Between chinese and white house officials at the g20. Good morning to you. And welcome to sunday. Im christi paul. Im victor blackwell. Lets start with this heartbreaking end of this 27 year cold case. The remains of an 11yearold boy from minnesota have been found. He was abducted back in 1989 by a masked man with a gun. He was riding home with his brother and friend after getting a movie and a snack at a Convenience Store. A suspect in jacobs disappearance led the fbi to his remains. But police havent said whether anyones been charged at this point. Investigators are evaluating new evidence. They plan to release details later this week. After he was taken, his parents formed the jacob wett wetterling foundation. The center released this statement from the parents saying we are in does he have grief. We didnt want jacobs story to end this way. They had a choice to walk into bitterness and anger or walk into what could be a light of hope. Their choice changed world. More on jacobs abduction. My favorite color is blue. Jacob was just 11 years old. October 22nd, 1989, would be the night that would forever change a family, city, an entire state. Sort of. It looks like nylon things as a mask. Jacob was abducted while riding his bike with his brother and a friend. He told me to run as fast as i could into the woods or else hed shoot. Im very optimistic. My son is pretty intelligent. If theres anyway that he can help pull himself through this, hes going to do so. Searches were conducted through the air and on foot. The slogan jacobs hope got national attention. Can you hear our prayers . We love you. But weeks and then months went by with no sign of jacob. His family has never given up hope. In 1990 they established the Jacob Wetterling foundation. Later the Jacob Wetterling act. Im fighting for a world that j jacob knew and believed in. In 2010 investigators used backhoes and searched the farm property of the wetterlings neighbor. Nothing was found. Never had nothing to do with Jacob Wetterling kid. Never knew him. Jacobs case garnered world wide attention, was recently featured on the hunt with john walsh. Coming up were going to have an in depth look at his abduction. A stacked agenda for president obama. Shortly after air force one landed a chinese official got into a confrontation with a White House Press aide here. The american staffer apparently made some mistake of telling reporters where to stand. Well, she quickly was reminded who was in charge. Later that chinese official blocked susan rice from getting to the president. And that required the secret service to step in. Lets go live now to china and Michelle Kosinski is joining us. President obama we know met with turkish president erdogan today. What is happening here, this exchange, this tension between the american and the chinese officials . Reporter this is weird. This is something that the president was not aware of when he was landing. Its been four times now since this trip began and this is only the second day that the u. S. Press has been blocked from having access to something that is basically a photo op anyway. Sort of routine events, some of those which are captured on camera. The question we would have is why block that access, especially if there are going to be some journalists there. But the chinese are making it clear they do things their way. What the president said about it is this always happens. Theres always some tension between the delegations and how things are done, how access is granted. But he quoted the press secretary in saying that this time the seams are showing more than they usually do. Not long after that clip on the tarmac, there was another confrontation before a press availability where the press was just there to get some pictures before a bilateral meeting, which is again just routine and something the cameras would capture in any case. But there was this yelling case between a chinese official and a person working for the american delegation. Reporters described this as nearly coming to blows and these two had to be separated. We dont always see this up close, but were told by u. S. Officials that some degree of this always happens when theres a visit to china. And we know that president obama backing turkish president erdogan. Tell us about that. Reporter this was another meeting that was looked at as a source of tension. Obviously the relationship between these two countries has been tense lately. There was the turkish crackdown after their coup attempt. The u. S. Has been worried about some of the ways that turkey has been handling the aftermath of this coup. But today was all about trying to stand together, support democracy. Heres some of what president obama said. Translator against this terrorist, before the coup attempt we had put together some amassed some evidence. And the coup attempt relates to documentation and evidence will be amassed and submitted to our friends in the unite. The efforts are still underway. We had welcomed a delegation from the american minister of justice and a similar delegation from the turkish minister of justice will go to the United States. Our minister of justice will travel to the United States where they will concentrate their efforts on the elaboration of this evidence. Reporter that of course was turkish president erdogan. President obama reaffirmed that the u. S. Would look at this extradition request. But he was much more focused on working together to fight isis. Want to take a look at the big political stories this hour. Mike pence will release his tax returns in the next week. Pence did say trump will release his taxes at the end of an audit, although there are legal experts who have said theres no legal reason for him not to do so now. Take a listen. You guys have Higher Ground on this issue, on this whole idea of transparency and accountability. If you guys were as transparent, submitting the tax returns, it is whatever you want to say about the clintons, we know this because the information has either been dragged out of them or its been disclosed. We dont have any disclosures. We dont have your tax returns yet. Ill release mine in the next week. Donald trump will be releasing his tax returns at the conclusion of an audit. But that wont be before the conclusion of the election. Well, well see. Seen here swaying along to the music as the congregation and the choir sang, i also addressed the congregation with a prepared speech. Our nation is too divided. We talk past each other. Those who seek office to not do enough, to step into the community and learn what a going on. They dont know. They have no clue. His words toned down, a softened version of his rhetoric. He said i mean this from the heart, these are my own words, the africanamerican church has been the conscience of this country. Im here to learn. In a moment were going to talk about trumps out reach to africanamerican voters, also talk about the tax returns and is there any indication those are coming soon . Also, hermine, strengthening off the east coast this monoirn. Mother theresa becomes a saint this morning. Live pictures for you from the vatican. This car is traveling over 200 Miles Per Hour. To win, every millisecond matters. Both on the track and thousands of miles away. With the help of at t, Red Bull Racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. Brakes are getting warm. Confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. Understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. Giving them the agility to have speed precision. Because no one knows like at t. Youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Woah, woah youre not taking that. 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Gov fraud fresh ingredients, tokyostepbystep recipies, delivered to your door for less than 9 a meal. Get 30 off your first delivery blueapron. Com cook. For patients like lynn, advanced Genomic Testing may lead to other Treatment Options that can work. Learn how Genomic Testing is changing the way we fight cancer at cancercenter. Com genomics did you know people can save over 500 when they switch to progressive . I got your nose i got your nose right here. I know thats your thumb, grandpa. Talent learn about it lets head to the political arena together here. Donald trump visiting an africanamerican church in detroit, part of his out reach efforts to black voters. Scottie nell hughes and a. Scott bolden. Thank you both for being here. Happy sunday to you. Lets talk first, though, about what we just saw from governor pence. He said he will release his taxes, quote, in the next week. That renews the conversation obviously as to whether or not donald trump will do the same. Is there any indication that he will at least release his income, his charitable donations, his tax rate . Nothing from the campaign yet. Nothing that im seeing in the press or emails with local things that i get from the trump campaign. Once again its all about being underneath this audit. While some people do say he doesnt necessarily have to release them, the other side says its probably best if you wait until the audit is over. This comes amongst the idea that it wasnt necessarily the clintons who did release their taxes. That is not as big of a deal. Its more about the foundation which had to go back and amid four years of tax returns. The only thing we found out about the clintons tax returns is their 96 of their charitable donations went to their own family foundation. Theres no doubt that it certainly puts a little more pressure on his running mate. His base doesnt care about this issue. We know that. Thats what theyve said. Do you believe that it could keep people who are undecided from voting for him . It could, but again this is about transparency and the republicans and donald trump constantly attack the clintons for lack of transparency. They have no credibility until they release these tax returns. The important thing about the tax returns is what hes hiding or what it will show. It will show charitable donations, sources of income, how much business hes doing and where, how many partnerships he has and investors he has. It will show all of that as well as how much in taxes he pays. Ive been a lawyer for 25 years. Ive represented individuals criminally and civilly in regard to tax cases before the irs and releasing these tax returns because youre under audit is done every day. We have had other lawyers on our air saying i would advise him not to do it until the audit is done. It is an option. They advise him not to do it because they want him to win, not because hes legally prohibited from doing it. People have a right to know how much you pay in taxes, how much you give away, whats your tax rate and exactly how similar or dissimilar you are from millions of americans who not only have to file taxes but their taxes are a matter of Public Record or at least the government has them. I want to move onto what happened in detroit yesterday. We saw the protests beforehand. People are very passionate about their views when it comes to donald trump and civil rights. It was a different atmosphere inside. In fact, lets listen to a bishop who was at the meeting prior to the service. She was in the service with everybody. She is a Hillary Clinton supporter but she was very candid, very open about what she saw in trump yesterday. Take a listen. That was his very first time in a black church experience. And it was quite tender to watch him as he was absorbing it. Our churches are not like everybody elses churches. Were very demonstrative. The dancers were dancing. The music was amazing. I think he was kind of taken aback first in the spiritual presence of god. Then i saw him softening. So it was not the context for the normal donald trump that we have seen before. That context was very spiritual and he was very contained and almost in tears. There was a point in the service when Bishop Jackson presented him with a bible. Hell never be the same again. What have you heard from the campaign . Will he never be the same again . I go to a very evangelical Diverse Church as well. Its amazing. From what im hearing from friends that traveled with him yesterday, those that were a part of the delegation that went, he was very much humbled and he very much enjoyed the entire experience. He was there to listen. His leadership style is to try to figure out a solution. He doesnt just sit in an office and read reports. Hes gotten on the ground and talked to the people that the rules and laws of d. C. Are affecting and have absolutely hurt over the past eight years. I love her comments. She might not necessarily be a donald trump fan, but she saw an honesty, a sincereness a compassion that doesnt necessarily come through in front of the television cameras. Could a new kinder, softer donald trump be a threat to Hillary Clinton . I doubt it seriously. I dont think theres a newer, kinder, gentler donald trump. We saw him with the president of mexico. We see him in these africanamerican settings. But thats not the real donald trump. Hes still reading from a script because they dont trust him to go on his own. Lets see when he gets in front of his base to energize them and the hate language and the negative language continues. Then well know this was an act. Colin kaepernick has made the 49ers roster. Now theres a new statement from local officers about providing protection at the games if that does happen. Hermine threatening to wash outlay boar d out labor day plans at the coast. We have the latest advisory. Hermine is getting interesting. Well talk about all the details and updates after the break. Share the joy of real cream. With reddiwip. Igoing to clean betteran electthan a manual. Was he said sure. But dont get just any one. Get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. And oralb delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. So we know how to cover almost alanything. Ything, even mermutts. 1940s aqua music burke and we covered it, february third, twentysixteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum 25 minutes after the hour now. Hermine is gaining strength this morning, threatening to ruin labor day plans for millions. Tropical storm warnings are in effect from virginia all the way to new york. Hermine is expected to return to hurricane strength today. Give us an idea of what the conditions are now and what this will look like in 12, 24, 36 hours from now. Reporter thats the Million Dollar question. The storm is very interesting. Yesterday we were talking about this thing slowing down considerably and then maybe even backing up towards the coast. As of this morning, its showing no signs of that. The storm is still heading to the northnortheast at about 12 Miles Per Hour. Thats taking it further away from shore. The storm right now is located about 300 miles southsoutheast of montauk. The storm is so far east that were actually getting a north wind. If it moves any further east we could end up with a west wind. That basically means youre not going to have the high storm surge and youre going to have less of a chance of rip currents. It looks like it could be, if these models hold true, it could mean better news for the jersey coast and worse news for the cape in massachusetts. So its going to be very interesting today. Its breezy out but its not as windy as yesterday. So were going to continue to watch it and see what this does. Dont let your guard down. We still have that risk of storm surge. Its all going to depend on what happens in the next 2436 hours. So if the storm continues to track east, id imagine that rain could cause major problems all the way up the coast. You are correct. As jennifer pointed out, if it begins to keep going east, it may not be as much of a threat for maryland and new jersey. Then the threat begins to shift to rhode island and massachusetts now. That may actually change in the next 1224 hours as the storm begins to move. Right now that 6 5 Miles Per Hour again, notice most of the convection is on the north where the heaviest rain is. Its not just that, its also the winds. Take a look below me. This is just for the next 24 hours. Most of them are around 10, 20, even 25 Miles Per Hour. Once we get into monday those winds especially places like montauk, new york, and newport, rhode island, nantucket, those sustained winds will have wind gusts possibly exceeding 50 Miles Per Hour. Well continue to watch that track. Mother teresa becoming the newest saint this morning. These are live pictures of the tens of thousands of people who are there at the vatican to watch her official cannonization. So really interesting information about the miracles she is said to have performed that catapulted her to this status. Also ahead, the end to a decades old cold case. An 11yearold pboy abducted 30 years ago now found dead. You got an earlymorningdad side, ooooks like those braids arent easy to tie. Nope. A how do i retire at 50 side. Hang in there, dan. Sure, you can keep the kitty side. Thats why theres nationwide, helping to grow and protect your many sides. Nationwide is on your side. [ala m beeping] the highly advanced audi a4. Mortgage rates inched up this week. Heres your look. 3, 2, 1 [whispered rocket] yo. Dont let sinus symptomsnd bring you down now. Get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. Sinex, the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head. Medicine. Good morning to you. I hope its been good to you so far. Top story this morning, a 27yearold cold case comes to a tragic end. Minnesota authorities tell cnn theyve now found the remains of an 11yearold boy who was abducted in 1989. Jacob wetterling was grabbed by a gunman as his brother and friend had just left the Convenience Store and they were headed home. Sources tell cnn that a suspect in jacobs disappearance led the fbi to his remains, but police have not said whether anyone ice been charged. Investigators are evaluating new evidence and they plan to release Additional Details later this week. After he was taken his parents formed the Jacob Wetterling resource center. His abduction led to an act in 1994 requiring states to maintain sex offender registries and guidelines. More on how his disappearance changed his hometown and eventually across the country. Reporter remembered a time when kids used to play outside until the late hours. We went everywhere. We knew we had to be home for dinner and home at bedtime. You could roam anywhere. Reporter on october 22nd, 1989, that all changed. 11yearold jacobs disappearance rocked st. Joseph and took over national headlines. Life changed after that very much. Reporter Sandy Stocker used to live in jacobs neighborhood. She said her two children were out playing that night and saw jacob and his friends before they left on their fateful trip to the Convenience Store. We went with them whenever they went to the play grounds or with their friends and made sure thats where they were. Every day things that we took for granted, allowing them to ride their bikes to the park reporter she says it didnt matter where you lived. I think it touched america in a way that there is no such place as a safe haven anymore. I think its changed forever. I do. No. Its gone, i think. Jacobs case garnered world wide attention. It does detail the horrifying night that jacob was taken right in front of his brother and friend, the kidnapper telling them to run away or hell shoot them. This guy wearing a mask came out and you could see his handgun. This guy told them to get off their bikes and lay down in the ditch or else he would shoot. He asked them one by one what their age was. After that, he had trevor and aaron run off into the nearby woods. Not to look back or else he would shoot. As aaron was taking off he saw the man grab jacobs arm. When he caught up to trevor and they felt safe enough to turn around and look back, they were gone. They were just gone. The police asked the boys, are you sure you werent playing a gun and jacob just got hurt and youre afraid to tell us what happened, which is a legitimate question. But they were absolutely clear, no, there was this man with a gun. We start to search the area of the abduction and start to fan out from there. Everybody thought that within a few hours we would get it taken care of. When it comes to missing children, time is the enemy. Seconds kouncount, hours count. If that child is going to be killed, its going to happen within the first few hours. I never went to bed that night. We were up all night. It was just crazy. There are so many parallels in the wetterling case to our case of adam. I will never forget that night when darkness fell and we started to search for adam. You just feel for these families. Watch the hunt with john walsh tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. Back now to our top political story, donald trump visits a black church in an effort to court the plaque vobl. There were some protesters outside. Listen to cosome of the other rhetoric on the campaign trail. Donald trump took his out reach to africanamerican voters today. Donald trump spoke to the grate Faith Ministries where he abandoned his characteristic brashness in favor of a little bit of a subdued tone. For centuries the africanamerican church has been the conscience of our country. So true. Its from the pews and pulpits and christian teachings of black churches all across this land that the Civil Rights Movement lifted up its soul and lifted up the soul of our nation. Its from these pews that our nation has been inspired toward a better moral character, a deeper concern for mankind and spirit of charity and unity that binds us all together. We are bound together and i see that today. This has been an amazing day for me. The africanamerican Faith Community has been one of gods greatest gifts to america and to its people. Reporter that rhetoric was different from the kind trump has employed on the campaign trail in recent weeks. Donald trump has talked about africanamericans saying they have nothing to lose in voting for him, saying they have no jobs, no schools. I also caught up with dr. Ben carson today who went with donald trump to his childhood home in detroit. If you ask him about those comments and allow him to explain it, he says very readily i have a lot of africanamerican friends who are very wealthy, who do very well. I know that the majority of black people dont live that way. The problem is we have a very large percentage of people in our inner cities who are not experiencing any of the benefits of our society. And thats a problem for all of us. Reporter here outside the church where donald trump spoke to africanamerican voters, there were a number of protesters who showed up. They said theyre not going to forget Donald Trumps brash words any time soon. Be sure to catch our cnn special reports at 8 00 p. M. , starting with the essential Hillary Clinton. And then at 10 00 the essential donald trump. And yet another twist in the controversy surrounding a p pro quarterback. Final cuts were made yesterday in the nfl. The 49ers chose to keep Colin Kaepernick. Now the chief of police and the team city urging officers not to boycott their security duties at games as they protest kaepernick and his actions. announcer vo who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk . Now, with one talk from verizon. Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. You can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. Take your time. Im not going anywhere. announcer vo and when youre not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. Hi, john. announcer vo so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. Is thetheres a call now fr top in the santa clara, california, for Police Officers to back away from this throat to boycott the 49ers Colin Kaepernick. Colin kaepernicks protests over Police Brutality rising to a whole other level now. The union had sent a letter the 49ers, demanding that they take action against kaepernick or Police Officers would choose not to work security at the stadium on game days. Kaepernicks quote blanket statements disparaging the Law Enforcement profession are hurtful and do not help bringing the country together. These actions are protected by the constitution. Police officers are here to protect the rights of every person, even if we disagree with their position. The one big question was will Colin Kaepernick make the team. Many thought he might be released from the team because of his actions and poor play at times. But he made the team. His protests will continue and so will both the negative and positive responses to those protests. The 49ers opening up their season in eight days against the rams on monday night football. His number 7 was the top selling jersey on the 49ers store. Its also the eighth top selling jersey in the entire league on nfl. Com. You have many against him but also many who are rallying behind him. Shes now known as saint teresa. Im terrible at golf. He is. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. New patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. New ensure enlive. Always be you. Ssoon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Fixodent plus adhesives. Theres a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening. Just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. Strong more like natural teeth. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Mother teresa is officially declared a saint. Look at the tens of thousands of people who fill eed st. Peters square this morning. Cnns vatican correspondent live for us in st. Peters square. I have to be honest with you. Several of us learned something this morning. When theyre talking about the two miracles that have to be present in order for this to happen, we didnt realize those miracles could happen after she died. Reporter so yes, of course, thats a very important point, that the miracles that are deemed such by the vatican have to be prayered that were off es and asked of the person after they die. The whole point of the miracle making is that the saint is in heaven with god and can ask god to do that miracle. Its very important that whatever miracles the vatican is looking at, that those prayers were offered after the person has died. In the case of Mother Teresa we have a miracle from india. A woman says she was cured of stomach cancer after praying to Mother Teresa. A man in brazil says he was killed from a brain infection by holding one of the holy cards of Mother Teresa to his head and sleeping with it under his pillow. There is a long investigative process into what they call heroic virtues, the life of the person. For many people, Mother Teresa was already a saint. But today was the culmination of that official investigation and the official declaration of her sai sainthood. I know theres a lot that goes into the process of choosing someone. But theres been a lot of scrutiny from people who questioned whether she really deserved this. Why are they doing that . Reporter sure. From some years ago there have been those that are vocal about criticizing Mother Teresa on a couple of points, one, that her Health Facilities werent up to standard. She should have had better medical facilities. She should have worked for economic justice. She felt her mission was a one on one being with the person who was dying. And that sacred moment as her superior said just the other day, that moment that people ig n ignored in the lives of people. She felt that was her mission. Donald trump had his meeting and News Conference with mexicos president. Seemed fairly uneventful. 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There were gifts of an immigrant cleaning woman canning trump and the donald brick laying. Now theyre going to want to build the wall to keep me out. It was the favorite topic. Powerful wall. No. I said i would build a mall, red one tweet. Please pick a color for your side of the wall. By the way, youre paying for the paint also. Thats not what mexicos former president fox says. Im not going to pay for that [ bleep ] wall. Think i cant get mexico to fund the wall . Well, i got the media to fund my campaign. The hashtag attracted random images like the sign advertising mexico food so good donald trump wants to build a wall around it. Cartoonist ed hall drew two mexican wall builders gazing at trumps plane, saying, were going to need to make this wall extra tall. Mexicos president met with trump for about an hour. There was once a fly on the donald as he talked about the wall. Were going to have the wall. Even a wall wouldnt have stopped this fly from crossing the donalds hairline. Decades after he was abducted on a dark rural road, the remains of 11yearold Jacob Wetterling have been found. Tensions on the tack mack, so much the secret service had to step in after a confrontation with chinese officials at the g20. Spotlight on Donald Trumps taxes. Doubts over whether he will reveal his finances before election day as his running mate says he will. Good morning to you and welcome to sunday. Lets start with this

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