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Been devoted to that easy it. Over the top let me be clear. We still have to look if were. Also coming up on the day accused of terrorism and thrown in a turkish jail tonight we speak to the german shimmered rights activists at the center of a diplomatic crisis between berlin and Peter Storrie and an exclusive interview thats coming up later on the day but first its been called a breakthrough but is it really the European Union and britain say they have reached an agreement on brocks that will allow them to progress to the next round of talks for his Prime Minister tourism and European Commission president said theyve agreed on key issues such as rights for e. U. Citizens in the u. K. And guaranteeing theyll be no hard border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland but it looks like the toughest talks could still lie ahead. Both sides are calling it a brecks a breakthrough capping off a week of drama purchased Prime Ministers to resume a arrived early at the European Commission her goal saving the talks on her countrys exit from the e. U. A short meeting with European Commission president followed and then the two emerged to make the big announcement. We have been able to make sufficient progress to ensure that we can now move into the second phase of the negotiation between the United Kingdom and the European Union of twenty six. Of them since. May and june to say theres been progress on a major stumbling block how to manage the future border between the u. K. s Northern Ireland and the ease republic of ireland has been a particularly tricky subject many fear a hard border separating the two with Border Guards could plunge the north back into turmoil by undermining the belfast agreement it ended decades of sectarian violence in the region. In Northern Ireland we will guarantee there will be no hard border and we will uphold the belfast agreement and in doing so we will continue to pursue the constitutional and economic integrity of the United Kingdom. But e. U. Chief bracks in a go shatzer Michel Barnier says sorting out the store on the issue will need special talks to citizens. In Northern Irelands Democratic Unionist Party has stood in the way of an agreement so far that support is vital to mays minority governments and even now theyre not satisfied with whats been agreed so far. But the talks can still proceed from here thats the e. U. Leaders sign off on the deal at a Council Summit next week. Or the argument as is in brussels forest here weve heard does call a breakthrough as that. Sorry when you take into account the kind of haggling we have seen over the brics it bill when you take into account the deadlock that was going on for four weeks on end. On simple things like the Citizen Rights issue where both sides have overlapping interests then of course this is a step forward now if you look at island the key subject the key Sticking Point of the last couple of days of course the guarantee that there will be no hard border is absolutely crucial its an essential part to move into the second phase but is it a solution certainly not well have to see a lot more talk on that subject until we can really talk of a breakthrough so there are still challenges ahead what can we expect exactly a very difficult talks to come the key issue for the European Union is that they do not know what the u. K. Wants they know they want to make it a success but how that is going to happen hard to tell and today the chief negotiator michel bunnies said if he takes all the red lines he knows the u. K. Has and if he takes all the models of relationships the e. U. Has with other states for instance as norway switzerland or even south korea and he puts them together then he ends up with a free trade deal agreements like canada has one with the e. U. But that is something that theresa may rules out so its a really difficult situation here did i mean you spoke earlier with european parliaments chief bracks that representative stat heres what he said about this next phase of talks. But its clear that it will be not be easy because some people in Great Britain still respect that they can have. A status outside the European Union theres more favorable than to be member of the European Union and that is not possible. Ok you cant have your cake and eat it too it sounds like a saying how much pain does the e. U. Want to inflict on the u. K. Is that what this process is about no i think thats not what its about at least i can identify an element of revenge that that has gone up and down the british media for instance but what i can see and what diplomats have told me again and again is that they can not provide the u. K. With a special deal if they would do that if they would allow the u. K. To cherry pick what they like and what they do not like about your regulations in the internal market than they would have other partners such as norway or even e. U. Member states lining up for also to also to get these special condition and that is really the dilemma what the u. K. Apparently did not consider when voting for bracks it is that yes the u. K. Is an important partner its an important part of the European Market but the European Market itself the internal market is a structure that is also absolutely crucial and putting it at risk is something that the twenty seven Member States currently rule out scare matches for us and brussels thanks for your analysis. Still to come on the day the fallout from u. S. President Donald Trumps move to jerusalem violent protests across the region and condemnation around the world is this a case of principle over peace well talk about that coming up on the program. Well germany is expected to play a leading role in shaping europes prosperous it future but two and a half months after elections here chancellor Angela Merkel is still a long way from forming the next government after the collapse of talks with smaller parties merkels conservatives are now hoping for another grand coalition with the social democrats their Party Conference in berlin the social democrats completed a huge turn on whether team up with merkel theyve gone from a definitely not to a maybe to an ok lets give it another try and Coalition Talks round two are now set to begin on wednesday our correspondent Thomas Sparrow caught up with s. P. D. Leader Martin Schulz and asked him if this whole process isnt taking a bit too long. Many countries in europe and indeed around the world are looking at germany and wondering when there will be a formal government and now the social democrats have agreed on a procedure that could take weeks if not months on germany afford to be so long without a government there is first of all a government in office religious by the way. Composed by the christian democrats in the search of the mill crafts that are going to americas chance to see my god where is first. Germany for the time being is a rule by a mixed thing government. Therefore the government has a parliamentarian majority we have no need to speed up especially looking to the fact that the socalled john mica. Crash completely with the negotiations. They took two months of the. Election after the vote. To disagree they needed two months to disagree of the vote everything so. Two or three weeks time to check if it makes sense to build to continue on the basis of a Sustainable Program incorporating i think thats justified and to where justified for us. One of your key proposals is that idea of a United States of europe but wouldnt it be also important to focus on that united s. P. D. Given the fact that so many delegates here seem to be against that idea of another grand coalition i think. Proposal tables yesterday by the bureau of the party unanimously adopted in the bureau of the party for the opening of negotiations first of all about content to improving the internal situation the best and situation in germany improving the situation of the European Union and got an overwhelming majority of the round i think ninety percent of the delegates voted in craver that open so a way for negotiations with an open then yes for sure between early elections and grand coalition at the end every thing is possible but it depends from how we are able to agree on contemned thats the most important point for us and how confident are you mr shows that the conservatives will actually also be interested in that idea of yours of a United States of europe. I think this is a proposal of the israelis since nineteen twenty five. To discuss how to improve especially of the brakes of the remaining twenty seven Member States how big can improve the basis of that cooperation thats the list treaty which is obviously really not sufficient for solving a lot of problems we have internally and in International Relations thats what i mean with the United States of europe that will not be kind of United States of america and european soil we can transform a friendship in that california you know german and six alien so impossible National Sovereignty is strong and we remain but to deepen the transnational corporations thats what i mean with the United States of europe thank you very much for this interview mr schultz. Do you have yours Thomas Ferrer interviewing s. P. D. Leader marching schultz still to come on the day free after four months now charges jail d. W. Is exclusive interview with german human rights activist peter like not us coming up in a few minutes. Also the middle east now where anger is intensifying over doll trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel at least one person died and hundreds were injured in clashes across jerusalem gaza and the west bank and Bethlehem Police fired tear gas at people who gathered after friday prayers to protest the u. S. Decision as well as government has stepped up security in the country after palestinian groups called for a day of wage. Well move us also sparked fury and frustration across the broader region in countries such as syria jordan and iran demonstrators took to the streets to express their anger. A familiar ritual burning the israeli and american flags this scene took place in a Palestinian Refugee camp in syria. Across the border in around a prayer leader urged palestinians to rise up and hundreds of iranians took to the streets. Of both countries have a history of enmity with the u. S. And israel. But in egypt long seen as a u. S. And israeli ally there were mass protests as well these demonstrators are chanting jerusalem is aaron. God. The alamo a set that im woman with trumps needs to know that palestine is in the hearts of all the arabs muslims and every free person in this world and in some sort of you has either. But the outrage spread beyond israels neighboring countries from the streets of the somali capital mogadishu to the mountains of kashmir. The god of war on. The and in pakistan trying to decision seem to trigger a general backlash. That trump is a madman the American People must take a stand and make it clear that they do not stand with truong otherwise we are left with no choice but to consider the American People to be anti islam. I proof that the israel palestine issue has not faded in the minds of muslims worldwide i. Well theres also been official criticism of this decision at an emergency meeting of the Un Security Council the uns middle east envoy nicholai a lot enough warned about the risk of a violent escalation he told the Security Council this move will hamper peace efforts in the region the Us Ambassador to the u. N. Nikki haley had this response the United States has not taken a position on boundaries or borders the specific dimensions of sovereignty over jerusalem are still to be decided by the israelis and the palestinians in a negotiation israel will never be and should never be bullied into an agreement by the United Nations or by any collection of countries that have proven their disregard for israels security. For more on this im joined now by the president of the Zionist Organization of america as a pro israel Group Located in the u. S. More inclined welcome to d w a just to be clear and to get us out of the way from the beginning you support trumps decision is that correct absolutely and so does the majority of jews and even joe who christians now arab countries seemed unified in their anger at this is the how does this move promote peace in the middle east. Pressure of the hour the arab countries have released proforma statements of concern no passion no no real extraordinary dismay they feel they have to say this and i can tell you as ive spoken to many arab leaders this is of course not a serious issue frankly for them despite the fact you have several hundred people writing they wouldnt be writing if they were calling newspaper people to come and film and write about it if you didnt show up they wouldnt even be writing. Whats important stands that jerusalem has never been the capital of any country except this real when the arabs controlled jerusalem they allowed to become a slum and there is no religious freedom there or only under israel is their religious freedom and you know the majority of People Living in jerusalem since the eight hundred fifty s. Have been jews its a jewish city the holy place the holy cities for islam is mecca and medina the word jerusalem doesnt appear a single time of the korean none not ever and the p. L. O. Charter never the word jerusalem because jerusalem has never been that important. To muslims this is simply a way to. Rise and cause difficulties for jews because the goal is really israels destruction it is not a palestinian state ok but the uns middle east envoy has warned about the risk of a violent ask aleisha this is a symbolic recognition why stir up this anger for a symbolic recognition why is it so important. President trump is on something very important for the first time in a long time he sent a message that we will never again allow threats of islamic terrorism to determine american policy and other people around the world are understanding this. So this is really sent that message we cant allow this if you allow threats of islamic terrorism to control your policies youre only going to get more terrorism so thats why i think this is when the lead to more and more likely lead to peace the arabs now have to understand jerusalem is off the table youve got to talk about real peace you have to negotiate they havent come to the table for eight years you realize that not for eight years have they come and sat down to tanya who any israeli leader now theyre going to realize the jig is up no more threats are going to be tolerated are going to be accepted theyre going to have to act like serious adult people but how can there be a two state solution if the us has unilaterally decided that to receive them is israels capital. First of the passion arabs do not accept an israeli state didnt accept a two state solution all of their maps show all of his realist palestine so this is one of the great. Propaganda myths that they really accept a state next to israel they dont and. They have to understand the jerusalem is not a holy city and now the worlds getting to understand this trump now understands this mecca and medina are their holy cities and they have to get used to the fact that that reality that truth is now going to be. Used in any discussions any to go she asians that doesnt mean that a piece of jerusalem not reduce or some other place there can be handed over to the to the arabs. So i think theyre going to theyre getting a dose of reality here that they can no longer make these threats and think the world is going to bow down here ok but the us has recognized that the rest of the world so far doesnt seem to agree that this is a good idea is this just one more big issue where the us and the Trump Administration are out of step with the rest of the world and europe specifically. The Czech Republic has already announced theyre going to move the embassy to jerusalem and recognize it i happen to know a number of other European Countries have been in touch with israeli officials saying they are seriously considering doing the same the europeans are siding with the arab muslims because they were afraid of terrorism they think if they dont theyll get even more service and its all about fear they know the truth jerusalem is always been the capital of the jewish people it has never been the council of muslim people. So i think in time there theyll become more comfortable to recognize publicly this truth i mean if its use was holy for them frankton why did no arab leader visit jerusalem really controlled it i mean this is really a myth that has then the way to get to peace is the arabs have to stop paying arabs to murder jews stop naming schools the streets if they are killers of job and stop inciting but were going to have to live in peace thank you very much more inclined president of the Zionist Organization of america for sharing your very passionately as with us. Thank you very much. A german activist who spent months in jail in turkey is speaking out about his time behind bars he just orders legal problems began earlier this year when he visited turkey to speak at a human rights workshop was then accused of supporting a terrorist organization and imprisoned in turkey for months in late october after one hundred thirteen days and pretrial detention he destroyed not was released and allowed to return to germany however the case against him is still continuing in his absence the forty six year old was recently honored with the quaker it helps Service Peace prize for his work as a human rights activists. And today story where w. Exclusively about his time behind bars and his hopes for the future mrs dont know first of all thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview you were in turkish prison nearly four months and you returned to germany just in time for your daughters fourth birthday how are you doing no well im doing fine but taking it very slowly so rather no work just some mediocre some official contacts meetings but taking it slowly me with my family how have you been able to process this time in turkey yet. Well i think its processing it is a process in itself takes time im not rushing with it theres a lot of continued to for me in it in a way to say that. As im a trainer for dealing with stress and trauma in know what can happen and doesnt have to happen. Its continuities in doing my relaxation exercises which i did before going into prison during prison im doing it still its a lot of talking with friends with colleagues its also just getting back into normal rhythms like taking care of the children etc i cant imagine what youve been through in these nearly four months how do you how did you experience that time in turkish prison how did that daily routine look like for you. Coming into a prison was for me like coming into a new country especially also that i dont speak turkish or i learn turkish in prison but only rather rough turkish. Everythings new like the daily rhythm is new also moving from one prison to the other prison is new routines. There are very strict frames to Everything Else solitary confinement is maybe the strictest one had for several days but also there i was treated mainly was a respect for the work guards i had great great inmates in a way. Whoever passing through simulate situations like i did and for me it was very important to feel the solidarity from the outside as well from the fellow prisoners so there was a lot of taking care of me i could take care of them and then knowing about all the solitary takes an outside really helped me to carry through these one hundred thirteen days youre lucky to be out now but you are still on trial in turkey for your accused of supporting actually several terrorist organization how is that influencing your lifestyle while the one hand sure enough im closely following the hearings it was the second one was on twenty second of november was the hearing of some of the. Other trial runs and now the next one is end of january the thing for me is that im very much travel restricted in a way because we dont know if the turkish authorities would file interpol red notices or not we have seen it was a kindly with other. People that turkish authorities filed red notices were not aware in the moment that this happened but this could happen and so i really have to check retro. Many are still imprisoned in turkey also german citizens how do you judge on the situation in turkey on the human rights situation after having been through it yourself now well judging the political situation is very challenging for me because ive been four months in a turkish prison but i dont know anything. On the political process is really between germany and turkey i didnt follow the political process in turkey before so i might be a specialist on solitary confinement in one turkish prison in the moment but i cannot say anything about the political situation looking into the judicial system and the judicial procedures i see that for a lot of the political detainees that the situation of rather unfair there the trials are postponed there are sometimes not even until now locked in as you jail doesnt have and i and the other german like michelle told you theres a process ongoing but its very slow and this is actually very very challenging and also not according to traditional procedures as they should be so theres a lot of solidarity from my side toward sam and i hope that i can say the same that i would love to say the same that as you just said a few days before my release like youre going to be out now soon and the german journalist that is still in prison in turkey exactly and he told me this during my last days because we were able to see each other through several glass doors and i would love to shout this to them as well but i can just say like im sure youre going to manage mr and i thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview i think its important to shed light on the situation in turkey and best of luck to you and your family thank you. Paul speaking with pierce german human rights activist recently released from a turkish jail. Over here on the day were almost done but whats the conversation online you can find us at twitter either after the news or tweet me at sarah harman five three ill see you next time have a great weekend. To extreme. Passion. Died is nothing in the. Going to. The next a world record in dynamic apnea free diving. Under the. Without fins. At the limits next to. Health. And here in studio. Solidarity. They fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and poor grows. Month in an equal society. In forty five minutes on d. W. There are people whove world over going for. Nations provide. The fenians they want to express g. W. On facebook and twitter up to date and in touch follow us. And. Losing your homeland because of persecution our society. Starting from scratch in an unfamiliar country five people who found a new home in a foreign land. With their stories books and music theyve built bridges to the past and the future. After the escape starting to simmer seventeen t. W. Little Close Friends with a passion in common make linda and are so fluid two of the top divers in germany in their own ways they push the

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