Tonight the white house hit with new impeachment deadline, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee sending a letter to the president this afternoon informing him and his counsel they have until next week to decide if they want to take part in the impeachment proceedings. That includes calling witnesses, presenting evidence, and even having the president potentially question witnesses himself this. New deadline comes as the white house is still debating whether or not to participate in the Judiciary Committees first hearing on impeachment. That is this upcoming wednesday. That decision must be made in the next 48 hours. One person close to the process tells cnn tonight. The white house is still debating whether it is even quote, worth it. But this is something the president has been asking for since the beginning of the investigation. He has complained time and time again that the process is unfair. There was no due process. You cant have lawyers. We couldnt have any witnesses. They are not allowed to even ask a question. Because it is the minority. We have no lawyers. We cant question. Now you can. Now the ball is in the president s court, and the clock is ticking. Lets go to caitlyn collin. She is traveling tonight with the president. She is outfront live in West Palm Beach florida. The president facing two deadlines, decisions, any indication where his head is on this. Reporter before chairman nadler gave the white house essentially an extension on the deadline whether or not they are going to send an attorney the thinking inside was they are not going to because frankly they are trying to find out if it is going to be worth it to participate if they are going to reap any benefits from it. Right now the thinking is they are not going to if they do send an attorney. Whether or not they are going to participate full stop is still a question. The sunday deadline whether they are going send witnesses this week is still something they are considering. Besides the fact that it is going to be constitutional scholars in the room hasnt changed the white houses thinking so far. You are right, the president and the white house have been complaining a few weeks saying the process is unfair because they arent able to have an attorney in the room. This letter and the new rules does allow them to have an attorney in the. Radio, they can crossexaminaticrossexamine, question witnesses. They would be able to push back on the obstruction allegations from the House Intelligence Committee they have been facing from blocking those officials. Essentially their question is maybe we should wait, let it get through the Judiciary Committee let it be if the house votes to impeachment the president and bring it out as a defense when it is actually in the senate trial. Regardless whether they send someone it is going to be a pivotal week and month for the president. We could see a vote soon. The white house, while they have been here, and the president in afghanistan they are pap mapping out what their defense is going look like the next several weeks. The next public hearing is wednesday. Caitlyn thank you very much. Outfront now democratic congressman dan killedy of michigan. Thank you for being with us. Happy thanksgiving. Thank you. Thank you. Happy thanksgiving to you. Thank congressman. Lets begin with wednesday. Public hearings, first from the Judiciary Committee, we dont know yet who is going to be called. But you have been slow to make judgment in terms of saying how you will vote. I wonder if that has changed tonight. Have you decided yet congressman if you will vote yes or in on impeachment at this point . Well, i dont think i can make a decision yet until all of the testimony is provided. But i will say this. I have not heard the president offer a defense against the really compelling witnesses that testified before the intelligence committee. They painted a picture, all of them painted a stunning picture of a president that was willing to extort or bribe or you know even use a softer word, trade, military aid with ukraine in exchange for investigating his political opponents. In no real world is that okay. The president really has not offered a defense other than as the republicans have done all along. Right. Criticize the process. Heres a chance for them to participate in the process. If they dont . I think at that point in time, obviously, unless they offer something that i have not heard, i cant imagine that the framers would include an impeachment provision in the constitution and have us ignore the facts that we have seen before us and not use that tool. Thats a pretty clear answer to me, unless we see more fact witnesses called or unless the white house participates in a meaningful way here and you hear something very new. Let me move on and ask you about what some of your fellow democrats in the house are fo s focusing on, multiple articles of impeachment against the president. Some of them want to include articles about what was laid out in the Mueller Report. I wonder if you are in that camp or if you are in the camp that believe this is should focus strictly on ukraine . I think we have to listen to what we hear in these hearings. I think the witnesses that will testify about the authority for impeachment could address some of this. We also have to figure out where we have 218 votes within the Democratic Caucus. The game changed for the Democratic Caucus and really for congress after the ukraine story came out. You remember those several democratic freshmen who really have a National Security background, they had been quite reluctant to move on an impeachment process until the ukraine story came out and it became clear that the National Security of the United States was approximating put at risk in order for the president to advance his own political interests. I think there is a good argument though, poppy, for an article that would focus on the obstruction that the president has been continuously involved in throughout this process. And some of us are still concerned about whether mr. Mcgahn is going to be able to testify. If he does, the question about the order to fire mr. Mueller could also in my mind anyway rise to the level of a potential impeachment article. It sounds like you would be in the camp of say your fellow democrat congressman cona to say it is important to include the mueller evidence to uphold the separation of power. He says what we are doing is not just for today but is safe guarding american democracy for generations to come. Then Rhonda Escobar of texas said this, quote, i think the broader we go, that may pose challenges for people. Do you think she has a point . Especially in aist state like yours, michigan . I think we have to think this true. The ukraine issue is the one that unified mott only democrats but many people crass the nation. And some republicans. What republicans are you talking about . In congress . Well, i mean, i think yeah, for sure, republicans in congress. I just i am sure you saw the interview that my former colleague charlie dent did. I did. Where he referred to conversations that he has had with republicans. I have had those same conversations. I am not going to out them because i think it is up to them to speak their own truth. But i will say this. Many of my republican colleagues have tremendous courage in the elevator on the way to the second floor where the floor of the house is, and somehow leave that courage behind when they walk onto the floor of the house. This is a moment i think they are really going to have to think about n. Retrospect, 15 or 20 years from now, are they actually going to want to have to explain to their children and grand children why they thought that the president was actually okay when he tried to trade american National Security to investigate one of his political opponents . And then obstructed the process of actually looking at that question . I dont think thats a place they are going to want to be. Final question. You are home. I hope you had a nice thanksgiving with your family and know you have had time to talk with constituents. Before the public hearings of the House Intel Committee the latest polling that we saw out of michigan specifically, New York Times Sienna College poll in late october found 53 there oppose impeachment and removing the president from office. Has that changed anecdotally among your constituents . I think it has changed marginally. The president clearly still has a strong base that is with him, 40, 43 , whatever it might be. But i have been saying from the beginning, the polls are interesting in this case but we dont poll test the constitution. We dont poll test whether or not we uphold the constitution. So its important that we try to explain to the public what we are doing and justifying our actions. But i dont think that any of us on either side this question ought to be making a decision this subsequently based on the popularity in the moment. I think that would be a mistake. You yourself have told me previously, there is a Political Risk for democrats here as well. Congressman, we appreciate your time, especially after the holiday. Thank you very much. Thank you, poppy. You got it. Outfront next, cnn learning ukrainian officials are still talking about ways to get on the president s good side, including essentially opening new investigations that could help trump politically. Well dig into that. Also the suspect in the deadly attack in london was previously jailed on terror offenses. What officials are saying about his release tonight. And Kamala Harriss once promising kdsy now reportedly unraveling. Why . And can she turn it around . Thousands of women with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr her2 metastatic Breast Cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. 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That bribery works and they do not want the relationship with the United States to be ruined or undermined because of a bad relationship with trump. So it means sort of two thing. One is i just want to make it clear that the ukrainian offer to start an investigation is an offer to make up an investigation. In other words there is no investigation to be had. So basically they are sort of offering or could be offering just made up stuff. So we shouldnt report on it as if there is a real investigation. This is to curry favor with trump. I think the other thing thats important is i think as reporters and analysts we are we should not minimize or should not focus solely on this being about trump and corruption. It is actually about the American Voter and all of us. It is about the sanctity of our democratic process from foreign influence utilized and abused by the president of the United States. For me, this is a National Security story in the same way that the Mueller Report was not about obstruction of justice. It was about 2016 and foreign influence. This is now about 2020 and foreign influence. To be clear, from our reporting, it is not clear what those potential investigation has the ukrainians may launch would be specifically focused on. Right. Tim, it reminded me of david holmess testimony just about a week and a half ago where he said under oath, quote, ukrainian still want things in the President Trump administration then he said including a meeting in the oval office. I think that continues to this day. I think they are being very careful. They still need us going forward. Yes, mr. Holmes, and dr. Hill, and all of the other member of the Foreign Service and our National Security team expressed and explained how vulnerable the ukrainians are. This is why all of this matters. As juliet said this is about how a super power conducts foreign policy. And dlnz meets with Vladimir Putin on december 9th. We have made ourselves vulnerable. The president said help me, give me and my political future, give me what i need. The chinese wont do of the because they are powerful. The russians will make use of this. For Vulnerable Countries that need our help they are going to scrounge around to find something to make our president happy. Thats so dangerous for National Security and not what you would expect of a super power. John, people are coming to have holiday weekend, and boom another public inquiry, the with the Judiciary Committee. We dont know yet if the president is going to send counsel, we dont know who is going to testify. If you were calling witnesses who would you call knowing the goal is to explain to the American People what is an Impeachable Offense . I started thinking about that this afternoon after i contacted the committee to see if they had decided who they are going to call. They are still winnowing their list deciding who they want to bring in. Really . They are. I sent to them a recommendation. I said hillary and bill weld. Hillary clinton . Hillary clinton and bill weld were the people that first dug out for the nixon impeachment what was an Impeachable Offense. Thats what these hearings are about. No two people know it better and have historically followed maybe. There was a warning from, frankly, a bit of a surprising place to democrats saying, slow down on this, from the New York Times Editorial Board just last week saying, you know, dont go fast. Dont rush this. There are fact witnesses you yet need to hear from. I bring that up because you think jerry nadler is rushing here. I really do. I think that the issue here is very, very important. But it may not be completely accessible to people who arent following closely. And i think this is an issue of our National Security. I agree with juliette. If you rush the process, you allow loyalists of the president. By the way, i didnt say republicans. I dont think this should be a partisan issue. Loyalists of the president to send up smoke and to distract from the main issue. So what i think you ought to do is give the president enough time. I dont know what enough time is but saying in a week is not enough time. But to decide which witnesses he feels should be included to argue his case. At the same time, the democrats should be willing to see if they can get former National Security bolton to testify, Mick Mulvaney and mr. Mcgahn to testify. So one point on that. Jake tapper did a fascinating interview over the weekend on state of the union. At one point they discussed the possibility of, in a senate trial, chief Justice John Roberts compelling havings power to compel mulvaney and john bolton to come testify. That that may be more quick, frankly, for the democrats and may prove to be more fruitful. Right. I think we cant know. The courts have been acting rather quickly and so i think we cant judge this by pacing. I am a lawyer, but i dont play one on tv. And so i just want to look at this through the National Security lens which is this. The impeachment proceedings serve as a deterrent. Im solely focused on 2020 at this stage. I dont know this president or this white house are committed to protecting this election. So to a certain extent, having public hearings is just beneficial because it serves as a deterrent to the people in power that there are eyes on this election this time. So whether it results in a conviction or the senate doing something or the courts doing something seems less relevant to me than in a few weeks its 2020 and were in an election season. John dean, final word. Id love for you to respond to this. Republican senator Lindsey Graham who, obviously, chairs the senate Judiciary Committee. Listen to what he had to say. The trial in the senate should mirror trials all over america. Hearsay is not admitted unless theres a valid exception in any trial in america. My belief is that 90 of the testimony being used by the house violates the hearsay rule. Is he right . I dont think lindsey has the chops in the senate to get that rule ever adopted by the senate for an impeachment trial. Theyve got the precedent of several trials before. There were a number of judges who have been impeached where they relayed the rules down there. They didnt adopt any such special rules for those proceedings. Theyre not going to for this one. Thank you all. Have a nice weekend. Busy week ahead. Outfront next, troubling new details about the suspect in the deadly terror attack in london. Ill speak to an american nurse who was on London Bridge right when the attack hand. Plus, senator Kamala Harris campaign facing new questions about whether it can even last to iowa. I looove travel. Italy yaaaaass. With the united explorer card, i get rewarded wherever i go. Going out for a bite. 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Video shows at least one civilian wrestling that suspect to the ground, and thats when the Police Stepped in, surrounding the man. Seconds later, they opened fire killing the suspect who we are now told was wearing a fake explosive device. Lets go to nina dos santos. She joins us live. What more are we learning about the suspect who London Police knew . Yeah, hi, poppy. Big questions for the authorities this evening as its emerged. This was an individual. Not just known to authorities but someone who committed terror offenses and served time in jail for that. It appears hes only recently been released on license. That is a slightly stricter form of parole but may have involved wearing an ankle bracelet to try and keep tabs of his movements and also the necessity to check in with parole officers every single evening. This means they would have been fully aware of his whereabouts. Their extensive reports, as yet unconfirmed in british newspapers suggesting he was here in Central London to attend a conference alongside other offenders out on day release as well about rehabilitation for those who had committed serious crimes. Its also been suggested some of those other Conference Attendees were among some of the group of bystanders who had managed to wrestle this person to the ground and also, you can see in that dramatic image, a commuter appearing to pull the knife out of his hand. One of the witnesses who took part in trying to disarm this individual has said they believe he was carrying two knives. Many questions for authorities this evening. Just on the eve of a general election when the Ruling Conservative Party is pledging more money for the police and a zero tolerance approach to incidents like this and a reinforcement for law and order. Nina, thank you very much for the reporting tonight. Outfront now, jackie who was on the bridge during the attack. Shes from illinois and has lived in london for about a year. Thank you for being with us. Im so, so terribly story. Can you just walk us through what happened around you . ure. Yeah, i was on the bus on my way home from work, and the bus all of a sudden just stopped on the London Bridge. Usually theres a lot of traffic, but we werent moving for an abnormally long amount of time, and then all of a sudden, i see people getting out of their cars. I see people getting out of the bus. I see Police Officers running by. And then i just hear a rush of people just run, trying to get off the bridge as soon as possible. I, on the bus, started freaking out thinking, my first thought that there was a bomb on the bridge, in all honesty. That was my first thought. And so i was slamming on the doors to try to get out of the bus, to get the bus driver to open the door, and i got out and i heard gunshots. I just started running. Running as fast as i could. I just ran like hell. Tried to get off that bridge. And then i just see a bunch of Police Officers with huge guns running past me across the bridge, which is an abnormal sight in itself because, obviously, guns we dont ever see them here in london. Sure. Of course. Jackie, you were previously an e. R. Nurse in chicago and youve talked about seeing people come in with stab wounds and gunshot wounds before. And hearing about attacks like this. But being on the other side of it completely different. What was that like for you . Yeah, yeah, you know, as an e. R. Nurse in chicago, we were often on the other side of things where we would see the aftermath of all the violence that happened. You can compartmentalize it a bit better and react and treat because thats your job. Being on the other side of it is just absolutely horrifying. I mean, your life flashes in front of you and all you can think is get to safety as quickly as possible. Jackie, its horrible. I am so sorry. Obviously, for the lives lost and im so sorry that you were caught up in the middle of it. Were thinking of you tonight. Thank you. Yeah, the real heroes today were the civilians that were able to get the knife out of that guys hand. And they probably saved more lives today. Would have been more catastrophic had they not, you know, really stepped up and brave. Very, very well said. Jackie, thank you very, very much. Yeah, thank you. Outfront now, phil mudd, former fbi Senior Intelligence advise eformer cia counterterrorism official. Good evening. Police say the suspect was known to them. Had been in jail on terror offenses. What does it tell you, and how does that happen . That doesnt tell me much, poppy. Let me make you or give you a sense of this. Lets take a child pornographer, a murderer, a rapist, a terrorist. Thats person gets out of prison or in prison, you are saying that person is known to police officials. What are you going to do . For thousands or tens of thousands of people in that category, youre going to follow their email . Youre going to follow their phone messages, their texting. Are you going to surveil them . Im going to tell you, as someone who served in the business, you can look at dozens of people at once. You cannot look at thousands or tens of thousands. When you say they knew this person or theyre looking at them, i want to know how up on the radar they are because you cant look at thousands or tens of thousands of people at once. You cant. The fact he was found with a hoax explosive device is that indicative of going to you in the planning . Yes, it is. Look, one person operated individually. So he was not part of a conspiracy. He was not part as far as we can tell so far, part of a broader plan. What does it tell you if someone goes into a circumstance like this with a knife ichb stead of a gun. You cant maximize casualties which is what terrorists want to do with a gun. And you have a hoax device instead of a real device. It tells me potentially, and we see this in many circumstances, that the individual may have anticipated and may have even wanted to have died in the event. If you have a fake device on you, that means you didnt take the time to create a real device and you anticipate the cops are going to kill you. Its suicide by cop. So many questions. Two people left dead. Our hearts with their families, obviously, and the amazing heroes who wrestled him to the ground. Phil, thank you very, very much. Thank you. Outfront next, her support surged after this exchange. And that little girl was me. But now a devastating new report about the chaos inside senator Kamala Harris campaign. Plus, Bernie Sanders surprising support deep in the heart of trump country. Nice. This is the mostawarded minivan three years in a row. The van just talked. Sales guy, give em the employee price, then gimme your foot. Handsfree sliding doors, stow n go seats. 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From packaging tape. To tape that can bond materials to buildings. And planes. One idea can unlock a breadth of solutions. At 3m, we are solving problems that improve lives. If youre stayingcessful businessat holiday inn. Is easy, tonight, a devastating report on the state of Kamala Harris campaign. The New York Times, after speaking with more than 50 current and former Campaign Staffers and allies details discord throughout the campaign with some aides pointing fingers at the Campaign Manager and some blame placed on senator harris herself with supporters frustrated she backs off on attacks on rivals and for what they argue is not choosing a side in the growing gulf between liberals and moderates in the party. Lets talk about it and debate it. Gil derand who was harris communication director when she was California Attorney general and bakari sellers, a former member of the South Carolina house of representatives. He has endorsed senator harris. We did invite senator harris to join us and members of her campaign. They declined. Good evening. Thanks for being here. Bakari, you spoke to the harris team today. What are they telling you . I mean, i think its the same thing. This is week by week from politico to Washington Post to the New York Times. Every week we get a new obituary saying the Harris Campaign is dead. But, you know, i have a great deal of respect for her. Jonathan martin and wesley are brilliant writers. I have no problem with the journalism they put out today. Only one glaring error. My friend washingtonprice is not seeking jobs but other than that, i have no qualms with their journalism today. But what i will say is that this is a growing trend of the way that journalists cover the Harris Campaign. Sure, there are faults in this campaign but we dont see the obituaries written on the Michael Bennet or Steve Bullock or Julian Castro or cory booker but we see them on the Kamala Harris Campaign Week after week after week. Youre quoted, i am cool with the tshirts. Talking about gear that was sold after she was surging in the polls. Im cool with the tshirts, but you also have to have a strategy. Seems you have some concerns with the campaign, no . I donts think there is any doubt. I did that interview with Jonathan Martin about two months ago when there was a question about the general trajectory of the campaign. Over the last month the campaign has been doing everything its supposed to do from the lj dinner to the debate. Its hitting on all cylinders. Yes, she had to find her footing and understand where she was at this campaign leads forward. Let me tell the viewers this one thing. Senator warren came in with 10. 8 million in her senate account. She was able to transfer over. Joe biden came in as a vice president. Bernie sanders ran for president before. Senator harris did not start with those advantages. In covering a black woman for president , yes, the campaign has messed up, but, poppy, ill tell you this. Journalists have screwed this up royally as well and were seeing that day after day with all of these obituaries. The campaign told me today something quite simple. Shes still here. Well see you guys after iowa. Let me get gil in here. I would note that they spoke, these reporters spoke to 50 current and former Campaign Staffers and allies. Gil, youre a former aide to senator harris when she was attorney general in california. Youre quoted as saying, you cant run the country if you cant run your campaign. In a november 20th piece for the Sacramento Bee you write she should drop out. Why . Well, denial is the first stage of grief but it appears most of the Harris Campaign has already moved on to anger. Angry with each other. I cant recall seeing a camain so thoroughly torch itself as the campaign of Kamala Harris is doing. This is arson from the inside. If you want to attack journalists for write obituaries, remember that this is coming from her staff. These are coming from the people who are advising her, who know everything. You dont see these stories being written about other campaigns because other campaigns arent doing this. This does not really come as a surprise. And when you have a staff that is so dysfunctional theyre torching her own campaign, this is what you get. Do you think bakari has a point at all saying that essentially an africanamerican female for president is being treated unfairly by the press . Do you see any merit in his argument . No, i dont. I think its not about race. Its not even about her gender. Boo its about the fact that shes a poor manager and has made some big mistakes and hasnt corrected them. There are more interesting dynamic characters. People stlat come out of nowhere and captured attention. I think misogyny and racism are Serious Problems in america but i dont think they explain why this campaign burned itself down. Bakari, does he have a point . I dont know why hes speaking about this campaign in the past tense. She had more cash on hand than joe biden. This campaign, if you look at the last cnn Des Moines Register poll was tied with Pete Buttigieg or running right after with those candidates still being strongly considered. So this campaign is by no means dead. The crux of this article was the crux of this article was a Resignation Letter. And the Resignation Letter is one thing. The Resignation Letter being sent to the New York Times is another. The Resignation Letter being sent to the New York Times from a bloomberg staffer who she now currently works for the bloomberg campaign. I dont know who the New York Times opinion letter. I dont know who the New York Times obtained the letter from but i want to read for people who havent read the full piece, this is the Resignation Letter written november 11th by the state Operations Director for the Harris Campaign. Heres the key line out of it. This is my third president ial campaign, and i have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly. Bakari . Let me also say this. I think that there are lessons to be learned. I think that its in poor taste for kelly who is now a bloomberg staffer. However the New York Times got it, shes currently working for another president ial campaign to now be the vocal point of a hit piece on another candidate. But let me just push back on gil for one second so that we all understand and were extremely clear. To be an africanamerican woman in this country and rise from the level of local politics to the United States senate to being the first formidable president ial candidate weve had is a feat. And to say shes a poor manager is disgraceful and disrespectful. Kamala harris is still here and shell be on the stage in december. Woell have you back. Im sorry that were out of time. Theres a lot more to this conversation for sure. I appreciate it, gil and bakari. Outfront next, a group of activists trying to turn a deep red state blue, and people are taking notice. One to five . Its more like five million. Theres everything from happy to extremely happy. Theres also angry. Im really angry clive actually, really angry. Thank you. But what if your business could understand what your customers are feeling. And then do something about it. Turn problems into opportunities. Thanks drone. Customers into fanatics change the whole experience. Alright who wants to go again . I do i do i have a really good feeling about this. Itso chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. The roomba i7 with cleanng base automatic dirt disposal and allergenlockâ„¢ bags that trap 99 of allergens, so they dont escape back into the air. If its not from irobot, its not a roombaâ„¢ well, tonight senator Bernie Sanders drawing surprising support from deep inside of trump country. Rand paul. Hes here . He was there looking all bit of 47 after his procedure. Former City Council Just out. A trio of leftist activists have figured out how to make people listen to them. Is this really where the Democratic Party is . Their popular leftist comedy podcast is recorded in a town of 2,000 in what in the popular imagination is rock solid trump country. I think some Trump Supporters i know are completely disassociated and think its funny. All of these systems that have have screwed us over time and again, yeah, theyre like, you know, what else do i have but to laugh at this maniac pushing buttons somewhere . A foreshadowing of the national election. While they ridicule President Trump, they have contempt for the Democratic Party which they think has made too many moral compromises. Do you think the Democratic Party speaks to the issues facing your community . No, not at all. You could look at a lot of the failures of the democrat ek picy both in kentucky and also across the country to lead you to some of the support of conservatives and bizarre politics like trump, what trump has brought about and because they have really just like abandoned communities that used to support them. These reactionary far right conservatives they talk about national politics. There is nobody that sounds like you three. Like matt jones. I spoke with the Kentucky Chamber of commerce. Jones recently ran against mitch mcconnell. Meet mitch mcconnell, he changes the United States. In my heart of hearts, i believe i can do it. Their audience is going. Nearly 9,000 in subscriptions to their premium episodes. While they very much draw from their experiences, most of their listeners are from brooklyn, chicago and san diego. They think they have a broad audience because their message is universal. There is no way that you know these rich people work harder than my mom works and she will never be out of debt. She will never have all the things she needs. Really we want to describe what our lives are like here. But more than that, we have an analysis of the country the way things are thats important for our very specific struggles and experiences here, fighting against corporations or whatever. And i think that it benefits the left at large to hear that perspective. They are examples of two trends. One a podcast boom and, two, a generational divide between older people and young leftists who ridicule them. An army of the angriest ones go to war every day on twitter and get tagged as bernie bros. They use humor to win people over. What would you say to people in the cities from the coasts who would be surprised that there are bernie supporters out here. We have the internet. Its not good, but we have it and we know about things. If you are a leftist in a big city, you know there are other leftists out there. Theyre resisting or fighting back. The Democratic Candidates for president of the United States. Theyre not impressed by the candidates for president in 2020 except for Bernie Sanders. Thank you who only lost the democratic primary to Hillary Clinton by half a percentage point. You know what you are getting. This man has had the same vision for 40, 50 years and has absolutely moved the dialogue about what is possible in this country. I could tell you this. My mother, who i wouldnt i love her, but i wouldnt consider necessarily a exemplary of progressive thought, loves Bernie Sanders. Shes a very over zealous bernie supporter. Health care is a universal right. They believe sanders is the only candidate who truly understands the struggles in communities like theirs and trusts he would work toward the fairer future they imagine. We are in the unhealthiest Congressional District in the country. There is no one here that doesnt support health care for all people. You would have to be a criminal, an absolute billionaire sociopath to not want the sick and dying people in this community and in your family to not have access to health care and very few people here do. That is one of the simplest notes i can give to why bernie has support here. Fascinating. Well be right back. Hings more exciting than than getting a lexus. Giving one. This is unbelievable it really is. The lexus december to rembember sales event lease the 2020 rx 350 all wheel drive for 419 a month for 27 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Wean air force veteran made of doing whats right,. Not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. 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This isnt a partisan thing. He just empirically says a tremendous number of things that are just completely wrong

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