Powerful lines on any of those Public Policy issues, or whatever you are thinking about, reading about in the news. Here are the line for republicans. The numbers are on the screen. Neutral your television or radio when you call in. You can and does a tweet mute your to television or radio when you call in. You can always send us a tweet or comments on facebook. Sky news is tweeting about potential usa, saying that u. S. Officials secretary of state john kerry to provide an additional 16. 4 million in humanitarian aid to help civilians in ukraine. That discussion was part of yesterdays hearing with ashton carter, the president s nominee to be the next secretary of defense. Lethal weapons was the headline. And turning to 2016 news, a speech that recovered yesterday on the stand the cspan networks, jeb bush before the detroit economic club. The headline here in the wall street journal we covered that speaks briefly yesterday. A look at what jeb bush had to say. [video clip] people know that this country can be more what it is more than what it is today and each one of us can be a part of it. But we also know this as well, we have a lot of work to do. Americans across the country are frustrated. They the only a small portion of the population writing up the economys escalator riding up the economies escalator. We have seen gain, but its very little and its come late. Six years after the recession households are on average poorer, and millions of people have given up looking for work altogether. Roughly two out of three american households with a check to paycheck check. Any unexpected expense can push them to financial ruin. We have a Record Number of americans living on food stamps and in poverty. The recovery is being felt everywhere but in family paychecks. The American Dream has become a barrage for far too many. The central question we face here in detroit and across america is this can we restore that dream, that moral promise that each generation can do better . Host former Florida Governor jeb bush speaking yesterday at the detroit club. You can see all of that speech at www. Cspan. Org. Potential 2016 candidate, policy. For any policy issue you wish to discuss. Muriel is up first from connecticut. Go ahead and welcome to washington journal. Caller hi, bill. I never get a chance to talk to you. I think you do a wonderful job as host and when you fill in a different spot. I had to get that out of the way. Second, i must say this, all of this talk on the panel headed by senator mccain, chaired by senator mccain about defense and so forth i think its time that we all take the reality test. What we need to do is backtrack to 9 11. Its been reported on a media broadcast, major media, that the saudis were involved in the 9 11 tragedy. We can talk defense. We can talk afghanistan. We can talk about burning people alive. What we need to do in this country is face reality and try to figure out how we can best serve the American People by cleaning out our closet concerning 9 11. Host lets look at that story you just mentioned, in the New York Times front page. I you will find more at nytimes. Com. For the first halfhour. Jacksonville, florida, bruce independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. As you were talking about secretary of state or the news before, we are going to give 16 Million Dollars in humanitarian aid, they dont want hereditary and aid. Its like the peshmerga in iraq. They are actually fighting a war. They need munitions and stuff from this country, which our president is not coming forth with, or its a later whatever. As far as the saudis and 9 11, that has been bounced around for several years. Osama bin ladens family has money and they are saudi. And its just, you know we need to face what is going on today and move forward instead of going back and rehashing stuff that is not relevant today. And one other thing i heard yesterday on the news, which it wasnt mentioned there, is that the irs is going to go back and illegal aliens will be able to go back and apply for the 3000 unearned tax credit. I dont know what we are doing in this country. We have people in the middle east that want to fight, or are ready to buy commend we wont give them any arms. And the president islamic terrorism, that is not a word that the administration will speak about stop speak about. Host thank you for your comments, bruce. Robert in springfield. Caller what im calling about, i wanted to call yesterday when the republican gentleman was on concerning v. A. Benefits. Two days ago, they had a guy who came on and he spoke of the fact that veterans are receiving too much be a conversation. A lot of people dont realize number one, the average veteran and im a vietnam veteran and we have to wait anywhere from eight to 10 years to file our claims with no results. People dont realize this. One, you join the army and you sign a contract and for 20 years you will save receive your retirement benefits. And when you retire, you also retire with social security. If you are a vietnam a war veteran, such as vietnam or other conflicts, you receive v. A. Benefits based on disability. These are all things that we have earned as veterans. Nothing should be cut. But the fact of it is, they are saying, well, we will do this or that, and this will pass in six or seven years. This has been going on for 20 years with the v. A. And they keep saying, we will see what we are going to do. Its nothing but hogwash. Host all right, lets hear from erie, pennsylvania tom. Welcome to washington journal. Caller i just read the program on and cant that blurb from i caught that blurb from jeb bush. This is the American People being so gullible that they will believe all of a sudden at the republicans are interested in us , and that is just not so. They and the people who backed them are those that are responsible for the condition the american workingman is in. Host tom, you are calling on a republican line. Caller yes, for 45 years. Host who would you like to see in 2016 . Caller i would like to see Bernie Sanders run for president and Elizabeth Warren run for Vice President. Host in must point mississippi, herbie. What is your topic this morning . Caller on the veteran thing you can never pay the veteran too much. We pay some senators and congressmen, you know, the crisis we are the crisis we are paying them, i never feel like we can ever give our veterans too much. But on this war and things going on in the middle east, you know we are over there retaliating. We went into iraq and the isis and all of these terrorists over there are trying to do the same thing, retaliate. I think our whole problem with the middle east, we probably do have truly a religious war going on there. The United Nations put its rule in the middle of those muslim countries and then its trying to defend them while they bomb and do the same thing. They are causing the problem over there. And really go back to the United Nations, palestinians going back to the United Nations to try to get justice here host herbie, should the u. S. Not defend israel, one of its allies . Caller the thing is, what israel is doing with the two state solution, if the United Nations put them there and now the palestinians are going to the United Nations to justify what israel is doing there, and now israel dont respect the United Nations then the United Nations job is to get them out of there. Host i appreciate your comments on whatever you want to talk about. This morning. The numbers are on the screen. For the third day in a row, the senate is going to try to move forward on the Homeland Security any measure, because the funding without runs out at the end of february and are a temporary measure. You can follow the senate on cspan2. A report this morning on yesterdays attempt in the New York Times the headline one of those actions was with the socalled dreamers, the children of parents who came to america illegally. The president met with one of those yesterday. [video clip] crest the house passed a bill that would have these six young people deported the house passed a bill that would have these six young people deported. I think that is wrong. I think most americans would think that is wrong if they had a chance to meet the junk people. Legislation is these young people. Legislation is going to go to the senate to try to block this executive action. I want to be as clear as possible. I will veto any legislation that got to my desk that took away the chance of these young people , who grew up or and are prepared to contribute to this country, that would prevent them from doing so. And im confident i can uphold that veto. Host all of the president s comments available at www. Cspan. Org. This morning, the Health Insurance and then hit by hackers. The report indicates the hack may affect some 80 million presumably customers, of anthem. A meeting this morning on that very issue, cyber breach legislation being drafted by the senate. You will find coverage this morning on www. Cspan. Org. , indiana, vince open phones, indiana, vince, go ahead. Caller i would like to comment on job creation, income tax, and better education. Theyve been speaking about that since 1942. There are many people who want to work. A lot of these people have felonies, but since everybody is running background checks on applicants, these fellows will not be hired at all. And about lowering taxes, the instant you know, weve got the government officials senators, congressmen, everybody else, talking about lower taxes but the instant they take the oath, taxes skyrocket on us poor people. But the rich dont get their taxes increased. Education, ive talked to many people who graduated high school , and many times i brought up the u. S. Constitution and bill of rights. These students have never even heard of either, and many of them are totally illiterate. Host its good to pennsylvania jeff, on the republican line. Caller hello. Good morning. I want to respond first to that guy who said he was a republican whining Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. I dont know why we want to have another College Professor in theirre, Elizabeth Warren. I cannot get over the fact that she said she was one 33rd cherokee indian and use that to get into her position, lying about being a minority. She is the whitest woman ive ever seen. But anyway, i was going to call about the prolife rally. Not much reported about that. The Washington Times those quote had an interesting article. They were about 786,000 black babies aborted by black women meaning one out of every three black pregnancies is aborted. That is three quarters of a million over the last 40 years. We are talking 20 million blacks have been murdered. Host did they look at other racial or demographic roots in this reporting . Caller this particular article in the Washington Times weekly edition just talked about this and talked about that black lives dont matter. It really is true that blacklight still matter. And add to that that 79 of planned parenthood that black lives dont matter. And add to that the 79 of planned parenthood are in the black amenities. And you add to that those calling for the extermination of the black race in 1939. And you look at 6000 to 8000 blacks killed every year. Many are killed by other blacks. To me, it seems like black lives dont matter to blacks. Host i appreciate your call. It is open phones. The numbers are on the screen. This is the reporting this morning in the Washington Post about the followup to the immolation of the jordanian pilot. And we will pull this off of the inside of the New York Times, a picture of king abdulla of jordan returning to the United States. Lets go to the democrats line. What do you want to talk about david . Caller first, i wanted to ask a question, and then i wanted to make a comment. When you lift up your telephone numbers, you put republicans on top. I dont know if that is by design or by a. It seems like you go from a thousand 12 8001 to 8000. Host we list them back and forth each month just to keep it balanced. Caller ok, i will buy that. On the comment about loretta lynch, i think that is so crappy about the Republican Party to do what they did during those confirmation hearings. They use that for political gain. To me, it was just outrageous. Anyway, that is my comment. Host news has come out since those hearings yesterday. Senator cornyn announcing he will vote against the nominee as well, and rand paul announcing he will vote against the nominee, too. The headline this morning in the usa today, the u. S. To leave liberia as ebola rate plummet. But more broadly in this front page, the usa today, they look at the rate of decline. 360 seven cases reported for the week of september 7, 2014. That drops a month later in october to 149 cases. Again in november, 87 cases. December, 53 cases. In january nine cases. And as of january 25th, the week of january 25, just for cases reported. Next is allentown, pennsylvania. Caller good morning. I would like to comment on the previous call on Elizabeth Warren and the abortion issue its right on the money. Anybody would want elizabeth warning any kind of offices out of their mind. Also, i would like to talk about immigration reform. We have laws on the books. The only thing broken on immigration is our southern border. Anyone here illegally should be deported and if they have children here, they should go back with them. If the only way we will ever stem this. Like i said, the laws are on the books. Just enforce the laws. Anybody here illegally is is breaking the law and should be punished likewise. Host the issue is sure to come up this morning as the senator is for a third day in a row to forward on the Homeland Security funding measures being held back by the attached amendments from the house, those that overturn, those that would block the president s executive actions on the boat. On the vote. You can follow it on cspan two. In michigan, randy, good morning. Caller good morning. My name is randy, and i want to expose this. This is called the Poison Centers for selection to substances by the kids under 13 nationwide. 39,000 people died from overdosing on ibuprofen. Acetaminophen, 38,000 people died from overdose on acetaminophen. Total cases from 2000 513, some people from 2000 513, some people blame on use of marijuana in general. In all those cases, not a single death reported. That was from colorado from 2005 13. 15,000 children overdose from dishwashing soap. Host are these nationwide statistics, and where are you getting them from . Caller this is from the 20 12th the 20 12th source of the nation poison did a society from the United States. And alcohol, 2560 people died in 2012. Host thanks for sharing all of that information with us. The headline in the Washington Post about the Prayer Breakfast visit from the dalai lama. Preston nebraska is next. And this is preston, in omaha nebraska. Caller good morning and thanks for taking my call. A couple of things i want to rant about. One of them is, i think isis is just some billionaires that was overlooked when they were over there divvying up the oil fields in iraq to the big oil conglomerates and if you like they were not represented well at the table and this is what theyve created. They are over there taking the oil fields back, taking over territories. Messing with everyone now, not just americans. I see on tv they are messing with the jordanians, killing koreans, the same way they are trying to provoke americans, by chopping their heads off. Saddam hussein said if they went over there they will be creating the mother of all wars, and it happened to stop everest and it happened. Ever since that happened, the whole middle east has internet turned upside down. Leading up to the elections, all help broke loose. The november elections. It was all orchestrated. You had ebola. You had the mexican kids coming at the border. Host originally, you said he was a billionaire, isis. Do you think there is money behind all of these issues that you are bringing up, is that your contention . Caller yes, its money, it is not oil. And its about oil. Control of the oil over there. Host a couple more phone calls. David, in iron mountain, michigan. David, go ahead. You are on the air. Caller you had a fellow on their about the of 35. The f35. There are people, including the designer, who will tell you it is the worst aircraft ever built. How about listening to the director of the nsa . Saying nothing that is going to change. It will stay the same or get worse. A young Jewish American fellow went into israel and he said ive never seen such a colonialist did state in my life , spewing such hatred. And mr. Rabbani, he said i was there when the families or murdered. Were murdered. Host david, thanks for your comment. In kentucky, john, republican line. Caller hi, this is john. I want to know what your take is on obama and the democrats defunding the military. To fund the immigration law. Host what is your take on it . That is what this all this is all about. That is what what is your take . Caller well, i hate it. What is your take . Host i have no take, but the Defense Budget is up in 2015. Caller hes cutting our military host just to fund his immigration. Lets hear from edgewater, maryland, sarah. Caller good morning. I just wanted to comment on the healthcare law. I think they are all good things healthcare law itself, however i think the will cost of health care, unless we reform the food industry, i dont think they will believe i do not believe they will be able to control the healthcare costs. There is way too much sugar in everything people get offered in the Grocery Stores. And in regard to Prescription Drug coverage, its a disgrace that our congress when they pass the Prescription Drug benefit for seniors left out of the law that they can negotiate the best drug prices for seniors. The biggest problem is that we have ramp is rampant drug prices on Prescription Drugs. I think that needs to be changed. Host we will end on the note of the healthcare law. This is from the New York Times and gop lawmakers propose alternative to obamacare. That is from the New York Times. Next up on washington journal we will talk about the fcc proposed regulations for the internet. We will speak with Brendan Sasso of the national journal. And later on, the president of Hampton University, William Harvey. The Senate Armed Services Committee Heard from ashton carter, president obamas pick to be defense secretary. Here is a look at that. [video clip] in his testimony in the committee this week on dr. Kissinger said, in the middle east, a multiple of evils are unfolding simultaneously. Iran has exploited this turmoil to pursue positions of power within other countries. Do you agree with that . I do. Do you believe me to have a strategy to combat isis and the continued successes in many respects that they are achieving . Absolutely. Do you believe we have a strategy at this time . I believe i understand our strategy at this time, mr. Chairman. I also have the intention, again if confirmed, to make it my First Priority to go there, to talk to our leaders, military leaders there what you understand the strategy to be . I think the strategy to next, instrument and means, and our and with respect to isil, lasting defeat. And i say lasting, because when they get defeated, its important that they stay defeated. That is why it is important that we have those on the ground there, who will ensure that they stay defeated, once defeated. It is different on the two sides of the border. It is one any me, but two different contexts. Mr. Chairman, in iraq, the force that will keep them defeated is the Iraqi Security forces. Our strategy is to strengthen them and make them that force. On a syrian side, not to take too long about it, we are trying to build the force that will keep them defeated. That is going to be a combination of moderate Syrian Forces and regional forces. Creswell, it sounds like that doesnt sound it does not sound like a strategy to me. Washington journal continues. Host host joining me this mornings Brendan Sasso, who covers issues for national journal. We are here to talk about the secs fccs proposed regulations for Net Neutrality. What does the fcc proposed to do . Guest this is more or less what a lot of the activists have been calling for, for a long time. And essentially what president obama has been calling for, the strongest rules that the fcc could come out with. Basically, that the incident provider should not be able to control what you access online. All traffic should be created treated equally. The provider could not slow down traffic or prioritize certain traffic based on which with companies could pay for it. A lot of the debate over the past year has been a technical debate about the fccs authority. The original rules that fcc chairman tom wheeler proposed in may got a lot of backlash because people thought he was not using the proper legal authority. Now what he would do is invoked title ii of the communications act, which would essentially treat the internet like a utility. Its the same way the fcc regulates phone companies. This Broader Authority that the fcc is about to claim would give that neutrality advocates the Proper Authority to enact these rules. But providers like comcast, verizon, and republicans on capitol hill, all say that this move is a and also about to stifle the entire industry with burdensome regulations. Host going back to this issue of slowing down traffic, as you mention, and explaining that neutrality, give us an example of how a user on the internet or someone using their broadband at home with you this Service Provider slowing down traffic. Guest i think it is important to note that all of the providers have all said that they have supported open internet. Many of them have said that they have no plans to slow down traffic or block websites. Of course, not everyone is going to take them at their word. Theres a fear that a provider, lets say, comcast, which owns nbc universal, might have a business incentive to support nbc content as opposed to cbs content or other content. Host there was reaction from michael powell, the former fcc chairman, and now the head of the National Cable telecommunications association. The term he uses of dynamic internet, what is he talking about . Host i think a lot of the providers would like more flexibly. A lot of the debate is about authority. I think many have recognize that the fcc under the Obama Administration is going to come up with Net Neutrality rules. They have sort of accepted that. What they did not want to see happen is for the fcc to invoke title ii. This is more than 100 pages of rules and regulations and was originally created in 1934 and updated in 1986. They feel its putting a very heavy regulatory scheme on to the internet. The fcc does not plan to impose every provision of title to. A lot of them will get waived, like price controls. But i think there is this fear that the internet has had a light regulatory touch for a long time and this is about to change. Host the big news is about internet regulation, but what is also in their deals with mobile data. What does fcc chairman wheeler want to do their . Guest the fcc had neutrality rules in 2010. Those did not apply to mobile in the same way. Those that struck down and they had to rewrite them and this time, they said that so many people now rely on their smart phone or tablet to access internet, and some people dont even have a home connection on a computer. The rules would protect consumers who are on their smart phones and would restrict the ability of at t, verizon sprint, tmobile to speed up certain content, or exempt certain content from data cap. Host speaking of people using mobile phones, if they make a phone call, that is already regulated under title ii. Guest it gets confusing. Title ii applies to landline phones already come and also the Voice Services on your mobile phone. What wheeler has been saying is, well, that hasnt stifled investments or innovation for the cell phone industry. If they can deal with it for the voice service, they can deal with it for the data service. When you download an app or browse the web on the phone, that is treated under a different scheme currently that if you make a phone call. What he is saying is theres no reason not to expand those relations to the dated piece of your phone. Host the phone lines are open for your comment on the proposed Net Neutrality rules. The numbers are on your screen. This morning in the wall street journal they have a frontpage article that talks about how their reporting that the white house really pressured the fcc to go ahead and make the changes. You mentioned the president announced in december. We have a picture of a couple of key players in this discussion including brian roberts, the chairman and ceo of comcast, tom wheeler, the chairman of the fcc. They report that the pushback on the support for these regulations coming from people like the ceo of tumbler, david carr, and also the ceo of e tsy. Why are some of these groups in support of regulations . Guest i think the fear is that if there were no Net Neutrality rules, Companies Like comcast or verizon could create fast lanes and slow lanes on the internet. Some traffic could get prioritize. Maybe a company like google could afford to pay for that past lane, but a company that is tiny and just trying to get off the ground etsdy probably does not have the huge resources to pay for prioritized service. They fear that if some companies are going to get your tight and others are not, it is going to get prioritized and others are not, it is probable to small startups that will be hurt by this. Host if you go through your phone bill you see service charges, but there are federal taxes on their. If these proposed rules go through on the internet, is there a possibility that internet use would be taxed . Guest that is a possibility down the road, although not with this proposal they are about to vote on. It is technically not a tax, but i dont know that that makes much difference to most consumers. It is a fee on your phone bill and that goes into one big sec fund to fcc fund to subsidize services around the country. They have said that they wont do that, but i think ultimately as more and more people rely exclusively on the internet, they probably will have to make a decision if they want to keep this fund. They might have to expand the fees to internet bills. But right now, that is not what they are doing. Host you mentioned the fcc voting on this. When did that happen and what is the timeline on these relations to take place . And of congress have a voice does congress have a voice in its . Guest february 26. They have to get three votes from the five commissioners. I think its a sure thing that they are going to approve these rules. It will go into effect but he after that, as i understand it. What is going on right now is republicans on capitol hill are scrambling to find some alternative solution or compromise. We will see what happens there. They are proposing a lot of the same rules that the Net Neutrality advocates would want in terms of no blocking website, no slowing down traffic, no mobile devices. They are willing to give a lot in terms of being able to avoid invoking this title ii authority that they are afraid of. Host lets open up the lines. Caller my name is steve nelson. I have media column mediacom and i heard it was part of comcast. And my Internet Usage keeps on going up five dollars each year. For the same speed and the same data. This is my first computer and they wont be able to use it because i cannot afford it. I would like to hear what you have to say about this, thank you. Host bluntly, our people seeing increases in the fees for access to the internet . Guest i think there has been a lot of complained about lack of competition. And of course, if we dont have a lot of competition, companies can charge what they want. In a lot of areas of the country, there is at most one provider, in some places there are no providers for the highspeed internet you would need to access the online video people would want. That is a big complaint that companies have. And its a big motivator for these regulations. If you had a lot of providers, people might have a little more choice in what sort of practices they would want to see from their provider. But when your only choice is comcast or mediacom, they have a lot of power over what they can do. Host nebraska, good morning. Caller i want to rest this young man, with the fcc invoking title ii i want to ask this young man, with the fcc invoking title ii, how will this affect their ability to show movies . If they are using so much broadband, are they going to have to pay more . I guess that was kind of the debate, they did not want to pay anymore, but they are slowing other people down and kicking people off. My question would be, with the fcc stepping income are they going to make these big guys pay more . Host the rules would ensure that these companies dont have to pay at all to access users. But it is absolutely true that these High Definition Video Services like netflix or hulu do suck up a lot of bandwidth, and that is what the providers say. We have invested billions of dollars in making these networks and its not that unreasonable. And a huge portion of internet traffic, Something Like 30 , is just netflix. And another huge chunk is just youtube. They would say it is not unreasonable that these people are profiting off of the networks that weve built. We would charge them for that. At the other side says that is extorting market power and hurting internet freedom. Host but the internet Service Providers charge netflix or hulu a fee for using that bandwidth right . There is a cost involved there. Guest they are not allowed to charge for any sort of prioritized service or anything like that. The company do have to it is not free to create a website. You do have to pay for delivering that data to the network. But that is a separate issue from comcast saying we will block you or slow you down or prioritize you in order to get to the end users, the customers. That is the distinction. You do have to pay in order to get some sort of delivery network, to get your data from your server over to comcast or whoever. Host back to the mobile data issue, this is a piece in the times yesterday. They write and they have a chart here on how rapidly the growth in mobile has risen in comparison to desktop use, which has dropped to just 40 with mobile use up to 60 in the past couple of years. Lets hear from athens, georgia excuse me athens, ohio. May, go ahead. Caller good morning. Im with the Ohio University in athens, ohio. Im a little older than a lot of people there. Anyway, i have a question. Im talking about hackers. What can we do to stop it . Guest host a little offtopic, but in the wake of the data breach reported yesterday by the insurance company, what can we do . Is there anything the fcc is proposing to do . Guest the fcc is actually looking into cyber security, although it is not the agency mainly dealing with that. President obama made it a a big issue in his state of the union address. And there are other areas where they would like to do something. There are some questions about breach legislation on capitol hill that would require a federal standard for companies having to notify customers when there is a breach will stop and there is also other legislation when there is a breach. And there is also other legislation that would require companies to share information when there are hack attacks. But there also privacy issues about how much information is being shared that might enhance in the hands of the nsa if they are sharing back and forth with the government that might end up in the hands of the nsa if they are sharing back and forth with the government. Host to our collar, may, just to let you the Senate Commerce committee is meeting today to talk about their data breach legislation. Were covering that, and i believe it begins at 10 00 a. M. Eastern on www. Cspan. Org. Speaking of capitol hill, a mixed reaction to the fccs proposed rules yesterday. I want to look at some comments, specifically Bernie Sanders. [video clip] these rules are the declaration of independence for the internet. Today is internet and innovation freedom day. Both for our economy and the Free Expression of ideas, depend upon the internet. Ensuring an open internet is as important as keeping our air and water clean and our roads and highways safe stop by applying and roads and highways safe. By applying title ii, the fcc is entering the mobile no internet fast and slow lanes created by the internet broadband barrens. Access will be available for all americans, including rural residents, seniors, and those were deaf and blind and disabled those who are deaf and blind and disabled. It will protect Community Consumer choice and promote darwinian, edition on the web for the rest of this century. Todays announcement shows how far we have come to sick medications act has been put on the books. How far we have come in communications since it has been put on the books. Consumers cannot operate without this vital connection to each other and with the world around them. These rules make clear that the core values of our Communications Laws will apply to all the ways we communicate, regardless of the way we communicate. Host some of the democratic response yesterday to the proposed fcc rules. Headline here in the hill, republicans blast neutrality grab. Net neutrality paragraph. Net neutrality power grab. That is from johnson. J ohn thune. I think you said they are scrambling for some sort of legislation. A we likely to see legislation from this . Host thuen himself has said it is likely to get beat up by the president. It is her markable how far republicans have come in a year or so. They used to say that Net Neutrality was totally unnecessary and it was just burdensome to companies. But now that the more extreme title approach has gone on the table and the fcc and theyve seen with the fcc is about to do, theyve come up with legislation that not long ago would have tutored a pretty strong Net Neutrality bill would have been considered a pretty strong Net Neutrality bill. The key here is that it would keep the fcc from declaring the genetic a telecommunications service. It would also restrict other provisions that the fcc has used for the internet. I think users are worried that this could handcuff the fcc in other ways. They could be given some powers but other issues that might come up, the fcc the main regulator for our communications would not be able to regulate the way need to. They are trying to get democrats on board. I think theyre willing to negotiate. Some democrats have indicated they are willing to talk about it, but they want to wait until the fcc acts. I would not rule out some possibility of some negotiation or deal. But i think the white house has said a couple of times that they dont think legislation is necessary. A lot of the more liberal members, like you just saw, they see no interest in this. They think they are about to win, so why negotiate . It will be tough to get democrats on board, but there will be a lot of negotiations. Host and i want to remind our viewers, too, on the committee caters on saturday, our guest will be gigi sohn, talking specifically about the proposed rules. Lets go to new jersey. Jean, youre welcome jean welcome. Caller thank you. Im an i. T. Professional and i look at the internet as something that has largely been developed by the private sector. I think of google and the amount of money theyve invested in their server farms, and now they are looking at high speed communications. They are adding value to the internet by considering these new highspeed lines of communication. Probably for highspeed cable type communications. When i see the government intervening here, im looking at something that i think theyre trying to look at as a source of revenue, rather than adding any real value to the whole process of the internet. If anything, they will interfere with progress. What is your take on that . Guest a lot of the web Companies Like google and facebook have been supportive of Net Neutrality rules, because they are on one and they are trying to reach users on the other end. They would like regulation that would ensure they are able to get access to users. In fact, in 2010 when we went through this last battle about Net Neutrality, google was one of the main leaders of the fight. This time, they have been more quiet. Google has gotten bigger, so many they are a little less concerned about these issues. Some of the smaller startups have been fighting for it. But the caller is also right that google has been looking into becoming a an Internet Provider and history that in some areas with google fiber. But there is support of these regulations, where Companies Like comcast and verizon have been more reluctant. Host our guest is Brendan Sasso with the national journal. We are looking at some of these proposed Net Neutrality rules announced yesterday by tom wheeler, the chairman of the sec the fcc. The numbers are on the screen. The New York Times today reported a report the other day if he has some of these rules and right how smoothly the next knit the netflix video house of cards plays on a subscribers screen. There is an element there, a further regulation of those providers that provide these highspeed lanes, correct . Guest right, we were talking a little better about this earlier. It is kind of compensated, but there are two issues here. Net neutrality is traditionally applied to how the data is handled once it is on its network. They cannot carve up lanes or block traffic. But comcast or verizon is not the whole internet. That is just the last mile to your home. You have to find a way to get the data to Comcast Network for them and when you are delivering huge volumes of network, there can be points of congestion on your network and on Comcast Network. There have been fights and who is to blame on both sides. Now in the fcc rules for the first time, they would examine on a casebycase basis complaints. If netflix feels it is being this extended or that the charges are unreasonable, the fcc could deal with that for the first time. The internet has always been collections of networks connected to each other, and companies have to come up with some kind of arrangement about how those networks connect. But i think they relies that we are talking about fast lanes or slow lanes, for the consumer you dont care whether it is so the scc is going to look at that and update part of these roles. Related but slightly different issue. Another question, one is typical programs like the new series of house of cards, for example, when it comes out the first day, both the internet Service Providers and netflix prepare for that by adding broadband space . That is a good question. I do not know the internal setups they do. They do try to make sure they have the sort of capacity necessary. You can see hbo might not have the capacity. Everyone is trying to watch game of thrown at the same time and the servers are not able to handle it. It is hard, the arrangements and deals are often secret. It is hard to know. Often, you blame the provider. It is hard to know whether it is the fault of the website or the provider or an intermediate between them or your router is not working rapidly. It is really hard to determine exactly what the causes. Host heres frankie new york, independent line. Caller how are you doing today . I feel that the internet has been done free. They are saying to the point of, im getting congested with traffic, this that and the other. The government should give them grant money to construct another highway and let them use on their own. Just like you make the same highways when you drive on. Then the government and trolls that. The private sector was built for us not for government. The government in so many aspects should say, do you guys want this traffic to not be congested . We will grant you the money, and we will tax you on this art. This is your part. That would probably solve the whole thing there they would go to that one and pay the tax to that. If they did not like it, they would go to the other one. The pipes are typically laid in by the providers. Guest right. They invest a lot of money building in these networks. The senator was mocked a lot and a lot of this is for his comments a few years ago on a series of tubes. Really, there are a lot of wires and cables and fibers that need to be late into the ground and that is a Huge Investment a lot of these companies have made. What the caller mentioned about the government trying to go faster but to build faster, theyre now subsidizing it is not the government created internet era there subsidizing from rural areas to the fan access. Now that the government is spending billions of dollars to ensure that people have highspeed internet access, those fees that fund the program have to come from the internet. It is a question down the line. Those service fees now come from your phone bill. Lets hear from louisiana. Go ahead. Good morning to you both. Thank you for cspan. My question relates to the Internet Service at the utility. Do you expect the companies such as at t, verizon comcast, all companies that toward billions of dollars annually into shareholder dividends, do you think they will be at some point force or perhaps coerced into reducing dividends payout to shareholders, and instead moving more of those funds into network and service upgrades, much like other utilities are forced to today . Thank you. I will take my answer off the air. Guest what the fcc is right now proposing, does not have those expensive controls. The whole idea of title ii and why people call it utility regulation is the basic idea of a lot of these rules is 80 years ago, Telephone Service had become an essential service that people felt the government had to ensure the hombres would provide at a reasonable price for everyone. A lot of the rules are aimed at ensuring fair prices and universal access. A lot of people felt now the internet has become that today that Everyone Needs to be able to get online and do it at a pharaoh a fair price. A lot of people deal with the expansive government and price control. That is not with the he is proposing to do. That is the ultimate fear, that there could be those kinds of much more controlling regulations. Are there any current regulations on the internet . Fcc regulations. That is a hard question. That is the big question, how does the fcc regulate the internet. There is another issue where president obama has urged the fcc to strike down the bans on cities the able to build their own internets. That is something the fcc is looking into. But the fcc regulates the content on broadcast tv. You cannot say certain words on broadcast tv. Host the chairman made an announcement yesterday. He wrote Congress Gave the fcc Broad Authority to update its rules to reflect changes in technology and market waste behavior in a way that protects consumers who have used the authority for the publics great benefit. He writes the internet would not have emerged as it did if the fcc had not mandated open access for Network Equipment in the late 1960s. Before then, at t prohibited anyone from attaching nonat t equipment to the network. The mobile the modems that enabled the internet for use only because the fcc required the network to be open. In this editorial, he also recounts he was in competition way back when. He owned a company in competition with aol and lost because of the issue. Guest right. Tom wheeler has taken a lot of heat in the past year. He was the head of the Wireless Industry lobby. When people his initial roles were twoweek, a lot of criticism was directed towards him as a shelf or comcast or whatever. That probably took him back in little bit. He sees himself on the side of the outside the upstart. They invest heavily in the startups over the years. He said it failed because it cannot not get access to the tv lines. He has probably been frustrated. John oliver had a bit aching fun of him saying allowing him regulate the internet is like letting a dingo baby sit baby. He was frustrated about that and that is in the out that, he describes is really on the side of the up charge, you like kickstarter who said we really need these neutrality regulations. Host the white house, the Obama Administration, or tom wheeler . Guest mosys taking place in the fcc. In november, president obama came out and specifically said the fcc should use title ii. It is ready unusual for the president to cite provisions of the communications act. Usually, independents have not got involved in the week like that. Of course, he is allowed to tear it at that point, it is really hard to imagine the f is he do anything other than what obama. Even at that point there had been a huge backlash. Considering some sort of proposal that would rely on title ii. After the president made the statement is when it was clear the fcc would do a full, title ii approach and not some hybrid created middleground. Host mark on the independent line. Caller good morning. As a vietnam veteran, you know, i dont make a lot of money. I live in california and companies are trying to merge together. A high price on my internet phone and cable tv. The question is, the government created the internet with our tax care dollars. I realize that some of the cables being laid are from the Internet Companies and some of those taxpayer dollars. But i really think it is important, if you go looking for a job or looking up information it is a valuable source of information. I find it completely that we would want the cable industry to set their own prices area i pay way too much for the small amount of access that i have. Ok. We will get a response. I appreciate your call. Left that has been the point about how the internet has been in our lives. It is no longer just a luxury. Peoples can use it to watch cap videos or whatever. It is also the wave evil find jobs and medicaid with loved ones. The caller also mentioned the mergers. Comcast trying to buy Time Warner Cable. Pretty soon after the Net Neutrality debate finishes up, the fcc and the justice apartment will have to make a decision on that departure. A lot of people think that could have a big impact on the price for broadband, how much competition there is for broadband in the market. Maybe it is not getting the sort of attention from the general outlook, but i think it is a big debate and a lot of Industry Analysts said this would go through. The networks do not overlap, so they say, ok, we will not reduce choices are the initial view was that the merger would go room and in the number of months since then, a lot of industry analyst are saying, we are not so sure. Maybe regulators will not actually give the goahead. That is another issue giving attention but it is also a big these of how people access the internet. Next up is illinois. Caller hello. My comment is capitalism versus socialism. We know this is part of the progressive era of the new deal. Let these Companies Make whatever money they want to. I have no sense the even for myself when i do not have any money or anything area in the case of the internet, i can go to the library, i can get a card, and use the internet for the library if i get destined not have the money to pay for a computer and a comcast line or whatever. I want to keep the government out of things. They do not do anything that helps me. If they charge too much, who wouldve thought you would have uber out there in those companies america began in 1789 because of limited government. Guest we support an open internet and tried to block websites and create fast lanes. It will ultimately be bad for consumers because companies will be able to invest in the networks. Maybe a new competitor is less likely to expand the network because of the heavy regulatory approach. That is their view. I think the fcc ultimately decided they did not really by that company. Not all the provisions of title ii are proposed. The fcc is deciding that they did not really by the argument. I think companies will still be profitable for them to deliver service and i think they will still do it and it is worth moving ahead with the kinds of regulations they want to ensure internet. Look at one more call, cindy on independent line. Thanks so much for talking about the issue. I really appreciate it. As far as the, just discussed the broadband option brought in much more money than anyone expected. So the argument that it is going to interfere with investment is totally bogus. Anyway, i wanted to say i am very grateful to the president and the at tc are listening to millions of citizens that asked the fcc to continue the principle of Net Neutrality online, that we dont end up with just a few rich folks determining who can be heard online. One issue we did not touch on, the broadband auctions. How does that play on this . Guest it is a critical piece convincing neil or the companies would still invest. Recently, the fcc has been auctioning off frequencies that the cellular carriers can use to transmit the data. A lot of analysts predicted this would ran around 13 billion, a lot of money, but the auctions wrought 45 billion dollars. The sec made it clear they were going to apply regulations to mobile providers. Companies are still willing to build billions of dollars to upgrade the network. Maybe the fcc thinks you knew youre going to face tough regulations and still decided it was in your interest and the bottom line suspend this money. The argument that it will harm investment, maybe it does not hold up. Host we will be looking for more reporting on this issue. National gerdau nationaljournal. Com. This morning, the National Rare breakfast is underway in washington. President obama is set to speak shortly. We have covered for you. A live look here, you can follow that this morning on cspan two. Here on cspan, washington journal continues. President William Harvey, our next guest, will join us. We will be right back. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions copyright National Cable satellite corp. 2015] here are some of our featured programs for the weekend on easter networks. On cspan saturday night at 10 00, Washington Bureau chief in london on the british efforts in 2009 to stop the taliban advance in afghanistan while awaiting u. S. Marines reinforcement. And sunday at 10 00, Senior Editor at Melville House looks on the u. S. Senate torture report and why his company decided to publish it. An American History tv on cspan three all this month. This sunday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern, and Army Sergeant held as a pow from 1963. A look back at the Voting Rights act a few years later. Let us know what you think about the programs youre watching. Call us. Email us. Join the conversation, like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter. Cspan city tour takes booktv and American History tv on the road, traveling to u. S. Cities to learn about their history and literary life. This weekend, we partnered with Time Warner Cable to texas. Were at the reading room of special collections at the library. Dr. Garcia, papers are the five ship collection we have here. He made it his life to help local and the on mexicanamericans went to be more cynically active and to get the benefits they had coming to them as veterans, which was sometimes difficult for them to tame. This represents the case, and incident that occurred early in the history of the form. The private served the United States during world war ii and was killed by japanese sniper for the end of the war. His widow arranged to have his funeral conducted by the owner the only funeral home in the town. They were willing to conduct the funeral but not willing to allow his body to remain in their funeral home overnight, for fear of offending the life citizens of the area. She killed to dr. Garcia and he picked up the Letter Writing Campaign for people with positions of influence. The response came from lyndon johnson, who had recently been elected senator. He states his belief that it was wrong for a fallen soldier to be discriminated against after death. He offered burial in the Arlington National cemetery and that is where the private was laid to left laid to rest there it watch it all saturday at noon eastern on cspan two is booktv, and sunday afternoon at two on American History tv on he spent three. The Political Landscape has changed with the 114th congress. Not only are there 43 new republicans and 15 new democrats in the house and 12 new republicans and one new democrat in the senate, there are also 108 women in congress, including the first asked an american republican in the house and the first woman veteran in the senate. Keep track of the members of congress using the congressional comical chronicle, Voting Results and statistics about each session in congress. Cspan, cspan2, cspan radio and cspan. Org. Sunday on q and a, david brooks, columnist for the New York Times on writing an article with the times and the awards he gives out at the end of the year. The sydni awards. Theyre given for the best magazine essays for the year and they can be in journals or the new yorker, the atlantic, and the idea is that they always come out around the christmas week between christmas and new years. That is a good we to step back and not read into tweets and newspaper articles, but to step back and read something deeper and longer. It is to celebrate the longer pieces. I do believe magazines change history. A new republic was the most influential american political magazine of wafer center and it really did create change history. Created progressivism. It gave it a voice. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern and pacific on espys q and a area on cspans q and a. Host visiting a historically black colleges and universities. As part of the tour, we had the opportunity to the with heads of colleges. Yesterday, we started at Howard University in washington dc. Today, our cspan bus finds itself at Hampton University avenue hampton, virginia. Joining us on the bus to continue our discussion is William Harvey, the president of Hampton University. Thank you for joining us. It is my pleasure to be with you, pedro. Host we will talk about your university but i also want talk about another role that serves deals with the other rolling colleges and universities. Could you tell us about the organization and what its purpose is . Guest president did a point made as chairman of the present Advisory Board. It started under president jimmy carter and every president since then has appointed a board as well as a chair. I was herbalist to serve president obama and the Obama Administration in this capacity. The chief reason for being for us is to be an advocate for the very good work that so many of our historically black colleges and universities are doing. As part of the work you do talk a little bit about some of the issues you are dealing with not only related to your own university, but other universities as well him and is the white house responsive to the issues . Guest there are a number of issues were dealing with. We just had a meeting in washington yesterday as an example. We do have some concerns on a number of issues. One of them deals with the Rating System that has been proposed. The good thing about that is secretary duncan and under separate kerry said mitchell, to me, are very transparent. Theyre very responsive. They are listening to what we have to say. There are other issues that perhaps we could have then the country may have been better served if we had served in a more advisory role. As an example, there is a proposal to provide free tuition at Community Colleges for certain groups. Well, there are always consequences an unintended concert is. If you think about it, if a parent who is already hurting because of the economy has a choice of paying tuition, even at the most inexpensive a look institution, are getting free tuition, more than likely, a or nine out of 10 will choose the free tuition. I think the group of institutions that will be harmed the most by this may very well be hbcuss. There are some of us that perhaps will not be harmed as much, but some of us will be harmed a great deal. One of the things the board talked about yesterday was that we wish we had an opportunity to weigh in a bit more with policymakers so that they could have understood perhaps a more holistic view. One of the analogies used is there was also a proposal to eliminate the tax break on the 529s. That is scholarships for kids to go to school. After the public outcry, that has been walked back here i think a little more advice from stakeholders and friends before these policies are announced probably would better serve everybody. On the topic of financers you talk a little bit about held grants. There were changes that affect all universities. Particularly, how do this how do they affect hc hbcus . The parent plus program was dramatically changed. Without any input from any of us. I must say again that secretary duncan had been very responsive to us as it relates to trying to work through some of the issues. But it was a similar chain a significant change in the law requires there be public hearings before there is significant change. A little bit of foresight would have been helpful there. The loan program is the same. I am saying i think the advice and counsel of people appointed to provide advice for the council up front might have helped a lot. That is also to say, secretary duncan really and truly has been very helpful, very transparent and very forthcoming in trying to Seek Solutions to some of the problems. Host our guest William Harvey of Hampton University, he serves as their president. As we talk to the heads of historically black colleges and universities, if you want to asking questions about issues along these lines, two lines we provided this morning you can also tweet us thought an email us. Tell us a little bit about Hampton University. How do you sell hampton to students who are considering your colleges to other colleges they may go to question mark go to . Guest hampton is a wonderful institution founded in 18 68 by general armstrong. Some very strong principles. We say that what we do is to divide the best education possible under any circumstances and compared to any institution. That is number one. Number two we believe strongly in Character Development and do not apologize for it. We believe in honesty and integrity and responsibility taking responsibility for ones actions, respect for oneself respect for others here in in todays world, we think these things are just as an orton has they were when Joe Armstrong out of the place in 1868. We are on a peninsula here in virginia. We have water on three sides of our campus and we think it is the prettiest campus anywhere bar none. I think that is one of the things that sell the golf. We have a wonderful alumni association. They provide financials were. They provide recruitment support , and they provide their prayers for us. Through the years, hansen has had some of the movers and shakers in the country associated with us here john roth was on our board. George easton was the patriarch. The founder of the du pont fortune, just as it apples. We have always had five or six orton 500 company ceos is associated with us. Our legacy is one of high quality. Not just quality, but highquality. The fact that we talk about character so often, we feel that its important. As i said, we really do not apologize or that. Last year, as an apple, when some schools were hurting, majority and minority, hansen received about 19,000 cap cajuns for about 1000 positions in our freshman classes. A lot of it has to do with our current alert offerings. We have strong business. Weve got pharmacy, physical therapy, nursing, a strong liberal arts. Our Academic Program is very strong. The insistence on Character Development resonates with a lot of people. The fact that we have a strong extra correct tv program, every year, Hampton University wins championships. Even at the last olympics, we had two young ladies who competed. Womens Basketball Team has won the championship for the last five years. The womens Softball Team won last year. The Volleyball Team won the championship last year. If you look at all of those things, starting with academics and made you look at the Character Development that i have come back to three or four times and we will come back to again, because as i said, we unapologetically push that in our young evil. One of the things i tell our young folks, and by the way, i meet with students once a month or his student leaders, the sga, the president and Vice President , the classic residence, and others. The editor of the student newspaper, the editor of our yearbook very we meet with our students often and we talk about the kinds of things i am talking about here. I tell them, it is so very important, no matter what they do when they leave become a doctor, a lawyer, a businessman or woman, whatever. It is so important for them not just to house the words of giving back to their community. They must be of service. The keys that entries that it goes a long way. Ok. Your first call is from north carolina. Good morning and go ahead. Caller good morning, dr. Harvey. I did not attend a historically black college but my children did. One thing i can say about the hcb you the hbc you hbcus, especially one not attending a typical college curriculum. I did have an opportunity to visit your campus. When my young people were looking at schools. You have a dropdead gorgeous campus. I was not even aware that when i was looking at schools in the 1970s, that you existed. When i was disposing of an interior Design Business that is family gave to me, my sorority i spoke to four different black universities i considered hansen and howard. If you could explain the relationship, it is the ivy league of black colleges. Thank you. Guest thank you very much. And again, what she is saying resonates with me because first of all i keep saying we prepare our students with some of the best in the entire world. Then with our Character Developments in the beauty of our campus. She talked about camaraderie. There are so many young folks who go to other schools. I do not have a problem with anybody who goes to a majority school. And you can find them here at home coming. You can find them here at events. It is almost as if you had it all. Good camaraderie. A love of campus, a love of each other. It works well with us. You might emphasize the fact that when im talking, the first thing i talk about is good academics. That is important with us. All the other things, almost like icing on the cake. The fact is that they are here. I went to a predominantly black college undergraduate school. Then i got my doctorate from harvard. I have had the very wonderful, good fortune of the able to get the best of old worlds and i will tell you that Hampton University measures up to any institution. As we get a little more into the conversation, i will give you some examples. Host take a call from peter in reno, nevada. Caller good morning. I have a minor in African American i wanted to complement the midi stern made eastern athletics department. I was an nba scout, my own businesses, and actually, designing i wanted to make a few comments. I visited 300 universities and colleges. I had the honor of visiting hampton a few summers ago with my mother. Two things i would like you to comment on, one, the increase that is necessary in the pell grant because of high tuitions, mainly in the private universities. 63,000 a year. I had an excellent adjunct, now head of the theological school. Did some postgraduate work at Florida State and mexico briefly in 1992. So i want you to comment about that. Also, if you could, the decision that affects people who are of caucasian persuasion and a lot do not realize they can go to historical black colleges and universities as a minority. Host go ahead. Guest to your formal question, your latter question, the decision created a trade deal a great deal both black and white, because it didnt affect both the majority and the minority. Hampton happens to be about 15 in any given year, 1215 white. We are a historically black college and university. We are proud of that. Many of us are hereby choice. Here by choice. We provide quality education. To your former education to your formal question, we need to do more providing support for disadvantaged duties, no matter where they go near it go. There are more tell grants in some institutions and less at others. But the fact is that education is the key to freedom for everybody. Education is the key to a good society, a good government, a good country. The more we can provide education for everybody, the better off all of us will be. Im a strong advocate for increasing tell grants. Unfortunately, tell grants are down at Berkeley White colleges and universities. My reputation is that i am always very respectful but always very direct. In conversations with people at the white house and the department of education and other places, i am pushing for us to be able to get more pell grants. It will probably help more hbcus van hampton theatre my number one priority is hampton but number two is all because i believe so strongly in what we do and that is why i spend my time energy and effort to work on behalf of hbcus. I am proud of the things we have been able to congress and the fact that we do speak truth in power in very respectful ways. That has worked well for us here at hampton. I think it has worked well for the president s Advisory Board on hbcus. Host how does the number compared to the universities and are you concerned about the as you go on for the colleges longevity . Guest we do have about 4400. We had about 6300 at one point several years ago and we made a conscious effort to reduce because our student faculty ratio was about 141. What we got up to 6300, it was about 181. We thought that was too large. The area program, last year we got 19,000 applications. The year before that, about 16,000. The fact is if we were enrollment driven, not only would we have 4400 students, we could probably have 14,000 dudes. We do not want to be a school that size. We want to be the kind of school we are, emphasizing academics character, the kind of nurturing that hampton and other eight hbcu other hbcus bring to the table. We will always be somewhere between 4000 and 5000. That is by design. If we wanted to turn the switch, even as early as next year we could go up to six or 7000 given the number of applications hampton is receiving. Host washington, d. C. , the line for those attending here. Ed. Caller how are you doing . Very good, cspan. I also attended Hampton University. I also attended in germany. I speak german and spanish also. The Hampton University was the first you had in hampton is business. Im very concerned about it. Hampton university did a marvelous job. But i am concerned about the hbcus losing business for accreditation and so forth and we are not getting our fair share of the industrial projects. I want to get your opinion on that. When i was in germany, the German Government required the industrys gone vacation and the germans get on vacation, our students were able to work in the industry and may had to by law pass the same salaries. Host thank you. Dr. Harvey, i will also add there is a tweet this morning for our viewer that says how much of the budget is dedicated to science, technology education, engineering, and math majors . Guest to your speaker, first of all, let me say to him, go pirate. Im happy to hear you talk about your experience at hampton. I absolutely agree with you as it relates to the stem field. We did have the first phd program in physics. About 24 masters degrees and about 72 bachelor degrees. As it relates to stem, the fact is we need to get more minorities into stem. The fact also is unfortunately there was a national fuss National Science Foundation Report last month that indicated support for a Stem Education by the federal government was down tremendously. One of the things the National Science Foundation Report said was that we are at the lowest level since the year 2000. Everybody talks about the fact that it is very difficult for a person with just a High School Graduate to get a job. If one is fortunate enough to go to college. And then if there is an opportunity to study any of the fields, everybody is talking about that is where the jobs are going to be. Then with the federal government reducing that, we think that is a travesty. I spoke to this yesterday at our meeting. These were the National Science foundations ethics, that stem training and support from the federal government to hbcus were down. It makes no sense. You talk about the fact that you want to get more folk in the stem fields, you talk about the fact that you want to be number one again as it relates in the world. We used to be and now we are not. We cannot get there without hcb you hbcu. I wish the policymakers would understand that. You do Something Else that does not support the contention you are making. I am very much interested in trying to push the whole concept of stem. We have a school of engineering science, nursing, and in the various departments, in those schools, including things like Computer Science and the like we need to be putting more money into those fields. We need to be doing more and better. I am pushing very hard, just as i am iran the program to try to make sure our policy makers, understand that. The fact is is just not all left on the administration. Congress can direct funds to certain areas and to make sure the administration, no matter who is in power, democrats or repel is, can understand they have got to spend money the way congress appropriated. I am a bit a big advocate of pushing hard. In a very respectful way, but being very direct, we need to do more and need to do better. Host from florida, mrs. , good morning. Caller this is erik, good morning. Caller good morning. I appreciate your last comments on stem. I was raised in alabama and i went to Albany University and i majored in engineering. My question for you is how does hampton and any hbcu balance what we have in the United States in confronting racism pride racial pride. Thank you. Guest i was born in alabama about 200 miles south of earning him. I was an adjunct professor when i was the administrative Vice President. We have a lot in common. Let me say racism is still alive and well. Things are a lot better than when i came along alabama. Things are a lot better but racism is still alive and well. I think one of the things we can do, and it is not just hbcus, but all of us here and we need to make sure we have realistic dialogue. For example, and i know i am getting into probably a touchy area but that is not anything strange for me. Some people are talking about being antipolice. You cannot be antipolice. What you have got to do is to make sure that in communities, people get together. Ministers, businessmen and women, doctors lawyers policeman, the government, and try to make sure we take care of rogue off. There are rogue cops. Take care of them. There are policemen and women that do wrong. You take care of it. You do not cover that up. But also, on the side of those talking about being antipolice. All youre going to do is to have more anarchy in our communities and have no police. You will see the increases in murders and rapes and robberies and things like that. So the thing to do is the communities need to come together. We have a big Research Project right now. One of the components of that in our communities, i said to the people that violence was a Health Disparity in our community. The other areas are cardiovascular disease diabetes obesity. But the fact is, if you look at black on black time, crime black on black murders, much more than anywhere else. We have got to be realistic. I feel like the thing to do is that both sides need to come together. I will say those people who talk about being antipolice, i think that is crazy. What you have got to do is work with police forces. Work with the governments of smalltown as well as large communities. You try to work out a system whereby there is accountability on the part of police. Because otherwise, as i said, you will have anarchy. My view may well be a little bit different than others. I will even people sitting down on both sides of the table and one would be surprised when you sit down in a civil way and talk about problems and talk about issues, what kind of solutions can come from that. I tell you from my time not only here in hampton, and ive been the president of hampton here for 37 years, all my adult life, even in personal relationships people have differences of opinion. What one has to do is respect those opinions and sometimes agree to disagree, but you work toward the common good. That is my take on some of the racial issues. Racism is still alive and well and we continue to push, which i do. We need to be realistic and we do not need to think about no poison our communities and being antipolice. Host our guest, the president of Stanford University for 37 years. It also says in your bio that you are the owner of a Pepsi Cola Bottling Company in michigan. How do you do both at the same time . Guest you know, i like to perhaps anecdotally tell people that i do things longterm. I have owned the Bottling Company in michigan for 30 years. Ive been married to the same woman for 48 years. I do things longterm. I do not do anything i am not passionate about your nothing. I mean that. I believe in entrepreneurship. When i was being interviewed here in hampton for the job, i told the board that if they elected me, i would run hampton like a business, for educational objectives. That is what we have done. Not everybody has like that. The fact is before i became president , as an example, you know, we had an unbalanced budget for two decades. Well fortunately, we have balanced our budget every single year that i have it here. I want to say this to you and to the audience. My mother and father were my first role models. I use my mothers advice for now is running my business, a 200 million business a year. My mother used to tell my sister and me, if you only have a dollar, you cannot go to the Grocery Store and buy 1. 25 worth of entries. It is really as simple as that. The same is true here. If you do not have the revenue to support your expenditures you cannot buy that at women cannot go to that conference, cannot do these things. What we must do is look at the budget not just on the expense side, but the revenue side as well. When i became president , we had 29 million in endowment. We have got 209 Million Dollars right now. We have tried to look out her both sides of the budget, both sides of the issue. We tried to make sure we can bring in the revenue and we try to make sure we are judicious in our spending on the expense side of the budget. Host from michigan, he attended an hbcu. Caller i did not attend one here my mother did. I want to say to dr. Harvey, thank you for everything you have said. I want to approach it from a little more of a social science perspective. Can you talk a little bit about the continuing need for hbcus in america . I have heard the discussion advanced that now with integration, we really dont need such colleges and universities as the hbcus. Can you talk about the continuing influence of these schools in america . I think you and i await your response. Guest thank you for that question. There is no doubt in my mind there is an acute need for us to continue. I talked earlier about the fact that some of the broader goals cannot be done without hbcus. I will say to you if you look at some of the issues in our urban areas, in our schools, the fact is that we need to trade more train more African American teachers. We also need to train more africanamerican and latino male teachers to be in our classrooms all over the country, but particularly in our urban areas. Now we, hbcus, probably train more low income and disadvantaged students than any other subset. That does not mean schools like hampton tonight get the very best and brightest, because we do. Hampton does. The thing i say to people is just like minority institutions, hbcus are not a monolith. Some of us are very good, some of us are poor amah and most of us are in the very middle. And it happens to be one that is very good. I will take the time to illustrate the point. We have a 225 million photon beam Cancer Treatment center. It is the largest in the world. We do cancer research, but im talking about Cancer Treatment. We treat prostate, breast, lung, pediatric, head, neck, and brain cancer. Since we started we have treated over 1000 patients. We are easing human minutes human misery and saving lives. Even as i talked to today, hampton has three satellites. We want is 740 Million Dollar contract from nasa. That was put up avril years ago. You have heard me say on this interview we have physical therapy and nurses and so forth. These things are so very important. Everybody does not have that and that is of a. That is ok. There is no doubt in my mind not only would we be where we are today because of the race, but the future without hcv you hbcus. Im told by the year 2018, the majority would be the minority and people with color, certainly the minority, the fact is there is still a need for hbcus and certainly schools like hampton emphasize highquality, high academics, and yet at the same time we do not turn our backs on others. I will give you a quick you ample. When i came here, one of the things i visited was that 25 20 of our freshman classes go to those students that do not meet normal requirements. That means 80 is pretty competitive. I mean competitive with, you name it. You name it. But also, i know that many of us, including myself, would not be where we are today if somebody had not given us the opportunity. I believe in giving opportunity. 20 of our freshman classes, it was there for those students who do not meet normal climates for hampton and university. Just as i am very proud very proud of the 80 . We chart the students and i tell you what we find in our freshman year, the 80 is a. The 20 is down here. That starts to narrow Software Year and junior year and a new year, you cannot tell a difference and you cannot tell the difference. You cannot tell the difference in academic, in home, getting in trouble. The fact is, what that says to me is a great deal is environmental. If you come to a place like hampton, where you can get tutorials, the kind of nurturing, and yet still the high academics, that is something to strive or. It does not make a difference how you came in and how you leave. Host we will have to leave it there. The president of Hampton University joins thank you for the time in talking with us this morning. Guest well, it is my pleasure and i have enjoyed it. I would like to thank your listeners for calling in. Host we now go to the house of representatives. God of all creation we give you thanks for giving us another day. In the midst of cold winds and uncertain and sometimes disastrous weather patterns, the consistent warm raise of light fall upon the good and the bad, to believers and unbelievers alike. Gradually the days are already growing longer, but like the movement of your grace often unnoticed

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