Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180729 17:00:00

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thank you for joining us on a very busy sunday. still waiting for a slow news day. treating all morning. june of 2015. the president's lawyer this morning renewing attacks on the former lawyer for the president could mayor rudy giuliani pulled no punches over the secret recording of a conversation with then candidate tromping 2016. also treated this morning from his club. before the president heads back to washington. >> k., leland. giuliani says cohen is a pathological liar. a very different description when you remember what he referred to him has an interview with abc news just two to go in in the interview he said that michael cohen is an honest,
honorable lawyer. including one with michael cohen's client donald trump is >> i found out like a board ousted that he was recording his clients which is a desirable offense. i found out he not only did the lawyers, but he had a conversation with one colleague, chris cuomo in which he made a big show putting his phone in a drawer. he said will be off the record, no recording. he then proceeded to record two hours of that conversation. makes it a total liar. i didn't know that. >> his attorney lanny davis yesterday and again this morning. they go to the interview on "fox news sunday." seemingly focused on giuliani's warning to stop talking in
giuliani's assertion that he is violating attorney-client privilege. he said the minister giuliani seems to be confused. he expressly waived attorney-client privilege last week repeatedly and inaccurately and all confidentiality claims. all of this this abc news report an agreement between cohen and trump is over. he said in a phone call yesterday evening but is not sure if the agreement is informally renowned. not a surprise to many people. >> hard to imagine why. thank you. president trump is really not shy about taking credit. touting the gdp reports. critics are warning that this
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and americans understand why is it fair for one country to try just 10% and for us to church to .5% had his mantra is let's do away with terrorists. with a free trade and see how it works. >> there's a lot of pain. i'm sure you've heard the call. a letter from aaron chamber of commerce talking about potential they want trade were saying it will cost south carolina jobs as manufacturers do at any business would do. general motors has warned on friday of more potential layoffs. you mentioned bmw down there. although not hiring a couple thousand workers. what you say to those workers when they lose their job. just got a take on a mission for a better trade deal.
decreasing regulations. leland: i haven't seen any press statements by general motors or bmw about not being able to find workers. we will move on to the issue we just heard from ellison barber of god as it relates to rudy giuliani in his standoff with michael cohen. rudy giuliani may and july talk about the same man. take a listen. >> he doesn't have any incriminating evidence about the president for himself. >> if he's backed up against the wall, you will live because despite all his life. >> rudy giuliani and michael coen. is this going to be a problem if the white house wants to keep going a pathological liar couple months ago they said he's an honest, honorable lawyer. >> things have changed since
8th from 2017. by the year ago. so proud of donald jay trump junior for being open, honest and transparent. this nonsense needs to stop. we treated today by the president. thank you, congressman. we'll check in with you as time moves on. right here on fox news channel after a show coming out catch the entirety of chris wallace interview with rudy giuliani. he will respond to those two very different sound bite and views on michael cohen. 49 minutes from now. >> 100 days out from the 2018 midterm elections. ahead of thursday's trimaran tendency, senator bob corker has become a referendum on the candidate as they have president trump and his policies.
thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. honored to be with you. the race has started off as you being of the candidates. i'm not really sure if you would ever use that when it comes to politics. a lot of you agree there's only one issue where you really separate yourself and that would be to legalize marijuana. i'm curious what you're doing up the stage with the race so close to separate yourself. >> first off, we've been able to
do under my leadership and what president trump is trying to do with america. the lowest state in the nation and we have been in sanctuary cities. we have a lot in common, the performance and results the conservatives in the state of tennessee one. >> my next question you talk about the administration. the races as much much about president trump than anything else. we have a tweet from dianne feinstein and a strong supporter of the tax cuts military cash and champion a right to life policies. great candidates running, but diane has been my friend for years. we served in the house. am i right? >> i certainly understand. i on the other hand have always kept my focus on the great state
of tennessee. if we are going to solve our problems come our domestic problems come up on top in washington d.c. it will happen in tennessee mlb ready to be the right person to serve in the governorship. >> been in the lead there. that being said, your state has never seen a female governor. and i say about with the utmost respect for your campaign. >> absolutely without a doubt. where indicated in her post better numbers are going out and to be honest with you, i don't think people should vote for because i'm a woman. i qualify with an understanding, but it doesn't go unnoticed. in the year 2020 we will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of tennessee getting women across the nation the right to vote.
>> will they have a minute left. very popular. what you wanted do differently if you want to be a replacement? >> a lot of the accomplishments would not have taken place to get the agenda. i have a proven record of a working ability. a lot of great things in place i want fiscal responsibility for my state and i like to be known as education reform and the most pro-business state in the nation. >> definitely created a college education. he is able to work on transportation. >> spokesman for congressman john lewis that is resting comfortably at this hour. after being hospitalized on saturday for an undisclosed illness. he was ill during a flight.
the 70 euros civil-rights icon is under routine observation and expect it to be released later today. he's been expected at an event in atlanta last night. he went to the hospital after they are on the flight to atlanta. liz: stay with us. investigators search for answers after a man kills four family members and then turns the gun on himself in texas. >> we just heard pop, pop, pop. i don't know. he just took off running. trains are a talk radio panel taking on president trump's new vow to shut down his government if democrats don't vote for the wall and immigration reform. 50,000 people in california evacuated from their homes as more than 12,000 firefighters battled 17 major fires across the state. our own jonathan hunt does in
southern california with a preview. >> hundreds of homes destroyed, thousands still under threat and tens of thousands of residents evacuated as flames keep coming. we'll tell you about the her up efforts after the break. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
train to the manager of the los angeles trader joe's killed in a deadly standoff last week is being laid to rest. 27-year-old died in a shootout between police and the suspect. the suspect now facing one murder charge and 30 other counts from the incident. liz: new details on the apparent murder suicide in texas that left five people dead on friday night. the suspect shot his 85 grilled father inside a nursing home before turning the gun on himself. witnesses described the chaos. >> i thought it was just falling down. i heard somebody say run, run. >> and then i saw all these people running and they are saying run, so my dad family
described him and started taking off. >> officers were later called to the couple's homework to more family members are found dead. investigators are his children to determine the motive for the killings. >> the reports out of california where we learn a family of three likely died of a fast-moving car fire. president trump declared a state of emergency yesterday after two firefighters died in the blaze. jonathan hunt joins us live from california with the latest. the fight still goes on. >> yeah, leland, let's start on this start on the stuff we can here in california was some good news and that comes from right here in the san bernardino mountains above the resort city of palm springs for the fire has
been burning since it was started on when day. now thanks to helicopters and the heroic efforts of hundreds of firefighters on the ground, they now have a good grip on this fire. it is some 29% contained, having burned around 13,000 acres. they are confident enough now to let some of those firefighters go. they are moving on to fight other fires. one of those that they may be headed to as the car fire in northern california around the city of redding. that is the most devastating fire burning at the moment in the state of california. it has scorched something like 130 square miles. it is still only 5% contained. this destroyed more than 500 structures and according to account by the associated press, 300 of those were home. 5000 more homes remained under
threat. as you mentioned, five people believed to have been killed. two firefighters officially confirmed and a woman and her two great-grandchildren aged four and five are said to have been killed or the flames. that information coming from the family of that one in. 38,000 people in and around the area have been evacuated. very tough times and dates for. listen here. >> the fire has no mercy. it is just everywhere. >> the flames were not even one block jan peter. nothing i've ever heard in california. >> the car fire is far from the only fire burning in northern california. the famous wine region of nafta is a victim one of those fires at 150 acres so far burned.
tough fire still being sought by firefighters at yosemite in the county in northern california. right now some 12,000 firefighters are battling 17 major wildfires up and down the state and in those situations obviously exhaustion and resources are going to play a major part in what is going to be a long few days ahead for all of those firefighters. >> a long few weeks and months as wildfire season continues. jonathan hunt, check bid with u.s. news warrants. liz: after the break, more fallout in the rush investigation amid new allegations. president trump had advance knowledge of meetings between his campaign and russian officials. how the administration is responding to this. at the trump administration
works hard to reunite families, he doubles down on his call for immigration reform. what he says could have been if there is a vote on the border wall. paying too much for insurance you don't even understand? well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. paying too much for insurance that isn't the right fit? well, esurance makes finding the right coverage easy. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance
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the most common side effect is nausea. i can't tell you how good it feels to have smoking behind me. talk to your doctor about chantix. >> republican senator today said the mueller rush investigation has gotten confused and that he sees growing chaos surrounding mueller's probe into the type of trinitron campaign in russia. carrot and he joins us now at the very latest. not the first person to say these things. [inaudible] >> related to the investigation by house republican said the fbi and doj surveillance did not speak in the fbi released more than 400 pages of previously classified documents related to surveillance. most of the documents were
largely redacted particularly debeers justification for seeking the surveillance warrant. the unredacted fashion show that the democrat funded an unverified steel dossier was a major component of the fbi's application. documents are real deputy attorney general rod rosenstein signed up for the last request for surveillance which was prompted house republicans who claim he should not be overseeing an investigation that he's a witness to it. gop lawmakers are threatening to hold in contempt for not providing the documents they requested in their investigation. on "sunday morning futures," and devin nunes says he believes president trump's justice department is playing politics and wants to see democrats take control of the house. >> i'm quite confident because i've seen this many times before. there's games going on at doj and fbi, hoping embedded in hoping embedded republicans lose the house in the fall.
if that happens, you essentially shut down everything. rod rosenstein will not be held in contempt. fbi will not be held accountable. everything will be buried. >> doj has not responded to those specific criticisms, but they did say this if they continue to work with gop lawmakers until the conversation as long as doj meet the deadline for the request by the end of next month. liz: everybody has a side and they're sticking to it. thank you very much goodly land. leland: president trump says he'll shut down the government before it will force democratic lawmakers to focus on reform. i would be willing to shut down government to the democrats do not give us the votes for border security which includes the wall. the steward of laundry, kitchen
release. we bring in our top radio panel. although there's a notion behind you, so you're not in atlanta right now. robert, people could agree the last government shutdown over immigration did not end well for the democrats. >> complete control. if they have a government shutdown with republicans in charge of the house of the house, the senate coverage at issue in white house command -- >> we are to have a government shutdown with republicans in control. they didn't end well for democrats. >> the primary thing as it will be so close to the election.
almost as if they want to step on the good economic numbers. step on all the good messaging by turning it back to a fight over immigration. nobody wants to pay for the wall. by all means are not going to invest $25 billion in building the wall. take the money and employ every single homeless veteran. $100,000 a year. leland: do they want to pay the $25 billion. they want to send the bill? >> the republicans want to do it. the democrats don't. if you look at the whole country, it's like a guy whose head is in the oven and his speed is in the freezer and on average you sign. that is kind of how i see this issue. today, the key to this is the difference in the midterm election between the house
election in the senate election and what i think president trump is doing here is trying to run up wins in the senate as much as they can be willing to sacrifice the house. >> you can sort of take that up one step further. how does this play better for the senate than it does house elections. >> for republicans to pick up seats in the senate, they have to win in places that donald trump on. they think it's very doable. trump would like to have a few more efficient is going to lose the house to matter what. leland: missouri, indiana, michigan, all places the wall does pretty well. an important question about how big are president trump's coattails. we know what they were like in the primary. then it comes to the issue of the general spirit take a listen of his promised signature guys that.
>> i am going to work very hard. i'll go six or seven days a week when we are 60 days out. and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race. leland: you guys have a big race coming up. the governor's race down there in georgia. we no president trump endorsed the underdog. the underdog is the republican nominee. he comes down to georgia and campaigns for him. will that make a big difference you think? >> and he comes down to campaign. you have to understand as much as they motivate his base that he is as dynamic of a motivating her. in the metropolitan areas like atlanta, marietta, savanna, augusta, columbus, they will see a democratic turnout. leland: was not the same talking point we are from democrat to donald trump would motivate so much of the liberal base to come out for hillary clinton and we all know how that ended up.
>> we did hear the argument that i have to say about think robert's point is ridiculous. dr. senna versus house if you're talking about indiana were trump won by a long way in the seat held by democrats, that is one thing. he talked about a much closer race here in colorado with mike coffman. i would not want to see donald trump come campaigning for me. leland: play that out one more iteration. has he talked about that with you? or is that sort of talking to voters in the district. >> that is talking to my listeners and see what's going on locally. when you because democratic opponents routinely but the district and slightly democratic. it's not a red sea by any stretch. that's her president trump will be careful. he's got advisors who will tell him not. if someone says please don't
come come he's not the kind of guy who will come anyway. >> that is true and also allow for places that he has time for her with six or seven days a week on the road. he's got choices. great and insightful conversation. we will talk to you guys sometime soon. enjoy miami in the ocean. >> thanks, leyland. a powerful earthquake slams a popular tourist destination in indonesia. but officials are just releasing about the death toll. paul manafort goes on trial today. we will ask an attorney what he expects to see in the courtroom. >> they are putting manafort in solitary confinement in order to get him to break. maybe they succeeded in cracking the skype. i don't know. i don't keep track of regrets.
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leland: video for these workers up to 14 will people were killed, 160 injured in an earthquake in a tourist area with indonesia. a six by four magnitude earthquake damaged a dozen houses and is even felt to the neighboring island of bali. right now no damages for casualties reported on bali. liz: the trial with trump former campaign manager paul manafort starts on tuesday that alexandria, manafort is accused of tax and bank fraud at the second trial in washington d.c. on charges of money laundering. acting as a nonregistered agent of ukraine and obstruction of justice. mark tate joins us with what he expects. thank you for joining that. >> my pleasure. liz: i'm curious to the implications of the two separate
trials. what are your expectations? >> is that we have in the trial of the eastern district of virginia presided over by judge ellis. obviously a fantastic judge. a somewhat unusual motion of the prosecutor. andrew weissman has a very successful and renowned prosecutor sort of help to be above reproach ethically. he has asked for a jury questionnaire to be sent to 60 or 70 jurors so they can get evidence about whether jurors will bring to the table in terms of judging the evidence. but we can see as wise men trying to discern the jurors have any bias. that would allow manafort to determine that as well. we know in the eastern district of virginia it has been reported for a long time now. the eastern district of virginia is a different jury pool than what comes out in washington d.c. liz: is sort of want to see the
jury, but also how this plays out politically. what's important is this stems from the mall or investigation by the charges have nothing to do with russia. >> arrived. there's no allegations. nothing in this trial will be a link i don't think to collusion and it will be excluded at what this has to do of course is just that the indictments are about. the evidence will be limited to that. the prosecution has very strong evidence. in terms of political implications, one of two things is true in terms of political implications for trump and that is number one, either he hired manafort to be his campaign manager and did not know about the ukrainian connections and all the problems brought to the table in which case he has to deal with all the allegations that he is a failure to properly that his candidate or he did know and if he did know, obviously that begins to make it make trump look like he has very
serious problems in bringing in somebody who's an unregistered foreign lobbyists and the money-laundering bank fraud or. >> we are 100 days away from the mid-term with their primary races between now and november. i'm november. incurious approval of the mudslinging when it comes even though at the beginning of her conversation with that as far as the election is concerned the charges made sense on the initial investigation but they are in no way related to allegations of collusion. >> there's some runoffs of the other elections between now and november. what we are going to see this first of all northern virginia we have a county that went 59% were trump and that is why the defense wants to see this trial separate. if you see achenbach shand but obviously the folks opposed to trump, those who don't like the agenda or don't like him or don't like that is too
mendacious to be trusted, they will seize on this and i think there's going to be a definite backlash in certain areas. you had mr. patella on a moment ago talking about the georgia governor. stacy abrams may very well be able to make a turnaround in the metropolitan atlanta counties another suburb and more educated places that would trump so to speak that turn out for the more rural poorly educated counties they can also strongly for trump. if she's able to turn out the educated areas the sophisticated voter and it looks like she will be a graduate of yale law school, fantastic lawyer in her own right with absolute groundbreaking democratic and the democratic party in the house. she may be in that race simply because of the trump factor. these can have a hard time. i'm sorry, go ahead. liz: i want ask you one more
question. i'm running out of time. as far as potential consequences , the possibility of an acquittal in a number of other outcomes. the penalties he could be facing are pretty severe. >> at a severe penalties. i believe that at any point not even if the jury seated after testimony begins, manafort and his team can always approach and say all right, we don't like the government. we don't like this jury appear we want to cut a deal. they can do that anytime. just because the jury seated does doesn't mean we can't still cut a deal if the evidence starts to look bad enough. they can negotiate that anytime. we don't know what all mr. manafort may actually know or be able to say. if the trial starts to fall apart. >> is a starts to get underway. thank you. >> the church pushing back on demands releasing americans
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liz: you can see here the skies are full of black and gold as the knights jumped into the 2018 westmoreland county airshow could the army soldiers incur flute by the american flag to 100 events every year. the performance taking place this weekend marking the 20th year of the spectacular dissent at the arnold palmer regional airport. leland: president trump ready to impose what he calls large sanctions against turkey must the releases an american pastor currently held in turkey for two years. committee spirit with the back and forth. hi, connor. >> the u.s. and turkey are both members of nato and are supposed to be strong allies, but a war of words breaking out between the two presidents of the country.
president erdogan say in a few places government, turkey will not back down. the united states will impose large sanctions on turkey for the longtime detainment of a great christian, family man and wonderful human being. he suffered greatly at this innocent should be released immediately. arrested following a failed military coup against the turkish government has been held in a turkish jail for nearly two years. it was moved to an apartment and it appears that there was an effort to sort of reduced the tensions between the united states and turkey. president erdogan believes the pastor is connected to the churches cleric who lived in the united states and new claims orchestrated back in 2016. run since attention has deepened the rift between the nato allies, but the relationship has
really been framed for some time now. it's not just this issue. issues coming to life right now. the u.s. and turkey have disagreed over the policy in syria and also turkey's authoritarian policies of the government. there's a lot of reasons why the relationship is strained. the sun right now has the potential to reduce what is already deteriorating situation in all-out sanctions and acrimony back and forth. something will be watching very closely in the coming days. >> the latest issue between the united states and turkey have many. conor powell, thank you. >> still ahead. one young entrepreneur hopping on his local police department. we will tell youwo how much mony he has raised so far. value of your car. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪

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President , Lawyer , News , Morning , Us , Ona Very Busy Sunday , June , June Of 2015 , 2015 , Rudy Giuliani , Candidate , Conversation , Recording , Attacks , Tromping , Punches , 2016 , Leland , Club , Washington , Heads , K , Michael Cohen , Interview , Liar , Abc News , Description , Two , One , Donald Jay Trump , Board , Colleague , Clients , Lawyers , Offense , It , Record , Phone , Drawer , Big Show , Chris Cuomo In , Warning , Fox News Sunday , Lanny Davis , Attorney Client Privilege , Minister Giuliani , Assertion , Donald Trump , Agreement , All , Phone Call , Confidentiality , People , Surprise , Credit , Gdp Reports , Critics , Treasury , Inflation , Secretary , Rates , Fed , 2 , Growth , Interest Rate , Tumble , Data , American Tech Giant , Five , Four , Run , Investor , Debate , Tech Stocks , Folios , A Hundred , Republicans , Area , Seats , Country , Free Trade , Mantra , Terrorists , To Church , 10 , , Performance , Chamber Of Commerce , Letter , Spain , Aaron , The Call , Potential , South Carolina , Trade , Business , Manufacturers , Jobs , General Motors , Workers , Job , Bmw , Mission , Layoffs , Better Trade Deal , Take , Issue , Statements , I Haven T , Regulations , Ellison Barber , Man , Listen , Standoff , God , Rudy Giuliani May , Wall , Evidence , Life , Things , Problem , White House , Honest , Junior , Nonsense , 8 , 2017 , Congressman , Show , Chris Wallace , Fox News , Entirety , Views , Sound Bite , 2018 , 100 , 49 , Trump , Policies , Elections , Bob Corker , Referendum , Trimaran Tendency , Race , Candidates , To Be With You , Politics , Marijuana , Stage , First Off , State , Nation , Leadership , Common , Sanctuary Cities , Question , Administration , Races , Conservatives , Tennessee One , Tweet , Anything Else , Dianne Feinstein , Tax , Champion , Supporter , Diane , Candidates Running , In The House , Cash , Friend , Tennessee , Hand , Focus , Problems , Person , Domestic Problems , Governorship , Washington Dc , Mlb , Governor , There , Lead , Being , Campaign , Woman , Numbers , Respect , Doubt , Women , Understanding , 20th Anniversary , Doesnt Go Unnoticed , 2020 , 20 , Agenda , Place , Left , Replacement , Accomplishments , Responsibility , Working Ability , Education Reform , College Education , Transportation , Flight , Spokesman , Illness , John Lewis , Metropolitan Atlanta , Event , Observation , Hospital , Euros Civil Rights Icon , Last Night , 770 Euros , 70 , Visit Tripadvisor Com Liz , Family Members , Investigators , Pop , Stay , Gun , Texas , Government , Democrats Don T , Vote , Talk Radio Panel , Immigration Reform , Running , I Dont Know , Trains , Vow , Firefighters , Fires , Homes , Southern California , Jonathan Hunt , 50000 , 12000 , 17 , Threat , Flames , Thousands , Tens , Hundreds , Preview , Residents , Break , Wifi , Efforts , Level , Suspect , Manager , Police , Shootout , Train , Los Angeles , Trader Joe S , 27 , Details , Murder Suicide , Counts , Murder Charge , 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Everything , Criticisms , Deadline , Side , Everybody , Reform , Land , The End , Votes , Laundry , Border Security , Steward , Kitchen Release , Radio Panel , Notion , Government Shutdown , Immigration , Think Robert , Senate , Charge , House , Command , Election , Thing , Step , Messaging , Means , Nobody , Money , Veteran , 5 Billion , 25 Billion , 00000 , 100000 , Bill , Guy , Difference , Kind , Head , Speed , Freezer , Key , Play , Wins , Places , House Elections , On , Missouri , Is , Michigan , Indiana , Guys , Spirit , Coattails , Primary , Signature , Campaigning , Seven , Six , 60 , Underdog , Georgia , Campaigns , Nominee , Base , Areas , Motivating , Dynamic , Marietta , Savanna , Hillary Clinton , Turnout , Talking Point , Augusta , Columbus , Way , Point , Argument , Seat , Dr , Senna , Closer , Colorado , Mike Coffman , District , Voters , Sort , Listeners , Whats Going On , Iteration , Advisors , Someone , Opponents , Stretch , Red Sea , On The Road , Choices , Earthquake , Thanks , Tourist Destination , Ocean , Leyland , Miami , Paul Manafort , Courtroom , Death Toll , Goes On Trial Today , Indonesia , Order , Regrets , Track , Solitary Confinement , Skype , Count , Add , Protein , High Protein , Essential Vitamins , Minerals , Delicious Boost , Boost , 33 , 26 , More , Savings , Heck , Service , 75 , Honking , Craving Strikes , Wing Nut , Tours , Craving , Dogs , Duty S , Car , Member , Navy , Joy , Fast Approval Process , Wife , Bundle , 15 , Members , Navy Federal Credit Union , Tourist Area , Video , Dozen , 14 , 160 , Bali , Houses , Island , Casualties , Damages , Trial , Charges , Campaign Manager , Bank Fraud , Agent , Money Laundering , Acting , Alexandria , Nonregistered , Implications , Obstruction Of Justice , Mark Tate , Liz , Pleasure , Ukraine , Eastern District Of Virginia , Prosecutor , Ellis , Judge , Motion , Trials , Expectations , Jurors , Andrew Weissman , Jury Questionnaire , Reproach , Terms , Table , Men , Bias , Jury Pool , Want , Jury , Mall , Collusion , Prosecution , Indictments , Course , Link , Connections , Case , Know , Failure , Somebody , Lobbyists , Beginning , Approval , Mudslinging , Sense , Runoffs , Northern Virginia , 59 , Folks , Those Who Don T , Defense , Achenbach Shand , Mr , Backlash , Pupatella , Stacy Abrams , Counties , Turnaround , Suburb , Voter , Graduate , Yale Law School , Democratic , Factor , Consequences , Penalties , Number , Outcomes , Acquittal , Possibility , Facing , Running Out Of Time , Deal , Testimony , Team , Seated , Doesn T , Starts , Church , Demands , Options , Safelite , Kids , Windshield , Kids Vo , Lite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Hotel , Deals , Hotels , Price , Destination , Tripadvisor , Booking Sites , Prices , 200 , Westmoreland County , Knights , Gold , Skies , Airshow , Army , Flag , Flute , Soldiers , Dissent , Arnold Palmer Regional Airport , Turkey , Sanctions , Pastor , Presidents , Allies , Forth , Back , War , Words , Nato , Committee Spirit , Connor , Hi , Detainment , Turkish Government , Family Man , Christian , Military Coup , Human Being , Effort , Tensions , Jail , Apartment , Relationship , Cleric , Claims , Attention , Rift , Policy , Issues , Syria , Situation , Reasons , Acrimony , The Sun , Police Department , Entrepreneur , Many , Conor Powell , Liberty One , Value , Youwo ,

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