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Kpla by christmas, what is next. Reporter no doubt the president will get impeached by wednesday and a majority of the house is expected to vote to impeach the president. The third time this happened in american history. And in a sign today that some moderate democrats, swing democrats particularly freshman who came from districts that President Trump carried or had been very close split between democrats and republicans some are signaling theyll vote for articles of impeachment and max rose of new york who is a freshman democrat announced his support for two articles of impeachment. Another Democrat Freshman from nevada who comes from a swing district, she susie lee she announced her support for the two articles of impeachment. Several other freshman democrats have not said but the expectation among Democratic Leaders that theyll have enough votes, a majority, to impeach this president next week on the two counts. One about abuse of power and the other obstruction of congress. After they are approved it will go to the Senate Setting up a trial for january and already republicans in the senate along with the white house are starting to discuss their strategy to fight back. Mitch mcconnell met with the white House Counsel Pat Cipollone yesterday behind closed doors and they he plan to coordinate as they go forward and figure out how to deal with this and try to push off these charges eventually getting to a vote to acquit the president in january. But the coordination between the Senate Majority leader and the president s top aides is prompting serious concern from democrats who say that is not the role that the republican senators who are jurors should play. The foreman of the jury, Mitch Mcconnell, the guy that decides all of the rules, is actually going to coordinate with the defendant. That makes no sense whatsoever. It is an outrage. Reporter we do expect though the republican senators are being very clear here, they do not expect there will be enough votes in order to take this president out of office. Mitch mcconnell said as much last night. Hes been saying that for weeks. He doesnt expect any republican defections at the moment. There are some republican senators including mitt romney who told me this week that hes keeping an open mind on whether or not to convict the president. But of course you need 20 republican senators to do just that. If all 47 Democratic Senators were to vote to remove the president from office, at the moment 20 let alone one seems unlikely highly doubtful and first, though, wolf, the question is how many House Republicans vote to impeach the president next week. And talking to Republican Congress men, including moderates, they are signaling theyre going to vote with the president so expect total unity from House Republicans in defending the president. Manu raju up on capitol hill. Stand by. Lets get more on these historic developments. Sara murray is with us. Sarah, this will continue to be a bitter partisan battle. That is right. We saw it play out last night and again today. There were hours of debate. Plenty of partisan rancor but tonight the president is one step closer to being impeached. Reporter following a bitter debate and a partline vote, donald trump now faced two articles of impeachment before the full house of representatives. The question now is on article one of the resolution, impeaching president Donald J Trump for abusing his powers. Reporter democrats insisting the trumps actions more than met the constitutional threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors. Mr. Raskin votes aye aye. Reporter republicans loudly voiced their objections. My vote is no. Has every member voted who wishes to vote. Chairman may i ask how i am recorded. You are recorded as no. I want to make sure. Reporter the Committee Approved one article for abuse of power arguing the president pressured ukraine by with holding a white house meeting and aid. There are 23 ayes and 17 noes. The question now is article two of the resolution. Impeaching President Donald Trump for obstructing congress. Mr. Chairman there are 23 ayes and 17 noes. The resolution is amended and reported favorably to the house. Reporter the final vote exposing partisan intentions. I give notice of intend notice is heard. Without objection, the committee is adjourned. Reporter as the Top Republican on the committee stormed out. The two Party Line Votes move President Trump another step closer to being the third u. S. President ever to be impeached. Today is a clem and sad day. For the third time in a little over a century and a half the House Judiciary Committee has voted articles of impeachment against the president for abuse of power, and obviously of congress. The house will act expeditiously. Reporter todays proceedings came on the heels of a contentious Committee Debate that stretched past 11 00 p. M. On thursday. Chairman jerry nadler shocked his colleagues by abruptly pausing the marathon session and delaying votes until this morning. It is now very late at night. I want the members on both sides of the aisle to think about what happened over the last few days and to search their conscious before we cast our final votes. Therefore the committee will now stand in recess until tomorrow morning at 10 00 a. M. Mr. Chairman. You chose not to consult the Ranking Member on a schedule issue of this magnitude. So typical. This is the this is the Kangaroo Court that were talking about. Reporter the move prompted howls of protests from republicans. This is the most bushily thing ive seen. This committee as last all relevance. Ill seal yall tomorrow. Reporter and democrats accused republicans of trying to force democrats to vote on articles of impeachment in the dark of night. After a vote on the house floor, it will be up to the senate to decide whether to remove the president and Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is already vowing that wont happen. We all know how it is going to end. There is no chance the president is going to be removed from office. Reporter now of course Mitch Mcconnell there is confident about how this all ends. But were still waiting to see how a senate trial would take shape, wolf. And whether the president will use that opportunity to try to more vigorously defend himself. Well see what happens on that front. Sara murray reporting. And the other breaking news, the u. S. Supreme court has just said it will consider whether the house and a new york prosecutor can subpoena President Trumps long time Accounting Firm and banks for his financial records. Cnns Kara Scannell is working the story for us. This means the president s financial records will stay private for now . Reporter yes, wolf. That is right. All of the subpoenas are now on hold until the Supreme Court tak takes up this case and they say they will hear the cases efforts by donald trump to block subpoenas for his financial records involving one case which is a grand jury subpoena by prosecutors in manhattan investigating the president and his company. They had subpoenaed his Accounting Firm seeking his tax returns. That case brings up president ial immunity and there are two other subpoenas on hold from the democrats in the house who had subpoenaed Donald Trumps Accounting Firm and his banks, Deutsche Bank and capital one. That case sets a big separation of powers issues having to do with congressional over sight of the president. Now these cases are two very important constitutional issues and however the Supreme Court rules on in will have implications far beyond the trump presidency, wolf. How long before we learn the u. S. Supreme courts decision on these cases and clearly could the ruling impact the 2020 election . Reporter so the Supreme Court has set out a calendar. They are expecting to hear oral arguments in the cases in march. That means a decision is expected by june right in the middle of the president ial contest, wolf. Interesting indeed. Potentially very, very significant. Kara scannell, thank you for that report. More on the breaking news on the Supreme Court decision to hear the president s appeal. Our chief White House Correspondent jim acosta is joining us now. What are the reaction . What you picking up over there. Reporter wolf, the president s outside legal team are welcoming this move by the Supreme Court. We have a statement from jay sekulow, the president s principal counsel outside of the white house saying we are pleased that the Supreme Court granted review of the president s three pending cases. These cases raise significant constitutional issues. And the statement goes on to say we look forward to presenting our written and oral arguments. Obviously, wolf, the president s legal team wants to keep the financial records and his tax returns under wraps. Those financial records, those tax returns are like the holy grail as you know to the president s critics. Theyve been after those documents for sometime. But President Trump is ripping into House Democrats after the judiciary Committee Approved those two articles of impeachment earlier today while the president is painting himself as the victim and claiming he still wants to hear from the whistleblower. Mr. Trump may be thinking twice about his hopes for a circuslike trial in the senate. A source familiar with the discussions over here at the white house said the president is hearing out his lawyers who are advising him that a shorter trial is the way to go as that sort put it to me, wolf, quote, you just dont know what will erupt in a longer trial. Just days away from a historic vote on impeachment in the house. President trump acknowledged what is coming. I think it is a horrible thing to be using the tool of impeachment which is supposed to be used in an emergency. Reporter the president and his team are already coordinating with Senate Republican leaders on the trial to come after next weeks expected Impeachment Vote in the house. Mr. Trump sounded open to the idea pushed by most gop senators of a shorter trial that limits the potential for bombshells. Even as he mused about his preference to grill the whistleblower who exposed his alleged scheme with ukraine to drudge up dirt on joe biden. Ill do whatever i want. Look, there is we did nothing wrong. So ill do long or short. I wouldnt mind a long process. Because id like to see the whistleblower who is a fraud reporter true to form the president twisted the facts to claim his likely impeachment is already a political gift. Arguing that his poll numbers are skyrocketing when they are really not. My poll numbers as you know have gone through the roof. Reporter arriving at white house, the president s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani who just wrapped up a trip to ukraine that hes touting as beneficial to mr. Trump. Giuliani told the wall street journal that as he landed back in the u. S. Mr. Trump asked him what did you get . More than you could imagine, giuliani responded. Giuliani said the president faced an attempted coup in the u. S. With zero evidence to back that up. Who is leading the coup . The democrats are democrats are using the fbi to remove trump from office . And the fbi and Law Enforcement has become intimidated by the press. Theyre afraid of the press. Reporter there are few signs the republicans will defy the Senate Majority leader who is deferring to the white house. Im going to take my cues from the president s lawyers but if you know you have the votes you could make a case for making it shorter rather than longer since it is such a weak case. Reporter democrats arent sure about that one. He shouldnt be worried about working with the president and doing the president s bidding. Thats not the role that the senate plays. Reporter now in light of the controversy over the president s dealings with ukraine, the white house is now shrinking the number of officials who are listening into to mr. Trumps koflgs conversations with foreign leaders. The white house has done this before when other revelations have emerged from the calls and no surprise they are doing it again but that limits the number of Administration Officials who are keeping tabs on the president s behavior, his actions, on these calls and that means fewer potential whistleblowers. Jim acosta at the white house. Thanks very much. Lets get more on this. Joining us now democratic congresswoman karen bass of california, a member of the Judiciary Committee. Thank you so much for coming in. Thanks for having me. So you cast two of the most important votes you will cast earlier today in the House Judiciary Committee in favor of the two articles of impeachment. Take us into the room. What was going through your mind . Sure. Myself and my other colleagues, i think we all felt sad. We felt sad that it had come to this. But in addition to feeling sad, i also feel a little fearful. Because im always worried as to how the president is going to react and what is he going to do. Will he do something erratic like pulling the troops out of syria or how will he respond . Why do you fear in response to the impeachment you think . Well i just worry that when hes backed against a corner he tends to make erratic decisions or do erratic things and since there are so many people not around him now, everybody around him is kind of there temporarily but the caucus and the democrats and we all talked before we went out to cast our votes and i will tell you that the feeling in the room was a sense of seriousness, the pressure of that, but also feeling sad that it had come to this where we felt we had absolutely no choice but to act. When the role call was going on, not just the democrats, the republicans too. You could see a very somber look on almost everyones face as they say aye or nay in response to the response. At what point did you learn that the chairman jerry nadler would postpone the final vote until this morning . Because it was after 11 00 at night after, what, 14 hours of discussion that he said, you know what, there is not going to be the final roll call tonight and it is going to be in the morning. Actually, when he did. Because we thought that we would be finished much earlier but it seems though the republicans were filibustering because they kept talking and offered more is a mendments than we expected so when it is clear there was no end in sight and they wanted us to vote after midnight and we felt this is such an important to do. We needed to do it when the at the sunrise, not in the middle of the night. The Top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, the Ranking Member doug collins, he issued a scathing statement among other things saying this, todays vote highlights the pettiness of last nights delay and the folly of articles of impeachment that allege no crime and establish no case. What is your response to it . My response is that they dont really have anything else to say. I mean, the facts were uncontested. We know that the president did. They didnt even challenge it. They mainly focused on process and believe we hate the president and this is why were doing this. Chrk but a few weeks ago after the ukraine scandal several republicans said it was inappropriate and then the president slapped them immediately and said that what he did in the phone call was perfect and so then they all stood in line. And so i think that they felt the only thing they could do was to argue the process. But abuse of power, the threat to our national security, the corruption, they really didnt challenge any of the content, any of the substance as to why we put the articles of impeachment forward. The final vote, were hearing next wednesday. Right. Is that what youre hearing as well. I think so. We have other very important things to do next week. One we have to keep the government funded and we have the usmca, the major trade deal and so this is obviously the most important thing were going to do. But when we do it im sure well do it at the light of the day. It will not be late at night. Wednesday afternoon or wednesday late morning or some point like that. Tuesday the Government Spending bill to keep the government open and no more government shutdown. Wednesday the impeachment and thursday the u. S. canada mexico trade agreement and then you go off on recess holiday. After we fund the government. Merry christmas and happy new year to you. Thanks for coming in. Stay with us. Well take a closer look at what happens when the full house takes up the articles of impeachment against President Trump next week. Im finding it hard to stay on top of things a faster laptop could help. Plus, tech support to stay worry free. Worry free. Boom boom get free next business day shipping or. 1 hour instore pick up shopping season solved at Office Depot Officemax or officedepot. Com. Most people think as a reliable phone company. But to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. second man virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. second woman we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. Creais back at red lobster. Ast with new creations to choose from; like rich, butterpoached Maine Lobster and crispy crabstuffed shrimp rangoon. How will you pick just 4 of 10 . It wont be easy. Better hurry in. The house judiciary Committee Approved two articles of impeachment against the president. The full house will consider the articles next wednesday. Lets discuss the historic moment that were all watching very closely right now. And gloria, it doesnt happen every day, impeachment along those lines. No, it doesnt. And as you were speaking with the congresswoman, you both pointed out what a serious moment it was. And how somber it was. In the committee when it occurred. But what we saw over those, what was it, 14 hours of debate, i cant even remember any more. Was two different universes really. Where the republicans not only defended the president but said the phone call was completely appropriate and there was nothing wrong with it and that he wasnt trying to help himself. He said used the word us meant he was talking on behalf of the country but they made the case that was not thinking close to impeachable and the democrats voted for two articles of impeachment, obstruction of congress and abuse of power. Im told, chris, the president s so irritated to angry when he sees a picture of the four president s who have now faced serious prospects of impeachment, Andrew Johnson in 1868, nixon and bill clinton in 1998 and now donald trump. He hates the notion of being lumped with them. What is interesting. Hes not a student of history in any meaningful way but a big believer in wanting to be the history books. We always hear him say the best president. Got more done than anyone since ab ham lincoln. And regardless, this is someone who spends a lot of time think being his legacy and in truth more accurately probably his brand. And he will now be in the history books no matter what happens next november in a way that he will think is more beneficial for him political speaking but not something he wants and hes aware of. Look 124 tweets in the last 24 hours. The guy tweeted a lot. There is no chance i got up to 124 tweets and retweets and that speaks to his mindset. Hes frantic. Hes angry about all of that and, sarah, hes worried about his legacy because if he is impeached next wednesday, that is going to be there. It is going to be there regardless of anything else that is happening. Woe like his legacy to be about how the economy is booming even if they move to do this impeachment and there are big gains for the Republican Party in 2020. Certainly bill Clinton Party was vindicated in some ways after he was impeached. But that impeachment still stands as this huge mark over the clinton presidency, just as it will with Donald Trumps presidency assuming he issin peach assuming he is impeached. It was a strict Party Line Vote in the House Judiciary Committee. 23 democrats in favor of the two articles, 17 republicans opposed to the two articles. Will it get more complicated when it comes up for a vote on the full house next week . Well, house Democratic Leaders are expecting some defections im told by aides on capitol hill that could be half a dozen if not more. I think that they could afford to lose about 17 democrats. And they do, to be clear, believe Democratic Leaders that they have the votes to impeach President Trump. But i think all eyes are on some of the moderate democrats who represent districts that were carried by President Trump in 2016. That certainly is where republican groups outside of groups have poured millions of dollars in advertise trying to escalate pressure on those members and that is part of why House Speaker nancy pelosi sought to keep the articles of impeachment narrow in focus to try and protect the moderate democrats taking this vote of conscience. But they do expect to have the votes next week. But shes not what we call whipping this vote. Nancy pelosi. Nancy pelosi. Shes not saying to people, you have to do this. Because she knows that for some people it is a very difficult vote in their district. And she said you have to vote your conscience. The republicans are saying to people, you have to do this because we need to be unanimous. We need to be unanimous against this and support the president of the United States. And donald trump has been tweeting about that. Saying that republicans have never been as united and what hes likely to say is look at us, we were united. Fake it until you make it. One other quick thing to add to gloria point, we know that donald trump has been one by one in small groups talking to republican senators for weeks in advance of the Senate Impeachment trial which people say well can he do that . Yeah, he can. The rules of impeachment, there is not many. 67 needed to remove and john roberts presides and other than that stand by, we have more to report on. Rudy giuliani just back from ukraine over at the white house today. Well discuss when we come back. Taxsmart investing, whats new . Audreys expecting. Twins wed be closer to the twins. Change in plans. At fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. Itintroducing the new braava jet m6 robot mop. With an adjustable Precision Jet spray and advanced pad system braava jet breaks up messes and gets deep in corners. Braava jet. Only from irobot. 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Wake me up if you see anything. [ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Were back with our experts. Sarah, the president s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani just back from ukraine and at white house today and told the wall street journal hes uncovered, quote, more than you could imagine. What is he up to. Okay. So he went on this trip to ukraine to meet with more people who have been peddling this really Bad Information this whole time. The conspiracy theories about ukraine being the ones that meddled and about the bidens and Conspiracy Theory about Marie Yovanovitch and he went back for another dose of this stuff. Even amid concerns that this is all part of essentially russian propaganda effort but Rudy Giuliani once again believes he has struck gold. Which should be a concern and i think it is a concern for a lot of republicans around the president. It does not seem to be a concern for President Trump right now. Which is why it is an even bigger concern for everyone around him. If you were the president s lawyers and you had the president calling Rudy Giuliani as the wall street journal reported while he was touching down and on the runway saying what did you get . What did you find . You would be worried because doesnt that indicate to you that the president still wants to argue this crazy conspiracy case and take everyone down a rabbit hole during his trial in the senate. I mean, if Rudy Giuliani is feeding him all of this information, that come from corrupt politicians that are completely discredited, what is he going to do with this. That is go ahead. Im sorry. And that is key because it reinforces how both the president and the Rudy Giuliani are completely undeterred by the impeachment proceedings in congress as well as federal prosecutors are probing giulianis business ties that giuliani still felt that he could openly travel to ukraine to try and continue and dig up dirt on the bidens. And i think it is telling as we move toward the next phase of this impeachment proceedings when they go to the senate trial and the president is working closely in tandem with republicans to kind of dictate the direction of those proceedings because there is some disagreement over whether or not to call further witnesses and the president still wants the bidens to appear. Right now Mitch Mcconnell is trying to stave off those efforts. But also because Mitch Mcconnell has said that hes confident that they will not, of course, vote to remove the president from office. The president is going to continue during the election cycle to try and dig up dirt on the bidens and to float these conspiracy theories and there wont be any Lessons Learned from this process. And if you watched television in the last week youre familiar with the july 25th transcript between zelinski and donald trump but donald trump is on the phone with the president of ukraine. The thing he brings up first that he wants him to look into it to totally debunked idea that somehow ukraine has the physical server that was hacked by the russians because a rich ukrainian, hes russian and now an american citizen. But the fact that aside from Everything Else about that call, the fact that is the thing that he brings up, speaks to this is someone who operates on conspiracy theories and just keeps waitinger waiting for the big one to come over the hill and Rudy Giuliani sells him hes got it. And the one person people are not defending is Rudy Giuliani to a tee. They wish he could go away and get out of this story. But he keeps placing himself front and center which is where the president wants him to be. What you got . He said more than you can imagine. Well see if that is true. We can imagine. There is more breaking news were following. Following the historic developments up on capitol hill, the House Judiciary Committee approving two articles of impeachment against President Trump sending impeachment to a vote in the full house next week. Im leah and thats me long before i had moderatetosevere rheumatoid arthritis. Ive always been the ringleader had a zest for life. Flash forward, then ra kept me from the important things. And what my doctor said surprised me. She said my joint pain could mean permanent joint damage. And enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop that joint damage. Ask about enbrel so you can get back to being your true self. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common. 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Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa new jersey attorney general now said this weeks deadly attack on a kosher supermarket in jersey city is being investigated as an act of terrorism and a hate crime. The attack comes amid an alarming global rise in antisemitism fueled by online websites. Melissa bell has a closer look in this exclusive report. Reporter two stones marked by hate. But Cultural Centers and town halls and schools. In all, 42 antisemitic attacks in just 18 months. This cemetery in the villeage is just the latest to be desecrated. 107 tombs were found marked with swastikas this month and although the cleanup operation is now underway for a region as troubled as this one by attacks, the stain will be harder to remove. This kind of symbol touches more than you think. Its waking history, part of the family line dying in the auschwitz and to see it here where i live, there is a disease in this society. Reporter frances interior minister visited the village to announce the creation of a National Task force. When the graveyard was attacked it was the french president who came. Another case that remains unsolved. A source close to the investigation said the locals are believed to be responsible. Locals who may have been incited by global websites. While the hunt for the culprits continues, we wanted to find out where theyre finding encouragement. Two french language sites registered in panama and the bahamas and able to stay online by an american company, white europe and participating democracy showed pictures of the attacks. Celebrating these exemplary actions by the proud people that show us the way. Reached for comment, white europe told us they stand behind their posts. Participating in democracy told cnn while they dont condone the attacks they believe it is all a jewish conspiracy. Both celebrating the number 14. A reference to a slogan coined by the late american white supremacist david lane and also found graffitied on one of the tombs. Both of the sites use the american Internet Company cloud fair which provides protection from Cyber Attacks and both sites celebrate antisemitism and that here in france is a crime. Now in the past cloud fair has discontinued in the wake of the el paso shooting and the neonazi blog daily stormer so why the different treatment which it comes to hate speech in french. They have not responded to the cnn questions. Facebook which does not allow daily stormer posts to be shared did allow posts from both french sites until cnn reached out for comment after which had blocked them. Twitter allowed sharing from all three sites but told cnn that it is taking action to prevent linking to such content. We asked frances interior minister in an interview if the United States was doing enough to help tackle the problem . [ speaking Foreign Language ] reporter the tomb of the family was amongst those desecrated and he has yet to show a picture to his young daughters. It is a marking on sacred stone, it is a marking that spell out hate and in this country generations have understood what hate means and what it could lead to. Reporter the last tomb was buried last year. Roger khan hid during the nazi occupation escaping the camps and dying peacefully in his sleep at 88. But with websites celebrating attacks on tombs like his, the question is whether it is in peace that he will now be allowed to rest. Melissa bell, cnn, alzas. Thank you for that report. Very, very disturbing. Up next, impeachment then and now. Similarities between bill clintons case and President Trumps and some significant differences. Eate your own ultimt is back at red lobster. 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Two decades after the last impeachment of an american president history is on track now to repeat itself but with some notable differences. Cnns brian todd is working on the story and some looking to bill clintons impeachment as a guide to what comes next. Some are. There are striking similarities but big differences between the clinton trial 21 years ago and now, especially how some leaders in congress are handling the process. One gavel drops and others will follow as Congress Sets the stage for the third impeachment trial in american history, the fourth Time Congress has considered removing a president. Tonight, the impeachment process for President Trump is drawing strong comparisons to the last Time Congress moved to impeach. The 199899 trial of bill clinton and some capitalists believe is even more partisan and take no prisoners. Where people cant talk to each other anymore, there is contempt for those who disagree. The basic respect thats like the lubricant that keeps our government working has disappeared. There have been key differences how those trials played out. Bill clintons impeachment trial for lying after the lewinsky affair came years after he was investigated and this one weeks after Donald Trumps phone call with the ukrainian president. Both went through the Judiciary Committee but how the house handles impeachment drawing strong comparisons. In 1998, republican trent lott worked closely with tom daschle, the minority leader. This time, mcconnell has not coordinated. Mcconnell did say previously he would try to coordinate rules with the democrats and says he was not the only one. President clinton coordinated it and were on the same side. While he didnt coordinate with the white house, his staff did. Critics say the optics for Mitch Mcconnell at the moment arent great. Imagine if you had a murder trial and the head juror was in bed with the alleged murderer, would we view that as the way the criminal Justice System was supposed to work . We would be outraged. Then, there is the difference how the two president s handle impeachment and discussed their conduct. Nothing was done wrong. Zero was done wrong. I dont think there is a fancy way to say that i have sinned. President clinton sought to go on with the job of president. That doesnt mean he wasnt on set about being impeached. President trumps involved being aggressive and taunting his enemies. While the Media Coverage hasnt changed. That could in fact lead to impeachment proceedings, analysts say the political divide in america now seems even more harsh than it was 21 years ago. We are living in a tribal era of our politics. You have republicans who largely believe democrats are evil people trying to destroy our way of life, and you have democrats looking at republicans as evil people protecting a president whos in bed with vladamir putin. Another comparison experts are keeping an eye on tonight is how much political damage will be done to the party which brings the impeachment charges. After the 9899 trial of bill clinton, republicans who brought the charges against him suffered serious impeachment backlash losing several seats in the next election. Analysts dont expect the congress bringing these against trump to suffer as many losses but says the moderates of each party could take hits depending how they vote. Thank you. Brought back a lot of memories. Next, the stage is now set for impeaching President Trump following a Historical Committee vote on two articles of impeachment. Things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free to bare my skin yeah thats all me. 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