For in terms of being able to get things done, dont wear our social issues on our sleeves type of party. It is an uphill battle but i am up to the task. Many would argue that the party is moving in the direction it should be moving. Much more conservative and it lawson plays in the 70s and 80s 22 people like gerald Nixon Richard nixon and gerald ford. It is always been what should we get done and that is where it should be. Part of that is compromised. I can give you a bunch of boring dentist about how much more moderate people were across the isle. Now with the Freedom Caucus we have 30 people who to them compromise is capitulation. It is hard to get things done. Haveoting process with we that we have with the gerrymandering and other issues. Explain your family genealogy. I am the grandson of john the rockefeller the third and david who is my great uncle who just passed away, he was at the last surviving grandson of jbr senior. I as a result am the fifth generation of the family. David was my surrogate grandfather for many, many years. I was in a very bad car accident when i was 19 and a lot of my values reformed then. For Huffington Post he wrote the following, as far as the discordant group in the Republican Party, the fractures and fractions are not going to go away. Explain. What i mean by that is there are so many factions in the party. I think people are focusing a lot more on whether things are conservative. They are focusing on the big picture not focusing on the big picture and that is one of the issues i have with President Trump is i dont think he has a long again. It is all about the moment. When we get back to things that reform,about, tax infrastructure, i think we could start getting things done but neither side trusted each other. You can build a working relationship if you dont have a monochrome of trust. Lets go back to 1964 and let you listen to what then the governor, your uncle rockefeller told the Republican Convention the year in which Barry Goldwater was the republican nominee. Senator dirksen of illinois. As eisenhower said, the Republican Party should reject it dream is am coming from the left or the right. Extremism coming from the left or the right. Precisely one year ago today on 3, i 14, 19 six 23 196 warned that the Republican Party is in real danger of the surgeon of subversion by radicals who are highly lipid and highly disciplined and well financed. [applause] a minority wholly alien to this conservatism that has firmly based in the republican. Arty wholly alien to the sound and honest republican liberalism. Hat is kept this party that has kept this party abreast of human needs in a changing world. From 1964 and the conservative Nelson Rockefeller. 202rn members of the gop 7482001. I think what he is saying is we are losing grip with a lot of the country and we have to focus on what made Republican Party is when you which look at it a truly conservative party. Conservatism means reaching out. It is an inclusive term but now it is a disparaging term. We need to do a good job by working across the aisle. If we do our jobs, we will be taking care of. I think he was worried that very goldwater was going to be too far to the right and we are going to lose a lot of the middle, mainstream voters you need to win president ial elections. How do we get that . Theead of focusing two problems are there is a lot of demonizing going on. Some people would tell you not only are your ideas wrong, but you are back. If we can focus on getting stuff done, where there is common interest like for example, infrastructure is a great one. Tax reform, campaign finance, there are things we can work on where to parties when you look at the last huge piece of Bipartisan Legislation in terms of physical policy fiscal policy was the tax reform will of 1986. Democrats wanted to close loopholes, republicans wanted to lower rate. Both parties got what they wanted. Respond to this can apond to this, moderate republican exist today without being primaries and called a rino. You have to focus on the issues your constituents want but also have things that are really important to you and that you really stand for. A lot of people dont really focus on their or belief and we all have them. If you sit down and say this is really important to me, there are some areas that are more liberal than i would like to but it is a good bill that is really going to help, it is so axiomatic that its become a cliche. Dont let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Have dinner together anymore, they dont room together. The Senate Dining room is a sad, deserted place. Let me apply to something that is happening right now which is the debate over health care. Houseaker told ryan Speaker Paul Ryan said this in an interview. Im afraid that if we dont do this he will just go and work with the democrats to try to change obamacare. This is hardly a conservative thing. This is a business guide who wants to get things done and i know he wants to get things done with the Republican Congress but if this Republican Congress allows of the perfect to be the enemy of the good, i worry the president will be pushed to work with the democrats. Heavy reached out to the democrats . Nancy and i see things very differently. Not on the guys are same page, the president of the United States went to work on democrats with this . The government should not tell you what you should do with your health care. We should have choices. Has thank god for our party that the American Health care act did not pass because it was a terrible bill and it really hurt a lot of the voters who elected President Trump. And what happens when you put a bill together looking out for political consequences rather than what is good for the people that you are trying to help, sent outr bob corker this week and it reads as follows ; weve come a long way in our party where the president wants to work with another party to solve a problem. Obamacare was the first major piece of social legislation passed without at least some bipartisan support. The parties need to give each other cover when youre dealing with a huge task like remaking almost 1 5 of our economy. That to me is encapsulating the problem that we have. If you ask me what is the best chance for success is a that the speaker will reach out to the charlie dents, the tuesday group type of people and to start working with him. The Freedom Caucus is hopeless. There are a lot of people like that on the left. The best example of this is at this Supreme Court nomination to they are going to filibuster which is caps off strategically. Terrible strategically. This tweet from steve. It absolutely has. To me it is not necessarily our standards have dropped so much. It is not the bipartisan when you reach across from a few members to help you on a specific bill. That might be a bipartisan token but that is not someone who is being a traitor. With theare talking dave spencer, a graduate of clermont, mckenna college. He is a rockefeller republican because he is a rockefeller. Lets get to your phone calls. From durham, north carolina, described as a moderate republican. Good morning. You do such a wonderful job of there. Is one of the only news outlets that allows the full spectrum of interest and policy and so on to really be brought to the front. You can thank brian lamb and the cable industry. Starting out from the beginning, i am and you are talking about the health care l there are a lot about there are a large amount of issues placated all over the place. Some of the major issues of that are here are those bigtime interest, those things like the Prescription Drug industry which are out of control and they continue to charge exorbitant amounts of money that are not able to be negotiated at a certain level. That type of legislation has tied the hand of the government to negotiate drug prices. It is something that donald trump says he wants to tackle. There is no accountability in terms of the patients side. Well is in this society where the Affordable Care act was trying to allow us to to come to an agreement about what is healthy anymore and so much of our background and i mean that would be full on respect that i care for people. We embrace of this whole idea of can looming and assuming and food past consuming the point we need to eat and it is not good. It turns into a vicious cycle of Health Challenges that cost everyone lots of money. There has to be an initiative and emphasis placed on preventative care. We appreciate you coming in. Your response . Thank you. Say when i hear people like these are talking about patient centered marketplace care, im not sure what that is. I dont know any other market where that exists. Every major industrialized country makes health care a right of citizenship and we pay three times as much as they do and get worse results. Government health care is one of the very few areas where the government does a better job than controlling costs than the private sector. That is the reason why our health care is so expensive, it is so privatized. Bill, whencare drug they banned cap for medicare drug prices, you knew he was writing that. There are places like singapore that have more of a market model. I love the free market but unfortunately health care is somewhere where it doesnt work. Theres a huge information gap between what patients know and what doctors know. This fellow from the republican california party. Gop. Eets there is an argument to be made that the majority leader stole the seat. Having said that, i think we need to move on. I just implored democrats to reconsider the filibustering of neil gorsuch because as a pragmatist, strategically it is so bad because if they invoke the Nuclear Option and they can appoint anyone they want. The fabric of the court is not going to change. A conservative thing replaced by a conservative. Four liberal judges, if they retire, that will change the court. Say the battle for that one, will be a lot better off. Good morning. Thank you for taking my call. We are so i dont know if it is polarized or what you would call it but we are in a terrible place. And something is going to have to happen to bring but whater as a nation is going on now is kind of like what i see a herbert hoovers administration when a world war protestedcame and because of hard times. This group seems very mean. Something else that is scary to when we go through , we reset that could happen probably want to ever be in the same place again in the world arena. Thats a good question. I do worry about the for policy situation right now and the way President Trump has interacted with some of our allies, particularly angela merkel. The world is a whole different place the world is a dangerous place right now and we could have a whole other our talking about what is going on. Miralago,t meeting at i hope the president will talk more about north korea and less about trade imbalance. It is concerning how polarizing it is right now. You have both parties saying not eitherther solid side wrong but the barricades are dangerous for the country. Lets get something people can agree on that we can build a foundation of trust that will help us tackle the bigger stuff. Pragmatists left the gop years ago, ideologues rule the day now. Sad, if you look at the number of senators say in 1980 you could go across the aisle, now there might be one or two. A lot of that is because of the gerrymandering and as mentioned before, people are more worried about being primary than they are about the general election, then it help then it cant help but polarize people. Independent redistricting, please, we did it in california and it helped so much. Can a republican win statewide in california . Right now i think it is very tough and i dont think any one party state are good because in california you have huge unionism influence and a lot of states controlled by our party where there passing a lot of really extreme legislation which i think its going to hurt us with teacher voter and is not future voters and not supported by the majority of these dates. If they would focus on things Like Campaign reform incentive bathroom bill, theyll a good ofce to start instead bathroom bills, that would be a good place to start. Good morning, gloria. Good morning. The constitution guarantees us enough of religion. If you have religion in politics then you dont have read him of religion and i am suggesting that people should not have religion. That is a their personal choice but if you bring it into the political arena, we are tearing ourselves apart in the Republican Party. I was a republican committeewoman or 36 years, thats not the way we should be. We would be having rights in the street if you ever take away a womans right of choice. I agree and i think a lot of who are very drawn, who do a lot of religious crusading, they forget it was the Founding Fathers who created the separation of church and state and that is for a lot of these people to have the right to pursue and try to legislate things that the party does not agree with. Faith and religion are very important for our communities and our guiding principle but they should not make with politics and what happens is when you start to do that and he you try torce force parochial balls down the ,hroat of our Secular Society it creates resistance. I think roe v. Wade is very entrenched and at which it has gone to the state. Our conversation with the dates answer. He is the founder of practically republican. Our line for conservative republicans. Good morning. Thanks for taking my call. Ust want to make sure that the republicans have a value that they banned by but the problem we see is the messengers. We see the messengers not connecting with the people. There are a lot of good messages at that republicans do have. I am a immigrant became in the 1980s and those republicans that i remember cross of the aisle and at the end of the day they worked together and they would do whatever is good for the country and that is the republicans is that i know. This tea party that we have lately, they send the message and there is a mixed message. They say one thing and they do different thing. It is really true and he brings up a good point. Identity politics is the driving a lot of our system right now and it used to be that people were united through their economic interest. Democrats faded democrats favored more government and more spending. Without people might be a first about your view on samesex marriage than tax policy. Has driven us into this polarized region. If you focus on policy and stick to the details, it is a lot harder for people to attack you personally than just focus on a bill that can do good for all sides. There is a running theme dealing with moderate republicans and moderate democrats. What is the difference . I guess if you are looking at it from a purely Political Science perspective i would say that the most conservative democrat would be a little more conservative than the most liberal republican and vice versa. I challenge people to find a handful of those people. Jensen beach florida. Thank you for taking my call. I appreciate this discussion. I would like to observe that the Health Care Issue is really misunderstood greatly. There is a conflict of interest regarding insurance and health care and that is that insurance is measured every year by the Financial Results of the cost of care, a in Health Measure needs to be health status, that is how is it the quality of care that people ineive being measured relation to its cost . He brings up a good point and that is our health care seems to be more feebased than service based. Doctors are measured at how many treatments they give rather than the results. As a businessman you should have insurance for catastrophic releases. Purposes. The only reason we have insurance is they had wage control after world war ii and when you hire an expensive coach it does not count against the salary count. Employers offered insurance and it did not count salary. That is a very it is now a very unnatural market. Hey, roger. I just i livest wanted to say, in a conservative area and i have been in the bars and the diners having physical fights with the. I know republicans, i questioned them many times. They know nothing about the economy. We are 18 trillion dominating the world. Republicans know nothing about the economy. They know nothing about health care. The only way to fix this is when you have 325 Million People negotiating with the medical Interest Rate medical industry. Ies, basically are tory sp they dont believe in the constitution. The only part of the constitution they believe in is of the internet. They want to be ruled by kings. They are tories five. I want people to understand that. I inc. Roger brings up a good point. It has become so personal. I can disagree with you and still think you are a good person but i have friends and they could not get together for thanksgiving because of the families became so polarized. Al i ask people to do is take step back and try to think about what do you agree with people with, what is important to you and to not how bad they are. Your great uncle served as a decade and a half governor of new york. What the remember about Nelson Rockefeller . He was a very charming man. He had a sheer force of personality and he was someone by again was not taken aback so much what the social issues were. In some areas but less so in others. The nicest thing about him was he really was someone and that is what the term rockefeller republican is quoting someone who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Dave spencer, the founder of practically republican. A member of the california gop. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks so much for having me. Announcer cspans washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Lawng up, the center for director Olivia Goldman talks about the proposed cuts to social programs and President Trump 2018 budget. And just along from the center of immigration that he talks about effort from the truck administration to withhold grant from sanctuaries that he for their effort sanctuary cities. And we discussed the size and scope of the federal workforce amid the potential cuts to the force. The sure to watch cspans washington journal live at 7 a. M. Eastern monday morning. Join the discussion. The Senate Judiciary Committee Meets tomorrow to vote on the nomination of neil dorset be an associate justice on the cream court. Like coverage on cspan2 at 10 a. M. Eastern. The full senate will then take it up. Majority leader said he plans to hold the final vote on ride a, april 7. Watch the senate live on cspan2. Announcer tonight on afterwards, rhode island senator Sheldon Whitehouse in examines how government has been impacted by corporate money. Thats in his book captured, the filtration of american democracy. When you have one corporate front Group Spending 700 million plus in the last election as threatening, planning to spend 400 million in the next election in the midterms, that is a huge and there that is a lot more going on behind it. The second piece of that has been bringing home the longterm effort of the Republican Party to put socalled business friendly judges in the courts so that the courts have become increasingly hostile to regular folks and increasingly interested in protecting corporations. Announcer watch afterwards tonight at eight eastern on 2s bookto cspan tv. Announcer President Trump signed an executive order at the Environmental Protection agency aimed at rolling back Obama Administration efforts to combat want change. The order list the moratorium on federal leasing for coal production. Energy secretary rick perry and scott pruitt also spoke. [applause]

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