling him unanimous that they did in the past and they will attempt to do so in just a few months during the midterms. >> that's exactly right. trey gowdy -- and he really touched on that. he said -- i don't know if he's correct in this, but he said that the president is going to be glad that we have an fbi that took seriously what they heard. he was never the target. russia was the target, but bianna, he's still -- we've seen this over and over, he can't separate this investigation about russian interference in the election without taking it personally and a challenge to his legitimacy as a leader. >> he can't separate the two and keep in mind that he is now the leader. he's not a candidate. he's not running for office. he won. he is the president of the country and his job is to defend the country from russians once again trying and attempting to do what they did in the past. most people, nobody really, is serious of matter is questioning the authenticity of the question. what they are concerned about is russians repeating -- and not just russians, by the way. you've got the chinese and iranians, a lot of other countries now are trying to do the same thing and we don't hear the president address these issues at all and that is what's a bit alarming because, at least from what we know, nothing has been done to remedy the situation from happening again. >> we've heard his intel chief say this is a real ongoing threat and they've made it clear that not much is being done. they don't have the authority they need. bianna golodryga, thank you so much. elia eliana. thank you. hawaii residents are on their own as the lava from a volcano spreads. more than 70 homes destroyed at this point. we'll bring you an update next. your paycheck. your family depends on it. but if something happened to you... you need life insurance! and chances are selectquote can get it 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equipment and he took a picture and told her that if she ever came forward that he would share the picture with everyone. that ended up being a point -- they had a conversation about this consistently and listen to what the governor had say that this is this is a flashpoint to get him out of office. >> this ordeal was designed to create an incredible amount of strain on my family. it is clear that for the forces that oppose us there is no end in sight. i cannot allow those forces to continue to cause pain and difficulty to the people that i love. >> reporter: look, depending on who you you talk to in this case, some people never thought the governor would step down. you're talking about a former navy s.e.a.l., and a person who had a bright future ahead when it came to political theater. this has taken a turn. the leutenant governor will be taking over on friday and what happens to the charges that he faces, and we'll be seeing that in the next coming days. poppy? >> ryan young, appreciate the update. thank you very much. brie? searchers in maryland have found the bod of a national guardsman swept away. edison herman was trying to help a woman to safety during storms in ellicot city. while they are grieving, they are comforted by his courage, strength and selflessness. in the meantime the city is facing new challenges as it tries to clean up from those storms. a sewage main broke and overflowed nearby spilling waste and leading to a health alert and there is a new policy for residents on the big island of hawaii. first responders will no longer go door to door to rescue residents who refuse to evacuate. he said if they refuse to leave once final evacuation orders have been given then they will have to fend for themselves. meantime, more than 400 electricity poles have been damaged due to lava flow. there are hundreds of power outages in lower puna. >> wilbur ross is supposed to head to china for trade talks and that may not happen according to "the wall street journal." the white house reinstated tariff and other sanctions against china. the white house is ready to slap a 25% tax on about $50 billion worth of chinese good, but now china says they're ready to fight back. their foreign ministry spokesperson said, quote, we want to reiterate that we don't want a trade war, but we aren't afraid of fighting one. >> coming up, the roseanne fallout. the comedian blaming ambien for a racist tweet, and she was fired for her support of president trump and we'll have a look at her apology overnight. the self-proclaimed fixer michael cohen headed back to court this morning as we're learning the feds are poised to try to get more than a million files seized from his phone. we're following it. the closer you get to home, the more you know the commute is worth it. you and that john deere tractor... you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive. but just like a john deere, it's worth it. is not a marathon. it's a series of smart 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times" report came

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