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Next, british Prime Minister David Cameron takes questions at the house of commons. Then, pope francis on capitalism. U. S. Taiwan relations. Elect did Labor Party Leader faced off with David Cameron for the first time during Prime Ministers questions. Corcoran, who was elected less saturday said he wanted to end the theatrical nature of question time. Discussedminister protection for Union Workers and national security. This is about 35 minutes. Questions for the Prime Minister. Mr. Gordon henson. Thank you. In addition to my duties, i shall have further meetings today. 75 years ago, spitfires were flying in the battle of britain. Appropriateularly to protect the birthplace of british aviation. Paying join with me in tribute to those courageous r. A. F. Airmen who helped ensure we enjoy the freedoms we enjoy today. The Prime Minister i certainly join my friend in doing that. There was a very moving ceremony in st. Pauls yesterday where they paid tribute to all the brave pilots and everyone involved in that, a vital moment in World History as britain stood alone as the only one would could stop hitler and nazism. The only thing that stopped hitler and how proud we should be proud of our armed fors forces then and today. I want to thank those who took part and me being leader of the labour party. I take part in many events around the country and have conversations with many people about what they thought about this place, parliaments, democracy. Many thought that Prime Ministers time, they wanted voice heard. Im sure Prime Minister welcomed this and something happened during his memory during that period. An email to thousands of people and asked them what questions they would like to put to the Prime Minister and i received 40,000 replies. Now, we dont have time to ask 40,000 today, and our role limit us to six, and b so i would like to start with the first one, which is about housing. Last one from a women called mary, what does the government intend to do about the chronic lack of Affordable Housing and the extortion of rents charged by some private sector landlords in this country. Can i congratulate on the resounding victory in the leadership election. Welcome him to the front bench and these exchanges, we will have many strong disagreements, im sure, between us, but we can Work Together in national interest, we should do so and wish him well in his job. [shouting] in asking questions and answering questions, no one would be more delighted than me. I felt last week where we discussed a substantial issue with substantial questions was good for our house, democracy was very helpful. We delivered Affordable Housing units in the parliament. We built more houses in the country. I recognize much more needs to be done. Carrying on with reform of the planning system, that means encouraging the building industry. But above all, continuing to support the aspirations of people where scheme like that comes in. [shouting] i thank the Prime Minister for that answer and i thank him for commitment that we are going to do Prime Ministers questioning in an adult way than in the past. The decision made to cut, for example, 1 of the rent levels in councils without thinking about the funding issues that those authorities faces, is a serious. I have a question from steven that working for the Housing Association who said that the cut in rents, the company he works for will lose 160 jobs to carry on with the repairs, down the line it will mean work convictions and maintenance and a greater problem for those living living. [shouting] i would say to steven that all those working in the association has been doing a good job. I think in our country we had something where rent came up, taxes had to go up to pay for that. It was right in the budget to cut the rent that social tentants pay because those who are working will be able to afford more things in life. I think its vital that reform Housing Associations and making sure they are more efficient. Frankly, they are part of the Public Sector that havent improved performance, and i think its time to be met. What happened yesterday in the house where proposal are going to cost 300 pounds per year of the families affected in tax credit. I had more than a thousand questions on tax credits, paul, for example, sent this very hostile question, why is the government taking from families, we need this money to survive so our children wont suffer, paying rent and housing tax of low income doesnt leave you much. Tax credits play a vital role and more is needed to stop us to having relied on food banks to survive. Work genuinely pays. Thats why what our proposals do, our reform welfare, at the same time bringing wage, will get a 20pound a week pay rise next year. I thought this was the new question time. [shouting] i dont want to blind the house with statistics, but i give you these two. A family with some on minimum, will be 2,400 pounds better off. Second statistic, if you look at what happened in 1998 and 2009 in work poverty went up by 20 at the same time benefits went up to 6 million. We shouldnt go back to it. What we have to do is tackle the causes of poverty. Get people back to work, improve our schools, improve child care. [shouting] there are 8 Million People eligible for benefits of tax credits, they are on average being companies compensateed, and so i ask a question from claire who says this, how is changing the threshold of entitled to tax credit going to change hardworking families. I work parttime and my husband fulltime, they asked the simple question, how is this fair . Less affordable welfare system. Now we see today the latest steps of Employment Statistics whether rate has reached again a record high, more people in work and fulltime work and every region except the southeast, the sharpest are the northwest. What we are doing is moving from an economy from low wages, hightax and welfare, to an economy where we were higher wages, less welfare, an economy where it pays and people can get on. Lets not go back to unlimited welfare, labour to abolish welfare tax. A family that doesnt work shouldnt be better off than the one that chooses to work. Many people dont have that situation. Many people rely on welfare state in order to survive. Surely all of as have a responsibility. Thatsia decent thats a dye cent thing to decent thing to do. This is a very serious situation across the whole country and i want to put the Prime Minister to the Prime Minister that was put to me from gayle. There will be areas where we can Work Together. This is one of them. We need to do more. Mental health and physical health can have waiting time targets for Mental Health services should not seen as a kind cinderella service. We have backed the stevens plan which can help to fund better Mental Health services among other things. There are problems in Mental Health services, we make that commitment. I make this point to him, we will not have strong nhs if we dont have strong government. [shouting] they will wreck the Economic Security of our country and the family security of every family in our country. We wouldnt be able to afford a strong nhs without a Strong Economy. [shouting] if i could take the Prime Minister to the situation of Mental Health, i agree with him on service. I hope that the spending commitment go forward, the crisis is a very serious one. We know from our constituents. I ask the question from angela, she knows exactly what she is talking about. People rougherring serious suffering serious Mental Health, the situation simply unacceptable. What does the Prime Minister say to angela, people like her who work so hard in the Mental Health services or people going to Mental Health services watching us today. I want to know we take serious and that we as a associate society take seriously and we are going to help them and take care of them. What does the Prime Minister say to angela . All of those suffering from Mental Health conditions, is that we need to do more as a country to help Mental Health. Money into the service, which we will deliver. It changes Mental Health conditions. Frankly, so is important the service that people get when they visit their gp. Many people go to gp, have Mental Health conditions. They dont get access to therapist that are increasing to be made available. My argument is put in resources, change the way nhs works, change attitude because thats vital, we wouldnt be able to do these things without the Strong Economy that we built in the last five years. [shouting] is having difficulty import ing, now kept for isolation despite belgium being free, breaking through the bureaucratic i will certainly do anything to help. [shouting] [inaudible conversations] the point is this, we will help with with animal and plant health agency. I had a case just like this where they wanted to bring a rhino and i intervened. They named her nancy like my daughter. I hope this tiger is also as effective. [laughs] may i began by congratulating the leader, we look forward working with him. We hope peace will join him. One year ago today [shouting] one year today, the Prime Minister made opposed to people where promises were made to deliver home however, former Prime Minister gordan says government is falling short and when will the Prime Minister deliver to the promises of scottland . We have delivered on all the promises we made. We said we would introduce a bill, we introduced a bill. We said that we provide those welfare powers, weve given those welfare powers. The question is now when are you going to stop talking or what taxes you are going to put up. When it comes to talking about the issues [shouting] very interesting. Whatever happened to the new style of [shouting] mr. Speaker, its not being fully delivered as the Scottish Union congress. Enabled scottland, not enough welfare powers, only 9 of people in scottland believe that it has been delivered. Not one single amendment has been accepted by the government in the scottland bill. Mr. Speaker, will not go down well in scottland. May i ask the Prime Minister in his new style of answering, when will he deliver on the promises that were made to the people of scottland . Of course, its a bit of getting used to but let me answer very calmly. What i noticed from the question is that he hasnt given me one single example of where if he can point to a tax we promised i would accept it. If he can point to a welfare change we promised, i will accept it. He hasnt done those things. All hes doing is continuing an argument because he doesnt want to talk about the substance. You give me a list he should give a list of things promised and not delivered and we will have a reasonable conversation. [shouting] again, mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has a lot to be pleased [shouting] it also gave to him and the world which was first designed and produced. This week we continued to entrepreneurial spirit. Would the Prime Minister agree with me that should benefit from new jobses jobs and infrastructure . I think youre right. Longterm youth unemployment is down. The point he makes about areas that take extra housing and getting the opportunity for more infrastructure, it is right. So, yes, ever since [shouting] Public Service workers, are going to get a 1 for the next five years. What is it with these people that this government [shouting] first of all, what we have been is trying to protect the services and the jobs and as a direct impact if you simply add pie raise. Of course, today inflation is 0 . Of course, what he fails to mention is payment thats in the Health Service has delivered year on year for many hardworking people that i want to see rewarded. Theres Something Else we can do, which is to cut the taxes and keeping public spending under control. We are able to say to everyone in the Public Sector, you can earn 11,000 pounds before you start paying any income tax at all. That has been a pay rise for 50 million working people. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Following Prime Minister, peace, love and harmony is broken out. Members on both sides of the house [shouting] would the Prime Minister and the central role and the Economic Security . I think its excellent that we have proposal and i think its very good that a number of different ideas have come forward. Now, the most important thing is for people to come together and this is coming and to drive our economy to power house. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My constituents who is 11yearold suffered from syndrome, this disease, leads to Abnormal Development of the bones and the moment its not cured, most unlikely would the Prime Minister do all he can for speedy decisions for people like her . Absolutely right to raise the case of particular illness or drug that other members have raised as well. I will continue to do all can to ensure so they reach a speedy decision. We need to have a dialogue with Drug Companies because of the vast prices being charged for some of these drugs and to say, you know, there are implications, we need to bring those costs down to make available more quickly. [shouting] after inspection of hospital, can the Prime Minister assure me that all that we have been done to turn things around so my constituents can have fully function ane . Theres also a hospital difficulty, what weve done in these circumstances instead of trying to push that under the carpet a team to turn it around and improve performance and more work needs to be done. It will continue investing in the hospital or working in the hospital to make sure it can provide the services that her constituents deserve. The general election, Prime Minister promised 10 pounds, my constituent resigned not least, how much more damage has to be done in the nhs before the Prime Minister coughs up . It mentioned the general election and the general election, our party stood on the proposal of 8 billion bounds more in nhs and effectively 10 billion pounds and we set every penny that its coming from. [shouting] they did not masm max the stevens plan. It is the conserve party that will deliver. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In a world in which we have a north korea, aggressive russia, and the pure evil of the socalled islamic states, would the Prime Minister agree with me that step up security and way of life, we simply must have an independent nuclear [shouting] in terms of defense, this is the most important duty for a government and for a Prime Minister, and the cornerstone of our defense will remain at 2 spending that we committed with increased Defense Budget in the parliament, membership of nato and ultimate insurance policy in what is a dangerous world. The fact that the labour party is turning away, we will never fall short. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. In memory of robert broadford, anthony berry, murdered by terrorists as they stood up for democracy, the headstones, Opposition Leader that terrorists should be honored, would the Prime Minister join with all of us on behalf of the innocent innocents and bravery of the armed forces who stood against the terrorists. [shouting] i think from the reaction, he has spoken for many, many in this house and i will say many, many, the overwhelming majority of people t vast majority of people in the country. First member of parliament i can remember because our member of parliament. Fist politicians i wrote a speech for and more kind and gentle rrk. I gentler. It was never justified and people who seek to justify should be ashame of themselves. Thank you, mr. Speaker. They are in the bottom fife in schools when it comes to education authorities and funding for people. I welcome this governments commitments to a fairer funding formula. Does the Prime Minister recognize the importance of funding and the needs to be implemented as quickly as possible to ensure worldclass education for our children and perhaps know the importance of national anthem. Makes a very important point, very strong call on both sides to make sure we address the fairness in terms of funding. What we did is allocate for funding and authorities, did benefit from that receiving 3. 1 million, 3. 2 respectively. I want us to do everything we can to make the funding fairer. Thank you, mr. Speaker. My constituency has reached half million mark breaking u. K. Records. Im sure the house will join me and Prime Minister in congratulating on the great achievement. Mr. Speaker, in the workforce with fantastic outcome. Why does the Prime Minister attack workers right, enforce the good let me agree that achievements of ms. Ann are remarkable. I think im right in saying that the northeast of england now produces more cars than italy. We will manufacture trains as well. Its not what he says it is. We want to make sure that we dont have strike based on very low turnouts. That was two years out of date and only 27 of people turned up to vote in that ballot. You have working parents all over the country having to keep their children at home when they should be getting the Public Service that they paid for. Thats what our bill is about and i hope you have support across. [shouting] the bravery of all service of men and women is beyond yes. The bravest of the brave those who pay the invisible bullets of ebola, both houses and the great medical workers who did our bidding in west africa. Im delighted to join me friend. The reason i held a a reception. Whether its the nurses, volunteers, it really is remarkable what theyve done. Great work has been done by the people of sierra leon, we have good armed forces and is something the whole country can be proud of. This is exactly the use of our budget while doing it with more reinforce and moral conscious and for those who wonder uses of troops, get them out and look at sierra leon. [shouting] u. K. Vital strategic to the economy, will Prime Minister meet with me, steel work Union Community so we can look at more positive when supporting our industry and protect it in which way european governments do. Everyone is concerned, obviously we taken and provided 13 Million Pounds in support of high energy uses and also by setting infrastructure plan, we getting a sense of demand in the months and years to come. The best sort of meeting we can have in order to make sure we do everything we can to keep steel [shouting] this government commitment spent 2 to protect nationals and Economic Future by giving armed forces and Financial Support they need to protect our nation security. [shouting] we have had to make difficult decisions in the Spending Review and we will have to make further difficult decisions, but the decision to increase defense spending in a very dangerous uncertain world when we face threats in europe with russia and threat from isil and middle east, its absolutely right to increase spending and make sure that membership nato is cornerstone of our defense. You have been watching Prime Ministers questions. And again sunday nights at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and pacific on cspan. Watch anytime on cspan. Org where you can find video of pastor Prime Ministers questions and other British Public affairs programs. Next, a discussion on Pope Franciss views on capitalism. After that, a form examining relationships between the United States and thailand. And then Loretta Lynch talks about changes to the criminal justice system. Pope francis is scheduled to arrive in washington, d. C. Tuesday afternoon. The Cato Institute hosted a discussion on his views on capitalism and his and its effect on poverty around the world. They consider the popes statements on global free markets and their tendencies towards selfishness, greed, and economic inequality. This is about one hour and 20 minutes. [no audio] this is Saint John Paul ii. Much of what he says, he knows would be shocking because he has a colorful style. Our may be often storylines that we bring to the material rather than genuine changes in Church Teachings as francis himself his teachings about marriage and contraception and abortion. A little bitk about what he had to say about poverty and what he might mean about the environment and the authoritativeness of Church Teachings. Let me begin with the poor, and care for the poor has been a major theme of the teachings. He has a responsibility to the preferential option for the poor. John kristens st. Them who lived in the fourth forury from 350early hundreds. His homily on lazarus and the rich man here is what he said. Not to share ones wealth with the poor is to steal from them and take away their livelihood. Goods our own good that we hold, but theres. That we have a duty to share our other derives from catholic ideas. The first is the notion that each of us has an inherent dignity because we are children of god. Not just catholics. The book of genesis says that every man and woman is created in gods likeness out of love. That wer is the notion are made to live in community and god gives us creation, not to serve just our own individual goods but the common good and this ought to guide the way that we use property. Here is what leo the 13th, the pope in the 19th century said, quoting thomas aquinas. Men should not consider material possessions his own but common to all so that he should share without hesitation with others who are in need. Is the mistake that we all make in hearing things like this is thinking that the pope is making a political argument. The idea that we ought to share our wealth is not a plank from the socialist party platform, it is a spiritual counsel. Eternalant to inherit life, jesus told the rich young man, go and sell what you have and give to the poor. The popehe message delivered when he made a trip to korea in 2014. He said to the young people there that they needed to combat the a lure of materialism that stifles authentic spiritual. Alues the spirit of unbridled competition generates selfishness and strife. Still, in writings like francis is in his homilies. And economy economy of exclusion and inequality. An economy that kills. He criticizes trickledown theories of economics. His calls seymour revolutionary than reformatory there his calls seem a more revolutionary than reformatory. Free market capitalism has had i recently read in arthur that the new book expansion of free market capitalism is responsible for a grave reduction in world poverty. The number of People Living at starvation level poverty which declined. S he says the institutions that deserve credit for this decline are globalization and free trade and free write and rule of law and entrepreneurship. Brooks, the pope seems to be a crypto socialist. With little understanding of the benefits of growing the economy. Who is right . It is not quite that simple. In the first place, the pope leaves that work is important, even holy. He says that it is a noble vocation. And for this reason, he says we do not want a comprehensive welfare state. Welfare should be a provisional solution. Not a permanent one. Our goal ought to be to provide a dignified life for everyone through work and businesses and markets are an essential part of this task. Place, it is true that francis understands the importance of growing the economy to provide jobs. He recently spoke to leaders in paraguay and said the following every culture needs Economic Growth and the creation of wealth. Business people is that they not only increase the goods of this world but make them more accessible to everyone. So why the seeming condemnation of the market . The Central Point of his teaching i think is that the market is the total that is subordinate to the good of human beings. It must not be the measure of human goods. We whento which that happens, even human beings themselves are considered consumer goods to be used and then discarded. Ats summer, he gave a speech the world meeting of popular movements in bolivia. He spoke words very much like this. Global economye as a system that imposes the mentality of profit at any price. When he was in paraguay he asked politicians not to yield to an economic model which is idolatrous which needs to sacrifice human lives on the altar of money and power. It would be tempting to dismiss the popes words as inflammatory rhetoric if they would not literally true. Today, as the pope has highlighted on many occasions, we throwaway children, where than 40 million a year through abortion, the great majority from the developing world. This summer, the center for medical progress receipt that released a series of videos regarding planned parenthood. They have become line items on an invoice. Human beings made a known by god have been deemed more valuable dead than alive. France is also points out that we throwaway the elderly in nursing sounds and the poor in slums and young people who are struggling to find work. The popes goal in speaking so often about the poor is to our attention. He describes the fact that he decries the fact that party has become so acceptable. Aw can it be that it is not news item when an elderly person dies of exposure but it is news when the stock market loses two points. Can we continue to stand by when food is thrown away when people are starting . This is a case of inequality. Almost without being aware of it, we become incapable of feeling compassion. Talk aboutnted to the poor and a little bit about the environment and then about the authoritativeness of the teachings. Let me say a word about the environment. Maybe the most surprising thing about this encyclical is how much attention it has gotten. Space tod not much things we usually talk about. In the first chapter, he talks about pollution and the loss of biodiversity. Standard pair of ecological talks. He is just as worried about a deterioration in what he calls human ecology and he finds symptoms of that in almost every aspect of human life. Of greenabout the loss spaces in cities, and about an increase in violence, about the increase in social losing. He even has bad words to say about the internet. Ofre is a deterioration interpersonal communication when we talk to each other on phones and devices that shield us from direct contact with the pain, fear, of others. These are all symptoms of the same disease. Francis condemns what he calls a technocratic paradigm in modern society. A tendency to create all of creation. Nature is gods arch. Living beings nature is gods art. Had a moral that we relationship with the earth itself. In all of this, he sounds of sometimes like peter from this era club that he goes on to say that man also is gods gift to man. We are part of creation. Our own relationships with one another. Proponents ofal the environmental movement, he condemns the idea that we should have a reduction in the birthrate, especially in the developing world as a solution to Climate Change and he stresses the inconsistency of those who would protect endangered species while promoting abortion. He even says that our own bodies are gods gift and we must femininity and masculinity as part of the ecological program. This encyclical got a lot of criticism, or from the right than from the left for its he for its publication. Some people pointed out shades of galileo that the church has no expertise in science and should not attempt to settle scientific matters. He acknowledges this. He says on concrete questions, the church has no reason to offer a definitive opinion. But he is concerned about the lack of clarity and that it should not become an excuse for us to do nothing. Theave to choose to treat environment one way or another and we have to make those decisions with the best information available. And when we do act, our actions should be guided by the same principles that he invokes to govern the economy. He says Environmental Action cannot come at the expense of the poor or the future generations. His most significant point is that environmental debate is not a scientific prerogative. Scientists should measure temperatures and shorelines, but when we act on this information, we need a world perspective and that is what the church can offer. Words close with a few about the authority of the statements he is making. The first of the two words i want to offer is that we should all, especially catholics, pay respectful attention to what he is saying. Some conservative catholics responding to the pope comments on the economy and the environment sounds like nancy pelosi responding to the churchs teaching about abortion and science. This has not been the churches understanding of its responsibility. Aspect of lifey and there is a long tradition of thecatechesis institution of private property and the right of laborers to uni you unionize and bargain collectively. Note oft to add just a care or caution maybe because i am a lawyer and i am attentive to these things. Teach,cs are expected to to treat Church Teachings as authoritative but authority, this authority is a complex thing. Not every statement a pope makes it to be treated as infallible. The doctrine of papal infallibility is Something Like the clear statement rule that courts use in interpreting statutes. Proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine of morals. The phrase definitive act means that he must make perfectly clear his intention to speak infallibly. I have to say that we can cast therethe rest of them, are many documents with different weights of authority. There was a big rash of new last week and nothing changes in the annulment process in failed marriages. In may, the pope published and encyclical. Than anries more weight apostolic exportation. Homiliesill are the that the pope gives on scripture readings in mass. Beneath that, far beneath that, are the chassis has on airplanes with reporters. That hisakes clear recommendations are not intended to have infallible force. Here is what he says. Neither the pope nor the church has a monopoly on the interpretation of social realities are the proposal of solutions to contemporary problems. It is difficult for us to put forward a solution that has universal validity. Iss is not our ambition nor it our mission. It is up to Christian Communities to analyze with objectivity the situation which is proper to their own country. Are the most intellectually imperialistic of cultures and we always imagined that the pope is speaking to us. Forget it. We are just a small fraction of the churchs population around the world. There are other countries that need to be listening even more attentively. Let me add one last thing regarding the authoritativeness. It also varies with the subject matter. That is a an idea familiar one to lawyers. The United States Supreme Court has ultimate authority to enter it the federal constitution that as every firstyear law student knows, the court has no such authority in matters of state law. So it is with the church whose jurisdiction is limited to matters of faith and morals. It is not to say that the environment and the economy have implications dont have implications. Within the domain of faith and morals, there is a spectrum of issues, again i do not mean to say that we should cast this aside, that there are in the first place, things revealed in the gospel message, like that jesus is god and these are the primary objects of the churches magisterium. There are things that have been everywhereys and like the evil of certain sins, and you know what they are. There is a range of other things to which the Church Speaks with diminishing degrees of authority and recognition. The canonization of saints and so on. I do not mean to say that we need to discount all of this, only that this is a complex matter in the ways that many moral and legal questions art. Do not put too much stock in what the pope said on the airplane. [applause] thank you very much. Speaker is michael who writes an awardwinning blog, distinctly catholic. At the National Catholic reporter. In politics,ntary religion, and culture. He is also the correspondent for the tablet, the londonbased interNational Catholic weekly. He worked as ace beach writer on the president as a speechwriter. How democrats lost the catholics and how catholics can see the democrats. He is a visiting fellow at the catholic universitys institute for policy research and catholic studies. Please help me welcome mr. Winters. [applause] winters i also have never been to cato before. I thought i would start my talk in latin. This ly shortened carthage must be destroyed. If we replace the word carthage with the phrase free market ideology, we could imagine pope francis using this line. Popes do not usually use such language. Popeps, we could say francis could say that free market ideology needs to be repealed and replaced. I have heard that in the last few years. In any event, we do not have to speculate at what he said. We can look at what he did say. This economy kills. Some people continue to defend trickle down. Which assume that Economic Growth encouraged right a free market will inevitability succeed in bringing about rater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion which has not been confirmed expresses a naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power. He has repeatedly condemned the a dollar tree of the market. In a speech in bolivia that when capital becomes an idol, you get pain, death, and distraction and the stench of the dung of the devil. These are strong words. Caseld like to make the that the popes critique of free market ideology is traditional, systemic, ethical, and anthropological. It is supremely traditional. Said thedict the 16th condition of the economy must be autonomous. It must be shielded from the conditions of moral character. It has led man to abuse the process. Pope john paul ii said the state of inequality between the state of individuals and nations that only still excess, it is exist it is increasing. Indeed aof defects, defective machinery is at the root of contemporary economics and materialistic civilization. It does not allow the human family to break free from such radically unjust situations. Said that it is a question of not only alleviating the urgent needs through individual actions here and thee, but of uncovering roots of evil and proposing initiatives to make social, political, and economic structures more just and fraternal. Erroneous autonomy. We ran a symposium last year. The catholic case against liberalism. It highlighted the differences between libertarian thought and social thought. One of my

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