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Billions. Also explosive new details revealed in the investigation operation fasted serious. The Justice Department that led the gunrunning operation resulting in the murder of Border Patrol agent prior year and brian terry. Also the establishment g. O. P. Of the conservatives arne me names as they called names all over the future of the Immigration Reform. The top story the white house scrambling to spin the cbo negative findings on obamacare. Todays deal bobby administration went up with straight up denial here is the president s spokesman and jay carney. What about the component there may be the disincentive for work . I want to commend the many news organizations that issued corrections to the initial headlines that misrepresented on a factual basis. They continue to be touted by republicans and now works as fact it is false then you saw the testimony today that is now with the report said. Lou as our colleagues have fox make clear we report you decide here is the testimony that party refers to delivered by the author of the report this cbo director speaking in direct contradiction to what carney had just tried to spend as false reporting. Please. The suggested is the equivalent of two and 2. 5 million reduction of fulltime equivalent employment by providing heavily subsidize Health Insurance to those with low income then to withdraw those subsidies it will act to create the disincentive for people to work relative to the case in the absence of an act. Lou it could not be clear. He went on to confirm the net result of the lost fulltime workers would be overall reduction of Economic Growth. Congressman reforms o dash forbes and andrea than tarots are among the our guest tonight. A tone set by the irs commissioner facing the house ways and means committee. Telling lawmakers he will cooperate with the six separate investigations into the iras targeting of comfort conservative groups be he is eager to move forward. It does not serve my ability to go back in time and to look it any particular activity. Lou also expressing concern of the time and manpower spent on the investigation calling it a major drain on iras resources. But he went on to defend his decision to reinstate the bonuses, more than 60 million worth. This is to see it in the perspective of performance awards of 60 or 65 of the employees to settle litigation. Lou referring to a lawsuit by the National Treasury employees union. We have witnessed is the head of the iras basically telling one of the most powerful committees in congress that he is more concerned with the Public Employee union and the committees oversight for their views. How extensive was the iras targeting . It can be quantified saying they give extra scrutiny to 290 groups and they applied for taxexempt status the white house claimed the liberal groups were targeted a and they were but with that massive and balance and the targeted conservative groups, a 248 were conservative, 29 were liberal. 45 percent of those conservative groups did ultimately win the taxexempt status compared to 70 percent of the liberal groups that had the status approved by the iras. The nlrb sparks the new data with Business Today after announcing it is moving forward with new rules to speed up the process for employees to form a union. Is says the proposals should what you do representation business groups say the ability to launch time the responses and challenges to the election process the board approve similar rules a few years ago but struck down because the nlrb was not staffed property because of recess appointments that will not not be a problem this time for our first guest from the Orange Services committee, a two big issues to talk about first with the cbo report on obamacare the second what in the world is going on with the Republican Party and immigration . Great to have you with us. The cbo report said the white house was caught short and they are feeling utterly one of the things the white house had such a difficult time they have been touting them to support fot several years now they say that obamacare will have enormous impact on the economy and when you hear the equivalent of 2. 5 million jobs, that is staggering. This Administration Says we have to fix that but they denied like they did with bang gauzy, irs scandal, you keep your health care for your Health Care Insurance they are losing credibility every day with the American People. Lou i dont know how they have any at all because they are denying the the director of the cbo denied that he said obamacare, it is is incentivizing working in this country. It is preposterous to deny it because the equivalent of 2. 5 mmllion jobs are removed from the labor force. This is crazy. All you have to do is pull up the report and read it the report speaks for itself but then the white house is in total denial if you walk decided is raining able to still you it is condensation from the cloud and the American People are getting fed up. Lou i think you guys will have fun for election day this will be a heavy left for all House Democrats running for the congress and senate seats and occasionally republicans have screwed it up that we will see. One of the ways senator cruz says is to get involved with Immigration Reform on the president s terms are senator reids terms. Secret meetings with albright and and Chuck Schumer . As one who had secret meetings with Chuck Schumer it is not a secret for very wrote long. You are right. Were very concerned primarycare these potential proposals talking about amnesty, we think that is not the right way to go. We think the Judiciary Committee had a right to do what dawn of a piecemeal basis and we do what we need to do to fix the system we have now to make sure we for so laws before we tackle something else. That we will not even in force or ever make work in the future. Lou do you agree with congressman and labrador that john boehner could lose his speakership . But what i will say is most of us feel very passionate it is not just the political problem but a credibility problem. The real problem we have failed does not force of law. But if we want to force the old one but here is a question i asked all along. The matter who we let it go somebody will break the law and we will be back here five years from now. This is a cycle every five or 10 years that we simply throw out that has not complied with shell lot. I dont think the American People want us to go there. Lou i entirely support the up house Judiciary Committee it is the way to go for word it at the same time i cannot imagine why anyone as this president picks and chooses and selects by his own freedom what laws and regulations he will enforce i dont know why even bother because this administration has made it clear it is a capricious and arbitrary standard for this already. This is not a foundation of the rule of law. Once you go down the path it is a dangerous precedent. That the constitution and actually mean something for it to mean something to the people of this country. Lou but it seems there ought to be some affirmative action to be taken by congress and the Supreme Court is should not be a matter of the president s discretion if he or she forces the law for the return of the rule of law congressman forbes we appreciate you being here. Lou yes employe down three and the nasdaq is down 20. Shares plummeting of extending trading that beat expectations that were weaker than expected. Disney shows a jump of its profits the private sector added 175,000 jobs last month as adp reported a care mark reported it would stop selling Tobacco Products by october it estimates it will lose about 2 billion of revenue each year as a result. A and a reminder to listen to my Financial Reports on Salem Radio Network three times a day business in a bracket headlines. And to provide Health Care Insurance to 5 million iranians us did dig at mr. Obama. We will be right back. What are the republicans up to . Senator cruz says it is simply a also saysspushing Immigration Reform could derails the senate victory. What will the republicans do . Dentures are very diffe to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odor causing bactia and helps dissolve stains. Thats why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. Lou the obamacare frustration in a shrink the executive action to get around congress the white house announces it is creating climate hubs you know, how much we those. Spread all across the country willis says local Climate Change risk such as droughts, while fire, flood in developing plans fell those seven the of scenes will with so much better. Next cast agreed somewhat republican should delay emigration until after the Midterm Elections. Cohost from the five interior, a great to have you with us. Senator cruz said directly republicans run the risk to throw away their chances of the senate. But certainly he grasps that image he feels a lot of pressure republicans held a lot of pressure because they had not been seen as the party pushing Immigration Reform so they have kneejerk reaction quickly do something so we are pro immigration or hispanics with the open border but they need to knock that off. They dont need Immigration Reform they need to shut down the border. If i were leading the g. O. P. A would put forth a plan to close the border and offer a robust Guest Worker Program and thats it. The democrats have not seal the border because they need that as a carrot to get amnesty if they know if they just close the border there is no reason for republicans to come along. Lou there are no accidents and the fact the Republican Leadership cannot articulate the reality it was Ronald Reagan if the icon that brought amnesty, and this president was the next to have comprehensive Immigration Reform and it is not fundamental tuesday Republican Party or all the ways that hispanic americans should be identifying with the Republican Party except it has lost its way with values so they cannot match it up what are they trying to do . Limit theyre nottgood to toot their own horn. Even with the war on women that Richard Nixon was the one with title line and did don kline is change. Who started the epa . The republican. That is a good point we are not good as the party to remind voters the was us who did all these things. Lou and with a terrific turnout despite the president is in the tank with his approval numbers and despite the fact the democrats have no cohesive response to the disaster that is obamacare we are on tentacles wondering how will they screw up this time . I dont know what they are thinking. And democrats are pushing Health Care Reform for the same reason to get everybody dependent on the United States ever making get winded with Birth Control or hispanics dependent on welfare and americans dependent on Greater Health care plans to and they will get the voter for life. Lou exactly right. But it is obvious the g. O. P. Establishment is dependent on big business with the big Business Roundtable and i have to say i was thrilled to hear john baker referred to as the middleclass he has awakened to the adm aviation embrace working men and women. I am excited. Ion the child of an immigrant firstgeneration American Group in the restaurant kitchen i speak spanish. I get it. I am sympathetic pact. Why the republicans get out of their box . Why do they go to the country club or the chamber of commerce defense . Why dont they go to africanamerican communities . Why dont they talk to the Union Workers . Maybe if it is unfriendly did you talk to any union worker about jobs theyre angry about the immigration bill they are not happy with their leadership to that is a mistake the republicans make to ignore the unions that could help to turn out those purple birders that Ronald Reagan did so well with. Lou on a guess i understand the history that starts with reagan but or they dont care that theyre so comfortable. Either one is not good. Lou it is time to change. Great to see you. Great to be with you. More than 100 million votes on the east coast hit with their second day of snow and sleet and freezing rain some of the heaviest accumulation of kansas and missouri up to 1 foot of snow Nationwide Airlines cancelling more than 3,000 flights from accordion and a new jersey and boston logan. Forecasters warning temperatures to remain low freezing wet and if slushy and the third storm expected to move into the region this weekend. Questioning if so she is ready for with the Winter Olympics including of black of Drinking Water and no heat. One german photographer tells the associated press3 running rampant all those spending 51 billion president putin and his comrades neglected the few minor details. Next the report on obamacare headlines that the debt is just as concerning on the talk talk. Tonight. Welcome back. How is everything . Theres nothing like being your own boss d my customers are rlly liking your flat rate shipping. Fedex one rate. Really kes my life easier. Maybe a promotion is in order. Good news. I got a new title. And a raise . Management couldnt make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. Qdoba i house is trying to argue the equivalent of jobs lost because of obamacare is a happy thing and as we have also reported they try to say obamacare is not his incentivizing work but that is exactly what the director of the cbo says obamacare is doing. But that is not all of bad news contained in the report and also projects deficits will also increase at 1. 1 trillion and Economic Growth bluebead lower because of Obamacare Aaron to the cbo also projects Interest Payments will nearly quadruple over the next day when dash decade at almost 900 billion by 2020 for nearly 1 trillion most of that money goes to china. We have been reporting on these issues for years did deal with death of extensively from my book upheaval listened from the audio books remain as our debt increases so does the obligation choose china it has brought up a good portion of our debt. China holds more than 1 trillion of u. S. Debt. This might be fine if china to raise sought to a partnership as some diluted believers leaders to believe that china does not want partnership it wants economic hegemony. Lou what are we to do . Living within our means as a nation with fiscal policies and actions and with our families and what a Brighter Future we will create. You can pick up upheaval at walmart ever grosso the eyetooth for the audible version did win a free copy by sending an email or tweet or post on the Facebook Page to have your message read here. The most intelligent comments are readier we will send you a copy of the book here are a few of the top top, minced seven 1 5 years ago the press worked hard to report the truth with few exceptions to date it reports what it patronizes. Keep reporting the facts and your viewers will move the truth. Lou there was a time when the job of the National Media was speak truth to power but now they seem to about to power in respect of the president or party in power. Our Health Care Coverage is degreasing and deductibles going to the roof and now we can voluntarily cut our hours worked to use the loss of income to offset the increasing cost. Does that sum up the administrations new position on obamacare . Lou indeed. Send us your thoughts lou loudobbs. Com follow less on twitter or go to Facebook Page everything at the dogs. Com. New reports of a nationwide did in issues shortage because of pending of legislation. Government stockpiling is so bad it prompted a fistfight walmart dues reported the limiting customers to three is ammunition purchases per day. Stay with us. We will be right back. In drone strike scarron told pakistan twist the peace talks with the taliban if you thought we were at war with the taliban. We are joined by jack keene to sort it out. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, t there are no branches . 24. Im sorry, im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying new things . Look mommys new vacuum cat screech you feel tt in your muscles . I do. Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Id like that. A new way to bank. A better way to save. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. [ mawhile a body in motionat resnds to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis,nat resnthis can be difficult. 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Dont takeebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or inteste, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. Get help r right away if you hae swelling of the face or thro, or trouble breathing. Tell your doctor your medical history. And ask your docto about celebrex. For a body in motion. Lou a second the scandal hit in the military the baby is the did is investigating that onefifth are responsible to operate Nuclear Reactors that power the aircraft carriers and submarines may have cheated on the qualification tests. The investigation follows a very similar and cheating scandal at the air force with nearly 100 officers responsible for nucleararmed missiles. Turning choose syria missing another death blind in dealing the effort by several weeks jeopardize a the final deadline. So far only 4 percent of serious chemical weapons have been handed over for destruction. The Obama Administration under fire again that the United States is sharply preachers reducing drone attacks in pakistan at the request of the government, according to u. S. Officials to tell the Washington Post that pakistan of its government asked for a restraint of the attack as if pursuing the peace talks with the taliban of the white house denies it and cut in a formal deal in general jack keene fourstar are reid general also fox news military analyst. Good to be here. Lou this administration as it continues talks but has produced nothing with ivory and but now for going said drone strikes in response to the pakistan aid request. This is a highly accommodative Administration Foreign policy . Those protect targeted against the al qaeda of leadership and now their sons are in charge of the fact of the matter is if conditions on the ground were changing would make sense. But to do it for political accommodation makes no sense whatsoever. In did in theory pakistan is supposed to be an ally. Is a huge mistake. They will gain in strength that is what will take place lou what is happening now even as we wind down with of more than 12 year war. The out cars that i ccrs side talks about the governments representatives this is a strange moment because there is not a resolution milittrily or geopolitical but but talks is to with a country we want to destroy. Make no mistake. Karzai has 90 days left he is a lame duck trying to avoid any appearance is to be the lameduck that explains his narrative statements about us and discussing negotiations with the taliban. It is ridiculous because they know full well they will make a deal with the teeeighteen successor will never take place with karzai item think we take them very seriously but karzai is doing. Lou what is the ultimate strategic objective for the United States as far as the Obama Administration is concerned . Deference to pakistan in of pursuing the attack strategy with the drones with the straits with operations in afghanistan. I have great difficulty as we have discussed before before, with the strategic objectives in the middle east at large and the iranians. We want a stable country in afghanistan reid allowed the taliban to be predators with al qaeda. And a lot of our policies will not get us that stable and secure afghanistan of this administration to put on the table to pull the troops out would almost guarantee the instability of the afghanistan that we had fought so hard to turn around. Lou good to see you. Said Discovery Channel plans a death defying stunt with a clever that holds the record for the fastest ascent of Mount Everest will try to fly off using a wing to a suit. From his perspective with cameras attached than network will be on the 102nd delay but i am not sure why. Details revealed in the investigation of fast furious with the gunrunning program that got brian terry murdered. Next. We are thinkers. The job jugglers. The up allnhts. And the onesho turn ideas into action. Weve ma our passions our lifes work. We strive for the moments where we can s, i did it we are entrepreneurs who started it all. With a signature. Legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. And were here to help start urs. Open to innovation. Open to ambition. Open to boldids. Thats why n york has a new plan dozens of tax free zones all across the state. Move here, expandere, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years. Were new york. If theres something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses. Were open to it. Start a taxfree business at startupny. Com. 37 an alarming story Infectious Disease experts around the world are warning of a potentially deadly strain of bird flew that could lead to a pandemic the virus causes concern researchers in china ccnfirmed a woman died in december after she contracted the virus. The Seattle Seahawks will officially brings the trophy home today that half a Million People braved the freezing cold to see the parade. The first to vinca purveyed in this city since 1979 when the supersonics beat the washington bullets in the nba finals. Roger did delano says cbs will broadcast thursday night games next season buying the rights to eight games during the first half of the season the nfl the work will eight more in the second half this is from a new package costing between 300 million. Bad boy a justin beeper reports the young canadian underwriters filled private played with so much marijuana that the pilot had to put on their oxygen mask. Much more ahead including the a team. Lou the line dash the a team they gave for being with us and it is great to be with you today on your radio show. Lets turn to the white house the other denial the equivalency of 2. 3 million jobs then they say the cbo director said he did not say what we showed him to say. Will you believe me or your lying eyes . What is remarkable even for a the white house with the help of the your time somehow people will be forced out of work because of obamacare that they will be liberated that it is of freedom of choice. This is the most extraordinary perverse language to explain the perverse incentives that is the disincentive rising of work and over so many times this is built into the cake fave want fewer people to build the greater dependency on government. Lou and they screw up everything they touch. It is all by design this is where obamacare is working exactly as poignant. Lou you know, more about democrats an old book almost anybody here. I dont think they want disincentive for but i will say that i do think it is towards revisiting because we dont want people to be in a position where they feel they are between a rock and a hard place but that is a good thing and to make sure the incentive that to be terror when dash to be fair that the decrease of jobs but changing fell labor supply. Lou somebody explain to me the Labor Force Participation rates declines 2. 5 million that is the only reason did does not go up. But heres the thing is the idiotic premise to see space some works when the us people work full time. We have these arguments to parse the word tea on the way it works is with maximum amount of people working full time and there has never been a piece of legislation that means less and pointed van obamacare. Doesnt that mean there are 2. 3 million Jobs Available now . On it be screaming jobs, jobs, jobs . Now they can enter. Lou it does not mean that. This is a net reduction of 2. 5 Million People as the director of the cbo himself said a disincentive to work screwup economies and lead to unpleasant results we just have to wait zero little longer. The elephant in the room even though the cbo did not address it was common sense that they cannot maintain every bit of obamacare is not a nightmare there are several pieces that should be saved but Congress Needs to break it apart and toss out what is bad. To that point the whole point of obamacare was never about health care or Health Insurance but the fundamental to this region as a nation that is the biggest leveraged they could use to treat its form this economy. That is why they dont break a sweat because it is built into the cake. Lou they are manic over the last 24 hours. Turning to immigration and i am trying to figure out what they really want to do and you know more about republicans. [laughter] said g. O. P. Establishment wants to push forward a and cater made it clear paul by ian says he is about halfway to citizenship then he says maybe we are more about not doing it right away . It makes me nervous because i want to believe although i am not a republican i want to believe they want to make their minds up but the looks between politics and governing. Lou and they are apart from the Obama Administration . Both sides kin be guilty but i have to support the speaker that he says we have to deal with this rather than burying his head in the st. Sand. That is key with the Midterm Election is to look as busy as possible say stuff but do nothing. Get involved. Please. The far right doing far left everybody in the middle get out and vote. That means 60 percent will and another half that says gets involved rigo it is the requisite but yet americans are caught or resigned to societal malaise. General apathy. We have had enough. But we were talking about this in the context of your book with the Republican Party they are a hot message on an immigration certainly there are eric deep cleavages and now looks like there will be no Immigration Reforms this here if the g. O. P. Gains control of the senates civic this congress has the lowest rating ever for the president has the second to worst ratings ever in georgia w. Bush slightly worse than this president why in the world to we want these people to do anything . What about those or talented, a sincere . Where will they come from . Because this countrys Attention Span if we dont get involved or demand action and positive action action, you cannot change anything we will wake up in november to find out we have the same problem. And i dont think theres enough consequences. If we talk about changing what is to come after to show this tactic does not work. They have shown us. Thank you for being with us. Good night from new york. 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