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Polls to pass judgment on their president Cyril Ramaphosa took office amid high hopes for an end to corruption and economic mismanagement but support for his party the a. N. C. Has been sliding. And liverpool put four goals past barcelonas goalkeeper to one place in the tournament final its a stunning come from behind victory that may well cement coach in clubs placed in history. Im sorry kelly walked into the program we begin with breaking news a ron has announced it is partially withdrawing from a landmark nuclear deal struck with world powers in twenty fifteen president Hassan Rouhani says that his country plan to stop implementing some commitments under the accord you said that if the deal isnt renegotiate within sixty. Days the country will once again begin enriching uranium to high levels. For itself instead of selling it to other countries and the move comes as Tensions Mount washington in tehran u. S. Secretary of state mike on pale made in unannounced trip to neighboring iraq because of what he called the threat of imminent attacks from iraq. For more lets go now to tel aviv where we are trying find middle east analyst mayor john but on far what could all of this mean now for the deal. Basically means that they were audience of taken a decision to retire early age against President Trumps decision to walk out the long. Run here and saw that they were not getting any benefits from staying in the deal. Because of President Trump you know what he may be difficult for you here countries to do business with iran and. Iranians are buying this place tremendous pressure on the government of president rule on the shore some retaliation because they believe that you know be passive about this is not going to increase irans leverage of course the iranians also take no risk because by undertaking some of these actions specially holding on to some of the reach raising money if they increase the level of enrichment its going to really ratchet up the pressure and also a quick damage their relations europeans but you know there were as far as the iranians are minus well some of the moderates are concerned over left with no other choice and they need to look at increase the leverage without willing piece of the leverage against the americans that really makes no doubt on is this a negotiating tactic in your opinion i mean is there any way that this deal can be saved or is this now done. To be honest with the i dont see president going back to the negotiation table because its i think this is going to ratchet up the pressure between the two sides i think that two sides are not all as will be slowly going to start to play a game of chicken the day running and increasing as it were already they were going to also look at excess uranium and grease a little bit in which they died is really going to put them on a pos. Confrontation with the west and israel but on the other side the americans of all sides these are pressuring iran to agree to a better deal. Or send their you know are ratcheting up their military. Presence in the persian gulf. Almost in a region you can see both sides are doing this in order to increase their have to negotiate shouldnt you know its very difficult so i decide to accept their opposite sides conditions because they run yes will say look were not the ones who walked out of the nuclear deal was the americans and now americans president talking down if he gives in to you by and demands of the moment because he stakes so much of his presidency especially considering the fact that its going to stand for elections in twenty twenty on this iran thing so i think we see that we International Community will witness but a very very. Its just say tense time from now on between iran and the United States they are dotted on far middle east analyst thank you. For now our Political Correspondent brian todd is joining us with the view from europe now what are we to make of this i mean this is really a surprise announcement. Is it is a surprise and i think it will be very very. Received with a lot of concern both here in berlin and in other european capitals after all it was germany together with the five permanent members of the Security Council that negotiated this deal until its signature in two thousand and fifteen and when President Trump withdrew unilaterally from the agreement a year ago exactly a year ago the europeans as well as china and russia tried to keep that they deal alive in fact they even try to set up a mechanism within europe for European Companies to be able to circumvent american sanctions against iran a deal or a mechanism that didnt really work because in the end the force of american sanctions the force of the power of american banks especially in the of the american dollar late to the fact that many european the very few European Companies in fact were prepared to try and circumvent this United States sanctions so the whole thing seems very much shaky at the moment and at the same time i think one has to say its regrettable that the u. S. Foreign minister secretary of state pompei oh was not in berlin yesterday but chose to go to iraq instead because obviously this would have been one of the subjects that people would have been talking about here in berlin and you know from the european perspective i mean they have really been fighting for this deal germany especially one of the driving forces in the clear deal with iran what is the reaction likely to pay. The reaction is likely to be one of shock and one of disappointment and at the same time i think germany will try to push for further negotiation thats been the german position all along that carlos of negotiation with iran should be kept open that the only way to reduce tensions in the region would be to incorporate iran in agreements and if they would difficulties with the tomic agreement one could renegotiate them in fact the agreement has been holding the International Atomic Energy Agency which oversees this agreement has been certifying that iran has been doing its part in this agreement all the time so the rain is appeared to have waited for a year to see if anything can be done after the withdrawal of the americans and they seem to have now decided that the time has come for them to in a sense react strike back. With a view from europe on this breaking news ron announcing its partial withdrawal from a landmark nuclear deal hans thank you. Now polls have opened in south africa as voters give their verdict on the performance of president Cyril Ramaphosa on the post and his ruling a. N. C. Party you have been watching their Approval Ratings and nosedive as he struggles to make good on promises to fight corruption and get the economy back on track although the a. N. C. Is expected to win this election as it has every time since the country emerged from white minority rule back in one thousand nine hundred four analysts are predicting that its margin of victory could fall sharply. Critias covering this election for us from johannesburg. And this could really be a decisive election for the country and one of the issues at play right now. After talking to some of the voters here at this polling station earlier i asked them what are the expectations for the new government that will come in and beyond was the same like the one i feared and cowed to times before everybody here says they want the new government to fix the economy unemployment rates are extremely high every fourth person if not more is unemployed the economy has been struggling the growth is lower than the growth of the population and this is of course a major challenge for a country that is plagued by a huge inequality and this is something that is really ardently needs to be addressed. Ok so lets look especially at the leader there in south africa because you know a lot of people will really be looking at his tenure and rendering a verdict on it and then id really like to get your reaction there are. So many South Africans ciro around a poser embodied a new chapter and leader who enjoyed support and trust right across the class and color divides. When he replaced his disgraced predecessor jacob zuma first as leader of the a. N. C. And then as president he promised years of corruption and economic mismanagement were over you door is a poor us and the wonderful door pairs of eyes thank you. As a young anti apartheid activist and trade union leader from opposer was a Nelson Mandela protege who led the talks to and white minority rule in south africa. But when he was passed over as mandela a successor to president he turned his back on politics focused instead on business becoming one of the countrys wealthiest men. Later it was the backing of the business lobby and his boardroom experience that would help give him another edge over other contenders to replace jacob zuma. But scenes like this showed the kind of challenges facing around opposer and the a. N. C. Back home protests across the country at issues including government corruption a lack of jobs and poor public services. And the troubled state utility eskom rationing power causing rolling blackouts that have hindered efforts to boost growth. In addition run opposer is under pressure because the a. N. C. Is losing voters to the more populist land reform policies of the earth so hes pressing ahead with the expropriation of white farmers without compensation but risks losing white support and that of the International Community. Cyril run a pose as future is all but certain his preferred path is one of stability and growth but if this election doesnt hand the a. N. C. Enough votes from a poser could find himself losing his grip altogether on the divided party. And i agree on ram opposed to he came to power replacing jacob zuma who was plagued by scandals he was supposed to really clean the house in the country and his party how successful has he been in doing that. Well its too early to say because hes only been in power for about a year but he has been coming out with very strong words when it comes to fighting corruption and it was the same also during the Campaign Time this time around he was really strongly saying that people who are corrupt will be spacing the consequences no people who are corrupt will be seen in government offices anymore they will not get any jobs anymore but the question is will he be able to follow up on that and this will of course take time because the corruption has been going so deep into the system here and many people are predicting that the basically how many votes will he gets this time around because the a. N. C. Has been winning all the past elections for twenty five years now but the voters numbers went down and down and the question is if they will get a strong mandate once again by voters to really address this issue of corruption and clean up within his own party and one of the parties that really stands to gain i made that uncertainty is this a populist party the Economic Freedom party led by. What is their appeal. Rights they are mainly addressing the poor master class but also the unemployed saying they have not been represented by the a n c their issues were not addressed and they are quite successful in that theyre very young party rather radical approaches they make a lot of noise but because of the lack of performance of the a and c. Of the lack of Service Delivery lack of creating jobs of course theyre appealing to a lot of young voters in particular and many say they will definitely increase their votes they will not get as many as the other big Opposition Party most likely the Democratic Alliance but theyre the new players on the ground and this is something they have to watch out and if the a. N. C. Will not address the issues that they have been criticized for then obviously they will get more votes in the future as well. As the voting takes off there in south africa thank you. Lets get a quick check now some other stories making news around the world two students were arrested at a school in Denver Colorado after they opened fire on their classmates one student was killed in the shooting while several others remain in the hospital in a Critical Condition authorities have not met yet commented on a possible motive for the attack. At least seven inmates have died and another ten have been seriously wounded in a prison riot at wot amala prisoners took over the jail for about eight hours before some fifteen hundred Police Officers regained control of the facility east of the capital lot of moloch city. Now with the wide elections coming later this month the two top candidates for the president of the European Commission have been debating on German Television the conservative politician my friend gave out of the European Peoples Party and france to months of the party of european socialists who is from the netherlands battled it out for the hearts and the minds of voters on subjects likely to affect the future of europe whichever Political Group in the e. U. Performs best at the polls has a good chance of replacing alcoa e. U. Commission president. For this. Kind its now one key issue both leaders addressed at the debate is how to deal with europes rising populist movements those movements want to fundamentally change the a used political direction or get rid of the block altogether one of the populist most visible and vocal leaders is hungary and Prime Minister viktor orban his fetus party is expected to win the vote in hungary by a landslide but as did abuse max and are found out many young hungary and see the e. U. As their countrys best hope for the future they want their future to be in the e. U. On a donut and company and she are the lead candidates for momentum a young hungry and movement they are set to challenge Prime Minister viktor or bands far right feet as party in the upcoming elections. Hungary and his allies and house obviously are sufficiency all those along the line they are destroying the unity if youre out there fighting against our shared accomplishments they want to create a year of that is less stable less organized less powerful and i think that youre off these to be reformed in order to fight against populists the majority of young people have joined the march for europe today to mark the fifteenth anniversary of hungary joining the bloc after all its them who in practice benefit the most and are who are less likely to buy into the anti european rhetoric of the governments. Despite prominent support from e. U. Commissioner ma get the best aga only a few hundred momentum supporters joining todays march theres a mood of political apathy in the country but for those who came out today the view is a fundamental issue. We are against corruption whats in the governments right now and there are one hundred percent supportive of the European Union whats going on around here is just an acceptable the European Union is like the symbol of freedom and free speech and its like. The last hope. These young carians are tired of the governments anti e. U. Policies and many have moved to other e. U. Countries for a Better Future since the two thousand and eight financial crisis close to five hundred thousand mostly young carians have gone abroad thats almost five percent of the population. But for the governing fetus party stopping this mass exodus doesnt seem to be a priority their campaign focuses exclusively on the alleged threat that immigration poses to the country. These Campaign Activists tell us that young people leaving the country are not the issue said in my opinion its not only hungary and so move to work abroad thats part of your freedoms the youth from poland and greece travel abroad germans also come to hungary or those that we dont know would you not me my thoughts i think. Momentums Vice President s and i dont know its blames the government for failing to provide for her generation she says shes committed to creating a future for young gary and here at home regardless of the odds. After three elections when one super majority. You can say that ok thats thats hopeless maybe con to anything anymore so even if this election one tear knowledge of a hope for it doesnt mean that next time be kind be more successful stronger more motivated i mean if you if you fail then you stand up and do twice as hard in last years parliamentary elections momentum fails to pass the five percent threshold but with a few more weeks to go and a third of hungarys young people still undecided theres a chance they could make their dream of shaking up hunger in politics in europe a reality. Now britains Prince Charles and his wife camilla have begun a four day visit to germany the couple met with chancellor Angela Merkel and mingled with crowds of the Brandenburg Gate where the topic on most peoples minds was the arrival of Prince Charless new grandson. Germany welcomed the british head to the throne and his wife camilla with weather fit for a king charles and camillas started their tour of bilin at the chancellery meeting angeleno but this was only a short meet and greet germanys president was waiting. And frankly time i had a special present for prince charts a teddy bear for his grandson who was flown on monday. And there were more vicious waiting at the Brandenburg Gate berlins iconic landmark hundreds lined up to see the prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall Prince Charles has been in germany more than thirty times but if you went by the crowds youd think it was this first time that people are very excited and all hoping to catch a glimpse of the royal couple at to about the fact that the duchess of sussex has just given birth to a baby boy another grandson for charts and what you have is a double treat for the fans of the house of windsor. Excitement was running high and charles and camilla didnt stand on ceremony the crowd of course were keen to find out more about the latest royal arrival. Wouldnt at least as im a bit surprised that elin seems to be more important for him and then being with us grandchild. I was delighted after i got the news yesterday and were all betting on possible names here i think its important symbol. For the british its a continuation of the line its a continuation of what it means to be Monarchy Group return you return your rules the way. Late in the evening oh boy a party was held at the British Embassy residence in berlin to celebrate the queens ninety day and heres something that many germans are happy to hear although the times may be a changing i know german relations remain a priority. In football news liverpool has staged a remarkable comeback to advance to the final of the Champions League with a victory over barcelona grade from sports is here to talk us through the match what happened for what happened sara was a truly remarkable game of football an affair which has witnessed its fresh air of great european nights i have to say this one was probably the greatest liverpool were three know down from the without their star player. Even. If his team can win here they would say oh Beautiful Day well it was beautiful but they didnt. It would have given them a chance to reach for a perfect start off the seven minutes and then the game really turned on its head in the second half and it was thanks to that man that. He came on of the time. With his right foot then the second with his head goalkeeper very to stay looking at serie help the side that was free email on the night level on aggregate and by this point was absolutely rocking and ten minutes left. Scored his second goal of the night little pulls forth a sneaky quick corner from parents friends alexander on the boss learn to play is completely unaware even a reeky didnt seem like he saw the ball until it was actually on his feet and then it was in the back of the net so come back. Even he can believe it lets take a listen to what he had to say after the game. For me to screw up and to have to describe it its a big heart and tonight it was obviously like crazy but what is it wont know about the hard to believe is pounding pounding like crazy and you could hear it probably and feel it all over the world so its just i believe im so happy that we could give the people. This. Lucy experience so three two goals down against barcelona i mean really quite dramatic this was really a story that was it was really historic. Truly historic because First Time Since one thousand nine hundred eighty six the team has come from st goes down in this competition in the semifinal for us to act to then get through to the final and ironically that seemed at last it was of course. That irony wont be lost on them of course and this is the second time in two seasons that theyve been stung by a comeback roma did it to them last season in the quarterfinals they looked absolutely dejected out that messi stopped i mean he just looked absolutely lost to the ground the liverpool goes around reigning in but thats not say this was a buffalo in a collapse this was all about liverpool to truly incredible performance and them a hassle but also learn from the style so much passion and price reeky environmentalism believe it or not it only scored seven goals the tween them all theses and prior to last nights alex on donald who i mentioned he was amazing right back involved in more than one goal and of course you can close this is the final in the final in thick season and now we have liverpool back in the finals for the second straight tie and who are they going to face and can they win well well find that out this evening. In the second semifinal ix. Have one goal lead from the. So youd have to favor that they do have home advantage as well for the second leg but if this competition has taught us anything its that we shouldnt write any team off so telling them will be looking at what liverpool did last night and basing inspiration from that weve not had an old english final for more than a decade but i think you have their full face in the final they will send a fancy their chances especially having lost it last season against real madrid i think thank you. It watching t. V. News a quick reminder of the top stories that were following for you iran says that it is partially withdrawing from a landmark nuclear deal struck with the worlds powers back in twenty fifteen president Hassan Rouhani says theyve tehran will stop implementing some commitments and will once again begin enriching uranium to high levels if the deal is it renegotiated within sixty days South Africans are voting in president ial and parliamentary elections widely seen as a test of the ruling a. N. C. Party and president Cyril Ramaphosa is leadership many voters are disappointed that he has not done more to combat in the quantity and corruption. Coming up next on d w Business News should tax giants like facebook and amazon pay a special digital tax on top of regular corporate taxes. 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Were not sure to give the right answers or to ask the right questions. Were not here to indoctrinate but to listen. Plus ninety connect to an unbiased agenda subscribe now on youtube. And action packed life. Anythings possible as long as up to coffee and his friends can dream up at his Movie Theater in kenya was dubbed operation g. Cam. His life story may have ground to a. Twenty seven years ago but theres no holding back his dreams. Thank you for watching cinema the dawn of sorts may twenty seventh on the w. A i a new privacy features take center stage at the first day of google i o. The firms annual developer conference for the search giant has some bigger issues to address. Also on the show google and other Tech Companies like Facebook Face pro and demands that they fit digital tax because theyre a Business Case for it to

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