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Unrest in ferguson and the scrutiny cops face contributed at all to this terrifying Tipping Point . Plus Airport Security under fire. A government watchdog finding fake bombs that got through security checkpoints a whopping 95 of the time. 95 . A new and tearing report that suggests tsa officers might not be able to catch a cold let alone a terrorist. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com good afternoon everyone. Welcome to the lead, im jake tapper. The First Time Since america woke up to the new norming, the u. S. Government no longer that the power to hoover up information about every single phone call every Single Person in america makes. 7 44 p. M. Eastern time last night the National Security agency officially shut down its phone mehta datet metadata program. They cant capture things like the phone number of every call you make the time and duration of those calls, where you are or where the person youre calling it is at the time of the conversation or the device used to make the call. So what is the harm of metadata . Opponents say, do you want Government Officials knowing when say, for instance youre phoning a doctor who specializes in something really personal and potentially embarrassing . The government insists it needs this power now more than ever to track terrorists especially given the threats of isis. And they are recruiting at a quick clip in the u. S. They need help. And scrambling to keep the pieces of the pate trict actriot act alive in some way. President obama blaming a few senators a small number, really the president meant, one. The white house response to this. Michelle kosinski, the wasshite house is calling this an irresponsible lapse . Reporter calling it that for days. Without naming names they mentioned things Like Campaign tactics and a desire to be in the oval office. So i think its pretty clear who theyre referring to on that one. The white house still will not spell out whether or not americans are less safe now because these programs expire. They refer us to intelligence officials for that. Clearly, they dont want to go so far as to say theres a big change in our National Security stance but what they have been saying is as you mentioned, an unnecessary risk. They also, still wont give concrete examples how any of these programs not just the bulk data. Other things like roving wiretaps have worked in the past saying National Security concerns prevent them from giving away those details but what they said today is that these are tools, and that there have been incidents in the past where these provided information that other methods couldnt. What they would go so far as to say today, though is that this is political posturing by the senate. Heres the press secretary. Unfortunately what weve seen is a whole lot of posturing within the republican party. Theres a lot of politics played on this and unfortunately at the expense of the National Security and Civil Liberties of the American People. Reporter lots of criticism there. Still, what we know is that this bill will likely pass. Its the one thats already passed in the house. It takes the collection of bulk phone data out of the hands of the government puts it with the mown companies, opponents like rand paul still dont agree with that thinking that thats still an overreach. It will likely pass but with amendments. There are senators who want the National Security measures to go a little farther to make sure that the phone companies are doing this in a way that is useful. Bottom line its going to take a little more time. We might see a vote on this as soon as tomorrow, though. Jake . All right, Michelle Kosinski at the white house, thank you so much. Joining me a threetime Pulitzer Prize journalist, senior fellow at the Century Foundation and author of angler the cheney vice presidency. A pleasure to have you on as always. Do you think the government lost an important tool here or is the government overstating the case because they want as many power as they can have . They never willingly give up a power. They can still get the phone records of anyone. As of today for a couple of days they cant get the phone records of everyone. The power, the difference is its slight. It might be a little slower for them to get what theyre looking for but no one made the case that is an urgent National Security concern. Supporters of the collection of bulk telephone metadata insists there have never been any abuses of the program. Is that true . Its really hard to define abuse. The government likes to say abuse is when someone does something the government doesnt want it to do. Others think the power itself and the secret interpretation of law that gave it that power for years without anyone knowing it in the general public, thats the abuse. Now others are saying, including rand paul, that private companies such as the phone companies having all of this data anyway isnt much of a difference. I knee youreow youre a reporter not necessarily an analyst, but is there a big difference between the government having all of this information or private corporations whether its verizon or facebook having this information about us . Well there are several differences. One is, the phone Companies Need it in order to bill you. They have to know who you called to keep the bills. They dont have to keep it a long time crossreference it with everybody else. They dont have to have a gigantic precomputed database that draws social networks showing whos in communication with whom and when the government has information like that its just different. Ive read that intelligence officials believe that they have ways already right now even in this period that were in to work around the expiration of the metadata program. Is that true . They do. Some we know about some we dont. For one thing theres a grandfather clause saying any ongoing investigation, preexisting investigation they can use the power. Here are the thing. Their investigation is their enterprise investigations of terrorism that are never going to end. They could use that if they want to again, secretly to keep getting what theyre looking for. Barton gelman always a pleasure. Thank you so much. Later this hour well look closer how politics plays in the nsa debate and all the heat taken by senator rand paul because of it. Lets turn now, of course, to another National Lead. Another big breaking story today. For the First Time Ever the u. S. Supreme court handing down legal jumts about what we post online. The High Court Ruling in favor of a pennsylvania man who posted several violent messages on facebook. Anthony elanous claiming he was posting rap lyrics and his words not meant to be taken as threats. Not what his exwife thought. Covering the Supreme Court for cnn, ariane why was this case so important . Reporter the court to date made it harder for the governor to prosecute alleged threats made on social media. As you said a man named Anthony Alanis who posted violent messages on facebook after his wife left him and he said he was doing it out of some sort of therapy, and sometimes the words were rap music. In fact really violent. Theres one way to love you, but 1,000 ways to kill you is one. His exwife gauss scared eventually he was convicted under a federal threat statute but said he was wrongly convicted. The standard used was too low. It was whether a reasonable person would think it was a crime. Today the court agreed with him. So he wins for now but the court didnt get to a big constitutional issue. It just ruled that the statute at hand and thats probably coming up later. Okay. And then i guess, you know there are a number of individuals who say, say that this is a a defeat for parents. A defeat for victims of Domestic Violence. Whats the latest on that front . Reporter so this wasnt like i said a big constitutional ruling. He held it to the statute, but two sides were really concerned on this. On one signed parents of children who were posting things on facebook and worried about prosecutions coming too easily. On the other side you have Domestic Violence threats, worried obn this and didnt want to make it too easy worried about these prosecutions and wanted to make sure that the court kept a stern eye on that. Thats whats at issue. So sounds like this is just the first step of the Supreme Court dipping a toe into the world of social media with much more to come in all likelihood . Reporter and in this world the court moved slowly today but a lot of other caseless come down the pike in this big, new world of social media. Thank you so much. In other National News today, dramatic spike in crime in some of the nations biggest cities including baltimore, which just saw its deadliest month in more than 40 years. What is behind this crime wave . What is being done to keep you safe . Thats next. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. Unbelievable toenail fungus . Seriously . Smash it with Jublia Jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. 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Because Hydraulic Fracturing Technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. The new Energy Superpower . Its red, white and blue. Log on to learn more. Welcome back to the lead. Im jake tapper. The National Lead several battling a spike in crime. Take baltimore, 43 homicides last month alone. The worst monthly total since 1972. The increase in homicides started almost immediately after the top prosecutor announced charges against six Police Officer nrs the freddie gray case. Of course the 25yearold who died in police custody. Gun violence in baltimore jumped also 60 compared to this time last year. Get this milwaukee homicides jumped 180 this year according to the wall street journal. New york city atlanta, chicago, st. Louis, also all have had a recent surge in crime. Sadly, the numbers across the country come after more than two decades of a steady decline overall crime. Bring in david clinger, former lapd officer and now a prompt of criminology and criminal justice at st. Louis university and president of the National Organization of black Law Enforcement executives is with me and on president obamas 21st Century Policing task force. Gentlemen, to you both thanks for being here. David, start with you. Lots of cities with similar problems. Is there a root cause to all of this . Dont know for sure, but one thing that several people have argued the last several weeks, particularly in the wake of what happened in baltimore is depolicing. Police officers starting to pull back and not appropriately being aggressive. When i say that stopping and questioning people when in fact they have reasonable suspicion, patting them down reasonable suspicion, so on and so forth. If officers are merely responding to radio runs not stepping out talking to people who may be armed with a firearm and up to no good, theyre free to prey on the innocent people in the community. It does make sense in the wake of concern on the past of Law Enforcement they are going to be unfairly prosecuted theyll step back and that leaves a vacuum and the bad guys step into that. Cedric whats your take . Why do you think were seeing surging in violence in so many major American Cities . As your guest just outlined that certainly could be one reason and there could be a variety of reasons as well too. Other things that could be happening in environment, jake that were just not aware of. Not to just look at number of homicides going up in baltimore, but you have to look at what has been the uptick in other crimes such as thefts and burglaries and robberies. You might be able to draw a closer correlation there between Police Officers backing off as opposed to them doing what they were hired to do all of the time. Because the one thing about homicides and murders, what youve got to be able to to decipher between each one that they all happened for a different variety of reasons. Did someone get shot and killed at a party because they stepped on someones shoe . What is a robbery that was botched and went wrong . So you know, weve got to put a little science to this and weve got to be careful not to make arbitrary statements as to what might be driving these crimes up. David, explain the mindset of Police Officers who are depolicing . Is it strictly theyre afraid of being prosecuted unfairly . Is there anything else at stake . Is there resentment about the way in which many people in various communities throughout the country have been speaking about Police Officers . Is there forgive me for saying this any petulance involved here . What is the mindset . Among the officers i spoke with its not petulance. Police office ever since i was on the job 30plus years ago and even before that have been called all sorts of names in particular communities where there is tension between the police and the community. And so i dont think it would be petulance, because that is sort of the standard background noise of being a Police Officer in major American Cities but what i have heard officers in major cities on both coasts and here in the midwest talk about is the concern of being unfairly prosecuted. Police office quite frankly, an officer steps across the line theyre not surprised if they step across the line gets indicted such as the officer in South Carolina by all evidence at this point committed a crimewhat theyre concerned about is overcharging. For example, how in the world can the two officer who merely arrested freddie gray will charged behind the death, so on and so forth . Thats what im hearing officers concerned about prosecuted for merely doing my job because a prosecutor has a novel theory where he or she wishes to get some skins on his or her political wall so they can move up the chain . Thats the concern im hearing officers voice. Cedric this weekends New York Post cover read we need stop and frisk. Families of victims begging nypd to bring back the policy after four murders this weekend. Now, some say not having this policy which was very controversial, is a more permissive environment, allowing criminals to carry illegal weapons, not worried about getting caught. Does a policy like stop and frisk need to be put back in place . Well, you know i think thats going to have to be a decision that new york is going to have to take a real good look at and maybe one of the issues jake around stop and frisk, if youre going to do it do it according to the law. One thing you cannot do is go outside of how that is dictated by law, because if theres an abuse to stop and frisk, thats being done then youre going to were going to find ourselves back here at the same place. But new yorks a very smart city. Has very smart leadership there, and i think theyll make a decision overall whats best for that city as they move forward. Particularly at a time like this. Cedric alexander, thank you both. An alarming investigation showing how poorly tsa agents are doing their jobs. Weapons and mock explosives making it through Airport Security checkpoints. 95 of the time. So what is being done to stop any real bombs . Plus new details on the torture and murders of a d. C. Family and their maid. We now know how the accused quadruple murderer may have gotten into the mansion. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. 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South carolina senator Lindsey Graham is the latest republican to declare hes running for president bringing the total number of official gop candidates to nine. Graham is using the battle over the nsas Data Collection program and long history of National Security experience to try to draw a contrast between his campaign and that of kentucky senator rand paul. Cnn chief congressional colonel dana bash joins us from where senator graham maimed his announcement earlier today. Is being a hawk on National Security and International Affairs grahams basic pitch . Reporter it is. He did, jake talk about the need to reach across the aisle on big issues like immigration reform. He has done that. And in the future things like fixing Social Security and medicare but his big push was on a muscular Foreign Policy with him as commander in chief. Im Lindsey Graham and im running for president of the United States. Reporter with that the ninth republican made it official. Lindsey grahams longshot run is steeped heavily in his hawkish world view. I ought to be president to defeat the enemies that are trying to kill us. Not just penalize them or criticize them or contain them but defeat them reporter graham barely scratching 1 in most polls knows he has a tough hill to climb. Cnn is told hes running primarily to force a debate within the gop on Foreign Policy. Those who believe we can dpis en disengramp fromage from the world at large and be safer for leading from behind vote for someone else. Reporter a not so subtle dig on rand paul and grahams chief foil particularly ons National Security. For months exchanged Long Distance barbs and graham caught rolling his eyes as paul talked. Pauls headline breaking filibuster stopped the data Dragnet Program when graham and most other republicans call essential. A welcome contrast for graham. So little by little weve allowed our freedom to slip away. We allowed the Fourth Amendment to be diminished. Reporter yet paul is pursuing a different kind of primary voter. Libertarians. The hash tag is generating buzz online and dollars for his president ial campaign. When fear and complacency allow power to accumulate reporter hes even using some epic Senate Floor Speeches in this campaign video, which violated senate rules prohibiting video of Senate Proceedings for political purposes. Pauls rhetoric is generating unwanted headlines like making this accusation against opponents. Some of them i think secretly want there to be an attack on the United States so they can blame it on me. Reporter this morning he walked that back. I think sometimes going after peoples motives and impugny peoples motives is a mistake and in the heat of battle, high perp high perp hyperbole can get the better of us. Reporter either running for president or considering running for president , disagree also and paul takes pride in that. His advisers say thats why hell do well in iowa and new hampshire. I am here in militaryrich South Carolina it seems the do what you need to do mentality could likely prevail and that of course speaks to its son here, Lindsey Graham. Dana bash thank you. On the democratic side of the aisle, meanwhile, former maryland mayor governor omalley said he is seeking his partys nomination and Bernie Sanders continued his sprint across the Hawkeye State delivering a populist message before capacity crowds. What does this mean for 2016 . Dan pfeiffer joining me former adviser to president obama served in the white house from 2008 until earlier in the year. Welcome to cnn. Thank you so much for being here. Lerm stat Martin Omalley and Bernie Sanders realistically speaking does either have a shot . A shot in the sense theyre runnings if either were to win, the greatest upset in the history of politics. Lets talk about Hillary Clinton who is obviously way favored on the democratic side of the aisle. You said that the political world had lost its mind about the Hillary Clinton emails. You dont think that this is something the American People should care about . She wiped her server cleaned, used a private server for official business . No. I dont mean that its not something that should be looked at. I think it is. My point when this all happened every, you know political prognosticator and pug nant saying an existential threat to her campaign some said and a poll for out in iowa the other night that said shes still doing quite well there. A legitimate issue to look at but not the throat a longterm political viability and some say it is. One could argue that reason that shes been able to avoid any harm from this is that she has avoided any questions about it. She has really kept the press at arms length during all of her various trips. She hasnt given any significant interviews. Is this a smart strategy or does it backfire . Over the course of time hasnt done the official announcement of her campaign. Be over the course of time they have she has to engage the press. When a situation like this,y want to run your campaign strategy, and dont do it on the schedule the press sets. You cant go so long without talking to the press that it bubbles over into a world where every single interaction you said is carrieds on live television. You have to find the balance. As the Campaign Goes on theyll be able to do that i think. Some of the questions, she doesnt want to answer questions, for instance, about the Clinton Foundation. About whether there not whether, about why there were violations of the ethics agreement that the Clinton Foundation entered into with the white house. You remember this. When she agreed to become secretary of state. There was a very intense negotiation. And a lot of those arrangements were not adhered to by the Clinton Foundation. Thats a fair question to ask about. Also she hasnt really come out and stated her position on this Pacific Trade Partnership a lot of liberals Bernie Sanders, liz weth beth warren oppose. I dont understand putting them off until she has to do them makes it better . Theyre legitimate questions and she has to address all of those and a lot more. Probably sooner than later. Shell have an announcement in a short while and after that i suspect her engagement with the press will increase. If she doesnt answer the questions that will hurt her in the long run. Not sure it has yet. In the long run, take those on or it will add up over time. I want to turn to the struggle that the white house is facing right now in terms of its National Security message, and the fact that the president clearly wanted those powers in the patriot act renewed. They were not ultimately renewed. I understand the republicans control both the house and senate, but some look at this and see a larger problem. Ron fournier for example, writing in the national journal, said the greatest threat to democracy is not the rise of isis iran and lone wolf attacks. The greatest threat is this americans no longer trusting the people and institutions protecting them. Fournier goes on to argue one of the reasons for that is James Clapper not being hon effortest about the collection of data and president obama not holding him accountable. Is that a fair analysis . Look i dont know i would say its the greatest threat to democracy, but decreasing trust in Public Institutions something going on for decades in this country, is a real problem be in our democracy and acome bent upon every president , this one included to rebuild that and they have to work hard on that, no doubt. Dont you think that not holding James Clapper accountable, not even expressing publicly dismay with the fact that i think its tough to argue he did anything but lie before congress and the American People about the metadata program, you can argue he did it for National Security but clearly he was lying. Then not only expressing dismay hurt ultimately . The president s ability to keep the power he wanted to keep . I dont think thats true in this case. We had a specific problem in this country about trying to get the patriot act renewed. It was a problem between the junior senator in kentucky and the Senate Majority leader from kentucky. That doesnt go to the president. I dont think rand paul is making his Campaign Decisions because of what the president did. All right. Dan pfeiffer thank you so much. Congratulations again. American surty put to the test. Undercover agents hid fake explosions and tried to get mock weapons on to airplanes. Guess what . It worked. 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These are anomalies that tsa screeners and or equipment should locate or flag for additional screening. Reporter teams with the department of Homeland Security Inspector Generals Office posed as passengers and attempted to pass through airport checkpoints with mock explosives and weapons. A Government Official with knowledge of the results say tsa failed 67 out of 70 tests. To miss 67 out of 70 different instances is extremely alarming and i would say even danger dangerous. I am putting a detonator into the plastic explosive. Reporter cnn was there in 2008 for a similar covert operation. That time it was tsa testing its own officers. Cant see anything . Yep. Reporter at the checkpoint the tester is wanted and papddwanded and patted down. The screener missed it. Its not until the tester lifts his shirt up. I see it now. Reporter the department of Homeland Security says it immediately directed tsa to implement a series of actions, sefrlg several of which are now in place. Is it the technology failing or screeners not following proper pros call . If tsas equipment is failing and not doing the job, thats a larger systemic issue that tsa needs to address. Our thanks to rene marsh for that report. Now, we want to hear from you. What changes do you want to see at the tsa . Tweet ut theleadcnn or facebook page. And how did murderers get into a mansion and murder three members of a family and their maid . Also a critical clue found in the garage. One man searching for a woman who accidentally gave away one of the first Apple Computers ever made and its worth more than some houses. Thats also coming up. What do a nascar® driver. A comedian. And a professional golfer have in common . We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto® has also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. 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So far police only charged one person daron wint in the murders. More arrests may soon be on the way. Cnns pamela brown has been following the story from the very beginning. What have you learned . Reporter jake today the savopoulos family was laid to rest we are learning more from one of the longtime housekeepers that worked for the family 20 years how the suspects may have gained entry into the savopoulos home before the murders and hearing from an attorney who just met with the only suspect in this case, daron wint. [ church bells ] reporter following behind three caskets draped in white flowers, the daughters said goodbye to their parents and little brother philip in washington, d. C. Found brutally murdered along with the familys housekeeper last month. So far Police Arrested one suspect. 34yearold daron wint but believe he didnt act alone, and an attorney for wint met with him in jail overed weekend and tells cnn wint says hes innocent. He suggested they look at people who have recently worked for the victim who were insiders who knew about the large amounts of money that he was dispensing. Reporter winter worked for a savopoulos Company American iron works more than ten years ago. Police found his dna on pizza crust inside the family home. Even if wint didnt kill anyone he could still be held responsible . If you are involved in any way you can expect the prosecution will charge you agency a defendant accomplice and in most jurisdictions, helping someone commit a murder is punishable as if you had committed the murder yourself. Reporter today a longtime housekeeper of the savopoulos family tells cnn shes not surprised there were not signs of forced entry into the home saying the house was normally unlocked. The Security System was rarely turned on and the family often kept the garage door open. As three members of the savopoulos family were laid to rest questions remain as to why they lost their lives. And we know testing of other dna found in the familys home including fingerprints on a water bottle are still ongoing. No one else named a suspect, and including a man who lied about dropping off the money, an assistant of savvas according to court documents. The longtime housekeeper you referred also talked about the fathers assistant. What did she have to say . Reporter she met him in march, recently started working for the family and said he worked at the familys home and also drove mr. Savopoulos. The last time she had seen or heard from him was the day before the murders saying he was at the martial art center that Savvas Savopoulos was trying to open. Left around 3 30 p. M. That day and has spoke ton a lot of people since the murders who knew the family and no one has seen or heard from him. We have been reaching out at well and havent heard back. His friends havent heard from him. Its very much a mystery. We know police are still looking for him and still investigating him, and looking for more clues as to what may have happened here. Also were learning from the wint family attorney who was in my piece that they have never heard of the assistant before. Jake . Hmm. Pamela brown, thanks so much. Continuing our National Leads, a new era in treating cancer so says the author of a study hailing a new cancer treatment. A combination of two drugs helping unlock the immune systems potential to fight melanoma a deadly skin cancer that can spread to the lungs and brains. It stopped from advancing in nearly 60 of cases. Promising for those who of you issers from cancers difficult to treat because they spread throughout the body. Doctors did caution that this particular treatment does come with increased side effects. Our money lead now. A Silicon Valley recycling center is searching for a woman for whom they want to give 100,000. A california woman cleaned up her garage and donated electronic waste to the facility and unknowingly dumped an antique apple 1 computer. Only 200 of its kind made in 1 1976. The recycling center sold the computer for 200,000 to a private collector, and a policy of splitting their windfalls, 50 50 with the donor. The mystery woman did not leave behind a name phone number or even take a receipt. Wolf blitzer now joining us with a preview of the situation room. Wolf, talking about the nsa halting its bulk phone Data Collection and whether or not were less safe today. Who is coming up . The chairman of the House Armed Services committee Mack Thornberry joining us. Hes got strong views on whats going on as a lot of members of the house and senate have strong views. And representative matt kinsinger, iraq war veteran, and a very disturbing report now when the Iraqi Military abandoned mosul, the second largest city in iraq about a year ago, they left behind about 2,300 2,300 u. S. Humvees. These armored personnel carriers and that isis is now using thee these humvees in various ways including launching suicide bomb attacks moving into areas to kill iraqi soldiers with these varies humvees. And that and more at the top of the hour. Coming up family and friends remembering him as the finest man they have ever known. Joe biden the son dies at age 46 coming up next memories is beau biden. You probably know xerox as the company thats all about printing. But did you know we also support hospitals using Electronic Health records for more than 30 million patients . Or that our Software Helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure email every month . Or how about processing nearly 5 billion in electronic toll payments a year . In fact, todays xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. With xerox, youre ready for real business. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Hey, what are you doing . You said you were going to find out about plenti, the new rewards program. I did. In fact, im earning plenti points right now. But youre not doing anything right now. Lily . Hes right. Sign up, and you could earn plenti points just for being a wireless customer. In the meantime, i just kick back and watch the points roll in. Where did you get those noodles . At t cafeteria. You mean the break room. At t the only wireless carrier to be a part of plenti now when you add a new phone line to your wireless plan you get 5,000 plenti points to use in lots of places. Welcome back to the lead. Now for a story i never warranted to report. Vice President Joe Biden is a man in 1973 took his senate oath of office at the bedside of his children after a crash killing his wife and daughter. Today the biden family is once again mourning and trying to come to terms with the tragedy, the loss of the son of the Vice President , beau biden. Joseph beau biden iii, really war veteran served at the attorney general of delaware died saturday. Battling brain cancer according to the president s office. Beau biden was just 46 years old. The Vice President and the his entire family was at his side when he died. Beau shocked Many Political areas, turning down the senate. Beau inted devoted himself to his country in another way as a major in an Army National guard unit that deployed inof to iraq in 2008. Beau biden, father of two, the fine left manst man any of us have ever known. I personally knew beau. Known himself since the earl 90s. A man of honor and integrity. We send our prayers and condolences to the biden family a family that has endured way too much heartache already. Now lets turn to another story, a birthday of sorts. 35 years ago the Cable News Network cnn launched a visionary idea for a capable channel bringing news at all hours not just once in the morning and once a night. Tonight, look back with us in a special report breaking news 35 years of cnn. Heres a peek at one of the stunning moments that broke on cnns air and put the network on the map. Were going to bernard shaw in baghdad. Reporter this is out of my mouth came the words reporter something is happening outside. Youre damn right something is happening. War is breaking out all around you. Reporter the skies over baghdad have been illuminated. Were seeing bright flashes going off all over the sky. The walls were shaking. The windows were vibrating. The concussions were blowing us against the wall. So weve now been on the air 20 minutes reporter now the sirens are sounding for the first time. The iraqis have informed us. And the line goes dead. They just cut the line everybody is stunned and its totally silent. And you can feel the tension in that room. And john holman said its a battery. The batterys dead. The biggest fright that the bomb had hit the hotel where they were. Hello, baghdad. Lines dead. There was a hush in the control room. They were running around trying to find batteries. Hello, atlanta. And we come back on the air. Atlanta, this is holloman. I dont know if you can hear me or not but ill continue to talk to you as long as i can. A collective sigh and you see shoulders drop down as the tension leaves their bodies. The only ones that had reporters in baghdad. The whole world was watching. Watch cnns special report breaking news 35 years of cnn tonight at 9 00 p. M. After that tune into conan obrien tonight. Im his guest on tbs tonight at 11 00 p. M. , 10 00 central. Thats it for the lead. Im jake tapper turning you over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Happening now close call. A russian fighter jet roars low and close to a u. S. Destroyer on patrol. Its the russians now complaining. New information on the latest aggressive moves in an increasingly tense relationship. Isis terror attack. As more u. S. Equipment falls into terrorist hands suicide bombers are starting to use a frig

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