The way to answer all these questions is for the president to show his earnings. His partners, his debts. His tax returns. But the opposite is happening. President trump is now suing two banks and a Congressional Committee to keep financial documents secret. And as long as his finances stay hidden we will never know if the person elected to lead the United States of america is working for the peoples interest or his own. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon and at the end of a week when this president brought us to the brink of war with iran, a week when he doubled down on his trade war with china, one thats getting more and more costly for more and more americans, now this administration is flat out unapologetically breaking the law. The treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena from the house ways and Means Committee for six years of the president s tax returns even though the law does not allow him to decide for himself whether to comply. That is illegal. You dont think the attorney general would be advising the president to order his administration to follow the law . And in another administration that might be true, but this attorney general is doing the president s bidding, as always, speaking to an audience of one, as always, acting more like the president s attorney instead of the attorney general. The former fbi director james comey tweeting just tonight, and this is a quote, the a. G. Should stop sliming his own department. If there are bad facts, show us, or search for them professionally, and then tell us what you found. An a. G. Must act like the leader of the department of justice, an organization based on truth, donald trump has enough spokespeople. Former fbi director. Wow. All of this as barr is slamming the mueller investigation. The president calls this a witch hunt. He calls it a hoax. Would you agree with that . Well, as ive said, if he were the president i think he would view it as a witch hunt and a hoax because at the time he was saying he was innocent. And that he was being falsely accused, and thats if youre falsely accused, you would think that something was a witch hunt. Lets remember, in his confirmation hearings william barr said exactly the opposite. Do you believe mr. Mueller would be involved in a witch hunt against anybody . I dont believe mr. Mueller would be involved in a witch hunt. Well, now he apparently does, or at least he is willing to say he does. As long as its what the president wants to hear. Even though hes essentially throwing his good friend bob mueller under the bus. Remember he said in his hearings he and bob were really good friends, no wonder they havent spoken lately. When did you speak with him last . Correspond with him . The last i talked to him was, i think, the thursday after he delivered his report when we had a telephone call. But theres no so thats been several weeks . Yeah, but theres no thats not because of any strain between us or anything. And that call, the attorney general mentions, the last time he talked to mueller, that call came after mueller said not one but two letters to barr, criticizing his summary of the special counsels report for not fully capturing the context, nature and substance of muellers work and conclusions. Heres what barr says about his summary. Which he will say and democrats will say is that you were spinning on behalf of the president , with the principal conclusions that you released, they leveled charges that you held back the Mueller Report for several weeks. Were you spinning for the white house to buy some time . No, i wasnt. I think what theyre really perhaps annoyed about is that they didnt have an opportunity to spin and that the fundamental findings of the report were out there for everybody to see. And they were not in a position to spin. Shouldnt the a. G. Be above partisan . A lot like the i know you are, but what am i defense. Attorney general barr goes on fox to spin the mueller investigation, denies spinning for the white house, and accuses democrats of being annoyed because they were not in a position to spin. Is your head spinning yet . Mine is. Thats actually the point, to distract and deflect. Foxs Chris Wallace saying barr, and this is a quote, clearly is protecting this president and advocating his point of view. But in another corner of fox news the president was getting blowback where he might least expect it. Listen to this, this is from fox news legal analyst Andrew Napolitano. It is dangerous when president s write their own laws, impose their own taxes, spend money how they want and congress looks the other way. Its dangerous. Because its too much of an accumulation of power in the presidency, and it imbalances that delicate balance that the separation of powers created. We need to be careful about too much power in the hands of too few. With all of that going on the president started his day today with a twitter tirade, including his false claim that his campaign was spied on, a claim that was knocked down by his own fbi director. Do you have any evidence that any illegal surveillance into the campaigns or individuals associated with the campaigns by the fbi occurred . I dont think i personally have any evidence of that sort. So the president going on to tweet it now seems general flynn was under investigation long before it was common knowledge. It would have been impossible for me to know this. But if that was the case and with me being one of two people who would become president why was i not told so that i could make a change . As we always say on this program and on this network, facts matter, facts first, the fact is, and im going to show you the evidence, he and his campaign were told over and over and over. Flynn himself told don mcgahn who was a top lawyer on the Trump Transition Team that he was under federal investigation for lobbying work he did secretly for turkey while he was working on the trump campaign. That is according to the new york times. Then president barack obama in the oval office two days after trumps election win warned him not to make flynn a member of his National Security team because his name kept popping up in the investigation of russias election interference. Thats two examples right there. Then, heres another one, the acting attorney general sally yates told mcgahn after the inauguration that flynn could be essentially blackmailed by the russians. I had two inperson meetings and one phone call with the white House Counsel about mr. Flynn. Chris christie, Chris Christie says he warned trump multiple times that flynn was trouble. I didnt think that he was someone who would bring benefit to the president or to the administration, and i made that very clear to candidate trump and i made it very clear to president elect trump. That was my opinion, my view. Chris christie, supporter of this president. So why is the president on such a tear about flynn today . Well, maybe what were learning about him is getting a little too close to home. Theres this, at the same time, he was cooperating with the mueller investigation, flynn may have been playing both sides, sending direct messages to congressman matt gates who was publicly criticizing the investigation. One message reads you stay on top of what youre doing, your leadership is so vital to our country right now, keep the pressure on. If that doesnt make his point clear enough, theres also an eagle and a flag. That as we are now learning more tonight about Court Documents showing that flynn told mueller that people connected to the Trump Administration or congress contacted him, potentially trying to influence him not to cooperate with prosecutors. He gave mueller a voice mail of one of those conversations. And now a judge is ordering that the transcript of that conversation be made public, along with flynns calls with russian officials and potentially redacted parts of the Mueller Report. And all of that may not play into the president s preferred and false narrative that he has been 100 exonerated. So what does he do . What he always does. Deny, get angry, attack. Hes doing it today. The question is, will it work . I told you about the former fbi director james comey slamming attorney general william barr. Is this kind of unbecoming sniping exactly why we need to hear from robert mueller, to settle all of this down . That is the question for jim sciutto, john dean, phil mudd, next. 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Should stop sliming his own department. If there are bad facts, show us and then tell us what you found. An a. G. Must act like the leader of the department of justice, an organization based on truth. Donald trump has enough spokes people. And then there is a second one, the president claiming the fbi investigation was treason reminds me that a russian what a russian once said, that a russian said im reading it off the monitor, because its just in, a lie told often enough becomes the truth, that shouldnt happen in america. Who will stand up . Again, this is all coming from the former director of the fbi tonight. What do you make of all this, jim sciutto . Listen. It cant be good for the departments, right, to have this public sniping between current and former leaders. Its an expression of where our political discourse is today in washington. I suppose we shouldnt be surprised by it but we should Pay Attention to it and we should be concerned by it, i mean, what strikes me here is the contradiction among sitting heads of these agencies right now, and you highlighted it, don, at the start of this program, bill barr is saying very publicly that he has concerns, seemingly evidence for concerns about how this investigation started, the head of the fbi was asked under oath last week, chris wray, whether hed seen any evidence and he said no. Just as simple as that. The question is, is barr being titillating here by sort of raising questions, perhaps with an eye to how the president will hear that, or has he discovered something and is that in conflict with what the fbi director knows about the start of this investigation . Its legitimate question but rather than airing those genuine concerns you better have something to back it up before you put it out there, you know, for the American Public and the president to jump on as well. Yeah. Ive got to ask you, john dean, so now we have the former fbi director, we have the current a. G. And the former deputy a. G. All sniping at each other, which is why we need to hear from mueller, right, he may be the only person who can settle all of this down. He certainly is, and we certainly do hope to hear from him. I understand theyre still unable to come up with a date certain. Theres questions about executive privilege as to whether that will be invoked or not. But don, i must tell you, somebody who spent some years at the department of justice, there is a professional body there that really just pay much attention to whats happening at the top of the pyramid, if you will. Theyll go on about their professional work, and so i dont think we need to worry about that. But we do need to worry about is the fact that this investigation of an investigation is just unprecedented. Yeah. And uncalled for. Yeah. Were going to talk a little bit more about that but i just want to bring you in, phil, and ask you because as im reading all this, as im talking about the former fbi director, the former attorney general, the current attorney general, what the president has been tweeting, many of his people spreading all these conspiracy theories, everyone sniping at each other, is there any greater victory for Vladimir Putin . I dont think there could be. If you look at the history of what i participated in for a living, the spy business, this is what you call covert action, youre trying to use an operation that you can plausibly deny, thats Vladimir Putin saying to the president as he said in helsinki, finland, we dont have anything to do with this interference in the campaign, we didnt put anything on facebook or twitter. If you could have said two and a half, three years ago, don, in the midst of that russian operation, that covert action if you could have said this is going to take down multiple cabinet members, this is going to embarrass the president , this is in some ways going to lead the president to get closer to putin send people to prison. Remarkable. Yeah, its really unbelievable. Jim sciutto, so bill barr, he went from oh, i dont believe mueller would be involved in a witch hunt, that was at his confirmation hearing, to now saying that he is comfortable with trump calling it a witch hunt. I mean, talk about an evolution, or maybe a devolution. No question, look at the wording hes used, witch hunt or spying. It colors the work of the entire department and the agencies involved, right, i mean, and he knows, and hes been attorney general before, he knows about the many loyal, hard working people in that building who follow protocol, follow the rules, its the nature of their job. Its the president who entered that kind of phraseology and attack into the Public Discourse with ease and he tweets that way a thousand times a day, right, to have the attorney general now echoing that as he sits atop, you know, the very agency the president is accusing of that kind of behavior. I just want i speak to folks inside that building all the time. And the gentleman on the air, you know, like phil who served there, and john dean as well who served in those institutions before, they know better than me that doesnt make the folks in there feel good or happy or proud or protected as theyre trying to do their jobs. Uhhuh. I want you guys to listen, and this will be for you, john, but i just want you to listen to what Chris Wallace had to say over at fox news, Chris Wallace plays it straight on his show. This is the analysis of the barr interview, watch this. What really comes across to me, most of all, is that for two years donald trump sat there and said i dont have an attorney general, i dont have somebody out there looking for and protecting my interests, he clearly has that now with bill barr, not saying that barr isnt right in everything he says but he clearly is protecting this president and advocating his point of view on a lot of these issues. I want your reaction to that, john, you have that, and then you have Andrew Napolitano saying its dangerous when president s write their own laws, impose their own taxes, spend money the way they want. You have folks over there saying this president is acting as if hes above the law, go on. They have entertainers over there who get on the air and spout what theyre they think their base wants to hear. They also have a couple real journalists over there and a lawyer who can call it straight. But don were in trouble with this whole effort to try to discredit agencies and its a Standard Operating Procedure by donald trump. Hes done it his entire life and hes doing it as president and so obviously hes stirring it up again because theres something he doesnt like thats coming down the pike and he gets enough notice to know. Well, phil, the president has already made up his mind, right, i mean, he says that he has he was conclusively spied on, thats what he says and that is not true. So what happens if this investigation into the investigators comes back, trump doesnt like the findings . Look, i cant believe that will happen. I mean, if you look at investigations thats this unique, this complex, this lengthy, if you put a laser on that kind of investigation youre going to find something wrong. I tell you, my concern as were looking at that kind of investigation is one thing, and that is that the attorney general keeps using the word spying. What hes telling me, thats very derogatory in the fbi, what hes telling me is hes already anticipating the result. Its like the irs looking at your return and saying were not going to audit it, don, were looking for fraud. What would you think . Interesting. Jim sciutto, i want to talk about this, and i have been watching some of your interviews and have been very impressed by it. This is the russian investigation. Lets talk about your new book called the shadow war inside russias and chinas secret operations to defeat america, jim, talk about the threat russia still poses to the u. S. It is beyond just election interference, correct . It is. And thats really the point of the book, americans are aware of that front, we talk about it a lot, but there are many other front seat to this conflict and theyre part of a broader strategy by russia to undermine the u. S. , to defeat the u. S. On a lot of these battlefields. Americans know about cyberattacks, but they dont know that russia has deployed weapons into space, kamikaze satellites that can maneuver up to americas most sensitive space assets and destroy them in the event of a conflict. And we, as a country, are more dependent on that kind of technology than anybody in the world, our military, our civilian institutions as well. But it doesnt stop there. Russia has invaded a european country in ukraine, still occupies that territory. It is also in competition with the u. S. Under the waves in the ocean, submarine warfare. I was on the u. S. Nuclear subunder the arctic, russia has more advanced quieter subs all about projecting Nuclear Power up to our homeland, multiple fronts, americans, leaders to recognize it, they havent figured out a strategy to push back. How does china do the same thing . Two Different Countries and different geographies but a similar strategy, china also put weapons in space, attacks the u. S. In cyberspace every day with great success, stealing both state secrets and private sector secrets, china also has very advanced quiet submarines that can get very close to u. S. Forces and theyre also grabbing land where they can, theyre manufacturing land in the South China Sea in the middle of waters claimed by half a dozen countries including u. S. Allies. They have different names, the russians call it the chinese call it winning without fighting, but similar, all intended to undermine the u. S. Short of sparking a military reaction by the u. S. And they have a tremendous success doing it. Thats the shadow war, thats what this book is about. Jim sciuttos new book is the shadow war inside russias and chinas secret operation to defeat america. Everyone should go pick it up. Gentlemen, thank you so much, i appreciate it. Shaving has been difficult for me. I have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. So its a daunting task. Oh i love it. Its a great razor. 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Multiple states are trying to restrict abortion rights, setting up a series of legal battles that could lead to the Supreme Court reconsidering roe. Joining me now the women responsible for a womans right to choose in this country, that is Sarah Weddington and linda coffee. They represented jane roe. Thank you for joining us. I really appreciate it. Thanks for the invitation, we hear good things about your ability to hold an interview. Thank you so much. So let me start with you, then, sarah. When you argued this case before the Supreme Court in the 1970s, and you won, did you ever think that it could be in jeopardy so many decades later . No. I thought it would take a little while for the case to be accepted but there were other cases before this that had been, you know, accepted over a period of time and i thought that would be the way it would go, there would be a time period where it was sort of ill at ease with some people but then people would accept it and go on. Well, linda, i understand that you had been predicting challenges to roe v. Wade for years and youre surprised it took this long. Why is that . I dont know. It seems like the challenges were just so i thought they were just so far out and they just keep getting more and more so. So listen, sara, its not just alabama, missouri, georgia, mississippi, ohio, kentucky, all states have restrictive abortion bills that could end up in the Supreme Court but as a matter of strategy which do you think the justices will likely take on . See, i dont know, but theres been a group of very conservative legal scholars that over a period of years has set up an organization to get young law students to help and to try to overturn roe. Its been a very determined effort for several years now. Lets talk about the Supreme Court because you know there are, you know, its the majority its majority conservative right now. And i just want to play what Justice Kavanaugh said during his confirmation hearing when he was asked if roe versus wade was settled or could be overturned. Listen. Settled as a precedent of the Supreme Court entitled to respect. One of the important things to keep in mind about roe v. Wade is that it has been reaffirmed many times over the past 45 years as you know. So linda, hes saying its settled and it has been reaffirmed, that was then. Do you think he would vote to strike down roe now . Im afraid that he would but i cant say for sure. Do you think any of the justices on the court would vote to strike it down now . Well, im sure two or three of them might. Yeah. Sarah, listen Justice Briar who sits on the liberal wing of the court issued a dissent overturning a 40year precedent. He said i understand that because opportunities to correct old errors are rare judges may be tempted to seize every opportunity to overrule cases they believe to have been wrongly decided. Todays decision can only cause one to wonder which cases the court will overrule next. Do you think that was a warning . No. I think it was merely stating what all the justices know, and that is that it could be that the judges, or a majority of the judges, it takes a majority to overturn president , that maybe a majority would decide to try to overturn it. Thats still very difficult. And roberts, chief justice, has seemed very reluctant to overturn precedent and kavanaugh said he would be reluctant, but im sure that had to do with politics more than law. Ill ask you the same question i asked linda. Do you think he would overturn it, kavanaugh, vote to overturn it . I do. I dont trust him a bit. Sarah, another question. Your landmark case was in 1973. Women have had the right to choose for so long. Do you think people really understand what they would be losing if roe is overturned . I think some do and some dont but ive been amazed in the last several weeks as ive talked to people in washington, d. C. , in many of the states, for them to say to me, young people are the Real Driving Force of the criticism of the attempt to overturn roe versus wade. What do you think, linda, this would mean if it is lost to women around the country . Well, i think it would just be i think its just a loss that many people cant even begin to imagine because i think without the ability to control a womans reproduction that you really you just dont have it just it diminishes the your ability to achieve what youre capable of achieving in life. Well, listen, this is such an important issue and we appreciate your time. We appreciate you coming in, especially since you youre the ones who are responsible for this. Linda coffee and Sarah Weddington, much appreciation, thank you so much. It was our pleasure. Thank you. Roe v. Wade isnt the only landmark case that could be up in the air in the wake of President Trump remaking the judiciary. Brown versus the board of education could be too. What the president s hand picked nominees are saying about that case next. Uhoh, looks like someones still nervous about buying a new house. Is it that obvious . Yes it is. You know, maybe youd worry less if you got geico to help with your homeowners insurance. I didnt know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. Yep, theyve been doing it for years. What are you doing . Big steve . Thanks, man. There he is. Get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and renters insurance. S. S. U. S. U. V. These letters used to mean something. Letters earned in backwoods, high hills, and steep dunes. But somewhere along the way, suvs became pretenders, not pioneers. But you never forgot the difference, and neither did we. There are many suvs, but theres only one legend. Hurry in now to the jeep celebration event and get 500 additional bonus cash on select models. Green things and brown things dont mix. Just eat the food. Im allergic to all things green. sigh who can say why your heart sighs kraft. For the win win. Who can say why your heart sighs on the 65th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in brown versus board of education senator Kamala Harris is sharing why it was so important for her. She quotes brown v. Board is personal to me, my class was only the second after bussing integrated berkeley public schools, without this decision i likely wouldnt be a u. S. Senator, its critical we combat the racial inequalities that still exist in our schools. That unanimous ruling is widely regarded as one of the Supreme Courts greatest moments but civil Rights Groups are pointing that over two dozen nominees have dodged a question when asked about the case. Watch this. Do you believe that brown versus board of education was correctly decided . Senator, i dont mean to be coy but i think i get into a difficult a difficult area when i start commenting on Supreme Court decisions, which are correctly decided and which i may disagree with. I do not feel its appropriate for me to comment on whether or not the case was properly decided. I think that would be inappropriate. The canons of judicial conduct prohibit us from commenting. Im not allowed to comment on the merits of Supreme Court why cant they answer a simple question . Lets discuss. Erin carmoan is here, the coauthor of the notorious rbg. Thank you both for coming on. Good evening. Its just unbelievable. Michael, im going to start with you. Why do you think that so many of trumps nominees cant say whether they support this case . What is the explanation for that . Well, there isnt a good explanation at all. On this 65th anniversary i think weve seen it all. I mean, brown is the most celebrated constitutional law case in our history. The Supreme Court in a unanimous decision in 54, nine justices, liberal, conservative, democratics republican, southern and northern all said at a minimum the equal protection clause stands for the proposition that government cant separate children in schools on the basis of race. Its an easy proposition. And so theres no good reason not to answer it. And the fact that some nominees have said they wont answer it is really problematic because its an easy call. Brown has become a core principle of american democracy. Its about the promise of american democracy that we can be inclusive, that we can create equal opportunity for all and so for nominees to say they cant answer it is problematic. Erin, we were listening to the sound bite in the studio and just i was gasping, what, i cant believe that, as Michael Higginbotham just said brown versus board of education was a unanimous decision, conservative and liberal judges at the time, why are trumps nominees ducking this question . Don, the consensus has shifted so quickly that you had brett kavanaugh, you had Justice Samuel alito, chief Justice John Roberts all saying they thought brown v. Board was correctly decided. These are now judges to the right of those deeply conservative judges. We need to stop and try to understand why indeed this is happening . Theres two factors at play here. One is that the rules have already dramatically changed under Mitch Mcconnell who has really prioritized this makeover of the federal courts. Everybody remembers merit garland but what about the fact in the waning years of the Mitch Mcconnell kept open over 100 seats that he did not allow obama to fill in the lower courts. Theyre gotten rid of the consultation process with senators, theyre getting judges who get low ratings from the American Bar Association and these are really young judges who are getting appointed for Lifetime Appointments and who are radically to the right even of what we saw under the bush administration. And so i think the old rules that even had these conservative justices endorsing this consensus decision are gone. The second thing, i think, has to do with the discussion you just had in the segment before, which is roe v. Wade. Brown v. Board and roe v. Wade are two of the most famous cases that involve the constitution living up to its promise of equality to all people and they involve an activist lawyer model in the middle of the last century that the conservative Legal Movement has spent its entire tenure trying to undo. Both are in the cross hairs. Its very interesting that, you know, senator richard blumenthal, michael, is saying that he believes that these nominees are being instructed by the Trump Administration to avoid that question. But, you know, is it an open question right now as to whether trump judicial nominees feel bound by precedent even in very well established cases like brown v. Board and roe v. Wade . Well, i think theyre suggesting that theyre not. They should be. We have a principle called stare decisis. Most justices, including chief Justice John Roberts, seem to appreciate that principle, theyve talked about being an institutionalist and respecting the court, respecting the precedent. But it seems like some of these nominees want to ignore that principle. And i think that is really problematic but i do think its about abortion. They dont if they feel like its a trap. Some conservatives say if you answer the question on brown, then you have to answer the question on roe and talk about abortion. Thats a weak argument, though, as was pointed out, john roberts, sam alito, brett kavanaugh, other conservative justices all answered the question on brown. Theres no reason not to answer the question on brown. And any nominee to the federal court should be able to distinguish between a core principle in american democracy and stuff that is unsettled. Its like they cant tell the difference between a welcome mat and a no trespassing sign. Its easy to distinguish any nominee should be able to do so. If they cant they disqualify themselves. I learned a lot from this conversation. Thank you, michael, thank you, irin, i appreciate it. Donald trump ran on he has reputation as a deal maker. But what do all of his deals have in common . Van jones is here to tell us, next. At mercedesbenz, we make every vehicle to be eyecatchingly beautiful. We make them to be exhilaratingly agile. We make them to be meticulously engineered. And for the cla, we also made it for this. The 2019 cla. Lease the cla 250 coupe for just 299 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. This is my moms house. A lot of firsts happened here. First kiss. First cigarette. Never saw it as a problem. When i was younger. My mom she was always like you need to get rid of them. Gave the juul a real chance, and found that i liked it. 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Other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. Im still doing it all. The water. The exercise. The fiber. And i said yesss to linzess for help with belly pain and recurring constipation. Ask your doctor. President trump is trying to make deals with congress on immigration, with china on trade. And he wants to make a deal for peace in the middle east. But if he keeps stonewalling and defying subpoenas, does congress have any incentive to play ball . Lets discuss. Mr. Van jones is here, the host of the cnn original series the redemption project, which is a very good show, by the way. Thank you. Congratulations on that. Van, thank you for coming in. So lets talk about this. Just this afternoon the treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin defied subpoenas from the house ways and means chairman, richard neal, for the president s tax returns. Its the latest in a string of administration denials for documents and testimony. If the administration keeps stonewalling, what incentive do democrats have to work with this administration . You mean since the administration wont cooperate with them, why should the congress cooperate with the administration . Yeah. Yeah. Zero. Like 0. 0 incentive. The problem is were one subway stop from a real constitutional crisis. Because when you say were not going to obey, congress does not have the right to have anything, it puts the courts now in a very tough position. They either have to come in and tell the president , oh, by the way, you have to follow the law and we then dont know will strup obe trump obey or the cou have to side with the president and say congress, youre null and void. Either way, youre playing with the very, very core of the constitution over stuff thats minor and doesnt even matter. So that does put Everything Else in jeopardy. Because when you put the core function of the republic in jeopardy, its hard to cut deals on Everything Else. I just wonder. You said were one stop away. It doesnt feel like were pulling into the station. The reason i say were one stop away is because the courts havent stepped in yet. Basically its now thrown ought courts. And you think about it, from the point of view of the courts, do you Tell Congress youre null and void . Do you tell the president who may not listen youve got to do something . Were getting into very hairy territory. The interesting thing is one day there will be a liberal or democratic president. And then what happens . Are they going to try to revert back and say oh, no youve got to follow the rules now. Now weve got a constitution. That is a very dangerous precedent to set. Remember what the Nuclear Option did . Exactly. Listen, yesterday, and this is something thats very important to you, you often talk about the dreamers. The president presented an immigration plan. Failed to address 11 million dreamers. Those who arrived in this country as children. And this is what he tweeted. He said, the democrats now realize that there is a National Emergency at the border and that if we Work Together it can be immediately fixed. We need democrat votes and all will be well. I hate that. Democratic votes. Thats actually a pejorative. Thats what they think. The democrats now realize theres a National Emergency at the border they can Work Together if immediately fixed. What do you say to that . The way the Trump Administration negotiates is a revolution in the way that you usually do politics. Usually with politics you assume your base and then you go for the bridge. You try to you say listen, ive got my team, i need some people on your team. The Trump Administration negotiates in the opposite way. The first thing that they do is they want to secure their base. Theyre more concerned about making sure they can consolidate their base than they are reaching out to try to make the bridge. And so its very typical. The first thing that they did was they tried to figure out can they assemble their own forces . And later on well deal with the democrats or the latinos or whatever. But its just not the way that its usually done in politics. And people just dont know how to respond. And literally just unfortunately in this situation i do think theres probably still im an optimist. There probably still is a deal out there to be done. Certainly if you include daca democrats have more of a reason to come to the table but i think right now theyre trying to herd their own cats. I want to get to your show. Youre answering too long. Because i think this show is amazing. Thank you. In a new episode of your show the redemption project you travel to alaska to witness the first Restorative Justice dialogue to ever take place in the state. Heres a look at it. Experienced horrible tragedy in my life. An individual caused that tragedy. Now i want to have this conversation because theres things that i wanted to say to him that i didnt get to say. When i went to the sentencing, he was not fully accountable. He said miss walters, im really sorry for what happened to your son. You shouldnt have had to bury your son. He didnt own it. Do you think that he is accountable now . I dont know if hes accountable yet. Tell me about this. Why have these conversations . Well, because its a fundamental human thing. We all have made mistakes and want to somehow apologize, dont know how, and weve all had bad stuff happen to us. This show the stakes are higher because the incidents are much more powerful. But the reason why we get 99 positive response on twitter, twitter which is usually hater, is because this is a deeply human show and it gives people an opportunity to see something beautiful happen. Im actually jealous of your timeline when i read the im like vans getting all this love. And mines like we hate you, we congratulations. Thank for the support of the show. Absolutely. Its a fantastic show. Really great, van. Dont miss a new episode of the redemption project with van jones sunday night at 9 00. Sunday newt at 9 00, the redemption project with mr. Van jones. Well be right back. Cold turkey. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. 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