Transcripts For CSPAN2 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150930

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the united nations i called on the world to unite against the fighting of violent extremism and challenges the assemblies to gather a year later to discuss. i want to thank world leaders for answering the call. we are joined from leaders from over a hundred nations, some 120 civil society groups from around the world and partners from the private sector. i believe we have here today is the emergence of a group united for destroying isil. we have crippled have al-qaeda core in afghanistan and pakistan's tribal regions. we are harvesting military intelligence, economic development, and the strength of our communities. now, i have repeatedly said that our approach will take time. this is not an easy task. we have isil taking root in areas that already are suffering from failed governance in some cases. in some cases, civil war or secretarian strife. and as a consequence, the vacuum that exist in many of these areas, isil has been able to dig in. they have shown themselves to be resilient. and they are very effective through social media and have been able to attract adherence. not just from the areas in which they operate but in many of our own countries. there are going to be successes and there are going to be setbacks. this does not make it a conventional battle. this is a long-term campaign. not only against this particular network, but against its beliefs. with the few minutes i have i want to provide a brief overview of where we stand currently. our coalition has grown to 60 nations. together we welcome three new countries to the coalition. nearly two dozen nations are in some way contributing to the military campaign and we salute and our grateful for all the service members from our respected nations who are performing with skill and determination. in iraq, isil continues to hold mosul, fallujah, and ramadi, but iraqi officials have eliminated thousands and isil has lost nearly a third of the populated areas in iraq it had controlled. 18 countries are now helping to train and support iraqi forces including sunni volunteers who want to push isil out of their communities. and i want to note the enormous sacrifices being made by iraqi forces and the iraqi people in the fight every day. in syria, which has been a topic of significant discussion during the course of this general assembly, we have seen support from turkey that has allowed us to intensify our air campaign there. isil has been pushed back from large sections of northeastern syria including the key city leaked there putting new pressure on the stronghold. and isil has been cut off from almost the entire region bordering turkey which is a critical step toward stemming the flow of foreign terrorist fighters. following the special security council meeting i chaired last year, more than 20 countries changed or disrupted the flow of foreign terrorist fighters. we share more information. and we are strengthening border patrols. we prevented would be fighters from returning to the batt battlefield and threatening our country. this is a difficult challenge and we will focus on how to do more together. the united states and our partners are taking new steps to crack down on the finance that isil uses to pay fighters, fund operations and launch attacks. our military and intelligence efforts are not going to succeed alone. they have to be matched by political and economic progress to address the conditions that isil has exploited in order to take root. they are taking important steps to build a more inclusive and countability government and our nations need to help the prime minister in these efforts. in syria, as i said yesterday, defeating isis requires, i believe, a new leader and a government that unites the syrian people in the fight against terrorist groups. this is going to be a complex process. as i said before, we are prepared to work with all countries, including russia and iran, to find a political mechanism in which it is possible to begin a transition process. as isil's tentacles reach into other regions, the united states is increasing our counterterrorism operations and boosting support to nigeria as they push back against boka harem and providing better support for counterterrorism. ultimately, however, it is not going to be enough to defeat isil in the battlefield. we have to prevent it from radicalizing and recruiting others to violence in the first place and this means defeating their ideas and ideaerize defeated not guns but better ideas. building on summits, we are moving ahead and stepping up our effort to discredit the propaganda. isis is a band of terrorist that kills innocent muslims, men, women and children. working to lift up the voice of muslim clerics and those who stand up to isil and their warped interpretations. poverty does not cause terrorism but as we have seen in the middle east and north africa when people, especially young people, are hopeless and feel humilated that can fuel resentiment that terrorist exploit which is why creating opportunity and dignity, particularly for youth, is part of countering violent extremism. we recognize we also have to address the political grievances that isis exploits. when human rights are denied and there is no need to redirect the emotions without violence it leads to terrorism. so the real path to lasting stability and progress is not less democracy. i believe it is more democracy in terms of free speech, freedom of religion, rule of law, strong civil societies, all of that has to play a part in countering violent extremism. finally we recognize our best partners in protecting vulnerable people from falling victim to the behavior is the community. mothers, fathers, neighbors, clerics who love and care for the young people. no one should be profiled or targeted because of their faith. but isis is targeting muslim communities around the world. especially individuals who may be disillusioned and we have to continue to build true partnerships with muslim communities based on trust and cooperation so they can help protect their loved ones from becoming radicalized. this can't be the work of government. it is up to all of us. we have to commit ourselves to build diverse and tolerant and inclusive societies that reject anti-muslim bigotry that creates the division, fear and rese resentment upon which bigots prey on. funds and training and technology is being invested to support programs that push back on violent extremism and cities are joining together to build resilient communities. researchers are partnering to share best practices in knowing what works and what we can do better. and as we saw yesterday, young people from around the world are participating in their own summit. these young people, many of them muslim, are coming together to use their talent and technology to push back on isil's propaganda especially online and protect their brothers and sisters from recruitment. these young people are an inspiration and give us hope and i would ask everyone to join me in thanking all of the young people who are here today. [applause] >> so to conclude, we face a grave challenge. this is very hard work. we have individuals here who are on the front lines. and this is not going to be turned around overnight because this is not just a military campaign. there are changes taking place in the middle east. even if we were to wipe out the con leaders we would still have these forces at work. but i am optimistic. in iraq and syria isis is surrounded by countries committed to its destruction. we have seen that isil can be defeated on the battlefield where there is sound organization and a government and military that is coordinated with this coalition and our diplomatic efforts. we are seeing a glove movement to counter the movement needed. isil will eventually loose because it has nothing to offer but suffering and death. when you look at the reports of those who are laboring under their control it is a stark and brutal life that does not appeal to people over the long term. so we will ultimately prevail because we are guided by a better vision, a commitment to the security and dignity of every human being. but it will require diligence, focus, and sustained effort by all of us. and i am grateful that all of you who are already participating are committed to this work. with that, i want to give the floor to our secretary journal. [applause] >> thank you, president obama for your strong leadership and very inspiring envision statement. i would like to thank you for the successful white house meeting on countering violent extremism in february in washington, d.c. since then, this process has sparked a series of conversations around the world to address the violence and its roots. the groups pose a direct threat to international security, mostly target women and girls and undermine universal values of peace, justice and human dignity. that threat is growing. our most recent data shows a 17% increase in foreign terrorist fighters from over a hundred countries to regions within the countries. addressing this challenge goes to the heart of the mission of the united nations and requires a unified response. we know violent extremism flourishes when human rights are violated and too many people, especially the young people, with their hopes and dreams, lack prospect and meaning in their lives. we know the crucial incredents for success. good governance, open rule of law, quality education, and decent jobs. four respectful human rights. these measures are crucial. yet we know no longer have such efforts by playing into the hands of those we are seeking to defeat or by further alienating marginalized groups. the resolution 2178 provides to tools for addressing the discourage of violent extremism including the flow of thousands of foreign terrorist fighters. with development goal, acorn, the voice of people and critical include a quote of peace, justice and strong institutions. we must go beyond the counter violent extremism. on the bases of an emerging national consensus, i intent to present a plan of action to prevent violent extremism to the general assembly. i hope each member state will coordinate to share your experience and your vision of how we can work together to combat and fight these extremism and we most welcome your suggestions. this plan, which is firmly based on the u.n. global counter terrorism strategy will provide specific recommendations to member states on individual and collective actions to systematically address the troubles of violent extremism at every level. it will put forward recommendations on how the u.n. can support member states to prevent violence extremism covering the world. let me briefly highlight five things to achieve for success. first, governments can't do it alone. we need to engage all of society. women leaders, leaders in the arts, music, and sports. second, we need to make a special effort to reach young people where they share ideas and community. social media is essential. we need to offer a counter weight to the silent songs that promise adventure and that promises meaning and creates more misery. third, we must work harder to get accountability institutions. i continue to urge leaders to listen very careful three the grievances and aspirations of their people and address them. fourth and fundamentally we must be guided by the moral compass of our common values. respect for international and human rights is not negotiable. without it we are lost. and finally let us not be ruled by fear or by those who try to exploit it. we have a major challenge ahead of us. one that we cannot address overnight but we can forge inclusion, insuring lives of dignity and pursuing to inspire the united nation's charter and declaration of human rights. thank you very much. [applause] >> next i would like to give the floor to mr. haider al-abadi, the prime minister of iraq. >> dear presidents and people, peace may be upon you and it has been over one year since i have controlled iraq and what it has cost us is tragedies and atrocities for civilians and belongin belongings. during this day the has been a universal alliance and there are a lot of friends with us and we are thankful to whoever stood with us against this unified enemy which is not only a threat to us but for the whole world. today it has been one year since i have over this government that was the product of a free elections. this development that we have established last year, we need to get the profits during this year, and during this coming month, and we can do it by unifying our forces to null our stance and our approach we need to first remember where we have been during last year before forming this government and what we inherited from a country that is living a crisis in which crisis was occupying more than 30% of the region and our forces were in a very dangerous position. there was all of this around the world with threats and isis was occupying iraq. there was an internal afro fron and a lot of secretarian wars and the government was weak. at that point we had the crisis that was financial and bu burrocracy and we had a lot of unemployed people. we have worked hard to reunify our country against the -- rebuilding our forces, and regaining our connection with the world and the building in the tribal communities as well and the leaders closing on cities under the stress of isis. the tribes' sons are fighting by the government military forces and we are escaping the roots of corruption and the associations after we have recused a lot of officials in different governments and we also give -- we provided more than 80,000 personal who are fighting. we also have canceled what is more than 50,000 of what is called the allusive soldiers who were just receiving salaries without really doing any work. this was where we got our budget rid of the burden. we also are getting rid of honor post and reducing the iraq dependence on oil income. during this we are trying to benefit from the deduction of the oil of -- we are trying to unify all of the governments and the community around it. and our government is seeking, forming, local fighters and they are fighting together against terrorism and because isis is threatening the whole area we are working on reinforcing our connection our relationship including saudi arabia, iran, and all of the regions of the area generally are also making reforms in the areas and the diplomatic front. and we are acquirinacquiring, w winning during the last year, we have freed many people in a lot other regions and freeing tecrete we involved the tribal forces of iraq and the community forces also. tens of thousands of iraqi people are now back in tecrete. about 80% who had fled the area came back after a lot of assistance who provided the aid to iraq, directly or indirectly. the retrobution were low compared to the fears of them where isis was committing different kinds of crimes against other tribes. there has been retrobution a and -- retribution and revengedex -- revenge -- but it is limited. we need the aid of the international community still. despite what is going on off of the -- we have three million iraqi who have been out of their places and with a budget of iraq compared to what it has been we cannot finance all of the battles we are seeking to win. we need your help. and the help of the international community in financing and the einment of our soldiers. we need your support in order to also -- equipment -- take care of the people who lost their loved ones and their children. we need your help to dry where the radicals and terrorist are stemming from and their ideaology who are coming from all around the world. coming from north america and arabic countries. we need to work with our neighboring countries to stop the foreign terrorist fighters who are killing civilians in iraq and saudi arabia and go back to their countries where they came from after doing a lot of terrorist actions. we want you to stop the liatr terrorist from financing the money through international financial networks that are being used now. we are demanding you suspend it under the light of the resolution of this council. we want you to help us stop them from enslaving women and men and stealing the acrtifacts because the people holding them are being filled with hatred and we need to adopt the treatment of the reasons of those problems; economics and political. we have started doing that. uprooting this basic reason that causes people to be directed toward radicalization and violence and terrorism. we have provided different kinds of responses and our people are still sacrificing their live for this purpose. we need not to lose focus and not lose time in enforcing our forces against isis and not f forget time is a big element. together we have stuff and you have stuff, the marsh of the terrorist and together we will gain victory that is not only the victory of the iraqis but it is a victory for all representing countries and every country that is represented in fighting terrorism. thank you for all that we have done and all that we are going to do. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, prime minister for your statement and the work you are doing under a very challenging circumstances to address this issue in your country. i want to next give the floor to the president of nitrogen, mr. buhari. >> mr. president, ladies and gentlemen, i think president obama for organizing this important meeting. the timing is appropriate and the subject matter warrants close visitation. the threats posed by isil in the middle east and violent extremism elsewhere is an essential danger to many states. it is a threat to international peace and security and should be treated as such. we should deem them as terrorist and extremist. they have no regard to the sense of life and property. they operate outside of the law and must be seen for what they are and treated appropriately. given the ranks of recruiting for isis our expectation twhauz process coupled with the legal framework instituted by the united nations would stem the tie. but this has not yet happened. mr. -- the violence and terrorism by isil and other groups enticed and emboi embold groups in isis. boka harem is pledging allegiance to isis since march of 2015. we believe that they are an indication of the weakened operational capacity of the group, but the recruit suggests it strategic move to entertain fighters. whatever the reason for the declaration of allegiance is boka harem terrorist wants to be drawn into the center stage of global terrorism. this moment led not only to a strategy but also to changes in recruitment, and propaganda. mass executions and public beheadings became notorious after the declaration of religion. we also note that sub-saharan africa has received radicalization and in citement. boka harem -- boko haram does not reflect muslim behavior. muslim religious is based on peace. isil is making an effort to expand into some communities into sahara region and isil's operations have led to the terrorism and violence extremism that leads to two sides of the same coin. the effort of the united nation and the international community to contend with isil. we needed to do more. we need to take military action, combine with effective border security, intelligence coalition, and share it and take action. these alone may not suffice. but they can turn the tide and drive the forces of recruitment, movement, and it is set to operation of foreign terrorist fighters and their associated radical extremist. in order to put in place components of an approach to counter isil and eventually defeat we must address the source. we must find a way to prevent people from coming to terror in the first place and turning to violent extremism. they are lured in from lack of family and their expectations here are pushed. while addressing how to deal with this, we should let the military be tangable but it be crucial. good governance which calls for accountability, and transparency and rule of law, should kick stat the minutes of terrorism and the violent extremism. the international community will be required to work together to deter and disrupt elicit finances from nations who have a weak structure to other parts of the world where such friend are identified that it should be sensitive to recover. mr. chairman, you have self observed and i quote that groups like al-qaeda explode with anger and injustice and corruption leaves them no chance of improving their lives. a number of states need to address grievances with forces that will insure world peace, transformation, jobs, and equal opportunity, and expanded access to social responsibilities. we in africa, dedicate ourselves to the mandate of the african union mechanisms and other good governance that we adopted in our region to encourage conforming and corporate governance. mr. chairman, the secretary of the united nation noted in 2015 we are facing quote the greatest test of the human family facing in the 20th century. end quote. all hand must be on deck in the quest for our lasting ending of boko haram, isil, and the likes. i thank you. [applause] >> thank you for that statement. i give the floor to her excellence the prime minister of the kingdom of norway. >> ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this opportunity to speak about violent extremism. it is one of the greatest security challenges of our time. it brings death to people, destructure and insecurity to societies and regions and it is on the rise worldwide. our goal is clear. this must be defeated and we must work together to combat extremism and combat the roots. each and every one of us can make a difference mobilizing civil societies, women, faith leaders, local communities, and governments. we need an effort to prevent and counter violent extremism. last year, our national action plan was launched against radicalizations and civil society organizations and nine different government departments. the work against radicalization has to transede. poverty and lack of opportunities are often said to be the root causes of violent extremism. this is a grave oversimplificati oversimplification. you must recognize that the risk of people being drawn to violence groups increases in areas where there are few other opportunities. this is particular for young people. let me be very clear. there can be no excuses for violence extremist actions. the action are unacceptable and the perpetrator must be held accountable also. in july of 2011, norway experienced a terrorist attack on a government building and a youth camp was attacked later that day. many young women and men lost their lives. what we saw in the aftermath was engagement of commitment from our youth across all political dividing lines. we know there are groups out there who are willing to cynically exploit vulnerable people particularly young people. young people must be involved in governance and development of our society if we want them prevent them from being recruit today violence extremists. this was expressed at the youth against violence extremism group. this was highlighted once again in the global youth summit in new york yesterday. and an independent network was launched and we hope this grows into a global network and hope you will find it as a useful partner to develop your own plans to stop violent extremism. 2178 was adopted which calls for women to be part of the help of counter violent extremism. the power of women is understood and terrorist want them on their side but they attack women's rights and silence women. these voices must be heard. therefore i welcome and support the new alliance of women's organization against the violent extremists. i would like to underline when women raise their voices like this they are not just heard by the extremist, they are often also attacked by more traditional forces in our societies. they will lead the backing if they should do the work against the extremism. and new forms of violence emerge and new knowledge is needed. we share our information and need more research to shed new life to the local drivers of extremist. this is the local level where violence and extremism can be most easily understood. so the communities have a key role. the strong city network will enable cities across the world to pull resources and best practices. we must also strengthen international corporation. norway has launched the new development aid program to prevent and counter violent extremism and welcome to secretary general's initiative to draw up a plan. norway is contributing to all five lines of efforts set out for the global counter mission. the european mission is deployed fully in iraq, we are hoping to stem the flow of resources and terrorist working to counter isis propaganda and stabilize areas in iraq. we are providing humanitarian assistances -- assistance as well. let me quote: what happens in a small corner of the world affects all of us so let's start working together. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much for that excellent statement. we are now moving to a critical part of our agenda and that is to hear from a broader group of coalition members in discussing how we can make further progress against isil. it is a large and growing global coalition. it is as united around the common mission. heavy -- we will hear about military support on the ground, to denying terrorist access to global systems, and working to counter isil's message of hate. as we indicated before this is a long-term campaign and requires the kind of cooperation and effort from all of us that will be challenging but i am confidant we are up to the task. i want to begin by giving the floor to his majesty, king abdullah, king of jordan. your majesty. thank you, president obama for your continued leadership and commitment on this issue which is possibly the greatest collective threat of our time. last year i spoke here of the need for the coalition of the determined and this has indeed transpired. this resulted in degrading assets and capabilities over the past year. we succeeded in interupting access to resources. as a result, the momentum has been weakened. however, our coalition still faces significant challenges and as mr. president you said yesterday, if we cannot work together more effectively we will all suffer the consequences. we know the road ahead is long but we can navigate it by continue to work collectively and constantly adapting our strategy and updating coordination among coalition members. while this coalition is focused on fighting dash in iraq and syria, a more hollistic approach plans to radicate the threat. we must tackle the flow of foreign fighters and dash's supply chain across borders more effectively. empowering local communities and condu conducting the war in a way that alleviates their suffering is vital. this is our struggle. muslim nations have to lead this fight to protect and show the true nature of our religion. again, and as you pointed out mr. president, while the battles may be fought on the ground and by the population that is most effective, this war can only be won on the plane of ideas. the battleground in cyber space needs to be addressed. dash is targeting and luring potential medias worldwide through social media and it is still able to fund new recruit travel to syria and iraq. dash, boka haram, and various terrorist groups we are looking at are offshoots of the same threat in libya, yemen, mauli, other areas in africa and asia. none of us are safe until we have a pathway to address this interconnected reality. this is not a single country's problem. it is not a local or regional problem. it is our collective program. jordan has begun a collaborative effort to reach out to countries in africa to help coordinate stakeholders and build a partnership to address our threats. we are certain there is no alternative to a comprehensive approach and close coordination among all stakeholders that camrese the threat of their terrorist threats across the region. we hope this aligns security efforts under a unified strategy. finally, we cannot tackle this threat in a vacuum. the world that allows the pakistan and iran commitment is not sanctioned. winning hearts and minds remains a big challenge as this will also require in the longer and medium term dealing with governance, poverty, youth, job creation and education. it is only by stabilizing the entire regime, giving people hope instead of fear and destruction, that will truly address these and other challenges including the outpouring of refuges many who are fleeing from terror and seeking a decent life far from their homes. thank you, mr. president. [applause] >> thank you, your majesty. i now give the floor to david cameron. >> mr. president, i agree with a lot that has been said. you are right. this is a long-term campaign, you are right. you are right, isis has lost territory. we will play our part militarily and have carried out 300 strikes in iraq and trained over a 1,000 iraqi troops and we will play a role helping with the ied part of what is happening in iraq and play our part politically supporting the prime minister with the work he is doing. britain has spent $1.6 billion on supporting syrians in the refuge camps in lebanon and jordan and we will continue to do that. we will support the transition in syria that you spoke about that we need to see badly. we will play our role also in the propaganda war we need to win because frankly we need to call out isil were the mass executions, for the rapes, for the killing of innocent sunni arabs while selling oil at the same time. we need to win this propaganda war more effectively. we will establish the coalition communication cell in the united kingdom which gives $15 million to start with and i think it needs to be an important part to win, as people said, the battle of hearts and minds of muslims around the world. i want to make one point in my remarks. it is this. i think what we are saying about countering violent extremism. i don't think it is enough. i think we need to focus on the extremism that lies behind the violent extremism as well. i say this because the boy who straps a bomb to his chest and blows up an iraqi town, the guy that stand in the desert with a knife having just beheaded a british hostage or whoever, they don't get there from a standing start. they have an extremist view and mindset before they make that decision to be an extremist terrorist. maybe it starts with being told christians and muslims can't live together. maybe it moves on to being told the muslims everywhere are under attack. sometimes it is being told the terrible attack that took place in the city on 9/11 was somehow a jewish conspiracy. and then it goes on to being told that violence is sometimes justified. that a suicide bomb, if it happens in israel, maybe that is not so bad, and you get an extremist mindset that moves on to the belief that taking part in violent jihad or joining isil or any of the other franchises, al-shabaab or others, is justified. my point is we have to stop this process at the start not at the end. of course we have to win militarily. we have to have the political solution. we need the propaganda. but we need to challenge the extremist world view at the very start. what does that mean? in western countries we have to root out the extremist preachers poisoning the minds of young muslims in our country and build integrated societies so young people feel they truly belong and make sure we don't allow the incubation of an extremist world view before it justifies violence. get out it out of the schools and universities and prison. i believe in freedom of speech but freedom of hate is not the same thing. the king of jordan talked about the special responsibility among muslim countries and muslim leaders. barack obama, you said every country has extremist but we have to be frank this is the biggest threat today and it is coming from the middle east. these people claim to act in the name of the islamic religion. they don't. i can say they don't over and over again. you can say they don't. but there is nothing more powerful than what, for instance, the king of jordan has just said. when muslim leaders and muslim countries reclaim their religion and explain why what these people are saying is not islam. it is a perversion of islam. we have to do that and take away the building blocks of extremist that takes people to an extremist terrorist view. that is as important as the military, political and diplomatic steps we will take in part of this vital campaign. [applause] >> thank you, david. i want to give his floor to the prime minister of the kingdom of the netherland, mark rutte. >> i stood in front of thousands in amsterdam the day after the charlie hebdo attacks. people around the world were deeply affected by these events. it was an evening i will never forget. there we stood, united from all corners of the earth, young and old and people of every religious background and your message to terrorist was loud and clear. we are different, yet we are one. we are the majority and we will not let you defeat us. hands off our freedom were my words that night and i can still feel the emotion of that moment. violent extremism are not other people's problem. countries like iraq and syria being destabilized spreads insecurity and fuels tensions in our own communities and that is why the netherlands will remain actively involved in the fight of combating international terrorism. we cannot take our own freedom for granted. we stand shoulder to shoulder with other countries in the region and beyond in the coalition. ... if we can do young impression of people the prospect of a good future they will be less drawn to extremist groups. the idea is that intervening early and immediate social environment is the best way to stop young people from being tempted to go off to fight a war, any kind of positive than moderate influence can help. our approach is possible where necessary. our international efforts include working with partners in the global terrorism forum. the forum is the primary platform where we can share information to prevent terrorism. a few days ago the netherlands became cochair of the forum affirming our long-term commitment to to collaborate with the u.n. and other organizations. over the past year that has been a big focus on how to prevent potential foreign terrorist fighters from traveling abroad and have to deal with those who combat. violent extremism and terrorist groups like die -- al qaeda boko haram are constantly evolving. this is not a static threat and will not simply disappear. the international community cannot afford to sit back. we must be vigilant and persistent. we must continue to make it clear that we are not fighting for religion. we are fighting terrorists whose barbarism knows no bounds. that is why it is good where meeting here today. in the netherlands makes commitments to the task ahead. freedom is our explanation, result is our weapon and together we will succeed in pushing back the terrorist threat. thank you. [applause] >> next i would like to ask prime minister for his statement. >> excellencies, distinguished colleagues i had my words and thanks to president obama for the meeting of public opinion. my country has been dealing with terrorism since the early 70s and knows only too well that terrorism is -- and the course of this has been targeted by three terrorist organizations with different extremist ideologies mainly daish. in late july that killed 32 citizens and personnel on the border. this was immediately followed by pkk almost in a simultaneous manner with daish and more innocent civilians. pkk con, and it attacks played an impact on terrorist threats in the region. terrorist ideology excluding religion is no different from terrorism makes waiting race and ethnicity. there is no difference between those and other terrorist organizations. our friends and partners all of us must be vigilant. one terrorist fighting the other our partners and friends to support in its fight against all types of terrorism. no child is born to be a terrorist. the process of radicalization and crossing the not so very thin line up supporting fighters are complex matter. as governments or responsibility to protect against violence include the protection of others due to globalization and the impact of social media on the transformation to criminal -- terrorist ideology are vital and repercussions are global but nevertheless radicalization itself involves very personal and local elements. thus for every country society and community need to develop contact specific measures. just drawn network that city -- it requires long-term and indiscriminate qualities involving all of government and all of society, patients inside court nations consistency and determination are the key words and an integral part of countering extremism should be be -- we must pay utmost attention to ensure violent extremism is not related to any sectarian group. terrorists fighters have been conjured bidding to the debate on countering violent extremism. unprecedented threats emanating from war and terrorists fighters in the past few years has only confirmed what we feel. some of these young men and women who have joined daish from the heart of europe are from countries with prominently uneducated yet they end up in the ranks of this vicious terrorist group together with petty criminals are sociopaths. our work in the anti-daish group global counterterrorism forum should be focusing on four factors -- pull factors as well as push factors. mr. president my government has introduced against foreign terrorists as 2011 we have now recorded down 20,000 names from over 100 countries. moreover thanks to the air force risk analysis groups more than 1000 suspicious -- were united in turkey at airports. as such we have prevented a considerable number of foreign terrorists fighters from reaching conflict zones. only in 2015 we have deported more than 1000 foreign nationalists with suspicious presence in conflict zones in syria and iraq. dear colleagues i want to speak aloud. to tackle this problem when he toured together. without sharing of intelligence and adoption measures to address young people in countries we will fail in this quest. our efforts to dismantle networks propaganda and finance a terrorist group should continue. on the other hand let us not deceive ourselves. why the foreign fighters have made themselves more visible as part of the problem. there is no terrorist group including daish or other status solely formed by foreign fighters. we cannot ignore the impact of mismanage crisis masses placements and intolerance discrimination racism xenophobia and islamaphobia aspect year's that prepare the ground for violent extremism. serious a case in point. value at two address the root cause of the murder regime created by daish has turned into a factor for foreign terrorists. mr. president and your colleagues as the intelligence community the best narrative we have in our disposal against violent extremism abuses their ability to deliver peace stability welfare and justice. we need to ensure that our needs meet our commitments and our actions do not fall far from our -- thank you. [applause] >> thank you ahmed. next i would like to ask his excellency prime minister renzi for his statement. >> thank you mr. president. thank you for your leadership in this meeting. this is the largest coalition against terrorism the world has ever seen, bringing together regions around the world so i think it's a great responsibility. italy has assured its resolute support against daish particularly colleagues initiative of training iraqi police forces i think is important because it's the signal of friendship for citizens, for women and children in the emily's of the iraqi people. italy with the united states of america and saudi arabia is finance group and it's very important underlying initiatives and this set there comes a new financial year. the initiative for restrictive measures for terran -- foreign terrorist fighters this is very important and we are asking coalition partners to focus on external donations in order to prevent terrorist nonprofit organization in europe. the number of large networks of recruiting foreign terrorists fighters in recent months. this is important for me. just for brief remarks. i'm really surprised because a lot of attacks are against it indonesia against a school and pass for a cell culture is our identity. italy is leading efforts with unesco to -- this part, this field of discussion. second, religious and we thank middle east today i use this expression today is not today was incredible and the need culture for every religion. we must defend particularly in those moments the land in which a lot of religion was born in the past. third, not only syria and not only iraq but also africa asks for priorities in the libyan situation but also the situation in africa particularly with volusia combined with externalities and for my personal consideration your consideration and i agree obviously totally with you social network is a place of freedom. it's an incredible opportunity. i very much appreciated the words of barack obama yesterday. obviously everyone is worried further risks also of social media and social network as a way of recruiting new terrorists particularly in our continent in europe. self trained jihadis decided to make some intervention with this approach. but it's very interesting your initiative as united states and the united nations because the risk for a politician is my point of view is to reduce and the season of social networking, the season that of dominance of the newspaper and the social media to reduce our vision of the news the last press agency, the risk to approach this question without comprehensive and global approach. i think your initiative of today is particularly important because an approach not only for the last event, the last news, the last question and the old news but we have a strategy and a vision and i think this is crucial because the largest coalition around the world must win. i wish to offer to president obama supporter of counterterrorism and we are absolutely sure to defeat daish. [applause] >> thank you. i think you have heard from a cross-section of the coalition and the unity of vision but also the various capacities and elements that are going to be involved in us being successful in this process. at this stage i have asked my vice president, vice president biden accompanied by my attorney general loretta lynch and our secretary of homeland security jeh johnson to chair the remainder of the isil discussion as well as they foreign finder and countering extremist session. i've asked them did the year today because along with those seated next to me they are the leaders to disrupt counter violin extremism. there worked with many of you on the whole range of these issues. they read parts of our country but they were closer together demonstrating how well we as leaders must work across bureaucratic and international boundaries to break the entire lifecycle of terrorism from radicalization, and i thought david cameron's point was excellent that we are focused on violent extremism but violent extremism is emerging out of an extremist worldview that has to be counteracted all the way through conflict zones and bringing about the sort of good governance and political settlements that are required so that we don't have incubators for expressions of violent extremism to the work that has to be done militarily to counter activities that are going on right now in places like iraq. so want to very much thank all the leaders and participants here today including those nongovernmental organizations that are participating. i'm now going to turn the chair over to vice president biden for the remainder of the summit. thank you very much for your participation. [applause] >> nsa director michael rogers returns to capitol hill tomorrow to discuss the defense department's strategy. we have live coverage of the house armed services committee starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span3 and with our experience married to a five-star general mimi eisenhower knew how to manage a large staff and admitted nothing short of excellence in the white house. her favorite color of tank which was reflected in her wardrobe and coordinated accessories. she was voted one of the nation's best dressed for her clothing and hats. mimi eisenhower, the sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's original series first ladies influence and image examining the public and private lives of the women who filled the position of first lady and their influence on the presidency sunday at 8:00 p.m. east turn on american history tv on c-span3. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [applause] [applause] [applause] >> thank you all for taking the time to join us today to hear from governor jeb bush. it's great to have jeb in canonsburg pennsylvania. [applause] eight years ago rice energy was started by three brothers in an apartment in pittsburgh and with hard work and a talented team rice energy has become a top 25 producer of natural gas in the united states today. while most people would assume a success is because of the rise brothers, they need to do the best job they can and realize their full potential. this required trust, and this is the trust that we have the right people to do their best and to do what's right. rice energy is succeeding because of its people and we need a leader in washington that caesar nations opportunities, recognizes her people's potential and shepherds are nations return to greatness. this presidency isn't about choosing the smartest the richest are the most charismatic candidate. for me this presidency is about choosing the candidate who believes in the people. you are all three of those. [laughter] [applause] this presidency is about choosing a candidate to police and the people of this nation that we the people have the potential and the work ethic to make our country great. since launching his candidacy get has laid out a vision to reform washington d.c. to grow our economies are everyone has the opportunity to realize their potential and achieve their dreams. and to restore america's leadership in the world. jeb's eight years as governor of florida were marked by record tax cuts, reductions in government spending, strong job growth the more government reform including an overhaul of florida's failing educational system. get believed in the people of florida. he gave them the tools and the resources they needed to succeed and as a result florida succeeded. it prospered and i'm confident the same can be done with our country. as jeb's presidents of campaign announcement this year and he closed his speech saying i will run with heart and i will run to win. rice energy and all the hard-working energy workers in appalachia are very excited to hear about jeb's plan for future including the all-important topic of american energy so with that please join me in welcoming jeb bush. [applause] >> thank you, very flattering. thank you all. thank you danielle. thank you danielle, toby and derek and ryan now. where is ryan? >> is the good-looking one, the younger guy there. this is a great american success story and i'm honored that they are hosting us here as we unveil our energy initiative, our energy policy. it is a great american tradition for families to stay together to build this business. in fact it's quite common in the oil sector that this takes place and this is an extraordinary company and i'm honored to be here. i want to mention toby just for a little bit because he is the second brother and i always admired the second brother of the family. i don't know about you. [applause] i think the guy is going places. this is a great business that has taken an idea and invested in the idea took risks for the great american concept and applied technology in a way that has built the public business now that has created jobs not just in this business of more than 300 jobs would all sorts of other suppliers that i will count on rice energy is their source for their livelihood. the energy sector in our country is perhaps the most value-added of any that exist. perhaps even more than information technology. when people look at the economy everybody marvels at that the entrepreneurs of silicon valley and there's much to appreciate here. people are reinventing the wheel and creating prosperity and opportunity for people on the west coast but the oil and gas sector has been the driver for economic growth even when you have a president and administration that has tried to push it down. i recently saw a study that 40% of all the economic activity since 2008 have happened because of the energy sector in this country. 40%. if you look at how the wages go and the jobs created it's a quite similar number. the energy business in this country creates two times the median wage in the communities in which they serve and you see the benefits of it. you also see the benefits of the free enterprise system at work. if you think about the concept of hydraulic fracking and horizontal drilling it's been around for a long time, right? these are two existing technologies. it took a private business, greek immigrant by the way in a private business through trial and error that made it possible for people to realize the potential of this and in the next generation of entrepreneurs have exploited this concept to create the possibility of being energy secure with north american resources within five years. it's an aspiration that is real and i appreciate the entrepreneurship that makes it a reality. it's not just celebrating american entrepreneurship spirit energy security with north american resources also means we will have the lowest cost source of energy to outcompete anybody. i'm sick and tired of people thinking the chinese are eating our lunch. what we need to do is to tear down the barriers so we can outcompete the chinese and anybody else and i know america can do it. [applause] i have laid out a plan to lift our spirits up little bit bit. the new normal in america today is 2% growth. 2% growth mean 6 million more people are living in poverty than the day barack obama got elected to presidency. 2% disposable income is down close to $2000 in the days that barack obama got elected president. 2% growth in new normal that the left says you just have to get used to mean 6.5 million people are working part-time. 2% growth means workforce perdition rates are lower today than they were in 1977. why not aspire to a 4% growth? 4% growth means more money is going to be in people's pockets and people will be lifted out of poverty. people will be able to take a risk and start their own business or be able to grow their income because we are investing in the future the country. 4% growth means we are strong and optimistic and we are hopeful and aspirational again. 4% growth means we lead the world which is exactly what the united states should do so how do you create 4% growth and rising income that goes along with it? we need to reform the tax code and not unveil the strategies do that. the corporate tax rate of 20%, not 35 are sent. so that you invest more and more just as we need to do in this country. we should lead the world in creating a 21st century manufacturing sector with great workers, with great innovation and low energy costs and energy sources as far as i can see. we can re-create an industrial might and if we did we would be stronger in our communities would be renewing itself. we need to fix the regulatory system in this country. each and everyday from washington d.c. thousands and thousands of new rules. the cost of regulation is $1.9 trillion in our economy. that's equal to $15,000 for our american families. that means we are not creating the kinds of jobs we have whether it's obamacare that creates higher health care costs are the epa deciding they are going to get involved in things they never imagined before. in fact for you in pennsylvania i read something yesterday or the day before yesterday that 90% of the entire landmass of pennsylvania will now have to comply with the waters of the united states ruled that epa has read the epa now is going to have to give permits out for just about everything whether it's built on a shopping center or having a retaining pond. it's repressing the ability for us and in the energy sectors wraps the greatest threat whether it's methane gas regulation instead of using commonsense regulations that have worked at the state level or the federal lands that excess and waters where regulation makes it harder to be some federal lands to be able to grow the economy. regulations need to be fixed and that gets us close to the 4% growth scenario but we need to embrace energy revolution as well. we have that in our midst and if we did those three things -- [applause] so here's what i believe. i think we need to lift the ban on crude oil exports. it was designed in 1973 during a time when we had an oil embargo. that makes no sense now. we have 4 million barrels of additional production. we should sell that to the world for national security purposes for lower prices for us in greater highway jobs in this country. lift that ban. it makes no sense. if it's not a free trading company that takes an act of god to get a permit. there is gas underneath where we are ready to be exported. it also creates jobs in this country most energy costs to continue to invest in our future. the first step is to lessen the barriers that we can produce more. secondly we need to create infrastructure to get this gas to market whether it's an angle and where you have subsidized fuel oil, heavy carbon-intensive fuels oil at a higher price than if you allowed the infrastructure to get to market. you would be able to have hundreds of thousands of cubic feet of gas be provided to people that would need to be subsidized at a lower price. less carbon-intensive by the way in creating jobs right here are the infrastructure that's necessary to get to the industrial hard-line to refine the capacity of the gulf coast. let's unleash the american experience on permitting so we can expedite permitting to be able to re-create far greater demand. we do not have a supply problem and our energy sector, do we? we have a demand problem because of the lack of infrastructure. [applause] as president i would expedite permitting to make that happen and as president i would approve the xl pipeline for crying out loud. [applause] that may get this straight. the xl pipeline is bad because, trying to think why. it creates jobs in america, can access to north america to create a north american energy strategy. it's safer to come by pipeline rather than by train. it creates lower energy prices and allows the united states to be the pricer of crude oil rather than have those exports go either east or west rather than coming south. creates jobs here in the creates income here. seems like it's a pretty good idea but the radical environmentalists in this country are not allowing hillary clinton and barack obama to do what they know is the right thing to do. i won't be pressured. i will support the xl pipeline and it will create jobs here. [applause] leases on federal lands in federal waters have declined by 40% even though there's great potential. we know to be churned these revenues go to lower the budget deficit which is still a problem in washington d.c.. i will make sure that the bureau of land management in the other agencies that are stopping progress on leasing land will know that the next president wants us to do it the right way. you can always find the proper balance between the environmental goods, the environmental necessities and economic progress and that's the objective of the next administration to allow us to invest in our own dreams. it also protects the natural environment. i did it as governor of the state of florida. we can balance economic interests and environmental progress but don't stifle it because you are upset that american entrepreneurialism american exceptionalism has created a booming energy sector that you don't like is you want to be able to pick the winners and losers from washington d.c. and impose your will on the rest of the country. that's not how america works. america works far better from the bottom up rather than top down. let's unleash this entrepreneurial spirit and use of federal lands and i will promise you that i will do that as well. [applause] the final suggestion i have is that there should be greater deference to the state. in this world where everything is all the smart people apparently in the age of obama reside in washington d.c.. the rest of us are just kind of in awe of their raw intelligence and a great capabilities to tell us how we are supposed to live our lives. we need to turn that upside down it is for janelle wants to allow our federal waters off the coast to be able to develop that because they believed that will help them grow their economy than there should be some difference of recognition that virginians know what's going on. they don't want to destroy their beaches in their natural environment. if alaska wants to do the same thing then there should be some deference rather than imposing the will from washington d.c.. when i'm elected president of political hacks and academics are going to take the backseat. the people that will be making these decisions who might have practical experience in the real world and i apologize but i think that's the best thing to do. [applause] so here's my aspiration. i believe we can create a million 21st century manufacturing jobs with the lowest most abundant source of energy in the world. i believe we can continue to give the middle class of this country the greatest -- they have had in last six years which are lower gasoline prices and lower power generation utility prices because that's you make a deal they have had in the last six and a half years. if we can continue to do that in a way that liberates the oil and gas producers to be able to provide continued source of abundant low-cost energy. i believe they cannot compete in a country in the world including china. i reject the notion we are in decline as a nation that we have two dixies complex things and if we do our economy will grow at 4% and we will do it in a way that will create security for the country. the one beautiful thing about proper energy strategy as it also is a defense of the homeland. there are great threats in this world right now whether it's russia trying to dominate europe by using his energy to blackmail the eastern european or western european countries for the seaplanes being challenged in the south china seas, the united states needs to be strong and a strong america means we have to grow our economy at a far faster rate in energy and food security. we have food security and energy security no one will be able to out compete the greatest country on the face of the earth. thank you all for coming. [applause] >> we sat down last night and said we can ask you a couple questions who each have our own questions and i'm glad to ask them on behalf of all four of us. the first question. several years ago we were a small business starting in pittsburgh so as we look at small businesses today how do your policies help grow small businesses in america? >> small businesses in america for the first time in recorded history. it may have happened in the 16th century where you guys came from in england, there might have been a time when there were businesses closing and opening. that's what it is in america today. it's tragic day this country is let the world because we are dynamic and the world doesn't work in a planned way in america. we don't plan it out real well. the responder opportunity and that's how we succeed. we are 10 steps forward, five steps forward, three steps forward, two steps back country. we are totally horrible at that and the small business sector is the one that's been hurt by all of these rules on top of every aspect of the endeavor. it starts in washington but frankly some states have also imposed rules on top of everything. to start a business in california you have have to pay 800 bucks to start with and you have to do it again and again of the year. if you have a business with 10,000 bucks and you are pursuing your dream yours was probably a little bit more when you started but a lot of businesses start with borrowed money from crazy uncle harry and he gives you 10 grand and you are out killing it trying to do your best. if you have to pay $800 for an occupational license fee are tax and you have to pay another tax and you have to pay a living tax than you have to go to washington and have higher health care costs because of obamacare and the system we have. you add it all up in the small businesses don't have the accounts. they don't have the compliance offices. you guys are just starting to learn about this as a public company in the mix is harder. scale is not the definition of a successful business but in that fact in america it's becoming more that way. incumbents to mind when dodd-frank imposes all kinds of rules on every borrower. they don't care because the big banks can basically share those costs over a gigantic asset they sprayed there've only been two banks formed in the last six years in america. two new banks. there's a reason for that. the complicating life shifting regulation way from washington to the state level, rick and i said that there should be an economic benefit for every rule that is imposed by believed that to have a regulatory budget in washington. if you create a budget this is what the u.k. has done. every dollar of additional cost in my mind there ought to be a dollar of savings. you should have no increase in regulation would have to have a sunset review of all the rules to have a spring housecleaning to be able to shed some of the rules that might have made sense 30 or 40 years ago. putting men and women in positions of responsibility that understand the business, dentistry that they are regulating and don't have a political agenda they want to have a balanced view between protecting the water, the air or the workforce environment and the economic impact that businesses bring. bringing common sense to washington would be helpful. i'm 62 years old. i know i look a lot anger than that. you told me i was charismatic or good looking or something. so here's the deal. i was governor for eight years where we get all this stuff and small-business growth per year. we created 1.3 million new jobs during those eight years even though the government grew by -- we cut taxes. we created a "field of dreams" and people pursue their dreams and florida more than other places because of it. i've been in the private sector for 33 years and the government for nine. in the practical private sector experience is what i want to bring to washington d.c.. starting a business with three people in growing its the largest commercial real estate company in south florida before they kicked me out the door. that experience was the one that was more relevant in many ways and what's wrong with washington. they hang out with the big companies. they interact with their lobbyists and their lawyers and the small businesses don't have access to them they are being hurt by all of this. it's all i've got. >> good answer. [applause] >> this question from derek who is the pessimist in the rice family. derek says supporting energy is good for companies like rice energy but how does affect america's role in the world? >> it may sound counterintuitive , some people think we should import it and the net result of that is refiners get higher margins when gasoline prices are higher. exporting crude lowers costs at home. it may seem counterintuitive but if you talk to the experts they will tell you unanimously that that's the case so it's good for consumers. it's good for people working because every time you create a new market for your product whether it's gas or liquid or oil you are creating an opportunity to grow your business and invest in your own business and that creates economic opportunities for employees of rice energy and for all of the suppliers of rice energy. this community -- and for the landowners leasing of the properties and they are buying pickup trucks. thanks to those royalty checks. they are able to provide for their child's education. they are saving their money so their kids can go to the university of their choice. they are doing also to things that they want to do rather than being told what they can do. there's a vitality to this that helps not just the business but the entire community in which they are serving. frankly it's also national security issue. it's going to get cold here pretty soon. not here but in estonia and in poland and in germany and romania. if you look at the keating necessities of europe it's really cold there. where did they get their gas? by and large they get it from the russians and they're basically held hostage and they can be blackmailed. they can raise their prices anytime they want and they have done it. as the ukraine people what it's like to live through a winter with russia being your sole-source of supply. why not use it as a national security tool to be able to export lng to be an alternative to russia's natural gas? it's cheaper. it's cleaner if you are interested in the environment. it's less carbon-intensive than the russian gas. we are more committed to protecting the environment so we are exporting a cleaner energy source but more importantly it's in our national security interest to show resolve against russia to show support for the nato allies. when we need them they are not going to be there if we are not on their side. we should have a north-south corridor from poland to eastern europe using american natural gas as a source of our foreign policy tools. the same applies to the nation. there's no reason why this can't be an effective tool for us to ring gauge the world. this is a wonderful intersection of high wage, high growth, high job growth economy where we have benefit because we are energy secured. where we lower energy prices as we use them for tool for energy secured around the world today can't think of a better deal exploiting it to the fullest extent possible. [applause] look at this guy right here. that's a heck of a picture right there. a picture of them taking pictures of me. >> the third question comes from the youngest brother ryan. ryan's question is how would your reform plan -- [laughter] >> my dad is in the aggie so i'm an aggie. [applause] >> i went to the university of texas but frankly in our family because my dad's library is at texas a&m university i'm an aggie too. that's why give him such a warm embrace. >> ryan's question is how would your reform plan for government regulation affect energy workers and their families in pennsylvania? >> every dollar of reductions of a rule that creates economic benefits and achieves the social good. i'm not suggesting on record in the world to what i'm suggesting is 21st century rules rather than a complex 20th century rules allow progress to go forward which means more money in your pockets, plain and simple. every dollar that we extract from the cost of making, creating possibilities for workers and businesses creates money in people's pockets. we haven't had that. we have had 6 million more people in poverty and we have declining income for the middle of this country. disposable median income is down $2000 since the day that barack obama got elected president. it's because of this massive uncertainty and the confusing rule and the cost of the rules that businesses have to share with their workers. that's plain and simple. the same of health care. every time you create a well-intended idea of obamacare, the simple fact is that imposes costs on businesses that force businesses to make employees have to share more than health care costs. you see it happening. hire detectable in higher co-pay marcottes employees. so the best kind of rules of the ones that protect whatever it is you are trying to protect but have the lowest possible cost so people have money in their pockets. that may give an example because your success makes environment both miserable. it's a radical one. they don't like it and it makes no sense to me. a growing economy allows us to spend money on protecting wild america. when our economy and quarter grew by 4.4% per year we generated revenue that allowed us to have the largest land purchasing program in the country to protect pristine florida. we began the process of seriously trying to restore the everglades and the incredible treasure for our country. we focused on cleaning up water bodies, not just the everglades would others. if we were growing at the rate of the economy today we wouldn't have the resources to be able to protect the nash -- natural environment so there has to be a win-win. that's where we need to get to his commonsense regulation and not this making people feel like they are doing something bad when in fact you have created printer plus jobs, but the median income of a community. all of the suppliers that are dependent upon your business now love you too. you are creating wealth and prosperity for yourself but for hundreds if not thousands of other people as well. that's american way. we should be celebrating. this is what we should be doing. [applause] >> i hope your stock price goes up. that's american capitalism at its best. it shared by everybody and everybody's interest is aligned right way. i get fired up when i see examples like this because this is what separates us from the rest of the world. one other point about how we should be proud of this country. there are places where shale exists in other parts of the world. it's all over. argentina has a massive potential shale. the russians have it. the polls and the germans and the u.k., the britons have shale plates. where else other than united states has it worked? nowhere. it's only an american why is that? we take risks. we have a culture of risk-taking. not crazy risks but risks that really allow you to move forward we have private property rights embedded into er. in our dna. we were watching the men and women do to the leasing for. that's a robust market that only exists in america. only in america to private landowners owned the rights to the extent they do in this country and that creates a dynamic energies such year. as prices go down you create opportunities at you to take advantage of it. it's uniquely american to try something and if it doesn't work you make it more dynamic. cost of your productions have dropped in the last four years by 50%. where else in the world to get this kind of dynamic response? we should stop trying to default being told by washington d.c. on what to do. this is what makes america so special and this is one totally convinced we can grow at 4%. we have to unleash the animals. in america and we will be a america renewed again. [applause] i feel like i'm at the pulpit. like a tent revival meeting. >> the last question is on the last point you made. right now the economy is growing at 2%. you say can grow 4%. why do you think that can be done? >> because it has in the past. the path can be prolonged if you have to have the right policy. if you impose these rules on every aspect of business you are not going to go. if you have the most complex tax code in the world. the me give an example. we have a new phenomena called inversion and this is a reality because of our tax code. a small foreign business buys a large u.s. business to consolidate their activities in that other country because their corporate tax rates are lower. we have the highest tax rate in the industrialized world. the effect is we lose jobs the government loses revenue and we lose income. these offices have a diminished partner if you will and the people that depend on these large businesses and the communy itlsa r omity. tax proposal i've said it's because we have worldwide income as our driver. where is the cfo? nod your head if i am correct. our companies are taxed on worldwide income. there are $2 trillion of cash overseas that doesn't come back because it will be taxed at an onerous rate. what i propose is a .75% rate for that money to come back, $2 trillion to come back and move back to a territorial source of taxation which every other country has. he did that he would have hundreds of millions of dollars invested in enterprises across this country creating higher wage jobs. if you fully capitalize dustman the first year you were going to have an explosion of productivity and we are rebalancing from wall street to main street in effect. we are creating leveling of the playing field so that the heartland of our country and the industrial side of our economy will begin to grow and fosburgh. everybody else does better when that happens so fixing our tax code, fixing the regulatory system embracing the -- fixing a broken immigration system that ran as a drain on our economy that could be it cute -- catalyst for huge economic growth. we have protected our border and made it clear that coming here legally is easier than coming here illegally and pick who we want to have this new americans. you would grow the economy at a far faster rate. in dealing with the structural deficit problem that relates to our entitlement challenges we have to preserve and protect our entitlements for those that have them but we need to make sure that we reform the whole system so the next generation can receive it. you will grow at 4% as far as the eye can see and we will lead the world. we will be as we are, we will lead the world and i will close with this. simple exercise because i know people are deeply pessimistic about the future the country and they listen to politicians talk about how bad things are. you need therapy probably at therapy probably offended some of these debates. we opened up the entire world and said you have 30 days one-way ticket you can pick where you want to live, i wonder who would win that. we would win it. we would when it's 1000 to one. we would win it because this country is still the beacon of freedom. this is the hope for the world. this is the greatest country on the face of the earth and if we start acting like it we will be it. it's that simple. that's what i believe. [applause] so thank you all very much. we love you very much. [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ .. >> we have others that are created using more high-tech than men. but once again it's really the content that matters and shines through. the response from students has been great and they have created things that are important. and they are really showing a wide variety of things that are important. >> we are better serving the businesses inside it. >> we have definitely come to the consensus that humans cannot run without proof. >> children with disabilities are given the opportunity for an education. >> what is the most important issue that you want for candidates to discuss in the 2016th presidential campaign? it is born into the campaign season and there's many different candidates discussing several issues. and they should further their point of view and not just dominate the video. but it's a great way to include more information. >> the first bill i will find is the one resources end bell carried. >> there is a vital role of the federal government plays. it is especially vital for students with disabilities. students and teachers can go to our

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