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Stable condition. This is latest Senseless Act Of Violence coming as big apple and nation prepare to honor wilbert mora, who died in an ambush a week and a half ago. You are watching Fox And Friends First on wednesday morning, im todd piro. Ashley im Ashley Strohmier in for carley shimkus. Eric adams speaking out on the latest attack rocking his city. They put that Bullet Proof Vest on and go back in the street, with all the frustration, they go back to do their job. It is time for lawmakers to do their jobs. Ashley Marianne Rafferty has more. Marianne in new york, offduty nypd officer was shot and hospitalized in queens and two suspects taken into custody. The same day hundreds turned out for a final salute to wilbert mora. They are devastated and angry, there are no consequences for people carrying illegal guns, same people they are arresting are walking the street and all too often using the guns against them n. Virginia, two Campus Police officers gunned down after shelter in place was issued for the schools 1500 students. John painter and j. J. Jefferson, described as close friends. Painter was jeffersons best man at his wedding. They were well known to students, they were seen together. Their relationship was close, as well, we feel this deeply. They were very close friends. Marianne Funeral Services held for Corporal Charles galloway, killed allegedly by an illegal immigrant, dash cam footage showing he was in the front seat of his car when he was shot. The shooting comes just a week after three Police Officers were shot in a separate incident. We continue to serve successfully the community we love when there is blatant disregard for authority because it didnt fit a particular narrative. Those in authority coddling the criminals have culpability just as those pulling the trigger. Todd thank you, tyrus says silence from activists on the left is deafening. Where are you, black lives matters, because why does your uniform take away your skin color . Why does he sitting here talking about being conservative, take away my 69 color . It doesnt matter, those are two brothers down, where are you guys . It is same thing and should be the same outrage. Should be coming together, this cannot stand. Black lives matters only matter fist it works for their pocket book. Todd accused of using montow fund her lavish lifestyle. From the crime crisis to crisis at the border 6789 migrants secretly being flown across the country and the white house launching a new report to venezuela ans. Ashley you wont believe where they are coming from. Todd Griff Jenkins has that and more. Good morning. Griff it looks like Vice President harris may have to start studying root causes, entire plan set coming. Del rio tweeting this picture of migrants from places like pakistan, syria, china, aritrea, sudan and uzbekistan and the chief says they apprehended migrants from 84 Different Countries in the last three months. One country is not welcome, venezuela. Venezuela ans will be expelled to colombia. Then candidate biden tweeted this, President Trump refuses to grant temporary status to venezuelans and used Stealth Deportation to send them back. He has no regard for the suffering of the venezuela people. Biden being blasted by members of his own party. Bob menendez saying the recent reports removing venezuelas is disturbing. This administration is Turning Backos immigrants who need protection the most. Border patrol ortiz met yesterday in wake of being confronted by his a. We continue to do the job we signed up for, we all signed up for, we all raised our hand. It is not hard to say, i have been doing this for 31 years. Todd hillary va ughan. You admitted moral is alltime low, are president bidens policies to blame for that . No comment. Todd no comment. One lawmaker was Carlos Carlos gimenez. It could be a news maker. Ashley looking forward to that, Griff Jenkins, thank you so much. Texas congressman Michael Clown says Law And Order are taking a backseat under biden. We can track a billion gun records, this is the American People get this, we are seeing crime go up in cities because were not enforcing the law, criminals have more rights than lawabiding citizens. The Incentive Structure on Law And Order reversed under this administration. Ashley biden met with governors and said his administration is trying to figure out why midprants are leaving their home countries. Fox weather alert. Millions in the path of another massive winter storm. Todd janice dean is here with the forecast, sizing up to be a doozy. Janice yes tennessee and louisville, kentucky, this is serious when you talk about snow. That presents problems, ice is the big deal. This is set up of Arctic Air Down into texas, we have warm moisture from the Gulf Of Mexico over top the cold air falling through the cold air and bringing the potential for ice storm and that is my most concerning point of this system as we go through the next couple days, you see the front, the pink area we have accumulating ice and this storm will affect thousands of miles from texas up toward the northeast, interior sections could get socked in, the storm time suggest now until thursday night. Ice snow flooding impact Travel Disruption where we have accumulating ice. Winter weather advisory from southwest to the midwest, great lakes and the purple is the most concerning area. Ice storm warning, means ice on the roads and power lines and well have possibly millions without power here with the temperatures below freezing for the next couple of days. That is the concern. Threat for at least glaze of ice from texas all the way up toward the northeast including some of the Big City Areas Thursday and friday. There is potential for icing on the i95 corridor. This is the greatest risk where we have ice storm warnings in place for parts of the tennessee and ohio river valley. Snow forecast is amazing here from texas through oklahoma, missouri, we could get Jackpot Snowfall of 18 to 24 inches. We are tracking that and it is Ground Hog Day, i want to show you the prediction over the past 10 years. Last year there was a shadow, predicted six weeks of winter. 2020, no shadow, i was there twh this happened, meant early spring for him. He usually does predict six more weeks of winter. I have done some investigating here, his predictions are about as good as a coin toss. Todd there you go. Janice i love punx phil, i was inducted into their hall of fame. I was inducted into the hall of fame, my kids came, what a moment like bucket list. Todd that cool, huh . I remember when you did that, Xuding Suchappiness for a rodent. Janice not often you get to meet the prognosticator of the prognosticators. Todd who is more impressive . Janice you put me on the spot. Ashley terrible thing to do. Janice both bucket list, multiple times, meeting the ground hog, you cant meet that. Todd next level. Janice he didnt bite me. Ashley well cover Ground Hog Day and prok prognosticator. Todd love it. Ashley did you hear about this . Alarming study confirming what Many Americans have been saying all along, the lefts covid lockdown do more harm than good, sean duffy is here to react next. Todd and white house weighing in on the joe rogan and spotify controversy, well talk to will cain about that, do not go anywhere. Migraine attacks . Qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. It cant prevent triggers, like your next period or stress. You cant prevent whats going on outside, thats why qulipta™ helps whats going on inside. Qulipta™ is a pill. 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Flip that and talk about the increase in deaths from opioid overdoses, that was at 28. 5 increase from may of 2020 to April Of 2021 w. That broad information, did any of the democrats think the rules they put in place would work . We have seen time and time again in california with the governor, going against his own mask mandate for indoors. Sean john hopkins should do a study and study if the sunrises in the east and sets in the west. Of course it is not working. We saw Coronavirus Spread whether you had lockdown or not. We knew lockdowns were not effective and when you isolate peep frel family and support networks, many people turned to alcohol and drugs. Alcohol sales were up and drug abuses were going up. Do i think democrats admit alley that the policy was wrong and ineffective . Of course not f. We look, look back, i dont know two years or five years to say not only did lockdowns or masks not work, Vaccine Mandates and vaccines did not work to stop the spread. It has been ineffective in stopping the spread and when do the American People step back and go, i will not listen to these peep nel Public Health and cities and states because their advice is wrong. Todd constant warnings on this network throughout conservative media that these were going to have negative impacts tochlt your point, why are we just coming to this realization now . Thought on pfizer submitting request for covid19 use in kids under age of five. Im not going to lie, youre an expert in babies, have you had enough of them. Have you some under five now. Would you vaccinate your babies under five . Do you know anyone else who would . Sean ive had nine babies, rachel gets mad, she had the babies. Todd duly noted. Sean this is insanity, fact we would vac nat kids six months old to five years old, the vaccine, Union Children dont get Effective Response to stopping omicron. 07 of children in this age group were hospitalized. Not sure if that is with covid or from covid. Hospitalization rate is low. Death rate nearly nonexistent, Why Vaccinate the kid . They say to stop the spread to vulnerable people, i get that. I dont need a study to tell me this, i know people who have been double vaxxed and boostd and they have all got covid19. Everybody is getting covid19, symptoms may be less, it is not stopping the spread of covid. I dont know why we risk health of little kids and vaccinate them, especially without studies done. The fda is saying we will potentially approve two doses of the vac. We know it doesnt work, we will do more study and maybe a booster shot might give them the response to protect the young kids. Todd you are saying three shots before you have any more information and i think to your point, that is the wild part about this. Three shots is the baseline. I dont know, we talked to our pediatrician, a lot of people got omicron, all fine, zero hospitalizations, no real impact. Tough position for parents to be in, especially in blue states and regions sean easy, todd, dont va x the kids. Todd tough spot, sean. Ashley down the pipe, it is scary, really scary. Todd sean duffy, thank you. Ashley New York Times is suing the light of day . Todd abc taking action against whoopi, over her hurtful comments on the holocaust. Tell buthat when joe concha joins us income. Remember this now is the time to get your eyes checked. Eye care is an incredibly important part of your longterm diabetes management. See a path forward with actions and treatments a Retina Specialist can provide that may help your eyes and protect against vision loss. Just say to yourself, now eye see. then go see an eye care specialist. Visit noweyesee. Com to get the facts about diabetes, your eyes, and what you can do next to take charge of your sight. Brought to you by regeneron. 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While whoopi apologized, she asked her to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments. Saga began when the view cohost was talking about a school banning the novel mouse, when is about the holocaust. Be truthful about it, the holocaust is not about race, it is about mans inhumanity to man. Brooke goldberg apologized and expressed regret over her comment. It is about race, hitler and nazis thought jews were inferior race. I stand corrected. Brooke ceo and National Director of Antidefamation League is encouraging the host to uses suspension to educate herself on the genocide. Her comments did cause confusion and hurt that i hope whoopi can use interspection and learning. Pruks there is growing fury inside abc over whoopis comments with one insider telling page six many at the network, including her fellow hosts believe whoopi is too controversial for the show. Critics claim double standard after osborne and Roseanne Barr were fired after making controversial comments. Todd lets bring in joe concha. Stupid comment for sure. Pretty sure master race was in the thesis. Dont calls for her to be fired play right into the cancel Culture Insanity . Joe there is a tough, very good question, todd, i got to say. You got to know where the line is, right . I personally think twoweek suspension is appropriate. That doesnt cancel Whoopi Goldberg out right. Too much backlash and from within abc, that the network had to do something. Words have consequences and apologies are fine, accountability is what matters. Weve seen suspensions lead to firings in the past. Dont get me wrong, brooke mentioned sharon osborne, she was sidelined and let go for the crime of remember she defended piers morgans right to free speech and his benign comments about meghan markle, and they said that is enough of you. Whoopi goldberg signed new contract with abc in september, fouryear deal, long time in this business, particularly for somebody in her 60s like whoopi. That likely goes into the sevenfigure category. I think whoopi will survive because of Business Aspect and shes on the approved team, party she supports. Two weeks issue let her think about it, advertisers know they are taking this seriously. I think probably she comes back. Ashley you said something that made me think a different wan than i thought about it. I am a conservative woman, i dont want to play into the way the left does. When you have that false sense of outrage on all the other situations that have prompted cancel culture and you have Something Like this that is said that is incredibly unnecessary and hurtful, it makes you have to go back to the Drawing Board and be this needs to be a casebycase basis. I agree with you on that, i agree, we cannot go into that hole left wing cancel culture with every single thing, this was outrageuous and uncalled for. The State Department is sued for emails pertaining to hunter biden. This is not a good look for the State Department and looks like they are helping cover up for them. Joe ashley is on a roll, todd, back off for the final halfhour, you feel the momentum coming. Joe great comments, ashley. Media blackout on hunter biden has been lifted. The white house is doing everything to clamp down this story. The new lawsuit shows the New York Times sued the State Department to obtain emails from romannian Embassy Officials mentioning International Business figures. International business figures are hunter biden and former associate, tony bobalinski. Ask in september of 2021. Tim biden informed times soonest they could turn over the information is April Of 2023 . Wontder when that is . After the election, they are stalling here. It will get worse before it gets better for the president and his son. If the New York Times is involved, Everybody Else will follow, washington post, cnn, pick your news outlet here. There is a lot of smoke already and you have to wonder where this is going to lead. Read the book sometime. Todd folks at the post are like, welcome to the party, New York Times. Joe concha, we appreciate your time, sir. Joe john mcclain, well done. Todd another nypd Police Officer shot overnight, just hours before the service of wilbert mora. Among my patients, i often see them have Teeth Sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual Action Effect that really takes care ashley pete hegseth is live outside ahead of todays services. Get your Personalpoints Plan im james corden and im here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. Keep on shopping. Ignore us. Ive lost, like, 28 pounds. You look great wow. I love that my clothes fit better. But i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. The new Ww Personalpoints Program is particular to you. So what kind of foods do you like . Avocado. Ice cream. Sandwiches. No food is off limits. When can i start . Today only, get started for just 2 at ww. Com. Todd after officer is recovering after being shot. This happening just hours before officers attend funeral of fallen officer wilbert mora, who was shot and killed in the line of duty. Ashley pete hegseth joins us after this devastating shooting, what was the message . Pete his message, he wants to get the guns off the street and he wants more cops on the street. Well see if that happens longterm and near term. We are standing outside st. Patricks cathedral. We will talk about that fallen officer in just a moment. Yet again another nypd member shot in the shoulder, an offduty rookie cop in queens. What is so disturbing about this story, guys, they did not know he was an officer when he was shot, he was in plain clothes on his way to work. They tried to carjack him, they drew fire on him and they escaped. Police heard the shots fire, identified the perpetrators, pursued them and those officers were in uniform and shot at those officers, hitting their patrol car, they were chased down and reprimanded. Whether in blue jeans or wearing the blue, the perpetrators and criminals are willing to shoot and they did last night. Here is a portion of what eric adams, mayor of new york city, said about the shooting. These officers everyday put on their uniform, shield on their chest, bulletproof vest on and go back into the streets. With all that nufteration, they still go back to do their job, it is time for lawmakers to do their job. Pete hes putting the responsibility, onus back on lawmakers, lenient sentences judges give and limited bail prosecutors give. The policies in the city playing out overnight as we prepare to mourn yet another officer. Ashley pete, he was talking about the lawmakers, hes new mayor of new york city issue he has control to do a lot to a lot of change for things. I want to refer back to riveras funeral last week, it circles back to moras. You saw people online with outrage how they were inconvenienced with Traffic Blocks and roads being blocked. You are starting to see people filter in for the funeral, it will get more and more. I want your thoughts on this. You are former military, police and military one in the same. A lot of Police Say People thought that it was amazing, so many people here, so many came out. Pete, every funeral is always this big, always a turnout like this, people know because they were inconvenienced, do you think the same way . Pete i think this is a reckoning moment, ashley, great point. Every fallen officer is honored properly, as they should be, for service and willingness to sacrifice and paying the ultimate sacrifice. In new york cityats this moment with crime spikeing and violence spikeing and Car Jackings Spikeing and cops being shot at and killed at record pace, these funerals backtoback last week with jason rivera, today at 10 00 with wilbert mora, are a reckoning, a wakeup call for so many new yorkers issue mrit cat leader necessary this city who have for too long pedalled policies that are soft on crime and not had the backs of cops. You might have one act ris that has a very small world view and is inconvenienced by traffic, that doesnt represent the vast majority of people who feel this nonsense will be over and well stand by police, give them everything they need. It starts with mayor eric adams, he will be here today, the question is what happen necessary weeks and months to come. Todd it was a beautiful turn out last week, xeblth the same today. Thank you. Ashley Tom Cotton Placing hold on president bidens doj nominee, the department refuses to defend lawsuits stemming from the 2020 appointment protest. This delaying the nomination after senator cotton sent a letter to Merrick Garland expressing concern. Refusal to represent Deputy Marshalls would violate the departmentss longstanding practice and moral duty for actions they suffer in the line of duty. Im not trying to promote misinformation. Im not trying to be controversial. I never tried to do anything with this podcast other than talk to people. A lot of people have distorted perception of what i do. Ashley Dwayne The Rock john roberts is expressing support. Todd will cain joins us, how concerned are you after free speech proponent, somebody like the rock stepped up like this . Will very encouraged, it is pop culture acceptable thing to call for misinformation. I was driving around in dallas listening to what used to be one of my favorite stations. They openly say, you have a responsibility when talking about Public Health and call for censorship. I was appalled, todd, i think they were sheep because mainstream acceptable culture seems to be accepting censorship, here is dwayne, rock John Roberts Swimming Upstream and saying he supports joe rogan, that is encouraging. Most notably because i continuing is rare, unfortunately, i think it is pretty rare today to be as you describe me, Gra Tuittously and accurately as free speech proponent. Who truly stands for free speech . Ashley Stepping On Todd here, we got to get your thoughts on seventime super bowl Champ Tom Brady officially retiring, what are your thoughts, will . Will it is sad for Everybody Ousdz of New York Jets fans, it is sad. Hes been the vein of their existence, everyone in the nfl has been the vein of New York Jets fans experience for the last 20 years. The nfl hasnt known tom brady product. I dont mean hes the greatest quarterback of all time, hes great efts Football Player of all time. The length of time hes done it, dedication to disciplin tom brady simply a model. Sadder, lesser day for the nfl today it doesnt include tom brady. Todd amazing qbs put in their work and won super bowls and this guy is so much higher on them, on the pantheon of quarterbacks in the nfl. It is shocking what he was able to do. He will be missed, he changed the game and the league. Will real quick, 20 years starting in nfl, 10 of those, half the time he was in the super bowl. Todd unbelievable. Will cain, thanks. Maxine waters chairs the house and using the campaign to cut checks for her daughter. Cheryl casone on how much she shelled out and what it is paying for, coming up. [limu emu squawks] woo new personal record, limu only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. Shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and its ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation tv and get 2 months free todd House Financial Services chairman Maxine Waters is paying her daughter with funds. Cheryl casone has more on the payments. Cheryl data shows Maxine Waters made Million Dollars in payments to karen waters, this has been going on since 2003. Kevin mccarthy telling sean hannity, this goes too far. You can pay a family member, that is wrong with the campaign. Compensation has to be equal, Million Dollars . Cheryl Waters Campaign did not respond to fox news request for comment. Senator manchin basically well, did Declare Build back better dead. He was asked if 1. 75 trillion package could pass, he said, what build back better bill. This is despite the white house and leaders insist there is a path forward for legislation without manchin, it is dead in the water, the dead comment true. Ashley aoc offline and now back, what is going on . Cheryl she gets attention for her actions. She announced taking a break from twitter, alexandria ocasiocortez back on the platform blaming mean tweets. I would go to open an app and i felt anxious, people fight and gossip. There is a lot of negativity on there, i will be back, dont worry. Cheryl after that brief break, she returned and tweeted this, seniors, kids and people with disabilities have been sleeping with jackets on in 18 degree weather. Where should i direct them to wait out the cold . Manchins yacht. That came after manchin made the tweet about build back better. Somebody in the News Business for 22 years now, toughen up. It is thick skin, we all have it, maybe aoc needs to learn to get one. Todd and she is not the font of positivity. Cheryl her mean tweet is meaner than anything anybody has thrown at her, give me a break. Ashley Biden Administration and secret migrant operation. Todd Carlos Carlos gimenez met with chief orti0 and is here to tell us what was said. And i to tell us what was said. Z and e to tell us what was said. With tylenol dissolve packs. Relief without the water. Todd Secretary Of Defense lloyd austin and Secretary Of State Antony Blinken heading over to capitol hill to brief lawmakers on afghanistan following the absolutely chaotic withdrawal. Comes as leaked notes from a White House Situation Room meeting shed new light into the plan. Hours before the taliban seized double Biden Administration prosecute were Holding Meetings still trying to decide how and where to evacuate civilians. Lawmakers on both sides of the Aisle Briefing with raul ortiz on this heated confrontation in texas, watch. I do think that morale is at an alltime low. I think we are losing way too many agents. We continue to do the job and the mission that we signed up for. Kind of hard to say that. Good men to do nothing is exactly what is happening. These men are doing nothing. You are allowing illegal aliens to be dropped off. Met with or tease yesterday. Congressman, what was his message . What did you get out of that meeting . He admitted that the morale of the, you know, of customs and Border Protection agents is at alltime low. He also, you know, we asked him how many encounters they have had in the First Quarter of this year and 650,000 encounters if you took that 2. 6 slingsd by the border . He took a guess saying close 800,000, probably. Come through undetected so were talking about over 3 Million Immigrants are crossing the border he was frank but he toe the line. Say certain things and not say certain things. It was quite eyeopening. I appreciate his frankness but also understand the difficult position he is in. Todd you mention frankness but was there transparency. Did the administration through raul ortiz promise any more transparency secret migrants we have been slowing the last week . No, he didnt. He also admitted there are differences in the policy in the northern border and the southern border. He asked for a more technology to help him. More people to help him, but he didnt ask for a wall. Yet, i know that when i went to the border back in march, the customs and Border Protection agents on the ground wanted that wall built. They will not build that wall because that wall will be a symbol of what can be. And this entire crisis is one of president bidens making. Mayorkas making. Their policies are causing this child influx and rush to the border. And its overwhelming our agents. And thats the reason why their morale is so low. Ashley congressman, do you think he is satisfied with the way the Biden Administration has made decisions with this . Look, im not going to get into his head, obviously, you know, he is the chief. If i was the chief, i certainly wouldnt be satisfied. I know what was working before. And All Of A Sudden you come in on january 20th, you know, 2021, you change the world. And then All Of A Sudden you have this wild influx. This massive influx of immigrants. And they are basically overrunning your agency. You know, thats not a recipe for success. And same sure that you know, he would like to see things change but he really cant say that because he works for the president of the secretary. Todd when covid officially becomes endemic, did he say anything about remain in mexico . Well, yeah. Because he is actually afraid that title 42 will be eliminated because thats one of the tools that he used to deport whoever it is they are deporting. You know, he also didnt tell us actions specifically. How many of over the 2 million, you know, immigrants that you have encountered are still in the United States and he didnt give me a good answer on that. I would expect that the vast majority of those two men are somewhere in the United States. Some of them are being taken back to mexico using title 42. Both in mexico and the northern border with canada. But, you know, the change in policy is really whats causing this morale. You know, to be so low. In customs and Border Protection. We have this under control under the trump administration. Its just a hardheadedness. I dont know, you cant be this dumb . Okay, i mean you just cant be this stupid to change all these policies and then they will never go back to the policies that worked because then they would have to admit, you know what . President trump was right all along, we need to go back to those policies. Todd it has to be purposeful. Ashley we only have less than a minute. Ron desantis was talking about the border issues and stay out of florida. We dont want the problems from the southern border to be imported into the state of florida. The people instrumental in that we want to hold accountable. Were not going to let the Biden Administration recklessness at the border cause costs at the state of florida. Is this where the local and state officials have to pick up the pieces from what the feds arent doing . 30 seconds or so left . Oh, sure. All these migrants are being transported all around the nation and all these migrants are going to need services, et cetera, that cost money. So, yeah. A lot of them are ending up in florida without a doubt. And the governor is right, you know. Why should the people of florida, the good people of florida have to pay for the failings of the Biden Administration. So i hope, you know, that the governor and i know the governor will try to hold Biden Administration liable for all the expenses and hardship being caused to the state of florida. Todd like we had a reporter in the room. Carlos gimenez, thank you. Ashley fox friends starts right now. White house feeling the pressure as the war on cops intensifies. Those in authority who are coddling the criminals that have culpability just as those who are pulling the trigger. Its safer to walk down the streets of mogadishu than it is to walk down the streets of new york. As the crisis on the southern border show no signs of slowing down. Entire planet are coming. Migrants from Sudan Uzbekistan Beck stan. Spotify going to add content advisory. Its a It Positive Step but want eve

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