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On twitter and facebook. We will get to these stories this morning in the morning he news sites as well. News this morning of a horrific plane crash in the black sea near sochi in russia. Russian military plane carrying performers scratches off of sochi. That is the site of the 2014 winter olympics. 92lane carrying 19 people people crashed. The the news crash report from bloomberg this morning. Open phones here on washington journal this morning. Some of these stories closer to home in the Washington Post writing about donald trump and the fate of his foundation. Plans to dissolve charity. Timeline unclear amid investigation. They write that president elect donald trump plans to shut down his charitable foundation. There is actually some reaction from democrats on that as well. The hill reporting, dems salm trump over Christmas Foundation announcement. They slammed trump for the Christmas Even announcement that he would dissolve his charitable foundation. National Committee Call his announcement able to thickly to his or many conflicts of interest and pitiful record of charitable giving. Looking forward to your calls and comments. Tim in North Carolina, good morning. Caller good morning, sir. I think it is funny. Just wondering how anybody can take any word that comes out of trumps mouth anymore. He has gone back on draining the swamp, no amnesty for illegal immigrants, pursuing clinton legally, completely repealing obamacare. He walked back on all of those. The mexican president already stated he will not pay for the wall. Congress will 12 billion for a wall. Here is an idea. How about trump gives every american citizen 1 million . Host how are you spending this Holiday Weekend . Caller i am spending my Holiday Weekend seeing how i am going to survive the trump amnesty. I am looking up every resource that i can to figure out how i am going to get by. Host thanks for calling in this morning. 2027488001. For republicans. It is open phones on this Christmas Morning. Donald and his family attending Christmas Eve services. They write that the services were in palm beach, florida. Trump and his wife arrived at the Church Saturday night, where they were married in 2005. Open phones for any topic. Public affairs, politics, what have you. From the New York Times, reaction to fridays vote in the u. S. On chastising israel for the settlements. This is the front page of the New York Times. Baker writing. He likes standing at the map and regales stories with how israel has made friends with many of the countries shown. Some nearby, some faraway. s point is that israel has moved beyond the days where it conflict with palestinians defined its relationship with the world. Even with trump as a steadfast ally, lets go to bob in hempstead, North Carolina, independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning to you. Changing ourabout tax system so we can improve equality in the country and expand social programs, pay off the National Debt without hurting anybody. Host what do you think is the number one priority in that realm will be . Caller eliminating the income tax for appropriations and individuals and replacing it with a three prong tax system i have developed. Host what would be the Revenue Source for the federal government if you eliminated it . Had easy replacing at least some w do you seeho replacing at least some of that . Caller i see a small sales tax. The second prong would be a tax on giant corporations. Small businesses would not be included. The third prong would be a progressive tax on surplus wealth. This would double the revenue while illuminating income tax eliminating income tax. Host how would you define surplus wealth . Caller they have to be run through a simple computer. 1 at 5 million. Host bob in North Carolina, appreciate that. John is on he our republican li. We lost john. Lets hear from tim in rock hill, south carolina, on our republican line. Caller yes i might make one statement. After about eight years of mr. Obama, now, we have a new way, a new president , and they cannot wait to cut him down. The man is not even in office yet. Lets give him a chance. We had a new time. We are trying to go back to saying Merry Christmas. We are trying to go back to stuff that is traditional. Lets just give the man a chance. Thank you for taking my call. Host thank you. Open phones. In chisholm, minnesota, hello there. Caller yes, good morning. As a matter of fact, i agree with the previous caller. Mp with a, mr. Tru new administration, if he would ,ounsel a little bit more focused on the economy, put people to work, and wants people canas a job, go and buy the stuff. Is so simple. It is economics, stupid. Quit doing the 15 or 20 years we have had. I now. I am a vietnamese that. Vet. I dont think it came out of it. Lets give mr. Trump and his cabinet a chance, and hopefully we can move forward. Thank you very much new year to everybody. Host on this Christmas Morning, a story that has current day implications as well from the about a verys old tradition in the baltics. In the baltics, there may be no war on christmas, but there is a pretty prickly one over the tree. , the capitals of latvia and estonia have which feud. A open phones here on washington journal. We go to itsalso, oklahoma, and hear from vincent. Caller i would agree with the secretary of state pick. I have a little bit of money in it. Host ok. Is that it . Caller yes. Host larry is next in tennessee, democrats line. Go ahead. Caller yes sir. On the day when we celebrate the birth of baby jesus, would put somebody in the white house who has done nothing but diss everything that jesus and god has stood for. He talks about muslims and blacks and women and all these. Where did those ethnicities come from . We have one god. God created all those people and we need to figure out how to get along with those people, and you was abutting the white house who cannot get along with you put someone in the white house who cannot get along with any of those people. Mcdonalds stopped using Ronald Mcdonald as an icon, we put him in the white house, and now i finally understand peoples fear of clowns. Host that is larry in tennessee. Emes reflecting on what the lead editorial is this morning in the washington pos. The universal lessons from jesus. Even those who are not christian can appreciate his words at christmas time. The message of the gospel does. Ave such appeal we go to baton rouge, louisiana. This morning on washington journal. Clyde, hello. Caller happy holidays to you. I was calling in reference to giving donald trump a chance. I wish he would give the president a chance to finish his term before he interferes with international affairs. I think that borders on treason. There has to be a law against that. You cannot have two president s. He should let the president finish his term before the ridiculous comments he is making. Host your concern is trump his being too involved in issues that the president should be handling entirely. Caller yes sir. We can only have one commanderinchief at a time. What he is doing, he is obstructing the president s agenda. He only has a few more days to wait. Thank you for giving him a break. Host we hear from kelly next in rome, georgia. Republican line. Good morning. Caller yes, thank you for taking my call. Host sure. Caller i guess my basic comment look at theng to roles reversed. Andlinton had won everything, Elizabeth Warren has already tried to look for a way to impeach trump. The thing about it is, can what hades would have reigned over if it had been reversed and the Trump Supporters and trump would not have accepted . Clinton has made every single excuse for why she did not win the presidency and everything. Could ever understand it was her message. It was where she did not go. They areabeth warren, already getting up a bill to impeach her. This is ridiculous. The whole time they pounded for, will you accept the election . Thingms to me the only justthey want to do is deligitimize him. Host we go to texas on our democrats line. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that because trump is elected, i believe that god has put a man after the own heart when obama was in. They did not want to give a chance. Obama did a lot of good. Now, even the good that extends to the caucasians that are without money or education or having hard times, they are getting ready to get them after their own heart because trump is only concerned about the people with money so now it is time to sit back and watch. It will be interesting to see who is going to be hurt. Sentyou said, god somebody up americas own heart, greet and money, and america is getting ready to reap what they sow. Thank you for taking my call. Host thank you for the call on this Christmas Morning. That Buckingham Palace said the queen would stay indoors to recover from a cold, but added she would still participate in the family Christmas Day celebration. We mentioned Donald Trumps Christmas Eve services in palm beach. President obama and his family continue their holiday vacation in hawaii. The president and first lady recording their final christmas greeting. We will show that you, next. [video clip] obama merryesident Christmas Everybody. For me is getting help from my best friend for our annual christmas weekly address. Given our first christmas weekly address went, i realize barack needed all the help he can get. This is our first christmas in the white house. What . What . You got to stop it. You got to get it together. You will have to pull it together, potus. Celebrating the holidays and the white house over the last eight years has been a true privilege. We have been able to welcome have a million guests. Our chefs have a 200,000 holiday cookies. Barack has treated the American People to countless bad jokes. They are great jokes. Not so funny. A few got a frosty reception. This years white House Holiday theme is the gift of the holidays. Our decorations reflects some of our greatest gift in the nation from our incredible military families to the lifechanging impact of a great education. The greatest gift michelle and i have received over the last eight years has been honor of serving as your president and first lady. Together, we fought our way back from the worst recession in 80 years and the unemployment to a nineyear low. We secured Health Insurance or another 20 million americans and new protections for folks will have insurance. We make america more respected around the world, to on the mantle of leadership in the fight to protect this planet for our kids and much much more. Like so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we first got here. I am hopeful we will build on the progress we have made together in years to come. Tomorrow, for the final time as the first family, we will join our fellow christians around the world to rejoice in the birth of our savior as we retell his story from now holy night. We will also remember his eternal message, one of boundless love, compassion, and hope. The idea that we are our brothers keeper in our sisters keeper, that we should treat others as we would want to be treated. That we care for the sick, feed the hungry, welcome the stranger no matter where they come from or how they practice their faith. Those are values that help my familysst Christian Faith but that of Jewish Americans and muslim americans, nonbelievers, and americans of all backgrounds. No one better embodies the spirit of service than the men and women who wear our countrys uniform and their families. As always, many of our troops are far from home this time of the year. Their families are serving and sacrificing right along with them. Their courage and dedication allow the rest of us to enjoy the season. That is why we tried to serve them as well as they serve this country. Go to joining forces that got to see how you can honor the Service Members s and military families in your community not is doing holidays, but all year round. As we look forward to the new year, lets resolve to recommit ourselves to the values we shall. ,n behalf of all of the obamas merry Christmas Everybody. We wish you and your family a happy and healthy 2017. Thanks and god bless. Host the final christmas message from president obama and the first lady. We will hear from Speaker Paul Ryan in a moment. Back to open phones. We go to that independent line now in palm beach gardens. It is anthony. Good morning. Caller good morning in merry Christmas Everybody out there. After watching that address, i think the nation will miss the obamas. I was enamore not enamored with hillary but i could not vote for trump. I thought it was totally out of bounds how he went after the nations first black president. That said, im willing to try to be helpful and look forward to the country succeeding maybe with a change in doing things. What concerns me now however is the lack of diversity in his cabinet positions. Seem to older white men be a total reverse of where we had been going under the Bush Administration, the clinton administration, bush the younger, and now obama, and to see it go back to a completely nondiverse list of cabinet officials, some of which have misaligned. I think ben carson being the only africanamerican, a brilliant neurosurgeon. Instead of making him Surgeon General or leader of health and human services, he put him in charge of hut. You want to be hopeful. Christmas is a time to hope. The new years as a time for hope. Watching the obama message there, we will miss that sense of hope and balance and diversity, but maybe things will work out for the best. That is all we could do. Happy new year and thanks for cspan for letting everybody speak. Host thank you anthony. On the front page of the Washington Post this morning, a piece about Jeff Sessions. History is inescapable for sessions. 80 and a stroke survivor. Here is james on our democrats line in richmond, virginia. Good morning. Caller morning. How you doing . Host fine, thanks. Caller i would like to say the last eight years of the president obamas office, people tend to criticize him on his policies. Idea. E up with the congress refused to go along with that. , they are talking about but i will say this to this country. You give everyone an opportunity no matter what they look like or do not look like. We serve ourselves better and come together and not oppose each other. Host appreciate that james. You are breaking up a little bit. We will go to chris, republican caller in texas. Welcome. Caller good morning. Merry christmas to everybody. Iwould just like to say that sent my most honest and sincere prayer for a leader that would abide by a constitution of this country and take everybody into consideration. God answered my prayer with donald trump. Everybody is complaining about it. I dont get it. I would like to think all the intorats that put thei trump office. When you need your help to get this country back online. Merry christmas and have a great weekend. Host thank you. Speaker of the house paul ryan releasing a video on how he is spending his christmas holiday. Here is a look. [video clip] elf. Ke it is a wonderful life is one of my favorite movies of all time. Christmas. Every it is a thing i do. A thing i make my kids do. Is black and white. They are confused about that. A modern Christmas Movie micahs life is elf. Santa is coming to town. Santa. Is he here . Host on this Christmas Morning open phones on this Christmas Morning. A glimpse of what may be ahead in the 115th congress, at least early on. Reaction to the senate by democrats on the floor of the house. Right proposes fines, ethics moves on house members after disruptions. Bloomberg reports st. Paul ryan and his republican lieutenant want to get fellow lawmakers with fines and ethics investigations if they engage in Live Streaming or other disruptions on the house floor. Open phones. Lets hear from iowa and kim upon the democrats line. Caller good morning. About thewas talking story you just came through right now about the house floor. Donald trump has a conflict of interest. Guyhat a problem about this with businesses all over the country and cannot separate his business from governing . To all the people that voted, isnt that a bad thing for our thatry to have a president will be in the oval office that is getting money all across the country . Host do you think that the president elect is taking the right steps in his announced move to end his Trump Foundation . He is taking little it. S, but i cannot believe i have to see it to believe it. Host appreciate you calling in this morning. Comments on twitter. Will love to hear your thoughts. This one from robert. Back to your calls. It is brenda next on the democrats line in st. Louis, missouri. Caller i want to start off by saying every christmas to everyone and have a happy and safe new year. I am not understanding why when i hear some callers call it in say they can finally say Merry Christmas again as if that was something that has been abnnban. They are trying to say it was specifically banned by the obamas. That is not true. I am not getting the fact that they are saying we are trying to legitimize trump, when they do the same thing with president obama from the beginning, starting with mcconnell and then getting together on the day of his inauguration, trying to find a way to legitimize his election. Merry Christmas Everybody and have a happy new year and please be safe. Thank you. Host appreciate your call. Speaker paul ryan mentioning he lost to watch it is a wonderful life every year. Wallis an essay in the street journal yesterday. The author of the piece is the author of a book on Jimmy Stewart. A picture of Jimmy Stewart being awarded at the end of his service in world war ii. Every year around christmas, americans stop paying homage to what is perhaps our most beloved motion picture, its a wonderful life. In black and white but it manages to feel fresh in affirming the human spirit as we head into each new year. One angel says i want you to take a good look at that face. That is from the wall street journal. We go to birmingham, alabama. Good morning to gilbert. Thanks for waiting. Gilbert in birmingham, go ahead. Caller yes, good morning, Merry Christmas, and happy new years. As i sit and watch you read about Jeff Sessions and the marion three, i had not heard of that before, but it is no different in birmingham and across alabama. The oppressions we suffer, it seems like they have gotten more covert than they were over here. As i follow janet yellen and her increased Interest Rate and give guaranteed Interest Rate three times before the year 2017 is out, and as i watch the differences between america and china, i can see on the horizon another crash like 2008. People are not going to be buying houses if the Interest Rate gets out. This thing with china, we do not make things in america anymore, but we get into a trade war with them. Once again, Merry Christmas. Host here is audrey in rome, georgia, on our republican line. Caller hello. Host good morning. Caller i have several comments. I dont think the u. S. Could survive another four years as things are. I dont agree with that. Everything trump says, but i think he will make the changes. Blacks are always talking about being suppressed. They are 14 of the population, but women are from gibson of the preparation and look how you are in congress or any other positions. Also, i would like to speak about the mexicans. They are costing us 50 billion a year because they are taking advantage of Public Housing and food stamps and free medical care. I would also like to talk about college. My grandson is going to be going to college in a few years, and his father said it is probably no way he can get into the college he would like because he is not considered a minority. Another thing you think about i would like to think about is that the blacks commit 3000 crimes, black on black crime, and i think black families should become stronger because that is the clue, the solution to a lot of their problems. Host in terms of your grandson, you say your something see cannot get into college you son thinks he cannot get into college . That he have good grades, and area he wants to get into . What is he holding him back . Caller he is in the Gifted Program at his school in a straight a student. Host your son does not think he will be able to find a school of his choice . Caller he is concerned about it. He is checking our dna background to see how much of a percentage of the American Indian our family is because he feels like he may be able to go under that because of the fact that he is not considered if he isother than not considered a minority, he will probably not get into school. Host left here from indianapolis on the democrats line. Yes, i have confused when i commentshe beautiful made by speaker ryan and enjoy he has with his family the joy he has with his family and the movie they watch every year celebrate the holiday, and at the same time, this is the same speaker ryan who whenever it was announced that civilized countries, france and the u. K. Venezuela and china and russia, they all voted to show some civility towards the palestinians, he was outraged. He was outraged about that so i am confused. Is he a hypocrite . He wants all of this beautiful joy for his family, and he is outraged that justice, just a small semblance of justice knoc ked on the door of the Palestinian People and even though it was only in theory, he is outraged about the theory. They will not receive the justice that the Security Council voted for, but by the same token, i am confused how a man could be in that position and want all the beautiful things for his family and want to deny the Palestinian People who have been denied since 1947. Thank you so very much. Host thank you. Carlo his next on the independent line. Caller hi. Christmas,he war on just want to make a comment that i sat here where i am sitting now live 12 years ago and watched it created by a guy named john gibson. Then anchor at fox. Big blonde hair. He created this world christmas, completely fictional. There is no war on christmas. Searches thed, fox world for these anecdotal little tidbits of nonsense and have upked up, just whipped this into a socalled war on christmas, which does not a exist anywhere but in the minds of fox. Host fox has a story this morning on the worlds tallest christmas tree. Sri lanka claims to have surpassed the record for tallest artificial christmas tree. Their tree, a 73 meter, 238 foot 18 meters tree, taller than the Current Record holder. Decorated with more than one million natural pinecones, painted red, gold, green, and silver. Lets get one more call. Open phones. Cecile in New Hampshire. Caller good morning. Merry christmas. Host Merry Christmas. Caller and happy holidays because i want to be inclusionary, which is where this whole war on christmas lie began. Know, wereple, you always saying Merry Christmas, and people of other faiths were not feeling included so people started saying happy holidays so people could be more included of all faiths and beliefs. All of a sudden, it was a war on christmas. This is just so out of control. It was not obama who started this. I am 62 years old. This whole happy holidays thing when you go to the store instead of Merry Christmas, that started. Host does it stop you from enjoying christmas and the holidays . Caller absolutely not. Anything, by if saying happy holidays, i say Merry Christmas but also happy holidays. About people that celebrate hanukkah and all the other different, you know, faiths. I mean, that is during this time of the year. Host we will let you go. More of them ahead as we turn next to look at the Trump Presidency. Our guest is Linda Feldman, the Washington Bureau chief for the Christian Science monitor. She will talk about whether president elect trump is already remaking the presidency and what we have learned about his plans and so far. Later on washington journal, t evi troy here to discuss his new book. It looks at how the president s response to disasters of all types and how these decisions can make or break presidency. Thatyour calls on and your calls on washington journal. This week on cspan in prime time, monday night at 8 00 eastern, hear from some of the democrats vying to leave the party, including ray buckley, share of the New Hampshire andcratic party, harrison, representative Keith Ellison from minnesota. In 2014, we hit a 70 year low in voter turnout. 36 . The Democratic Caucus is smaller than any time. In the last legend, we hit a 20 year low in turnout. We have a lot of rebuilding to do. Tuesday night, president barack obama and shin shinzo abe, the first sitting japanese leader, visits the site of the attack of the u. S. Involvement in world war ii. Wednesday night beginning at 8 00, a review of house and Senate Hearings from 2016 on topics including the flint, michigan, water crisis and the wells fargo unauthorized account scandal. Seriously . You found out one of your divisions created 2 million fake accounts, fired thousands of employees for improper behavior, and cheated thousands of your own customers, and you did not even once consider firing her head of her retirement . Thursday at 8 00 eastern, we remember some of the political figures that passed away in 2016, including nancy reagan and Supreme Court Justice Anthony silly cilia. Antonin scalia our Program Continues with john glenn, mohammed ali. This week on prime time on cspan. Is one of therce things i think the American Public very often get information about because get s impatient about because they think they have this trump car, this great military that can defeat anyone, but it is not true. It is a disciplinary military butxtraordinary military, it can only destroy things, not build a new order in its place. Tonight, he talks about his career and the challenges facing the u. S. War on terrorism in his latest book. What we do not want to do is respond in such a way that will produce more of these militants, more of these militant organizations. They want us to overreact. They want us to occupy muslim countries so they can build their recruitment. They want us to torture people. They want us to do things that will allow them to make their case against us. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. Washington journal continues. Host Linda Feldman is Washington Bureau chief for the Christian Science monitor. Also covers the white house for that publication. Here to talk about donald trump and what may be a. We were intrigued by the headline of your piece yesterday chief. , disruptor in i had a caller mentioned this in the last hour who was talking about trump already injecting himself into Foreign Policy discussions. Guest right. In fact, one of the pieces i wrote a few weeks ago talked about how trump as soon as he was elected became president. We pay a lot more attention to what he says that what Barack Obama Says at this point. Certainly as he has done all along since he entered politics has not hesitated to say what he thinks and to really inject himself into situations such as his call to the president in egypt over the u. N. Resolution on israel. President irked obama, but there is nothing he can do about it. Host in terms of his actions, how vastly different is his behavior from president obama and outgoing president george w. Bush, previous president s . Guest is different in a lot of ways. That is flouting of this convention of one president at sign, so trump is not following that convention. His treatment of the press has been very different. He has not had a full on press Conference Since july 27. Elect have one pretty soon after the election to kind of set the stage for their presidency and talk about their mandate. Trump did not win the popular vote, but he is grabbing a sense of mandate right from the very start and is crawling ahead without inhibition. Host you wrote about his maverick image. His maverick populist site remains extremely important. It helps keep his voters with him including disaffected workingclass democrats and firsttime voters inspired by trumps promise to make America Great again. The election of 2016 was a cry for change in just by winning, mold. S broken that guest he had this series of thank you rallies or thank you your, mostly in battleground states tour, mostly in battleground states. It is that he gets a lot of energy from the public and from his supporters. There is a danger in that. If he is only reaching out to his base, he is not really brought it in his appeal appeal. Roadening his there are people who he voted for him but were not excited about him. Maybe they were loyal republicans in voting for him because he was the republican nominee. Now, they are in wait and see mode. If you are just going for the base voters who shout lock her reallyut clinton and are still very negative towards democrats, he could be hurting himself. Host the you think the range of those nominees, and a caller earlier expressed disappointment with the lack of diversity, you think the range of those nominees is also indicative of this maverick image . Guest his nominees for cabinet positions . Host yes. Guest i dont know. Cabinethis choices for and other top advisory positions are really a reflection of who he is. Andously, he respects admires people who have made a lot of money as he has so you have a lot of wealthy people coming in. He has a lot of white men. A few women, a few people of color, but he also seems to really care about appearances. They say they have to look the part. When he was considering mitt romney for secretary of state, part of his appeal was that he looked like a secretary of state. Does that make him a maverick . I dont know. It shows he has a certain view of the presidency. He is very much about staging and appearances and keeping peoples attention. Host Linda Feldman covers the white house for the Christian Science monitor. Year to talk with you about whether donald trump is already remaking the presidency. 2027488001 for republicans. Democrats. 0 for lets talk about his women of choice, the tweet, and what media had. You write that he tweets with the bandit going straight to the public and will keep doing it after taking office. He has conducted his cabinet search like a casting call for the apprentice. In terms of twitter, you cover the white house. Whahow will the media stay on newsf Trump Administration if the president is going over the heads of reporters, journalists, others who cover the white house . To hiswe are all glued twitter feed because that is where he announces things, but i think president s have been trying to work around the traditional media forever. Dont forget, Franklin Roosevelt and his trust was maybe the tweaking of his day where he could go on the radio and speak directly to the American People without the filter of the traditional media. So i think with trump doing that, that is not necessarily cause for alarm. He can Say Something intemperate that would be alarming, perhaps cause international incidents. Isre is a sense that he thinskinned and flies off the handle and then goes on twitter. I think there is a little more there than him flying off the handle. To the media, i think trump will follow an all of the above strategy. There will be times where he wants the Mainstream Media and traditional media and will reach out to us. The naming of spicer as the press secretary was reassuring, at least to the White House Press corps. Sean is a known quantity, a pro. Host he had been ahead of the Republican National committee. Guest political chief at the rnc and spokesman. Well known within the press corps. He and reince priebus, public and National Committee chairman, between the two of them, i think they are the traditional i thinkhment people who can really work with the press and cut a new path. Host there were already some changes yesterday in the White House Communications operation. Senior advisor to the president elect declines to serve in the white house. They say one of his top aides unexpectedly said saturday evening he would not be joining the white house staff as previously announced. Jason miller, who was the thursday as warehouse medications director, saying he decided the west wing jump will be too demanding, that his family is more important. Have you heard more about that reaction . Guest i dont know why he changed his mind on that. I know that his wife is having a baby in january. It is just one of those things. Working in the white house is like drinking from a fire hose. I have never done it, but i know people who have. Wildly president is running a marathon, the staff are sprinting all the time. It is a huge commitment and i think anybody who is that is going to have a moment of, do i really want to commit myself in this way . Host Linda Feldman is our guest. Trump already remaking the presidency. First, caller if you are going to have a person from the left on your by havingan counter someone on the republican site. Someone who is so nasty. True, can you say one nice thing about donald trump . Guest i do not think i have been nasty about donald trump. Can you tell me how you think i am nasty . Host we have lost him. We will hear from dawn in sumter, south carolina. Caller Merry Christmas. Hello, ms. Feldman. Had a question concerning what donald trump knows about our nuclear commitment. It seems to me that he has talked about expanding it. I do not think the guy realizes all the inherited dangers. I was part of an aircraft Nuclear Strikeforce back in 1983 based out of england. It was in the middle of an exercise, the name of able archer was an annual exercise we among allmmunications the nuclear forces. There was a soviet equipment failure, a satellite told the soviet union that we had bm from thed ic United States. We were right in the middle of this exercise we did every year, and the soviets thought maybe this would be a cover that Ronald Reagan was going to do a first strike. I remember, we are Rolling Plains out of shelters. Planes out of shelters. We were a breath away from launching 50 nuclear weapons. Host let me show you the tweet he is referring to from donald trump. Must greatlyates strengthen and expand its Nuclear Capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding new. Nukes. What was the fallout . Guest it got everybodys attention. The United States has spent decades reducing its nuclear stockpile. ,hat has been a goal of people and suddenly donald trump talking about expanding our Nuclear Capability. I think it was definitely some alarm within the washington establishment. I think we have to wait and see what is really going to happen. Donald trump has nominated and appointed some very experienced National Security personnel to work with him. I think this is one of those cases where he said that as president elect and not as president , that we need to take a deep breath and see what the real policy will be. Line,karen, independent wilmington, delaware. Caller good morning. I would like to remind president elect trump he is not the president. He is not the president. He does not take his oath until the 20th of january, so until then he needs to lay back and stop taking comments on such things. As for his victory to her, it itnds like victory tour, sounds like a hit ller rally. Hitler rally. Host aside from the victory rally, how might President Trump use rallies in the future western in the future . How do pundits see these rallies as part of the press plan for donald trump . Guest president s do political events throughout their presidency. It is not like a president stopped being a political the minute he is elected. The question is, what kind of rally is it . Who is he reaching out to . The format was just like a campaign rally. He might appear before a group that was not necessarily in his camp when he ran for president. He could give a talk not a rally necessarily but speak before say, a black or latino organization. Skirmishes,be some but if he would show some ways of reaching out beyond his base i think that would help. He might discover as time goes on that that really helped him build support for his agenda. Host in terms of these rallies, President Trump president rallies during the 20092010 to sell the Affordable Care act to the public, might that be a way of to gettrump being able around speaker ryan or other members who are not on the same page . Guest absolutely, and this will be a fascinating element, not only how he deals with the media and the public but with congress. He on the one hand was in with a Republican House and senate, but they are not necessarily going to fall in line behind him on every issue. He is going to use the public and the media to work around congress and try to influence Public Opinion, and get it done from that direction. Host we mentioned the president elect and his family going to Services Last night in palm beach. Tweeting this morning, Merry Christmas. York, john on our independent line. Caller one thing is for sure, it is going to make the office of president much more uncivil. It is supposed to be you are supposed to behave with some class. Right out of the gate this guy labeled all of his republican opponent by name. You had lying ted cruz, little marco rubio. Bush. Politics butuys hate him as a human being. He is the worst example of a human being. I have sons who are eagle scout and if they came and said, i cannot vote for that woman, look at her face, she is so ugly, i failed as a parent. How about the Carly Fiorina who he said that to come getting up and saying, dirty donald which is what i am going to call him women will remember this, election day. They did not. I do not see how you can make remarks about people and do not pay a price. You should pay a price, like you said about john mccain. I talked to all of these vietnam vets. They cannot stand that remark. Host we will get some response. Hole, someld trumps ick, theall it a scht way he speaks in public, the language he uses was effective. He won the election. He did not win the popular vote that he won the electoral college. For better or worse, he hit upon a formula that worked for him. I think he was as surprised as anybody that he won, but it worked. He has been saying all along that he can behave president ial. First it was, let me get rid of all of my opponents in the republican primary and then, let me get rid of Hillary Clinton. He has done all of that. Lets let him be inaugurated and see how he behaves. Does he step up his game and become a little more dignified, and not think about people that way . The way, for example he spoke about Carly Fiorina. A lot of these people who he insulted terribly have gone to see him and made their peace with him. Need to givewe all him a chance. If Carly Fiorina can give him a chance, i think the rest of us can. You aboutme ask reported efforts to discern policy approaches of the Obama Administration by the Incoming Administration, or its affiliates, talking about the state department, the energy department. The Washington Post says one of the biggest controversies has been a questionnaire to the Transition Team for energy , seeking the names of staffers who participated in International Climate change meetings. Judging from a passage in the 2016 republican platform, this could be the beginning of the trump teams challenging scientists and how they do their work. Information concerning a change beclient it climate must based on dispassionate analysis of hard data. We will enforce that standard throughout the executive branch. The post rights that that text emerged this summer from a by aorm committee chaired to the who is opposed Environmental Protection agencys requirements. Guest we will have that layer of political appointees on the top, will change, and below that will be the vast iraq receives of all of these agencies. Vaste seeing the bureaucracies of all of these agencies. , we see obama, declining to answer that questionnaire or Climate Change, a lot of the data is being copied under private servers because there is fear the Trump Administration will wipe that out, years and years of climate information. Bureaucracy,st were going to see a real it is going to be fascinating to see that transition. Host i will remind our viewers and listeners, coming up at 10 00 we will talk to the head the American Federation of about some of those concerns over the Incoming Administration , 10 00 eastern on cspan and cspan radio. Next up we hear from troy, michigan, linda, democrat line. Caller i also wonder if he does writing another person or doing some of the tweeting. I am going to cite an example. Just the other day when he had conference,d press someone asked him a question about something that he had supposedly tweeted earlier in the day. Obvious that he did not know what the tweet was because he started using very ambiguous terms. That you general words may indicated he really did not what they werely referring to. This also happened when he was in scotland and they were talking about the brexit. Of course, this was much earlier in the campaign. Press in the audience asked him about brexit. He first of all kind of did not seem to know what they were said,g about, and then he yes, i knew that was going to happen. Doubletalk, but i think when he gets into office and a lot of these things are coming at him fast and furiously, i doubt very much that he is going to be that adept at having the correct or truthful response. Host we will let Linda Feldman respond. The author of those tweets, is it your sense that that is donald trump Donald Trumps ares are tweeting thumbs tweeting . Guest sometimes. People more technologically advanced and they can look at the tweets and tell what kind of device it comes from. Host really . Guest the ones that are apparently from Donald Trumps are from one phone to another, and i think you can read tell by reading them. The ones that do not the ones that sound president ial and do with with sad , it was not written by drunk. Trump. Trumpot know if donald will help us out, but maybe he does not need to. Host beachwood, ohio, david, independent line. Caller good morning. I wanted to ask ms. Feldman, with years of balanced political reporting and the monitors legacy, how do you today in this environment of social media validate sources . Is it a different game than it was in your earlier reporting . Guest absolutely, thank you, david. Ood to hear from you the world has changed dramatically. I have been in journalism for 35 years. The days of just working the phones and talking to people and not having to worry about the internet because you did not have it, it really has changed are medically. E dramatically we consider all the information as coming in from whatever source, and then you have to check and make sure it is true. When donald trump says something, by definition that is news. If he is talking about building up nuclear forces, you have to write about that. If he says something and you are not sure it is true, you have to fact check. There has been a lot of and then to fake news, less than factual nature of some of the things that donald trump says. Some people think that Fact Checking websites are a waste of time because people do not believe it or do not read it, do not care. Their want to live in news silos and believe what they want to believe, but i think Fact Checking is more important than ever. Helping the public discern what is true and what is not true has never been more important because there is so much out there that is not true. ,ost the tweet on the nukes reportedly president elect trump issue that after a speech by Vladimir Putin. Reporter ona year end as a reporter, the issue is not necessarily on the front boiler. Does that require a lot of scrambling and research before you can get the full story . Guest you need to know the context, so i did not write about that particular tweet. We have National Security correspondents who would know the background will not, who would know how much president obama has worked to reduce Nuclear Stockpiles around the world, and to work with the russians. That has not been so successful in recent years. 2009 whenthe end of obama was at the Climate Change conference in copenhagen with the then president of russia, they were able to Work Together and reach an agreement. Water under the bridge since then. Just on this issue of russia in putintrumpthe stance is fascinating. They reportedly have this bro mance even though they have not met so i think a lot of people will be watching it carefully. Even though russia was on the back burner, it is very much on the front burner now. A lot of what donald trump says its him taking a negotiating position. Host are you suggesting that president elect and president clinton will meet some utin willinton p meet sometime soon . Guest i think there is a lot of pentup anticipation of how this meeting will be and how they will view each other, and what they will be able to do for better or worse with the russian involvement in syria, and the situation in ukraine. So many issues. Host our republican line, diane is in arkansas. Caller can you give me just one second for a suggestion for cspan . Host sure. Caller have you thought of blacksa series of only who have excelled in our society . Everything is negative, and there is a lot of them have, are in the middle class now over the last 50 years. They have been able to excel, and all you hear is negative. Have you ever thought about that . Host we have not done a series pacific leon on that, but in the terms of our miniseries a , buts specifically on that in the terms of our miniseries we have covered many notable africanamericans in history. The leaders of this company are always watching and listening, so your idea has been heard. Go ahead with your comment. Caller for one thing, can you after after obama, january 2009, obama spent a few months every day going out and i do not know if you call them rallies or not. They were on most of the tv stations. Bank ofhese flags, a about 20 flags behind him. He poured it on. If trump does it, he wont be the first. I am wondering why during lent whyas selecting his during obama when he was selecting his cabinet im losing my train of thought. I get excited every time i call. His cabinet, they were not vetted. I do not remember that at all. When he charged them on the stage, everyone applauded. A whole lotup with of things that nobody vetted. Host we will get a response. Guest i disagree about the lack of venting. I think barack obama the lack of vetting. Checked outck obama his nominees before they went before the senate. He was going to make tom daschle a prominent senator from south dakota, he was going to be the secretary of health and human services. Then it turned out he had a big unpaid tax bill and that was the end of tom daschle. The lack of venting is from some people a concern for donald trump, that some of his people have not been fully checked out. You know the media is looking into each of these major nominees very carefully, and if there is anything to be found, it may come out. Host here is our democrat line, henry is in michigan. The name of your city, how do you pronounce that . Caller fort ration. Host go ahead. Caller two statements and a question. I think that call from arkansas shows that Hillary Clinton probably missed the deplorable comment by at least 50 . Second, i think with steve bannon as Donald Trumps head counselor in the white house, black people and people of color should read the declaration of independence again. My question, ms. Feldman, given the fact that donald trump has married two women from the area, and theian fact that he is so enamored with Vladimir Putin and the russian oligarchs, will the media delve into the possibility that donald trump may well have serious ties to the russian mafia . I believe that our country is in peril and we have elected a true manchurian candidate. Guest that is quite a statement. I am not going to i do not know. I tend to doubt that he is a manchurian candidate. His first wife was from the Czech Republic and his third wife is from slovenia, both parts of the former east block. As far as his ties to russia, i think we need to wait and see. We know he admires Vladimir Putin, i think because of his ability to project power and behave like a strong man. Maybe sees himself a little bit cut out of the same old. That donaldubt trump was planted here by some outside force to become elected as the president. Host a little more than 10 minutes with our guest, Linda Feldman, bureau chief with the Christian Science monitor. His donald trump remaking the presidency . He has been talking about draining the swamp all throughout the candidate campaign. From former speaker gingrich, he is not backing away from draining the swamp. Ist gingrich said the man willing to distance himself from that message. Speaker gingrich has since retracted that. What do you think is behind that . Guest with Newt Gingrich, he says all kinds of stuff that he probably should not say. I think we have to wait a little bit. There is so much, in a way, so much anticipation about the Trump Presidency. It is so unconventional in so many ways that with somebody like Newt Gingrich, who likes to say stuff for effect when he says Something Like that, do not pay any attention to what donald trump said about draining the ofmp which is his way saying, we are going to get rid of corruption in washington, i do not know. I think there is a reason why Newt Gingrich has not been given a job in the administration. Host in response to that Newt Gingrich said, as is not a country that wanders around trusting people with power. This is a country that once accountability. There is a Public Interest which transcends them. We have never quite had anyone to this scale occupy the white house. How do you deal with this in a way that is effective, serves butneeds of the country, also meets some kind of practical common sense test . Rich in troy, ohio, republican line. Caller how are you doing . Host fine, thanks. Go ahead. Caller i just turned the tv on when there was a comment about and twollies in 2009 dozen 10. He did not sell it to the American People. He lied to the American People. The only reason he got elected was because he was a black president. The second time was because he lied to the American People. The Democratic Party has lied to the American People and so has Hillary Clinton. I do not see how people can back an administration that has doubled our deficit more than any of the other president s combined. Billions of dollars in afghanistan since this war has buildings for these high up people that do not get lived in. That is our tax money. Do they not understand that is our money they are putting over there . They are getting kickbacks. It is all about the big money and all the lies you can put out to sell this different opinion they have to the American People, and they fall for it veered i do not understand how they cannot see when someone is lying to you on tv that they would not lie to you to your face. Host that is rich in ohio. Guest in terms of the statements that people made to the in that president obama made to the American People about the Affordable Care act, politicians promise things all the time. Donald trump has promised to make America Great again. You can take issue with how that is phrased, but he has promised a lot. He has promised higher wages and more jobs and down the line, if that does not happen, as he lied to us or is this just a politician who in some way failed to fulfill his promise . Lyingk the whole issue of and president s is very tricky. We in the media tend not to use the word when talking about what a politician says just because, if they Say Something that is not true does not mean they were intentionally trying to mislead. That is a matter of opinion. Some people think barack obama has been very misleading and promised us all kinds of things with our health care, you can keep you are and the cost will go down, and that did not happen. I do not want to question his motives. Host a couple of comments on twitter. This one from jack saying in terms of the rallies from donald trump postelection, these are not political rallies or an extension of the campaign. These are hate rallies. They sound like an apology of what he said he is going to do if he gets elected and will not do. This one says, these losers a to a net you made a mistake in electing obama twice. Al is in boston on our independent line. Go ahead. Caller good morning, Merry Christmas. I am glad the left wing media has established what device mr. Trump is tweeting on. Syriar, the red line of has disappeared as hundreds of thousands of people have died. My question is, where is the obama iresident know he is in hawaii on vacation. How, question is not being asked of him on syria . You want to say we only have one president at a time, but you are not only not holding this president accountable. It is clear, the media is out of touch with the American People. My community in massachusetts, although it is a far less blue state, voted for donald trump. It is funny seeing the media and the pundits the last four weeks going crazy over this election. How come they were not crazy over the loss of mitt romney . Host lets pick up on a little of what he said. President obamas family on vacation in hawaii. We have been talking about whether donald trump is remaking the president. With president obama certainly not in the white house, has that opened in avenue for the incoming Trump Administration to be more proactive . Guest i think it has, actually. The question of syria, president obama was asked about that. He always has a press conference when he leaves town and he was asked about that. He expressed anguish about what is happening over there. I think this has been for some observers the biggest failure of his presidency, that he drew a redline on syria and ignored it. We have seen what we are seeing now, which is a massive humanitarian tragedy. Host we are not sure if we are going to get a final News Conference from the first lady, but she had a departing interview with Oprah Winfrey on cbs and was asked about the Incoming Administration. Heres a look at that, and some of the response from donald trump. Rah the election was all about hope. Do you think this administration achieve that . Yes, i do, because we feel the difference now. Now we are feeling wet not having hope feels like. Hope is necessary. It is a necessary concept. Did not just talk about hope because he thought it was a nice slogan to get votes. He and i and so many believe, what else do you have if you do not have hope . What do you give your kids if you cannot give them hope . Our children respond to crises the way they see us respond. Bumpslike the one that his head on a table and look at you to figure out if it hurts. Feel that way about the nature. I feel that barack has been that for the nation in the ways that people will come to appreciate. Having a grown up in the white house who can say to you in times of crisis and turmoil, it is going to be ok, lets remember the good things that we have, lets look at the future and all of the things we are building. All of this is important for kids to stay focused and to feel vain,heir work is not in their lives are not in vain. What do we do if we do not have hope . Mr. Trump many, many challenges. The world is a mess. Our country is in trouble. E face many, many challenges Michelle Obama said yesterday that there is no hope. [booing] trump i assume she was talking about the past, not the future, because i am telling you we have tremendous hope and tremendous promise and tremendous potential. We are going to be so successful as a country again, we are going to be amazing. I actually think she made that statement not meaning it the way it came out. I met with president obama and Michelle Obama in the white house. My wife was there. She could not have been nicer. I honestly believe she meant that statement in a different way than it came out, because i believe there is tremendous hope and beyond hope, we have such potential. This country has such potential. You watch, it is going to be so special. Things are going to happen like you have not seen happen in many decades. Host Linda Feldman of the Christian Science monitor, what did you hear in those comments, and how does donald trump fill that role of comforter in chief . Guest that, in a very general way, shows how president Barack Obamas Successful Campaign and trump are similar, in that they both have slogans that you can read a lot into. Hope and change, what did that mean . Say yes, i want that guy because i believe he is going to fulfill my wishes. Onald trump has the same thing he did it in a much more divisive way, but about half the country is feeling very hopeful now. If you ask Trump Supporters, you get widely different answers. For some people it is higher wages. For some it is a stronger american image in the world. You are right, donald trump has a lot of work ahead of him in terms of bringing the nation together and being a comforter and uniter. Who knows, maybe he can do that. Host lets go to john in fairfax, virginia, democrat line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I do not know where to start. Linda, with your 20 Years Experience it does not mean anything. If one blogger can write something and people listen to this fake news, that is what i call for. I respect your opinion and most of the media. The reality is this donald trump promised when he was running, he is going to tell the American People how did his wife get the green card and we never get an answer. Nobody knows how she get the green card. Number two, he said he is going to tell American People that he is going to transfer all his business to his children. He gave us a date, and it never happened. He also told us that he would tell american show American People his tax return. Never happened. I believe the media, we have nbc, the fox news, people get paid sitting right there lying about something, and no reporter falls at the question follows up the question. Host we will let Linda Feldman respond. I want to put out the news that the Trump Administration, trump is giving up his president ial his foundation. Issue of the things that donald trump has told us he will do and then he does not do them, i do not think we are ever going to see his tax returns. On the issue of his children, and the danger of conflicts of interest, as the New York Times article goal lays out article lays out, they are quietly behind the scenes taking measures to reduce the appearance of a conflict of interest, and i think they know it is in their interest. When he becomes president , you know the media will be on this. The New York Times is on it, the Washington Post is on it in a very major way, making sure there is not something untoward happening. There is a lot he can do that is legal. A president cannot have a conflict of interest, there is some truth to that but there is also the constitution limiting his ability to take gifts or benefit from foreign countries. I think there is a lot. We have to just wait and see. Is, there is ar lot more going on behind the scenes than we are seeing publicly. Host lets hear from tommy, new york city, republican caller. All, the callof from michigan is a complete mo ron with that ridiculous statement that is not true and could not be chu. Second of all, why dont these left wing dopey liberals just give it up . He won. Give him a chance. Maybe he can do good. If he does not do good or does a lot of bad things, then jump on him. It is ridiculous. For hundreds of years, people have won the presidency and there has always been another side that voted for the other side. They are not happy with it, but there is nothing you can do about it. Host in the weeks leading to the inauguration, what are you focusing on . Guest focusing on what a Trump Presidency will be all about, what of the obama legacy actually works for donald trump, which some of it does. And how president obama is trying to preserve his legacy. It is fascinating to me that they apparently speak on the phone regularly. I think president obama, some of his calm demeanor in public about being replaced by donald trump, that is part of his ethos. Excited,ot get super no drama obama. There is something to the point that he can maybe show donald trump, who has no experience in government, that some of what he has been doing makes sense even if trump campaigned against obama as the worst president ever. Host do you think president obama will honor that tradition of past president s and not comment on the ongoing conversations of the administration . Guest i think he will. I think that is his style and i think he appreciates the fact that george w. Bush kind of disappeared from the scene for quite a while after he left office. Dick cheney did not. I think there may be times when if donald trump does something that obama finds so outrageous that he cannot help himself but Say Something, but i think initially president obama will keep quiet. Feldman, the chief editor of the Christian Science monitor. Thanks for being with us. Guest thank you, Merry Christmas. Host we will hear from a former bush 43 official tevi troy to talk about his notebook his new book, shall we wake the later on we will have your calls with open phones coming up on this Christmas Morning. This Holiday Weekend on cspan, here are some of our featured programs. Today at 12 30 eastern, we will hear from representative Charles Riggle of new york. Then at 2 10 from the shakespeare theater we take you to the romeo and juliet wrongful death mock trial, where Supreme Court Justice Samuel alito serves as providing judge presiding judge. Then a look at the career of mike pence and his role as vice president. Watch on cspan and cspan. Org, and listen on the free cspan radio app. Sunday, january 1, indepth will feature a live discussion on the presidency of barack obama. We are taking your emails and facebook questions during the panel. It includes april ryan, Princeton University professor glaude, and professor david marinus. To 3 00 p. M. On eastern on cspan2. Military force is one of the things i think the American Public very often get impatient about it because they really believe they have this trump card, this great military that can defeat anyone, but it is not true. ,t is an extraordinary military it is very powerful, but it can only win in certain situations and can only destroy things. It cannot build a new order. Professor mark danner talks about his career and the challenges facing the war on terror. What we do not want to do is respond in such a way that will produce more of these militants, more these militant organizations. They want us to overreact. They want us to occupy muslim countries so they can build their recruitment. They want us to torture people. They want us to do things that is going to allow them to make their case against us. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspans q and a. Washington journal continues. Host we are joined by tevi troy who spent time in the George Bush Administration who has released a new book, shall we take the president . Welcome this morning. Let me ask you what was behind the idea of writing about a president and administrations response to disaster . Guest i worked in the Bush Administration and im a president ial historian. I was thinking of writing a book that was a little more policy focused. Marrhen i had the idea of ying it with president ial history, how president s have looked at disaster over time. It was fascinating. The approach has changed since the 19th century did today, when they are expected to roll up their sleeves and get very involved. Changehat specifically that . We talked about this in our previous segment. The president has become the comforter in chief aside from all the administrative aide that comes through particularly in a natural disaster. Guest that is the underlying story of the book. I did not know that when i started writing it but it became the story. In the 19th century there was little knowledge of what was going in other parts of the country. He did not have instantaneous communication. In 1811 there was a huge earthquake in missouri and president madison did not know the extent of the damage for six weeks. There was no telegraph, and telephone, and certainly no twitter. I come in 2011 and there was an earthquake in washington and i was on the west coast, i knew within 30 seconds. The instantaneous nest of instantaneousn ess of communication and the federalism that the government should be involved in local events, and localities should handle it, State Government should handle it. I tell the story of the johnstown flood in 1889. , the2000 people died largest loss of life on u. S. Soil until 9 11. President harrison was telegraphed by the people from johnstown who said, lease help back,d he telegraphed this is really in the responsibility, the orbit of the governor and the governor should handle it and deploy the resources. The people of johnstown respond back, thank you. Can you imagine today if you got a response like that . You would have protests. This is not to suggest he was at all in compassionate. Donation of 300 to the town of johnstown. Host in your book, where did the title come from . Guest there is a Jeffrey Archer book in the early 1970s, should we tell the president . It really comes from the 3 00 a. M. Phone call with Hillary Clinton where she was suggesting that president obama was on ready. Ready the idea that when there is a bad thing that happens around the world, who do you want to take the call . I did a side article with politico about president s awakened in the middle of the night. It does not happen as often as you think, and sometimes it comes on the tail of white house administrators. Host our guest is here for the next 45 minutes or our, and we welcome your phone call. 202 7488001 four republicans. 202 7488000, democrats. Nd all others, 202 7488002 you can send us a tweet if you would like. The book covers a range of issues. He talked about the earthquake in 1811 and the colonial era with washington. Epidemic ce influenza epidemic of 1918, and you write about thenpresident Woodrow Wilson. You point out that if there were half the people died from the flu. 43,000 died from the flu. Attemptt wilson, in his wrote thee war, sedition act of 1918 which forbade abusive language about the form of government the ofted states, was indicative the rise of the coercive power duringfederal government the wilson administration. Killedthe flu epidemic 650,000 americans. 675,000 americans. It reduced the Life Expectancy of americans i a decade, that is how devastating it was. There were two things that i point to in the book that were his fault. Number one, he was told by his personal physician who was a navy doctor who stop to stop the troop transport to europe because they were spreading the disease among the servicemen and the people of europe. It was called the spanish flu but it started in the u. S. He was told to stop these troop transports. By effectively the chief of staff of the army not to do so, and he listened even though it was only one month before the hostilities ended. If he had stopped, there would have been fewer deaths. Because of the efforts by george creel, the head of propaganda, he did not want to talk about any problems going on in the country. The newspapers were supposed to be putting out happy talk, and talking about this devastating flu epidemic was not on the agenda to promote the winning of the war. Not really talking about the flu , and the problems with the flu i think helped exacerbate it. An example of how better sharing of information could have alleviated the problem, of course we do not know today we did not know then what we know today. Louis, saying you should not have weddings and celebrations in movie theaters while there is this disease because you could spread it youd the people of philadelphia did not do it. They were a comfortably support sized city. It was five times worse in philadelphia where they did not have the social distancing regulations. Book, onm tevi troys 1980reat flu influenza of to 1920, estimated deaths worldwide 50 million and in the United States, 675,000. Most recently the swine flu, worldwide death, 18,500, u. S. 8870 to 18,300. It has drastically changed in almost 100 years. Not saying that the swine flu is as eerie lint as the 1918 flu, but there was a went s fear you virulent as the 1918 flu. Bysident bush read the book john berry and said, we have to put together a flu plan. That included how to develop vaccine faster, how to distribute it, how to store it, how the states and local should Work Together. It was a thoughtful approach of what the u. S. Government should do in the case of a flu outbreak. The outbreak we were preparing for was an avian influenza. It did not happen in the Bush Administration but it did happen at the beginning of the Obama Administration. Not a senior a single official had been confirmed. What they did was they went off the shelf and got this flu plan that had been developed in the Bush Administration, deployed it and deported effectively. The number of deaths and im not saying the swine flu if untreated would have hit as many people as the 1918 flu but in that 2009 incident there were fewer flu deaths than in the average year. The average in the 1990s was 36,000. There were fewer people dying from flu in the 1990s. Host the range of your book goes from covering the flu epidemic to the financial crisis. What made you decide on such a broad range of president ial responses . Guest i was trying to get at disasters that have ripple effects, that went beyond the immediate area where they took place. A pileup in 1995 is a tragedy but does not have ripple effects. The swine flu or the 1918 flu, that obviously has a nationwide effect. I was trying to look at things that had a broad impact and because of that, it raised them to president ial levels of attention. It mandated president had to look at it because it was so serious. Host lets go to tony in pleasantville, new jersey, democrat line. Caller good morning and Merry Christmas. Host Merry Christmas. Caller my question for your guest is, out of all of his explain what he under what circumstances a president is allowed to have certain things happen . For instance, Hurricane Katrina, can he speak on that . Certain president s, they want to hold certain president s accountable for different events that happened under their rule. I just want to know, how Many Republican president s let certain things happen as opposed to democrats or whatever . And thank you. Guest that is a really good question. I actually do in the book, at the end i have an attendance appendix where i list the best and worst president s during disaster, and there are democrats and republicans on the list. The Woodrow Wilson incident with the flu. I also talk about george w. Bush who was my boss. I do not think you could fairly put together a list of worst president ial responses to disaster and not include the bush response to katrina. That was a very difficult situation that did not go well, and president bush said in his memoirs a were not as successful as they wanted to be. I do not think it is a partisan thing. I think there are president s of both parties that have been met with disaster and left wanting, but others who stepped up and did the job. When i find and this is very interesting these external en ds from the outside, and they often lead to tripping up the president or sometimes provide opportunities for the president to shine, but i would not say allow them to happen. What do you do when this bad thing happens . A famous picture of george w. Bush atop the rubble in 2001, three days after 9 11. , why wasis approach his approach to katrina different where he seemed to really take command after 9 11 . Guest i mentioned i put him on the worst list when it comes to responding to disaster but i put him on the best list because i thought on the 9 11 response he was very good, very strong, and galvanized the nation at a time we needed it. There were things he did write in the 9 11 aftermath. He did not say things when we did not know what was going on. That very first day when journalists were starting to ask question, Ari Fleischer writes on a piece of paper in big letters that bush can see that the journalists cannot, he said do not say anything yet because the time was not yet right. We did not know who had committed this atrocity and we needed to find out more before speaking. Holding your tongue at the right time is important, but also communicating to the American People at the right time. He gave a strong interest to the american congress, and also the moment i have in the book, the picture you are referring to where he stands on the destroyed fire truck and somebody says, we cannot hear you, and he takes the bullhorn and says i can hear you and the rest of the world can hear you. From we have Mark Washington on our independent line. Caller happy holidays. Guest happy holidays. Caller i would like to address the major disaster looming over the world right now, population growth. Population growth equals Climate Change. I think diseases are needed. If not for diseases, the earth would be overrun with people as it is now. I think one of the Major Concerns i have is that the government itself is in charge of many diseases. They ship them around the world to various countries quite by accident, and it concerns me that our government is so irresponsible with these diseases, even though i knowledge it is going to be inevitable that these numbers of humans need to drop. Guest a very interesting question. Thank you for raising it. Approach not take that where we will be overpopulated and we need people to die from various methods to maintain a manageable population. I do think the federal of timent spends a lot thinking about diseases in a way they had not in previous years. That is something that emerged from those conversations in the Bush Administration not just about flu, but the potential of biohazard. Such as vaccines and antivirals are stored in case of some kind of epidemic, the government can say we are going to deploy these countermeasures to mitigate the impact. The most likely scenarios and stop howling those type of count stockpiling those type of countermeasures. Host not a population story, but a weather story on the weather at the north pole on this Christmas Morning. They write it is expected to reach rick steve 50 degrees warmer than normal. What is the worst weather related response . Is it katrina . That the story of the country is seen . Know thelot of people story. It is the 1927 mississippi flood that killed a lot of people. I do notot of people, know the records were not so great. To 1000 people. It was an interesting incident where you had Calvin Coolidge who was the president who was famous was not very enamored with the government getting too involved in things. Herbert hoover who really wanted to get the federal government involved in things. He was known as the master of emergencies. He was a kind of guy who would go when there was starvation in europe and would bring full. He really wanted to get the federal government involved in it. Coolidge was kind of annoyed by hoover and he said that man is getting me nothing but advice, all of it bad. It relates to communications and people knowing about the extent of diseases. We now had radio. It was easier to put pictures in papers. The American People were aware of the depths of the problem. There was pressure on the Coolidge Administration to do something. They sent Herbert Hoover and he handled the federal response in the area and by all accounts a did a great job and opera pelto to presidency. Host and a book from tevi troy s book, shall we wake the president . , the book,tevi troy shall we wake the president . Wisconsin, democrats line. Lou, go ahead. Caller good morning. Merry christmas. I want to thank you for the program. My thought here was fema. And your guests had mentioned that the politics really do not play in issue i am misquoted him. T should not be an issue in this day and age where we have the deniers or people who are pushing back, a lot of us are seeing down here, you just mentioned the north pole and temperature changes, the mad swings. How it affects cities and, i guess, my point being, fema is us. Cted and come and save and we have the Republican Party who is so federalist as they want to assume that kind of power, you know, we can take care of ourselves in the state until we have one these natural disasters. My question is, when i was growing up, i am 64 years old, those were to say, the spots where you really did not you cannot defend on anything because of the weather. You know what . You were not the own. We live in a day and age now where if something is happening to florida, everybody anticipates a multibilliondollar highrises or properties are going to be guarded and shorter by the federal government. And this is where it drives me crazy. How long can we sustain that . We have more in more People Living in these areas. Millions and millions. I do not believe we can just sustain this kind of a bailing out continually without thatg my thought was my question, as convoluted as it was. Guest you raise a lot of interesting questions that is raised in my book, that i talk about in my book. On politics, i say we should try to get to a nonpartisan and maybe postpartisan the level when it comes to dealing with disasters. I read a piece in political called enter the neutral zone. I was concerned when i heard all person saying i am not going to listen because of the democrat runs and on the other side because a republican runs it. You should not say, i disagree because i do not vote for that party in charge right now. I am weary of an over political approach. I am not naive and i know politics play a part in it. And part about your question about how to deal with people in dangerous in vulnerable areas, one overarching recommendation i have in the book is if there is a major disaster in your area, a flood or hurricane, you cannot count on the federal government, regardless are of it is a they canor republican, deploy fema and send people. In the first 24 hours, it is best uf may preparations and have the relations with your family and neighbors and community and have a plan if something goes wrong. That includes having reserve food. That includes having home and protection. There are forms of Home Protection short of buying a fire or. Having a plan with your family. Have practical advice for individuals on things everything can and should do. I am not one of these shelter builders in the backyard, there are certain commonsense steps people should take, recognizing the federal government cannot say for the first day. Host the annual flu shot . Done. I get it when people ask me, i say you should do it. It is not only a safe thing, one of the most effective lifesaving measures we have. It saves thousands of lives. Host the politicization of disasters, you wrote in the book , the issue of politicization of disasters, the presidency as an inherently political job and they are viewed through a president ial lens. I wanted to ask you about a piece you wrote about the president sgetaway. Trump shall remember his never of the clock. What was your point . , itt there was a paragraph addresses, if you have a democrat in the white house and republicans say how dare he plays golf. And when you have a republican, theres a similar thing. Criticism is silly. Want to get away from that. Need to take vacations. What i was saying is when there are external events and crisis and the president is away, if they are not careful, there are being away can exacerbate. I tell the story of the 1965 watts riots. President johnson was away on his ranch. He was not on top of it. His domestic policy aide was trying to reach him. Johnson would not get on the phone. It is not clear why. Part of it was he may have been disappointed, that is what jack said, he had done so much and there were racial undertones. Host was a couple of days . Days. It was a couple of just was always, always available and this was the only time he had trouble getting johnson on the phone. Host the book is shall we wake the president . And the author is tevi troy. For republicans. 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488002 for independents. Riches next. Caller does your book go into president ial action or inaction and events such as tulsa21 thing riots riots in which a sizable black neighborhood was harmed . For labor disputes such as the pullman strike . Thank you, i will take a response off the air. It looks as civil unrest and riots which can get out of control and go beyond the immediate area. The model of the book is i looked on one Major Incident where you have a president ial response or no response and i use it to talk about what policies we should try and take and alleviate. My major focus is what i talked about with a Lyndon Johnson and the 1960s. President bush for i have a picture of lyndon b. Johnson lying over washington, d. C. In 1968 after the ryans following Martin Luther kings assassination. Looking down on washington, somewhat and aptly at that riotsy somewhat by the that he was unable to stop. Me. Pitcher jumped at the picture jumped at me. It looked like president bush flying over Hurricane Katrina and was criticized for that. One other piece of advice i have is sometimes it makes sense to go to disaster areas. Because logistics, sometimes it does not hurt you should never fly over. Host North Carolina. Johnson, good morning. North carolina, good morning. Hello . We have lost him. Indiana. To south bend, donald on democrats line. Good morning. Go ahead. Just two quick points. First off, lets give trump a chance for we will come back in two years and seeing. Thats the first thing. I get so tired of people calling in and saying the only reason i voted for barack obama was because i am an american who happens to be black because obama does barack obama was black. I voted for barack obama in 2008 one, he hadn mccain, a chance to pick Joe Lieberman. The republican said no because Joe Lieberman was a democrat. He was a conservative democrat. Ok. I believe heon, was going to pick with tom ridge. A Perfect Choice for you republican, pennsylvania governor. I believe he was a vietnam vet. But no, the republican said no because he was, tom ridge, correct me if im wrong, tom ridge was prochoice. They do not want tom ridge. Picks sarahccain palin. I was like, oh, my goodness, no. Barack obama was the Perfect Choice in 2008. In 2012, i do not like mitt romney. Holtzman a little offtopic. A question of about disasters . Host a little offtopic. People,well president s when george bush i irina thing, i was disappointed. I did not believe he was not a bad person. He just did not do what he was supposed to do. Respond tosidents the way they do. People have to give them, the president s some leeway. Much has each administration learned from the other that we will not do what george bush or lyndon b. Johnson did . Guest you should give the incoming president a chance. I do not think ive said anything otherwise. I am glad the collar like to Joe Lieberman and im glad the caller likes Joe Lieberman and todd ridge. Aboutf them talked bioterrorism and not to deal with them. In terms of learning, theres a lot to be said about collecting learns from previous andnistrations incorporating them. The best example is george w. Bush and the flu. Andooked at the situation of the 1918 flu and said what the federal government did was borderline criminal. There were so inept. We know a lot more. What should the federal government response be . Financial collapse, when things were going poorly, he said at one point, if this is the great depression, you are dam sure i will be fdr. Theote another book about movies they watch. I talk about the kind of reading they do. Read historynd to and biography spring from that, they get lessons from history that they apply. Host i do not a you are this issue. How do you think the governor of the state and reacted to the flint water crisis . City leaders were charged in the past week. This was a real problem. I talked a little bit and i have a chapter on food and water shortages. This is the kind of thing that is mostly a local issue. The responsibility of the state and local government to handle the Water Systems in their states. In this case, it seems like the epa knew about a lot of the problems and not only do not respond initially. Lack of does a communication between the federal government and states exacerbate problems and thats one of the lessons in the book that you need to have better communication about who is supposed to do what. Host more calls for tevi troy. George and i democrats line. Caller good morning. Merry christmas. I have two things. One is i am a conservative democrat. I am 87 years old. I have been around the world just about. The korean war and the second world war. Has killedtic party themselves. And i think it will take about 50 years for them to come back again. And the second thing is if you go back in history from george washington, you will see every time there was a democratic president in office, theres always been a lot of the crisis happening. They do not know how to handle things the way the republicans do. They do not want to give the credit to where the credit belongs. Host lets get response. You look a lot of presidencies, is it equally split . Guest george, thank you for your service. Second of all, i do not necessarily agree that there is more likelihood of a disaster to happen under a Democratic Administration or republican. I do think there has been more disasters declared by the federal government steadily over the last 60 odd years since with cap president ial declaration. Themany have we had in 1950s and how it has been rising. It seems to be as spike and disaster declaration in years to coincide with the summer olympics which is president ial elections. There may be a political aspect to the deployment of president ial disaster declarations. Host next . In iowa. Next is iowa. Caller i have a question about the earthquake in the 1800s along the fault. Many, many people were killed. I believe it rerouted the mississippi river. I was wondering if that was something he looked at . Did we have a response . What could we have done . Guest its the 1911 earthquake he is talking about. President madison did not find out about the extent of the damage for six weeks. He did not know about it, that was not much of a response. Thats one of the themes of my book, when president s do not know about it, they are not going to get into it and is now widely known and it will be less clamoring. The federal government was much smaller and had a smaller role and vision of what the government was. Impetus to get involved in. A very different time. In theo with the people past several decades have become more reliant or expected on organizations like fema will be there to assist them regardless of what the disaster may be . Guest absolutely. There seems to the reliance on fema and the federal government is there to bill is out. Partly because there was a after, the floods of 1927 though hoover and ministration, you had roosevelt, for it with roosevelt and he expanded the size of government to deal with certain ties a disasters including the economic crisis. There was world war ii. The end of the roosevelt europe, a much bigger federal government that got more involved in more things. , a much biggera. Federal government they got involved in more things. Host have you seen evidence that states have increased their responsibility or the money they put towards disaster repair, disaster aid . States would say the increase the amount of money they spend on disaster preparations but perhaps not as much as they would have otherwise for the believe the federal government comes in. Earlier calls were referring to this, you have Cross Organization of in idaho, there is little likelihood of of a coastal hurricane because they are not on the coast. Coastalda, you have hurricanes and situations that people live in those areas are more vulnerable. The extent the federal government is spending money is effectively is subsidization of the states. Host can you see a time where the government in areas, low areas of the coast, for example, where the federal government would say, you are going to be on your own for a certain amount . We are not going to be able to assist you whether rebuilding or immediate emergency aid because of rising seas or other Environmental Issues . Guest my thoughts in the book when we were talking about president ial involvement, we should kind of skill that president ial involvement in those kinds of local weather disasters and have them focus more on things that you really mean the president of focus on such as if there is a mile massive bioterrorism economically fax nationwide. Nationwide. It does not mean we cannot be compassionate. In terms of president ial involvement, we need to rejigger president ial focus away from things where they do not really bring that much other than comforter in chief into areas where president ial attention would help get us out of potential sticky situations. Host debbie and mobile, alabama. Good morning i democrats line. Caller hello . Thank you. As far as a crisis, as far as of the gulf coast, we have had several and certainly i hated how bush reacted to new orleans. I was just devastated. I am devastated every time i go over there and every time i see anything on tv about it. And also with this flint think, think president obama should have reacted immediately to it. I know he has a lot of things have to go through congress and our blocked everything he has tried to do. I think flint is a horrible thing. Something we will be paying for thousands of years. The same with the Oil Management that was poorly, poorly done. And host we will let you go. We hear your phone greeting. Will not touch on bp. Guest i have a great story. , axelrodbp oil spill was a president ial adviser and he gets a call from a caller who was talking to him. He starts saying these people are handling the bp oil spill are incompetent and i could go and plug this whole. Put me in charge and let me. It was president elect donald trump. It was a great story. He was adamant he couldve solved it. He was already looking at ways that he could adjust crisis before even he could potentially be president. Host could you see him taking a more potentially hands on, showing up at disasters as he is done at construction sites on his project . He shows up in his the boss. Guest i think he is the potential to be good on this. I wrote on this. The response he has to the flooding in baton rouge before the election, around august and september, i felt was very savvy and very smart. He showed up there and was giving off supplies to the affected people. A time when president obama had not gone, he eventually did, he was on vacation. We talked about vacations earlier. I doubt the kids often staying on vacation was not good for. Hillary clinton did not go at all. I think the optics of him staying on vacation was not good. We will see how he handles a going forward. One of the keys, handling disasters is communication. When i looked at the list of recommendations for president s on handling disasters, i do not think about it before i wrote it. I had nine recommendations for six of them had to do with communication. Your ability to communicate with the American People and give them accurate, realtime information and a sense of compassion is how the america people judging. Host it is both history and a guidebook . Guest absolutely. Host for the next 15 minutes or in 02 7488001 for republicans. 202 7488000, democrats. 202 7488002, independents. Independents line. Caller i just wanted to mention that our governor had to step in because we had to disasters. The governor was just sworn in. Number two, we get Hurricane Sandy that just demolished the coast. The newtown,ad connecticut shootings in 2012. Both of these tragedies happened in 2012. Our governor was so worn out, the president obama did fly in and meet with the parents and gave his condolences. They reached out to our community. But also, a state that really to help these people and also our community, our city, our state there try to help as much as they can. The local leaders like the mayor, the alderman, they got together to help the people on the coast line that lost their homes. We do rely on earth ceo of the country, thats a firstplace we look. We also really rely on our governor and when all of the lights went out and we were without power for a while, he had created a program where people would lost all of their food, a. Program and gave out cards. Lost all of their food, a Foodstamp Program and gave out cards. We do not know all of the policies and procedures. The lines were so long. Our state and local government did jump in and took care of us. Host a couple of good points there. Thank you. Guest great points. First of all, i agree with you in those particular circumstances, those are areas that handle by the state and the governor. At, youre talking about really important thing that i do talk about in the book and ive written about which is this idea all facing disasters in your first year in office. The first year disasters can often of end of presidency were also make a presidency. However president deals with those responses right in the beginning of the term really helps determine how the American People view them. With the swine flu in his first year and president bush had 9 11. President kennedy had the bay of pigs. Herbert hoover, he had to stop working crash in 1929 that not only set the tone for his administration but his historical reputation. How you handle those first year disasters are incredibly important. Host news this past week of an ebola vaccine shown to be highly effective. The Washington Post saying announcing a milestone in the fight against ebola and a major trial of a vaccine shows it may be highly protective against the virus which is affected nearly 30,000 people and killed 11,000 worldwide since 2013. Health officials fear the deadly passage in could that pathogen could return. What was the Ebola Response from the administration a couple of years ago and how you rate the president s response . Guest 2014, the Ebola Outbreak thats was really devastating in africa. It ended up killing a number of under 10. The u. S. , the problem with Something Like ebola, if it should not spread in a modern medical system where we know how to contain the spread and how to track and trace people who have the disease. I thought the initial response to ebola was a little worrisome. Another problem was you mentioned this trial for the vaccine. In 2001, there was a promising monkey vaccine for evil ebola. 2014 came and there was still no vaccine for humans. We are a little late on the Development Front even though we have promising scientific news. We had no countermeasures when it struck. Some for medical procedures, Health Care Procedures that should be containable in a modern system of medicine did not work initially. We had to gear up and focus better on making sure the disease was not spreading from patients two Health Care Workers which is what happened a little bit. Host next on the phone is green cap, pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller Merry Christmas. Im curious as the crisis goes on, 63. In baltimore, when they were rioting and try to itng the city to the ground, was fruitless what they did. The state police were there. I know the president obama was watching on tv. You should have sent the National Guard or army reserve or delta force or somebody. He did not do that. Countrywidea crisis with heroin addiction in the kids. It needs to be dealt with. We just lost a niece a week ago, 6, 12t a rehab december kids in the small town area. In terms of baltimore, a comment from a viewer asking on effective the affected disaster state must request that a real help. In the case of baltimore, with the governor have had to ask the president for help . But they can also call their own National Guard, correct . Guest correct. In katrina, you need the state to request for help if you want the federal government to intervene. Its a way of protecting states. There was obviously concern, we had broken away from england and we didnt want to do federal or Big Government troops to interrupt our liberties. Thats an issue. I will tell one quick story about the 1960s riots, when urban riots were so frequent and so common that when the incoming 1969,staff took over in they were given a mimeographed task that had to blank spaces. One to fill in the city and one for the signature of the president. They were calling out the National Guard so frequently. There is certainly precedent for using the National Guard to deal with urban riots, but you need cooperation between the federal government and the county. Thats why the inability to track Lyndon Johnson down was a problem. Of the major disasters to strike the city, from washington, d. C. , was the burning of washington in 1814, much of the administration fled washington. Guest this was in the madison administration. They saved some of the portraits from the white house. There was incompetent military leadership on multiple points that led to this burning of washington. T was unfortunate i had the privilege of working in the white house, and theres a part in the white house if you go into the white house kitchen, on the see charred marks wall from the remnants of the original white house that have been burned by the british. Host it was burned for the thoroughly. Pretty thoroughly. Guest bob on the independent line, good morning. Caller hello. Host you are on the air. Caller im no fan of george w. Bush, but i think you got some got some bad rap for delaying seven minutes by reading a Childrens Book to kids. Tell you, i am koreanamerican and im following closely to the situation over there with the current president being impeached right now for letting a personal acquaintance abuse and interfere with the government through her. Ago, when thears ferry boat sank with some 300 ,igh School Students drowned that woman was nowhere to be found for seven hours. Host talking about the president of south korea. He started off talking about george bushs response, you see the famous photo of him reading to the firstgrade class. Like fromhat moment the telling of folks you know who were there . I talk about this incident and the book. Its a tough call. You are reading to students and the chief of staff whispers in the second tower came down and the United States is at war. Do you get up and throw down your book and leave the room in a panic and panic those children . Hes also on camera. How you react in that situation . How do you react in that situation . I dont fault president bush for that relatively minor delay. I agree with bob, that he got a bit of a bad rap for that. The real question is do you jump up when you are told about a crisis. It is what you do in response to the crisis. I think that is the longterm important question from a historical perspective. Host judith in indianapolis, good morning on the democrats line. Aller hi when i first started to call to talk about the disasters that president obama. Has worked with in this country, he has dealt with many, many crisis in this country. Spillls bills, the oil crisis, the weather crisis on the east coast, the one down in new orleans. The killing of the children in newtown. But then when i heard the caller call in about how he lost someone his family due to heroin , the use of drugs he sounded like a caucasian. Been a about, there has drug crisis in this country for many, many years. The federal government are have druge people who use, are dying from heroin and mass meth. These are drugs that are mostly used in the white community. Im not trying to talk about race, but the majority of people who are in congress are white men. Have all types of medical programs, needle exchanges in all these Different Things that they have put in place. Host were going to wrap up here in a moment, thanks for your call. She talked about the crises that president obama has faced, and your criteria of ripples these prices that cause ripples throughout community. Would you say that president obama has dealt with more than his fair share . Guest i would say that president obama has not dealt with the kind of major, nation shattering crisis that you saw in the version administration or the riots in the 60s. To some degree, he has been lucky and not having a massive crisis. However, he certainly was taken aback by the number of crises that reach president ial attention. Theres a story i have in the book that early on in the administration, there are all these things going on. You heard about the somali pirates they were hijacking american ships. Without we were going to have to deal with pirates. Whoever you are, whichever president you are, you are going to face external events that common surprise you. Sometimes they will be nation altering level events, but whoever you are, you have to deal with them and you will be judged by that measure. Host he was never president , but you write about Robert Kennedy and show a photo of his gravesite in Arlington National cemetery. Robert kennedys grave side at Arlington National, kennedy was in indianapolis on april 4, 1968, and was advised by the. Ayor not to speak kennedy not only spoke, but had the difficult task of announcing kings death to the ground. Indianapolis, like new york, remained largely calm. Andt its a great story, Robert F Kennedy gave one of his favorite problems, aeschylus, and he really did come to the crowd. I mentioned to new york and john lindsay, the republican mayor went to to harlem when he was advised by his security people not to do so, and he helped calm tensions. I think sometimes when people are facing a difficult situation, people are worried and anxious and upset. Imng a politician say hearing your concerns, i want to address them. Im not good to be scared of you, im going to reach the people and be honest with you, that can alleviate crisis. About theeet talking heckuva job from george bush. Thats the conservative philosophy of congratulating folks on doing a poor job to make the public think they did a good job. To be fair, when disasters happen, they are all different. You may not be able to use the same tactics as all situations. Lets hear from anthony and washington, d. C. Caller happy holidays. Reference to [indiscernible] the blood in baton rouge. The louisiana government asked the president to delay his arrival, they also asked the candidates not to come. Into atrump turned it photo off. All he did was sit there and pass out supplies. It was a photo lot, thats all he did. , thats all he did. Fact of the matter is the way it was played in the media was the donald trump went down to deal with the situation and to help give out supplies to people and that president obama was continuing to play golf. You have to, as president , be able to read the situation. Forve president elect trump reading the situation well in that instance. Is more backere story to these things, but what the president actually does is what they are judged on. Host the book is shall we wake the president. We think our guest, we thank our guest, tevi troy, the author. More of your phone calls, we hear from republicans, call 202 7488001. Democrats, call 202 7488000. Independents call 202 7488002. About whetheralks he can work with present electronic president elect labor secretary. You can watch the entire interview at 10 00 eastern and 6 00 eastern on cspan, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. His past record, as far as we are concerned, is not a good record for working families in the department of labor. He should be standing up not only for union members, but working families across the country. He doesnt support the increase in the minimum wage. He did not support the overtime ruling. Hadas his company has numerous labor law violations. He actually made the statement that he would prefer having robots as employees, because then they wouldnt have to take sick leave and vacation time. Thats not how you grow the American Dream among working families. Workers are suffering in this country. Clearly, the economy has improved under president obama. There is still a very large section of this country, especially in certain pockets across this country, where people and communities are suffering. And because of that, i believe the is why trump is president elect. People were so angry and so frustrated and what they considered to be business as usual. They want to make a statement. They wanted to try something new, they wanted to try something different. Because of that anger and frustration. But to talk about not supporting the minimum wage or the overtime provision, or having a question will record as far as labor law violations, that concerns all of us. We are going to have to hold them accountable. We are to have to hold the president elect accountable, all of you will recall that he talked about supporting working families. He talked about bringing jobs back to this country. And helping folks who are struggling every single day. That was his message, especially in the rust belt, especially in communities where the manufacturing jobs have almost disappeared, or plants have closed. He said hes going to help those working families. I believe we have to hold them accountable for that. This Holiday Weekend on cspan, here are some of the featured programs. Eastern, we30 p. M. Hear from retiring member of congress, representative Charles Rangel of new york. And two 10 00 p. M. From the shakespeare theater on capitol 2 10 p. M. , from the Shakespeare Theatre on capitol hill, and it 6 30 p. M. Mike pence and his new role as vice president. Watch on cspan and cspan. Org, and listen on the free cspan radio app. Washington journal, continues. On this minutes left mornings program. We open the phone lines for your comments and calls on things in the political arena, public affairs, public policy. Republicans, call 202 7488001. Democrats, call 202 7488000. Call 202 7488002 for the independent line. We look for your tweets cspanwj. Hurrying to him scribble business ties is the headline in the New York Times, realizing that his presidency could face potentially crippling questions over conflicts of interest, donald j. Trump and his family potentialg to resolve controversies like shuttering foundations and terminating development deals, even as the president elect probably maintains that no legal conflict exists. In recent days, the president elect and his aides have said he intends to distribute the assets of his personal charity and then close it down, has examined a plan to hire an outside monitor to oversee the trump organization, and has terminated some International Business project. Georgiaar from calhoun, and good morning to james on the republican line. Caller good morning, and Merry Christmas. Host same to you, james. Caller i would like to challenge the statement that bushs response to katrina was so inadequate. He was 48 hours ahead of that storm. If thats not enough, what is right . 72 hours . 96 hours . Fast it is see how going to get there. You cant stick all your resources out great. If you have done that, they would all say hes diverting resources somewhere else that could be used to help here. Its dammed if you do end and if if yout and dammed dont. He wanted to go in on wednesday, the storm happened on tuesday. On friday, the congress got through patting themselves on the back what a great job they were doing because they finally funded fema. They stuck Michael Baron in isolation, that was their idea. And then all the rumors. He wanted to go in on wednesday , obviously, was more concerned about protecting their turf from the republican and administration. Then the rumors started. Bush spent all the money from , not true. Q he sent all the National Guard from louisiana to iraq, not true. [laughter] alligators reading people, sharks reading people, people were eating people, bodies were stacking up like cordwood, that was the convention center, where people werent even supposed to go. New orleans didnt enact their emergency plan, they failed to even attempt to enact their emergency plan. Up on thes following guest earlier, thanks for your call. James in calhoun, georgia. Inare next from ruth connecticut. Caller good morning, and Merry Christmas to you. Just a few comments. In reference to Hurricane Katrina, they had over a week to evacuate that city. Stop blaming president bush because the mayor could have evacuated hundreds of people. Thats one issue. And in regards to the woman who called from new haven, connecticut, i would not brag i wouldd malloy, and not brag about president obama in the state of connecticut. More people are leaving the state than ever. And as far as the response to newtown, talk about a photo op. They are just try to push their guncontrol agenda. They are not very favorable in the state any longer. Host good morning, thanks for your call. Heres a look at this mornings jerusalem post, curious over u. S. Bombshell at un Security Council revolution resolution, demands israel cease settlement activity. Yahoo , it may take time but resolution will be rescinded. Gregory, good morning. Aller good morning that tickled to death when guy with the book was on just a moment ago, because they were glorifying trump for getting down there in a hurry and beating Hillary Clinton and obama down to the crisis, and nobody caught it. I saw it on cspan, what mike pence and trump are in a hurry to do, they were elderly to play golf. Give me a break. He was just down there hogging airtime. If you cant be tweeting every 20, 30 minutes to hog airtime, hes out there doing something stupid. When he gets something care of everybody Social Security and medicare, think these people are going to wake up. Thank you, and have a good day. Host thank you, gregory. Pearl harbor recently marked the 75th anniversary of the attack on pearl harbor. You will find programs from our American History tv program at cspan. Org history. Primus robbie from japan Prime Minister all day Prime Minister abe visited. As recently as five years ago, japanese Prime Minister was in hawaii for an economic summit eating but pointedly stayed away from pearl harbor. In the coming week, Prime Minister shinzo abe will fly to hawaii for the express purpose of visiting the site on surprise attack on the naval base that killed 2400 americans enter the country into world war ii. It is a sign of how far Public Opinion in japan has moved that he can make the trip to the memorial. A company by president obama, who offered condolences for the victims. This is the New York Times, writing. Host they say that although the premiers visit to pearl harbor was in the planning stages, even before the american president ial election, donald j. Trumps wind scared leaders as he had spent time on the campaign trail kassie in japan for not paying for its own defense. Host walter in North Carolina on the republican line. Good morning. Caller i want to congratulate cspan, the true sign of a professional broadcaster is to be there on a holiday, christmas. New years, whatever. Im a 45 year retired broadcaster who made smallmarket like nashville and orlando. I just want to congratulate you. I know when i managed stations, i always worked on Christmas Day, new years day, easter, whatever, fourth of july. Off,gave certain employees and the dead work got overly confident. To make a long story short, i am from the very beginning. Im a goldwater republican. Im one of those 40 million that voted for senator goldwater back in 64. To make a long story short, in supporting trump, there was a dope farmer in the West Palm Beach area. His total crop got wiped out. He was supplying trumps west long beach support with organic produce. Somehow, the word got back to trump that we would not be able to use that gentlemans produce anymore because he didnt have any, and trump said continue to pay him his normal payments until he gets caught up and can get another crop in the ground and start bringing us stuff again. That is very special. Especially to a small farmer. I grew up in the orange groves of orlando, so i know how important it is, and i know how those storms can devastate you in bad years. And dont think it doesnt get cold and orlando. I remember in 1953, it got down to 18 degrees and killed a lot of the orange crops. Host we appreciate the input. Nd thanks for the good words our entire team here working on this Christmas Morning appreciates that. Thank you. Thanks to all the other people who are working this morning, the people who really matter, the firefighters and emergency their job is a lot harder than ours on this Christmas Morning. Andear from reese riverhead, new york. Republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host you were on the air. Go ahead. Caller i have a union person here. Back in 1987, they had a misconduct charge against csea, and the employer. To this day, i still belong to the union and they are taking our dues out. And they are giving it to the democrats for campaign contributions. And none of us support of the democrats. That is just totally wrong. Guide doeselations not belong to csea. To outfit contractors for csea. He doesnt give a darn about anybody there. How we wereagine betrayed out here when our president of our section went ahead and got manipulated our contract. To my knowledge and everybody elses, she has a new title. And more money. Represent head just a note that the of the American Federation of state county Municipal Employees Union will be our guest in just a few minutes on newsmakers, talking about expectations with the Trump Presidency. Muskegon, michigan, good morning to jesse on the democrats line. Caller good morning. Host good morning. Caller good morning. I want to speak directly to democrats and republicans. Host make sure you mute your television and go ahead with your comments. Caller can you hear me . Host yes, just make sure you mute your setup. Caller i want to comment on the democrat and republican parties. We have been duped by both parties. Ust dont have confidence i dont have no confidence in either party no more. Were celebrated the birth of jesus christ today. We have wars all over the world [indiscernible] they should have resources that we are not getting. I just do not trust either one of the parties anymore. I would never vote for either one again. Fora hasnt done anything african American People. I dont think hes done so many great things. [indiscernible] host thank you, jesse. We will see we can get a comment or more. Vivian tweeps about the closing of the Trump Foundation, she tweets that the Trump Foundation was just a slush fund for trump to use other peoples money to pay for his bills. No big loss. The final call, dorothy is next. Baltimore. One quick comments, dorothy. Go ahead with your call. Caller i just want to make a couple quick comments. Katrina, nobody should be faulting bush for what happened in katrina, because he cant stop a storm. But the aftereffects. When you see those people who were dying, begging for water, nobody got them out for days. And that was world own wellknown. Saidt know why he himself he didnt feel bad about his response to that. Im not a dwell on that too much. I do want to say a couple of things. I find it very odd that republicans all republicans are not bad, but when republicans are in office, we seem to do worse. Only get elected to fix what republicans have done. But then republicans are very good, they blame the democrats for with a messed up when the democrats get in there and try to fix it. Host dorothy getting the last word from baltimore. Thank you for all your calls. I will you know about the programming on washington journal, in the coming week. We will devote the entire program each day to key issues of the new Trump Administration in congress. Starting on monday, we take a look at National Security issues and defense issues, including challenges faces facing president elect trumps National Security team. Our guests include the National Security and defense writer for the Washington Post. Also, Lieutenant Colonel joe llerse up joe cleanse joe plenzler. All of that tomorrow on washington journal. It starts tomorrow morning and every morning at 7 00 eastern. I hope you enjoy the rest of this Christmas Day. Have a very happy holiday rate we will see you tomorrow. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] newsmakers is next with lee saunders, president of the American Federation of state, county and municipal employees. I look at Christmas Decorations at the white house and the nations capital. Former House Speaker john boehner and the congressional exit interview with congressman charlie wrangle. Rangol. Susan on this Holiday Weekend our guest. Is lee saunders since 2012, he is been the president of the largest Public Employee union with 1. 6 million members across the nation. Thank you for being here. Lots of talk about with the Trump Administration coming in. Let me introduce our two reporters. Christopher is from the Associated Press and economy reporter. Ted hessen from politico

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