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We her language is singled out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. Had the president s point over an inability to use the term radical islam. What exactly would using this label accomplish . What exactly would change . Kennedy pick me. For one that would show you understand that terrorists are motivated by a form of religion you know well but is done almost nothing to explain or improve perceptions up and also it would different shade those terrorists from the people moderate and silent muslims who dont condone or participate in such hateful acts. By not making this the president is lumping all muslims under bigoted umbra laugh. It shows he is not serious or incapable of either fighting or replacing their murderous philosophy. So why did he choose christianity over islam . May be his own personal conversion experience could be insightful and how to move peoples hearts without. Charles or boots or bullets. I personally think hes too mature and incompetent to undertake such aask. Donald trump is right when he pinpoints obamas motivation. If you watched obamas speech yesterday it was really all about political correctness. There is nothing wrong with being strong. There is nothing wrong with being smart. It was all about political correctness. Kennedy and all about the third term the president is unable to divorce himself from this race. He thinks he is to run for president for hillary when she dashes wildly sexist. Hes either saying she cant fight the fighter he such a narcissist he cant control his own urge to run one last time. When you focus on gun control you dont have to focus on terror because another terrorist attacks shows that administration is failed again. Is he honestly saying this terrorists didnt have access to guns it would have doused his murderous or raw inspiring urges . Somehow if he couldnt get his hands on it a rfid to you and some innocent people would still be alive. I can think of anything more shortsighted offensive in ie. Its no wonder 49 of this country thinks we are weaker under the president s leadership. Hes an adolescent reactionary in a lameduck spiral. On the show tonight dr. Ron paul joins us to say what americas reaction should be to the orlando shooting and k. T. Mcfarland is here. Iron chef judge Alex Gordon Kelly will mix a summer cocktail for you and for me. Grapefruit anyone . Yes please. Glad you are here. I am kennedy. Has the president handled the orlando shooting while . Lets ask my panels i pick a meal foster partner at free think media and part of a wonderful podcast we will talk about. Senior writer the daily caller and Michael Moynihan columnist at the daily beast. Welcome everybody. Say the name of the podcast. Camille and matt welch is popular and people love it. Thank you for that and for all you do for america. Lets talk about the president and he so upset. Donald trump said the president is me upset withimhan he certainly the person should be upset with donald trump comparing them to be in a league with isis and he is insinuated that but he does have a point in the president speaks about donald trump or republicans he seems to get angrier than at the terrace. I think he thinks its a mentality that this is a normal criminal more people die in about tub i think he said every year than die from terrorist attacks. He gets more worked up about his political opponents than his enemy which is a much more significant threat. Kennedy you are absolutely right and i understand that argument that the president , its almost fun to walk and get this defensive about a candidate who has gotten so under his skin. If im Hillary Clinton im sitting back and looking at the president like you have to do this for me . The whole thing is i dont have to play the woman card are you she has on one side obama running for his third term and her husband running for his third term and they dont even care that she stuck in the middle. I think hes right to be annoyed by this but at the same time he is the president and the president s focus right now should be on the victims in orlando. Kennedy did you feel like he was focused on that . I didnt actually. I thought it was disproportionate. The idea of what he calls this. For a while i said why does make a difference . They are trying to to kill terrorists in certain places but then i realized if he wants to not come if you want to get under donald trump skin he should use the word radical islamic terrorism. Effectively you can use the pcr given that theres a certain amount of truth to this. The best way to get a donald trump is to address the problem headon. Kennedy i thought it was funny that hillary used the term radical islam. I will take the bait that he and it was funny because it was a shot not only at trump but the president as well as an easy way to differentiate herself. It signifies me crazy as everyone is jumping on the gun control bandwagon. Do you think thats silly . I do think its silly. I would go further to defend a president than anybody else at the table apparently, maybe. I do think it would be a bit of a capitulation to say radical islam and the way he is being told that he must say it but these words dont have magic powers. They are not going to secretly make all of these people not want to do things to us. Kennedy i understand there are semantics. I get that. With donald trump calls talks about radical islam, they know whats going on. Excuse me . What on earth are you talking about . Their people that do believe we can use the broad umbrella to classify these people and we can bomb them someplace because they are waiting to be bombed. That may make what matters worse. Kennedy i agree with you and i criticize Hillary Clinton and donald trump for the Immediate Reaction to someone who is obviously isolated in this country mentally ill and selfradicalized saying lets go kill some people and anyone else in this country who is simmering and about to do the exact same thing if we bomb isis desk totally going to negate the problem. The president deserves some lame as well. The same way that donald trump is suggesting an ulterior motive. The president as too many gun control ticket suggest people that disagree with them on these policies have some nefarious objective, that they dont care enough about the victims of violence that they are in a league with the nra. Kennedy or they care so much about gun violence that we shouldnt have gun free zones but if someone had a gun while the shooter was reloading they could have blown his head off. Up looking the political posturing at this point is a little bit disgusting. None of the proposals they propose would have stopped any of the recent Mass Shootings yet yet kennedy incise a distraction from the Bigger Picture. What is the Bigger Picture . Why are people using a form of islam to justify murder and how can you stop that from happening in the future . Making guns illegal and making it harder for People Like Us to buy guns just means they will find other ways to buy guns and kikill people. A point of emphasis totally ignoring things through the New York Times tonight had an editorial about the orlando shooting which they said we have to had to figure out what his motive was. The man called 911 and told you. The idea that the president not saying radical jihad is a more radical islamism that is part of the larger issue. The idea of talking about gun control im perfectly happy in a conversation about gun control but the motivation for some of these conversations are to steer the larger issue. Kennedy thats the point its a massive deflection and my point is you have to name the ideology and you have to. Hes talking about aplenty. For me the real question is if we want to stop gun violence in this country and if we want to curtail that there are ways to do that. The president is right to get at the atf as he mentioned his speech not focus so much on drugs and alcohol. Kennedy how about Less Government . How we how about we dont redirect government agencies. You can redirect them but we dont need them to do these other things. Look at a place like chicago where a lot of people are being killed, more than 1000 people and been shot since the beginning of the year. Lots killed and lots killed in lots when did, thats a real problem that we can do something about. The opposite of the geisha news from both sides for the left and dont care about these issues in fundamental ways but to talk about is wrong. The risk associated kennedy its either way of expanding the military and expanding direction and pouring billions of dollars more and using that fearmongering for the right and the left this idea that this is just a normal thing is just wrong. An International Conspiracy to increase the number of deaths create terrorists are looking for weapons of mass destruction to increase their margin. We have a National Security of the structure that prevents kennedy is a leap right out to say that guy was somehow formally tighter associated with isis. He may have been inspired. Inspired by Gabby Douglass doesnt make me a gymnast. We have to go and this is exciting and wonderful. Live to be with me at kennedy nation. Coming up burning in Hillary Clinton met yesterday to discuss but has sanders burned his Political Capital . Later what does president obama have in common with jimmy carter . Everything. K. T. Mcfarland joins me Hillary Clinton met with Bernie Sanders last night to discuss a joint strategy to be donald trump at sanders has refused to concede the race but has further event scheduled her talk of superdelegates. Jamie weinstein and Michael Moynihan. As sanders have anything left to bargain with . Do you think so . I think bernie would appreciate it. Reminds me of castro in the sierra mestrovic trying to negotiate with baptista. He has nothing to negotiate with but i have to say Hillary Clinton is straddling this line. She works for the left in the primaries and much to the great enjoyment of sanders supporters and then the other day she said i will say radical islamic terrorism as a mention in a coming at a meeting with bernie is like we talked about so many progressive policy solutions to 7000dollar minimum wage. Hes trying to exert the simple and hample the party to will he be able to . Absolutely not. When he officially drops out he is gone my friend. Kennedy they are so resentful they cant wait to get another party. The party. He wants the superdelegates gone. His candidacy has ensured superdelegates are here to sandy wants Debbie Wasserman schultz. Maybe as a stature of trotsky somewhere in the capital for endorsement. Kennedy or susan sarandon. If i was Bernie Sanders i would stay in the hopes that hillary gets indicted in there youd be standing as the nominee god bless them the veterans day. Kennedy dont you want him to stay and have something miraculous . Isnt he like were in a . But i dont want him to win. The reality is creating chaos amongst the parties forcing candidates to ban their heels as it phenomenally good thing for the republicans in a lot of ways but i wish the donald trump had someone to get to antagonize him within his own party. Kennedy do you think bernie would be more in tag and a stick and . Of donald trump . No doubt about it. Being that no other politician besides mr. Trump does Bernie Sanders is phenomenal at disregarding facts and reality and saying the same thing over and over again and eliciting applause in his face. No one is enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton. Its funny definitely a hostage situation but we should count as from here on out the second the number of times Hillary Clinton says the word lanaris probably going to be zero. The number of times a Bernie Sanders, its like a reflex. You couldnt get through a speech. How much imposes the exerting on the democratic side . Once he drops out see how much that rhetoric, i dont think he will stay around much longer. I think billionaire will remain an erratic but it will be a qualifier billionaire. Kennedy the panel returns later because the media is irate of donald trump for banning the Washington Post from his event coming up next yesterdays president ial tirade was more than obama venting. It has longterm and implications. America, they dont call it travel season for nothing. 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Kennedy yesterday president obama delivered a tirade against donald trump and attractors to criticize how we handle the threat of terrorism. K. T. Mcfarland says the condescending lecture echoes jimmy carters famous speech. In a nation that was proud of hard work, strong families, closeknit communities and our faith in god to many of us now tend to worship selfindulgence and consumption. Kennedy he sounded like a preacher giving a lecture. Here to explain the impact on the lecture is National Security analysts k. T. Mcfarland. You pointed this out the similarities between the two speeches, very similar times and jimmy carter firstterm president facing reelection and he gave this condescending lecture to the nation saying you know we are a grieving nation and we are materialistic and its all our fault. You feel like president obamas doing the same thing in his speech yesterday . I would say its more of a parallel because in 1979 when jimmy carter gave that speech the United States was a mess. We had stagflation Government Spending out of control and everything looks bleak and the Interest Rates were Something Like 20 . The second thing is the russians were kicking us around and iranians had the american diplomats held hostage for a year. Jimmy carter comes out and makes the speech thanking he is somehow going to change the course of his presidency but a change it for the worse because people point to that speech as he or he was worried should worried should have been rallying us he was scolding a saying all these problems are your fault america. At the end of that speech and the month there after jimmy carter was considered a lameduck week an effective president and the rest was history. I think we are in one of those periods again today. Kennedy you point out the jimmy carter gave a lecture but did have a solution. Ronald reagan came in and he said essentially the same thing but he also relied on the optimism and the tenacity of the American People and said he used the phrase of donald trump we can make America Great again. As donald trump have the kind of planned necessary to come back combat the president s president s lecture he gave yesterday . E well we will see. Donald trump has the opportunity to do what reagan did. He asked the opportunity to rethink americans conventional wisdom about taxes and Foreign Policy the way reagan did and change the world. Donald trump is in that same historic moment right now and he certainly has a jimmy carter for the president obama who scolds everybody. Kennedy is not even running for president and thats the galling thing about. Hes not running for third term though he is acting like someone who is. I think he hopes it secretary clinton is elected president president obama gets to controrl everything for a third term. His scolding telling us its all our fault and then to see the solutions not being offered except criticizing the other guy. Trump wiwill see a is that momet really think he has started to do that. He started to redefine how we look at Foreign Policy. Americas role in the world americas role in these treaties what should the United States due to lead again at whether he puts meat on those bones well have to see. So far he is sketched the bones out. Well. Kennedy he is certain certainly be given a lot of material by this president who seems to have a session with donald trump as most offended because like everyone else you want to have your fierce suits. You want to have that context and perspective and i think the president lost a really important moment where he could have had those challengers speech and he gave that up in order to attack. What we want our presence to do and i have worked for three president s and ive known them well come of what we want our president s to do in a moment of National Crisis is two things. One, to grieve with us. Jockey kennedy whether Jackie Kennedy at john f. Kennedys funeral or Abraham Lincoln at gettysburg we want our leaders to say i understand your pain and i suffer with you suffer with you and its a noble suffering. The other thing we want is we are spooked. We are smooth all over america. We have seen this time and time again there seems to be no plan to reassure us that it is never going to happen again. All the president says is i deplore the violence. Kennedy but then offers a lecture and condescension for those that he thinks are responsible which distracts from the point. Always good talking to you. See i thank you. Kennedy coming up a lady sky dives through alive volcanoes from an airplane. From an airplane. Also what his prosthetic ar working my canister off to clean and shine. And give proven protection. Against fading and aging. He wont use those copycat wipes. Hi. Doing anything later . The quiet type. I like that. Armor all original protectant. Dont be dull. Kennedy take a stroll and your favorite swimwear and saunder right into the topical storm. Topic number one. Creating brilliant art is very tiring. Thats why its important for an artist to stay well rested before getting to work or else Something Like this may happen. Wait until you see what you did to her face. On them, honey we have to get ready for bed. Kennedy oh no she is as sleepy as the spanish shepherd. That felled genius nap came out quite a price that look what happened to van gogh when he passed out painting the starry night. No wonder he ended it all. Topic number two. I loved the story because it combines artistry with friendship, engineering and singular. Tattoo artist jc lost the lower part of his right arm two decades ago but he wanted to use what remains for his art so he had up an engineer who made it prosthetic tattoo gun arm and would give h. B. Lovecraft the nerd to gas them. Thats exactly what was happening in the future when our parts fail. We will meld their thumbs with machines becoming a new fabricated species. He is actually able to use that to do a lot of the shaving on his tattoos. Now he is ambidextrous and free tattoos. Topic number three when it comes to kids theres a fine line between discipline and psychological torture. We all know that. One creative mom found a solution to her young sons potty mouth when he kept saying the a word peerage he didnt ground them and she didnt give away his toys but the punishment was worse than waterboarding. She made him eat a tomato. I need water. Why are you so upset . Because i hate tomatoes. Why did you at the eat a tomato . Because i said the a word. Because you set a bad word . Are you going to say it any more . No. Kennedy someone called child services. What next, forcing him to drink pellegrino . That poor sad little tomatoes are delicious. Topic number four, it is summer and that means, way, why . Hold on a second. That is great. You guys we have found John Stossels admiral snuggles right in the middle of the show. This is such good news. Hes with my producer right now flying home. Thank you to everyone on twitter who helped locate him. Thousands of you have been intrepid private investigators finding that cat create this is really wonderful. Forgive me for being so unprofessional and enthusiastic but i would be in deep yogurt if we didnt find that kitty. Lets get back to topical storm. It is summer and theres always one awkward person in the pool even with dogs. Can you spot her . Shes not the one. Shes the one theyre in the middle who seems only vaguely aware that shes in the pool. Maybe shes just shy. Maybe she is a libertarian. Maybe the other girl dogs developed before her and they were kind of mean to her but do you know what, that dog is going to grow up to a be a celebrated dj and maybe a fox news and fox business whose. I never wanted to go to prom with you anyway. The dog is fine. Leave her alone. Topic number five. How can you make skydiving more exciting than it argues without taking your clothing off . The answer is jumping over a live talking out. Thats what Roberta Mancino did. She did just that lighting over chiles eureka volcano. She may have flown close to the sun but she soared above the billing depths of hell and somehow lived to tell about it. That got me thinking surely we can match her and that is why he asked my producer marty to skydive out of an airplane over the same volcano blindfolded. Oh no marty. Did you just wrote John Stossels cat out of a moving airplane . Why would you do that . He just through snuggles out over a volcano. Bank got snuggles was smart enough to use a parachute. He is John Stossels cat. He is the greatest rationalist i know and he obviously gave some of that for knowledge to kitty. If John Stossels cat lands in your yard please alert me by using the hashtag admiral snuggles and for the last time hashtag John Stossels stossels. Do you have any stories you want on the topical storm tweet me at kennedy nation by manic instagram using topical storm. Hillary clinton barely holding on. My Party Returns to prior with a double standard. Kennedy welcome back. Donald trump provoked the Washington Post credentials. He has come under scrutiny for banning journalists but Hillary Clinton, she barely holds formal televised conferences at all. Should the media demand access to her as well . The party panels back to kamal foster Jamie Weinstein and Michael Moynihan. What is worse here, donald trump ending the Washington Post or Hillary Clinton ignoring the press . Obviously hillary is trying to avoid, avoiding the strategy but trump is scary when you think of what he might be doing as president. Bratcher stun his longtime ally said maybe can we can revoke cnns ftc license. I think thats more worrisome. Think he is probablyly right he wont throw people out when he is president because hes only led to alex jones then. Kennedy i guess we are guaranteed either way. If we do have the Major Party Candidates who offends the presidency the press is host. But how different is this from the status quo . The charge that ive heard so. With donald trump is that he goes beyond the pale. He lies so much more than anyone else does. This is beyond ordinary lying. The fact that they obfuscate that they do their best to distract and i answer questions directly, everyone kind of does that so perhaps a little fear of the president bike who might stop the person doing their job is a good thing. Maybe that will make americans set up a little straighter. Im trying to be optimistic. Kennedy is there a need justification for banning the Washington Post from your press conference . From conrad foster. I will say this camile is right in the sense that he is not as gentile as other people. This is not uncommon thing. Its more than that. I think i seem to recall president obama not allowing a new yorker reporter and his plane after he did a cover he didnt like. He is more upfront about it that to jamies point is much worse. The idea of opening up threatening jet bezos who owns the Washington Post is something uniquely terrifying. At least nixon had an enemies list. He was in your face about it but to camiles point its not uncommon that this happens but he is kennedy three dozen press organizations band together to tell the white house to have to be more transparent not fulfilling a foia request. We have deadlines and you dont give us comments we missed them. There are a number of people in a number of news organizations that arent necessarily right cleaning that up and upset at Hillary Clinton. You have a similar name. Kennedy we have about five seconds. President trump kennedy thank you so much. Michael jamie and camile. Coming up New York Times editorial calling for revoking Citizens Rights to own guns. Ron paul joins me with a rebuttal little later. Chef judge in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov family road trip fun check engine. Not fun but, youve got hum. Thats like driving with this guy. All you do is press this, and in plain english, coolant, youll know whats wrong. If you do need a mechanic, just press this. Thank you for calling hum. And if you really need help, help can find you, automatically, 24 7. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. Kennedy and New York Times editorial by my beloved ucla. What the heck has happened there . Allow professor named adam winkler is calling for the federal government to establish a secret court that could revoke gun ownership rights from suspects who isnt similar to nofly list which are also horrible. Here to react his doctor ron paul former texas commerce man and presence of candidate and host of the Ron Paul Liberty report. Dr. Paul did you have the chance to scan this article . I did and you sounded a little bit outrage. I am more so outraged but not too surprised. This is what has been happening for the past 15 years. Its back to this whole idea of the misinterpretation of the 2nd amendment. They think the militia have rights and therefore its collective and the amendment is so clear. This whole idea that you can have a secret court take away this right is insane. I heard somebody in tv the other day and they said well the fbi is overloaded. They have so many cases. What we need to do is if you get a call and the fbi gets a call and says and says soandso looks suspicious and he can investigate it just put them on the list. Thats their attitude. They run it down later. I think its a horror but i think we been going in that direction for a long time in many areas in the tsa as an example of total failure and now they want expanded. This is not going to meet the American People safer and its justifies jeopardizes our Civil Liberties even more. Kennedy at such an awful idea but its the kind of thing that leftists adore. Its his control white paper and idea put forward by law professor therefore the idea must be legitimate and therefore we must put it into action. Once Something Like this that it becomes practical its detrimental to a free society and we are already losing so many of our liberties. In fact if in the wake of the orlando shooting he has called for a ban of muslims in the country. Hillary clinton pushing for more gun control just like the president and many in his administration. If president paul were in the white house right now presiding what would you have said rex what would you have called for in the wake of this attack . First off the two things that they did banning guns and banning muslims is an attack on Civil Liberties and attacking the freedom of the American People will solve it. We are not going to attack her privacy and their constitutional rights. Our efforts will be designed to protect those rights and not interfere with them. Also i would like to ban Something Else that i would like to ban bombing and unconstitutional wars. Even though indirectly i believe they are responsible, we are talking about people that are 80 of the shootings occurred by american citizens so the advocacy is to go and bomb more people you need to ban the attitude and of course banned the bombing because that sets the stage iv radicals to play on it and influence the people in this country although i quite frankly think this recent shooting had to engage somebody really out of his mind. Theres a lot of speculation on exactly what he was up to and why. Kennedy a lot of people thought the libertarian position in surveilling unstable people who happen to be radical islamists like this orlando shooter say libertarians dont go far enough how do you combat the problem backs if you are president of the United States . Theres no way to prevent crime and must you put everybody into a fence and controlled everything that they did. I would say it should be dealt with. The bigger question is what are we doing to prevent the crime in our inner cities . We are killing so many people and nobody even talks about it but thats the responsibility of local law officials. Its not the responsibility of the federal government to have another agency to undermine our personal liberty and take away our guns. Its exactly the opposite. We need to emphasize the fact the fact individuals have a responsibility to protect themselves and their families and the local governments have responsibility and we should be talking about foreignpolicy and why that incites people. Everybody should assume should assume or sponsor ability. Theres no way the policeman can protect us against all potential enemies. That is not the purpose of government. The purpose of government is to protect their liberties. We can start with understanding what the 2nd amendment is all about. Kennedy thats right in protecting the constitution as sacred dock. Thank you very much dr. Paul. Coming up celebrity chef and there she america, they dont call it travel season for nothing. Should i stay or should i go . This summer at Choice Hotels the more you go the better. Now get a free 50 gift card for staying just 2 times. So go. Book now at choicehotels. Com. You always have a choice. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 59. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Thats why i run on quickbooks. Details. I use the payments app to accept credit cards. And everything autosyncs. Those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. Thats how i own it. Like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces redney. Tape, which saves money. When they save, you save. Thats home and Auto Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. Kennedy its their drinking music. A worldclass chef and the judge on that talk and she won the iron chef america. Shes here to show us how to make summer cocktails that are so delicious your tongue will gain the ability to time travel and taste color. You can catch alex at two events in the hamptons this summer. Go to the hamm twins. You have chilled these martini glasses. Thank you. Im super excited about by comedy show which is august 5. Kennedy and you are going to be doing comedy . Fantastic. You can make incredible food. Been to one of your restaurants and its unbelievable. You are a celebrated mythologist mythologist mixologists. What is this cocktail we are making because we have fresh lemon fresh grapefruit squeeze in a bowl of ice. This is the chef in me that i cant let go. I like to mix a cocktail and a bowl. By the way i know measuring can be overs overdone. Equal parts of sugar and water simmered together or mix superfine sugar and water and stir it and you are done. You love sugar. You ate cotton candy. Kennedy i like this idea of putting salt in there but not in a natural place. I know there a lot of cocktails with bacon and sausages and stuff like that. I really just like my mouth to get hit with a little bit of salt when i take the glass. Kennedy you are scoring grapefruit. I like a little bit of extra summer fruit. I just cut it right off and mix it in. Kennedy what is nice about that if you havent had time for dinner or for you go to the bar you have a as well. You are getting your vitaminc even though its mixed with vodka. You dip it in the cocktail to moisten the rim. No better thing than to reinforce the same flavoring is a little bit of grapefruit or lemon zest. Its so delicious. Kennedy you make it look so delicious and it gives people great anxiety to have to mix cocktails with a meal. Just open a bottle of appreciate help. This is the kind of thing you can step on your patio grill fish. Vegans, carnivores everybody. How important is it to have a lovely tail . Im sorry i mix it like a salad. What can i tell you . Sometimes i do a little extra juice right on top. Your mouth is kind of watering, isnt it . Kennedy i feel like if i tilt my head to the wrong angle i would spill drool all over the place. I have to be ladylike. I cant be unprofessional so i cant imbibe while working. The good news is we tape the show so if people go to twitter, we will tell you exactly we we are taking a pregame nos bath right now. It smells delicious. This is aromatherapy in the studio for you. Kennedy its just like college. Only classy. Thank you so much for being here. Either way check out chop junior. Kennedy i cant believe the amount of talent they have. Brussels sprouts, the things theyre about to do with limited time. I have an 8yearold daughter. Just learn your role. Kennedy thank you for watching michaud follow us on twitter at kindred nation faced the kennedy at the end and enough kennedy fp ls fox business. Com. Cheers. Announcer the following is a paid advertisement for the back2life 12minute back pain solution, brought to you by back in five, llc. Pain pills, hot and cold packs, endless doctor visits, injections, even surgery. If you or anyone you know have tried these or any other ways to relieve yourself of back discomfort, only to find you still suffer from debilitating back pain, then stay tuned, because your life is about to change forever. Introducing back2life, the 12minute solution to a lifetime of back pain. Back2life has caused a sensation around the world and is now here in the United States. In that short time, er

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