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There or have recently visited the white house have tested positive for coronavirus, the latest Senior Advisor Stephen Miller, he is infected. And after weeks of getting the outbreak under control, overall cases are on the rise in washington, d. C. On top of that there is despair and confusion this morning after the president blows up stimulus talks, he says until after the election. Millions of americans and businesses were relying on that aid, counting on washington to do its job. We will get into more on that in a moment. Also tonight a major debate between Vice President pence and senator Kamala Harris, it will be one like you have we can assure you never seen before. Not to mention the plexiglas barriers on stage. This faceoff comes as some are doubting whether next weeks clash between the president and joe biden will happen at all. Lets begin this hour at the white house, our john harwood joins us there. There is a lot of news out of the white house this morning, john, but lets begin with the president s health as Stephen Miller has tested positive for covid. Reporter well, first of all, poppy, we dont know about the state of the president s health. We got a cursory statement yesterday from the white house physician saying that the president had reported no symptoms, but no detail, the doctor did not make himself available for questioning about specifics or the president s vital signs, whether hes still receiving oxygen, all that sort of thing. We also have not seen the president speak live to the american people. We understand that he recorded a statement yesterday, we have not seen it. So we dont know the president s condition. What we do know from his twitter feed is that he is cooped up in the residence, feeling sorry for himself, complaining that, for example, that fda rules on producing a safe vaccine and vetting the vaccine to make sure its safe are a political hit job on him because he cant announce a vaccine breakthrough before the election. So we understand that he wants to bust out of the residence, get to the oval office, but when you look at what a ghost town the west wing is right now, so many people out sick with coronavirus or quarantining because theyve been exposed to people who are sick with coronavirus, it is clear that there is a lot of apprehension about letting the president do that. May happen as early as today. In the meantime as you noted he blew up those stimulus talks with the house and then once there was blow back of that for being a politically unwise decision he raised the possibility of a la carte passage of things like paycheck protection and aid to airlines, that sort of thing. But this president is not acting in a way that suggests that hes concerned about other people. He is concerned and focused principally on himself and he appears interest his conduct to be a danger to himself healthwise as well as to those around him, guys. John harwood, thank you for reporting on all those fronts. Had lets get to salt lake city, it is the site of a big consequential debate tonight, Jason Carroll is there, jason, your mask is on, theyre mandated this time, thats a good thing, and the plooeks is up plexiglas is up and the anticipation is building. Reporter a number of the critics of the Vice President were wondering why this was something that was even being debated at all, when you consider the fact that the Vice President is head of the white houses task force on the coronavirus, you look at what happened with Stephen Miller becoming infected, his wife, some folks out there may not know, but his wife katie miller is the press secretary for the Vice President , the two work closely with each other. She flew home yesterday, she tested negative, but given all the optics involved with this you can see why someone like senator Kamala Harris is going to could he in on this issue tonight. She basically is going to be presenting the Vice President and the president as two of the same in terms of the administrations failed response to the coronavirus. Pence, the Vice President for his part, will do what he can to try to show that senator harris is too progressive, too liberal for the country. Also lets look ahead at what we can expect in terms of the format of tonights debate. There will be no opening or closing statements. Again, the plexiglas is up. The candidates will be standing about 12 feet 3 inches apart. It will last for 90 minutes with tenminute segments. The moderator will be susan page from usa today and as you mentioned, poppy, masks required by all attendees here inside the hall. Some questions about the tone of tonights debate, a lot of people wondering about that given what we saw during the president ial debate. Both of these candidates, skilled debaters, both seem to be from what weve soon in the past very calm in terms of how they debate. Lets see how that plays out tonight when the two hit the stage. Poppy, jim. You look at those plexiglas barriers, not particularly intrusive, we see them at grocery stores, at pharmacies, you see them all over right now, remarkable that was a fight. Jason carroll, thanks very much. This morning President Trump is attacking the fda after it issued guidelines to vaccine makers, guidelines that seem to follow the science here and the safety, but would make it difficult to meet the president s demand of a vaccine by the election. The agency now says they want they need two months of safety data. This is after trials finished. The final shot is given, before they will consider giving emergency use authorization to a vaccine. Lets bring in former fda commissioner dr. Mark mcclellin. Good to have you. Good morning. Good morning, poppy. Explain to everyone why to at least two months of data is imperati imperati imperative. Well, poppy, these are vaccines that are going to be given to people who are healthy, were trying to keep millions of americans from getting the coronavirus, and so its very important to make sure that there arent rare or significant side effects. Weve seen that with some vaccines, it hopefully is not going to be the case with the many vaccines under development now and in these advanced very large Clinical Trials for covid, but most of those side effects show up within the first couple of months because they can be rare its very important to get the data on tens of thousands of patients and, poppy, the standards that fda is applying here are standards like theyve used for other vaccines where these large Clinical Trials are required before theyre used on many americans. So this is not really a raising the bar, this is setting the bar in the right place. Dr. Mcclellin weve seen a number of instances in the last several months where institutions including Health Institutions have it would appear let politics trump the science. You had hhs pushing and exaggerating the benefits of a treatment on the eve of the Republican National convention, the white house pushing hydroxychloroquine which the president himself did not take when he became infected. Do you see the fda putting out these restrictions as something of a victory, that medicine trumps politics here . It is a reminder of how important it is for us to have an fda that has surrounded by processes that people understand, that are backed by science, theyre backed by experience in terms of doing good, independently overseeing Clinical Trials, having independent review by the fda and coming up on the convenience, jim, will be a Public Meeting where independent experts that advise the fda will have a chance to give their views about whether the vaccine is safe and effective enough for use. This is really important in a Public Health emergency, we need to do it as timely as possible to make sure people have the confidence in the treatments that are coming. It can apply to other treatments, too. Theres an important announcement from lily today about the monoclonal antibodies, the treatments like what appeared to make a significant difference for President Trump last week, about those potentially becoming available soon and we need that process to be just as sciencebased. Thats a really good point and to build on jims excellent point about is science finally winning here. This is from dr. Peter marks who heads the fdas center for biologic research. He is key in all of this. Here is what he said that struck me. Theres something thats really amazing that you can actually use sometimes and that is you can sometimes actually use data. Its sort of like duh, but the fact that he had to say it, right . You know, its duh, but its also its data and its data from trials where people are randomizing the treatment or get Something Else so we dont make mistakes and conclude that theres a safety problem or important benefit. This is the way science should work and its gareat to see it working to make a difference in this pandemic. Doctor, before we go, lets set aside the political timeline here because the science timeli timeline, the medicine one is the one that matters. In your view is this country still on track to have a vaccine approved perhaps as soon as the end of this year based on where the science is leading us . I think so. You know, we have to see what actually happens in the Clinical Trials, fda has paused one of them because of a safety concern so we have to make sure that the results are really there, but i do see the trials on track to have some availability at least to highest risk americans Like Health Care workers and people in Nursing Homes potentially before the end of the year. It will be well into next year before vaccines may be widely available if we keep up with that pace. The other Important News is that there are some some of these other treatments like a Monoclonal Antibody that President Trump got that could be available significantly sooner. So the treatments are coming along, we really need to support the science to get them moving along as fast as possible while making sure they are safe and effective. Thank you, doctor. So good to have you on all of this this morning. Good to be with you. Thank you. Joining us now New York Times Political Correspondent alex burns and npr White House Reporter ayesha roscoe. Mice to have you both here. Alex, let me begin with you if i could on stimulus because you had a very colorful way of explaining the president s move last night to just throw it all out. Quote, a staggering act of selfharm and sabotage to his party. Why . Well, poppy, for the closing weeks of his own campaign and its important to remember that his campaign has tied up in it the fates of republicans all up and down the ballot, the party has been hoping that the president would, you know, either before he got infected or coming out of the hospital deliver a pretty clear and forceful message about the economy and about the recovery from covid, perhaps informed by his own personal experience, and maybe could forge some kind of deal on the hill that would give him something to campaign on in the final weeks of this election. For months he has been campaigning essentially on the idea that the pandemic is a thing of the past. That message is pretty much shot because of whats going on in the white house and just because of the factual reality that we are all living in, but that notion of an economic message would give him something to work with, would give his Party Something to work with. What has happened instead is that the president has cut off negotiations and has done it in factually the language that democrats have been using to attack the Republican Party, saying theyre more focused on the Supreme Court than on helping people suffering. Ayesha roscoe, Vice President biden went to gettysburg yesterday to give an address about division in this country and a way forward, but he also spoke about the Health Crisis in this country, particularly on the issue of mask wearing. I want to play his sound and ask you a quick question. Wearing a mask is not a political statement. Its a scientific recommendation. Social distancing isnt a political statement, its a scientific recommendation. This pandemic is not a red state or blue state issue. This virus doesnt care whether you live or where you live, what Political Party you belong to. It affects us all. It will take anyones life. Its a virus. Its not a political weapon. Has the Biden Campaign in your view determined that the response to the virus, the outbreak, is the central issue in this election . Absolutely. And i think thats what youre going to see tonight in the debate with Kamala Harris versus mike pence. Youre going to hear them driving that home because that is a big issue for the u. S. As a whole and were seeing it play out for the president himself. I mean, the president s own health is at risk, we see that even with, you know, the joint chiefs of staff, some of them are having to quarantine. All of these issues, i mean, its affecting the federal government and this is an issue where President Trump in particular has had very weak marks on polls. This has been the weakness for him and part of the reason why his polls have been so low is because of his handling and his management of the coronavirus and that key groups do not approve of it, senior citizens, a lot of women, and so you see the Biden Campaign really honing in on this. There was a really fiery debate last night in arizona, alex, and im super fascinated with arizona right now because of what our poll numbers, the New York Times poll showed this week is that biden has an 8 point lead in arizona, if he were to win arizona it would be the first to do that for democrats since 96. If you could listen to this exchange between the moderator and republican Martha Mcsally about whether she basically stands by the president if shes proud of the work the president has done. Lets roll it. Are you proud of your support for President Trump . Well, im proud that im fighting for arizonans on things like cutting your taxes. Senator, the question was are you proud of your support for President Trump . Im proud to be fighting for arizona every single day. Is that a yes or a no for President Trump . Putting legislation on President Trumps desk. By the way, kudos to the moderator, just an excellent job on that. Alex, what does that tell you about not just her but the party right now . Well, in her case i would just say quickly, poppy, its baffling because she has tied herself so closely to the president all along that so suddenly seek separation at this point in that sort of very stilted way does not seem particularly strategically wellinformed. In terms of the Bigger Picture of the Republican Party that shows you the corn that they have painted themselves into. That they feel in a state like arizona that they have a choice between either tying themselves inseparably to the president and alienating the majority of voters who dislike the president , most of them in arizona according to our polling are voting for joe biden, or seeking separation from the president and enraging the hard core base of the Republican Party and perhaps the president himself. Mcsally aligning herself with the president s attack on the media, i remember her interaction with our colleague manu raju a few weeks back. What is the view of mcconnells view on the stimulus, does he see danger to senators in time races . It was always a kind of his focus is clearly on the Supreme Court right now and it was always going to be a bit tough in the senate because there were a lot of senators who were against doing, you know, another big stimulus, you know, all of a sudden they were getting concerned about how much is being spent. So i think it was always a tricky thing to happen, but if trump had leaned on him and said that he really wanted this done, it would have gotten done. Guys, i think we might have some news to talk about in the next couple of weeks, im sure we will have you back. Alex burns, ayesha, probably more before the end of the day, thanks to both of you. Still to come this hour right now top pentagon leaders top pentagon leaders are under quarantine after being exposed to covid19. What does that mean for your countrys National Security . Also tonight senator Kamala Harris the first africanamerican woman to be on a major party ticket, to be nominated as Vice President , takes the stage to debate mike pence. Her focus, though, may not just be solely on the Vice President. We will tell you why. And a powerful hurricane is battering cancun as we speak, and other parts of mexico right now. Is the u. S. At risk . Heres another cleaning tip from mr. Clean. Cleaning tough bathroom and kitchen messes with sprays and wipes can be a struggle. Theres an easier way. Try mr. Clean magic eraser. Just wet, squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum. And cakedon grease from oven doors. Now mr. Clean magic eraser comes in disposable sheets. Theyre perfect for icky messes on stovetops. In microwaves. And all over the house. For an amazing clean, try mr. Clean magic eraser, and mr. Clean magic eraser sheets. Its a badge of armor of care of respect. Because it means you fight for the safety of those you love. When you come into walgreens you get a flu shot thats right for you. And them you become a flu fighter. Do your part and defend your crew against the flu. Walgreens well, a Major Development this morning, several top generals are quarantined after the vice commandant of the coast guard tested positive for covid19. Cnn pentagon correspondent barbara star, one of the first to report this. Barbara, you reported that they have not yet tested positive. I imagine that theyre continuing to be tested, but how is this impacting operations in the pentagon . Well, good morning. Yes, all of them are continuing to be tested as as of right now all of them are still negative after that exposure through the number two admiral at the coast guard last week when he was here in the pentagon for a series of meetings. What we know this morning besides all testing negative, they are all tull continuing to from home out of what were being told is an abundance of caution and in compliance with cdc protocols. It is expected they will continue to work from home at least through monday. Really we are told very adamantly it is not impacting National Security, but make no mistake, the key official here would be general mark milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, he is purchases top military adviser, he has to be in touch around the world 24 hours a day with anyone that he needs to talk to about National Security, be ready to make recommendations to the president if there is a crisis. General milley has a complete classified suite of communications in his home, he lives on a military base here in the washington area. So were told he has everything at his fingertips, he can continue to work from home and it looks like the joint chiefs will not be back in the pentagon for several days now. Just to be clear, barbara, would the other members of the joint chiefs also have access to classified information and classified communications at home . Sure. Yeah. Okay. Absolutely. But on general milleys level its a bit of a different story given his responsibilities to advise President Trump at all times. Understood. And thats of course key because they need that access to make key decisions. Barbara star, thanks very much. Sure. 25 states are now seeing a spike in coronavirus cases, we bring you that map every day, at least a dozen reported more than 1,000 new cases on monday alone. I mean, many times, poppy, what you see in entire countries abroad. Its a total failure across the board. The nations top Infectious Disease doctor warning now, thats dr. Anthony fauci, that this country could see as many as 400,000 covid deaths this winter. Alex joins us, good morning, alex. Reporter good morning. It is incredibly sobering for anyone who has heard that we are rounding the corner, you just have to look at the map, you will see that half of the country is seeing an uptick in cases, nearly as many states are also seeing rising death tolls, wisconsin being hit hard, emergency orders will limit public gatherings of 25 capacity of any room or building as the state records its highest case numbers, highest death toll and highest rate of hospitalizations all in just the last few days. We have to keep our eye on the hospitalizations and the fact that the death toll is rising in a number of these states across the country. Important information as you may be hearing this is a virus that is somewhat magically easy to beat. We know it isnt. Thats why dr. Fauci is again sounding the alarm bell and pointing out the fact that we are averaging 40,000 new cases as a country every day. This is not the number that public officials, Public Health officials, hoped to have as we head into the colder winter months and into flu season. They had hoped you would see cases going down around the country, that it would give them a lower baseline, that it would help to prepare across the country for the challenges that come along with flu season. It was dr. Fauci who last spring suggested we could have some 200,000 deaths related to coronavirus if people didnt follow basic protocols. We are210,000 now. Poppy and jim, as you pointed out he is saying if we continue on this trajectory we could hit 300,000 or 400,000 american deaths this winter. Wow. Alex, thank you for that reporting. Youre right, it is very sobering to hear. Also this economy, were moments away from the market opening after the president threw out stimulus talks, futures are higher here, investors have a lot of uncertainty. The president s Health Crisis among them, his decision to reject any more stimulus talks before after the election and then suddenly sort of trying to half walk that back hours later. Now suggesting maybe he will support a standalone deal for airlines and businesses. All of this if there is no deal could lead to a notable noticeable slowdown in the economy. Hey, son no dad, its a video call. You got to move the phone in front of you like. Like its a mirror, dad. You know . Alright, okay. Hows that . Is that how you hold a mirror . [ding] power e trade gives you an awardwinning mobile app with powerful, easytouse tools and interactive charts to give you an edge, 24 7 support when you need it the most plus 0 commissions for online u. S. Listed stocks. Dont get mad. Get e trade and start trading today. Dont get mad. Get e trade he calls on the nations antop health experts. S, working together, for all americans, is what joe does. 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Eliminate who you are not first, and youre going to find yourself where you need to be. The race is never over. The journey has no port. The adventure never ends, because we are always on the way. A live look at the big board this morning as u. S. Markets react after the president calls off stimulus talks completely until after the election. So stimulus talks are dead and thats a tragedy for millions of americans and its a tragedy that could have been prevented. So this morning a message to all of you in power in washington, while you have been fighting, bitterly, millions of americans, Small Business owners, restaurant workers, airline and hotel employees, theyve been anxiously waiting. Waiting for you guys to come through for them. Do you know what its like to have the threat of electi evict hanging over you . Israel rodriguez does and so do his babies. When it hit i lost my job. It took me a month to get another job. This is my check but i aint making it with 300. Do you know what its like to stand in line at a food bank for hours . Look at these lines. In georgia, in florida, in nevada. Did you know that 14 million children in america dont have enough to eat right now . That is three times more than during the Great Recession. The food thats what we struggle more. Sometimes we eat, sometimes we dont. Have you talked to them . We have. Have you heard the Restaurant Owners pleading for their survival . Im worried about having a heart attack to be perfectly honest with you. And did you listen when the airlines said over and over again they would furlough another 30,000 workers if you failed to make a deal . So Congress Getting a new deal together could save 1900 pilot jobs at delta . Absolutely. Mr. President , four days ago, four days ago, you tweeted this, our great u. S. A. Wants and needs stimulus, Work Together and get it done. But now youre not getting it done. And your former senior economic adviser Kevin Hassett told me last night, quote, we remain close to the edge of an economic calamity. Did you hear fed chair jay powell say just yesterday we must do more . Did you hear ben bernanke the republican fed chair who led our country out of the Great Recession say dont repeat the list aches made back then . Again, a message to all of you in washington this morning. Do your job for the millions of americans who dont have one because time is running out. Poppy, im so glad you did that. I know a lot of folks viewing are experiencing this economic pain very personally, right . Behind each of those numbers, you know, every week the new unemployment claims, the people whose furloughs are turning into permanent job losses, those are families, those are people with children, people struggling to feed those families. Yes. Yeah. Were going to stay on top of it, poppy and i. We promise. We promise you that. Yep. And there were, of course, strong words from the Federal Reserve chairman highlighting the need for economic support in the country and now cnns Christine Romans joins us to talk about the impact on the broader economy if no stimulus deal. Tell us how this plays out here in the numbers with peoples livelihoods. Yeah, well, we already know about half of American Families with children have either suffered a job loss or they have lost income of some sort over the summer. So this is already, you know, family Kitchen Table economics here that everyone is feeling every single day. We know the business round table, these are the most famous executives, biggest chief executives of the Biggest Companies out with a warning basically alarm that there could be a pause in the talks or a halt to the talks for stimulus saying failure to reach a deal would worsen the crisis, it could be harder to recover from this, prolong the crisis for our country if you dont get additional relief here. I would say universally yesterday when the president said this, that they are not talking anymore about stimulus, there was alarm and disappointment across the spectrum of industries. Now, this morning youve got a stock market higher here, in part because last night about 10 00 the president seemed to be dangling some individual stimulus measures, like relief for airlines, for example. Now, thats something maybe they could get some agreement on relief for airlines and save some of those tens of thousands of jobs that have been cut just in the past week or so. So maybe there is some hope there. But i will tell you politically, you know, its hard to understand what the gambit was here for this president just saying he was going to walk away from this and focus on the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court nomination alone. I mean, there are millions of people really suffering. Maybe not the president s close personal friends and family, but you know that main street is in a whole lot of hurt right now, even though weve added some jobs, even though the jobless rate is back down to 7. 9 , it still really hurts out there. 100 . I wouldnt hold your breath for these individual deals. You think so . Meadows just said the negotiations are off. Yeah. Its like if they dont if we didnt do our jobs we wouldnt have jobs, so washington do your job. Its so interesting to me, you guys, this was probably going to fidsel out, stimulus talks were probably going to fizzle out. A couple days ago the wall street strategists were saying maybe with the new administration you will get a big stimulus package so the president basically killed the kill that would have died anyway so he takes the blame for mo reason. Plity i dont understand why he did that. The suggestion of doing partial deals just on, for instance, airline support, thats been on the table for weeks now. Yeah. Rejected. Outright, blocked by republicans. Hes going backwards five weeks. He has moved the conversation backwards five weeks. Grateful for you, romance. Thank you very much. Also tonight big high stakes debate between Vice President mike pence and senator Kamala Harris in just hours we will speak with the first ever black female senator, also a biden surrogate, about the significance of tonight. Hope is the light in all of us that cannot be extinguished. To stir that fire, university of phoenix is awarding up to one Million Dollars in scholarships through this month. See what scholarship you qualify for at phoenix. Edu. With acetaminophenction see what scholarship you qualify for fights pain in two ways. Advil targets pain at the source. While acetaminophen blocks pain signals. The future of pain relief is here. New advil dual action. Hey kaleb, whats up . How you doing . Hey, im good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. Really . I just had my 17th surgery. Well, you beat me. 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Its expected to reemerge in the gulf of mexico today. Matt rivers joins us in playa del war mcarmen. Reporter good morning. Certainly not a beautiful resort town today, although the skies are beginning to clear after what was an extremely stormy night here for residents along the yucatan peninsula, starting up north in cancun, down to where the storm made landfall, playa del carmen, 20 miles south of where the landfall happened. It made landfall as a category 2 storm. On monday we were tracking that was a tropical depression in the mexico city bureau, keeping our eyes on it. On Tuesday Morning we woke up and find ourselves needing to travel here to cover a hurricane. It was a fast moving storm and today the big question is what kind of wind damage is there. This is not a rain making storm at least here on this peninsula. But the winds were quite strong. Quite stoconcentrated especiall where the storm came on shore. We are going to take a look to see what kind of damage might have happened as a result of this storm. It is moving quickly, it is moving away from where i am, it is moving toward the United States. Most computer models at this point have the storm heading towards the state of louisiana and what we saw here and what damage we will see here will likely be some sort of a preview to what we might in the United States as this storm continues its northbound trek likely towards louisiana. Jim and poppy. Matt rivers, thanks very much. We will keep you posted as that storm heads towards the u. S. Coast. We will be right back. Go go go on a real vacation. Visit go rving. Com or your nearest rv dealer. We have to make sure that those connections are positive. Its not enough to just connect go on apeople. Acation. Its not enough to just give people a voice. We need to make sure that people arent using it to harm other people or to spread misinformation. Across the board, we have a responsibility to not just build tools, but to make sure that theyre used for good. I started facebook, i run it, and im responsible for what happens here. Taking california for a ride. Companies like uber, lyft, doordash. Breaking state employment laws for years. Now these multibilliondollar companies wrote deceptive prop 22 to buy themselves a new law. To deny drivers the rights they deserve. No sick leave. No workers comp. No unemployment benefits. Vote no on the deceptive uber, lyft, doordash prop 22. One ride california doesnt want to take. Well, Health Care Workers as you know face the tremendous stress of being at constant risk. No question. More so than really anybody, in los angeles one woman also worries what might happen to her own family members as many of them work right now on the front lines with her. Cnns Miguel Marquez has the story. Reporter Julia Jimenez a frontline working in the fight against the coronavirus. Sometimes i do go to the breakroom and i take everything off and i break down and i start crying. I do that a lot. Jimenez is part of a family that works as nurses or doctors. Shes lived for months isolated from her parents and son, worried about their health and economic well being. What is the level of stress in your life . I dont know. I dont sleep very well. Im very, very stressed. Its not an easy time. Reporter on a scale of one to ten if 10 is the worse . Im an 11. Reporter stressed at home, distressed at work, seeing others not take the pandemic seriously. Hoping now that the president has it i hope he will change his message that they need to take it seriously and not wear jokes about not wearing a mask. Now you see firsthand how serious it is. Its going to disappear. One day like a miracle it will disappear. I dont wear masks like him. You can be speaking 200 feet away from him and he shows up with the biggest mask ive ever seen. Reporter the number one driver of misinformation about the pandemic says a new study from cornell university. In the report mentions of donald trump made 38 of the misinformation conversation, what researchers call an infoedemic. Where are we going . I think it will get a lot worse before it gets better. Reporter she knows too well. 17 members of our own family have been sickened with the virus. Her aunt once the life the party, she says, is on a ventilator for more than a month now. I look at my patients every day and i say i would hate if that was my family member. And now it is. Reporter the coronavirus does not discriminate from a mexicanamerican family to the first family. I think our country is in very bad shape now and theyre getting bad advice. Reporter this frontline in america knows and hopes all now understand this frontline pandemic is a killer that isnt going anywhere any time soon. Goodness, those final moments are just heartbreaking. That was Miguel Marquez reporting. New this morning, the president returning to the oval office today, two days after returning home from the hospital. Of course, the question is he still infectious . Stay with us. Well be discussing. Our nation has never had a more dangerous and corrupt president than trump. Hes harming our basic values, giving rise to hate, and hes selling out america to big corporations. Im working to protect immigrants, women, communities of color, and lgbtq people. And im making corporations like pg e and Insurance Companies play by our rules. We need experienced leadership to wipe away trumps stain on america for good. Very good wednesday morning to you. Im jim sciutto. And im poppy harlow. This morning the white house says it is preparing for the president , still infected with covid19, to make a return to the oval office. Just moments ago chief of staff mark meadows claimed the president is, quote, doing quite well. Doing really well, that was his exact quote, and that he wanted to get back to the oval office yesterday. This as the white house, the nations house, is experiencing its own hot spot, and that outbreak continuing to grow. So far at least 19 people who work at or have recently been to the white house for events have tested positive for coronavirus. This includes members of the military, Senior Adviser to the president Stephen Miller is the latest to become infected. And tonight a major highstakes debate between Vice President pence and senator Kamala Harris, of course, democratic nominee for Vice President , one that will include now plexiglas barriers on stage for safety. First, lets get to cnns john harwood. Hes at the white house for more on what the president is saying what the white house is saying, rather, about the president s condition. What are they saying and what facts, what data has the public been privy to, to confirm what the white house is claiming about his health . Not much facts at all. Just some descriptions from the doctor yesterday and a brief note saying trump has reported no symptoms. That is selfreported no symptoms. Not details on the president s vital signs or results of an skags or anything like that. Mark meadows saying that the president is doing very well. Of course, mark meadows is not a doctor. We do know that the president has been holed up in the residence after busting out of walter reed over the weekend, on significant medications. Hes been taking a steroid, dexamethasone. Hes been feeling sorry for himself. We can see from his twitter feed, complaining fda regulations about the safety of a new vaccine are a split hit job on him. We saw he pulled the plug on stimulus talks with nancy pelosi and the congress yesterday, and then after there was some criticism, he seemed to reverse himself and propose some progress on individual stimulusrelated issues. And now the president wants to go to the oval office today, even though he remains infectious, as the white house, the west wing has been turned into sort of a ghost town with so many people either sick themselves or quarantining because theyre concerned about being sick. It all had dr. Anthony fauci, the top u. S. Infectious doctor in the country, shaking his head. Take a look at what happened this week at the white house. That is a reality right there. And every day that goes by, more people are popping up that are infected. Its not a hoax. Its an unfortunate situation when you see Something Like that, because that could have been prevented. Of course, this is just a microcosm of the National Response by the Trump Administration that has seen more than 210,000 americans lose their lives. So if you look at that in context, its very hard to avoid the conclusion, jim, that the president is a danger to himself tonight people around him as well as to the country. And dr. Fauci said the death toll could double this winter to 400,000, which is a very large multiple of the number of deaths during a typical flu season. John harwood, thank you very much. Lets go to Jason Carroll in salt lake city. There was a debate before tonights debate about plexiglas barriers. Pences team making teenage comments about it at first but now its up. So what led them to cave on this . Well, i think it was Stephen Miller, right . I think that was sort of the straw that broke the camels back here. When you look at the fact that katie miller, which is Stephen Millers wife, is the Vice President s press secretary and even though the Vice President and his office raised objections to putng

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