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Wore it backstage but took it off for the tour. These were his words, i dont want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it. Its worth pointing out that three of the president s top Health Officials, all who are worried about their own exposures, are not only Wearing Masks in public but they are in some form of quarantine. We have clear evidence that wearing a mask can help save lives. Most people are doing it. I think its a sign of respect and caring for others. Its not like theres no reason not to make every effort to protect the people around you, even people you dont know. Thats just being a good citizen. The outbreak continues taking lives, more than 94,000 so far. Theres a new study suggesting if the country had begun taking social distancing measures about a week earlier about 36,000 deaths could have been prevented. President trump calls the study, quote, a political hit job. Cdc director redfield warns about the surge of cases in the Southern Hemisphere that could lead to a flare up here in the fall. Well talk to dr. Anthony fauci tonight. Itll be good to see him. Hell be taking questions as well. In the second hour well take a look at what the next school year could look like. We have a special message from First Lady Melania Trump. And as always you can tweet your questions, use the cnntown hall. A lot of you have been sending in video questions and were hoping to get to as many of those as we can tonight. We have reports from around the country and around the world. We start with this country right now and where were at. There have now been more than 1. 5 million positive cases of the coronavirus in the u. S. More than 94,000 people have died. The u. S. Continues to lift restrictions. For the first time in two months, all 50 states have partially reopened. 12 states are now reporting a drop in the numbers. Last week at this time, there were 24 states that saw their cases declining. 17 states are now seeing the number of cases rising. If we see dramatic increases, we can pause. Even though the country is opening up, the estimated death toll has fallen. The university of washington is now projecting fewer deaths. Last week it was at 147,000. They now predict 143,000. This drop may be explained by one simple factor face coverings. 40 of the u. S. Wears a mask all the time. About 80 wears a mask sometimes. And thats probably helping separate out that impact in rising mobility. The urgency for a vaccine has only increased. Some companies this week released promising results from early trials. Still, there are no guarantees. And the cdc director warns of another flare up of the virus in the small and winter which could lead to a second lockdown as we head into a long Holiday Weekend, many beaches, restaurants, and parks all over the country will be open and potentially packed with people. Ahead of that comes a sobering statistic. 106,000 new coronavirus cases worldwide were reported to the w. H. O. Just yesterday. Thats the single largest increase in a 24hour period since the outbreak began. Almost 2 3 of those cases came from just four countries, india, brazil, russia, and the United States. We still have a long way to go in this pandemic. So, having seen the big picture, lets get caught up on the medical front right here with sanjay. Sanjay. Yeah, every week were learning so much more about this virus and i think how we should behave with this virus, get together with friends or no barbecue or skip it. What about play dates . What about swimming pools . Were going to be talking about all that tonight. We know theres been good news in the efforts to develop a vaccine. Theres no doubt that the moderna trial is in very early stages but the fact 8 initial participants developed these neutralizing antibodies is an important step in the right direction. The news could have been that it didnt work at all and we could be back to square one. That could still happen but so far things are forging ahead. We know that sweden, a country that kept bars and salons and restaurants open in an effort to achieve herd immunity to the coronavirus seems to have fallen short. Only around 7 of people in stockholm have developed the antibodies. Unfortunately, as part of that strategy, the number of deaths reached almost 4,000 in that country whereas neighboring countries finland and norway have less than 700 deaths combined. We have more evidence that social distancing works. A new study shows if the u. S. Implemented social distancing measures in place a week earlier as you mentioned we could have prevented the loss of 36,000 lives. So, hopefully we dont forget that lesson as we move into memorial day weekend. We can be outside. We can have some fun, but we should be reminded of the best strategies to stay safe for ourselves, our parents, and our kids. Speaking of which, kids, hows my little guy doing, wyatt . Hes doing great. He just had a bath. I just got a picture. Hes doing great. Hes just amazing every day. Its just astonishing. I must spend several hours today sitting there staring at him. Holding him, yeah, hes great. Hes focusing more, looking around more, and its incredible. Cant wait to meet him. Sanjay, thanks. Dr. Anthony fauci joins us momentarily, but first a bit more on how this is all playing out on the ground state by stay. Erica hill joins us with that. Erica, when it comes to new cases, where are the most being report snd. Reporter i think we have a map we can put up which shows you the new cases that popped up over the past weekend. You can see there are a number of state, 17, that are trending up which of course is not what you want to see. Look at those dark red states, alaska, wyoming, montana, and idaho. But theres also focus on other states seeing increase, specifically alabama today. Weve heard a lot from the mayor of montgomery who is very concerned about the situation in his city, saying earlier today there is a shortage of icu beds and theyre concerned about what is to come in that city. Erica, you know, im getting a lot of questions, im sure you are, about the Holiday Weekend. People typically getting together, maybe going to the beaches. So, what is open and what are you hearing about the specific restrictions . So, for a lot of places and i will say just a plug for our great team here at cnn, theres a wonderful resource on our website, cnn. Com, where you can look by state to get a better sense of whats opened where you are and often times what applies to the state may not apply to every local jurisdiction. Florida is a perfect example. Floridas beaches are technically open, but you want to go to the 7 1 2 miles of beach in miami beach, those remain closed. The mayor says it has to do with what you would think. There are concerns about controlling the numbers of people on the beaches, concerns about social distancing on the public beaches. Beaches are open but not in new york city. Also concerned about social distancing in addition to the Public Transportation many people would need to take to get there. Beachs in california, we talk a lot about beaches when we talk about california. In l. A. County they reopened a short time ago but just for exercise. Gouk for a run. You can go surfing. But you cant lay on the beach. When we spoke to david culver, the city of wuhan was launching an effort to test all 11 Million People there. David culver joins us with more from beijing tonight. David, where does testing stand in wuhan right now . Yeah, youve got to think just how massive that city is. Its larger than any u. S. City, larger than new york. So, there are 11 million residents altogether. A good number of those will be tested. Not everyone including children under 6 are not going to be tested. Theyre going to avoid people that have been tested in recent days. We know more than 3 Million People have been tested. Whats interested is i was looking at this as a possible indication they might adjust the numbers because weve been very skeptical at how low the chinese numbers are, but even as recently as yesterday they came out saying after 800,000 tests yesterday alone, there were no new cases. So, it seems they are sticking to that number count at least for now. As of now Going Forward too theyve instituted a ban on consumption of wild life because of the concerns this originated in that market and that it spread from an animal to human through wild life consumption. Thats within wuhan as a locality. Its reiterating what theyre trying to do here is crack down on it. You can put out the policy. Its another thing to implement it. Well see how that plays out Going Forward. I understand theres also concerns of a second outbreak now in another part of the country. What are you hearing about that . Sanjay, this is the northeast area. So, youre talking about along the border with russia and with north korea as well. And whats really interesting about this is weve seen state media over the past several weeks show that china is reopening and we proved that when we were down in wuhan and saw that certain things were coming back online. Though vast majority of businesses are not back open and many told us they could not reopen. When you look at some of these border communities, they are imposing a wuhanstyle lockdown and they are very strict, sealing people inside their homes and local officials are taking the blame for it. Theyre being fired for it. So, the Central Government not happy with how its being handled. These are some of the second wave concerns that even dr. Fauci of china as hes been named told us over the weekend is a real concern over the next few weeks. Youre back in beijing for the first time in months. Whats changed since you were last there . Yeah, first time in three months. I noticed holiday decorations are still here in our office. Thats how long weve been away covering this story. It was interesting to see first of all how heavy security is here. Thats in part because of the National Peoples congress which is the Rubber Stamp Parliament that gets underway in just a few hours from now. So, you have all of the leaders from the country coming together for this assembly. Whats very intriguing to me is the strict process of getting here. Travel domestically within china, you have to add another hour and a half, two hours to get on a flight because mostly those of us who are foreigners, theyre really concerned about the imported cases. Even though we live here, they take us aside for extra screening. I talked about the qr codes. Its inefficient at times because there are multiple qr codes depending on the jurisdiction. You find yourself reregistering every time you land in a new city and it becomes complicated. Overall theyre sticking to the isolation and really trying to maintain the social distancing. People seem to be getting a bit complacent at times. David, thanks very much. Joining sanjay and me now, taking your questions shortly, and dr. Anthony fauci, director of the National Institute of allergies and Infectious Disease. Dr. Fauci, were incredibly happy you are here. Weve got audience questions for you as always. Were going to start with some of our own. There are a lot of people who respect you and want to hear from you and dr. Birx and other Health Professionals. My first question is why arent we hearing from the Coronavirus Task force on a daily basis anymore, and if they arent going to have daily briefings about facts and science can you or the nih or cdc have their own daily briefings with top scientists . I think theres a lot of americans out there that want to hear from scientists every day. Yeah, well, thank you, anderson. Thats a good point. I think youre going to probably be seeing a little bit more of me and my colleagues. There was a period of time there was a lull in being out there with the press, but i believe thats going to change. Weve been talking with the Communications People and they realize we need to get some of these information out, particularly some of the scientific issues for which im predominantly responsible for. So, hopefully well be seeing more of us, get the opportunity to talk to you, and listen is the way were doing tonight. I want to be clear, im not asking to corner you or make things hard for you. Just as a citizen, not just as a reporter, i personally miss hearing from you and dr. Birx every day. I know a ton of people i talk to do as well. I know you met with the task force today. Its my understanding its the first time the task force met in six days. Is the task force still as robust and, you know, central in all of this as it was before . Or has that now changed . Well, its changed a bit, but in an interesting way, anderson. For example, we have a subgroup of the task force which is the doctors. Myself, dr. Birx, dr. Han, dr. Redfield, et cetera who we meet much more often than that talking about the scientific issues. The task force as a whole, the theme has been shift something what. Its looking at the reopening, the economic impact. So, theres more of an emphasis on that. But thats not to diminution of the scientific issues. We had a very good discussion today about some of the issues regarding guidelines, about some of the trends and the patterns of infection. So, we had a really good meeting today. I was very pleased with it. Dr. Fauci, its good to see you. Thanks for being here. Moderna, a lot of people have heard this name of this company now, has partnered with the National Institutes of health and they announced positive early results from the vaccine trials this week. You said its very encouraging. Its early. Its just eight patients where they saw these neutralizing antibodies, these special antibodies. It does seem very early. What specifically encourages you about this, dr. Fauci . Well, sanjay, as you well know, when youre developing a vaccine, theres always land mines and traps along the way to get in the way of the successful completion of developing a safe and effective vaccine. One of the first steps thats important is a phase one trial where you give it to a limited number of people. In this case, we gave it to 45 people, three separate doses. The question is was it immediately safe . Clearly it was. But importantly, did it induce the kind of response that you would predict would be protective against the virus . And thats whats called neutralizing antibodies. When you get a vaccination, youre going to get antibodies. Some of them are called bonding antibodies where if this was the virus, it binds to this part. But this is the action part of the virus that binds to a receptor. So, if it just binds here, its almost an irrelevant antibody. Neutralizing antibodies bind to the business end of the virus and block its ability to infect. So, what we saw, even though there was only eight individuals, we saw neutralizing antibodies at a reasonable dose of the vaccine and the titers were high enough to get us to believe that if we attain that in more people, in a large number of people, you could predict that that vaccine would be protective. Although the numbers were limited, it was really quite good news because it reached and went over an important hurdle in the development of vaccines. Thats the reason why im cautiously optimistic about it. And one thing thats worth pointing out i was doing reporting on this this week. But you worked on hiv for decades. Obviously theres no vaccine for hiv yet. My understanding in all those trials what you just described, they never achieved that level with hiv vaccine trials in several decades. Is that true . Thats that is absolutely correct. I mean, ive been working with my colleagues and trying to develop a vaccine for hiv for, as you said correctly, for decades. The body doesnt like to make broadly neutralizing antibodies against hiv. The kind of antibodies that would truly prevent you from being infected. With this coronavirus, the body readily makes it. And the reason for that is that with natural infection, the body has a very adequate response. And thats the reason why such a large proportion of people spontaneously recover from the Coronavirus Infection and really do quite well. Obviously, a certain subset get very sick. Many of them die. But thats a relatively small percentage. Most of the people mount that good response thats a neutralizing antibody. And thats exactly what the patients not the patients, the normal volunteers did in this phase one study. And thats the reason why although were always cautious, its really a good sign. Weve got to take a quick break. Coming up next your questions for dr. Fauci. We have a lot of them from our viewers. Well have that and more on the questions we have. As the weather gets better and the first Holiday Weekend approaches, what will summer look like and how to stay safe . And an exclusive message to americas students from First Lady Melania Trump. Thats coming up as well. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Staying connected your way youre just a tap away from personalized support on xfinity. Com. Get faster internet speeds with a click. Order xfi pods to your home in a snap. Or change your Xfinity Services with just a touch. All in one place. Youre only seconds away from all of that on xfinity. Com. Faster than a call. Easy as a tap. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Welcome back. Sanjay and i are here with the Coronavirus Task force member dr. Anthony fauci whos here to answer our questions and more importantly yours. Lets get to them. Our first question is from nancy in california who sent in this video. Lets take a look. Our county is now offering free coronavirus testing. Theres a local lab that offers Antibody Testing for cost. Both are available without a Doctors Orders and without symptoms. Which one would you recommend getting or would you recommend getting both . Thank you very much. Dr. Fauci. Well, thats the question that a lot of people are asking. If you want to know if you are infected, then clearly you want the test for infection, namely the test that determines do you have virus in you. If youre interested in knowing if youve been exposed and you have been infected and youve recovered, then the Antibody Test. Unless you have symptoms or have a reason to believe that youve been exposed to someone, there really is no reason to have the test for the virus. It would likely be of more interest to you to see that maybe you were infected, you were one of those many asymptomatic carriers, and now you have an Antibody Test that shows that you were actually infected. I would say be careful because you want to make sure you use an Antibody Test thats been validated either by the fda or by the nih because there are many tests out there that are not validated and may give you a false positive or even a false negative. Lets get to another question, dr. Fauci. Kevin from atlanta sent in this video. Take a look. I am 72 and in good health. Government orders aside, how will i determine when it is safe for me to go, for example, for a haircut to, a nursery to buy a plant, to home depot to buy a garden hose, or to a restaurant for dinner . What metric or other objective criteria am i looking for that will tell me when these activities are okay for me . Thank you. Dr. Fauci. Your hair looks good. So does anderson. My hair is getting poofy. Yeah, its getting there, sanjay. I need one soon. Thats why its a relevant question. The question is a serious question and important. First of all its going to depend on what the dynamics of the outbreak is in the area where you live. If you are in a situation where if you look at the guidelines, the gateway guidelines, the phase 1, 2, 3, if youre in an area where the infection is so low that people are out maybe in phase two and even phase three, even though youre 72 years old, you could do Something Like get a haircut. If, in fact, youre in an area where there is a degree of infection given your age even though you feel and probably look very healthy, even though because of your age you can consider yourself to be one of the vulnerable ones. So, i would be extra careful compared to, lets say, a 30yearold or a 25yearold. But look around you as the dynamics of the infection in the place where you are living. Right now, for example, im in washington, d. C. We still have a high rate of infection. So, you heard sanjay joking around. Theres no way im going to get a haircut right now until those infections start coming down. And they are starting to come down. So, i think right here in my own city i very likely will be able to do that. And i am over 70 years old like you are. This is a question that brittney sent in which reads since there is a one to two week lag in virus symptoms appearing, wouldnt new cases still be declining or flat for at least a week or two after reopening. Shouldnt we wait at least a couple of weeks before declaring reopening a success . Thats absolutely the case. And thats the reason why when you see the reopening, that we tell the cities, the locations, the communities to be on the alert for what i refer to as the little blips that you might see because as you open up, even under normal circumstances in the best of circumstances, you are going to see infections. The the krit tcritical issue fo successful opening is how effectively do you address those blips. Do you have in place the capability, testing, and manpower to identify, to isolate, and to Contact Trace . If you do, youll be able to prevent those blips from becoming resurgence, and youll be able to progress along the various phases of reopening for hopefully a successful reopening. Im wondering what you thought about this new Columbia University study which showed if the u. S. Began social distancing a week earlier than it did, maybe 36,000 lives could have been saved . Do you believe those numbers in retrospect now which is always hard, i understand, but should those measures have been put in earlier . Youre really asking two separate questions. Obviously if you have measures that were preventing the outbreak of infection and they were successful, the logical thing to say if you had done it earlier, you likely would have prevented a number of infections. I mean, thats just the way it is. Theres no getting away from that. However, i have a little skepticism about models. You and i have spoken about model ls all the time. Models are subject to the suppositions and assumptions you put into them. You can always go back and say i could have, i should have, i would have. Thats behind us. What we need to look right now, i would much prefer rather than looking what could have been done is to say how are we going to successfully reopen, reenter the normality, and do it in a safe way . Thats what im focusing on. The trend were seeing, certain states showing increasing numbers rather than neutral numbers, numbers staying stable or falling numbers, what does that tell you . Is does it surprise you the numbers of states that are rising, the number of states that have numbers still falling, the numbers of states that are stable . Well, it doesnt surprise me because were a large country, anderson, and we have different dynamics of the outbreak in different cities, stages, regions, and counties. So, what i would say is what ive said on your show multiple times in the past. Look at the dynamics in your community, in your city or whatever, and act accordingly. If youre still going up, youve got to maintain mitigation. Youve got to maintain physical separation. Mask wearing, the kinds of mitigations of restaurants, bars, et cetera. And youve got to do that until you start coming down. Thats in the guidelines. Theyre very clearly spelled out. If youre coming down, then you get into the situation of trying to progress from one phase to the other towards opening. It really depends on whats going on in your community. So, im not surprised at all at the heterogeneity that were seeing some going up and some going down. Were a large country with varying dynamics of the outbreak. Weve got rob williams from north carolina, dr. Fauci, sent in this video. Lets take a look. Recent news reported other countries, people who recovered from the coronavirus are still testing positive. For the virus test cannot differentiate between the virus of the dead cells versus living virus cells. My question is could this mean that some asymptomatic people maybe are not contagious . Also, do the u. S. Testing kits work the same way as they would in other countries . Can they tell the difference . Yeah, thats a really good question thats being asked a lot. So, let me put it in context and with some basis for why there is concern. So, you get infected. The virus replicates in you. The test that we do only tells you if the virus is there. It doesnt tell you if its replicating. So, you could have a virus that stops replicating. Your body has suppressed it, and you still have viral particles, we call them nucleotides. So, the test that you use is not going to tell whether its a live virus or a dead virus. So, it is conceivable and i would say likely that i would be infected, i would recover, and then you would start to see maybe a week or two or more later when you test me, i still have detectable virus. It is likely, though we dont prove it yet you prove it by culturing the virus. But its likely that that remnants of virus that are not repetition competent. You cant be cavalier about it. You cant say im going to be assuming that its not repetition competent. Youve got to make sure we clear it by the tests we use. Its not an uncommon phenomenon to have people feel perfectly well as if they have recovered, which they have clinically, but they still have detectable virus. Whats your message to americans going into memorial day weekend . What precautions should they be taking . Anderson, it depends on where you are. It depends on the dynamics of the outbreak wherever you are. Memori memorial day is a very important holiday. Hopefully the sun will be out. People want to get out and get fresh air. You can do that. Were not telling people to just lock in unless youre a situation where you have a major outbreak going on. We dont have too much of that right now in the country. Go out, wear a mask, stay six feet away from anyone so you have the physical distancing and go out. Go for a run gor, go for a walk fishing as long as youre not in a crowd and youre not in a situation you can physically transmit the virus. Thats what the mask is for and thats with the physical distance. I planned to go out for nice walks and hikes and im going to do it with care with a mask on. Dr. Anthony fauci thank you so much. We hope to see more of you and we appreciate it. Answers ahead on how to enjoy memorial day and the summer safely. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Unilever, the makers of dove, hellmanns, vaseline, and more, is donating millions of products to frontline aid organizations like feeding america and direct relief. To get help or give help, join us at weareunitedforamerica. Com. Welcome back to cnns global town hall, coronavirus facts fears. Before the break you heard dr. Anthony fauci answering questions about when its safe to go back outside. He says it, quote, is going to depend on the dynamics of the outbreak where you live. If its still going up, he said you still need to maintain mitigation. He said regardless you need to be wearing a mask and social distancing. We want to refocus on what reopening might mean for your community. Now that it is warming up, people are starting to go out and congregate in bigger numbers. Joining us is julia marcus. Welcome. Welcome, julia. As memorial day and beyond approaches, there are going to be a lot of people that want to be outside. What kind of guidance do you think there needs to be on whats considered safe . I think up until now weve had an all or nothing approach where weve been telling people to stay home which is what we needed to do for the first couple of months. Then we realized this is something were going to need to be doing for many months if not years. So, with e have to find a way to do it sustainably. So i was happy to hear dr. Fauci encouraging people to go outside, just avoid crowds. Maintain physical distancing and wear masks. I think thats the approach moving forward, encouraging people to be outdoors where we know the risk of transmission is much lower. Its a wider space. The virus disperses more outside. Julie, you sort of advocate this Harm Reduction model that Health Experts can sort of help folks differentiate between what is considered high risk and low risk. How do you go about doing that . Yeah, so i think what weve been doing so far has been more of an absence only approach. We stay home. Thats the safest thing to do which is absolutely true. But what it does is it misses an opportunity to support people in engaging in low risk behaviors that are going to be more sustainable in the long term. And Harm Reduction is an alternative Public Health approach where we accept risk elimination is not possible. I think we all need to agree that we need to have social contact and we cant just stay indoors. Instead of that model we can give people a sense of a spectrum of risks, what some of the lowest risk activities are all the way up to the highest risks and give them tools to reduce harm in every setting. So, lets talk about some of the activities. Swimming, whether its in the ocean, in a lake, in a community pool, you know, what are the protocols . Whats Harm Reduction in that . I think as we heard from dr. Fauci, the most important thing is physical distancing. And theres no particular risk with water. Its just if theres crowding in a pool then you run into the same problem you would have with crowding in any other outdoor setting. So, i think as much as we can encourage beaches to be open and open up more space, we will be able to maintain that physical distancing if we have more space for people to use. Some of this is just common sense, wear masks, dont share food. There are those who might break common sense rules. What is the best way to handle that, do you think . I think with this Harm Reduction approach, we need to try to reduce harms for everyone. And one of the side effects of abstinence only messaging is that people can start to shame others for what seems to be risky behavior. And the problem with that is that it can drive that behavior underground. So, you can imagine that if we start to see people gathering in a park not Wearing Masks, standing too close together, if we do shame people for that and call them out on social media, what they might do is take that indoors and have a dinner Party Instead which we know is going to be higher risk. And the last thing we want is for Contact Tracers to be trying to trace people who may have been exposed in an outbreak and people not willing to disclose they attended an event. You make this interesting point, julie, that Public Health campaigns that only promote the total elimination of risk could backfire. I guess thats what youre saying and that could lead to worse outcomes. Thats right. Thats what we see in the case of abstinence only messaging for sex. If we tell teens dont have any sex, its the safest thing you can do, its true. Thats the safest thing they can do. But the reality is people are going to have sex and thats part of a healthy life. The problem there is that when people do choose to take those risks they dont have the tools they need to reduce harm. So, were missing opportunity to give people tools to reduce risk. We really appreciate what you do. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Also reminders at the bottom of the screen you see the social media scroll. You can tweet us your questions or leave a comment on the cnn facebook page. Were giving answers there as well to sochl those questions. Back with sanjay, we want to bring in dr. Leana wen to help answer more of your coronavirus questions tonight. Dr. Wen, you just wrote an oped in the Washington Post about how people should think about risk of reopening. What would you suggest as best practices in spending Time Outdoors . Yes, i do agree with julia that we need to think about Harm Reduction. We know that any time people will be interacting with one another outside of their house hold there is risk so we need a framework for deciding which activities are lower risk or higher risk than others. We should think about three variables, proximity, activity, and time. So, if youre going to get together with your friends, best to do it outdoors six feet apart. Thats proximity. You can change your ak tuft. So, dont hug and kiss and share utensils. That reduces risk too. And if youre going out, takeout is safer. If youre going to be sitting in a restaurant, ideally sit outside. Spend less time, maybe 20 minutes, 30 minutes, not an hour. That changes the time also. We get a lot of questions from grandparents about whether they can see their grand kids and theres the idea of pooled risk. So, families that all have low risk can safely be with each other if they all are engaged with low risk behaviors. And also risk is cumulative. Just because you can go out and your state is reopened, dont go out and do everything. If youre going to go get your haircut, dont also go out to a restaurant. And ultimately, these are individual decisions. But what we do as individuals affect others too. And so wearing a mask, practicing physical distancing also helps to reduce the collective risk for everyone as well. Sanjay, jeff in texas sent in this video. Lets watch. Why do the social distancing rules being enforced at parks, restaurants, bars, concerts, and sporting events not apply to seating on airplanes . Yeah, now thats a good point. And you know, obviously airlines are trying to figure out how theyre going to navigate this. I think the guidance for a lot of people still is again depending on what your risk is within your community, how much the virus is spreading in your community, that you may need to just travel only when its essential right now. That may change as the summer goes on. Were going to get more and more guidance on that. But i think whenever you do any of these things, youve got to sort of get an idea what is the risk reward proposition here. What is my real risk . Why do i really need to do this . Why do i need to travel in this case . And sanjay, you have a tutorial for us. Yeah, lets take a look. Things are going to feel a lot different the next time you go to the airport. First of all, itll be less crowded. Thats for sure. Certain precautions are in place like plexiglass at the counters, telling people to keep their distance when theyre in line. Most people already do this, but dont forget to put your boarding pass on your phone ahead of time. Less surfaces to touch. Ki see your id card please . Yep. Try to count how many surfaces you touch throughout the whole process. Everything out of your pockets please. One ink i want to show you is how i pack nowadays. Ive got my hand sanitizer. You saw how many surfaces i just touched, so this is when i do hand sanitizer. Constantly wash the hands. One of the big concerns is always going to be those sorts of train rides. Right now things arent that crowded, but as airports start to pick up, you may want to allow extra time to walk to the concourse instead of ride. Everyone is going to decide whether or not it makes sense to fly. Its the sort of risk reward proposition. One thing ill tell you is that separating yourselves out obviously important. Thats the distance. But think about the duration. Shorter flights are obviously going to be better. Also, they say if the plain has been sterilized before we actually get on using this electrostatic sterilization process. Now, when you get to your row, couple things to keep in mind. First try and touch as few surfaces as possible. When i sit down, im actually going to try to choose a window seat. And the reason being that ill just have less contact with people who are walking by the aisle. Go ahead and turn on whats called the gasper here. You turn it up as high as you can. Thats going to cause turbulent airflow in front of you and possibly break up any clouds of virus. These are small things. They may make a small difference but its easy to do it and its probably worth it. Fascinating. Flying is a scary prospect right now especially for those working on the aircraft. Thats one thing i noticed, all the front line workers, all the people working there are Wearing Masks and a fair number of the passengers are as well. You wear the mask to protect other people. Front line workers are there all day, another reason to be as safe as possible. Im amazed not all fliers are Wearing Masks. Now that stayathome orders are being lifted around the country, how safe is it to have an elective surgery done . Are you at higher risk of catching the virus if you go to the hospital and stay overnight after the surgery . So, it depends on the part of the country, as dr. Fauci said. But i will say that we are in general safer now than we were back in march because hospitals have had time to prepare, and they all have new protocols for protecting patients. So, its not 100 safe, but it is pretty safe. And there are things that you can do including limiting the amount of time that youre in the hospital. But dont leave too early either before youre ready to leave because if you develop complications and have to return, that increases your risk too. Sanjay, michael in lithuania sent in this video. Lets watch. What is the effectiveness of shelterathome in reducing deaths . We have no baseline data for this coronavirus. We do have a prior years data for the deadly flu virus. Flu is different, but as a virus, it should still be affected to some degree by shelterathome. What can we learn about the efficacy of athome shelterings impact in reducing flu deaths this year that might help us understand our safety choices better . Thats a great point. So, the impact of stayathome orders on other viruses such as flu, you know, its interesting. Its been were still in the middle of season here so we havent gotten the final numbers for this year. We have them looking at this on a communitybycommunity basis around the country. And you do see communities that typically have higher rates of flu and even higher rates of flu deaths that are lower this year. Again, its hard to directly correlate this to the stayathome orders, but it makes perfect sense. And different times throughout history when youve had mandatory stayathome because of an ice storm or Something Like that, you do see Infectious Disease for those go down as well. It has probably had impact on other Infectious Diseases as well. You would think with masks and hand washing, that would impact as well. Thats right. With an abundance of caution, i heat any food at home. Can you tell me what oven temp and time frame would be so this coronavirus is not a food born illness so youre not going to get it from eating food. You could have an abundance of caution and just make sure you transfer from the takeout container to your own bowl and you could heat it for 30 seconds but the most important thing is to wash your hands after you touch the container, very well. This is a question dr. Wen, john sent in, has any other pandemic in history reached the white house . Its a good question and the answer is yes. During the 19181919 flu pandemic, there were a number of people close to president wilson who got will. Including the secret service agent, the president s peshlg personal secretary and his oldest daughter and there are reports that president wilson himself came down with severe flulike symptoms so it is a reminder that none of russ immune. And that the president and everybody around him should be practicing good Public Health practices, like wearing a mask at all times, and practicing six feet social distancing and quarantining themselves if they have high level exposure. Sanjay, this next video question is from joe, living down in florida until it is safe for him and his wife to drive back to new york. If there is a small group in the area, if there is smoke in the area with covid19, and the smoke is reaching you and you can smell it, does that mean the airborne virus is also reaching you even though you may be six feet or more away . Thank you. Its a good question and thats unlikely. The thing about the respiratory virus, you think of the virus in the respiratory droplets and thats part of the reason it wont travel as far, just from normal talking or breathing and smoke is obviously going to travel further so six feet is a good, its arbitrary, obviously but a good frame of reference for talking or sneezing and if someone is symptomatic, that would be different. But in the middle of a covid pandemic, if you have symptoms, shoe probably stay at home. Even if you think the symptoms are not from the infection because you could still carry the virus and could still be coughing due to asthma or Something Else and still spread the virus if youre carrying it. How can i ellen from new york state sent in this video. Lets watch. How can i safely ride in an elevator . I have no choice. Im a senior and i live on a very high floor. Dr. Wen . Yeah, its challenging because you cant control this. You do have to ride in an elevator but you can ask your building if theres a policy. Some buildings have a policy for limiting the number of occupants now because of covid19 to increase physical distancing. You could also do your best to wear your best. If youre touching the elevator button use a tissue to touch it or your elbow and sanitize afterwards. Try to use the elevator during nonpeak times and stay as far away from people as possible. Also some elevators i know have foot positioning where its ideal to stand in an attempt to kind of limit the number of people in the elevator. Dr. Wen, as always thank you so much. Our cnn global town hall continues after the break with an hour dedicated entirely to education. Were going to talk to a leading pediatrician about the changes needed to keep school kids healthy and contain any outbreaks of the virus. Two Award Winning teachers join us as well. Also the president of the Notre Dame University and getting students back on campus this fall. And later a special message from the first lady to all the kids who now call mom and dad teacher. Keep being you. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. That gives me cash back onesome new aeverything. Akuten thats ebates. I get cash back on electronics, travel, clothes. Youre talking about ebates. I cant stop talking about rakuten. Pretty good deal peter sfx [blender] ebates is now rakuten, sign up today. Excuse me. Uh. Do you mind. Being a motour . What could be better than being a motour . The real question is. Do you mind not being a motour . I do. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Welcome to our 12th cnn global town hall, coronavirus facts and fears. Im Anderson Cooper in new york. This hour were going to do a special look how the outbreak is affecting how we educate our kids. Not only right now but coming this fall and even beyond that its one of the most common questions we get. At the bottom of our screen you can see the social media scroll. Tweet us your questions with the hashtag, cnntownhall. You can also leave a comment on the cnn facebook page. We have a lot ahead. Were going to be hearing from some of the top educators in the country and also a University President planning for the return of students in the fall. A business professor who sees profound and accelerating changes ahead and two educators. Here to take questions on the impact this is having and will continue to have on parents and kids alike. But first a quick overview. There are more than 50 Million Students currently enrolled in the public u. S. Education system and the majority of them stopped going to school in midmarch. Something in a million years i would never imagine having to do. So how School Students learning . Most schools have transitioned into online classes but not every student has access to a computer, quiet place to study or highspeed internet, and the Public School system is about more than just education. For many its a safe and reliable form of child care and also a place where kids can count on a hot meal. But social distancing is nearly impossible without a complete overhaul of how classrooms operate. I think we would be naive to ever think about american schools going back to the way they were. Then theres the issue of Higher Education. Some institutions like the California State University system have already canceled inperson classes for their small semester. While others like notre dame have shortened their fall semester and have canceled classes on campus after thanksgiving anticipating a second wave of the virus in the winter. The future of College Sports is also up in the air. Theres a chance some seasons could be canceled altogether next year. Many institutions are worried students will choose not to return, Online Learning or reduce services on campus without sports may not be worth the hefty tuition for some. I definitely think this is lesser experience than what i would be getting if i were on campus. Theres no single plan and no clear guidance from the federal government with how to move forward with reopening in the fall. So University Heads and local School Districts are making their own plans. Were considering minimizing the number of students that come on certain days and also staggering the arrivals and then actually having lunch in the classrooms. Schools around the globe already trying new approaches. Look at this classroom in china. The paper hats on these children may seem like an art project but they have a purpose, for kids to stay away from each other. This could be in the u. S. As well come september or even later. And we want to talk about that future now. Dr. Altman is a pediatrician, a spokesperson for the American Academy of pediatrics, a school physician, and the mother of three school age boys and also helping advise schools in Southern California on their plans to reopen. Thanks very much for taking what little time you must have. Im not sure how you have any time at all but thanks for joining us. Youve written about how schools are going to need to solve three major problems in the fall to keep kids safe. Can you quickly explain what you see as those problems . Sure, so the three strategies is one how to keep the virus from entering the campus. So thats going to be Health Checks and temperature screenings, staggered arrivals as you mentioned and limiting visitors on campus. The second is how to decrease person and person transmission on campus, and this is going to be smaller classrooms, less mixing of kids, close commonly touched areas, a lot of hand washing with assigned seats, disinfecting, avoiding shared supplies and also mask use is going to play a key role. And then the third is the strategy which someone does get sick because we know unfortunately its going to happen. We need to quickly test them, diagnose, isolate and then Contact Trace which is a lot easier when theres fewer kids theyve come into contact with throughout the day. Lets drill down a little bit on that with some of the viewer questions here. Weve got a lot of them from kids, parents and teachers. This is from an 8yearold who i think is asking a question probably on the mind of every kid in america. Take a listen. My question is is it safe to go back to school in the fall . What do you think . So thats a great question, and thats what teachers and administrators and pediatricians and Health Professionals are working on across the country. Its not going to be the same school day youre used to. Its going to be a Normal School day, but it will be as safe as we can get it. This next question came in from twitter. It reads how are parents to feel safe with children with Underlying Health conditions being sent back to school . So thats going to be a really important consideration. As we know some kids are more medically fragile and thats why it is going to take everybody, everyone is going to have to agree that were going to follow all of the same rules, that everybody is going to stay physically distanced, going to wear a mask, wash hands. And parents are going to have to promise they will not send sick kids to school. Theyre going to be really diligent about that about that now more than ever. This is question, doctor from illinois which reads is there a possibility some kids and teenagers will be asked not to return to school if someone in their immediate family has tested positive for covid19 . Definitely that is a real consideration. And thats why a lot of schools are looking at, you know, in addition to having in person classes theyre also still going to have to have a form of online or Virtual School because kids may be quarantining or if they have symptoms or if theyre waiting for test results or there might be some kids where some parents dont feel comfortable sending them to school where the kids have Underlying Health conditions. Todd in texas sent in this video. Hello. My question is when will the conversation focus equally on the safety of teachers as it is the students . Safety from the virus but also from losing their job because of getting sick or fear of passing the virus to compromised family members. Doctor . Youre absolutely right and keeping our teachers and staff healthy. And lets not forget many of them are older and may be in the vulnerable population themselves, so having all the kids wear masks and wash their hands and the teachers as well. Some teachers will be wearing face shields, staying a little bit distanced from the students and all these Safety Measures were putting in place is just as important for the teachers as they are for the students. And we have to start thinking about these things now for the fall. People identifying potentially as vulnerable as well. Judith in north carolina, doctor, sent in this video. Take a look. Hi, my name is judy and i have a question. Im a preschoolteacher and i want to know how they are going to open up preschools and toddler rooms and day cares safely when kids that young dont understand social distancing, and they really dont understand how not to put things in their mouths. So how can we all go back safely . Thats my question. Thank you. And it is more challenging for the youngest children, so were going to work with small classes and try to keep those kids with that small group of maybe six to ten students because we know we cant totally keep them apart. We can only do our best. We can also give them each their own toys to play, frequently wash them, and they have their own time outside separate from other classes in the yard and rotate using the bathroom so we can fully disinfect. But teachers and administrators are so creative and coming up with solutions because we want to get our kids back to school so they can learn. Theres another video from jeff in sacramento. My question is how to safely teach physical education, and my position like many pe teachers, i teach every k 5 student during the week. My concern is about the use of equipment. Am i endangering students who share equipment during a class . For example, can students play catch with a ball . What advice do you have for physical education teachers here in the u. S. And internationally . Physical education is such an important component of our school day and with weather permitting you can do outside. And we know just being outside dramatically decreases the risk of transmission. Maybe instead of playing catch kids will be doing more soccer where theyre kicking the ball because you do want to avoid touching the same ball and surfaces as other kids. And they should be doing the same pe class as the same small group of kids as they do during their Normal School hours. So keeping the kids in small groups where they dont mix is also going to help. You can do oldfashioned calisthenics and there will be some sports we will have to reimagine doing a different way to decrease the risk of the transmission of the virus. Do you think there are some things that cant happen, choir, for example where people are singing, wind instruments or whatever it may be . Thats a great question. And we were just discussing doing choir and wind instruments outside at my school in a semicircle and thats of course with weather permitting being in Southern California. But youre right we cant have kids in a room blowing on the person standing in front of them. We also wont have large assemblies. Library time i picture it being virtual where maybe the books are dropped off in the class and kids wont be able to physically go to the library. Another question this one on social media and there at the bottom of the screen. How can students do social distancing when it comes to the school bus . So buses are going to be another area where were really going to have to take a look and ideally we would screen and Temperature Check kids before they get on the bus. Theyre going to have to be spread out. I know in our area were trying to encourage families that dont rely on and need the bus to drive their kids to school. But many kids do need the buses so we may need to have more buses because they need to spread out. If they have assigned seats that will also help if we need to Contact Trace and again sanitizing hands and masks before you get on the bus. Its going to be difficult. Dr. Altman, appreciate it. We are joined now truly by three educational allstars. President of the harlem childrens zone which the New York Times has called, quote, one of the most ambitious science experiments of our time. And teacher of the year linda ross, and 2020 louisiana teacher of the year, a social studies teacher and pride of shalmutt high. Appreciate all of you being with us. Linda, in addition to being a High School Science teacher i know youre also a mom to those kids. What do you make about what the doctor said about returning to the classroom . It sounds like theres so many different parts to this. I think as the mother of Young Children i can understand the challenge of implementing these strategies to young kids. So i think its going to be all hands on deck and were all going to have to be working together to put some of these strategies to work. From montana to the inner city of new york how can students socially distance in a classroom for real in a safe way, and do you think that some kids just might be afraid to return to school after hearing all this . You know, sanjay, im really worried that were going to have a Mental Health epidemic among our children in this country. Just think about it. The poorest kids they know people who die, they know people who are sick. The very air you breathe, the people you pass on the street are suddenly dangerous to you. All of that trauma is going to come into our schools and into our classrooms, and we really need to prepare for this. Im so glad that you all are focusing on education because we cant all figure this out one by one by ourselves. We need to get the best practice. We need to start thinking about this, but just think i taught for ten years and ive gotten my kids together, and now i have to keep all of my kids apart. Thats a skill that we have to practice, and we need time for teachers to begin to practice the kind of monitoring, the talking, the engaging that doesnt really gather the kids together in ways that were used to. So i think weve got to use this summer to have some dry runs, to learn some new skills and learn some new monitoring so we can really keep our children safe. Chris, what about you . The work, life balance, the school, life balance, what additional responsibilities have your students taken on . And as their teacher what efforts have you tried to bridge the classroom to home gap . Sure, weve seen so many issues in education the pandemic has certainly highlighted them just as your other teachers here were saying. One being lack of internet. Weve had students who simply dont have access to internet or have limited internet. I have a student that is one of five, and she has to share one laptop with an entire family, so she can only get on on certain days. So i also have students who have picked up essential jobs, so a lot of issues students are facing are things that were not really giving as much weight as they deserve. We have students that have lost loved ones and have had family members who survived from covid19 or have lost jobs. So students are taking a lot on, and teachers, were doing everything we can to try to keep learning go ig and keep those connections happening. Ive got to say, linda, as a father of three school age girls i was amazed at just how quickly things changed. They had to, right . All of a sudden theyre all doing Remote Learning. It was remarkable how fast that happened. As chris is pointing out you do have to have certain things. You do have to have a laptop and internet. Its not a reality for all students. So what do you do . What happens in those situations . I think you have to be really flexible with your students. I think that is a reality and the world were living in. So we have to give them grace and understanding and be creative how they can go about their learning. So sometimes that might be a phone call instead of a lesson, that might be a letter other ways we can facilitate learning than using that technology. Jeffrey, its great to see you. I follow you on 60 minutes, a huge admirer of you personally. In new york city, mayor deblasio announced a new grading system, said more than 200,000 ipads were available to students. It just seems like thats great but it does seem like a drop in the bucket when you think about the enormous challenges for so many kids. This is unprecedented. Weve always worried in poor kids about the summer melt, right . The kids are not academically engaged over the summer, they come to school actually behind. Weve thrown another three months on top of that. And then on top of that weve thrown teachers and ipads with no training and best practice, and were all trying to figure this thing out. I think its an educational disaster right now. Plus you have the issue that was mentioned before, some kids dont have internet. They dont have devices. They dont have headphones. There may be only two devices for five kids. Thats education malpractice. We need right now to have every state government, the federal government say education right now is in crisis and we need to treat this the same way were treating the Health Crisis because after all, if we care about income inequality we are seeing it develop right in front of our eyes. What do you do, geoffrey . What are you specifically asking for especially if in the fall we find ourselves in a very similar position again . So, there are a couple of things right away, sanjay, we need to do. Number one, weve got to make sure every kid has a device. Internet is the same as having books today. You cant have some students with no Internet Connection and no devices when we know theres a good chance schools are going to have to close periodically over the course of the next 18 months. And we need to not cut the budgets of schools because im looking at these state and city budgets and im saying, wait a second, at the moment we need to be thinking about how to get more space, get more room to have classes so we can social distance. We cant be cutting budgets and teachers and not investing in our young people, and i just feel this coming right now that people are going to say we cant afford to actually provide the education and support necessary in this country particularly in the poorest communities. And thats something that were going to have to fight to stop from happening. We need additional investments, and while were throwing trillions of dollars in lots of places we need to make sure were investing in education. So these great educators on this show so they really have a fair chance to educate the kids during this pandemic. Chris, whats your greatest fear come the fall . Well, first off i wholeheartedly agree, we need more funding for education to address these concerns, these inequities and these Mental Health concerns. But my biggest fear is that these gaps at the moment that theyre going to continue to get larger and students are going to come back in the fall, and theyre not going to be on an equal foot and many times theyre already not on an equal footing. Because we see these inequities in education. But i think that gap is going to be even bigger. So students, theyre going to need, you know, social and Emotional Learning just as much as academic learning. Theyre going to need the help of mentors, of counselors, of social workers. So it really is all hands on deck when fall comes around. And linda, youre a Science Teacher which is near and dear to my heart for sure. Are there things youre doing in particular with the classroom around the covid pandemic in terms of science . Are you trying to use that as a teaching tool . Yes, i absolutely am. I think right away my students had a lot of fears and they were confused about what was happening. And so i took that opportunity to replace their fears with facts, and right at the beginning i explained to them what was happening. I explained about the virus and how the pandemic was affecting us and how to understand how our behaviors can influence that. And then i also i wasnt really sure how to approach their learning when it came to the virus so i asked them for their help in showing me how to facilitate their learning, and they wanted to do open ended covid projects, so they got to pick the topic, they got to pick how they showed their learning and how they showcased that and shared with the world. And i had students doing projects, some of them were looking at the economic effects of the pandemic or insurance policies and how that would influence peoples treatment. I had one student who looked at how we could facilitate social distancing in different High School Rodeo events, and then i also had another one whos looking at coronavirus in cattle, and she wanted to be able to see whether the vaccine used for that coronavirus would be effective against covid. So it was really amazing to see how they led their learning around this virus, and they were able to understand the pandemic better through that. You know, im curious, anderson asked chris what he was most worried about. What are you most worried about, and i guess i would also ask as the father of three kids how much different or how would you quantify the quality of this sort of teaching, learning that my kids have been going through the last few months as compared to last year at this time . Okay, i absolutely can speak to that. So i think number one we probably would see that were maybe serving 50 or 60 of our students at a basic level. And then theres probably 40 or 50 of our students falling through the cracks, and were losing a proportion of that also. And so i think we need to look at that, too, and how we can serve that half better and i also think we can actually measure in my own classroom im doing online now how much theyre learning about the concepts were learning about covid compared to last year. And i can see there is a drop in understanding. And some students understand it well regardless. It doesnt matter what method we use, but there are others were losing and im concerned about that. Also finally, geoffrey, you talked about this coming, you know, wave of emotion and Mental Health issues. This is coming at a time when a lot of kids, their families have been decimated in ways that these kids have never seen. Their families are out of work. You know, so many people are out of work right now. The idea of, you know, a family being able to get an extra computer or get any computer, its just not realistic. No, its not realistic. And anderson, youve really sort of set the table for whats happening in so many of our poorest communities. The parents are traumatized. Theyve lost their jobs. They dont know how theyre going to pay their rent. They cant buy their medications. Theyre worried about their mothers and fathers who are in the next room and are 75 and 80 years old and all the while theyre terrified that their children are not focused, their children are not paying attention. They dont want to go on the devices. So youve got people right now, families that are traumatized. And the safest place for children is the school. And weve got to figure out a way we can open our schools safely, keep them safe, make sure that we learn best practice from all around the world about how you can engage students. Because as much as i Love Technology and we need to have it you cannot replace the interaction between a student and a teacher. All of us have teachers that we just loved because we felt their love for us and their passion for the students in their classroom. Thats hard to come over by video or using technology. So weve got to figure out how to do this and do it smart, and we need the resources to get it done. And, anderson, ive been waiting to say this to you for many, many years, happy early fathers day. Im so excited about that. Thank you. To you too, sanjay. I cant believe that suddenly applies to me. Its astonishing every day. Thank you so much for what you do. Not just for what youre doing right now but what youve always done. Coming up next well talk to the president of Notre Dame University on plans to bring students back to campus this fall. And the questions hes getting about how to ensure college kids safety on campus. Also First Lady Melania Trumps message to students and how to get through the coming weeks. Super emma just about sleeps in her cape. 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Confident financial plans, calming financial plans, complete financial plans. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. Find yours at letsmakeaplan. Org. Theyre all possible with a cfp® professional. The returdraftinging the return of the slide job ripping the wall gasngo bumpnrun the return of loud nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house. Im Fred Pleitgen in denmark and this country is rapidly reopening its schools. One of the thing you dont see in danish schools is students and teachers Wearing Masks. It is something the danes dont believe in. You do see a lot of hand sanitizing and washing. They have basins so the students can wash their hands at any point in time. Also theres a lot of taped off areas to make sure kids dont get too close to each other and keep that physical distance. Now, this school in particular is a really interesting one. Because of the physical distancing measures they didnt have enough space for all the students to come back, so they actually moved some of their lessons into the local church. So math lessons from the church with the teacher standing in the pulpit, and they even do some of the lessons for statistics in the local Church Graveyard because there are a lot of numbers on the headstone and the Danish Government actually encourages that. They say teachers should do as many lessons as possible outside. Were going to be showing you those type of dispatches throughout this hour to show how other countries are managing this and how things could look in the United States come in the fall. For now here at home, the chronicle of Higher Education surveyed more than 700 schools on their plans and 67 more than two out of three said they are working towards in person instruction. Notre Dame University announced a plan to reopen campus for a truncated term this fall. We spoke to the University President earlier. Father jenkins, to the parent of a notre dame student who asks how are you going to keep my son or daughter safe this fall what do you say . You know, were going to do everything we can and we believe consulting with the very best medical advice and working over the next three months to get all the details right we can keep your son or daughter safe here on campus. We would not make that decision if we were not confident about that. We value the oncampus experience deeply. We care about the education these students receive. So i think those two combined led us to this decision. And as i say the safety of these young men and women are our highest priority. Father, you know, everyone talks about testing. Testing is going to be necessary. Its going to be a major component from what ive read of your plan. Do you have the capacity to test the student body . Were talking 12,000 people and faculty as well. Is that a realistic at this point objective goal . Let me tell you, sanjay, if we dont have Testing Capacity we wont open, again because thats a critical component. Everyone weve spoken to has given us confidence we will. As you well know the testing availability is ramping up and ramping up rapidly. I believe well be there by the time we welcome students back. Again, if we cant do that thats a critical component to success, we wont open. But i believe we will be there. And as you know a lot of, you know, educational institutions, colleges, secondary school, you know, lower school as businesses are trying to figure out how to make this work so a lot are looking at your plan. If a student tests positive what happens then . We have space for isolating that student whos positive and quarantining those with whom that student has come in close contact with. So thats critical part two. Weve got to be able to isolate those who have contracted the virus. So we have to identify those facilities and we have that in place. People are going to hear this. Obviously there may be just some people who are concerned, they may have preexisting conditions, or for faculty members who are vulnerable because of their age. How are you going to handle that . Do they have to return . Can they opt out . What is their status going to be . Certainly those who have a vulnerable status we have to look at those and allow them to teach in different ways. I believe we can structure the classroom and structure the interaction. So faculty will be kept pretty safe. Thats not as challenging. I worry to be honest with you i worry more about the students because its very hard to keep them distanced from one another. You know undergraduates. But faculty and students to provide the classroom that can keep them distanced, and, you know, if its necessary to conduct office hours by zoom or whatever we can do that. So we havent worked out the details but we will keep the faculty safe. And if people have conditions that prevent them certainly that would be something well take into consideration. Youve instructed students and teachers to prepare for the possibility of im quoting unexpected severe new outbreak of covid19, said it could mean a return to Remote Learning. And i know youve said the odds are you will have positive cases on campus. Obviously we hope that doesnt happen. I mean, is there an event that would trigger an actual shutdown of campus . If the spread continued, if there was a widespread outbreak what would happen . If it were widespread, if the Health Officials in the region said you have to shut down, we have to shut down. And what weve done is provide a way in which we could move quickly online. Now, obviously theres sort of all sorts of gradations here. If its extensive and in the community thats a different story. I have to tell you we have to work out and were in the process of working out what is the threshold for making that call, and we dont do it alone. We do it in conversation with Health Officials and medical experts. So well get there by that time, but we need to recognize this is our goal. But if certain things occur we may have to go to contingency plan. We talked to Magic Johnson a couple of weeks ago. We talked to the commissioner of the mlb. Athletics is on everyones mind. But that does present a whole additional set of challenges, right . I mean limiting the spread of covid19 among athletes in that environment, what do you think . Academics youve addressed. What about athletics . Well, our First Priority is the education of our students. So thats what we focus on so far. About athletics its something weve certainly thought about and will think about more. Two things, one is the actual game and the participants. And thats in itself is a challenge but its a more contained challenge. Limited number of people, testing we could do that. As you know Major League Baseball is going to play without fans. Thats a more manageable thing. So the next question is what about people in the stadium . And thats a more difficult question, right, because so many people from so many places. So thats something were going to grapple with in every school, indeed every Sports League in america is going to grapple with that. I dont have the answers yet. Perhaps some space in the stadium if we go ahead would be possible, but id be speculating at this point. Wed just have to see what is possible. Our First Priority is to get those kids in the classroom, but then when we have clarity on that well talk about the athletics. Father john jenkins, we wish you the best in this. Thank you so much. Really enjoyed it. Thanks to both of you. Lets look further into the future of Higher Learning and how this pandemic could be pushing it there. Our next guest recently told new York Magazine a reckoning is coming for colleges and universities in just a matter of weeks. Hes professor scott galloway. He joins us now. When you talk about reckoning, what do you mean . We have raised tuition rates 1400 in the last 40 years. This is a time of year supposed to be nervous but rewarding time of year where people figure out where theyre going to school, and instead its become a time of year where people imagine how theyre going to take several thousand dollars on inhouse hold debt. I think we have raised when i say we i mean the academic community. Weve raised prices faster than health care. If you walked into a classroom today, it wouldnt look, feel or smell much different than it did 40 years ago. I think weve stuck out the mother of all chins and the fist of covid19 is coming for us. I think this involves huge disruption and i think it starts this fall. You think this reckoning was coming anyway, professor . The pandemic just sort of pushed it over the edge . Yeah, if you think about it covid19 is more of an accelerant than a change agent. I went to ucla and berkeley on a total of 7,000 in tuition for undergraduate and graduate. And now youre looking at students who have taken more debt and Credit Card Debt which results in household formation later, much more risk averse in terms of the businesses they start. And families really suffering. This has been long overdue. Theres a collective statement across america amongst parents watching their kids on zoom going this is what ive been paying for . So you have think of another product that charges over 100,000 to get 90 plus points of gross margin other than a pharmaceutical for a rare cancer. Theres no product in the world not apple, not ferrari, that gets these sort of extraordinary margins for a product that largely hasnt changed in five decades. So quite frankly we have this coming. Do you think some colleges realizing this or fearing this thats one of the pushes they want to get kids back on campus because they feel like the longer, you know, its Remote Learning or online more and more people are going to say what are we paying for . 100 . Just as a stock market analyst are looking at companies with the most cash on their balance sheet, were going to look at universities, and the ones that have large tuitions, tier two brands and the primary value add was get your kid out of the house for four years to kind of marinate. When you see that experience go away, youre going to see demand destruction like youve never seen. Youre going to see the top tier schools go into the waiting list. Theres never been a better time to been on a waiting list at a tier 1 school. Which will force the tier 2 school to go much deeper into their waiting list. And the tier 3 to reach into a waiting list they dont have. The median endowment is 7 million. Meaning a lot of these schools if 20 or 30 of the students dont show up, which the surveys say theyre planning not to do in fall we could see 20 to 30 of universities start a death march similar to what Department Stores have done. Second tier universities are to education what Department Stores are to retail, and that is theyre about to begin a death march. This is provocative stuff. Youve said you think big universities are going to partner with Big Tech Companies i guess like google or apple, whoever to help them expand. Not because they have to necessarily, but because they think theres an opportunity, these Tech Companies do, is that right . Exactly. If youre apple or amazon or google youve had this implicit agreement your stock is going to double in the next five years. In order to do that apple has to increase their top line revenue by about 150 billion over the next five years which limits the number of industries. They have to go big game hunting and that literally limits them to government, defense, the Auto Industry which is a low margin business and they will immediately zero onto as they already are health care and education. So big tech is going to come into education not because they want to but because they have to. And a benefit to universities will be if youre able to use small and big tech to effectively take 50 of their classes offline that is effectively doubling your size of your campus. So your going to see a lot of universities leverage their brand and leadership and use technology to effectively double their capacity of their schools which will let them lower their prices, increase gross margin dollars and this will have a hugely disruptive impact again on the culling of the herd, the hulling of the tier three university, the culling of the tier three universities. Do you think colleges then are going to lower their costs, and if you do what do you see as the trigger to them doing that . Just suddenly they all have to start doing that . Well, it depends on who were talking about. Lets look at the ivies. Which are more spectacle than historic. Only 64,000 students enrolled in undergraduate at all 8 ivy league colleges. Half a percent of all college age kids across america. Theyre a luxury brand. Their benefit comes from artificial scarcity. They brag they turn away 90 of their applicants. Which in my view is tantamount to a housing shelter saying they turned away 90 of applicants last night. They are no longer in the business of public service. Theyre in the business of finishing school for some rich people and some incredibly remarkable middle and lower income people. They are largely or most likely maintain their Pricing Power and double down on their exclusivity. The big tier of Public Schools where two thirds of kids are enrolled are in my opinion will hold onto the script. The university of berkeley will graduate more kids from households this career and they will use technology and opportunity to expand their seats at a lower cost. That will put cost pressure on the entire system. A lot of people are starting to do tradeoffs over what is the certification and the education and a diminished experience worth. And this like any other industry is going to go through certain cost pressure. Name an industry that hasnt had to cut costs the last 40 years and theres one, education. So i think at the very top, anderson, they continue to be there, they continue to have art official scarcity, but everywhere else, youre going to see a destruction in Pricing Power. The companies that can expand their margin dollars by larger values will do so, which will create enormous disruption and chaos at the bottom half of universities. This is the most interesting five minutes ive had in a long time, and i wish this could go on longer. Go on, anderson. I would like to take your class. Maybe thats the wrong message to leave this with. Its 7,000 if you get to nyu. Professor scott gallagher, really fascinating. I want to read more of what you write because i think its opening my mind in a lot of ways. Thank you, sir. Up next we want to take a look also the psychological impact of the virus on k12 students and the best way educators and parents can prepare their children on a return back to school. First a report on students from south korea which has begun reopening schools. Reporter im Paula Hancocks in seoul. High School Seniors have gone back to school this wednesday across south korea. It really feels like a milestone in the countrys fight against coronavirus. Now, there were Temperature Checks at the front gate. There was hand sanitizer, there was social distancing in the classrooms and also in the cafeteria. The desks, for example, in the classrooms had to be at least a meter apart. And here in the cafeteria you can see every other seat has been blocked out, you have these plastic partitions in between two prevent any contamination. This is the one place on campus where students and teachers are allowed to take their masks off. There have been some first day issues. Dozens of schools in a city west of seoul had to close down after two students were found positive wednesday morning. When visible set out to create the future of phone service. We tossed the stuff that wasnt working. Stuff like footlong bills and fees from nowhere. Timewasting stores, misleading ads, unhelpful help centers. And saved the stuff that was working. Like verizons 4g lte network. Plus unlimited data, messages, and minutes. Its a simple system. Trim the bad. Make the good better. And way cheaper. Meet visible. Unlimited data on verizons 4g lte network. Just 25 for your first month. Join us at visible. Com. This is cnns global town hall. Were focusing on education tonight. Kids in this country will eventually return to school. But for now they are still learning at home. So what health and psychological concerns are there for students, educators and parents alike . Joining us now john kelly. Hes a School Psychologist here on long island, new york and a professor at Saint Johns University is in the psychology program. And angela duckworth, a psychology professor at the university of pennsylvania and author of grit, a fantastic book on the power of passion and perseverance. I love grit. It is a great book. One of the most persistent, angela, factors in everyones lives is uncertainty. How do you help kids navigate that . The first thing kids should know about uncertainty is the same thing parents should know which is that all animals including human beings hate uncertainty. Its a really, really uncomfortable psychological state, and thats probably some kind of Survival Response that we dont like not knowing whats going to happen to us especially when we think the future might be dark. And i think some of the most Important Research on this was done on animals where when an animal is expecting something bad to happen but it doesnt have any way to predict or control that thats when the animal really suffers. It actually shows symptoms of depression and so forth. If you had first acknowledged that anxiety and not knowing the future are supposed to happen to you under circumstances like this, i think that is a great first step. And then you could start to deal with how do i actually manage this feeling, but the first thing is to acknowledge it and normalize it. John, do you think this sort of disruption is going to be long lasting in terms of the impact, or angela wrote a book about grit. Is this going to build resilience in kids . How do you think this sort of plays out for School Age Kids . Its a really interesting scenario, sanjay, because i think what we know about crisis events is that quite honestly it affects kids in very different ways. There are multiple factors that come into play that help to predict how one child might react versus another. So a majority of kids they will come through this and be okay. There may be some shortterm issues we need to help them through and get them back on track. We do know there is another subset of children and adolescents who maybe have some particular vulnerabilities, some challenges that they have been facing and we may need to address those issues a little longer term. A high schooler from new jersey sent in this video. Lets take a look. Due to covid19 i was unable to attend graduation, prom as well as celebrate my birthday. This led to severe depression and many unanswered questions. One of these questions being where do i go from now . I wanted to attend college, and i wanted the full College Experience and now thats not a possibility. So my main question now is when will all of this be over, and will i be able to attend college . Angela . Well, i cant say when itll be over. I wish i could. Its that thats what i was talking about, you know, hating to not know. I do have this suggestion, and by the way ive got an 18yearold and a 17yearold at home. The 17yearold missed her birthday, the 18yearold is missing her graduation. Theyre both missing the prom, so i have a little bit of experience with this. I see what my own daughters are going through. And after you acknowledge that the stress response, anxiety, not liking uncertainty, that these are completely normal human feelings, and in some ways you should be worried if youre not experiencing those things, i think the next thing you have to do is put things into perspective. Right . Now, missing the prom is terrible. Missing graduation is pretty horrible, too. Maybe youre not experiencing a freshman year in college as you expected. But when i say put things in perspective, just use your imagination, what things not to mention in the past in history. That could be worse. Than than those things. And i think, when you start to just name them, right, when you think about world war ii, when you think about maybe poverty thats happening, you know, right here, in this country. And that you may be blessed not to be experiencing, i do think that normalizing the stress response is great. But, also, putting things into perspective will help you not fall into a ruminative spiral that does lead to depression. Yeah. Thats a good point. We have another question. John, this ones for you from ross. Which reads, do you think there will be a major regression with most childrens education and what they learned the first half of the school year . I think about this all the time, jon. Again, i have three schoolaged children. What do you think about that . Theres no doubt that theres been a major disruption to kids education. Teacher panel before where you heard and you saw the innovation. The quick changes that that our teachers have had to make. But, you know, schools, in general, are set up to support children. Even when we are not physically together. And so, anything that we can do no now, will help to mitigate the impact later on. You know, were talking about opening up different schools and strategy and systems of support. But the key is, yes, what were doing now. But, also, making sure were prepared to support students when we do reopen. Angela, this is a question from new jersey. Says my 10yearold daughter has been very emotional. She turned ten, has been unable to see her grandmother and father. On april 4th, we celebrated her birthday alone. All she wanted was a hug. I have been unable to uplift her spirits. What do you suggest . You are getting the tough questions. Sorry. No, thats all right. You know, i feel like every parent right now is feeling like, wow, why am i getting all the tough questions or the hard scenarios . Its kind of happening to all of us. You know, i will say, let me share something that i told my own students, who are much older than 10. You know, these are actually undergraduates at the kind of hermez university your last guest was just talking about. But maybe this will help even a 10yearold. I said, you know, youre experiencing history. Like, this is not going to be a sentence or a footnote in the history books. You are living through, at least, a paragraph, a full page, or maybe a chapter, in history. And its happening to everyone. And its hard. But, you know, kind of understanding that we are at a historic moment. And i added this, and it certainly helped me students. It may help this 10yearold. You know, you cant control whats going to happen. You cant predict everything thats going to uphappen, at least. But you can control your response to it. And i probably want to think when i grow up, id like to look back at this chapter in history. And when i tell my grandchildren about it, id love to tell them that i did my best, and i managed it with a little bit of humor, some grace, some generosity. And i think, at least for my own students, again, older than 10 years old. I think that helped them think about how to be their best self, even when the world is not what they want it to be. Also, know you can survive Something Like this and get through it and come out the other side. I know, as a young person, surviving things that seemed so overwhelming that i didnt think i could was actually very helpful to me longterm, though hard to see it in the moment that way. Sorry, go ahead. Just want to say, anderson, your book came out the same day as mine. I read it. So, yes, its much of what you have also written about. Yeah. Yeah. Thats why i think i loved your book so much. Grit. Angela duckworth, great to have you on. We want to thank you for all you do, frankly, not just for tonight. Ahead, a special message you will only see on this town hall from First Lady Melania Trump to students. Alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. Say hello to your fairy godmother alice. And longlasting gain scent beads. Part of the irresistible scent collection from gain everything has changed. Our work, how we eat, breathe, even stand. But we cant stand for this. To protect our health and our right to vote. With vote by mail, and safe options for voting in person, we must act now. But Mitch Mcconnell refuses to let the senate vote. Join us. Tell mitch protect our health and our vote. Whys mitch so afraid of our voices being heard . Let america vote pac is responsible for the content of this ad. Uh, i need a price check on honey. [sigh] dont get mad. Get e trade and get more than just trading. Investing. Banking. Guidance. Get e trade and get more than just trading. 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Often, at the end of these town halls, we like to tell you about Inspiring Stories and deeds. People who have triumphed or have a powerful message for rest of america, something that will leave you with the feeling of hope. Tonight, that message comes from the white house itself. From first lady, melania trump, who wanted to share this message with students whose worlds have been turned upside down by this virus. Hello, students. I want to send my greetings and well wishes to all of you this evening. Over the past two months, i know you have had to make many changes in your life. Many of you had to attend classes in your homes, and havent been able to see your friends. Many of you, you were looking forward to your prom, spring sports, and graduation. These changes were not easy. But you have been so strong, and i am proud of the examples you have become. Your determination to get through this will define your generation, for years to come. So, thank you, for helping your families, your friends, your communities, and our country, to stay healthy and safe during this unusual times. Thank you for keeping up your studies, and learning in new ways. As we navigate the days and weeks ahead, take care of yourself. Use this time to read the book youve been meaning to read. Practice your favorite sport or learn a new one. And help out at home. Be sure to stay in touch with friends and family, and make sure youre being your best self. These are important and healthy habits, that we can all easily practice. And they are a reminder that we will only get through this with patience, compassion, and care. Tonight, please, know that the president and i are with you during these challenging times. And we continue to do everything we can to support you. God bless you all and god bless United States of america. Really lovely. And so important. And as the first lady just mentioned, you know, these are challenging times. A lot of our viewers are asking about how they can help others, how they can find help themselves. You could find out how by going to cnn. Com coronavirus. You can find out there how to help. Theres even categories to search for where you want to contribute. In addition, to resources for selfhelp. You can also go to cnn. Com impact. Sanjay, thank you. Want to

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