Efforts made in the u. S. To adopt a similar model of voting on the weekends rather than on a tuesday. We want to hear from you in the first hour what you think about that, changing the voting election day from tuesday to the weekend. You may support it, opposed it, you can tell us why. Democrats, 2027488000. Epublicans, 2027488001. Nd independents, 2027488002 you can also post on our facebook page. And the boston globe from yesterday, a column taking a look at the French Election, but also the idea of the weekend voting and participation that took place. The writer says although turnout was lower than usual, it was well above u. S. Elections, fueling the longrunning debate whether American Election should be held on the weekend and effort to make it easier and more convenient. Voting sundays are always a popular day, you can feel it when you walk the streets. That was a harvard professor talking about the French Election, adding that there is a republican ceremony taking place, you see families voting together which would be harder to do on a workday. Michael levinson says, suppo rters of weekend elections would vote in greater numbers if they did not have to wait in line before and after work and worry about everyday pressures. The goal would be making voting a pleasant experience. Oft is from the cofounder wide tuesday, a nonprofit that advocates for weekend voting. We will redo more of the piece. We want your thoughts on weekend elections, instead of the normal tuesday we have in the u. S. You may appreciate that position, that was put out by Michael Levinsohn, you may oppose it, but call and tell us why. The number, democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. And independents, 2027488002. A bit more from the mike levinsohn piece. Others question whether americans are really shunning polling places because it is inconvenient. Putting elections on the week and will not solve the turnout if you do not have interesting elections. I was the massachusetts secretary of state who went on if it is an exciting election, people will vote, but if not they will not come out. Will be onnumbers the screen. As far as participation, the piece from the boston globe this morning highlights a couple of things as far as voter turnout. By pews a survey done Research Center last year, talking about other countries and in their precipitation rates are different from many United States. 89. 4 of participation rates taking place in the election in france. 2012, france, going to 71 for 71. 2 . And in the u. S. , they go back to 2012, with the percentage of the voting population participating 53. 6 . Followed by places like estonia, poland, japan. We get your thoughts this morning on weekend voting. , detroit,wen michigan. You are up. Caller good morning. I agree that foti should be as easy as possible and the weekend should be good voting should be as easy as possible and the weekend should be good. Instead of going on a weekday, where it is hard to park, people are working, things like that. You can take your family with you. And i believe we should have a paper trail, in case there is a recall. I think it would make it a lot cheaper. If we have to have a recall. Host the Michael Levinsohn piece talks about the interest of people in elections, people involved and really getting participation out there. Do you think changing it to the weekend would change how many people participate if it is a social election or midterm, rather than a president ial election . Caller actually. I think it should be for both. Midterm and the general election. Host dons next for republicans. Dawn, go ahead. Caller i think this is a slap in the face to christianity. Host why is that . Caller saturday is the day of rest and sunday is a holy day, unless you are jewish. Then you have shabbat. It is just not going to work in america. We were founded on religious principles. Host for the short amount of time, you think that would affect people drastically enough, religious people to services . E, and caller i think we have the freedom to participate and will vote even stronger. Whense it is frustrating we were founded on certain principles and we are moving strongly into multiculturalism and ideals that we do not necessarily agree with. And i feel like christians and even the jews are being spent on today. Giving heris dawn thoughts. Npr took a look at the idea, voting on tuesday, in a piece published last year. Some of the elements they included, when did this begin . 1845, the tuesday after the first monday in november was established for the president ial election. 1875, adopted. Applied to senators in the direct elections. They also ask, why tuesday . And in november . In order to understand the date chosen, you need to understand 19thcentury americans, most were farmers and needed time to travel. The polling locations were not widespread. Sunday was out because of church. Were not anles option and not a factor until the early 20th century. The highway system was not authorized until the mid1950s. Why november . Spring was planting season. They were attending the crops, but by november the harvest was over and most of the country, the weather was still ok to permit travel. The idea of the weekend election. What you think about it. We go to the republican line. Jose . Caller thank you for taking my call. I agree with voting on sunday. And the other thing i want to bring up, we should do away with the electoral vote. It takes power away from the people. Host back to the idea of saturday or sunday, do you think it would prove or increase voter turnout . Caller it will. Thepoint is, you have to people with families, they have to find people to watch children, they have work in jobs. Host you think these are considerable factors, say if it was a tuesday or a workday for most people. It is a big factor. Many people cannot afford to lose wages. We are on the democrats line. Tyrone, go ahead. Caller i think, good morning, thank you for taking my call. I think it would be a step in the right direction. Like having a National Holiday. Voting is something people do not realize, the politicians and it is notficials, just voting for fun. And now our country is being run people who dos, not want to do with main issues. So when they do deal with it, they want to be host so the idea of a national election, you mean is set aside day like any other holiday we would have to make it set aside for the purposes of voting . Caller absolutely. It should not be a thing whereas, for people you know, this whole crosschecking where you are knocked off the roll and cannot vote, and they give you a provisional ballot that is never counted. That is horrible. You are taking people out of the election, because he feelings you will not win if you allowed to many people to vote. And the thing is, democrats have a bigger turnout than republicans and they do not want that to happen, so they devise all these plans to knock people ive the election. It is not good. Host in all my magazine takes a look at the idea of a National Holiday for elections. You can see it online when you go to the website. They added this to the idea, saying low turnout in the complicated problem and at some of the more obvious remedies have not worked, including elections on the weekend, which would remove work. An optical for obstacle for many an analysis of voter turnout in democracies determined that those with weakened voting to have higher turnout, adopted weekend voting has not increased turnout for those that have it. 56. 2 erican turnout rate, in 2000 and it was roughly the same or higher than the recent rates in a few countries with the weekend voting, including poland. In 2014. , 52 that was fleet magazine. We will hear from sharon in fairfax, virginia. Republican line. What do you think about weekend voting . Caller i would say it is three steps in the right direction. For those that have religious, you know, worship on saturday. Nd sunday, early voting that is available. And over all, for those people that are working, they need to work and it saturday and sunday would be a good thing. We can have a National Holiday for election day. I think it is a step in the right direction. Thank you. Host from our twitter folks who follow us, if you have not done so, follow us today. This is steve saying, lets encourage broad citizen participation. Lets learn from other nations. And Karen Buchanan adding, how about making election day july 4 . It is already a National Holiday. We have cecelia from connecticut. Caller good morning. Host hi. Caller mi on . Host yes. Go ahead. Caller i have been thinking about this idea for a long time. And i am really surprised about ing thatday rul started in 1914. I am in favor of changing it saturday, so that the religious people can do their service on sunday. And i think this would definitely improve the voting rate and i thank you for giving me the chance to talk. Host before you go, we had a caller tell us that religious people who have services on saturday and sunday would be affected by such a move, rather than on tuesday for voting. What do you think . Caller i think i can only talk about general people. That is always an inconvenience to some people, but people can get up early and stay late. Host the former legislator steve israel made an effort legislatively to change the day. 3019, itwas his bill, says weekend voting act as it is known, the bill resends the statue to establish the for saturday and sunday after the first friday in november as the days for elections in each state and territory, for members of congress. The first saturday and sunday after the first friday of november shall be the days of the president ial elections and Vice President ial elections. A. M. T would be from 10 00 on saturday until 6 00 p. M. Sunday evening. The polls would close between the hours of 10 00 and 6 00 p. M. , provided by the law of the state in which the polling places are located. Washington state, this is our line for democrats. David, hello. Caller hello. I think it would be a good idea to have voting on the weekend. In washington, we vote by mail. That is good too. You have three weeks to get the ballot in. It is easy. You do not have to wait in line. Shove it in the mail. It works for us. Host so as far as year in and year out, voting by mail works, no issues from that . Caller uh, i do not think it would be a problem for people to vote on sunday. I think it would be a lot better than on a workday. A workday you have a hard time getting off early enough. Host do you think it would change the turnout, to think more people would participate . Some of these stories reference that are participation rates are stable at 53 or Something Like that, do you think it would change that . Caller host he is gone. We will hear from james in san antonio. Go ahead. Caller yes, i am for the australian system. Voting for three days. Making it compulsory. Include on the ballot, abstain, so if you do not like the candidates you can mark that. You can vote from anywhere in the world. Ballotsget your local on a computer. You do not vote the first year, fine. Do not vote the second time, a bigger fine. Third time in a row is a 7,000 fine. Voting every year that way, by computer, we gather census data. We save about 10 billion every 10 year cycle. And we do not have to do the ruling census every 10 years. And we have an uptodate accurate census. That is my thing. Host a viewer on twitter says election day should be a paid holiday. The only ones that would get paid is with proof of voting in the election. And then the man across the water, elections should be held on the weekend. No need to close the schools or take off from work. Nobrainer. You may agree or disagree with him. Let us know what you think. 2027488000 for democrats. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. Richard, good morning from west virginia. Independent line. Caller hi. I do not see where we need voting on weekends. Weeks of early voting. And we have all of the servicemen voting from overseas, so there is plenty of time for voting. Go ahead,think, so why do you think not to put it on the weekend . Do you think that the Current System limits people . You talked about early voting, but how do you improve participation levels . Except i have no idea, the people, if they want to vote there is plenty of time. Matter of fact, on early voting you also vote on saturdays. Host some of the analysis that is being done is because of the French Election that took place on a weekend. This is the wall street journal, saying, when it comes to emmanuel macron, the new president , saying he will need help a national security, which was his weakest pitch to voters. Fight le pens ballot to Border Control appeal to voters that witnessed massacres across the country. The self isolation of too many muslim citizens, french voters understand that the immigration crackdowns would do little to stop radicalization among the native french muslims. Encourage those muslims to seek integration is a twoway street. In north carolina, hello. Caller good morning. Spouse an army spouse. My husband serves at fort bragg. Voting on sunday will allow the military men and women to vote, just because in the u. S. Army, normal not have the 9 005 00. And early voting is limited in north carolina, so i think it is patriotic to do it on sunday. Host thank you for your thoughts. If you want to continue with the idea of the French Election and, sorry, election day on a weekend as the french citizens data over, leading up to their president ial election, go ahead and call. 2027488000, for democrats. For republicans, 2027488001. And independents, 2027488002. Stay on, we want to talk about the French Election. It was macron that one over Marine Le Pen yesterday. In his speech, declaring victory and hoping to lay out what he hopes to do as president. He talked about that to those citizens gathered to listen to him. And across france as well. Here is a bit from his victory speech yesterday. This is the place for france stands and the world is looking upon us, upon france, because tonight it is europe and the world that is looking at france. [applause] world areand the waiting. Are waiting for us to defend everywhere the spirit of the enlightenment that has been come under threat in so many different places. They are expecting us to defend freedom, they are expecting us to protect the oppressed. They are expecting us to Carry Forward a new form of hope and humanism, a safer world. A world where freedoms are defended, a world of growth, of greater justice, of moral ecology. Us, finallyecting us, to be what we are. Host that was video showing that speech and telling us more about the day after and what goes on from here, Jonathan Redmond of channel 4 news. Thank you for joining us. It is a pleasure. Host tell us what faces president elect macron, what are the challenges, or at the top of his list Going Forward as president . The biggest challenge he faces is unemployment, which is 10 , that is double the rate it is in germany or the u. K. , for example. If you are a young person in france, 25 of french youth are unemployed, so that is by far the biggest problem. I think the second problem is so full scocial integration, france has the biggest Muslim Population in europe. As you know well, it has suffered a series of terrorist attacks in which some 250 people have been killed. But i think these are the two biggest issues. And i think that they are enormous issues, they will not go away with his victory. Although there is a great deal of goodwill at the moment, i wonder whether the honeymoon will be shortlived. Of course, his rivals in the far national, the national front, are waiting to see if he will fail. Host we will take those two issues and expand on them. One issue during the debate was the idea of a 35 hour work week in france, what does the president elect think on that . What does he propose . It is the socialists that introduce the 35 hour work week which has proved impractical. Macron is not proposing to get rid of it, he proposes more work around it. He is also trying to free up the labor market, he wants to shrink the size of the public budget. He wants to get rid of 120,000 civil servants. He takes ideas from both the left and right. I think france is desperately trying to become more competitive, but the problem is, up inou stop freeing economy, unemployment might go up before it goes down. The french have a tendency to stop everything they have just voted for from actually happening, it has happened again and again. I wonder if there will be opposition on the streets potentially, but also in parliament where as we speak the president does not have one single mp, he does not even have a party, he calls it the movement. He is waiting to see if he can transform the revolution from last night into another revolution in parliament, and the parliamentary elections next month. Without mps, he cannot actually get anything done. Host the idea of integration, especially among the muslim communities in france, as far as proposals, is there any thinking from the president elect on how to unify people . I think there is a way of looking at both issues i have raised, unemployment and integration and bringing them together, because the jihadi is diism, and unemployment, they happen in the big cities where people feel trapped. I think if you will have job creating, that is where he needs to target it. He is certainly not going to do opponent was proposing, which is close friendss borders frances borders, get rid of the open border system operates across much of europe. I think it is an issue that fee on this that she focused and was able to get 11 million votes in the process, double what the party got in 2002. And i think she will carry on making the arguments. With every terrorist attack that occurs, the more nationalist strain of politics will be stronger. Host when does the president elect take office . Weeksakes office in a time. There was a big ceremony this morning. Where the current president , and the incoming president s, went up for the ceremony marking me allied victory for the ceremony marking the allied victory from 1945. Delighted that mcarcon is taking over for him and a huge amount of relief that france is sending the message that the far right has not won here. There was potential for and normas embarrassments, because the party has a racist past. And the french did not want to embarrass themselves with the decision that they mightve made. Host before we let you go, we are talking about with our audience the idea weekend voting. Can you give us a perspective on how that works in france and what it does for participation . It does a great deal for participation, but the biggest problem during the voting yesterday was the weather, to be honest. Just having a day in which everybody can get to the polls is convenient. The turnout both in the firstround of the election two weeks ago and yesterday was high, because a lot of western countries and puts a lot of western countries to shame, we are talking 70 80 in a country of 47 million voters, which is impressive. For all the problems weve been talking about france having, the really good health of the democracy is not one of them. Host ok. Talking Jonathan Rugman about the French Election and result. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Host you heard about participation rates and weekend voting in france and what it did for that. We are talking about the idea of we can voting for the u. S. Elections, if you think it is a good idea or bad idea, you can call 2027488000 for democrats. Republicans, 2027488001. Independents, 2027488002. Tim from ohio, thank you for waiting. Go ahead. Caller yeah, the day of the election does not really make a difference anymore because we have early voting. My mother voted for somebody in a primary that dropped out of the race before the primary actually took place. So, early voting throws the pollsters off because they do not know who will vote for you when a person drops out who when he person drops out. That is why the pollsters got it wrong. They assumed people that voted for a certain person, if they dropped out, they would vote for another person. You cannot assume that because of early voting. It just through the whole pollsters threw the whole pollsters off. Host from georgia, the democrats line. Maurice, you are next. Caller good morning, how are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller in france, the majority of the terrorists and the attacks that have occurred whereby french citizens. Were by french citizens. And at the polls were accurate going in, they predicted that macron would win and he did so. Weekend in favor of voting, but i am also in favor of a couple other things accompanying it that, like mail and automatic Voter Registration and electronic or imo voting. If the astronauts, which theyre able to do from the International Space station, are able to vote over a mel, which eammail, which i have done, we should have every citizen vote electronically. As do the veterans or military participants overseas. They are indeed able to vote over email. So these things are totally capable and feasible to do. And there is no reason that we should not be allowed to do them. In montana right now, the republicans are objecting to a special election in which mailin ballots are employed because as they have said, it would increase put a participation for the democrats. So again, look at who is objecting to these things. Stand back and watch and see why the democracy is not working as well as it could be. Host larry on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. It should be allowed in america for individuals to vote on the weekend. You have absentee ballots, and then for france, they had a large percentage also the lowest absentee voting. They knew that he was going to win because Marine Le Pen is against the euro and europe is not going to go away. I think it is going to reduce that is all it have to say. Host from the paper this morning, the president plans to announce as early as today new nominees to the federal court system. This is adam liptak saying they will be announced, then osman today, two judges issued today, one is a former law clerk to Antonin Scalia a and serves on the michigan Supreme Court. Will be nominated to the United States court of appeals for the th circuit. Six and a former law clerk to Justice Clarence thomas and at the university of minnesota who now serves on the Supreme Court of minnesota. He will be nominated to the eighth circuit in st. Louis. When it comes to court cases today, out of richmond, virginia, the Fourth Circuit court of appeals will be hearing, holding a hearing today on president trumps travel ban. One of the things you can see on cspan today. The oral argument on the revised ban from the president. That will be at 2 30 p. M. Live on cspan. Go to cspan. Org for more information and you can monitor it from our cspan radio app. In michigan, on the democrats line. Roseann you are next. Caller thank you. I realize there are a lot of people who have a conflict of a religious services on the we can pit my thoughts is to keep the same on the weekend. My thought is to make it a National Holiday, but keep the same day. There will probably be conflicts for some people, but it will reduce people who use a three day weekend or holiday on the weekend for travel to their cottages or to second residences or other travel. Host dorothy, cincinnati, ohio. Democrats line. Caller thank you for taking my call. I think it would get more people to come out the church on sundays if they had two things to do. Go to church, vote, and be part of the community. Host it would make it a day for the people who attend church, start with that and then go vote after that . Caller sure. Get some coffee and donuts in between. Host holding it on a weekend, do you think more people would be inclined to participate in the process . Caller yes, i do. Host why so . Caller i think it would become an event, a weekend event. People look to have things to do. And that would work well for them. Host that is dorothy in ohio. You can add your thoughts by calling our line for democrats, 2027488000. Republicans, 2027488001. And independents, 2027488002. Voting, or ankend idea about voting, i think having a wine bar would have a more pleasant experience add a more pleasant expands. Taking aearing today look at russia and the white house, it will take place in congress on the senate side. One of the people testifying, sally eight attorney general for 10 days and was an Obama Administration holdover whose role was to manage the Justice Department of the Trump Administration could replace her. And she was out of her job. It has fueled political debate about the white house and russia. Lawmakers want to question her about her conversation in january with white House Counsel regarding michael flynn. People familiar with the conversation says that she went to the way out the televisuals that statements made by to tell individuals about statements made by mike pence and the ambassador were incorrect and that it could affect mike flynn and others. That hearing at 2 30 p. M. This afternoon. If you want to see what will go on, the questions asked of sally yates, you can see it on cspan3. Again, more Information Available at cspan. Org and our cspan radio app. That will be at 2 30 p. M. Go to our website and we have a lot of information about the events going on, the hearings, especially in richmond. Janice from washington state, the democrats line. Caller hello. Host you are on. Caller you can make all mailin ballots as we do in the state, so there is no conflict. Host ok. You think it would be an easy fix or you think people, i know some states do it, do you think it would work across the whole 50 states . Caller i do. Host shreveport, louisiana. Democrats line. Caller not only do i agree with the weekend voting, we should also bill it as a holiday, like the super bowl. People should have parties and to celebrate and come out. Host why so . Caller because, it will give people more time to get there. To go to different places. Should do the concept and have people vote all over the state. Supervise people to get out there. Bowl,ll it like the super barbecueon saturday, and make it a big process. Host as far as the process is concerned, people off of twitter saying, when it comes to the idea of weekend voting, hell no , it would allow anybody to get to the polls and we cannot have that. The more voting time means more time to cheat. Again, you can post these ideas on twitter and on facebook. And you can make your thoughts there. Some thinking on health care took place over the weekend, especially on the sunday shows with various senators giving their thoughts on what they have to do now the Republican House has passed their version of health care and what it might do for the senate side. One of the people highlighted in the washington post, with senator Susan Collins from maine, asked about whether they will do now and wish you personally would like to see done. First of all, one of the problems with the health bill is that the tax credits are not adjusted for income or geographic region. That really hurts a state like maine where we have an older population living in largely more expensive, rural areas, as far as health care is concerned. I hear talk about the main risk it was a success in maine for the 18 months or so in which it operated before the passage of the aca and it can be part of the solution, but in maine we have definite Revenue Streams supporting the high risk pool. That is why it worked. In the house bill, it is up to the states to come up with what they wish. So it could work, it could be part of the solution, but the devil really is in the details. Do you agree with speaker ryan saying people with preexisting conditions will have the same coverage they have now, even better, speaker ryan said in some cases . Unlikely, that it is but so much discretion is given to the states without any guardrails. The difference between that approach and the approach in the introduced,e have we keep the aca safeguards, the Consumer Protections for people with preexisting conditions. It is true that under the house bill that a state that gets a waiver would still have to provide coverage to people with preexisting conditions, but that coverage might well be unaffordable. Isis and if the coverage unaffordable it does not do any good for h out with juvenile childes any good for a with juvenile diabetes, it will create problems in some states. If the hospital was before you today would you be a yes the house bill was before you today, would you be a yes . First of all, we will draft our own bill and i am convinced we will take the time to do it right. Speaker ryan said he was hoping the senate would it approve approve the house bill. I think we will and we will come up with a fresh approach that will solve the flaws with the aca where we have seen in some markets, where people cannot buy subsidized insurance. It will also keep benefits of the aca. Michael is to actually ban coverage for the 28 million icans on what is collins being proposed by the House Republicans it also taken place, when it comes to the house races, this is from Natalie Andrews this morning and the wall street journal. They have to step up pressure on health care votes, talking about the House Democrats campaign arm, saying they placed a radio and digital ad targeting certain republicans. It highlights another effort being made by a group or association known as save my care, a coalition of liberal advocacy groups that oppose the gop legislation and would launch an attack on the 24 republicans that voted for the bill, and notes it is opposed by the medical Cancer Society and aarp, the seniors lobby. Ae of those people targeted, republican from arizona. Here is this is my care ad. Just voted for a Health Care Repeal bill, opposed by the american Cancer Society and aarp. She voted to cut coverage for millions. To let Insurance Companies deny affordable coverage for Cancer Treatment and maternity care. And charge five times more for people over 50. She voted yes, even though it makes covered completely unaffordable to those with preexisting conditions. Congresswoman, how could you do this to us . Host should elections in the United States take place on weekends . That is a question we are posing to you. On the independent line, tell us your thoughts. Caller i think in conjunction with president trumps past executive order to allow religions to preach from the pulpit, that having it on sunday would be a good idea because it would maximize their ability to influence the publication, resulting in us moving closer to a democracy like iran. Host from seattle, washington, democrats line. Caller yes. In regards to your question, of course we should be able to vote on weekends. I bet you on the dollar nobody can give you a valid reason why we should not be able to have weekend voting. But the republicans, Mitch Mcconnell and all of those rightwingers do not want it because the gop policy they came out with, the only way they can win in the election is to cheat. Gerrymandering and all those other dishonest tactics. Host what are the arguments one of the arguments from earlier is that voting on saturday or sunday could cut into religious time. What do you think . Caller you can vote by mail. The reason they do not want it on the weekend is because they do not want a lot of people voting. You know that. Any honest person will tell you. There is no valid reason why anybody should not be able to vote on weekends. Host you are saying if it is on a weekend there will be an increased impetus of patient . Caller without a doubt. Host charlie in new york, good morning. Independent line. Caller hi, first of all, i think that france is a different country than certainly the United States in relation to the amount of people that are truly religious and go to church. ,nd i think if you question really how to participate increase participation i think the u. S. Would want to look at, although i doubt it will do it with the two parties, to have mandatory voting. There are 22 countries in the world with mandatory voting. Certainly cspan should look at that and to see with the amount of people actually voted, a percentage of the populations, with australia being the most definitive. Luxembourg and belgium are the only two european ones that impose fines. I believe it is one of your 50. And i think it would increase the number of people that vote. Might allow that more people to be involved in the process. I think in other countries, south america predominantly, they allow people ballot voting at the age of 65 in a lot of south american countries. The main thing is, there is a lot of suppression of voting. If the idea is to get more people engaged from a young age, then why not make it more in open system . The bottom line is that mandatory voting would engage people more. I do not think the weekend thing makes that much sense. Lastly, i am a former Public Servant and i used to get off every tuesday for election day. It is ludicrous that any public person gets off election day. You can vote like any other person that does not get off. I doubt there is anybody and local, state or federal government that does not get off for election day. It is ludicrous that they get off. They answer to everything to eliminate the silly twoparty system would be mandatory voting. Host but when it comes to mandatory voting, would not some people say that you are infringing on freedom to not participate in the process . Caller should it not be considered an obligation as opposed to a right not to vote, or not, i think there are too many people complaining about the government and you ask if they vote and he put a lie detector on them they might say yes, and it might go off. Bottom line, i think there are some may people who want to say what the government should do who do not vote. I think it would engage people more and i think it is an toigation more than a right, do it, yes or no. That is my opinion and i think we would be a better nation for it and a more democratic nation. Maybe you would have more parties than the two silly party system, that we have, which basically has not done much in the last 1520 years. Host charlie giving his thoughts this morning and you are welcome to share your thoughts or take a point and bring up your own. The numbers on the screen. Twitter is available to you. Facebook, also. See if we can get a couple of those. Republican line, richard, rochester, new york. Caller hello. We keep trying to make it easier and it is such a wonderful opportunity we have in this country to vote in our free elections. If you are too lazy to get up and spend a few minutes going to the polls, i would just as soon you do not go at all. Host why do you attribute it to laziness . Some people expressed concern about work or child care or other issues, why do you go to laziness . Caller my belief is anybody can come up with an excuse, but what does an excuse ever a complex . Ever accomplish . Host greg says they should last a week, why have bell why have only one day . Students andge have a more effective democracy. It would be considered a holiday. I want to many people voting as possible. And some people posting this as well. 425 comments so far on the facebook feed. I invite you to follow it as well. Technically, you have to like it because it is facebook, but you can do that and follow our twitter feed. Facebook. Com cspan is the page. We have casey for maryland. Caller how are you . Host imo. Caller host i am well. Caller saturdays are fine. What would make more sense is for it to be a holiday. I do not understand people who peopleout democracy, but say it is a democratic right. [indiscernible] what kind of an american is that . It is contrary to the person when you have the legitimate excuse, no excuse is legitimate. If you cannot get of work to vote, that is a real thing. If you are going to have to take off, you have to choose between working in voting, that is not an excuse. Areeems like people who talking about how easy it is to vote or cheat on voting, they dismiss the fact that there are actually few to no actual evidence of anybody voting when they are not supposed to. So the idea of making it too easy to vote is not an issue. There is a reason for that. Maybe you can have some insight. I do not understand why it is not a holiday every year . Host ok. Casey from maryland who says to make it a holiday. Twitter, one viewer says and nevers, government encroachment on our freedom, another mandate, unenforceable. Comments from judy coming your way from florida. Republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host you are on. Caller i think everybody should be able to vote when they want to, the problem is when we do so, everybody hates everybody and it is sad we live in a country where we do not show love to one another and respect the president in the white house, and give him a chance to do what he said he was going to do and stop all the tearing up stuff and the meaning people emeaning people could we should show love. Host the idea of voting in the time in a pretty anytime anybody wants to, you say issue not be limited to a couple days . Caller yes. We all have a right to vote. Sometimes people have to work, i understand that. I have worked on my life. Respect other people. Host you made that point, but as far as working or a weekend iting system, wouldnt eliminate some of those problems like childcare issues. Caller i believe that. Host we will go to albert in new jersey. Caller hi, i am a toll worker in new jersey and the fellow said that provisional ballots do not count. They certainly do. I have people that come in, maybe one or two of them walk away, but i tell them they need a provisional ballot. Other than that, most people with provisional ballots filled them out and as far as i am concerned, if you have difficulty getting to the polls, do the mail in ballots. It is so easy. The only problem is you have to . 47 for apay stamp. The ideaa poll worker, of having a pole open all week on long, would it complicate the process much from where you sit . Caller yeah, i would not want to vote on a weekend. Favor, i am still in even though i would lose money, of the mail in ballots. Host i appreciate that, but with weekend voting, what are the complications . Especially since you have worked polls. Caller the same problem of waiting on the weekend, as you do have during the weekdays. The only problem i see on the weekdays is maybe a parking problem. You know, people have to pay the meter and they are pretty pricey. Host so if you go to a polling place you will pay for parking on top of participating in the process . Asbury i work at the tower, district 7, and parking is difficult. Minneapolisuce in on our line for independents. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead. Caller i do not think there should be weekend voting in november. That is College Football and inurday on saturdays november. And on sunday, football. Host too much to jog them away from their game of choice . Caller maybe in cleveland. I do not think anybody will give up football for voting. Host you heard some viewers saying making it easier to open the process, rather than having it on a tuesday, is there a happy medium . Is there something we are missing . Caller no. I think it is fine to have a National Holiday on tuesday. I do not think there is anything wrong with that. No football on tuesday, yet. Host it seems you are a football fan. [laughter] caller mia football fan . Host a vikings fan . Caller occasionally. [laughter] host lets go to west virginia, republican line, rebecca. Caller hi, i would like to comment on the mandatory voting sebastian from the previous caller. I think that is ludicrous. Putlast thing we need is to a value attached to it, a fine, that opens it up to more voting fraud. If somebody is not interested in learning about the candidates participating in the election, the last thing i want the person to do is to be mandated to vote. The second comment is about election day. I am a traditionalist, i like the second tuesday in november. I think the idea of making election day a mandatory holiday, like a National Holiday, again it bugs me. What do we have to do, bribe people to participate in our government by giving them another holiday, which a National Holiday, a paid holiday. We will have to pay people for another holiday. Have weeks of early voting. If you are not interested in the election or the government, and you do not take part in the great opportunity to vote, then i do not want you. I am not interested in what the person has to say or how the vote has been influence. Host rebecca will be the last call on this topic. Thank you to all of you that participated. We have guests joining us for a good portion of the program. Later on today you can see the Court Hearing out of the Richmond Court of appeals on president trumps revised travel ban. 2 30 p. M. On cspan our next guest will talk about the hearing on the travel ban, Stephen Vladek at the university of texas, to talk about the case and what faces those arguing the case is but the justices that will hear it. Later on we learn about the current Missile System and if it is benefited care of the recent threats from north korea and iran. Washington journal continues after this. Tonight on the communicators, president and ceo made up of four internet companies, google, facebook, and amazon, talks proposals fromn the fcc and how to reserve a free and open internet. He is interviewed by Political Technology reporter remove agency posits authority over internet traffic exchange

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