Dysfunction in National Security apparatus. Americas going to start winning again. Winning like never, ever before. Well, good morning, happy saturday to you. Im christi paul. Im victor blackwell. Good morning to you. Talking about Vice President mike pence, he is a man with a mission overseas to reassure european friends and allies despite tread president elect trumps pledge to put america first, the u. S. Values its counterparts abroad as well as its role in nato. And the Vice President offered a bit of a warning that other nations in the Transatlantic Alliance needed to follow the u. S. Lead and pay are for the protection the membership gives them. As of this moment, the United States and only four other nato members meet this basic standard. Now, while we commend the few nations that are on track to achieve that goal, the truth is that many others, including some of our largest allies still lack and clear and credible path to meeting this minimum goal. Now, back in the u. S. , President Trump going to familiar stomping grounds today. Hes holding a rally later this afternoon in an airplane hangar in melbourne, florida. This is President Trumps First Campaign rally the full week into the presidency. Well get to that in a minute. First, we do have to deal with deadly storms weve been watching in Southern California. Yes. Heavy rains and flooding are responsible for killing at least two people. The roads look you can see it here, the water rushing there, emergency crews overnight working to rescue stranded drivers. To los angeles. You can believe that . Officials are warning residents to take precautions after this river took over parts of santa c clarita. And a giant sinkhole swallowed her car. Well hear from firefighters. The firefighters pulled her from that hole. Well get an update on the storm from the cnn Weather Center where they are watching this system very closely. Meanwhile, it is going to be a working weekend for President Trump. For the third weekend in a row, he will be at his florida estate with his top advisers. This time, hell be interviewing his candidates for the role of National Security adviser. And then returning to a familiar part of the presidency. The campaign podium. Heres cnns sara murray. I love South Carolina. I love it. Reporter less than a month into his presidency, donald trump is breaking out of the bubble. And getting back into campaign mode. This was going to be a place that was tough to win. And we won in a landslide. Reporter trump reliving his South Carolina primary in a visit to a boeing plant today. The president trying to get back to his sweet spot. As he touted his goal to revive american manufacturing. When American Workers win, america as a country wins big league wins. Thats my message here today. Americas going to start winning again. Winning like never ever before. Reporter with the administration under fire over its russian connection, the botched travel ban and the ouster of trumps National Security adviser. Trumps allies say hes been feeling cooped up. So, he jumped at the chance to get out of washington and try to turn the focus to job creation instead. My focus has been all about jobs. And jobs is one of the primary reasons im standing here today as your president. And i will never, ever disappoin disappoint you, believe me. Reporter while trump vowed to prevent jobs from moving overseas i dont want workers leaving their country. Firing everybody in our country. Were not letting that happen anymore, folks, believe me. Reporter he offered few details about how he would do so, as capitol hill is still waiting to see the framework of a tax plan. Its an item on the president s agenda this weekend. When he and top aides are slated to huddle with newly confirmed budget director mick mulvaney. The president hitting the road as a key White House Position remains unfilled. Trump fired National Security adviser Michael Flynn earlier this week. And retired vice admiral bob howard also turned down the job. He has a number on his short list including keith kellogg. Lets talk about this and bring in two of our political reporters. Tom low beonco. This is a Campaign Paid for by donald j. Trump, well news flash, donald j. Trump is president. Kind of like he did on the campaign trail, right . When things would get rocky he would go back to the people. He would turn back to the base. He would have his giant rallies and his speeches where he would kind of go off on tangents on poll numbers go off on tang engts making fun of Hillary Clinton and whatnot. And it energized him. And kind of energized his base. Hes had a rocky start here inside of official washington. Its a return home for him. There are those thinking this will energize his supporters and maybe help him get back on track a little bit. Eric, now do you, the president in South Carolina, North Charleston at boeing was praised for his delivery. For being relaxed. Staying on message there. Do we have an idea of what were going to hear today . Are we going to hear what tom just suggested quite possibly may be more tax on the media . Yeah, absolutely. This is going to be sort of vintage trump. Hes going to be talking about jobs, complaining about Companies Moving overseas. Taking credit for some of the announcements weve seen earlier in his tenure, even before he took office of companies realizing that they got good pr out of the president being able to tout staying in the country. Hes going to be bashing the media, hes obviously been doing that a lot late with the press conference where he spent 75 minutes lashing into journalists. This is going to be sort of his vintage grievancestyle campaigning. This is what he draws his energy from. He likes doing this. It lets him feel like hes out of this sort of bubble that he gets stuck in, whether its in trump tower or in the white house, either way, he really cant leave. He doesnt have anywhere to go. Hes sort of stuck in there, hes disconnected from his people. This allows them to get back in touch with him. At the same time, hes watching these images of democrats showing up at town halls giving republicans a hard time about his agenda. This lets him feel like hes getting into the mix too. More well see more of these regularly. This is the first month of the administration, maybe there will be more of them. We do not know that yet. Lets go to fbi director james comey briefing senators behind closed doorses friday. This was about russia. This is a tweet that came out from marco rubio, i am now confident Senate Intel Committee i serve on will conduct thorough bipartisan investigation of putin interference and influence. What do you make of that tweet from rubio . Well what theyre doing right now, theyre setting the parameters of this investigation. You talk with republican senators and Democratic Senators on there, and talked with mark warner yesterday the top democrat on the committee about this, and what theyre trying to do theyre trying to craft this russia investigation, you know in a way that, appears bipartisan, and gets to the bottom of this. You know, and there seems to be some hope, senator rubio and some of these guys, a lot of these republicans very hawkish on russia. They want do get these answers out, too. One thing i heard from republican senators during the week is that they are really disappointed that all of the information about this is coming out in the media. So, they see this as kind of a way to get things back on track and control some of that information while getting to the bottom of whats going on. So, again, we dont have the explicit details of what came out of that briefing, but its clear, we do know from one attendee that it was about russia. Theyre hitting in that direction. This is setting the parameters of that investigation. Eric, tom, stay with us. Weve got a lot to talk about in just a moment. Christi. Vice president pence is in europe, right now, reassuring european allies of the u. S. Support in nato, among other things. But even though he reaffirms that commitment, hes calling on allies to contribute their fair share. Plus when even one ally fails to do their part, it undermines our ability to come to each others aid. Taking a look at this, the heavy rains pounding Southern California. This parking garage, the rain just pouring off in sheets. Well have an update on this deadly storm. And where the systems headed coming up. vo this is not a video game. This is not a screensaver. 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Tom, do you think that anything that mike pence has said thus far today has truly reassured anyone in that audience . Well, you have to think that what hes done is what hes always does, is taken trumps sort of, you know, offthewall comments and turn them into, i dont know, politicalese, maybe . I dont know, this sounds like policy what hes talking about. You know, he took the trump idea he wants nato members to pay more in. They think americas been paying too much over the years. And he wants more from the other member states. He took that and put it out there a good strong message. Again, reassured Baltic States that natures toe will support them as russia keeps on trying to go to the borders west ward. These are things that are sound policy and were delivered clearly. Thats kind of what pence is there to do. Eric, i want to read to you, he also said in response to what tom was saying about nato. He did say the promise to share the burden of our defense has gone unfill filled by too many for too long and erodes the foundation of our alliance. Is he able, do you think, to entice, to inspire anyone who has not paid to actually do so. Christi, hes really mixing messages here, isnt he . I mean, hes really pushing this trump idea that nato countries need to pay into the alliance, while at the same time, trying to offer reassurances. And its unclear at this point. How this is going to be received. We know hes sort of been rebuked by germany. Its tough to guess whether he is conducting a sort of diplomacy while hes there, behind the scenes to sort of advance things along. You have to remember that other countries are well aware that this trip comes at the same time President Trump is having his own struggles at home. With the National Security council with general flynn, his National Security adviser now having been fired. And trump really trying to still shape his National Security apparatus at home. That seems to be in a bit of chaos right now. So, other countries realize that pences comments dont come in a vacuum. And theyre waiting to see how that sort of shakes out as well, as they figure out how to deal with this new administration. And, tom, i wanted to ask you about that. In the shadow of the Michael Flynn chaos, has the Vice President lost any credence or credibility . Yeah, you know, i was talking with some lawmakers about this, you got to remember that he is viewed as the kind of normal republican that you can talk to. Among official washington. When you do have concerns about what trump is doing. And there were some concerns about this that, you know, hey, heres the guy that was the connection for them. And he was frozen out of this incredibly important thing for two weeks. It was a little concerning for some of them. Now, theres still pretty confident that he can deliver messages from them back and forth. And that he does speak for the administration. But it shook up that confidence a little bit. I want to play some sound from the Vice President a short time ago in the speech talking about russia. Lets listen. Know this, the United States will continue to hold russia accountable. Even as we search for new common ground, which as you know President Trump believes can be found. It doesnt necessarily correspond with what we have heard from donald trump, eric. So, how do you believe the World Leaders who are listening to this may take in some of what hes saying when it comes to russia . Right. The Vice President s job is to translate donald trump into republicanese. Now, that seems to work. But how he can translate trump into International Diplomacy is another matter viraentirely. Again, theres no indication that trump is backing away from his rhetoric on russia, and weve seen that just in the last couple of days. So its really not clear here whether the Vice President that speak for any sort of shift for the administrations approach. It seems like hes sort of recasting, rebranding the trump message without changing it much at all. And thats something that, again, pence is good at, but it does seem that trump himself has not had a change in approach on russia. Real quickly, tom, do you think that President Trump saw the speech beforehand . He said he wants the people he appoints, that he chooses in his administration to speak from their minds but because there is a difference from what were hearinging from Vice President pence and President Trump, we may be wondering how the president may react to this speech. Well, i mean, look, you have to think that theyre going to be of the same mind on this thing. Like bradder er iner said and said earlier, taking what the trump message is and trying to make it a little more cogent. Its a big question, what do they mean when theyre talking about easing relations with russia, what does that mean. Thats why you saw the pushback from the german counselor. Christi, remember, the u. N. Ambassador nikki haley has been at odds with President Trump in terms of language with russia. Its not the first time weve seen this. Tom lobianco and eric bradner, we appreciate it much. Thank you, gentlemen. Big troubles in the west coast. Take a look at your screen. The deadly storms slamming california. Major problems for drivers. That car swallowed by a sinkhole. The woman trapped there. Were going to hear from that woman next. I was in shock when my dentist was explaining to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. Thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out my dentist recommended pronamel. It can help protect enamel from acid erosion. My mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. I really like it. It gives me a lot of confidence. Pronamel is all about your enamel. Helping to protect your enamel. Whattwo servings of veggies . V8 or a powdered drink . Ready, go. Ahhhhhhhh shake shake shake shake shake done you gotta shake it i shake it glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. We called them right now. Any second. You hear the woman screaming for help. Trapped after the giants sinkhole swallowed her car. This is in Southern California last night. If you look into the hole you can see the water rushing in. But firefighters were able to pull her out. My car kept turning upside down. I just ive got to stay calm. I felt the water coming in. I reached for the door and i climbed her out. Its a miracle, thank you, god. Look at her. The sinkhole, by the way, one of the many serious issues favoring them this hour. At least two people have died in serious storms there. Thats turning roads into rivers. Rivers are rushing into cities. Just some of what were watching this morning there in california. Cnn meteorologist Allison Chinchar is in the severe Weather Center. Where are the biggest issues right now . I wish i could narrow it down for you. At the moment, its in Southern California but thats going to shift back to Northern California as we go through the weekend. So, really, the entire state is going to get some impacts at some point this weekend. Right now, youre looking at all of the areas under a flood watch or advisory. We have over 40 Million People under some form of that. Again, you see most of the heavy rain is mainly over los angeles and east of las vegas. But Northern California is also seeing the heavier bands moving through. As we go through the date notice most of it shifts east. We start to get at least a little bit of relief. But notice over here, this is actually the beginning of the next system. Yes, you heard me. The next system. Because were actually looking at getting multiple systems out of this particular storm. The first one already over california. But then we start to get the next wave. And yet again the next wave. So this is going to be a series of events for portions of california with unfortunately the next event really taking aim at Northern California. And thats going to be a big issue. Thats where we expect to have the majority of the real heavy rain. Were talking 6 to 10. Caller inches of rain. We talked about Lake Oroville this is where the dam and emergency spillways had to be used. Both of them had extensive damage to them. And now were talking about the particular area where the lake is. That watershed, 3200 square miles, victor, christi, this is the bullseye of where the heaviest rain is actually going to be. Thats caused concerns for residents already evacuated earlier this week, now, were going to have to go through the same thing going through the weekend. Allison chinchar, thank you for the headsup. For months now, first candidate trump and then president elect trump and now President Trump has enjoyreally positive tv coverage in russia. But that could be changing. Is russia falling out of love with the u. S. President . Also, the president finally getting his pick for the head of the Environmental Protection agency. But there is a battle brewing here. A judge is ordering scott pruitt to turn over 3,000 emails. I love how usaa gives me the peace of mind and the security just like the marines did. At one point, i did change to a Different Company with car insurance, and i was not happy with the customer service. We have switched back over and we feel like were back home now. The process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like youre a part of the family. 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So good to see you. 32 minutes past the hour on this saturday morning. Im critty paul. Im victor blackwell. After hearing v. P. Mike pence saying the u. S. Would hold russia responsible for the actions on ukraine, an outspoken official saying returning to tradition. Now, were waiting to hear from russias foreign minister at any minute. Hes taking the podium there at the u. N. Security council. The First International trip the v. P. Has taken since entering office is what were looking at here. Hes there to reassure key u. S. Allies who may have been rattled in the first two weeks of the trump administration. The v. P. Is scheduled to meet this hour with the president of afghanistan. If you think President Trump gets coverage here in the u. S. , just look at russia. And getting aroundtheclock coverage but as Matthew Chance reports that could be changing. Reporter the darling of the kremlin, but the mood is starting to change. Now, even russians here in moscow with the trump coverage on their Television Screens are becoming disillusioned. Were all against trump mania here, says this woman, we want to hear about the decisions of our own president. The kremlin said it never had any rosetinted view of what President Trump could bring to the u. S. russian relationship. But ever since he was elected expectations here have soared. Trumps criticism of nato, his calls for Security Cooperation with russia and his early hints of recognizing crimea all gave russians hope that here was a u. S. President who saw the world the kremlins way. But with russia looming over u. S. Politics, that vision is proving tricky to implement. Russian Officials Say the first meeting between trumps new secretary of state and russias vettian foreign minister produced no real breakthrough, there have been also been mixed messages on crimea, nato and sanctions, not a good sign say analysts for those waiting for a Rapid Improvement for the u. S. russia relationship. Its a long two years, but maybe if trump survives, in the interest of United States, as well as the interest of russia to have a relationship. Reporter on inauguration night, just a month ago there were parties in moscow to celebrate. The mood now is increasingly one of disillusionment as they see that slip away. The Environmental Protection agency praising its new chief, blasting its admission at the same time. The news release and the contentious battle that is still in front of scott pruitt. Plus, vetting on President Trump. Well tell you how his unconventional presidency is big business in england. Is caringing because covering heals faster. For a bandage that moves with you and stays on all day, cover with a bandaid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. Hdid you get that email i sente wyou. Before you wake up. When life keeps you up. Zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. Sugar, were letting you go. What . Whos replacing me . Splenda naturals . Look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste and shes caloriefree. So thats it . We made you a cake. With sugar . Oh, no. laughing Environmental Protection agency is praising its new leader, but in some ways we are getting criticism back from members the epa. The confirmed oklahoma senator scott pruitt on party lines. Shortly afterwards, the epa released a new release welcoming prui pruitt. You kcalling the epa tonedef and adversarial. The controversy surrounding pruitt is still right in front of them. The nomination is confirmed. Reporter scott pruitt confirmed to the head of the Environmental Protection agency. The same agency he fought against as oklahomas attorney general. The confirmation coming as pruitt faces a new court orlando. American people have a right know what scott pruitt is hiding. Reporter a Watchdog Group filed a lawsuit to get access to pruitts email communications with the fossil fuel agency. Thursday, an oklahoma district judge ruled pruitt must turn over 3,000 emails by next tuesday. Hes been hiding information from the senate. And from the american people, about the true extent of that relationship. How deep his ties go to the industry that he would be basically charged with regulating. Reporter hes filed least a dozen lawsuits against the epa. And in his confirmation hearing senators revealed pruitt used Oklahoma State stationary and signed his name drafted by lobbyists those letters sent to agencies criticizing environmental resignations. Democrats pushed the vote to allow time to review emails. Its not the worst thing in the world to take a few extra days to properly vet someone who will have immense power. Reporter but Senate Republicans refused to delay. Its pretty clear whats happening, they want to move them as solely as possible. On the ones they have deemed controversial, they want to give heir leftwing agitators enough time to get up and get organized. Reporter democrats accused pruitt of being proindustry. Our plan will end the epa. Reporter pruitts track record makes him attractive to trump and republicans who are desperate to rein in an agency they say is wasting taxpayer dollars. I get no join being one of those states from americas tail pipe. Reporter from an allnighter on the senate floor to protests outside of epa and the union urging its epa members to tell heir senators to vote no, despite the resist attention, a fresh tweet from the agency for the first time in weeks welcoming scott pruitt. Im rene marsh reporting. Lets bring in tom lobianco our cnn politics reporter. I want to pick right up on the tail end of these emails, tom. On the tail end of this Andrew Puzder withdrawal from labor and that embarrassment for the administration. Is there any concern from Senate Republicans that these unknowns of these emails could offer more embarrassment . Why not wait until they have some clarity . Whats in these emails potentially before confirming it . I think thats the answer right there. Puzder. You cant wait for these things anymore. Thats kind of what the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell was saying there earlier. Is that the longer these things stay out there the longer these nominees hang out there, the easier it is for critics, for protesters to organize. And fight this. Now, the other thing, too, and this kind of goes to the problem of the trump transition and the problems that theyve had with all of these nominees is that they werent well vetted. And the court coming out and forcing the release of the emails. This is very fascinating about pruitt. Pruitt is the one who actually oversees whether or not his emails get released. I think this is fascinating, its clear conflict of interest, but this is goes back to the dynamics. Democrats trying to run out the clock, hope you that get another puzder, right . The more that these damming stories come out there, the harder it is for anyone to support these. Lets look at the converse, the premise that if you wait to see whats in the emails then you have an Andrew Puzder situation. But if you confirm him and then Something Big comes out of these emails, maybe theres nothing there. But then the argument could be made that you confirmed the man you did not know nearly enough about and did not wait for the information that would have given you what you needed to know to make an educated decision on a vote up or down . Absolutely. That is absolutely the argument. I think thats kind of the gamble. If its absolutely damning stuff, you know, if it ends up being criminal in some way, then, yeah, thats a huge problem. I dont have any indication that it would be criminal. But, of course, as we point out here that would be a huge problem, and thats kind of the gamble that you take there. But when you look at the entire dynamic, its not the entire gamble that you get. The president himself keeps on pulling the focus away with a 75minute press conference in the middle of the week unprompted. You know, he takes the focus away from his own cabinet members there. So, you know, the heat that would develop cant as easily develop. Yeah, that thursday News Conference started with the announcement of who wasnt even there, and then went on for an hour and a half about something else. Tom lobianco, thanks so much. Christi. Did mark cuban taunt President Trump with a basketball jersey . Andy scholess got an answer right from the mavericks owner himself. Reporter he was wearing the number 46 during the celebrity game last night. Does that mean hes contemplating a run for president . Heres mark cuban. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about brilinta. Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. Like paperless, multicar, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. Any questions . Yeah. How do you go to the bathroom . Great. Any insurancerelated questions . Mmhmm. Do you have a girlfriend . Uh, im actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly 600 when they switch, so. Wheres your belly button . [ sighs ] ive got to start booking better gigs. So, one of the big headlines from last nights nba celebrity allstar game was not on the court but on in fact mavericks owner mark cubans jersey. Andy scholes has more on the number of the significance of number 46. And of course, hes in new orleans. Have you slept at all . I did get some sleep. I dont know about some of these people still walking up and down bourbon street. President trump earlier this week tweeted out that mark cuban was not smart enough to run for president. In a series of tweets cuban responded for that. In the nba allstar celebrity game which cuban was playing in, he wore the number 46. Does that signify that maybe hes looking at running for president next time around. I spoke to cuban and asked that question. Someone said can i get 25, no . Someone said, why did you take 46 . I said thats beautiful, 46. No one ever wears 46. What are the chances of you jumping into the political arena three years from now . About as much chance as i have dunking in this game. Probably closer to me dunking with my elbows. So theres not going to be a mark cuban for president. If you see a threefoot basket somewhere around here. There you go. He also added to say never say never. Who knows. The big story line for sundays game, of course, is Russell Westbrook and kevin durant once again playing on the same team. On the allstar ing the thundero go to the warriors. These two guys they dont speak anymore. They had a couple of heated exchanges when they met playing one another. I asked Russell Westbrook whats it going to be like playing with kevin durant and the rest of the warriors on sunday, this is the answer he gave me. Man, you know what, fashion week has been great . You have seen fashion week . Man, a lot of great looking things in fashion week. Looking forward to new collections. Its been good. I ask a question and you talk about fashion. You ask a question. Whats your Favorite Shoe brand . Shoe brand . Jordan, obviously. So, when we asked about durant and the warriors, westbrook wanted to talk about fashion. I tried to do reverse psychology and talk about fashion hoping he would talk about kevin durant and the warriors. That did not work. You can watch the action, tnt, the dunk action, threepoint competition 8 00 eastern. And then, of course, the 66th nba allstar game sunday 8 30 p. M. Eastern. Make sure to watch cnn later this afternoon for all access allstar weekend with fredricka and steve smith. Im looking forward to sundays game and actually practice this morning to see westbrook and durant on the court. Neither one of them will address the issue when asked about it. Its a good try, though, andy. Well see if anybody comes up with the cupcake signs or anything at the game. We will see about that. All right. Thanks, andy. Thanks, andy. All right. From the length of his presidency to the 2020 election, donald trump means big business for betting houses in the uk. What are the odds here . Were going to break them down. With an unlimited Mileage Warranty on your certified preowned mercedesbenz, you can drive as far as you want for up to three years and be covered. 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Meanwhile, how much money will you be willing to bet on donald trump . Well, guess what, it turns out in the United Kingdom the answer is a lot. Yeah, the Trump Presidency has business booming there at betting houses across britain. And people can bet on everything from sales of ivanka trumps clothing line. To important the president was impeached. Cnn money editor nina desantos has a look at it. We had a very, very big march. Its all fake news. Its all fake news. Reporter each time donald trump talks he makes news. Across the atlantic, hes also talk of the town. They get good ratings, you have to admit that. Reporter as uk lawmakers prepare to debate whether Donald Trumps visit to the country should go ahead book makers are seeing an absolute sflflurry to Donald Trumps name. One of the biggest is ladbrokes. How big is business these days . Business subpoena. Were actually taking more money on things having to do with donald trump than brexit which is remarkable. Were thousands of miles away but you cannot escape donald trump whether on social media or the newspapers. Its unpredictability, people are all questioning what hes going to do next. Reporter what are people betting jon. Outside of the palace of west minu minister, is the visit. The bet we think is most likely is donald trump to be geechimpe or replaced. Some thing 31. Donald trump to visit rush, 5 to 4. Reporter still 41 to serve two terms doesnt look so bad, does it . No, by no means are the british dismissing that. Reporter of course, they placed the biggest bet on donald trump by electing him as president. One month into list term here in britain bookmakers are have seen their takes soared. Nina desantos, cnn, london. The next hour of your new day starts right now. U. S. Vice president mike pence is in munich, germany, for a security summit. Hes trying to reassure u. S. Allies about the trump administrations commitment to them. President s behavior has undermined the image of the United States, among the broader european population. Members of the Senate Intelligence committee had a briefing from fbi director james sk comey. Briefing was about russia, into the russian meddles into the 2016 election. This administration is running like a finetuned machine. I think there is significant dysfunction in National Security apparatus. America is going to start winning again. Winning like never, ever before. Take a nice deep breath, your weekend is beyond you. That feels good. Yes, indeed. Im christi paul. And im victor blackwell. We want to get to a developing situation on the west coast. Were watching flooding,

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