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Message that you would send to hington dc, washington topics you d. C. , think washington needs to pay. Ttention to, urban voters only if you live in the eastern and central time zones, 202 7488000 and if you live in the mountain and pacific time zones, 202 7488001. If you want to post on twitter do so, and you can also post on our facebook page. How do you define urban area . The folks of the senses department gives us some guidelines. Censuses Bureau Bureau gives us some guidelines. Least 2500 and at and 50,000 people. Frommessage to washington urban voters. Abc news took a look at exit polls and asked specifically urban areas about issues they are concerned about. Here is some of what they found from those preliminary exit interviews. About 20 say they were worse off financially than 2012. Those in the suburbs in comparison. 57 of urban voters say they rate the economy negatively compared to 63 of suburban voters. 5737respondents went percent for clinton and suburban respondents were 4449 . When it comes to the election and how people voted, when you get to those areas of larger from 280,000 to 48 of thosee, voting for clinton. If you get to the highest percent, 1. 5 million to 10 million, 64 of people supporting Hillary Clinton, 24 of those in urban areas supporting donald klein donald trump. If you want to let us know your thoughts on washington or message to washington, what you think those here in washington, d. C. , they should be doing, here is how you can let us know. If you live in the eastern or central time zone, 202 7488000. In the mountain or pacific time. One, 202 7488001 it was during the campaign that the president elect was talking about urban issues. He went to the state of North Carolina and talked about what he framed as a new deal for urban america. Mr. Trump it is great to be here in charlotte to discuss an issue that means so much to me. That is the issue of urban renewal, something you do not hear very much about, and the rebuilding of our inner cities. Today i want to talk about how to grow the africanamerican middleclass and to provide a new deal for black america. That deal is grounded in three promises. Safe communities, great education, and highpaying jobs. My vision rest on a principle that has defined this campaign right from the beginning, and you have seen where we have come from and where we are right now. It is called america first. Every africanamerican citizen in this country is entitled to a government that puts their jobs, wages, and security first. Host that is president elect donald trump on his thinking on urban efforts or plan for urban areas. We want you to tell our folks in washington, tc, the message washington, d c. In the eastern and central time zones, and 202 7488001 in the mountain and pacific. Caller good morning. I do not have anything against good cops. I do have a grievance against these officers that called bloodedly murdered our cold bloodedly murder our urban black americans. I think washington should take a , from whatever authority there is to weed out these races. Uncaring police officers. Thattroubled by the fact you cannot reach a verdict in south carolina. You do not have one africanamerican on the jury duty and that prompted me to ask , are there any other africanamericans in that city . It should have been more africanamericans on that jury duty. I do think it should be investigated. I think that bad officers should be weeded out immediately because we are tired of losing our young urban americans. Host laurel, maryland, malcolm. Caller thank you for cspan. I just want to say that ben carson being name for urban development is just another form to gentrify the urban areas. I have seen urban areas in d. C. ,ore, washington, philadelphia, atlanta. I have traveled all around when i was in the navy, and i have seen these people being displaced from their homes. Most of those people are usually people of color. The issue i have is that once facelift on washington, d c and all the other major areas that have where are theies, people going to be displaced . They already do not have the best education and best jobs, so how are africanamerican community, how are they going to gain the better education, jobs, and security, and be able to stay when facelift is billions of dollars and money to live there. Next, urbann up voters, your message to washington. St. Louis, missouri. City, living in a major it is very sad what has happened to our cities. It is more sad at the conditions that the people have to live in. This election, no matter what anybody says, is still about jobs. I hope and i pray that somehow, workow somebody can bring into the inner city. Years ago we had factories, we had machine shops. We had all kinds of things for people. There is nothing there for these people. Right now, and the architecture. If anybody has been to urban areas, it is gorgeous. The homes are absolutely gorgeous. Sure, a lot of them are falling apart. We have got to conserve this and save these people within these areas. Washington,to innercity jobs. Innercity jobs. Host do you think this Current Administration has addressed those types of issues, jobs specifically in the urban areas . Caller not yet. I am hoping and praying that there is some common sense in washington to understand what people go through. You bring jobs into the innercity, i will guarantee you crime will drop by 50 . Sad to say, people have to provide. I am not going to judge anybody whether they sell gerrards sell drugs, i am not going to judge anybody. You give that to people, you give them an opportunity, i promise you this country will take off. Host that was stephen in st. Louis, azeri. Some people commenting on twitter, urban dweller says he lives in new york city and the Biggest Issue is Affordable Housing. We have an overabundance of luxury housing versus Affordable Housing. Citizens have too much to say on the governing of this country. Metropolitan areas should define policy. You may agree or disagree with those statements. Let us know. For the2 7488000 eastern and central time zones. 202 7488001 four pacific and mountain. Salo, blacksburg, we have a lot of immigrant people. Roanoke, heayor in is not my mayor, but tried to have a lot of people come to my area. We are in the southwest virginia side. We are probably the largest city tour the westside of western virginia, not west virginia. Thank you to washington journal. The question i guess is not message we want to send to washington about donald trump picking ben carson. Ben carson i think will do a wonderful job. If he does take the position it will not be a position that he will keep forever, but a place he will come in and he may shake some things up. He is a good fit for this to start out. He would be good with the medical part and his Johns Hopkins background. This is a great place to start. Roanoke was just about to become a sanctuary city, and thank goodness we have a representative who stood up and kind of warned that that would not happen, and he would get the voters and people behind us. Ben carson is going to be a great fit, and it means that the problems and things we are divided kind of like on education. You have the white voters who have not been to college, and i was watching a preview show from yesterday and they were going on about the different bubbles of the news media, how they tag and direct opinion, and they are just astonished. You could tell people were not happy with donald trump and whether you give him a chance or not, change is coming, some for the better. He is going to put all americans back to work. The president is a cheerleader. Host that is steve in cloverdale, virginia. Urban voters only this morning. Classify more people urban areas. They also cite urban clusters around these areas. That is your guideline, if you give us a call. What is the message you want to send to washington . We have heard a couple of comments on housing and economics, jobs came up. The numbers, 202 7488000 for this easter central and eastern time zones and 202 7488001 for the pacific and western time zone. Journal, somereet policy experts who disputed of cities,inition surprising for the lack of experience. Professionalsne would be more demoralized by this announcement today, according to the former mayor of philadelphia. The New York Times adds, taking a look at ben carson that he is receiving counsel from the hud secretary under george w. Bush who has suggested that he rely heavily on the departments professional staff when he takes over the agency. We have discussed that over the last couple of weeks, jackson says in an interview. Executive Service People at hud are extremely intelligent and valuable to any secretary if he will listen to them. Frank in silver spring, maryland. Of the biggest problems we have been and cities has to do with crime, and we are losing a lot of young people to drug addiction, and a lot of young, black americans are being shot. We definitely have to get with the crime situation, drug related crimes. Host what do you think is the best approach in dealing with that crime situation . Of the drugrcement laws, it is very important. Also education. Situation. Y a hard i do not know that i have the answers to solve it, but whoever will be in charge of this department i think should deal with this problem. I do not have any answers, to be honest with you, but it is something we see in the newspapers every day, chicago, baltimore, and big cities where young people are losing their lives every day. If you do not deal with that, there are the things that we have to deal with. New york has done a better job over the last years, but cities like chicago and baltimore, it is worse in some areas than others. Host what about the situation in silver spring, or drugs a big problem . Caller it is, especially gun related drug dealers. It is not as bad as cities like i mentioned before like baltimore and chicago. I do not know about the west coast. We have to deal with it. Peoplere areas where see, friends of mine have seen drug deals in front of everybody. For that we need to also encourage the police department, police officers, and support them in order for them to do their job. It is a huge issue. Host lorna from hampton, georgia. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. I voted for trump. The move that he has made to put ben carson in place is business as usual. Ben carson will only be there to sign contracts. I have also worked in new york because of all of this discussion about no jobs. Mr. Trump has to understand, people like me who work, and educated black woman, the rent is astronomically high you cannot survive. So i grew up here in atlanta. Home. Ody came back you cannot move down here in atlanta. Everybody has moved here from all these various places. Every native atlantan has a sign saying, go back to where you come from. He brought the crime here. Let me explain about the crime and black folks getting killed. , every time aars major city comes black people elect a black mayor and white folks move. They take their resources with them. Then they have blacks. Ben carson cannot solve this. This is an american problem. This has to be solved by everyone. I do not think mr. Trump can help this. All i want for him to do for me and my parents and kids and grandkids, keep me working until i die. Aaron ints hear from chicago. Caller my message for ,ashington is for republicans to really Pay Attention to the things mr. Trump is saying. I think he is taking the Republican Party in different directions, maybe not a bad one. He is talking about in title. Inutes entitlements that is something that said by a lot of republicans, especially in washington. I do not know if he is still trying to appeal to voters or if these are his true intentions. He is taking the party into a different direction than ever before. You see articles like the National Review who are not seeing his positives, such as the carrier deal. We will see how this lays out as he has got to get his ideas through a Republican Congress that typically is not in line with the things he is saying. Deal waser the carrier signed, 11 1000 americans were pulled. Say it isty acceptable for the president and Vice President to offer tax keeps or incentives to companies in the u. S. While only 10 say it is inappropriate. Overall, a 58 majority of voters described keeping manufacturing jobs in the country as a top priority for trump and the 115th congress, eclipsed on the list of issues only by the Islamic State group. Discussedr deal to be with the Transition Team and its policy. Forn voters, 202 7488000 those in eastern and central ine zones and 202 7488001 the mountain and pacific time zones. Joining us on the phone right now to discuss action in the senate when it takes a look at medical issues, alex rogers with national journal, a staff correspondent. We are having you want to talk about something called the 21st century cures act. What is not and how would you explain it to people . Guest the 21st century cures act is a Major Health Care reform piece of legislation that funds a number of Top Priorities for the obama administration, providing 4. 8 billion dollars. , the canceritiative somehot, and it provides reforms of the fda expediting the development of new medical treatments and streamline the approval process, trying to bring some medicines to the market more quickly. Host what is the price tag for this legislation . Guest 6. 3 billion total overall. Democrats really like it and it brings regulatory reforms that republican support. Talking about a threeyear process, and the house passed it overwhelmingly and the senate is looking to consider and pass it within the next 24 hours. Host talk about the drug companies, what is their response . Do they benefit . Companiesrmaceutical are broadly in favor of it, and some advocacy groups like publicist and who oppose it Public Citizen who oppose it. They would say it you roads the standards of the fda. Lobbyists hundreds of have been working on this bill for years trying to get it passed. Just because of how they are including some things for democrats, when billion dollars for opioid funding, they have variety ofo marry a different issues to get this across on the lameduck. Host on the senate floor yesterday when this was being considered, talk about what was going on. Guest Vice President joe biden came yesterday. He is the presiding officer and chair. The Vice President was also a senator 36 years and talked to reporters about how this kind of felt like home to him. Senator Mitch Mcconnell, the up they leader, brought measure to rename parts of the 21st century cures act for the Vice President s son who died of brain cancer last year. The Vice President as he was considering a run for president , was clearly grieving over the loss of his son and was also extremely emotional yesterday in the presiding officers chair as cheeredtors clapped and as they renamed aspects of this bill for his son. Talking about the 21st century cures act, alex rogers talking with us. When questioned about the sendoff harry reid will receive this week. One question about the sendoff harry reid will receive this week. Guest he will have his last floor speech tomorrow and thursday evening there will be a number of different speeches. Enemy Mitch Mcconnell is expected to speak, Hillary Clinton, and joe biden. Host alex rogers, thank you for your time. Urban voters, your message to washington. Ken in princeton, new jersey. Caller hello. Isst thing i wanted to say right now this is supposed to be open to the urban voters. Live in a hud subsidized Housing Authority complex cued this is a small complex. This is a small to mediumsized town and people use hide vouchers to pay for their housing. All of these people should probably be invited to call in. The people are like myself, disabled. I know them through a social group. As for ben carson, it scares me only because of statements he has made. It is not specifically about housing, but social programs and getting people out into great opportunities, or better opportunities. The traditional code if not outright saying supporting themselves entirely. There will always be senior and disableds who do not have enough money, or people who do work but are at the low end of the wage scale and in the vate market, cannot get section eight vouchers cannot get in the private market and housing which would support them income which would support them for housing and travel. If they have kids, whatever they need for the kids. Maryland, baltimore, you are on. Caller thank you so much for taking my call. I am a firsttime caller and i could not be more ecstatic about being able to speak on this topic. I have been a resident of baltimore for roughly 10 years. I moved from san antonio, texas. I did not have a good understanding of cultural differences being from texas until i moved to baltimore city, and had the exposure that i had. My question that i could send to washington, from the time i lived in baltimore is that the majority of america does not really understand the heart and mind of the innercity. Existss a mentality that that is so overwhelming for young blacks that there is no opportunity, no education. It is a generational gap that can only be solved by making the right decisions now and see where it goes generations beyond that. Escape for a is an majority, whether selling it or using it to self medicate. Housing, there is no ownership, there is no appreciation, no education, no opportunity, there is nothing. And you grow up in that environment you have really know where to turn, and you turn to the darker side to try to see how other people are living and go and take something from them in order to get what you want. You. Is nothing there for i am a little nervous so i apologize for my voice. Host it is good. Lets hear from jim in newport news, virginia. In order to curb the gun [indiscernible] by providing more opportunities rehab, tryingdrug to provide them with jobs like keeping more jobs in the country. I appreciate donald trump doing that. Even if you have to negotiate in an unusual way to keep them from [indiscernible] i think we need more housing. I am a senior with a disability. We need more housing for disabled persons. We need more housing for the even if it starts out as public housing. With continued incentives for people to get jobs. They can try to buy houses eventually. All kinds of things. , maybe [hat we should indiscernible] budget cuts and entitlement programs, maybe we should start from budget cuts as government and type retirement salaries. Host the president elect will be in fayetteville, North Carolina today. Cspan, 7 00hat on this evening cspan2. Cspan. Orgch it on and courtesy of our cspan radio app as well. Of these policy proposals from the president elect, one including the 35 tariff on Companies Moving overseas and the reaction from the business world. It has sparked work at the house on annd Means Committee import tax that would raise 1 trillion over five years. Tripling tax bills in some cases. One potential victim is the oil refining business. Lobbyist for one Refining Company said in between imports and crude products they could raise about 600 billion of the 1 trillion total amount that would come from the hide of the oil and gas industry. If you turn to the pages of the wall street journal, this takes a look at a proposal to buy insurance across state lines in order to provide People Health care. Saying there is some concern from that industry saying the gop is drawing up to opposition from insurance. They question how such a plan would work. Many aspects of insurance are regulated differently by each state. That sounds like a Silver Bullet to solve a major problem but there are no Silver Bullets. Carol, boise, idaho. You are on. What would be your message to washington . Caller i think washington should focus on education and health care, the cause the citizens are well educated and if they are healthy, then a lot of the little stuff is going to take care of itself. , fairfax, virginia. Go ahead. Ever since the election, twont to say that we had terms of barack obama, and mr. Trump is creating destiny here. I think that we are going to have the trumps in the white house for about 40 or 50 years. If anybody wants a lady president , then if uncle trump trump will be running in 2032. God is wonderful and the fact that he gave us donald trump, this country is going to be great again. I mean, fantastic. Host especially from the urban areas to washington right now . Caller i beg your pardon . Host what is the message to urban voters . What is the message to washington . Caller the message to trumpgton is if donald performs on all of his promises, washington will be great again. Right now, people do not trust washington and i believe that he is going to come through. You will see the change toward washington. They will respect washington again. Host ruben next, pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Veteran. Am a vietnam since been in pittsburgh 1975. It is a Business District and residential district. Inhas never been any the Business District since 1976 in pittsburgh. I am also the administrator and Campaign Manager for samuel l hurt, an independent candidate who ran for president of the United States. He has a plan that if he gets elected by the electorate december 19, he wants to give grants to individuals to stimulate Economic Development in the communities, to create jobs. Hud has never been effective in any urban city. What they do, the directors come in. They hire their cohorts. The money really does not go toward Economic Development, it goes toward administration. It is just an overall fiasco, it is a scam. Dr. Ben carson will not be able to do anything in the urban cities because he will be so debt, there major is never enough money allocated for urban redevelopment in the cities. A hellhell situation we are in. Georgia. I from caller i have a few comments i would like to make. Like that man was talking about, the deal with trumps in office for so many years, i feel like that is what has been happening to our democracy as far as him bullying his way into the white house like he did, on the backs of voters that are really in distress because where they see their lives at today. So i have sympathy for the voters and sympathy for where we are at, but i do not see any promise in him as far as character goes, as far as the man he is. Secondly, i mother worked for had for years. She was my mother worked for for years. Rs hud there is a lot of paperwork. I used to have faith in dr. Ben carson but that has wavered since some of his actions i have seen through the campaign process of donald trump. I think it is awful the way that mp has got to come into office and bullied his way in, in a ramrod fashion. A way of getting everything that he wants without following any rules and regulations just because of who he is and the size of his wallet, and the people he knows. I think that it is wrong as citizens of the United States. People a whole lot of d forcount on hu Affordable Housing and to put a roof over their heads. What is going on in oakland right now is a prime example of there not being enough housing out there for those that need a roof over their heads, a safe place to lay at night and to bring their children. Host we have got to move on to gerald from oklahoma city. Go ahead. Caller my comment about the message for washington, i was raised in an urban area in oklahoma city. There is no section eight, no nothing around here. It is revitalized. The average rent is 3000 a month. They pushed the citizens further away from the city. How do you deal with that message . You do not have bus routes or trains running. It is totally different. The shooting of walter scott, a mistrial declared yesterday. One of the prosecutors for Charleston County said that the officer will be put in trial once more, saying we will try him again. We hope the federal and state courts will coordinate efforts regarding any future trial dates , but we will stand ready whenever the court calls. An attorney for sleeker said in an emailed monday night that rule of law has to be preserved and you have done that. You 7488000 for those of in the eastern and central time if youand 202 7488001 are in a mountain or pacific time zones. We are asking urban residents to talk to us about the message that you would send you washington, d. C. You can also post on our social media sites. One of the names that has been floated, at least in the last few days to become secretary of tillerson, ceo of exxon mobil. Usa today does a profile of him should he be picked to become the top diplomatic position in the government, saying any examination as a trump cabinet member is likely to focus primarily on his republican politics rather than his companys finances. An award ofd him friendship in 2013 after years of collaboration. The president elect has pledged to improve ties with vladimir putin. The secretary of state is americas cheap diplomat, managing the nations consulates and embassies. He has tremendous ties throughout the globe, based on exxons footprint. Clayton, missouri, robert is next. How big an urban area is clayton . Is a small place just outside of fayetteville. Host go ahead. With that in mind, what is the message . Is, when youessage look at when al capone controlled, it is recriminalizing. In washington, campaign contributions, when the corporations take control of the , this is the\of economic problems that we have economics problems we have. We need to take control of our government and get the lobbyist and corporations out of control. Until that happens, we cannot expect to have any improvement in the country. Seven times in our nations history when cooperations took control of our politicians we had economic chaos. When the politicians took roosevelt,k, Teddy Franklin roosevelt, john kennedy, several others, we. Rospered again until those corporations are taken out of control of our politicians we will continue to have decimation of this country. Host one more call, from baltimore, maryland. , iler i am actually calling am born and raised in new york city. I currently live in baltimore, maryland for the past seven years with my husband and children. The one message i want to say to the government is that trunk supporters supporters and to donald trump, if you appoint dr. Ben carson for the secretary of ud, it just lets us know and furthermore shows us that you can pretty much do whatever it is you want to do without any kind of consequences. By putting a person of our skin color in office to just further disappoint us is very sad. I feel like it is his race. I feel like there should be more given to young africanamericans so we are able to start our own businesses and live the lives like other americans. We want to be homeowners and be able to take a home loan out. I feel there should be more opportunity and equal opportunity as citizens of this country. Urbanare focused on the immunity, lets focus on the suburban community. Host that is the last call on the topic. Ampaign finance issues walter jones of North Carolina and ted lieu of North Carolina ted lieu will talk about limiting the reign of super pacs. Research with spending fake news. Mitch mcconnell acknowledged Vice President biden on the Moonshot Initiative and asked that cancer provisions be named died his late son beau who from brain cancer. Here is more from Mitch Mcconnells statement. It is a rare day when we see the Vice President presiding. We welcome him here today. Welcomingrward to you back leader in the week. I knew members will have plenty to say about his life and legacy later in the week. The senate would like to specifically acknowledge his efforts to help americans struggling with cancer. Toll this cruel disease can take he has known the cruel toll that this disease can take. , ands taken a leading role the senate will first will sin pass the 21st century cures act as a testament to his tremendous effort. I think it is fitting to dedicate this bills initiatives to someone who would be proud of the officers efforts, and that would be his son. In just a couple of minutes that is what the senate will do. Renaming the cancer initiatives after beau biden. If i could say to my friendly democratic leader, i have one more. Therefore, i ask unanimous. Onsent that the senate proceed regulation 174 directing the clerk of the house of representatives to make a correction in enrollment of hr 34. Is their objection to proceeding to the measure . Without objection. I call up an amendment which would rename a title of the bill , i would like the clerk to read the entire thing. The senator from kentucky and mr. Reid propose an amendment beginning on page one line seven. Strike the following corrections and all that follows and insert the following. Amend the long title so as to read and act to accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of 21st century cures and purposes. Two, and that the section heading such as to read beau biden cancer moonshot and innovation projects. Ofee, amend the table contents in section one so that the item in 1001 reads as follows. 1001, beau biden, cancer moonshot and nih innovation projects. I consent the amendment be agreed to and the motion to reconsider be laid upon the table with no intervening action. Without objection. [applause] host if you want to see that exchange again, especially in light of the vote coming on this legislation, if you go to our site at cspan. Org, there that is where we havent archived as well as other topic have it archived, as well as other topics. Two members of congress joining us on the set to talk about issues of Campaign Finance. We are joined by walter jones of North Carolina and representative ted lieu of california. To both of you, welcome. A bipartisan effort on campaign this andhat spurred what exactly are you after in terms of making changes to Campaign Finance . Guest this is a bipartisan effort to rein in super pacs. Whether you are a democrat, independent, the system is damaging to our democracy and i am proud to work with roger jones to try to put contribution limits. Host remind our viewers what our super pacs and their influence in a campaign cycle. Guest many people, since we have joined in this lawsuit, have felt that super pacs originated from Citizens United. That is not right. I think in 2010 it was a federal court ruling in washington, ec washington, d. C. That created the genesis for super pacs. The whole thing is that super cannot, you do not even know who is behind the super pac. Lieu for set up ted Good Government and get millions and millions of dollars in. This is where we think the system that is here in washington is supposed to represent the people of america and not to take care of the needs of the big business. Host the funding of super pacs, are they disclosed to the public at large and do they coordinate with campaigns at all as far as the spending purposes . Guest there was a study that showed of all the super pacs in america, over 40 the funding comes from just 50 people and their relatives. Hat is really an oligarchy that is not how democracy should be run. We have a very small group of multi millionaires and billionaires who are putting that money into our system. Host as far as core netting with campaigns, how does that work . Guest it is not supposed to be correlated that the federal Elections Commission does not therehe authority, and are politics behind that but that is another issue, to really do the investigations. They are supposed to not coordinate, but how do you police it . And is one of the problems the reason in this lawsuit, there is no way you know whether they are coordinating the effort or not. You have to assume they are not but who knows . Host we will talk a little more specifically about what they are doing for super pacs. 202 7488001 four republicans, 202 7488000 for democrats, and independents, 202 7488002. How are you preparing . Guest we filed a lawsuit against the federal Elections Commission saying you need to enforce these contribution limits. In a general election, a donor, the max amount they can give is 2700. Or that donor can set up a super pac and invite another donor or himself to put in millions of dollars, going right around that contribution limit. We are telling the federal aection commission to put in contribution limit and if they approve it we will appeal it. Host what are the chances of that . Guest the effort is what this is all about, because when you get a system where the very few control the majority, meeting meaning the very few are putting the money in for the majority of American People, this is their government. This is not special interest government. This is not the peoples government. What we are trying to do is get it to the highest court in the land which is the Supreme Court, and let them have this political debate of whether they should or should not be super pacs. Host if the Supreme Court hears it and Citizens United is the basis, they have to change aspects of Citizens United as well . Guest Citizens United did not say anything about contribution limits. We think this is purely a Lower Court Ruling and the Supreme Court ever authorized it. Host both of you know the name brad smith from his time at the federal Election Commission and he wrote about the benefits of super pacs. He said, the best thing about Citizens United and speech they gets that government out of the business of regulating speech. Depending that fundamental right is good for democracy. Guest in the 2016 election , i believe 50acs people contributed. Billion tobuted 1. 5 control who runs congress. The people should control who runs congress, not super pacs. Host could you make a direct correlation, the influence of super pacs and spending inserting themselves into the process of capitol hill . On eacht depends congressional district, but yes, if you spend vast amounts of money you will get members of congress elected because of super pacs, not because of those in that district. Host this argument, they are doing it freely, giving up their own time and money. What is wrong with that . Guest i will give you an example. Two years ago in my first race two super pacs came in against me and spent over half 1 million. We had no idea who was doing it. It turned out it was just two people. Two people have this hugely outside influence. Had my opponent one, think about what kind of influence they would have on my opponent because of how much money they spent so that is a huge problem. Guest the same with me, i had super pacs come in against me a couple of years ago. The thing is that they do so many times, they distort the facts. To the average citizen, and i am an average citizen, sometimes that distortion is how i make up my mind whether to vote or not vote for a candidate. When you have got just a few people controlling the process, i am sorry about mr. Smith. I respect his right to disagree, but when a few people are running this government, we have is Million People that antipeople. Host these two representatives along with others coming together on this lawsuit speech. Speech. Org. Democrats,ocrats republicans,0, 202 7488001, and independent, 202 7488002. Caller i would like to ask how long the jones family has represented North Carolina in congress. Guest my father was here for 26 years. I have been here 24 and i can honestly say that the honor and privilege to be here and represent the people is as great today as it has ever been. Caller i find it hard to believe i do not find it hard to believe but you are going against independent political speech so that the party on monopoly on messaging is maintained. The people are mad and have had enough of the politicians. The days of the monopoly are over. Theall need to get with program. Did you not see brexit or trump . Guest let me say to you whether you have been here for 20 years or two years that a person that that is fighting to return the government to the people, then i must say we certainly disagree. I believe this house and belongs to the people in every two years, that can make a decision on a whole they want to represent them. Host lets hear from you talk, independent line. Utah, independent line. Caller thank you. James, for that clarity and point. I am sorry you disagree. I think james is onto something about the house of representatives does not belong to the people for a number of years. We are being taxed without being represented. The infrastructure tax day should be in a trust fund. It. Guys, you looted you call it real appropriate but you looted Social Security. Host on the topic of Campaign Finance. Caller how is the difference between Citizens United and why cant you pass a law rather than a lawsuit . Guest we would love to pass a butexcept we cannot do that because you have a Supreme Court decision. That is why we needed to do a lawsuit. Override theot third branch of government, that is what were doing a lawsuit. Guest lets me speak to james and the last caller. There is a book called extortion and the book gives details on how congress works. Both parties, it is a great book and i wish i could buy it for high schools, i cannot afford it. What i am trying to say is the problem is that leadership in both parties do not want to move reform bills. We have bills introduced by john sore banks and a couple of other members of congress that will create a debate on the floor of whether we should try to alter this is or change the system. What we are trying to do, it has to go through the legal system. If you try to have a policy debate on the floor of the house regarding campaignfinance, you would never get it out of the committee. Would affectawsuit the Political Parties. We are going after the hacks pacs and it would have an effect, a huge effect on party and how much they can control through the super pacs. They are generally supportive because all of i understand having vast amounts of money from a small group of people is corrosive to democracy. Parties, if you had all of the members of Congress Sitting where we are sitting would tell you one of the most stressful requirements we have theembers is to go in to rnc or dnc to raise money. Everybody has dues they have to pay. It is just the way the process works. We are taking one aspect of it. Think, gives more power to the people and their influence for the host republican line, robert. Caller good morning. [indiscernible] and a blatant disregard to everything they suggested about super pacs. [indiscernible] guest i do not understand the question. T i think it was guest for governments cannot participate in u. S. Elections and they cannot give money. Which i find somewhat traveling, the allegations troubling the allegation that russia tried to participate. There is a law that prevents foreign governments. Host democrats line. Caller good morning. I am wondering if president ial elections could be paid for out of the treasury, such as that each candidate would get the same amount of money and there would be no one would be able to contribute. No contributions, just a certain pot of money. I am wondering if it that would support our democracy, you know, really bring us back to each person having this time amount of employment influence of via one vote. And i would like to know what your thoughts are on that and if there are other people in congress who have mentioned this. At one time, we did have a president ial check and it did very well for a period of time. People could check it off on their tax form. I do not want to be political on this and ted can correct me, the first run of president obama, he decided he would not participate in at a president ial check off because of there are certain requirements. The republican candidate did participate by taking the check off money the money may and the woman made reference to. That sent a signal out, i am not being critical, and i respected to the president. I think that was a mistake. Guest there is another Supreme Court opinion where the supreme. Ourt said the money is speech because of they made that statement, we cannot actually stop people from spending their own money on their own campaigns. Until that is reversed, you president ial say a election, you only have a limited amount of money you can spend. People can spend their own money. Trumpsesidentelect was largely selffunded and use a a lot of super pac spending on the side of Hillary Clinton. Factor,oney is a big but it does not of the only one. There are lots of other factors that go into elections and trimaran a unique campaign and i think there are things about this election that is unique. It is not always a determinate factor. Guest again, it is about sunshine. There is never going to be total integrity in campaigning finances. It will not happen, lets be realistic. If you are going to have the strength of a republic, then in my humble opinion, you have got to know who is giving millions and millions of dollars to influence a candidate and influence a policy. And when it is in the hands of a few that can give the millions and billions of dollars, then again, what we have in washington is threatened. Host lets hear from bob, independent line. Caller good morning, gentlemen. My question relates to the foreign money point a you mentioned for governments are not allowed by law. What do we have about foreign wealthy individuals or their sources of money from overseas coming into the elections . Thank you. Of reading not aware studies about how much foreign influence might have in violation of the law. I know it happens, they will be prosecuted. Host basil is next from cleveland, ohio, republican line. Caller good morning. Have lived long enough to see a lot of political things change. I realized that government, those elected officials, have taken a lot and the American Public deserve a lot that it helped in the last 40, 50 years. One of the things i think its missing is we talk about the law but not the morality of the law and what is the truth of the law. Think we are too legal in terms rather than morals and i think this has to be the way cutting. Awakening. It is time for us to not have appointed officials like federal judge and even though it has been a lifetime commitment to that position, i think that is one thing that has to change. Too many lawyers and i am not knocking the lawyers, i am saying we are over law instead of morbidly morbidly government. I think we are the right track control. Few that is always been the case, the wealthy has history. It is time for major changes. We are in an epic time and you gentlemen are well aware of that. The public is. We are a divided nation and we are divided on attitudes about how government should be run. Guest thank you. All i can say to basal is i agree with it. I think he makes excellent points. This is, again, where ted lieu and others love joined us is certainly others who have certainly about morality, honesty and integrity. It is not going to be so much of that and Campaign Finances. Make aake an effort to small step in the right direction, it is in the best interest of the people. That is what this is all about. The demo set primary on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders race a lot of money. Raised a lot of money. Were trying to get to the point where the everyday person has influence. Montana. You are on. Caller Great Respect to both of you guys. I would like to make one comment, the house is owned by the people. I see work done by senator lankford and jim jordan and trey gowdy and i totally disagree with that comment. By the house owned of those people who are working there tells off. My question is, what are you doing about the greatest super pac of all when it came to the Clinton Foundation and the corruption behind that . Democratsee any saying we cannot have super pacs like the Clinton Foundation wall people are in the office. Thank you. Guest if i can very quickly, i will let ted. My comments have not been about individuals book i work at their along with ted and more than 35 members. We are talking about a process. We are talking about policy. The gentleman from montana made great points. In anotherbills show, if you want me back on to theills that get floor of the house because outside groups who have an interest in that bill getting to the floor. I have been here for 20 years. I have seen this system. It has gotten worse instead of better. Guest foundations do not spend in Political Races. What we are talking about here is super pacs that do spent in Political Races that effect who gets elected and who does not. It is important that the everyday person that has influenced, not just multimillionaires and billionaires. Host were talking with representative walter jones North Carolina, republican and ted lieu, the democrat, about the lawsuit they filed taking a look at super pacs. We want to get your thoughts on their efforts and Campaign Finance and super pacs. 202 7488001 for republicans and 202 7488000 for democrats and 202 7488002 for independence. Was a lawsuit that allowed butch for michigan, good morning, you are on. Caller good to be on. How much is this influence of super pacs on donors . The media that own and influence much more than just the office in the administration. And in making deals with the internet and chasing these terrorists on the internet, whether this somehow become a witch hunt would this somehow become a witch hunt . Go roger is next. Independent line. Caller appreciate your efforts, gentlemen. One question i would have to the campaign, funds given to the Political Parties it themselves, would they ever be able to be counted as part of the gifts to the individual candidates . Guest of the way it works is the party what a republican, democrat have their own super pac. Putlawsuit would contribution limits on those super pacs and would take power away from Political Parties. Both parties can spend in different races and is not counted against the candidates limits. Host who determines the that . Guest theres a 5,000 limit per donor to the super pac. Right now, it is completely unlimited. Billion,ould give 10 it does not matter. That is the problem. Host you would see a going to the 5,000 ceiling . Guest yes. Host what is the limited now as far as your campaign . 2700 or so . Guest the general election. Guest it is separate because the requirements for you to give or Political Action committee, we are talking about super pacs , if nothing else comes from the show, this is another level of giving we have never seen before. Thats why this lawsuit tom we itnk, is so important to get to the highest law of the land. Since 2010, we have seen a new level of giving. Pacs, had people operate the Political Action committee, i think is fine but were talking about super pacs. People have Political Action committees that can give a limit like ted mentioned and they feel like they are being overspent by these millions of dollars from a very few people to control elections. We had in North Carolina a United States senator race, one of these races watched match themselves,they, the moneys their campaigns put in the campaign was 23 million. The super pac, the outside money for both of them, was 15 million in North Carolina long. You cannot keep going this way. Host if somehow you could you,ase the capital to would it limit the effects if you were not tied in with the 2700 limit . Guest you have corruption even further. The reason there was a limit for walter jones and i book of the Supreme Court said, yes, you can have limits because without to corruption. Ll have a single donor could give me 10 million. Think about the influence that person could have on me. That is the problem. They can go around a give money to the super pac that helps me. That is what we are trying to stop. They are using the loophole. Guest Justice Kennedy who did support Citizens United, a separate issue, he had made a statement in speaking at harvard that in my view, what happens with the money in politics is not good. He is one man and a very learned jurist, Supreme Court jurist. There, again, he supported Citizens United when he passed and now he is having second thoughts. This is what this whole debate is about. Again, whether we will allow a few to patrol policy in washington or return it back. Host even if you go to the Supreme Court, do expect it to go with what you are trying to do . Guest yes. It is not a republican or conservative or liberal issue. As walter jones said, returning the power to the people and not having a small group of people spend unlimited amounts of money. Host from arizona, democrats line, ernest. Caller good morning. My thoughts on this this morning is the two major parties ought to have a pot, a certain amount and every one that is in that party should take a piece of that pizza. Republican pot and democrat pot. And then the independents or whoever else. But lets say the pot has 1 million, divide it up into equal parts for each candidate that will be running. Whatever is left goes into the independent or people in between , the two parties. After that point, you can say everybody can contribute as much as they would like and it would not bother anybody in anything left over after the total limit you can spend goes across the board on everyone. Lets say it is 100, a round figure. Everything left over goes into the National Debt that everybody is so worried about. What is wrong with fact . Guest i think ernests concept makes sense. Making it to become reality is part of the problem. Thats what we have addressed this issue, super pacs in a legal court case. We are trying to get that. Conceptually, ernest makes a lot of sense. Trying to get that kind of change in washington is very, very difficult. Host phil, good morning. Caller good morning. How are you doing . Jones, i amll mr. Glad about his passion. I really appreciate that. Everybody keeps talking about we want to get the power back to the people. The powert to give back to the people, why dont all of you get together and let the people vote on it. Put a ballot so the people can vote and give us back our power. You rich people sitting up there in office. Everybody can say that. Country. This why what you give the other 97 a chance to vote on this . Take back the congress and see what they have to say about that. Uest i will very quickly seal has a great point. Phil has a great point. Some have a constitutional amendment that would repeal Citizens United. Andne in the leadership mrs. Blose he was in leadership, we will never see the bill that to the floor of the house because they do not want to take it. That is why we have taken this legal route in california guest in california, i put the ballot for the citizens to vote on whether they want to overturn Citizens United. California citizens voted that you wanted to do that. California is just one state. Human constitution amendment and more states to ratify it. Host lets hear from jim, virginia. Yes, i am very disturbed have a i understand they terrible lot of influence and getting the interests of the of theying care , you know,aid leaving the ordinary citizen out never point that we can drugs. Crime and and those kinds of Things Energy so much time and might be used kissing up to the jobs and housing and things that ordinary people need are shoved to the back burner, so to speak. Host sorry about that. Jones that is why walter and i are fighting terrain in super pac spending because it warps democracy and makes this so the concerns of everyday people are not being heard or the concerns but rather the concerns of billionaires. From North Carolina, republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning, sir. My first comment would be something senator lou lieu said. What a refreshing comment for both sides to join together prei command that. Together,now much i commend that. I do not know much about mr. Lieu or jones. For those who say 20 years are long enough, i want to 20 more years of congressman jones. For your service. Guest thank you very much and thank you for your service. That was see. Lets go to doug in baltimore, maryland. Break good morning. I strongly disagree with your approach. Caller good morning. If i were to go out and organize 500 volunteers for someone or if i was a union group who had thousands of people not on doors, i would become an insider. Youre targeting only money is not fair. If i werent a billboard interstate 95, i should have the right to if i werent a billboard on interstate 95, i should have the right to do that. To letn would be the people decide what is fair and what is influence or not. Point about being able to organize 500 people, that is a great points you made. We are talking about the fact spend very few that money, give money to the super pacs that spend billions of dollars, i made the comment earlier in 2016, the super pacs gave over 1. 5 billion to the cycle. We needed to organize 500 theret we trying to talk about indirectly. Your point about disclosure is important. There needs to be better disclosure per 24 hours would be terrific and right now it is not that. In my worries, we had no idea who was spending with super pacs until after the election was over. Host doug, good morning. Caller that was me. Host apologies. Tallahassee, republicans line. Wondering,as just the question has already been answered. What about full disclosure and let people know who is contributing and let people what is on the people side or the special interest side . Thank you. Guest i think disclosure is important but not enough. If somebody can spend 20 million on one congressional to have tore going have a lot of people go look at a website and figure that out. The press will have to report on it. A lot of people may not be aware of one person spending 20 million. All of these commercials and mailers and that will have an outside influence of the election regardless of the disclosure. George, go ahead. You are on. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . Congressman jones, you remind me so much of Abraham Lincoln and teddy roosevelt. They were republicans with integrity also. Person a great biblical named to solomon, the wisest of men ever. He once said for the love of money is the root of all evil. A russian i heard say of American People think they have democracy but what they are and i want to see my country ruled by politicians again rather than money people. Thank you. Guest george, i am humbled by your comments. I would also say i agree with everything you said. You said everything that ted and i have been trying to convey to the American People today on cspan and you said it very well. That is all i can say. Host from princeton, indiana, bill. Good morning. Caller yes. Cspan coulday help, every time you get a senator or a representative on a tear, on there, ask do you support this bill or this suit. And what they need to do, you need to send them to the wall and the voters will see how counterfeit it all is. Baker remember, bobby back in the early 1970s or 1960s and i read an article years and years and years ago about he said you cannot stop the money. For i cannot remember whether it was democratic or republican. A fall for it. And he said you cannot stop the money. Thank you. Guest excuse me. Guest you can stop it. Not over 2000 super pacs until this decision. We do not have this massive political spending. If you have the contribution limit on the super pacs, that means a billionaire cannot go in and spent 50 million on the super pac. It would make a massive, huge difference. Host is there anybody challenging this lawsuit . Directly or openly opposed to your efforts . Super pac themselves . Guest you read mr. Smiths comments. There are some benefit in a because they have the millions and billions to put a super pacs and they are opposed. Host richard, go ahead. Guest good morning. On the Citizens United deal and the Supreme Court, the more i understand, i may be wrong, i tried to keep up with things. Understand, they considered corporations as persons. If you consider a corporation as person and stockholders within a corporation and the shareholders, those people who sit on the board, wouldnt they be the ones who run it . Shouldnt they be held liable as far as legalities with a giving money to any politician . And to be honest with you, the way money is in politics, too much money into many crooked people and you better stand for something or fall for anything. Thank you, gentlemen. Guest i agree with you. [laughter] something or fall for anything. Guest rilla, pedro, the last two or three callers, they have told us story for us. Host i want to ask you a couple of questions. Consider the governorship race. What do think about the decision and what does it mean for the incoming Governor Cooper . Guest i want to thank governor macquarie mccoury for standing up and except in the people in North Carolina. I know roy cooper. I will to you a quick story. We both were democrats in the state legislature. We join the republican government, jim martin, a former and we put together a coalition of 20 democrats, vocal brand i to unseat dutch were cooper and i to unseat the speaker of the house. Host your advice . Guest he is a good man. He would probably sit here with ted lieu and myself. Host what you think have a quarry what you think pat mccrorys legacy will be . Allt i do not agree with of his policies but i think people will thank him for taking the position and not the terminal to look to see if and not continuing to look to see if there were any improprieties. Host this is barber. Barber, go ahead. , go ahead. Guest my biggest concern about the super pacs, the big contributors like george soros and some of the others is the communist influence into our system. Protesters oute on the streets protesting trump and various things, i believe some kind of a communist Organization Must to be funding them because they cannot possibly be out and around. Who is funding all of that . Other than somebody who wants to bring down our system of government. Thank you very much. Host as far as your timeline, tell us where you are with this kate, this suit is concerned . Would you expect to happen . Guest at some point it will be a field appealed and there will be legal briefs. We are very smart law professors , very great universities helping with this case and we feel we have a good legal footing to challenge. A former ethics advisor to george w. Bush. Host who is funding the effort . Guest it is a coalition of different nonprofits that are challenging this. Holtzman and the hiring of lawyers and things host and hiring of lawyers and things like that . Guest i am not sure if it is pro bono. Guest it is people who believe in Good Government. How much disclose money there are putting into the lawsuit. These are people believe the government is the peoples government and not special interests. Host speechnow. Org versus the fec. Walter jones, a representative from North Carolina and ted lieu from california. Thank you. Guest thank you. Hope they we will hear from and his her to talk about his research into russias role in spreading fake news and he is here to talk about his research into russias role in spreading fake news. Kerryt to show you john talking about some of the frustrations as the secretary of state. You can watch it on cspan. Org and did this specific part he addresses the failure to secure a peace deal. Kerry the question for all of us is not not the road will travel for the past 100 years to what will the nasa 100 years look like, where we going . Let me tell you let me tell you a few things i have learned for sure in the last few years. There will be no separate piece. I want to make that very clear. Have heard several prominent politicians saying that our world is in a different place and left to reach out to them and work some things, no, no, no. You it is reaffirmed in the last week fi as i have talked to leaders, there will be no advance and separate peace without the pallets palestinian process and ps. Everybody misunderstand that. That is a hard reality. I began that the palestinians have major responsibility, some of which they have not fulfilled. On incitement, capacity and we can run the list. Is really form and i want to talk about what they can do. There is a basic choice that by the israelis, by the leadership of israel. By all of you who support israel and care about israel. And that is there are going to , isontinued settlement there going to be continued implementation of some of the policies what mark policies or are there going to be separation . Conversationan with the secretary of state is available on our website. Cspan. Org to find more. Joining us now is clint watts, of Foreign Policy Research Institute, he is the fellow. Were here to talk about russias role and what is known as fake news. Start, can you tell us about your organization and how it is funded at the position it takes when it comes to russia . Guest Foreign Policy Research Institute is a think tank, a small think tank based in philadelphia funded by donors. We are independent. I was not that we are political position. There are a lot of use and we do not agree all of the time. Host the topic is russia and the idea of fake news. What brought this to your attention and the research . Guest may we did not go looking for russia or fake news. Myself and my colleagues, we were watching isis. Onpredominate worked counterterrorism. Any time we wrote about that content or issues, we would see the sort of counterattacks, information counterattacks, which were very proputin and assad. We were surprised they shifted two different issues that were russian and u. S. Issues and that is how we moved onto them over two years ago. Host what did you find . Guest they were trying to russian backed positions and also trying to target certain audiences in Different Countries for you have seen it in western europe, brexit. And also in the u. S. , canada and locate an audience and influence them toward their position . They do in a variety sorts of ways. Overt kind of propaganda. The other is countering. We want to counter u. S. Positions and ultimately, a weaker democracy. Not just one issue, they will go on all fronts. Trust, theyt erodes will focus on any of those issues. Find success, they will try to breed more. Host give us an example of what it looked like especially with the u. S. Elections or u. S. Policies. Wast the one we started fake attacks in july. There were a lot of soldiers being deployed in turkey and part of that was a store released on rt. Com that set the base was being overrun and what looked like a benghazi style attack. They pushed it out from their very over outlets and then they push it into the social media environment where it gets amplified. This is where social media broadens the audience and they try to make using automation, the audience appears to be u. S. , building organic support. It second part is putting into the Mainstream Media. Why isnt the mainstream talking about this . The goal is to get a trendy on social media so mainstream outlets have to investigate or respond to it. Once it propagates, it is hard to refute even with facts. Attempt overed about them did minutes, we monitored thousands of accounts and we can pick up on the audience that which were to engage using automation in real known accounts so it would appear and covert to influence certain segments. Host russias role in the spring of fake news. Clinton watts is our guest. Russias role in the spreading of fake news. Democrats, 202 7488000, and republicans at 202 7488001, independent at 202 7488002. Give us a snapshot of targeted audience. Guest they would use in audience they think will disrupt of the populace. In 2015, they were focused in the u. S. On white supremacist audience are antigovernment audiences. They would try to promote anything the government was part of conspiracy to take away from your guns or take away your rights, martial law. And then going to to the end of 2015, it took a very different tone around the u. S. Election. Anything involving Hillary Clinton would be something that would run an attack line and promote other candidates and the case of our election this year, it was trump. They will play off of any of those candidates but the goal dissent. They might shift or pivot depending on the time frame. It is not specific to one. Host was is a generally positive toward the president elect or vice versa . Guest generally positive toward president elect and negative towards secretary clinton. Any of those attacked lines would be reinforced with material. Any of these disclosures, the dnc hacks, other hacks of peoples emails, colin powell, podesta would be used as ammunition to format formant ferment and clinton suffered the most. Other candidates were attacked. Super tuesday time period in march of 2016, a huge volume of content very protrim them. Trump. Protrip how that promotion affected other republican candidates and that promotion really helped one candidate versus another. Host how do we know russias behind it . Guest they do not hide it. There seems to be a believe that this is covert. It is not. They have white outlets. Over channels. Sputnik news and they put out these things, political, economic, social or calamitous issues about Nuclear Weapons being stolen or Climate Change. Will run these propaganda lines. In their content, roughly 70 true information and be about 20 what will call manipulated truth. Some kind of truth combined with false and 10 would be false news. The report we wrote is that false new story and we tracked the entities. There been others to try to track of the fake news or propaganda and that is problematic because a lot of fake news is out there and all of it does not come from russia. We tracked the entities pushing it. We go from what is overt to who else is using that same content and talking about it. What do they say . A lot of groups that are prorussian. One was trolls for trump, that was the name. It was not covert. We watch the accounts around and thats how we trace. Trumpthis from trolls for that said and that effort is not going very well and the ire guest it is not a new technique. With a newd playbook methods. Social media allows them to do what they could never do during andcold war, target audience, they can do target audience analysis like all Media Outlets. And as then they can provide fake messages, if they want to, to a very targeted group. We look at it in terms of it is trying to compete parties and he wrote trust. The worst case can be what we saw is someone mobilized around the story. And erode trust. A country overseas can design content in a way that your mobilizing people toward violence. Host our guest on his research and looking at this topic. , andlicans, 202 7488001 democrats, 202 7488000 and independents, 202 7488002. We will start with a democrat line. , we alreadyeman have influences from russia, we have an elected president that has business dealings and nonsecure line servers to speak with putin and whoever else, taiwan and who knows what is going on. It is always going to be and a has already probably been there. If National Communications were really getting get from so many different directions, i do not want to go back to where we were gentlemen. St 2 as far Citizens United, getting rid of the Electoral College. Host i want to stay on this topic. Guest to the truck campaign, i do not know. It does not seem like he is directly controlled by the russians. The opportunity is of their antihe didnt advantage is there and he took advantage of news that was not true at times. The Campaign Manager did something that turned out to be false or pushed by russia propaganda networks. The more interesting things we need to look at is in terms of russia, it is not really an information war but a term i heard on radio was a war on. We create such a space where it is difficult to understand or pick up truth from fiction that you have no basis of which to make your judgments. In that disorienting place, you do not trust your government, people around you or Political Parties. Every has been eroded, you do not trust the media a you become confused to a point where you do not act and that in the Russian Space provides the room for the for policy to pursue their interests. And they can be aggressive. It crates a malaise of the information were the American Public does not want to get behind any issue. Host mark from california. Go ahead. Caller how are you . There are different programs on rt and one of them is tom harmon. And he is with free speech tv, too. I am wondering, which programs are actually really putting out false information . Because i do not really believe tom is . I think he is trying to be upfront and honest about what is news. Thank you. Guest i do not have the whole menu of rt programs. What i would say is, yes, there is lots of true information on these news sites. You have to have a preponderance a true information on it. Any propaganda outlet will be at least 70 true or the audience will eventually find out. The notion of false propaganda, false a new stories coming for russia particularly about strategic placement. You cannot run fake news 100 of the time. If you want to use a strategic at a veryit has to be strategic time on a certain issue you want to focus on. Is blended in with true and manipulated truth information, not specifically an entire campaign of false information. Host are there cold words or website addresses that indicate, this could not be legit news . Guesstimate i do not see that. Ares more the themes you talking about and thats where it is problematic. , who saysof fake news what is true and fake is the number one challenge for you number two, a lot of people putting golf a good news. His government backed outlets, russia being one and there are others, russians are not the only ones doing it. More to look at the in they are trying to push and where are the facts behind it . And in the manipulated stories, it ends in a question, not an actual title for news article, it is always this going on, a grain of truth with conspiracy embedded. It is seasoned threat to their newscasts and not was percent. Host massachusetts, david, go ahead. Guest desk, brain can you discuss the increase and fake caller canhe you discuss the increase in fake put them all and into corporations . Thehow that has affected total increase in fake news because we do not have independent reporters all over the world looking at things and we are now condensed to a couple of Media Outlets. Thank you. Guest i do not know in terms of the communications act. Their differences and the way people acquire information today going back to 1996 as people predominately consumed all of their information from six or seven news channels. And one or two, maybe three space. Ers in the online if you remember when the internet first came about, the story is it would provide alternative perspectives and it would strengthen the truth. You could get different perspectives. What where seen as people seek out information that suits their beliefs and thats where it becomes dangerous and why fake news is so powerful. You can take an audience that is thinking that an rapid than going to Mainstream Media outlets which have an editorial process or scrutinized by competitors, you can go to these niche websites that feed you information that suits your needs and wants. It screens out everything else. It is a hardening of your views. If you look at social media landscape, it was supposed to be another trial to bring people together to discuss with a variety of positions. As social media has grown so has the polls before the issues. Rather than discussion across, reinforcing discussion with people inside of the parties whatever it might be, it does not matter. It could be your family group. You see more isolation of information. Social media trends identified things you like to read and to back, they will provide you with more information you like to read, kind of like advertising. This causes your believes to be reinforced. If you live in information that supports your views, that may or may not be accurate. I think that is more of audience segmentation than any regulatory act out there today. Host what is the responsibility of social Media Companies . Is to bring goal people to the platform to share information. The more sharing they do, the better they do. They do not want to see be seen as people policing information. That is a difficult position to be in. What they can do and look at doing is focusing on those who put out fake news for financial goals. There are watching different types of groups putting graphic news, you have a russian propaganda effort but also political groups putting golf a good news to suit their needs. Pranksters doing that for satire purposes and those like web , doing different clicks on advertising. That will write fake news stories they know people will click and and that runs of their revenue. Thats something social Media Companies can clean up quickly. Host jacksonville, florida for our guests, clint watts of Foreign Policy Research Institute. Caller thank you for everything you are doing. I am wondering if you can comment on how much fake news was revolving around hillarys emails and at the fbis comments s emailsner weiner and how that fit in . Guest that was a tremendous Information Campaign over the last six months. Both of the emails in terms of what the manipulated truth and this is what is said in the emails, when i look at the data, it was not actually said in any of the emails where fake stories essentially put out. The dangers are obvious. It erodes both Popular Support for a candidate and people wanting to participate in democracy. If you do not know what to believe and you do not have stories about government emails, a lot were fake, then you will not participate in your democratic functions. You will not show up and vote and you may not want to do jury duty. You may think it is a fraud. That is the issue is that were trying to drive. Not only should you not vote for Hillary Clinton abutted the government is corrupt. It is all corruption. Whether that is actually true are not is debatable but cause if you go into the emails, most of them were very Common Communications that go from one entity to another, what you would expect in an organization. , themails with ammunition information ammunition for their propaganda machine. Host jason is in alabama. You are next. Caller i just want to ask about all of the protests, was that fakeness when they were crying fake news when they were crying after hillary lost . Yout i am not sure what were talking about. I am sure that people were upset. I am not sure about that story. Host rico in michigan. Caller i am more concerned about the fake and news from the Mainstream Media because they are pushing their own agenda. I will give you some examples. Keep pushing the message and they israel approves the iranian. Eal and a totally do not they claim hillary was leading in the polls and unemployment at an alltime low and 95 Million People are not working and are not looking for work. Newsare using an important and claiming that Global Warming is caused by people and there has always been Global Warming Climate Change for millennia. Host ryan, good morning in there. D, hi this morning . You are on with our guest. News versus the real news, the major networks, owned by democratic much as other Media Outlets are . Lot more hey are a biassed when it came to trump versus hillary, it seemed like Mainstream Media was prohillary and antitrump, new constantly antitrump, antitrump. Just think the people didnt know what to believe, so infowars, ing to etc, to get the other side of he story, instead of the mainstream side. Buffering between media, ainstream Washington Post, New York Times, u. S. A. Today, whatever the outlets might be have and they do cess try, they put in processes to tell both sides of the story. If youre moving to niche utlets that push conspiracies, if you listen to a conspiracy enough it starts to feel more nd more true and you can reinforce your beliefs or conspiracies, we see the dangers with thejust this week issue of a person showing up with a weapon here in firing on, d. C. And shots at a pizza place that had to do with any story being put out in niche markets. Give the background to the story. Guest it is called pizza gate, pushed, being essentially that the democrats ere in washington, d. C. Were oing Human Trafficking essentially and there was some sort of sexual connotation to it and it was going through a pizza joint. The pizza joint had nothing to with it, but the story was so heavily on social media, pushed so heavily by infowars, a consumer of the information decided to investigate himself. Joint, up at the pizza was two nights ago. I think that we need to look at that. Tis one thing to influence government institutions, maybe government institutions should step up and perform better or refute those with facts and truths. It is another thing to mobilize someone to violence. Difference than the method with isis, for example, isis reach into the u. S. Populous, recruit people to do attacks at home. Can be done by great example how the media environment creates the nation or a foreign Foreign Terrorist Group in the United States and through system convince somebody of completely fake story to conduct violence. Oft what the responsibility the consumer . Guest the consumer to double ity is check these things and look around the intern sxet verify one source or the other. Unlikely to happen because people tend to only want them,d that which pleases not what reinforces their views. That is a very tough position to in. I think even broader in the Law Enforcement environment in the home land security environment, we have to look beyond the terrorist case study. Islamic een looking at state and al qaeda, how do we propaganda. Mobilization of violence in the United States from a host of lots of groups with different, we need to come up method to takeof the threats. Host chris from illinois. Caller hi. Wanted to say thank you mr. Watts for bringing such an subject matter and expertise to cspan today. Notice that the concentration on ideas of isis and russia propaganda is, you know, appropriate, i wonder if you possibly comment on americas responsibility for propaganda. As you said, other nations to it, i wonder if that is a talk about and address. Thank you. Going to try and decipher your question. You are saying the u. S. Conducts propaganda in some form there is a large difference in that, particularly overseas, i think the law essentially states the u. S. Doesnt do propaganda in the u. S. Domestic space. That is used in times of war fare in terms of campaign regarding the decipher your question. You are saying the u. S. Conducts propaganda in some form there is large difference in that, military and with that tends to on s, i think predominantly putting out alternative view about democracy or democracy promotion. That is the preponderance of that content developed. Michigan, from independent line, go ahead, please. Caller yeah, hi. You call the stories fake news stories. Lies. Them propaganda and i want to say that they are trump. T by donald is what a lies, that they were. Or think i dont know donald trump puts out propaganda lies. Bring up important point, officials need to be care bfl what sites they use to advance position, that is an important point. E have seen both Political Parties cite content proven to be false. The use of foreign ropaganda on behalf of one president ial candidate to try to advance his cause and narrative with the audience and that is because that further leads down the road to when the elected become representatives. They are now vulnerable of absolutely aganda false information back out to electorate again. Is a ing we need functioning democracy is one, we very, very good confidence in our elected officials they are operating in using goodterest and information to do that. Would second thing i say, we do need Fourth Branch of government, the media scrutinizing the government and to be thorough and it eeds to be flushed out and the preponderance or seeking of fake news by certain audiences and public at by certain officials fake news to mobilize the base is a dangerous thing it comes to governing. Heather back to social media, twitter, how have they responded technologically and is there more that can be filter out what would be deemed fake . Guest yeah, i think they have continue the identification part. So we saw after the election, you know, they did an news cement fake outperformed real news, i think was the headline. They have done the part, they are at the tougher position, how do i criteriat, what is the im going to use to screen out fake news, i dont think they yet. They equation are trying to figure out how to o that and do it in a unified way f. One social Media Company is more stringent than another, audience at risk in terms of what information at get or profit model risk, they can lose audience. They will have to build a like ion, build basically a council that comes to terms standardt do we use as for dealing with false information. Host john, fairfax, virginia, go ahead. Caller good morning, mr. Watts, audience. Biases, just as fox news and the republican biased against russia today. I watch them quite a bit, they stories the mainstream i ignores and i media, think your tarnish their very fine reporting worldwide is a lie in itself. Thank you. Guest i appreciate your position. I would say that my bias toward rte is that they push a lot of false information into their news stream. False information has implications. I dont see the quantity of deliberately ion false information put out by other outlets. Media outlets get it wrong and you might be right, about issues that appeal to dfrnlt audience or pick up on news not covered. Other great example, al never saw false propaganda being put out by them rt, for ay i do for example. They had editorial process, they ave good journalists running their stories. They didnt put out a report on back in tack in turkey july, which they tried to push as benghazi style assault during a president ial campaign which rt did do. Biased, if i am am, it is they push a large oution of false information ith good and domestic reporting. Heather debra from manasas, virginia. Hi, juan, please dont cut me off today. Have a couple things to say quickly. First of all, i agree with the excellent rt is an news source, it is not propaganda. Now my question for the guy is, evaluating the news, he doesnt understand the that our oesnt know news in america is from six the same who all read script, our news is propaganda. Obama has allowed them to us. G false stories propaganda. Convinces you at of that . Caller the ndaa. Read it. Guest okay. That out after the show today. Thank you. Host anthony, newport, line. Ssee, independent caller good morning. I have a question. Watch program this morning that showed on the false news puts in the guy that all these false reports. The pizza ooting at place where the guy got caught did it because hillary and some guy were running a human trafficing place. Shot up the pizza the other ads showed hillary your guns and the picture and the whole nine yards. Thousands of wrote them, why cant he be held esponsible criminally and emotionally and financially on . Ponsible for what goes guest thank you. I think that is the next step. The system is too immature in like g with false news this. As i mentioned before, russian propaganda is not the only outlet by any means putting out false information. Profiteers that do it. Clicks on at gets social media will have false news around it. You are robably right, the next steps moving forward will be how do we deal with false news put out in u. S. , our own jurisdictions and it pushes someone toward violence. Host nancy, bronx, new york, line. Lican go ahead. Caller quick question. d like to find out if that since were talking about ropaganda from russia, is the information that was socalled wikileaks regarding the d. N. C. And what has gone on emails, whether or not is that propaganda . Russia or you make it sound like all that true. Anda is not guest so if i understand you the u. S. Maam, government and the intelligence gencies have attributed the clinton ttempts on the campaign and the d. N. C. To russia. That information showed up in one place, which was wikileaks. On a website, put which was called dc leaks and elsewhere. S the attribution around that is solid. The u. S. Government has been discussing this, the f. B. I. For it is that and information, that stolen people ion, which puts compromise. N of it is used then as a weapon the propaganda outlets, they can selectively pick out of the emails something that supports a line that supports russian position or degrades the u. S. Position, they can use that over and over. I think what is important for the public to know is that those were only a small fraction of the hacking attempts that occurred over the last two to three years that they probably have emails from hundreds fnot thousands of other american officials, public figures and it necessary deem to discredit an individual, they will use that information in th they can selectively pick out of the emails something that supports a line that supports theian position future. Host politico looking at Donald Trumps choice, michael flynn, and twitter, he says that mr. Flynn, used social media to theories nspiracy about Hillary Clinton and president obama and pushing ubious factoids 16 times since august 9, according to review of his twitter posts. What do you think about the fact he does that, does that cause concern about his position as advisor . Security guest im extremely concerned about it. Dont know if he believes those conspiracies or not, i hope he doesnt f. He does national em, he is security advisor for United States of america, he can drive the country in a very dangerous false on, based on information. Were still looking for wmd and if i remember, and itous war t in calam and involved in iraq 15 years later. Was based on the assumption we had true information and it turned out false. Flynn promoting false information and stories like things, oing several one, we dont know if he believes the conspiracies. The doesnt believe in conspiracies hes communicating to foreign audiences he might newstially believe in fake stories, that changes how they make their decisions, it might they do propaganda and how they try to influence u. S. Policy. Extremely dangerous. Host one more call, richard in virginia. Caller yeah, thank you for taking the call. Im under the impression the fellow believes competitive. A is well, i saw a video about a year the topic that was under discussion by the news media of a dozen stations used identical the topic depict telling me that somebody sets the taste and describes an issue rom Central Location somewhere that dictates what the news will be daily. Dont see this competitiveness at all. Thank you. Guest sir, i dont know about programming of all the channels, but i would say competitive to stay have a yen and yang system, here they report on new and emerging stories the same time they have to hit the major news or ies out there everyday they will lose traction against the other competitors. Position with editorial and producing process, where they have to meet their they ce needs or what believe the audience to be, two, ompete with other outlets to maintain market share, always cover down on the major stories of the day and then three, you want to differentiate themselves, so it is delicate tell you d i would that it is a very competitive andscape in the media and new Media Outlets cropping up all the time and old ones losing all time. You can see that just in terms of personnel turnover. As far as followup to this, will you continue to watch the influence of russia or other when it comes to the larger topic of fake news you are interested in . Is the ussian influence most interesting. I think they are changeing and reshaping postelection what focus on. Well watch it, but mostly antagonistic toward us in the beginning. I would write articles about. S. Position and Counter Terrorism and be hit what is commonly referred to as the on social media. That is how we got into watching it and dealing with that. Articles written, they dont seem to be going away, hey will be all over my social media feed over this hour, im sure. Host if you want to see esearch of our guests and others. Clinton watts has been our fpri. Org, to check out the research yourself. Thank you for your time. You. thank hoebl host until the end of the show, open phones. Republicans, 2027488001. Democrats, 2027488000. Independents, 2027488002. Well take those call when is we return. When you look at a project you look to see if you achieved objective and what cost. I wanted to see through the last alf century of military interventions partisan politics what morality aside, happens after the party is over, the after effects of war and the uman and financial costs on both sides. Announcer sunday night on writer brian gruber after party, the t is a global walkabout, which chronicles travel experiences u. S. Ountries involved in conflict. We come with some sort of bias. Places with an open mind, again, trying not so much to understand what a point of view might be to look at ted, but was the mission accomplishd and cost on both side . On nnouncer sunday night cspans q a at 8 eastern. Firstgael fillmore, first lady to teach outside of the school. Eisenhower created mami bangs marketed for clipon eager to replicate her style. Jacqueline kennedy the u. S. Name ony reagan saw her black list of suspected communist sympathizer in the 1940s, she appealed to Ronald Reagan for help and later wife. His these stories and more featured in first ladies, president ial historians on the lives of 45 iconic american women, the bake a great gift for the holid olidays, giving readers a look at every first lady in American History and how their legacy resonate today. Share stories of americas first ladies for the holidays, first paperback, published at ublic affairs available your Favorite Book seller and as an ebook. Washington journal continues. Host call us on 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. And independents, 2027488002. You can post on our twitter feed facebook page. President elect tweeting about air force one. Saying boeing is building a new one for future president s, the costs are out of says,l, 4 billion and he cancel the order. From the president elect. The topics along transition will come on, but first. Ake to your calls this is kevin from scarborough, maine, independent line. On, go ahead. E caller hello, i was calling cspan. I have been watching cspan since i was in high school, went 81, when you first on the air, for quite a long time. Now that we have this ultimate nationalist movement going on right now in america, i think cspan should at least person on cspan, once in a while, you have always liberal and moderates, never from the right. Dont forget when Hillary Clinton said rightwing there must be a lot of right wingers out there, you people never have on cspan. Host i will disagree on that front, thank you for the call. Indiana, republican line, you are next. Hello. host youre on. Youre on, dave, go ahead. Hey, on your previous guest you just had on, here is problem with his comments. A number of ay the News Organizations obviously are by their listening him talk nd i heard false reporting. I never heard him say was at what point does the news media report the ed to truth . It is not about the false news, the truth. Reporting never heard him say that. Once. Er commented his organization, they are going audience. Target they have to know the target audience. Pay the bills. Is admitting the media doesnt care about the ruth, they care about who is paying the bills. That is what is dangerous in america today. That is what donald ; imp, i was not a republican. Was a democrat come years ago. Be point, the truth has to told. Host dave in indiana. Morning, times this christopher soupa writing, an elector that will make the later in december about casting a vote for the president elect, why elector shoulds reject donald trump. Argument says im elector, one of the 538 people asked to choose officially the president f the United States, since the me to n people asked vote n. Some cases they think the popular vote different. I do not think they should be disqualified because they won the Electoral College instead of the popular vote. Im asked to cast a vote for someone who shows he is not qualified for the office. Mr. Trump goes out of his way to the cast of saturday night live, for bias. Days to offer ympathy to the ohio state communicate after the attack there. He creates out rage this, is is ceptable for me, america shining city on a hill that envisions. Gan it has problems and challenges that need to be overcome just as our nation overcame september 11. That, if you want to read the op ed pages of the New York Times. Michigan, independent line. Caller good morning, thank you for taking my call. Little pet peeve of mine, listening. Guys one thing ive been paying attention to obama care for the last two or three years or longer. Each republican always says all constituents indicate premiums are going higher, deductibles, which i agree. Time a democrat is on whatever, they say 20 million, constituents are super happy they have healthcare now. Says they have constituents, meaning that their deductibles are sky rocketing premiums and everything. It just doesnt make sense. That is all i have to say. Thank you. Next in georgia. Caller good morning. Call and for taking my like to address you had a indiana, i believe, talking about facts and you. Are facts for it is ironic you just did a book proemo about the first ladies all. Love them have nancy reagan, who was pointed out as a communist. The committee on unamerican activities, they brought up a witness, the same guy, who was guild,ent of screen actor get an acting job, they had him as a witness pointing out, he pointed out Alfred Hitchcock was sent to ii to after world war document atrocities adolf hitler did, that is what he did for the United States government. He was a communist and was not in wed to work much hollywood and ended up getting a 30minute t. V. Show, which back. Ht him this same gentleman that im referring to, Screen Actor Guild president , got elect the as president of the United States and did away with something the fairness doctrine. Are you familiar with that . Host yes. Caller the fairness doctrine, in case people are not familiar, broadcast entity allow someone to come on the about and make statements a person had to provide a time that was the n statement was made about to rebutt that. This fairness doctrine was by the same person. Weve had a lot of damage done country and you know, most of it is all for they sold the public airwaves, they sold the energy companies, they had enron cut me off, thank you. Host katrinefrshgs nevada. Republican line. Caller good morning. Was very interested in watching Clinton Watts and his wisdom, id selected and we know the people are directionry about the of our country, the liberalism the progressivism that is has really taken over. Ot only fake new system happening, but fake teaching in universities, rewritten biassed, liberal liberal biassed and they rich people to go to protest and make them see what not. Are we have scripted news, that has been talked about already. A Younger Generation the schools who are lobal citizens, due to fake education education to talk about universities, progressivism, that is 99 and had a son who i was in a government class, a kicked out, the class was very, very moved, they have my son do that more, challenge the liberal professor. The headlines from missouri. Delano, calling on the democrat line. Good morning. Caller i want to mention, im a looking here was at a report from the pentagon, billion, putce 125 bloomberg, calling back in reagans administration, w. R. Grace come in and audit the military complex and Ronald Reagan was shot six weeks into presidency. A movie two weeks ago, the reagan, we have to give him cold blood. Give him different i would be very careful if i was of the United States on tying in to the industrial complex. Very scary. Hey, thank you very much. Brings up a story that is in the front page of the Washington Post this morning, 125 billion k at estimated what they say is waste offer the pentagon and charts to break down some of the findings, when it comes to the operation of the pentagon, takes up 134 billion 580 billion total Defense Budget when it comes to back bureaucracy, they say. 300,000 employ people, military, 448,000 to civilians 268,000 contractors that is billion plus and ashlight the other desk jobs they call it, some dealing with acquisition, ain, Property Management and the list goes on, it has been a large story this morning, you can find the Washington Post website looking at the findings coming ut of the pentagon frchlt washington, d. C. , democrat line, hello. This is steve. Morning. Ood host good morning. Caller i have an observation, not a question. Observation is referring manipulation of the news in the nited states, we have Mainstream Media, bias is quite evident. Ill give an example of it. Wamu, Radio Station in d. C. , friday announced that the pers person occupying taiwan called trump to talk to them, by friday, that was friday. Saturday the story changed to trump has called her and that Global Warming blah, blah. , blah, radical al not some qaeda organization, it is wamu itself, she said she called, the called trump on saturday and said trump called monday the story changed to there was a phone conversation between the two. Saying, the news is definitely manipulated in the nited states, that is just one example of what wamu itself to ght important enough state and supposedly correct itself, change the story, everse direction of the phone call and go neutral on the third day. Hearing as i keep your guest the last hour brought ut, over and over accusations russians have attacked various and es of information releasing it to the public. The fact of the matter is, are what they are releasing true . Did people actually say the things they are attributing to the things ey do attributing to them . That should be the question in the u. S. Media, not the source the information, but the information. Points. E my two thanks to cspan for letting our will, regular party members, you know, get out on the air. Thank you very much. Up next, scott, calling in from new york, independent line. Good morning. Pedro. good morning, want to talk about mr. Trump and what is going to happen in this country when his attorney heeral mr. Session, who said was okay with the kkk, until he he smoked marijuana, he is probably said he would probably agreed years ago and government came out and said, marijuana had no medical value to a human being. That is crazy, too. Now he wants florida, and for the marijuana this year. What is going to happen when all going and s that are can see the truth and see the government that, is a big false right there. They used to tell us marijuana human medical value to a being. These people are going, hey, stick at china, mr. Years ago and wo happening. At is so im human from the human party and you people are all human. You need to get together and see what is going on in truth. Thank you very much. To you in 30 days. Host scotts point about the attorney general, senator Jeff Sessions of alabama. Times looks hington at what it might do if he becomes attorney general for those states that have legalized for medical or recreational use. It said president elect donald trump nomination of the senator to be the next attorney general aised fears the administration could crack down on weed after t states 20 years california became the first to legalize medical marijuana. He said we need greenup washington arge of to say marijuana is not the type f thing that ought to be legalized, it ought to be minimized. The controlled pot for act bans medical purposes, closer look at the government options for it include Justice Department could File Lawsuits on the ground that state law pot are g unconstitutional, preemped by law. Al government could avoid court if it doesnt mind more expensive enforcement raids dea, and legal ability to shut down anyone selling pot, there has to be no coordinated federal attempt to producers there has effort to rdinated close in multiple states and businesses selling marijuana incentives offered to other small businesses. Fees, ay 80 on taxes and have limited access to banking because many Financial Institutions are leery of the are required to fire on clients working with marijuana. What n the potentially might happen on this topic Washington Times this morning. Ay comes from florida, democrats line. Hello. About hello, im calling the fake news thing with what i james r f. B. I. Director comey a week or two before the lection with the what i would. Onsider fake news he came out with this tochlt me, election. D erred the you got putin and f. B. I. I ector putting out what would say news they know is going to affect the election, scary. Very ost jerry from pittsburgh, texas, republican line. Ahead, jerry. Caller good morning. All right. Good morning. Talking about the fake news, one example was susan rice coming out five times on a sunday on Different Networks benghazi attack was caused by a video. One of hillarys peeches she commented global change, the water in miami was rising up in the streets. Reality, what that was, a of miami off the coast had a storm surge. She didnt know the different in climate ge and global change. There is numerous cases where years media has biassed people just disregard it anymore, even snoops is not host story in Washington Post joint visit or joint ceremony attended by both japanese obama and the leader to remember pearl harbor. Monday, mr. Arabi, he to hawaii on december 26 to 27 to pay tribute military personnel. This visit is to comfort the souls of the victims and send the importance of reconciliation between the two companies. Told reporters the 75th anniversary of the attack falls on wednesday. White house welcomed abes decision, confirming mr. Obama accompany him to honor those that are killed. Lso, in the world section of the wall street journal this morning, they take a look at the used when it comes to forces in iraq. His is out of iraq saying that despite rapid gain since the operation was launched in ctober fighting in the densely populated eastern portion of mosul, has become a bloody undertake withing death tolls rising. The challenges to the operation cooperation between the kurdish fighters and the army. Iraqs, arabs een and kurdish minority have been trained for decades, and kurds control northern iraq. Kurdish authorities allowed iraq to assault from kurdish territory. Roads critical supply for iraqi fighting inside mosul, and important corridors for evacuating the wounded for treatment. Next from carol, and she is in hendersonville, nevada, line for democrats. Carol, go ahead. Propagandist,is a everything he says is a lie. He is considered biggest liar in residential politics, politifact says details of the time. Lied about president obama itizenship, he lied about hillary be iing against the secd amendment. He lied about hillary raising tax. Own network, where he spreads propaganda. Bannon, the one advisor, is chief for a news ked organization, socalled News Organization that deals in propaganda. So trump is and the right is much of this false news that, is all i have to say. Maryland, democrats line. Thomas, you are on. Caller okay. Thank you. Yeah. Pretty s trump is honest, i dont see him making lies, the last aller said, i think ridiculous statements about him. If you want to look at peoples background, look at martin background tis viciously anticatholic individual, he got up in the people not old his to vote for john kennedy because kennedy was a catholic. I think they should remove every statue of Martin Luther king all over the place here and reference to him should be removed, that is what they should do with anybody that had anything to do with the confed time the white people spoke up in this country for egan standing up themselves, that is what they did voting for mr. Trump. And was a racial election the white people wanted trump and got him. Has the president elect been fielding candidates for various positions. Reporting possibility of what might happen when it omes to department of homeland security. Etired general john kelly emerged as top contender to lead homeland security. Close to to sources the transition, kelly, who is 66, was military career span retired earlier this year as chief of the ommand and that post saw military operations and most of central and south america. He publicly clashed with the administration on his executedich were never Guantanamo Bay and reduce foolishness that moral high ground on the war on terror. Gain, for the remaining 13 minutes or so of this program until the house comes in, open at es and you can call us 2027488001. For democrats and independents, 2027488002. A lot of activities, including today, 7 00 this evening a sidentelect will hold rally. You can see that on cspan 2. Ou can also view it on the website at cspan. Org, and courtesy of the cspan radio app, as well. The president elect speaking on at 7 00 this s, evening. Robert from tuscaloosa, alabama, you are on. Ahead, please. Caller good morning, sir. Im democrat and vote as a democrat, but i am who i am. Gentlemant say to the who was there. Ive been 80 years or more in whiteountry, there are no people, there are some black on the color chart. There are no white people. People who white, blood in your ve skin. Let them know their foreparents, when they came, people of color. They came here, they did not iscover this land in the western hemmis sphere and they to know, talking about sending immigrants back there, some of them immigrants, some exiled from europe when europe up, they got them together and sent them over here. Came, are good people who but some of the worst people on earth came to this part of the orld and they murdered the people who were already here and brought African People to take build this land. People,lking about white they took that over 200 years ago. If you look it up, there is about a white e person. So nobody is white. Now, they have truman, from washington, d. C. , you are next, good morning. Caller good morning. My call. For taking i want to express my deep dismay at the ability to distinguish isween what is true and what not. To come out and Say Something stick to the o truth, it neither is the case or case, what donald trump say suggest true or not. We need to have a fwd, objective of investigating that. I personally believe much of blatantly false and im disturbed there is no toective way people know how turn to. Thank you. Host wall street journal at future morning supply of high school graduates, saying those numbers may go down several years, saying the decline in the great ecession will result in a drop in the number of students graduating from u. S. High school 2024, phenomenon likely pressure on u. S. College struggling to fill classrooms employers seeking university graduates. The dip follows 20 years of graduates saw increase by 30 between 1995 and 2013, that is according to a report from the western interstate commission for higher they add projected decline is driven by sharp drop in number of high school students, somewhat offset by growth among ispanics, adding to new customer base, reorganize to stay competitive, said joe arcia, president of regional Nonprofit Organization that aims to expand access to higher education. Michael is in alabama and michael is on the line now on the republican line. Michael, go ahead. Would like to to one caller saying the white person talking about removing all of Martin Luther kings i think that is absurd and disgusting. Mean, that is part of the speaking, i just want to call it out and i continuing is ridiculous. You. Host rose from harrisburg, pennsylvania, independent line. There. Caller hi. And i would just like to say im black and i oted for donald trump and hes going to make America Great to in ybody, not one race particular. And all you haters get over it. Won. Is canton, ohio, that where sherry joins us from. Sherry, independent line. How are you . Caller good morning. Thank you. I would like to know if you there do people out research, please dont cut me off, please, im asking. My own investigation. Hello. Host youre on. Go ahead. Caller okay. Sex trafficing and Monica Peterson was nvestigating the clinton, she died under suspicious circumstances while doing this month. Ast and ohio is a big sex trafficing tate, a lot of people turning up missing and i think people need to really start investigating this. The drugs ger than coming into this country, the sex trafficking and this girl got her body ent back yet, the parents. Sex talk to the colorado trafficing and they let me know this is a very, very and they ive story havent got any answers yet and Mainstream Media is not covering of it, including fox news. To find out, people need to call to your thing and is this girls body, they cant even do an autopsy on her. Illinois, rockford, independent line. Pedro, good morning, donald trump, looking at a couple things. Unfunded pensions being dumped taxpayers lap as in chicago, the he got dumped, unfunded pension. Why arent people going to jail over it . Taxpayers have to pick it up. Is one thing. And i hope he doesnt privatize everything people, look at couple cnbc, the guytori, talks everyday about what he feels about what is going on. Adore him. Pediatrician in flint, michigan, that blew hands, who sat on their the poor kids. Good luck, donald. Host mike, before you go, the issue, tell us about that, why is that a concern . O you have a pension you are concerned about . Caller i have a pension, i know people in the trade that have unfunded, they are pension just disappeared, Social Security where they i believe some kind of all the money and placed the bil lap. Is why. Tion host have you been notified for your ose who manage pension that it is going to change at all or you are going ee caller no, pedro, it is just news like ced on the the chicago news, nearby tations that have pension that disappear and expect taxpayers to pick up the bill with no questions asked. I find that really really just cant explain why these pensions are disappearing similar to Social Security back in the day when they were using t and never paid it back, similar to what is going on with pension. That. To do a show about host thanks for the tip. Virginia. Ingfield, caller thank you for taking my call. An issue g because on that is not receiving attention should. Mr. Hastings from florida in may together, ution public together in hearing in regard to the matter off tting dog and cat meat the menu in china. May, before the ulen dog meat festival. What it was trying to do is educate a statement of asking the participants or the china to put an end to this barbaric and brutal practice, where they take dogs off the street or steal them and traffic them into socalled slaughter houses. That is so ocess barbaric, because the aim is ssentially a blood loss to torture the animal and so the forth, which s put it stuckution 752, and in the Foreign Affairs subcommittee for asia and the pacific. Host by hastings, the representative . Correct, hat is hastings. Unfortunately, im not getting much press in this country. As you know, this is the last Week Congress will vote on anything. The 9th. Leaving on the according to the committee, the agenda is ryan and by paul Kevin Mccarthy and they will not forward t resolution mrchlt ryan has essentially dc ed off his phone in the office and you cannot get through on his Wisconsin Office people who have emailed or called every way, they will not nd budge. It is really, it is an affront to the whole process of our when people reach out to the elected officials and say barbaric. Of dogs and cats. But, you know, were not getting that were not getting coverage nor are elected addressing it and putting it on the docket to be of d on this session congress. Host got you. Apologize, have to leave it there because were just about of time and the house is about to come in. Remember that tweet we showed aboutr about donald trump his statement about boeing, here is the tweet. Boeing is building a brandnew 747 air force one for future president s, the costs are out of billion. 4 cancel the order, market watch website now has a story taking a boeing stock. Here it says that shares of turned out 1 premarket trade tuesday after the residentelect tweeted the order be cancelled because of rising cost, just prior to the the stock was changed, oeing repeats what i just told you, that is just telling you the influence from the tweet out earlier. That is it for our program this morning, the house of epresentatives just about to come in, in the days just before he break takes place for the holidays, we will take you to the house of representatives they come in. Order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. December 6, 2016. The hishepoint the honorable david g. Valadao to act as speaker pro tempore on had this day. Signed, prine, speaker of the house of representatives. Paul d. Ryan. Speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 5, 2016, the chair will now recognize member

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