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Fears a new wave of refugees and threatens to really open the floodgates to europe for us to beat or not to beat israel prepares to go to the polls again in an unprecedented repeat election. And in the German Bundesliga the story of the minnows shaking things up to the very top of the pointlessly got freiburg are in the top 4 and to end on staying there. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program President donald trump says the u. S. Could respond militarily to 2 drone attacks on saudi arabias Oil Facilities washington has blamed iran trunk tweeting the following there is reason to believe that we know the culprit we are locked. And loaded depending on verification but are waiting to hear from the kingdom referring to saudi arabia there are rania backs who the rebels based in yemen have claimed responsibility but washington says there is no evidence the attacks were launched from there u. S. Officials say the satellite images of the impact indicate a level of precision beyond the ability of who rebels alone now irans president Hassan Rouhani have this to say. So you have the joining go for the usual roma americans instead of confessing that they have presence in the region. In syria in yemen syria to monitor and other areas he has been problematic they accuse the countries of the region. Lets get more on this we are joined here in the studio by tobin shots he is an expert on defense from the German Council on Foreign Relations welcome to the program. We have the United States saying that these satellite images they shal clearly they show definitively that the attacks come from the direction of iran or iraq rather than from yemen how likely do you assess this claim that it does have a little bit the litany that indeed this came from a sophisticated state actor so i mean the direction of the tick seems to be quite clear if you compound us with a large image with open source material for example who were napster can clearly see in the direction of the turquoise robin north almost west so not really yemen. I think the scale is more indicative of a supreme sophisticated actor than the precision sins of being who you think you might agree with the americans on this yeah yeah in principle i would why do you think that the who the rebels then claimed responsibility here because i mean there has been a claim of responsibility if indeed i mean it gives the act as some kind of plausible deniability both for the for your own primarily as an alleged sponsor of the who the rebels so you can essentially perpetrate and then let someone else take risk responsibility which which gives you political leverage and if possible deniability which is important i guess politically we have the United States saying that theyre locked and loaded what do you make of that. Thats right. Might be dangerous and on the from but on the other hand on the trump has repeatedly made such remarks on the run. For example and the ball to take on iran a couple of respects so. Its a dangerous situation i guess but the Rising Oil Prices indicate what would happen if there would really be a conflict happening that would read the eula devastating blow to the World Economy and im we also have the German Foreign minister heikal masi was also really not dismissive of how serious the situation is condemning the attacks earlier today calling for a does d. Escalation just walk us through the seriousness of the situation india that we are facing right now so i mean economically saudi arabia. Makes up about 10 percent of the World Crude Oil supplies in their false off their capability or capacities so were now. Short 5 percent of the former oil supplier which they all prizes thrived as the principal send and the markets open and now its about 10 percent of all that is lets say more disruptive than catastrophic right nom but obviously any escalation would drive that. And would be really dangerous could only an obvious limited to really because then you might face an escalating conflict on a wide a scale than just in saudi arabia its a through through these attacks with that assessment of the situation we want to thank you very much top it juts expert on defense from the German Council on Foreign Relations we want to show you. Lets get a quick check of some other stories making news around the world votes are being counted in to me just now president ial election the ballot is widely seen as a test of one of the worlds youngest democracies the only one to emerge from the arab spring of 2011 turnout was low in the election called after tunisias 1st democratically elected president died in office. 2 days of heavy rains caused chaos on a tourist island in the gulf of thailand rough seas and strong currents led to the suspension of ferry crossings to the island of coachella but Authorities Say that water levels are now subsiding tarantula monsoon rains have killed 33 people across thailand since the end of august. In the 1st nationwide strike in the us Auto Industry for more than a decade 50000. 00 workers at u. S. Carmaker General Motors have walked off the job Union Leaders say that they were going ahead with the industrial action even though more talks on pay rates were planned. The leaders of Turkey Russia and iran are meeting in ankara today for talks centering on the last islamist and rebel strongholds in syria it lip the turkish president right of type marijuana fears that a syrian offensive there will send tens of thousands of new refugees toward his country in response he wants to set up what he is calling a safe zone for refugees inside of syria hes also threatening to open the floodgates as he put it and allow refugees to start coming to europe again. Turkish troops fire warning shots and tear gas at the border with syria. Theyre trying to prevent syrian protesters from storming the cross the frontier. The demonstrators are demanding protection from an offensive by the Syrian Government on the last rebel stronghold of. This is a warning that if nothing is done to help us then we are. Into turkey and europe a lump of. This is added once fear that the destruction and the death in adlib will send tens of thousands more Syrian Refugees towards his country joining the nearly 4000000. 00 whove already fled the carnage. He says this will have to mattick consequences not just for turkey but for europe too because the couple that are struggling we will be forced to open the gates. Of the outer world building and we will be forced to open the gates is the if you are going to provide support then provide support if you are not sorry everyone sees this area in Northern Syria as one solution to any new refugee crisis. Turkish an american troops are already patrolling here ahead of the establishment of whats being called a safe zone for the resettlement of up to 1000000 Syrian Refugees but everyone says the International Community and europe in particular are not offering enough support for the plan. He also accuses the e. U. Of failing to honor its commitments in a landmark 2016 refugee with turkey. To a u. Offered anchorage 6000000000. 00 euros to stop the flow of migrants into europe in 2015 but add one says hes received barely half of the money europe says its willing to have a discussion without one but greece which takes in most of the new arrivals says he must 1st change his tone. The migration issue is a european matter it is not a bilateral issue and mr erdogan must understand that he cannot threaten greece and europe in an attempt to secure more resources to 100 the refugee issue your lover could move will be. But with more migrants reaching greek sure as an august 29th teen than its any other time in the last 3 years athens also knows the dissolution needs to be found. Lets bring in carson helberg now she is an author and a syria analyst she was a correspondent there for 7 years welcome to the program and thank you for joining us we have the Syrian Government forces really pushing hard in the lab we have with the backing of support from russia essentially how has that affected the situation at the Turkish Border well there are 500000 syrians being stranded at this border some of them still living up in the open you know under trees with some plastic protectors so its a very dire conditions for them obviously and we have seen them taking their hatred or their you know frustration to the border gates with the protests that we have just seen they are demanding that you either protect us and clip or we want to go to tokyo and migrate further on to europe thats that he meant the people inside it they feel betrayed especially by president who has put up 12 of savation posts inside at lip but he cannot even protect its his own protect his own observation post obviously and he cannot stop the russian air raids and he cannot stop obviously the sunni regime from advance in the big question is you know where do these people now go is there anywhere within syria for them to go really strictly actually not i mean them have already been displaced from different areas that have been retaken by the Syrian Regime so its not an option for them to stay there to wait for president assad to take this area you have other took us protectorates north of aleppo you have a free. But these are small pockets that cannot cannot really locate that number of people so this is one of the other wants to create this zone east of the youve got to this and this is very important because its a curtis controlled area and this will change obviously the demographic off the region i mean to reset the 1000000. 00 arab syrians that are now inside turkey would really create a lot of social rift and it would make any kind of social reconciliation there difficult and you know just in terms of sheer numbers were talking about 3500000 syrians who have already fled to neighboring turkey our correspondent leon is actually based in turkey she was just speaking with people on the streets how they were assessing the situation and the presence of refugees there and have a listen to what she have to say and then get your team in. Turkey cant host more refugees from syria weve reached our limit of historic need to more young people are dying while fighting in syria but what do young syrians doing they just sit around here and smoke shisha is this fair and right. About now we have to take care of the refugees theyre muslims like us its our responsibility theyve lost their homes their savings and on are we have to help. In turkey unemployment is a big problem a lot of young people unemployed Even University graduates cant find jobs we should take care of our own citizens 1st then we can look after the others. That are upset that i now see signs in arabic everywhere i think weve started to lose our National Identity there he said so some mixed responses there about what you do here among some is you know a sense of fear especially a sense of fear that more refugees might be coming and what that will do to the society how it will impact what do you make about you know the potential for addressing some of those fears i think this is another year that we are going to see inside if that is the following i think that writing is put in the russian president both come up with kind of a compromise saying that ok president assad the syrian president. Really needs to take control of 2 important highways inside at libertys the m 5 highway connecting aleppo with the capital the muscles and the and for highway connecting aleppo in the north the Coastal Region with latakia there so this is very important for Bashar Al Assad he will not stop his. His. His offensive until he reaches the school and this will push the people further north we could maybe foresee a kind of safe zone or from the perspective of the syrians there would be an open air prison to name it very strongly to host all these people there because this region north of these 2 high was not that important for president assad nobody wants to take these people and neither europe nor turkey nor anybody else the fate of the 10s of thousands of fighters being there as well so this would not be a stable situation and it would be a humanitarian catastrophe if the International Community does not take up its responsibility at least for this small pocket that probably most of the inhabitants of the board end up in some major implications in terms of what is happening on the ground right now in syria person author in syria analyst putting it into context for us thank you pleasure. Well israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved a new settlement on the occupied west bank the move coming 2 days ahead of a closely fought election as he seeks to boost turnout among his conservative base his main opponent benny gantz has also been out trying to mobilize his supporter. Reports. For the 2nd time in a year newly at service she runs to spend the owned cafe will be casting his ballot he hopes that Benyamin Netanyahu will from the next Coalition Government be be as everyone calls to Prime Minister sometimes stops by for coffee and pastry at this neighborhood coffee like many other likud supporters serve if you see snow and turn a tip to the long serving leader. I live in a demolition the man has experienced and this is extremely important its very important for people here to have someone to run the state as he does it a state like israel with so many challenges and having good relations with World Leaders all around the world. Following the last election in April Netanyahu failed to put a coalition together some analysts describe the elections as a fight for his political life not least because of corruption allegations these elections are not about any policy issue at all these elections are shakespear are there to be be or not to be that it will continue to happen even though there are 3 a criminal investigation is hanging over his head he has proven inability to overcome any obstacle before and hed be able to do that again now. His main rival benny gantz head of the center of i. Q. And white party emerged as a real threat to netanyahu in the previous election touring the country like here in southern israel guns who served as military chief under netanyahu wants to sway voters with his security record and a different comet leadership. This appeals to which. She would like to see a less selfcentered Prime Minister and a more centrist less religious Coalition Government i need of us then i am voting for benny gantz and his entire team and the party itself because they are politically in the center with all they all have clean hands. They care about the general public not a cause. In with some make up by pollsters predict a tight race netanyahu is fighting for every vote and hes not shying away from making election promises his pledge to annex settlements in the Jordan Valley in the occupied west bank if reelected has. Triggered heavy criticism up wrote tone to it as election spin in israel it remains to be seen whether its ways more voters of the smaller right wing parties to the recruit most people are very cynical about these promises including the right wing who are in favor of i mix asian theyre saying well youve been Prime Minister for 13 years until now and youre telling us a week before the elections suddenly there is a historic opportunity to do this at the cafe all eyes are on election day everybody here knows that theres a real power struggle with begin over a Coalition Building the day after. Its the 2nd time in a year that israelis are going to the polls this tuesday traditionally security and Economic Issues are top priority protests but these elections are seen as a kind of for friend them on the longstanding premise of a Benyamin Netanyahu and whether he will be able to form a coalition. Was just over 6 weeks to go before britain is supposed to leave the European Union Prime Minister Boris Johnson has just arrived in luxembourg to tell European Commission president John Paul Juncker that progress has been made on a break sit deal but junker is known to be skeptical and brussels has played down talk of the breakthrough. Joining me now is barbara vais old v. W. Correspondent in luxembourg so barbara tell us because Boris Johnson i mean he seems confident that he can get a deal amid these 1st face to face talks with the e. U. Commission chief does he have reason to be optimistic. 1st johnson changes his tune according to wherever he is because yesterday when he was still in london giving interviews he said he was tremendously optimistic that great progress was being made now he arrived here just a moment ago and we asked him again how optimistic are you really Prime Minister and he said cautiously so we really dont know but juncture jugar himself that you commission chief and his chief negotiator michaud bunya who is also here they didnt even want to comment on it and said they would not lose patience with these talks indicating that nothing has sort of serious had happened so far barbara how about from the e. U. Side what is the e. U. Demanding from Boris Johnson right now. Theyre demanding that he finally 4 weeks before the essential summit in mid october put something concrete on the table put some real proposals on paper on the table something that the negotiators can really talk about because this is about detail this is not about large political declaration its all be friends and lets somehow figure out some sort of solution for the irish border no this is about detail on paper that then needs to be signed off during that summit in mid october time is of the essence here it is running out quickly and Boris Johnson so far hasnt shown anything barbara bizzle live in luxembourg thank you. Well now we had to bundesliga football where early Season Results have been a breath of fresh air for fans who have lamented the same teams usually dominating the top of the table one of the new faces to appear in the top 4 after a thrilling weekend of action is freiburg after beating hoffenheim many are now paying attention. Freiburg. Made for changes to a starting lineup for the clash with often time and it soon paid off chris chan going to made it one meal in the 11th minute. The defender drilling it into the corner of the net Sebastian Rudy tried to respond for hoffenheim but keeper alexander displayed some sharp reflexes meanwhile his team stayed on the attack and played with more urgency yannick doubling fribourg lead late in the 1st half was and peterson added another in the 59th minute his 2nd goal of the season rounding out the female storyline and. It was mentality. Conviction and. It was a nice performance im very happy. And his team celebrated fribourg best ever start to a campaign oftentimes meanwhile have only managed to win one game this season. Lets get more on the weekends bundesliga actually we are joined here in the studio by ali well have talk you from d. W. Sports and we might mean what has happened to the bundesliga powerhouses because they usually dominate this point and you see you i mean 7 years dong weve had by an domination but this could possibly be the year we finally have a team come and overthrow by a new nick and that would be of course really great because it would just take away the boringness and the dullness of the bullets nneka with certainty i can say that this is going to be a 3 horse race so of course the usual by and but we also have dortmund in the mix and like i say but this could still wait turned into a 4 horse race because we also have that team right there for high book in red they have somehow snuck into the top 3 and we will have more on that later and even by an coach. That has predicted that this is going to be of this going to be a 4 horse race you know a fight for the bundesliga title so i think in general we will we have this time around a very generous interpretation of the bundesliga title race ok sounds good but we have to talk about this weekends heavyweight match up i mean this was the rain champions byron and the contenders life say. The match live up to the hype it did it sure did and this is exactly what the bundesliga also needed i mean this match injected competition into the league again and i get it i mean like 6 they did get quite lucky by and did dominate but at the end its the result that counts you know people are going to remember the 11 and the fact that lights to take points off by a new nick in the past i really think like perhaps would have lost that game but i think this time of the difference is coach union august man he is a tactical fox and he showed that again on the weekend and i think with him at the helm there are real contenders now that see how that result shook up all. The standings and im going to say dont youre probably rubbing your eyes right now that theres nothing wrong with your eye. Every i stay on top after they draw with buy on the defending champs of course fall to 4th dont move to 2nd and lets talk about now the surprise package so far with one of the smallest budgets in the league they move to throw out there that they have their best ever start to a been a state a season and theyve only conceded 3 goals so far that is exceptional so its really fascinating stuff i mean you know and if i live there dortmund they have their troubles at the start of the season but they really found their form they have and i think that was so important because they need at this win against the bye i leave a cruise and especially after dropping points 2 on your own and i think more than anything dont need to prove to themselves that we are not going to fall into bad habits were not going to lose points when it comes to business either title by losing to small teams but also more importantly they did it in a very spectacular way they won one nil and of course they probably knew that us alone are watching though they sent them a message a statement because tomorrow night in the Champions League they are up against boston though not a spanish giants and that would be a very very epic game only 100 documented of use for thank you. This is c w news of the user our top stories. President trump says the u. S. Could respond militarily to attacks on Oil Facilities in saudi arabia over the weekend he tweeted that the u. S. Was quote locked and loaded and waiting to hear from riyadh the rebels in yemen have claimed responsibility but trump says that iran is to blame. Turkeys president wretch of type area one has welcomed irans president rouhani to a summit in syria russian president Vladimir Putin is also due in uncorrupt erda one wants to prevent any escalation of fighting in syria and the flood of people fleeing from it. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in luxembourg to tell European Commission president john called younker that progress has been made on a deal to get britain out of the e. U. Want tobar 31st of brussels has played down any talk of a breakthrough. In the 1st nationwide strike in the us Auto Industry in more than a decade 50000 workers the car maker General Motors have walked off the job talks between management and unions about a new contract have been going on for months. This is e. W. News from berlin you can always find the latest headlines at g. W. Dot com or you can follow us on twitter. Youre watching d. W. News still to come on the program oil prices have surged after saturdays attack on 2 major processing plants in saudi arabia more on the oil price developments coming up in business meetings. Im sorry kelly in berlin thank you so much for watching have a great. After. The live with the water. And in fear of this long hours of manila capital of the philippines their home is risk being swallowed up by the sea. But now there is hope the government is helping them move into safe apartments. And theyre building new pumping stations to protect them from flooding. Global 3060 minutes of d w. Natural riches. Precious resources. And a real morning investment. Farmland has been called ethiopias green gold. The country has an abundance of life and leases it to International Giants the government is after high export revenues for corporations high profit margins. Not everyone benefits from the booming business. We give you when i saw the algos are clearing the land i was devastated you can give me to how could they bulldoze the land without my permission removed were i knew it belonged on a whim. Explain. Fundamental destruction starvation. Cars government control. Sewing your house over country. Dead donkey sphere know how you know it. Starts september 18th on d w. All processed so often drone attacks on the saudi arabia brant crude to jump 1000 percent before retreating slightly but the situation remains volatile to the us blaming iran the for the attacks. Also coming up what will the us fail to do in face of the us budget deficits topping one trillion dollars we talk to an expert. 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