to hit the hammer to the wall. we will not win by -- the raid was incredible, the raid my team and i did was incredible, we will win with education. >> neil: you guys are amazing, so proud. what makes you afraid? >> i'm a football fan, redskins fan. opening day. >> neil: that would do it. you just deal with this, right? >> yeah, deal with everything. if there is stuff out there worrying about will not affect, stop worrying about did. stress is a choice, bag of brick system by your bed, ruin your day, check twitter and be in a bad mood or not. >> neil: i don't like to read. >> i have good time with it. someone yelling at me, someone yelling at their phone about me. i'm optimistic. >> neil: rob o'neill, man who brought down osama bin laden. we all know that football is violent game, but one quarterba make it a safer game. i wonder what roger staubach thinks of what is happening on