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[dramatic music] narrator youre the accidental president. Leader of a nation in mourning. Now youve got to make the tough calls, confront your demons. Outwit your enemies. And prove youve got what it takes. To be the leader of the free world. President s car now turning onto elm street, and it will be only a matter of minutes before he arrives at the trade mart. Itit it appears as though something has happened in the motorcade route. It was definitely the president s car. We were traumatized. It was in a sense like what happened to us after 9 11. President kennedy has been assassinated. Its official now. The president is dead. It was incredible that our president , this beautiful man with this beautiful family, could be just eliminated just like that. Theres only one word to describe the picture here, and thats grief and much of it. Narrator kennedys Vice President , Lyndon Baines johnson, becomes the 36th president of the United States. He insists on taking the Oath Of Office on Board Air Force one as soon as kennedys body is loaded onto the plane. He didnt want a single gap in legitimacy of government. He also insisted that Jacqueline Kennedy be in the photograph beside him, because he wanted that symbolic continuity. [playing taps] it is hard to o Imagine Sosome Comiming into ofoffice in those c circumstancnces. Its a also hard t to imagine anybody y Better Prerepared for r that moment than Lyndon Johnson. [somber music] lbj had been preparing for this moment all his life. Power was, you know, the center of his being. Prior to accepting the Vice President ial nomination in 1960, Lyndon Johnson had been perhaps the most powerful Senate Majority leader in history. But hes been sidelined by the kennedys. Narrator Vice President johnson is so eclipsed by jfks star power that many people dont even know who he is. Lyndon johnson. No, i never heard of the fella. Doesnt ring a bell . No. There was a Television Program called candid camera, and they asked people out on the street, whos Lyndon Johnson . Lyndon johnson. Does he live out on the farm . [laughter] you might look in the phone book, see where he lives. I. Im here today to say i i need yourur help. Narratoror jojohnson is n now presidede. I Cacannot Bearr Ththis Burden N alone. Narratator and inin less tn a years time, he knows he will be judged by the American People at the ballot box. Hes an accidental president , and he knows it. And he also wants to earn the office in his own right. He was like a lot of powerful men, insecure. You might even say neurotic. Lyndon johnson is one of those people driven in many ways by paranoia and pessimism. He always is fearful that what he wanted most would be taken away from him, and what he wanted most was to be a powerful and beloved president of the United States. Narrator as lbj worries about losing his grip on the presidency, a Political Lone Ranger is making a name for himself in arizona. Barry goldwater really was the embodiment of the american west. He was chiselfaced. He worore a stetsoson. He was an individualist. He flew w his own plplan. Hehe liked to o ride horse. He wasas a cowboy. Y. He was a s straight shshoote. You know, hed be posing with a jet lookining like an n astronau. [upbeat t bluesy mususic] narratoror for someme frustratd rerepublicans,s, Outspokeken Arizona a senator barry y Goldwaterr Isis the man they wawant to take conontrol of ththeir pa. Amererica needs s a change. [c[cheers and d applause]] Barrrry Goldwateter represes the e strong rigight, Conservative Party element within the Republican Party. We need an administration to Stand Up For America All L over the w world, to work fofor freedom. M. [cheers s and applauause] my father r fiercely b belid in libiberty and i in freedo. And hehe felt thatat our goveret had gottenen too paterernalist. And instead of offering people a hand up, we were doing too much of a handout. What p propelled h His Polits Were B Belief In S Small Goveret and in fighting communism as fiercely as one could. Barry goldwater felt that americans were not fighting the cold war with everything at their disposal. America had Nuclear Weapons. Why not use them . Americas deliverable Nuclear Capability may be cut by 90 . Now,w, this, ladies andnd gentlemenen, will notot serve the cause e of peace. The kindnd of Youngg Consnservativess Whwho looked a at barry gogor as Theirir Hero Rereally saw t themselves s as , you knknow, jajames dean k kind of rebel. This is a new brand of conservatism. Laladies and g gentlemen, its a a privilegege to hae on thihis show thehe senator from aririzona, barrrry goldwa. [cheers and applause] narrator but rooting for goldwater was problematic. Hes always said he doesnt want to be president. Would d you be a c candidate in 1964 . Well, ive said d hundres of timeses that i amam no. [ligight piano m music] narratator but isis goldwar Beining Entirelyly honest . My father r was good f fs with johohn f. Kennenedy. They Sererved Togethther In T the united d states sene. They had an opportunity to spend time with each other, to respect each other, although their Points Of View were considerably different, one the liberal, the other a conservative. He would sit in jfks Rocking Chair and drink whiskey with him. And they got to talking about running against each other. And that delighted my father. And they decided that they would campaign together. And that was all set up. They had it all planned. Narrator those dreams had been crushed by thehe assassinanation of. It tooook all the e wind out f my fatherrs sails for runnnning for prpresiden. He really y had no savr for r running agagainst lb, whwho he didnnt really t tt anand didnt r really respsp. He d did not likike lylyndon johnsnson. He thoughtht Lyndon Jojohnson Wawas A Bully Y and a crooo. All w we want bararry. Wewe want barrrry. So Goldwdwater Undererstas that he e was probobably goingng to have t e the decicision about whwhether to r run. There wawas already y a movet thatat was surgiging around. But Hihis Heart Hahad really ge out t of it at t that point. All we want barry. We want barry. 1964 opens ready to explodee on the Q Question Ofof race and the future of race in america. In the south and elsewhere, African Americans, theyre not treated as people who have the same rights as whites do. Theyre not allowed to eat in restaurants. Theyre not allowed to work in certain jobs. [sirirens wailining] narrator the struggle for civil rights will dominate the election. There are riots in harlem. There are riots in philadelphia. Theres all kinds of uprisings in the country owing to the oppression of black folks in the United States. Its an accident of history that a Southern Texan would find himself at the crossroads of this great moral question. There e are Variouous Pois in lynyndon johnsosons Politicacal Career E earlier n when h he was compmpelled to suppoport segregagation. He would n not have bebeen a Viviable Polititical Candide in texas otherwise. [cheers and applause] the Democratic Party in many ways had been built on an anticivil rights platform. The partys strength was very much in the south. Nobody believes that Lyndon Johnson is going to be a friend or a champion for civil rights. Narrator president kennedy with his brother, attorney general robert kennedy, had battled to end discrimination. Now lbj takes up the fight. When he winds up as president of the United States in the middle of this civil rights upsurge, it turned out the whole time there was a part of him that nobody knew. Narrator johnson is determined to push through a farreaching civil rights bill aimed at banning racial discrimination. He understands that it will win favor with the liberals, with African American voters. It will be the thing that will entrench him as a heroic president. His aides try to talk him out of it. Theres a famous conversation between johnson and senator russell, leader of the southern democrats. Russell says to johnson, if you persist in pushing these Civil Rights Acts through congress, the south will be lost to the Democratic Party forever, and you will also lose the election. And johnson, this great creature of power, responds, dick, if that is the price for this bill, i will gladly pay it. we must abolish not some but all racial discrimination. For johnson to come in and attempt to dismantle one of the most important parts of the Democratic Party in support for segregation and black disenfranchisement, that was a really big deal, and it also meant that he could lose his own party. So t the electororal risks were b big. Fofor this is s not merely an ecoconomic issusue oror a social,l, politicala, or intnternationalal issue. Itit is a moraral issue. [cheheers and apapplause] narratoror Lbj Has S Rolld the polilitical dicece. And hes n not the Onlnly One Takiking a gamblble. Todaday i want to tell youu ththat i will l seek the republn presidenential nominination. [apppplause] the ththing that c changes Barry Goldwaters s mind is reaeally the Momost Extraoaordinary Grgrassroots Draft Effort on the part of impassioned conservatives all over the country who are e calling hihim to s save civililization. Frankly, i it was younung consnservativess like m myself at t the time sayingng, you musust run. You must run. Youre our guy. Narrator but goldwater has another rereason for r runn. He wantsts his new b brand Ofof Conservatatism to take onon the libereral Rerepublican E establishmeme. He says, i want to o e vovoters a chohoice, not a an and his idea was that the liberal Republicans Rereally were e just imitatg the democrcrats. Hehe really wawanted to ofofr an alternanative. The Republblican Estabablt viewed g goldwater and the Gogoldwater Ininsurgy as problblematic, as a danger for both the party and the nation. He advocates the use of small Tactical Nuclear weaponsn, and he c charges Thehe Democrs with beieing soft onon communis. Narratator goldwawater has an advdversary. New w York Goverernor Anand Leading G Light of the Rerepublican E establisht nelslson rockefefeller. Nenelson rockekefeller Iss Literarally Onone of the r richest people in the country who really is an american aristocrat. You haveve these twowo mn who represesent this real split in the party, the libertarian west, and the eastern establishment, and now theyre gonna have a showdown for the 1964 nomination. Narrator rockefellers deep pockets are useful, especially for crushing political opponents. He b believed ththat if he b t upup all The A Advertisingng Spe and d all the Adadvertising E Ththat He Woululd Be Ablee to defefeat barry y goldwate. Rockefeller has people secretly recording and transcribing every utterance that Barry Goldwater makes in order to try and sabotage him, to catch him saying something crazy. Narrator while rockefeller and goldwater slug it out on the campaign trail, Lyndon Johnson is fighting to push his civil rights bill through the senate. Hes one of the most machiavellian players in american politics, who basically will do anything to cut a deal, to get a deal, to get where hes trying to go. Narrator along the corridors of power, lbj is Rallying Support for his bill. As a politician, hes brilliant. We talk about the johnson treatment. Lyndon johnson is 64, and he can cajole. He can seduce. He c can also inintimidate. Nanarrator onon july 2, 1 , Lbj Walklks Into Thehe East M of the whihite House Anand Transfororms the livs ofof millions s of americac. I am abobout to signgn into w the e civil righghts act of f. Ththis is a titime when e everybodyss watching television to watch a president sign a bill. Every network is covering it. This is a moon shot moment. The symbolism of the moment, a Southern White Democrat president signing this into law is huge. Let us lay aside irrelevant differences and make our nation whole. Narrator for many watching, this is a betrayal of what the democrats have traditionally stood for. While Lyndon Johnson was jubilant at least in public to have passed this historic bill, hes melancholy that night in the aftermath. Lbj essentially fretted that he might in fact lose the south forever as a result of signing the Civil Rights Act. The fear for him was, uhoh. What did i do . Im the big man for a day. Ive made history. But now i have an election to win in november, and what is the Boomerang Effect of this . [light guitar music] the Repupublican Cononventin Kicks Ofoff at the c cow palae in san francisco. 25,0,000 people e show up to prorotest barryry goldwate, because gogoldwater dididnte for r the civil l rights act. Narrator Barry Goldwater is one of just six republican senators to oppose lbjs civil rights bill. He was falsely accused in 1964 of being a racist. He fieiercely was s opposed to segreregation and Suppororted Integrgration Hehere in arizizona. Goldwater is opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 not because he doesnt believe that segregation should be banned but simply because he believes its not constitutional. He believes each s state Shshould Decidide for itsef what it shshould do on thehe issue of f segregat. Hehe took it a as an Affrot Thatat the Federeral Governmnt would assume the responsibility of ensuring that all 5 50 states t tread Ththeir Africacan Americanan Cis with legegal anand politicacal equalityt. Thisis question n about, Is Barry Y Goldwater r racis actually doesnt really matter. What matters is that Barry Goldwater is complicit in racism, that he is supporting racists. I think he articulates a philosophy which says to give aid and comfort to the races. But we want the nation and the world to k know thatat senator g goldwater is notot fit to bebe a candie for r the president of the u unite statetes. Alall We Wantnt Barry narratoror within the coconvention h hall, Black Repupublicans face o open hostilility. For r Black Membmbers of e repupublican party, it is a a dangerous s time. In some e instances,s, theyrre roughed d up. Theyre beat up. You know, one person is set on fire by a goldwater supporter. Theyre told to get out or to keep in their place ifif they knowow whatss wise for r them. Gogoldwater wawas Represeng The Pitchfhfork in amemeric, Ththe People T that are fefed, thatat had Enougugh Withth their taxaxes being w w, that had enough of the federal government taking care of people on welfare. And a lot of young westerners, people that were guntoting, secocond amendmement people, they graravitated toto goldwate. Mr. Chairman, iowa casts 14 votes for senatotor goldwateter. 57 voteses for sesenator goldwater. Not only have they finally taken over the Republican Party, but they think theyre gonna win the white house. Narrator But T Nelson Rocockefeller Anand the Libeberal Establblisht did Nonot Go Quietetly Intoto the nightht. Nelson rockefeller takes the podium at the convention. Hes like,e, give e me five miminutes. Just let me speak for five minutes. Ill say my piece, and ill get off the stage. There isis no placee in the r Republican N Party for r such hockekers of hate, suchch purveyorsrs of prejudu. Nenelson rockekefeller gets up p there, and he s starts lectcturing the Goldwawater Delelegates about theieir intoleraranc, about the e way that theyre E Destroyingng the par. The Republican Party is in real danger of subversion by a radical, wellfinanced, highly disciplined majority. [boos and applause] he speaks for five minutes. Hes interrupted 22 times by booing and noise, people trying to get him off the stage. And warning of the extremist threat, its danger to the party. All we want barry we want barry he does try to make the case against goldwater. He says that goldwaters too extreme. But its clear at that point that the convention is very much for goldwater. All we want barry we want barry we must proceed in an orderly manner. [cheers and applause] narrrrator on j july 16, 191, Goldwateter Acaccepts the e nominationo. Ththe right wiwing of thee Republicican Party i is victori. Glolory glory h halleluja, glory y glory the convnvention is s his ce to hitit the resetet butto, to restatart things s and s, okay,y, heres s what youve heaeard about m me. Youve e heard thatat im a a racist. Youve heard that im reckless. Youve heard that im an extremist. But im not. You know, they thought that, well, now hes going to temper his language. Now hes going to moderate. Thats not the goldwater style. [cheers and applause] i woululd remind y you Ththat Extremimism in the defefense of liliberty is no vicece. [cheerers and applplause] Ththat Speechh is abobout making g a poin. I a am an extreremist. And let me remind you also that Moderation Inin the pursusuit of justste isis no virtueue. [cheers s and applauause] he was w willing to o say, iim not goioing to turnrn y from my principles or my ideals in order to get a single vote. [cheers and applause] it i is a speechch that Fundamentatally Appealals to goldwaterer supporterer. They lovove it. I have never in all of the political years of my life seen such a firedup, grassroots movement, and, ladies and gentlemen, thats what wins campaigns, and thats what will beat Lyndon Baines johnson. Here comes this firebrand out of the heartland, this firebrand from the west. And he fires up a lot of people, and he scares a lot of people. [cheers and applause] i think hes having a Midlife Crisis im not. You got us tmobile Home Internet lite. After a week of streaming they knocked us down. To dial up speeds. Like from the 90s. Great times. All i can do say is that my life is pre i like watching the puddles gather rain. Hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. Oh, ew i think youve said enough. Why dont we just switch to xfinity like Everyone Else . Then you would know what year it was. I know what year it is. Narrrrator johnhnson will take e on Goldwatater Inin the racee for r the white e house. But first he must confront an enemy from his own party, a kennedy. Lyndon johnson and robert f. Kennedy despise each other. Robert f. Kennedy sees Lyndon Johnson as this kind of lout who dishonors the memory of his, you know, dignified, noble brother. Lyndon johnson was terrified that rfk had it in him to sabotage his presidency. Narrrrator but t many democs want bobbyby to p play a stararring rol. Many of f the Old Kekennedy gd were despeperate for b bobby to be lbjs running mate in 1964. There seemed to be a Poetic Justice to it. Bobby kennnnedy, the i inherr of hisis brotherss ideali, wawas the future of the dememocrat partrty. Narratoror lbj is h having none of f it. In ordrder to Forerestall Boby Without T Actually H having to say, i donont want bobobby as Vice Prpresident , he s said, no sittining Cabinet Officer in my administration is going to be selected as Vice President ial candidate, because i think they should spend their time doing their jobs on behalf of the American People. Now, Everybody Saw through that as bobby, you cant have it. Narrator Lbj Suspects Bobby has his eyes on more than the vice presidency. Johnson believed with cause, by the way that bobby wanted to displace johnson as the nominee. So johnson directed Marvin Watson to go to Atlantic City where the convention was to be held to make sure that the convention would come off in good order. And what marvin discovered was the convention would open with a film honoring the memory of john kennedy followed immediately by a major speech by Bobby Kennedy. Marvin watson confronted john bailey, the democratic chairman, and said, what is the purpose of this . And bailey said, to promote Bobby Kennedys candidacy as president. You know, this is very shakespearean. The king has been killed. We have a new king. But we have prince in waiting, Bobby Kennedy. Johnson did not want to be some kind of footnote in the story of the kennedy dynasty. So they changed the program so that the film and the Bobby Kennedy speech would be given at the end of the convention after the nominations. Nanarrator lblbj hopes he sidelelined kennenedy. But withth the convevention about to o open, ththeres anotother problelm lolooming. Missisissippi has s brokene democrcratic partytys ruls by havining anan allwhitete Delegatioin Ththat Disallolowed Afafrican Amerericans from being a part of it or going to the convention. Ththe mississisippi Freedom Dedemocratic P Party in papad byby fannie lolou hamer, emerges s during Thihis Perd Callining out the e exclusi, ththe racism, the segregega, the violenence that sits within the Democratic Party. If the freedom Democratic Party is not seated now, i question america, is this america, the land of the free and the Home Of The Brave . Lyndon johnson is watching this from the white house on television and is panicked. We want to live as decent human beings in america. Thank you. Narrator the issue of civil rights is tearing his convention apart and threatening to shatter johnsons dreams of running for president. And if the delegations decided that Lyndon Johnson couldnt control his own convention, maybe he couldnt control the country, maybe, just maybe in the Dark Recesses of lynyndon johnsosons paranoid m mind, they w would throwow their Vs Toto Another C candidate. Nanarrator jojohnson propos a compromimise, Favoriring Ththe allwhitite delegatiti, assuring t the Freedomom Democrcratic Partyty Ththeir Time W will come at thehe 1968 elecection. The irony y is, hes s s, To Geget The Civivil Righs you wawant, you u have to cacapitulate to the Foforces Of Whwhite Supreme narrrrator it a all weighs y on lbj. This Chahaos Activatates all l the Deepesest Wellsprirs of Lyndon Johnsons neurosis. And he tells his wife he doesnt even want to run. He wants to quit. And my mother wrote him a note that speaks to the fact that she believes he ought to run. Because if he didnt, his friends would fear that he had deserted them, and his enemies would feel that that he just hadnt been up to it. [upbeat music] and indedeed, he ranan. A Roarining Crowd Chcheered the firsrst family as the presisidents namame was s put into n nominatio, Anand Lyndon B Baines Johnhnn was nominated by acccclimati. The e president ,t, lyndonon baines jojohnson. [cheheers and apapplause] i i ask the Amamerican Peoee Fofor A Mandatate not to p preside ovover a finisished prograr. I i ask the Amamerican Peoeoe for r a mandate e to begin. [cheers s and applauause] narrator Johnson Hahas countd ththe threat t to his nomimin. But ththe conventition isnnt over yetet. And nonow, robert t kenned. [cheers and applause] i was there to witness the Convention Just erupting in adulation for Bobby Kennedy. For 16 minutes the convention came to a halt as thehey hailed t the memoy of thehe fallen prpresiden. Anand applausese was s absolutelyly delirious. It went t on for Mininute Afafter Minutete after minin. I first want to thank all of y you for all that you did for president john f. Kennedy. When thehere were periods s of happiness, you laugughed with h him. And when t there were e perios of sorrorow, you comfmforted him. M. [cheheers and apapplause] if that had gone on as originally planned, i think bobobby would d have Bebeen Nominatated instead of Lyndon Johnson. [cheers and applause] narrator outmaneuvered by johnson, kennnnedy now hahas no choice but toto throw hisis suppot behindnd lbj. Same e efforts, the same e energy, anand the Sameme Dedicatioin Ththat was giviven to p president j john f. Keney must be e given to presidedent lyndon n johns. [c[cheers and d applause]] narrator Lyndon Johohnson mut defeatat Barry Gololdwater to shake o off the tagag of The Accidedental Presis and d to do thatat, helll get his s hands dirt. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. On september 7, 1964, the Johnson Campaign releases an explosive new ad. Theres probably 50 Million People watching television that night. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero. [loud explosion] it is the most stark, the most dramatic, and the most fearmongering ad. It only ever runs once. Its really controversial. The Cuban Missile Crisis was just about a year and a half before that. So the American Public was frightened to death of a nuclear holocaust. So we did a commercial that addressed that situation. These are the stakes, to make a world in which all of gods children can live, or to go into the dark. It was chaos. It was just chaos. The Republican Party was up in arms. We must either love each other, or we must die. We were stunned. We didnt know it was coming. Never mentioned goldwater, didnt talk about what he may have said or not said about Nuclear Weapons but played off of the fear that Barry Goldwater was a dangerous man. He was a wild man inclined to shoot from the hip, and if you elect him, were going to get into a nuclear war. Suddenly its a news story. 50 Million People watch it on monday night, the Network Newscasts show that spot in its entirety to probably another 100 Million People. It may have been the most effective use of 25,000 which is what the spot cost in the history of political advertising. Narrator the attacks on goldwater continue. Goldwater said, i think the American People would be better off if we just sawed off the Eastern Seaboard and let it float out to see. Oh, really . Wed showed that. Can a man who makes statements like this be expxpected to serveve all the p People Jujustly and f fairly . Polititical advertrtising n Presidenential Campapaigns was never the same after those spots. Vote for president johnson on november 3rd. The stakeses are too h hig. Those Atattack Commemercias were a panandoras boxox. Open it up, and out come all the attack commercials. Narrator will Goldwater Retaliate . Our response is dictated by the senator. And the senator said, youre not going to do an attack commercial, because this is a campaign of principles and not personalities. Narrator principles alone dont win elections. All the Opinion Polls show johnson beating goldwater. But lbj doesnt just want to win. Hehe wants to o win big. Johnhnson wanteded to do everythingng in his popower to not o only Ensurere A Vicy but to ensnsure a a landslide e victory. I wouldnt be surprised if he harbored fantasies of winning all 50 states. I wouldnt be surprised if he harbored fantasies of winning all 200 million votes. Narrator even if that means taking underhand tactics to a whole new level. We were going to have a peace and democracy and freedom commission. [telephone rings] six hours before we announced it, the white house announced their commission on peace and freedom. Just cut the legs out from under us. How did they find that out . We figured out that we must be being bugged. Narrator so whos doing the spying . None other than operatives from the Central Intelligence agency. It was thought that because the cia was going down in power in washington, its star was descending, and so what better way to get into the good graces of the president than to infiltrate his Opposition Campaign and help him to win the presidency . The cia planted a spy in our campaign headquarters, and sheit was a secretary made sure that all advanced copies of the speeches were provided to a team working where . In the white house. In the white house. The floor above the oval office. It got so bad, we were making crucial, critical calls and exchanging of information on a Pay Telephone outside our headquarters. Narrator with the election only a month away, the polls have johnson ahead by 30 points. But ththat means l little to l. Lyndon j johnson is s runnig in thehe home streretch lilike hes onone vote ahehd or hees like, yoyou know, suffering a manic episisode. Its a l little nutsts. Plunging i into crowdsds to the s secret servrvices hor. Climbibing up on t the roof of His M Motorcade A and, yoyou know, kikind of Givig Ththese oldfashshioned stemwindiding, tetexasstyle spspeeches. Lyndndon johnsonon never beled he had the 1964 e election inin the ba, so t this idea t that he coud lose t this at anyny moment, that was h his fear come novovember, that somomeone was g going toe ththis away frfrom him. This election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. Californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. Adam schiff. He held a dangerous president accountable. He also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. Now hes running for the senate. Our economy, our democracy, our planet. This is why we fight. Im adam schiff, and i approve this message. Narratator if Bararry Goldwr Ststands any c chance of wininning the e electio, he musust Hit Lyndndon Johnn where e it hurts t the mos. The e South Traditionanaly Wawas mostly a all democra. But t with goldwdwater, alall of a sududden we hadad soy who could speak for their believe in freedom. And the south started turning. White soututhern voteres Rerecognized T that here was a Candndidate Thatat Ws Speakiking to theieir intere, Namemely Pushingng back Agaiat Ththe Tide Of F civil righgh. [cheers and applause] when h he would totour in thehe south, yoyou know, he was greeted like a conquering hero. People w would comee from miles arounund, and theyey would Cheheer Hime Hehe was the m messiah. You and i i On Novembeber td can do s something Ababout Limititing the roloe of t the federalal governmen. [cheerers and applplause] narratator lbjs Civil Rights Act has s cost him dearlyly in the sosouth. In a a lastditctch effort t n back vototes, He Senends His , ladydy bird, andnd Daughtes Lilinda and luluci on a tor ththrough the e southern s s. And d the lady b bird specil wawas born. It began i in Virginiaia Anand went on n all the wawy down to new orleans. My father r said, lucuci baine, wwe need youou to go camampg for usus telelling them why you fefl their susupport is so Desesperately N needed. Lalady Bird Jojohnson understands s southernerer. Shshe speaks w with an acccct that is as thick as gravy on a chicken fried steak. The only think necessary for the triumph of evil is Foror Good Men N to do noth. Anand she wantnts her Felw Sosoutherners s to understsd what herer husband h has do. By sigigning the civil r Rightst Intoto law, he h has broughtht the South Firmlyly into the e 20th centu. Southern men and women have neverer been onee toto retreat f from Ththe Complexixities of ththe. She e was a veryry, Vevery Potent T politician in h her own rigight. But she wawas in enemymy territ. [c[cheers and d applause]] iive heard i it said, and i agagree, Thatat The Southth is notot a matter r of geograp, but a placace of the h heart. All we wawant barry pepeople are s Spitting Ininve at her a at almost e every tu. I i remember p People Litetey Throwing T Tomatoes Atat My Ma or at our train, and i remember seeing signs that said, black bird, fly away home. Narrator the south h maye getting g behind gololdwate. But itss up to allll 50 sts to chohoose the nenext presided. Cbs s News Covererage of Election Night continues. President Lyndon Johnson apparently has made history. He has won the presidency in his own right by the largest majority ever run up by any president ial candidate in our history. Johnson lost only six states, Barry Goldwaters home state of arizona, which is a natural, but also five states in the south, the old confederacy, including mississippi. [cheers and applause] nanarrator fofor prpresident lylyndon johnsns, its t the realizazation of an ambibition ththats burnened for decac. It was excxciting beyoyond f to w watch my fafather be elected in a landslide on his own. Up until then, we felt that we were the guardians of president kennedys administration. When we think about Lyndon Johnson and that campaign, johnson wants to win, and its both ego, its politics, but its also reassurance and control over the Democratic Party that its his party. Suddenly hes not just president in his own right. He truly is what he always dreamed of being, having unbridled power and be able to put through programs that were near and dear to his heart one after the other in the next few years. Narrator but the 1964 election would ultimately have another more surprising winner. Barry goldwater loses in 1964 in an ababsolute lanandslide. Its one of the worst losses in american president ial history. And yet in many ways, he won the party. 64 is a a moment that a a differentnt brand ofof Conservatatives Grab The R republican n par. Ththis new rigight that Iss No Lononger seen as this kind of Stuffy Country Club thing but has a real populaced edge to it. [cheheers and apapplause] by 1980, when Rononald Reagan wins, it becomes clear that this is Barry Goldwaters party. Theres an old joke that Barry Goldwater

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