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Missiles. And now, as news, anna yava melnyk is already ready to share information about the most important thing at this time. I congratulate my colleagues on this speech in the hague court. Details of this event and others. Stay with the press. I will start with what is happening in kharkiv region. Three people were killed as a result of an enemy attack on kupyansk in kharkiv region. On the day the russians hit the city with a guided aerial bomb , the head of the Regional Military administration, oleg synogubov , Emergency Services are working on the spot, information about the destruction is being clarified. In search of justice, ukraine began its speech at the Un High Court in the case against russia in the words of the ukrainian side, the Russian Federation justifies the war with the false goal of allegedly wanting to stop the genocide, the representative of ukraine, anton korenevych, called on the Un International court of justice to finally rule that the aggressor country must pay reparations for the invasion under false pretenses, 45 more tanks will be transferred to ukraine by denmark, they will be 15 modernized and 72, as well as 30 leopard 1 was announced by the ministry of defense of the country , t72 tanks can be immediately included in the armed forces of ukraine, but for the use of leopards by the Ukrainian Military additional training is needed in lviv, a man died as a result of a night attack by russian drones, rescuers retrieved his body from zavaly, another 26yearold boy was injured, he is now in the hospital, according to preliminary information , the russians launched 18 drones in the lviv region, 15 of which were eliminated by our air Defense Forces recorded three hits in the industrial warehouses of the region in 3 hours , the liquidation of the consequences of the terrible attack on the city of lviv is already underway, these locations are actually warehouses of humanitarian aid, Food Products chemistry and area approximately up to 10grand 20. There is a fire around 6 in the morning. A 26yearold patient came to us. He was injured as a result of enemy shelling. As of now , the patient is in the department of traumatology of orthopedics. The fractures are stabilized. He feels satisfactory. He has fractures. And, in addition , a pulmonary contusion in the future. Around four oclock in the morning, the invaders hit the regional Psychiatric Hospital in the village of stepanivka with artillery. Due to the shelling, a fire broke out in the territory of the institution and also in the utility room, said the head of the Regional Military administration Oleksandr Prokudin , as a result of this attack, people were not injured , however, in the Regional Center , a Law Enforcement officer of the occupiers on a trolleybus was killed due to enemy shelling. With passengers, two people were injured azerbaijan launched an antiterrorist operation in nagornokarabakh, the corresponding announcement appeared on the website of the ministry of the countrys defense in the region, shooting and the sounds of explosions are heard, the media also publish footage of the alleged destruction of the antiaircraft missile complex of the armed forces of armenia, the ministry of defense explained that they were forced to take such steps due to the systematic shelling of their armys position by armenia in karabakh, and an important collection of the espresso tv channel and the charity fund is ongoing spring , they are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for our uav scouts. The 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, which is fighting in the hot donetsk direction, needs this mavik three about mavik three kamikaze drones and components for them our goal is 1 million 900,000 hryvnias thanks to you we have already collected almost 700,000 we ask you to actively donate and our defenders will report the losses of the enemy i will tell you everything see you at 15 00 today at the samenamed summit of defense ministers opened at the rammstein base. Therefore, ukrainian troops are fighting hard battles liberating their native land from the occupiers , United States defense minister lloyd austin said this, opening the meeting in the rammstein ukrainian format the counteroffensive continues to demonstrate steady progress, he noted that ukrainian troops are fighting hard battles liberating sovereign territories from russian invaders , the head of the pentagon emphasized the role of partners, in particular members of the Contact Group, and assured that the assistance will last as long as it is needed, and in the long term will serve as a strong the Ukrainian Army should not make mistakes, we will stand on the side of the ukrainians, but in any case , this night the enemy struck, in particular, with martyrs, on civilian objects in ukraine. Hit the city of power in lviv, about this, about other things, now we will talk with yevhen boyok, yes, the director and the method, the administration of the city mayor, glory to ukraine, yevhen , we congratulate you. Well, the enemy hit the warehouses with the humanitarian woman in lviv, the warehouses of the religious organization caritas, a person died who, as far as we understand, was in warehouses if we talk about losses and in general for the humanitarian sphere and in general, it is possible to have some Additional Information about the subwar strike as we now have a situation when you are in place hit by the shaheeds is a localized fire is being carried out stability of work on the buildings themselves er the place is put together fraudsters are er tourist image in fact this is such a cruel cynical attack on the civil infrastructure of the international er military some signs of the terms should not have voted where were the food humanitarian aid household chemicals household items, windows, doors , in fact, we are talking about the cynical destruction of normal human life. As a result of the enemy attack, we have unfortunately, one person died, and there were also people who received medical aid, but hospitalization was refused. This is a special point in this attack. It is a special moment in this attack that the humanitarian staff of the karai Catholic Church in lviv was affected. Recently, this humanitarian staff received a large amount of charitable assistance from pope francis, and the other day, cardinal karierskyi will be on a visit to lviv, he should have passed it on, well, in fact, we have such consequences, thats why lviv stands hanging, we will win this war thanks to the united efforts of everyone, not yevhen, is there already or is it already known who this deceased person is, what this person did at night, was she at the workplace or was someone just passing by somewhere, because it was already such a dawn time when people could get to work and what is already an understanding of the scale of the destruction and the amount of damage, the family turned out to be a young boy, 32 years old, according to the information we have as of now, he is an employee of warehouses, he lived in sikhov, the information is currently unknown due to the consequences of the attacks, and at the moment , we cant run anything because special services are working on the spot, when all the liquidation work is completed, then we will definitely we will inform the city communities, they would like to ask you once about the dynamics of assistance to the residents of the house destroyed by russian missiles on stryiskyi. We meet regularly with the residents of starytska street. We have four houses that suffered the most. There are a number of houses that suffered less in four houses. Absolutely completely housing, and to create transfer conditions for living in those houses where the housing was less damaged, then replacement of windows , doors, roofs is being carried out, therefore, in fact, all efforts are aimed at ensuring that the residents receive all suitable conditions for living as quickly as possible, the city has taken it upon itself to wipe and for compensation, to fly in, to replace windows , to replace doors, to repair work, every week we meet with the residents of the city , so we are in constant contact, er, any situation is acute there is no communication, so we hope that we will also be able to create the conditions that people can have in order to have a comfortable experience. Thank you. Thank you for being with us and for the information. At the moment, yevhen boyko, director of the department of the administration of the mayor of the lviv city council, we are now going on a short break , then we will return and talk about the tavriyskyi direction, but in particular what is happening in the vicinity of robot vervovo and other settlements, do not miss the new season of the Champions League on megogo, cheer for shakhtar vs. Porto and watch the bayernmanchester united super match on september 19 and 20 at 10 00 p. M. Exclusively on megogo. I am the goalkeeper of vorskla and the Youth National team of ukraine pavlu lysenko, my task is to defend the football gate at the same time. Our heroes are fighting for every piece of their native land for our and your freedom. Thank you, our indomitable warriors. Above all, ukraine is at war, and not only for territories, it is also a war for umy. Russia is throwing millions of petrodollars in order to turn ukrainians into little russians ukraine state of the highway dissection and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists concrete facts and methods by which hostile propaganda turns people into obedient zombies connections residents of the ldr are planning to vote, we are resisting the information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga len tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on the espresso tv channel every day every hour every minute we receive a large amount of information , even the most expected event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and techniques on the battlefield, how does the International Community evaluate our successes and what moscow is lying about, from the flow of news coming from everywhere , we highlight the most important weapons for ukraine and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the backs of the news commanders. The results of the week are a review of only important events, events with the weight of credibility this is analytics, fact checking, expert comments about this , much more today in the case of important things in simple language available to all viewers. Greetings from studio iryna koval and thats summary of the week on the espresso tv channel news summary of the week every saturday at 21 00 naespresso i congratulate you this is freedom life on radio freedom we have already come to the very change the following shots of you can shock the news from the scene live and also kamikaze drones political analysis objectively and meaningfully there is no political season exclusive interviews reports from the hottest points of the front freedom life frankly and impartially draw your own conclusions in germany an extremely important meeting of the Rammstein Group is taking place on it the new minister of defense of ukraine will also work today, we are growing in the mayors office. Well , we still understand that despite the american and western european aid , our fighters on the front lines are making the key story. To analyze the situation on the russian ukrainian front Oleksandr Stupun is in touch with us, the spokesman of the press center, the village of borony in the tavryi direction , a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, glory to ukraine , oleksandr. Congratulations to the heroes, glory to the west from the willow American Institute for the study of war reports that our fighters are having success there, if it is possible, if it is not yet a secret, then please inform the tv viewers. In the area of ​​responsibility of suftaria ee, in particular, in the maryinka area, the occupiers made more than 10 unsuccessful attempts to dislodge our units from pronoun positions in the melitopol direction, where the willow is located, the enemy led unsuccessful offensive actions in the area of ​​the zaporizhzhya region, trying to restore lost positions, the invaders received a strong repulse. In a row, so yesterday. The day before yesterday, 313 people were lost to the enemy. And yesterday , 293 people were killed in the tauriyiv ​​direction of the general factory. Four occupiers were also captured, an increase of 47 units of military equipment of the enemy, in particular, these are nine armored combat vehicles , 11 artillery systems, 20 drones of various types, all units of automotive equipment, two units of special equipment, four ammunition warehouses and 2 other important objects were also destroyed. The fact that under his work, er , russia is strengthening its oil infantry with paratrooper units, and in general, er , the number of personnel there is increasing, decreasing. Well, what is their quality er the number of personnel is about the same as it was, because the enemy suffers losses, but he is constantly raising reserves, that is, the airborne and airborne Russian Troops , as well as the storm and storm detachments of the zed, which are made up of prisoners, well, former prisoners prisoners and thats exactly what the enemy uses in attacks in socalled meat assaults and conducts reconnaissance by combat or i dont know, well, tries to recapture some positions. At the moment, our guys continue to strengthen and continue to prepare for further actions , mr. Colonel, accordingly, you mentioned that that over the past few days the enemy has been suffering heavy losses in manpower, eh, and certain numbers have been announced, in your opinion, what was agreed upon, well , first of all, it was determined by the fact that the enemy is trying to hmm well, lets say, counterattack or repel their positions eh, and he has both we cant lose a minimum of people. They just throw bare infantry, and our guys are already experienced, and thats why the enemy loses a lot of personnel and especially military equipment, and in terms of technology, if possible, in more detail. That is, in general, if we speak about the enemys attempts to counterattack, they use armored vehicles, they use some, i dont know, additional art systems, yes, at this stage , tanks, tanks have become less, they protect tanks, uh , they attack mainly bmps, they drive and uh , they use artillery, but we have a counterbattery fight. At a fairly high level. At this stage, well, at this stage and during the day, the enemy is losing. So yesterday he lost 11 artillery systems, several more were damaged. Ammunition now, oleksandr, we can only judge from the map how many different units there are of different ee regiments, parts of the general military in the vicinity of the robot , starting actually from the north, from the ee mm companies and to the willow and further a little higher to novopokrovka, i. E. In fact, along the entire front line, there are very, very many of them here, about two dozen representatives of various regiments , and in relation to the various habibs of different formations, there are failures with supplies, do they keep them relatively close to the front line, or understanding that a breakthrough can happen in any place at any time. Maybe somewhere they are trying to push it back a little. Just in case, they dont lose these ammunitions. Some, some, some, uh , maybe also the cars you just brought. In the depth of mine, we are also trying, well, these are large formations, so lets say the equality of the regiment, there is a battalion, there are also mobile small formations, which the enemy does not even remove from the machine sometimes, that is, they go into pain directly from the machines, and uh, the formations are somewhere at the level of the mouth, a platoon even we are trying to destroy everything we get mr. Colonel, we would like to ask you about the situation in tokmak around tokmak, we understand that tokmak has become extremely popular now, in particular, various News Agencies are talking and so on, we understand that this is an important strategically important logistical point for the enemy, we understand that our fighters regularly work for military purposes, but still, as far as we understand , the enemy will continue to use the tokmak railway and not only it, if you can share , please be kind, what is the situation around the poppy and in the very place of the enemy, you should not underestimate him, he continues to strengthen and the same tokmak and in other directions, lets say so, that is, he continues to dig in, eh , he is afraid of our further breakthrough, that is why he is pulling up reserves and eh, he is making additional Defense Systems as well, not systems, but additional ones defensive fortifications in depth and closer to the crimea and in the tokmak itself, he strengthens, lets say, digs in deeper , concretes and does not want to lose this city to me, colonel, and the berdyansk direction , somehow, a few months ago, for the first time at the same time the phrases eh melitopol direction and berdyansk direction eh now we often talk about the road to melitopol and what about the road to berdyansk, are there any movements there that we can talk about now movements that we can talk about now there are eh but but i will say that combat work is constantly being carried out the offensive is not only some kind of recapture of territory, but the destruction of the enemys defense potential, therefore, along the entire line of contact. Believe me, our soldiers are working even where they are not even moving forward. They are trying to undermine the enemys logistics and destroy as much as possible of the same artillery that can help. Well, for example, a neighboring regiment can help the enemy in a different direction, therefore combat work to destroy the enemy continues along the entire contact line, mr. Colonel, how actively is the enemy currently using aviation on in the taurian direction , we are talking about both airplanes and combat helicopters, in general, it is possible that there are some additional statistics regarding the use of enemy controlled aerial bombs, but, colonel , the enemys use of aviation, both airplanes and combat helicopters in the taurian direction and maybe you have statistics on how active the enemy is now using guided air bombs, it does not stop, it is recorded daily from 10, well, from 10 to 20 ee airstrikes ee cable unfortunately with the cabs at this stage it is very difficult for us to fight, therefore they are quite inaccurate these are powerful munitions and they are quite inaccurate , so they destroy in many cases they simply destroy civilian infrastructure and inoculation, to the colonel , please tell us a little about the assaults on maryinka , which actually intensified at the end last week and again yesterday, we had a message from the general staff that something is happening there and the invaders are attacking again in the maryinka area, hoping to show at least something to their ere people to their electorate, the russian authorities are trying, lets say , to reach ere maryinka to take because this is the only one at this stage, well, at this stage, there is a chance to show something, some success, they have been leveling maryinka with the ground since 2014, thats why they continue to drive forward the infantry from 10 to 15 assaults every day. And ee there except for losses in there is no enemy of success. Thank you, mr. Colonel oleksandr shtukun, spokesman for the United Press Center of the armed forces of the tauri region, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. Well, oksana. Lets watch a story about children, how they managed to help our soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine. Lviv schoolchildren, with the help of volunteer olga teslyak, bought a new lets watch a drone for the military together. Well, after that , lets return to our marathon moment. A volunteer who has been helping the Defense Forces of ukraine since 2014. At first, she made food mixes for the military. And recently she started to work with largerscale requests, in fact we helped and bought cars, old women, bought optics, drones, thermal imagers well, a lot of things are just now, its a war, after all, drones and artillery, and we understood that it is very, very important, that is, it is drones that drones can be used to conduct reconnaissance, and children can fight with from different schools in lviv often volunteer to help olga, and now they have joined the collection again. They bring collected funds. They bring funds from the fair. They bring various products for the military, and i always pack them into the programs that we we send to the boys every time we send flags and drawings and bracelets of different angels when the soldiers see our drawings, they can say that they stand cheerful and can win more in it, and besides , i draw many drawings for our soldiers. I know that these are good gifts from children they will take the soldiers to the front lines to military units and hospitals, they can roll them up in them, put them in their pockets, they put them behind their body armor or in their backpacks, and they understand that some child somewhere up to 2,000 km away, she tried, she put her love into it, she turned it into a picture and she conveyed this emotion and the soldiers feel it very, very much, the volunteer says that significantly fewer people join the meetings, while cars and drones are consumables on the military front , he cannot buy what provides them with a change of defense, it is the quantity not enough today, even too early, i talked to my three different divisions , they say olya, we need to invent Something Like this because they plant birds for us, we only take off on mine, they plant the wheels on the car, which are necessary so as soon as it broke through, it was necessary to change the drone and it fell in the same way. It must be repaired while it is being repaired. Everything must have something to fight with. Help olga teslyak buy drones for our soldiers , join the gathering and thank the defenders in this way. You can see the props on the screen, the price of one drone is 300,000, remember that only together we will be able to bring our victory closer. Unit of the 65th reconnaissance brigade, this drone helps us in the execution of combat missions to destroy the enemy every day. Glory to ukraine glory to the heroes well, we are just proud of olga teslyak and the work that i managed to organize, at the same time we want to thank all those who tirelessly help our military. The socalled moral aid is primarily about material aid , you are doing a very important thing, for which we are also grateful for the three thousand that have flown to the account in the last less than an hour on which we are collecting funds for platforms with turrets join the collection now in the artery of the espresso tv channel news with anna eva melnyk and we will be back soon congratulations colleagues thank you for your work the news editor is still working on the most important thing for the moment we will tell you stay with us partners have already been selected more than 76 billion dollars of defense aid to ukraine, the us secretary of defense loytosti announced this at a meeting of the Contact Group on the defense of ukraine today in

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