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To solve the challenges of that the American People confront in terms of their economic wellbeing, their future andd te ability to achieve the American Dream as compared with the extreme guy republicans. Simply trying to jam their rightwing ideology and their conspiracy theories and their fealty to the twice impeached former president down the throats of the American People. House democrats will continue to put people over politics, to fight for lower costs and better paying jobs, safer communities, reproductive freedom, defend democracy, confront the gun violence epidemic and build an economy that grows the middle class. We are focused on an economy that works for every day americans. That builds upon b the progress progress the President Biden has led thing grows the middle class. Republicans are focused on their extremism and their conspiracy theories and bending the knee to donald trump. House republicans have no agenda, no vision, no plan to deal with the economy, job creation, health care, gun safety or anything that matters to the American People. And that is what this week once again shows. Instead of peddling conspiracy theories for the Judiciary Committee the oversight chairperson is totally under control and unhinged. They are obsessed with adam schiff. First they kicked him off the Intel Committee and then they tried to find him 16 million. That failed in donald trump threatens to primary him and they immediately respond to the puppet masters by bringing resolutions back to the floor of the house of representatives. Today extreme other republicans want to impeach joe biden. You cant u make this stuff up t their extremism continues to be on full display. And they are doing nothing, nothing, nothing to enhance the health and safety of the economic wellbeing of the American People. Do believe the hunter biden will cause problems in the president ial election to believe can i answer the first question and . No. Thats the answer. The second one is to believe theve impeachment motion will wn the quarter was the court . It is clear to me that this donothing Republican Congress that is focused solely on its extremism and is determined to impeach without justification President Joe Biden will backfire because all it will do is highlight that they have no plan and no vision, no agenda to address the challenges that the American People are confronting in terms of their daytoday lives. By the same token House Democrats are actually doing things that matter to the American People. We are fighting for reproductive freedom, we are trying to address the gun violence epidemic. We are standing up for the equality of alleq americans. We are working to advance the dream and promise act. To bring the great American Dream to life for those dreamers that the majority of the American People support and no are an important part of the fabric of america and perhaps most significantly working to strengthen and protect Social Security working to lower costs and working to provide a pathway to the middle class for those who aspire to be part of it and to grow the Economic Prosperity of those who are in the middle class right now in American House republicans have nothing, nothing to show for their First Six Months in office other than extremism and conspiracyco theories. [inaudible] [inaudible] President Biden and house and Senate Democrats are actuallynd standing up for the middle class and those who aspire to be part of it and trying toit make sure the things associated with a middleclass lifestyle like affordablee, homeownership are sustained in the United States of america. Extreme other republicans are doing everything theyy can to undermine the economic progress thates President Biden has maden this country because if President Biden is for it, they are against it. It doesnt matter if the things that have happened under president er bidens leadership bring domestic manufacturing jobs back home to United States of america, standing up for homeownership in this great country ensuring clean water exists all across the land, dropping the high price of lifesaving prescription drugs including insulin to 35 a month. President biden is for it, they are considered and this is another example that House Republicans are more interested in their extreme maga ideology than they are to address every day americans. Following the censure ofon congressman schiff d. C. And the House Republicans that are deserving of censure . I want toes focus on focusing on Kitchen Table issues that actually make life better for every day americans. But there is an irony to the fact the very same individuals who are behind these censure efforts have questionable histories in terms of their own truthfulness to the American People and im sure there are folks out there in the United Statesd of america who will be interested in that. [inaudible] House Democrats are going to continue to stand on t the shoulders of the latee great jon lewis fighting for social justice, Racial Justice and economic justice, fighting for equal opportunity in every single zip code throughout the United States of america, standing up for a womans freedom to make her own Reproductive Healthpr care decisions and opposing the extreme other republican efforts to impose a a nationwide ban, criminalize abortion care and unleash bounty hunters on the women of america. John lewis would have encouraged all of us to stand up for what is right in america and stand up for freedom, defend democracy and certainly lean into the right to vote and oppose the republican efforts of extremism that arere restricting freedom n ways that have not been seen since the end of the civil war. Two questions for you some of your democraticc colleagues poit out that Speaker Mccarthy could. Instead he sidelined to deal. Why do you think it is hes facilitating these deals with far right members of his party and i want to get your reaction to Prime Minister modi coming to speak to colleagues. And if that is the question in termsf of the first part of yor inquiry that is best asked of Kevin Mccarthy in terms of the agreement that he is head to reach with the extreme members of this conference. I have no visibility into those conversations however it is clear to the extreme other republicans are increasingly dominating the activity that is occurring amongst the house Republican Congress. That is the reason why there was a censure resolution that was brought to the floor last week and it failed and allegedly there were 20 House Republicans who stood on principle and then what happened . The puppet master in chief their Supreme Leader the former tourist impeach president of the United States of america said that those 20 republicans who stood on principle and voted to table to censure the resolution last week should be primary. Immediately, immediately extreme other republicans fell in line and censured adam schiff for no good reason. All adam schiff has done this champion the constitution to defend democracy fight for freedom and in terms of the statement that will occur later and today i look forward to being part of the conversation that will occur with the four legislative leaders in welcoming Prime Minister modi to the Florida House of representatives. [inaudible] they allege there was preferential treatment given too hunter biden but is there something they or there . Dont have to take this seriously and continue to have hearings and do you think theres preferential treatment . These are not serious people on the republican side of theher aisle. They are note addressing any issues that are of relevance to the American People in terms of fighting to lower costs and supporting an economy that works for every day americans. There some public polling that says [inaudible] im unfamiliar with the full the polling that youre referencing but its not a serious undertaking that yesterday you censure the former chair of the House Intelligence Committee and to date you want. To impeach President Joe Biden without a second teleof evidence of wrongdoing and tomorrow you perhaps want to defund the department of justice and the fbi based on some Conspiracy Theory that has largely been put into the Public Domain by the insurrectionist in chief the former tyson impeach president of the United States of america so no, this is not serious. Serious full stop. And how to characterize your relationship, working relationship at the sixmonth mark . Said a positive forwardlooking relationship. Doesntft mean we are going to strongly disagree with each other at times. We often strongly disagree with each other at times but we can agree to disagree without being disagreeable and this is an approach that House Democrats have taken from the very beginning. Dimmock had to make clear we are willing to find Common Ground with republicans whenever possible as part of our effort to build an economy that grows the middleclass. The problem is the extremists on the other side of the aisle are unwilling to focus on the types of issues that would make a difference in the lives of every day americans because they are too busy trying to jam their extreme rightwing ideology down the throats of the American People could we have also made clear from the very beginning that we are going to push back against republican extremism whenever and wherever necessary and unfortunately we have to do it on a daily if not hourly basis because the republican extremism r is so out of contro. Thank you. [inaudible] [inaudible] strengthening the relationship between United States and india is critically important and in that regard i lookar forward to hearing what prime Prime Minister modi have to say on the floor of the house of representatives later on this afternoon but in terms of visiting india i have expressed interest in communicating data we have had a good conversation about a the bipartisanship to india. I have not confirmed that ill be able to do that. I spoke to chairman come when i asked him if he was willing to have witnesses testify on that. And can he build a case without solid evidence and he said yes based on witness testimony against President Biden so yes. The House Oversight committee under the extreme of the maga republicanry leadership at the Current Congress up until this point has been a big failure. They have not uncovered anything in any way as evidence of wrongdoing. They just peddle Conspiracy Theory after Conspiracy Theory after Conspiracy Theory without any Meaningful Evidence to move forward because this effort is not designed to present any information to the American People that wouldd be useful. Whats going on is the Judiciary Committee the Oversight Committee in many other places like the Ways Means Committee is an effort to try to damage President Joe Biden. They have admitted this and will continue to do so because they cant help themselves. But its important for the American People to ask the question why do extreme other republicans continue to time and taxpayer dollars on these fake, fraudulent phony investigations that have gone nowhere because they have no agenda, no plan and no vision to address the Economic Issues of concern to the American People. And so theyd rather try to distract the American People by going down thein rabbit hole of these investigations that are fueled at the end of the day by the insurrectionist in chief and his continued stranglehold on House Republicans. Can you clarify do think its improper for him to build the case for witness testimony . I think jaime raskin has done a tremendous job of highlightinn the flaws of papers that has been taken by House Republicans on the Oversight Committee and i will leave it atth that. Do you support a member of your own caucus the House Democrats will continue to focus on growing an economy that helps those throughout america who aspire to be part of the middleclass to strengthen Social Security and medicare and lower cost benefits and safer communities. How do you balance out that message versus the extremism message and how much do you want to focus on forwardlooking breadandbutter issues versus trump extremism, maga and i dont know your alliteration. How are you going to balancemr that . Democrats will continue to focus like a laser beam on building an economy that grows the middleclass. At the same time it will continue to be important that we point out the extremism of the House Republican conference. These are people who are extreme on reproductive freedom. We believe in a womans free freedom to makee her own Reproductive Health care decisions in extreme other republicans want to impose a nationwide ban. House democrats want to strengthen and protect Social Security and extreme other republicans want to end Social Securityen and medicare as we kw it. House democrats believe in democracy and extreme other republicans continue to peddle the big lie at the 2020 election was stolen and in fact side with the insurrectionist who have tried to overthrow american democracy. House democrats are fighting hard to do something about the gun violence epidemic in america including bypassing universal criminal background check legislationn. Extreme other republicans support o floating our communits with weapons of war that in some cases have been used to shred children in their classrooms. So there will be an opportunity for House Democrats to continue to present our vision of putting people over politics and focusing on the economy, reproductive freedom and gun safety andnd defending democracy and protecting and strengthening Social Security forces with the extreme other republicans are doing in trying to take this country in a very different direction. Id like to get your reaction to President Bidens comments likening the chinese president xi jinping to a dictator especially after his visit to china so your take on that and president she being a dictator. Im unfamiliar for it with the comments in the context for which it was offered so i c will refrain. Ex he said the chinese spy balloon was a great embarrassment and they didnt know what happened. I wrote review the full context and perhaps to have something further to say. Say what would you you characterize president xi is a dictator yourself . Ha i would characterize whats happening with the Chinese Communist party and their repression of citizens of highly problematic inconsistent with our values as americans and we will continue to stand on the side of freedom. Thank you. Yesterday you tweeted extreme Rightwing Supreme Court justices continue to outdoti themselves with their corrupt behavior. They have no shame in zero credibility. Your tweak dasher tweet said Justice Alito engaged in unethical conduct and why do you believe the justices are not adopting a code of ethics . The behavior by the Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas and samuel alito in terms of the unethical conduct that should be clear to everyone is highly problematic and undermines theth confidence of the American People and the ability of the Supreme Court to fairly administer justice and suggest quite clearly to me that there should be a judicial code of conduct to the Supreme Court of the United States of america. The congress of the United States have to operate under an ethical code of conduct, the house operates under an ethical code of conduct, the senate operates under an ethical code of conduct the executive branch operates under a National Code of conduct, the federal reports operates under an ethical code of conduct, the court of appeals operates under an ethical code of conduct and divided states of america at the highest levels of government the only who apparently believe they are above the law are members of the United States Supreme Court. That is wrong. And im thankful on the senate side the chairman of the Judiciary Committee dick durbin has indicated legislation will be marked up upon the senates return in july that will do something about the unethical out of control behavior of Supreme Court justices like Clarence Thomas and samuel alito. Thank you. Last question. [inaudible] snack thats a question that will ultimately be decided by the Federal District court judge whos has been assigned to the case and its my understanding the Supreme Court judge appointed by former President Donald Trump in the same way individual prosecuting a case against hunter biden was the u. S. Attorney appointed by donald trump. This was an investigation started by the Trump Justice Department which made the decision that they were going to investigate the son of Donald Trumps most prominent political rival and yet democrats are still taking the view that we are going to allow the Justice System to run its course and express optimism that all of the individuals involved including the judge who will ultimately renderre a sentence will follow the facts, follow the law and be guided by the constitution and the American People can make a determination as to the fairness of it all on this resolution. When it comes to the moderates and progressives [inaudible] and this resolution involving housing migrant. You think that was a good move . Youas know im not fully up o speed esser relates to what was occurring on the ground and certainly in the district that i represent we did not receive a lot of information in terms of the School System and committees to express concern and as you pointed out it wasas shortlived so the legislation is going to be considered byno the house of representatives is just another example of extreme maga republicans politicizing because they have no agenda, no plan no vision to solve anything of the many challenges that the American People are confronting. In terms of the socalled moderate members on the house on the house on the republican side of the aisle from the very beginning of this congress these individuals who vote with the extremist and the Republican Party they have voted with the extremists on gun safety issues and instead made the decision that they were going to partner with the nra. The socalled moderate House Republicans in new york at the very beginning ofve this congres voted to criminalize abortion care. The socalled moderate republicans in new york were individuals who voted to inflict draconian cuts on every day americans in some cases north of 20 cut medicaid, insurance and assistance to cut education and cut Veterans Benefits and cut a break if different programs designed to benefit the Health Safety and economicmi wellbeing of the American People and the socalled moderate republicans as soon as donald trump threatens to primary them after they supposedly took s a vote of principle in supporting the efforts to table the fraudulent sensor razzle resolution last week, risk scores had voted with the extreme other republicans on that sensor resolution yesterday. So theres going to be a lot of material that the voters in these districts are going to haveg to consider over the next 12 to 15 months as to whether these individuals in new york are actually reflecting those values of the people they purport to represent. Thankk you. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] a british historian lives in london with his wife and their two children. Hes written 12 books, nine nonfictions latest effort is called the world a Family History of humanity including the index 1304 pages. The historian writes i have always wanted to write an intimate Human History in some ways an approach in some ways the traditional ones which is the of a lifetime of study and travels

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