Unless a local to that i have to staff my day by checking out to all those jokes finding out what people are talking about what is moving that. My father helped last uncomfortable lessons about my culture and is about to board that is what is actually doing today is that my name is that of the self and i work at good happy. A majority of the United States senators have now announced they will vote to confirm judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court moderate republican Susan Collins said she will back kavanah despite expressing sympathy for the woman who accused him of Sexual Assault one democrat is expected to break party ranks to support president trumps nominee jaring the vote which could take place on saturday. This years Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to campaigners against Sexual Violence in Warfare Denis Mccuaig is a gynecologist treating victims of rape in the Democratic Republic Of Congo he shares the prize with nadia mourad a twenty five year old jersey Human Rights Activist and survivor of Sexual Slavery by the socalled islamic state. Aid agencies in indonesia a warning that more than Six Hundred Thousand children have been affected by last weeks earthquake and tsunami the number of dead has now risen to more than Sixteen Hundred with many more still missing. A german court has halted a controversial woodland clearance half of the Humbucker Forest was set to be felled to allow Open Pit Coal Mining but judges said they need more time to consider a complaints by environmentalists who have been camping out in the woods a final decision is not expected for at least two years. Through all ag

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