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Testify under oaths about conversations between trump and comey. He said you said you hoped the Flynn Investigation i didnt say that. So he lied about that . Well, i didnt say that. I mean, i will tell you i didnt say that. Trump then denied ever asking comey to pledge loyalty to him. Did he ask for a pledge of loyalty from you . Thats another thing he said. No, he did not. So if he said those things under oath, would you be willing to testify under oath to give your version . 100 . 100 . Trump agreeing to be deposed by special Counsel Robert Mueller in the investigation. Its incredible. Investigators have now sent letters to comey and the white house. They want the memos and they want the white house tapes if they exist. Sara murphy is out front front at the white house. Now were going to have one person said it under oath. The other who has said he will say it under oath. This is one mans word versus another. Thats right. Its a he saidhe said situation. Both say the other is lying. The difference is james comey delivered his testimony under oath already knowing what the penalty would be if he lied. Now President Trump says hes willing to do the same. No collusion, no obstruction, hes a leaker. A defiant President Trump says hes willing to testify under oath about his conversations with james comey. So he said those things under oath, would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of 100 . Reporter after restraining himself during comeys testimony on thursday, today trump is going on offense. Frankly, james comey confirmed a hot of what i said and some of the things that he said just werent true. Reporter one day after comey made clear he thought President Trump lied, trump accused the former fbi director of lying under oath. But he refused to say whether he has tapes of his conversations with comey. Ill tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future. Youre going to be very disappointed when you hear the answer. This, as trump and allies adopt a Defense Strategy insisting the president is in the clear because comey testified trump was not under investigation when comey still led the fbi but arguing that other parts of comeys testimony are a fraud. Trump insisting he never asked for him to back off the investigation of michael flynn. I didnt say that. So he lied about that . Well, i didnt say that. I will tell you i didnt say that. And did he ask for a pledge of loyalty from you . Thats another thing he said. No, he did not. I hardly know the man. Im not going to say i wants you to pledge aleejs. Who would do that . Reporter while the president may feel exoneratesed members of his own parties are airing their concerns and saying theant csed a line. The president asked mr. Comey to do an inappropriate action and that was to drop the investigation of michael flib. That was clearly inappropriate. It crossed a boundary that the president should not have crossed. Reporter now, remember, President Trump is the one who initially raised this idea that he could have taped of those conversations with james comey and theyve been coy about it at the white house ever since. Seems like that game is going to be come to an end as house investigators say they want to see the tapes. Im sure they do. Well find out if they exist. Now the white house is being called on to turn over private recordings and the fbi director. Ryan, the president not saying if those recordings exist though he continually encourages questions about them. What are you lenk about the requests to obtain them . Reporter thats right, erin. That speculation just swirling around since the president sent out that tweet on may 12. Now house Intelligence Leaders would like to put that speculation to the end. Firing off a letter to don mcginn demanding to know whether or not these tapes exist. Theyve set a decline, its june 23rd. Two weeks from today. Theyre looking for memos that james comey wrote after those interactions with President Trump. They sent a letter to comey specifically asking him to hands those over. The memos are something that many in washington have been asking for for sometime. In fact, the Senate Intelligence committee has demandsed those memos for quite a while. They tacked about it. Theyve now sent a letter to Daniel Richmond, the columbia law professor who comey talked about who he gave those memos to and then richman eventually handed them over and talked to reporters about them. Everyone wants to know what happens in these conversations between donald trump and james comey. It seems as if the leaders on capitol hill are getting closer to getting some more insight into that. Thank you. Out front front now, john dean, former Nixon White House counsel, april ryan from american urban radio networks, mike rabino and dan phifer, former Senior Advisor to president boy john dean, let me start with you. President trump says a hump, he is 100 willing to speak under oath. How significant is that . Well, if it becomes oneonone, it really is going to weigh in favor of comey for this reason. He made contemporaneous notes of his conversation. Those actually have evidentiary value. A good prosecutor or a good lawyer just depending on the circumstances, can bring that into evidence and that will tilt most juries, if not the american public, in their opinion and if theyre looking at it without any just coldly without any partisan viewship of it, it favors comey clearly. Le. Comey says trump is lying under oath. Ok. And trump is willing to say comeys lying under oaths. So who is lying . This case goes no place on that efrds. Because you have one persons word against another persons word. But you saw the memos. Well, yes. John dean points out that that may be evidence that jurors will convict on the word of one person against the other. The corroboration is a memo written by other witnesses. You usually like to see other corroborating evidence and im not seeing it so far. There could have been people in the room, Navy Stewards who im sure will be brought to testify. Well, another this might be the president s history of demanding loyalty oaths from his aides and employees. Thats going to come out in evidence as well. Which is something we have heard a lot about, about this president. Loyalty. It is important. It is the most important thing. I have known him for a dozen years. I know this as does anybody who has interacted with him. Comey says the president requested a pledge of little. The president today didnt leave any gray area. Here he is. There would be nothing wrong with it if i did say it but i did not say that. If he said those things under oath would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version 100 . I didnt say under oath. I hardly know the man. Im not going to say i want you to pledge aleaningance. Who would do that . Who would ask a man to pleej allegiance under oath . Think of it. It doesnt make sense. No, i didnt say that and i didnt say the other. Erin, careful, mr. President , this is reminiscent of doesnt starr compelling William Clinton to give a deposition. On cnn, ive been fullthroated robust unwavering in my support for this director. I believe of the seven that weve had i served under four he is a man of impeccable, impeccable credentials, honorable and decent. I think he ceded the moral high ground. When he admitted the leak. When he admitted the leak. I was disappointed and disheartened when he ceded the moral high grounlds. Leak is an unlawful disclosure of unclassified information. It belongs to the government and for director comey to give that to a sur gatd to leak to the New York Times hes given the narrative back to the white house. April, you know, youve now been to countless press conferences with this president and other president s, you hear james saying that he got the moral high ground because comey admitted to leaking. Was the president taking a stand today when he said 100 its all untrue. Was it convincing . He took a stand. What would be convincing more so is once he actually does do what he said he would do, under oath have a deposition. I was there when ken starr deposed William Jefferson clinton. That was a chilling day in the map room of the white house. The question is years later, will this happen . People want to hear the truth. Right now its he saidhe said. But right now james comey has credibility according to the american public. This president has thrown this issue in the atmosphere by tweeting its. And now we have to find out really whats going on, so its left up to the president for stand by what he says and the question is will he tell the truth. Mike, heres the thing. The president wants to have it both ways. Today he said, listen, jim comey tells the truth so much so that he vicinity indicated me. In the next breath he says comeys a liar. Here he is. We were very, very happy and frankly, james comey confirmed a lot i said and some of the things he said just werent true. So the president says comey vindicated him because he told the truth and then he says hes a liar. How can both be there true . James comey committed sins of omission and sins of commission. He has a messiah complex. What weve seen is this is a gentleman who wants too do partisan and political things from a nonpartisan and nonpolitical organization. He has no credibility left. Donald trump is 100 vindicated and theres really nothing left here but political theater. This meeting happened, he decided to make something up and write it down and not say anything about it and wait and one day hes going to share this madeup story . James comey has never been trump to begin with. He has constantly did things to undermine the president. All he had to do was remove the cloud from the president and that cloud was, sifr, youre innocent and he is innocent i will just say i want to bring dan in here but he did do something in late october which was very positive for this president. Whether that was his intent or not. I dont think dmib can deny that. Dan . Erin, you hit upon it. The trump explanation is absurd. Iflt cant be that james comey tell us the truth only when it helps are donald trump and when it doesnt hes obviously lying. To your point, look, we dont know what was said in that room but we can use our common sense. Comey wrote these things down in real time, talked to people in real time about them. Prosecutors will go back and talk with those witnesses. Comey has a decadeslong bipartisan recommendation for integrity and rectitude. We know for a fact that donald trump lies all the time. We know hes lying about these tapes and we will know that soon when the white House Counsel has to tell the house Intelligence Committee that there are no tapes. Were going to hit because. The president had something to say today. Is that a defense . Plus another blockbuster congressional hearing. Jeff sessions about to be are grilled over his interactions with the russians. More developing on that. How much trouble could he be in . And the president s attorney celebrating, handing out cigars. Will you be ready when the moment turns romantic . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempasĀ® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Pancreatitis may occur and can lead to hospitalization and death. If you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. The most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Stay ahead of ibsd with viberzi. President trump promising more information on tapes, tapes of his vrgs cans with the fired fbi director jim comey and whether we will know if there are tapes. Here he is today. Ill tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future. Im not hinting at anything. Ill tell you over a short period of time. My panels back with me. Mike, why . Why ill tell you about it in a slow short period of time . This is not a nuanced area, right . There are either tapes or there are not tapes. Why isnt he answering the question . Erin, i dont work for the white house. They have a phenomenal com shop there. The president does speak for himself. I hope there are tapes because it whether further vindicate the president. Yesterdays testimony by james comey was an outlandish statement on a guy whos obviously so hellbent on bringing down this president that he has nothing left to lose. This president will further vindicate himself and move on to his agenda of making America Great which is what 63 Million People voted for him to do. Dan . Lets not count the millions who didnt vote for him to do it. It is so obvious,000 trump does not have tapes. He can warily organize his white house. Its hard to imagine in the early days hed installed a secret white house taping operation and he wont adds mitt it one of knows spy pens that you can get at hammer slemer or Something Like that . I think its more likely if he had a taping system it was Something Like that one of those small pens that you have in your pocket and he may be holding back. And i hope the tape are released. Youve obviously never represented people in criminal cases. Let me tell you something the they surprise their lawyers all the time. Unless you were in that room you have no idea whether the president is telling the truth or lying about that encounter. I think that james comey obviously has proven himself to be a liar time in and time out. I think that the president obviously has proven himself to be speaking for the American People and to be a straight shooter. You ever see the tape on youtube of lies president s have told in civil dmogs . You ever seen that . Because after about 45 minutes of demonstrable lies told by the president under oath. Have you seen it . Isnt that just liberal no. The question is guess we wont get the answer to that question. Youre talking if youre talking about Classic Media spin, it is not media spin. This president talked about himself from his brain to his thumbs to the keyboard to twitter about he was hoping there was a tape. Many people who ive talked to have said, you know, its not beyond the realm of possibility because of what has happened with him in the past with business dealings. And you guys are talking about this yeah. Microphone pen or whatever it is, get smart and the code of silence and the shoe phone thats for a lot of people who that was way back. But, anyway, heres the issue. In going way back, if there is a tape, this is very nixonian. It does not look president yam. It seems sinister, so as people are celebrating, you got to remember the base of this. I had a conversation with him about a year ago, year and a half ago. In it we were talking about how there were a lot of Chinese Companies in his building and whether he was wiretapped. You know what he said . He said i assume every conversation i have ever had was wiretapped because im in new york City Real Estate and people are out to get me. That was the president s then candidate trump told me. But james, you know, jim comey saying lordy, i hope theres tapes. Erin again, whoever it is whos lying is doing so in the most egregious and horrible way every. If jim comey does something to attack donald trump, the republicans are going to side with or the democrats are going to decide there. If he does the other way, the republicans will side for that. Im going to call balls and strikes here. There were two losers in the testimony yesterday. The first its hard to say this but im going to say this. The first was jim comey. No one thought he v could have been knocked often the high ground and he was knocked off the high ground. The second and my apologies to dan, the second is the Obama Administration and the politization of the doj. We knew this to be true but to hear it stated by the director that then attorney general Loretta Lynch said this is a matter, not an investigation, chfgs a clinton which was a Clinton Campaign talking point. Back to the issue of tapes, john, if there were tapes wouldnt we already know about it . Its not possible that he could have it and be hiding it and it never showed up. Wed already know, wouldnt we . The easy answer is go to the secret service. They sweep the white house on a often many times a day to make sure theres no certificate up tissuous taping going on. The telephone is the one that obama has. It has the capability of recording. All you have to do is hit a switch and the voicemail becomes a recording system. Yes, go ahead, april. On the secret service issue, i did a secret service about stapg for security or for any purposes and some persons in the secret service says theres nothing in there they use to tape. They dont have any recording advices at all, visual or audio for that matter. Erin . Go ahead. Quickly, dan. The fact of the matter is go. No. I was going to say, look, well find this out for sure. Im confident there isnt one. When the white house tells the House Intel Committee there are no tapes, trump will be proven a liar. Next, the Senate Judiciary asking comeys friend to hand over any memos from the fired fbi director. The deadline is tonight. Will they get them . Senate Judiciary Committee out front. Plus a republican comes out swinging against paul ryan saying the speaker would be looking at impeachment is that person was a democrat. For 10 years my tempurpedic has adapted to my weight and shape. So i sleep deeply and wake up ready to perform. Now through june 11th, save 600 when you buy select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. And protect my joints from further damage. Humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. Humira works by targeting and helping to. 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The most on demand, your entire dvr, top networks, and live sports on the go. Included with xfinity tv. Xfinity the future of awesome. Breaking news. Right now all eyes on capitol hill. There is another dramatic hearing coming. Attorney general Jeff Sessions testifying before Senate Appropriations committee tuesday. Democrats already warning they will use the opportunity to talk to him about his possible ties to russia. This comes as sessions is still waiting phenomenon a public vote of confidence from the president of the United States. Jessica snyder is out front. Reporter the embattled attorney general facing new scrutiny as hes about to be grilled on capitol hill about his interactions with russians. Cnn told it was revealed thursday in a closed door setting that he may have had a third meeting with sergey kislyak. Its an encounter he alluded to earlier many his testimony. We were also aware of facts that i cant discuss in an open setting that would make his continued participation problem attic. Reporter the possible meeting took place at the may flower hotel in washington where thencandidate donald trump was delivering his first major Foreign Policy address. Sources say it may have been kpraj rated. A department of justice spokesperson said it never happened. They told erin burnett it would put sessions in serious legal jeopardy if it is true. That denial as former director comey said. Could it be perjury . Could be. The allegations arrive as a source close to sessions says President Trump and the attorney general have been at odd in recent weeks, engaging in a series of heated exchanges. I have recused myself in the matters that deal with the trump campaign. Reporter that came after the attorney general admitted that he failed to disclose at his confirmation hearing two meetings with ambassador kislyak during the session. But they maintain the recusal was because of his relationship with the trump campaign. That recusal left the president livid. At one point sessions offered to resign. The president knows that accepting that resignation would ignite another firestorm. Are you going to resign . Tonight theyre asking for memos james comey wrote about his meeting with the president. Erin, the Senate Judiciary committee sent the request actually to comeys columbia law professor friend. Weve learned from a source that that friend Daniel Richmond has been in touch with the committee and been in touch with them through the special counsel bach mueller. We demand through that source that, quote, the matter will be addressed on monday. Not sure if that means hell hand over the memo but sounds like theyre in talks. Thank you, jessica. Amy is a former prosecutor. Senator, great to have you with me. Let me start that the demand your committee put out. You asked for jim comeys friend to turn over what he has by tonight. Do you know at this time whether you will get them this evening . No, i dont know that but i do think given that we know theres no classified information in those memos that i hope we will get them. I suppose theres a chance that the special prosecutor asked that they be kept in his purview for aered of time but i have no doubt that eventually we will get those memos, if not now, soon. The latest report that we have i dont know if you just heard but that david wishman, this friend of jim comeys who has the memos, that hes been in touch with bob muellers office and communicated to your committee that this matter of the memos will be addressed on monday. Do you know what that means . I dont. I guess well find out monday. I do know one thing, is that we would like to have attorney general sessions come before the Judiciary Committee since that is the venue in which he made his original statement that he wasnt dealing with the russians. I know hes going to appropriations. But all of these issues really center on the work of the Judiciary Committee and our oversight over the justice department. I also believe that we dont want to screw anything up and i dont think the Intelligence Committee has done that. You look back at iran contra and the oliver north hearings and how that actually messed up some of the criminal investigations yeah. And so far i believe the Senate Intelligence committee has handled this as well as the rest of the congress. When you bring up attorney general sessions and you want him to testify before your committee, you heard your colleague senator blumenthal say it could be perjury if its found out that the he did have a third meeting. Is he right . Do you agree that if that happened that that would be purgy by the attorney general . I dont make any of those suppositions. I want to find out the facts. You look at the evidence first as a prosecutor. Obviously, what happened before when sessions met with only three days after the president of the United States, then president obama had met with Vladimir Putin and told him he was not lifting the sanctions and then in fact said it publicly, i still continue to be amazed. We still need to find out what was discussed a that meeting. That started the domino effect, because then that led to Rod Rosenstein having jurpd and giving it to the special prosecutor. Senator, President Trump claims hes vindicated in terms of the allegations by jim comey about the flynn discretion, about the loyalty fledge among other things. Heres the president today. Yesterday showed no collusion nor obstruction. We are doing really well. That was an excuse by the dems who lost an election that some people thil they shouldnt have lost. No exclusion, no obstruction, closed case. Your reaction . I dont think anyone knows that at this appointment. We are awaiting the work of the special prosecutor and that special prosecutor has brought authority to look at everything in this matter. Also, lets not lose the fact that this is about a foreign country attempting to influence the american election, a super power trying to sbesh veen in our democracy and that means much more that this criminal investigation. It means we have to protect ourselves. It means we have to look at highway we handle campaigns. Its a lot more than just this investigation. Before you go, senator, i want to ask you about your colleague jilla brands. Shes miking headlines for what she said on democracy. Let me play it for you. What about President Trump . Has he tests any of these promises . No. [ bleep ] no. Fundamentally, if we are not henning people we should go the [ bleep ] home. Obvious we had to bleep that twiesz because of her language. What ok. Whats your take away from that. Is that ok . Well, kirsten is very passionate about the people she represents in new york state and she doesnt like what hes doing. Do i use those words in minnesota . No, i dont, but ive always enjoyed that shes someone that speaks her mind and she decided to do it at that moment. All right. Senator thank you very much. I appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Celebrating with cigars. Trumps secretary takes a victory lap before jim comey even finishes testifying. One republican who voted to imbeach bill clinton says the questions su rounding trump are much more serious. That republican out front this hour. Break through your allergies. Try new Flonase Sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. It delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. 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Is he up for this job . Tom foreman is out front. Reporter the president never in form or substance directed or suggested that mr. Comey stop investigating anyone. As soon as comeys written Opening Statement emerged, a source tells cnn the president s attorney was buying cigars and celebrating what he calls vindication for his client. Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately. That is, that the president was not under investigation as part of any probe into russian interference. At 1500 an hour Mark Kasowitz whos been seen chatting with first daughter ivanka is widely acknowledged as a power attorney, the toughest of tough guys, beefing up the president s legal team. After a former cia director talked about contacts and interactions between russian officials and u. S. Persons involved in the trump campaign. Kasowicass ha. Reporter hi, im bill oreilly. Actors Robert De Niro and mia farrow and for about 15 years, donald trump. When journalists wanted to see records of trumps divorce from his first wife ivana, kasowitz kept them sealed. Hes handled financial battles, disputes about Trump University and the claims of women who say trump touched them improperly and now kasowitz is taking on comey. Mr. Comey admitted that he unilaterally and surreptitiously made unauthorized disclosures to the press of Privileged Communications with the president. Kasowitz has potential issues of his own at least in terms of public perception, since he has represented some russian interests, but his vigorous response to the comey testimony shows that wont back him down a bit when it comes to defending the mts. President. And if you wonder why President Trump did not tweet during the comey testimony, the New York Times suggests that may have been kasowitz, too, telling the staff not to mention it to the president so he could stay focusened on other matters. Someone telling me they think kasowitz is one of the few people who will tell trump not to do something. Trump putting the squeeze on the u. S. Military partner over money for terror. The time had come to call on qatar to end its funding. They have to end that funding. The girl with psoriasis. People dont stare anymore. I never joined in. That wasnt fair to any of us. I was covered. I tried lots of things over the years. But i didnt give up. I kept on fighting. I found something that worked. That still works. Now . See me. See me. I found clear skin that lasts. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. 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He came to the world justin the usual way but there were planes to catch and bills to pay so i moved my meeting saw him walk that day he was talking fore i knew it, and as he grew hed say im gonna be like you, dad you know im gonna be like you and the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon Little Boy Blue and the man in the moon. Tonight a former republican congressman challenging House Speaker paul ryan after ryan said he would not consider impeachment if the president were a democrat. Former congressman bob english tweeted speaker ryan, you know this isnt true. You know you would be inquiring into imbeachment if this wr a d. Were a d. You said speaker ryan, if the investigation leads to the president , his family or his campaign, so be it. Dont obstruct justice. Put country first. These are strong words for the speaker of your party. Well, paul is my friend and i want him to succeed and i also want my party to you can is seed and the way to do that is to put country first. Then the rest will follow. What im afraid so if we are responding to that 38 that donald trump has and is fed to by fox and friends, it makes it so the republic cant govern itself really, because its just that 38 just made the republican primaries. Yeah. And speaker ryan obviously coming out with this, as you know, congressman, its not the only time that hes come out and defended the president. Hes done it a lot. Hes come out in highly are tropical moments and said the president is unconventional, right. Even yesterday when talking about all of the allegations from jim comey, the speakers response was that trump is just new at this. Heres speaker ryan. President s new at this. Hes new to government. Hes learning as he goes. The last thing im going to do is prejudge anything. Lick i said. This is an unconventional presidency. Do you think hes apologizing for the president too much . Yes. I think that the reality is that any president should know that you dont try to lean on the top Law Enforcement officer of the United States and when he doesnt give you what you want, you dont fire him. I you dont fire him. If Hillary Clinton had won, comey reopened the investigation of her email server, and she didnt like the way that comey was going so she fired him. If at that point, my party would rightly by howling. Saying we have got to get to the bottom of this. And now that the shoe is this foot, maybe hes new at it, or hope is not an obstruction of justice. Hey, joe, thats a nice car you have over there, hope nothing happens to it while youre having dinner. You might perceive that as my offer to protect your car during dinner. But it wasnt offering you hope, it was somebody threatening you about the safety of your car. Thats what comey is howling about. Why is the president of the United States threatening the job of the chief Law Enforcement officer of the United States. During your first term, you were on the Judiciary Committee who impeached clinton and called for clinton to resign. Is whats happening in washington right now in your view more serious than what led to clintons impeachment vote. The substance of it is way more serious. In the case of bill clinton, we were dealing with sex in the white house with an intern. And then a coverup. And thats quite different substance than a hostile country, affecting or attempting to affect the outcome of the potential election, and i would like to point out that bill clinton never fired the fbi director, when he didnt like the way an investigation was going, and a little bit of defense of bill clinton, who i voted to impeach, at least he didnt try to fire the guy that was after him. And so we have a different situation here, its much more substantive risk to america and it involves something more similar to the Richard Nixon situation, where nixon in the saturday night massacre tried to get rid of the people that were pursuing the investigation, it didnt work out for nixon and i think donald trump might have learned that thats probably not a good idea. Because theres a lot of fbi agents who want to make sure they get to the bottom of this. Do you think this president could be impeached . I think its too early to tell, like i said, in this tweet to my friend, and he is my friend, paul ryan, its not time to talk about impeachment. But what we do need to do is to go forward with these explanations, not minimizing it or explaining it away. Say now, listen here, this is a serious matter, you have somebody here might have participated in a hostile countrys attack on our, the heart of our republic, and were going to get to the bottom of it. And if it leads to the president or to his family or to anybody in his campaign, so be it. We got to get to the bottom of it. But this thing is just sort of explaining it away is just completely unacceptable. Congressman, i appreciate you taking the time to be with me. Great to be with you erin, thanks. Up next, trump calling out a key ally, telling them to stop bankrolling terror now. This is the new new york. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov the unpredictability of a flaree may weigh on your mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go, and how to work around your uc. Thats how i thought it had to be. But then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control. When certain medications havent worked well enough. 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Find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. Breaking news tonight, President Trump blasting one of americas biggest allies in the middle east, accusing qatar of financing terror at the highest levels and today the president leveled a new warning. The nation of qatar, unfortunately, has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level. The time has come to call on qatar to end its funding, they have to end that funding. Now of course that funding is backed up business multiple statements of the United States treasury over years, but qatar is home to a u. S. Military base with 1,100 members. There are 10 countries that have cut diplomatic relations with qatar. In that context, how significant was the statements today . Reporter look, erin, he made it right from the rose garden, very hard language, and when a president speaks from the rose garden, you cant interpret it any other way than official u. S. Government policy. So that hard line being heard in the middle east, and qatar looking at it and looking at the presence of those 10,000 u. S. Troops there, the core of the u. S. Air operation against isis, no indication theyre about to boot the u. S. Out, but they have to be thinking about their way ahead with the u. S. Military and keeping the u. S. Military there. Thats something the pentagon also very sensitive about. They know that the qataris are thinking about this tonight. One qatari source told me they were worried about the u. S. Base, theyre very worried about supplying it and this blockade. Today they pushed hard for the secretary of state Rex Tillerson to say stop this blockade, he did that just hours before the president spoke. Heres secretary of state tillerson. The blockade is lost impairing u. S. Military actions in the region and the campaign against isis. So he comes out and says that, and then the president hours later says the nation of qatar has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level. Reporter the president continuing with his hard line, but secretary tillerson making the point this is having real impact on people, there are Food Shortages in qatar, families have been separated. The state Department Taking a bit less hard line because of business relations with america. Thank you for joining us, andersons next. Its 8 00, do you know where your white house tapes are . Or even if there are any . Im john berman in for anderson. The house Intelligence Committee says enough is enough about the manufactured mystery over reported had better hope did not exist. Tapes of their oval office conversations. The Committee Told them if you have got them, we want them. And the president played coy this afternoon when asked about them. Do tapes exist of your conversations with them . Ill tell you about that maybe sometime in the very near future. And a couple of hours later, the house Intelligence Committee

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