Emailgate, hillarys mafia trying to suck me into it. This mess and last month. Sad day. Hrc could have killed this two years ago by honestly telling everybody what she had done and not tie me into it. I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. Bill it seems powell is furious at Hillary Clinton for trying to lay the blame at his doorstep. A top aide is confirming he was indeed hacked. These emails are real and he will have no further comment. They are from dcleaks. Comandtheyaretiedtorussi a. Hesaysclintonscampaignistryingt othrowhimunderthebus. Powellsaysheonlytoldherthatheuse danaolaccountforpersonalemail. Thatsfardifferentfromhillary cli thatsfardifferentfromhillarycli ntonhavingclassifiedemailsonher p thatsfardifferentfromhillaryclp ersonalserver. Hesaidihavetoldclintonsminions r hesaidihavetoldclintonsminionsr epeatedlythattheyaremakinga mista hesaidihavetoldclintonsminionsa ketryingtodragmein. And. Bill he was more brutal toward donald trump. Colin powell is the kind of establishment Republican Trump could use. He called trump an International Disgrace. And said there is no need for democrats to attack him because hes in the process of destroying himself. He said thats what the Birther Movement meant. Powell crossed the aisle to support president obama in the last two president ial races. Now we know why he avoided endorsing both of them. He wrote this in march of 2015 on hdtv. She doesnt look good. She is working herself to death. After speaking at the u. N. She flew to San Francisco to get a paid gig. Shell turn 70 her first year in office. Reporter donald trump dealing with this as well. He will be taping the dr. Oz show today. We think that appears tomorrow. But the broader point is the clinton camp has been trying for weeks to say these were per theories about her health. She nearly collapsed, falling into that van with the help of the secret service and others. Then they had to dribble out she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Colin powell saying she doesnt look well. If you want to call powell a conspiracy theorist, thats. Colin powell has exposure because he has acknowledged in some of his recent comments that he was using a personal email account, and in one email exchange with Hillary Clinton suggested a way to go around the state department record. The big point here is the clinton camp tried to use that to say its okay for her to have a server. When it came to classified email used to secure a computer. Computer. Martha Hillary Clinton is set to return to the campaign trail following her bout with pneumonia. Donald trump refusing to attack her on his issue. I just hope she gets better. I have no view. I hope shell be fine and shell continue on. Martha Senior Correspondent john roberts live at trump towers. The issue policy on childcare he wants to put forward. Reporter we are going to learn more about Donald Trumps health in the next 24 hours. Hes about to depart trump tower to go tape the dr. Oz show. And releasing separately the medical records saying they likely wont be out today, but they will be out tomorrow. In the Battle Ground state of ohio. Bloomberg has done will be up by 5 points over Hillary Clinton. 4843. In a headtohead race. If you include the other candidates in there hes still up by 5. Thats why he was on the stump last night talking about childcare. This is an issue his daughter ivanka trump has been very involved in. She worked hard with his policy shop to come up with these ideas offering tax credits to families, and dependent care savings accounts and six weeks paid Maternity Leave for Unemployment Insurance program for people who dont have insurance through their employer. Having employed and empowered thousands of women at every level of his company throughout his entire career, my father understands the needs of the modern workforce and is offering a new and Innovative Solution where others have not. Raising children full time is one of the hardest jobs anyone can do its essential our policies recognize and honor that reality. Reporter donald trump will be delving more into policy tomorrow at waldorf astoria with an economy speech. Martha an investigation has been launched into the Trump Foundation. Whats that about . Reporter the Trump Foundation has been going hard against the clinton foundation. Eric schneiderman announced hes launching an investigation into the Trump Foundation. Trumps Communications Director said a partisan hack who has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president , this is nothing more than a leftwing hit job. Throwing up anything against the wall to see what will stick here. Martha thank you, john. Bill now analysis with chris stirewalt. You have got the polling, the emails. The health of both. You can see how the new polling from bloomberg in ohio shows there is a way donald trump can win the election. You intensify the support in your base and make yourself acceptable to suburban women, but you have intensify your base with the rhetoric you are hearing and the deplorable stuff. And at the same time you suppress democratic enthusiasm. Hillary clinton is a walking suppressant for democrats. Whether its the health, the emails or foundation. She continues to reminds democrats why they dont like her. So shell have to rely on the president and bind and others. Bill you dont get the sense they all like email other. Congratulations on your sunday show with dana perino and well check out your Halftime Report later, brother. A lot more to come on this. The moving pieces in all this. Well show you what republicans are starting to see some good numbers on their side. Is this election shifting . Well get to that moments away. Martha this email thing. You have got to wonder how much more is going to come out. These hackers are perfecting this system, and nobodys stuff is safe. Bill every morning we wake up. Who is talking to whom about what. Thats what we found earlier from powell. Martha while Hillary Clinton addressing at home president obama takes her place attacking donald trump on the campaign trail. He wouldnt have let you on the golf course. He wasnt going to let you buy in his condo. Now suddenly this guy is going to be your champion . Martha we are going to talk to kelly tan conway about that. Bill a Police Officer seriously injured by a car. Why Officials Say that right there was an intentional act. This is a violent cowardly act on our Police Officers and its simply unacceptable. announcer vo thats right, keep rockin. Siriusxms free listening event might be over, but now you can turn us back on with packages starting at 5. 99 a month, plus fees. Just call 8558747743 to keep hearing all the things that make you love taking the long way home. So call 8558747743 or visit siriusxm. Com getsxm to turn us back on. And up. Everything kids touch at school sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. When she said basket of deplorables i couldnt even believe it. I heard the whole thing and i said i dont believe it. I said run it back. Let me hear it. I thought it was so terrible a statement to make. I called up some people and said did she really say that and is it as bad as i think. They said no, in trump, its worse. Bill thats trump on hannity talking about her comment. Ed rollins, the chief strategist for the Great America pac supporting donald trump. How damning is this, doug . Its not good its not disqualmfying. In a certain sense the health issue distracted david duke being deplorable that mike pence wouldnt talk about. This is a mistake. Hillary hopes it doesnt become a mistake like mitt romneys 47 . I think its far more severe than the 47 . When you look the term up its disgraceful, dishonorable, unworthy. Then she followed up with they are not redeemable, they are not american. When you are basically running against the establishment, and shes the epitome of the establishment, there are people who are proud to wear the tshirt, i am one of the deplorables. Bill with her out of sight, there is little pushback. There is a trump ad, and we have one coming from the super pac. This will be more than the 47 . Bill bloomberg has trump up 5 in ohio. Do you believe it . Yeah, i do. There are other polls that goat other way. All the swing states have gotten within 2 to 3 points. Hillary may have a slight advantage because of the electoral college. But effectively this race is deadlocked. She has had all the advantages in the sense of organization and advertising and money, and none of it seems to have worked and she is in a rough patch and has been for two or three weeks. The next thing that moves things will be the debate in two weeks. Bill republicans are putting out numbers that they are gaining registration in critical states. Iowa, florida and nevada and a lot of work to do in North Carolina. I think North Carolina got in play late. Gubernatorial race competitive and the senate race competitive and the president ial race competitive. Early voting has traditionally worked for the democrats. Hillary has a far more Robust Campaign organization. With early voting beginning the next few days and going forward, there is a real democratic advantage there. 35 of the voters do vote early voting. It was 32 last time. Our campaign got started late. The Trump Campaign started late. Bill people like doug will pound you on the ground game. There wasnt a ground game because they didnt particularly want one. They turned to the rnc. The rnc did rights to the challenge and we are doing so with our super pac. As of now she has a superior ground game. You are talking about 5, 80s that matter and it will be a full court press. The clintons also have a huge financial advantage. What i tell people is never count them out. No matter how dire a situation looks with their money, ground game and political skill. Bill clinton, dont underestimate. Bill do you believe this race is shifting as of the past 6, 7 days . There is no question it shifted. Trump went through a rough patch after his convention. She is now going through a rough patch. Campaigns are about momentum. I think we now have momentum. The debate on the 26th is really bill october 1st, that will be five days after the debate. Well have you back for sure. Martha some new fallout from the iranian nuke deal. For the first time a senior u. S. Official publicly admitting the agreement may be fueling new aggression from tehran. Plus the Obama Administration reportedly raises the u. S. Quota or 2017 by a huge amount. Can our security handle the increased workload . The time is overdue to develop a new Screening Test for the threats we face today. I call it ebb real vetting. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive what comes to mind when you think about healthcare . Understanding your options . Or, if youre getting the care you need . At aarpadvantages. Com, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. Leaving you more time to think about more important things. Like not having to think about healthcare at all. Surround yourself with healthy advantages at aarpadvantages. Com health. Ing. Martha the wall street journal is reporting the white house plans to admit 110,000 refugees next year. President obamas refugee policy has gotten a lot of criticism from donald trump stating that the United States doesnt have an adequate screening process. Peter, explain this program to us. Where are the refugees coming from . Reporter the 110,000 refugees are from all over the world. Including many who have fled wartorn countries in the middle east. Secretary kerry said he wanted to try for 100,000 or more. That means 50 more refugees will come here this year than last year. The white house said it doesnt think this country has been doing enough to help the worlds most vulnerable people. There will be a Homeland Security meeting this morning. Jeh johnson said western countries need to be worried about westerners who try to join isis and then try to return home once the isis territory where they have been fighting has been shrunk. Martha how is the program change. Are they trying to make efforts to find people who wish us harm and try to sneak in with these groups . There is a big focus on these documents. Passports and visas. They have 300,000 dhs has been working here and abroad Teaching Personnel what to look for for real to near perfect pass ports or visas. As the number of refugees from terror countries rapidly grows, so, too, does u. S. Operation too stop anybody we notice bad from sneaking in. Bill newly leaked emails from former secretary of state colin powell calling donald trump an International Disgrace and pariah. And these words from the president. This is the guy you want to be championing working people . This guy who spent 70 years on this earth showing no concern for working people. Bill how is the trump Team Responding today . Kellyanne conway is live on deck next in studio when we continue here. At safelite, we know how busy life can be. These kids were headed to their first dance recital. When their windshield got cracked. But they couldnt miss the show. So dad went to the new safelitedotcom. And in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement. Before the girls even took the stage. Safelitedotcom is the fast, easy way to Schedule Service anywhere in america so you dont have to miss a thing. Yall did wonderful thats another safelite advantage. girls sing safelite repair, safelite replace. Bill Tropical Storm julia drenching florida with winds and heavy rain. The National Hurricane center says its the first Tropical Storm to form over land in floridas history. Julia will cause flash flooding and an isolated tornado may be coming. He spent most of his life trying to stay as far away from working people as he could. Now this guy is going to be the champion of working people. He wasnt going to let you on his golf course. He wasnt going to let you buy in his condo. Now all of a sudden this guy is going to be your champion . Martha president obama relishing his role on the campaign trail. The republican nominee is doing fewer television interviews. Giving more scripted speeches. And toning count rhetoric. He sort of sat back and said i hope she feels better with her health and he has gotten positive feedback for that. Joining me now is Kellyanne Conway. Your response to what president obama said. He went after your candidate very hard. Very unfortunate, and unbecoming for a commanderinchief and president of the United States. He can tell jokes in front of a friendly comfortable audience trying to ridicule him. He sounds like most of the pundits on tv. But that doesnt provide a job or childcare that ivanka and donald trump covered last night. I know the left is getting desperate. Desperate. They are starting to wonder if donald trump can do this and win. I dont think he wants his legacy squandered away on a Hillary Clinton loss. I appreciate that he would go out there and say Hillary Clinton will carry on my obamacare legacy. Shell put even more millions of people into poverty. He cant do that. People dont feel like the economy has lifted them up. They dont feel like radical islamic terrorism has been contained. Martha hes trying to do what work forward him against mitt romney. Hes saying this guy has told you hes the blue collar billionaire. That line he wont let you into his country club and he wont let you into his condo. Hes going at the heart of what made your candidate successful. Are you concerned about that . No. The difference between donald trump and mitt romney is clear. Hes taking his case directly to people through huge rallies. If you look at the crowds in pensacola where you see pillover crowds. The folks who work at the campaigns say they are double the capacity we can have in the venues. Nobody has ever gotten crowds like that. People are coming because donald trump built a movement. And they feel they are part of that movement. Any time barack obama mentions a golf course i cant help laughing out loud. Its not a good look for him given the way he spent oh much president ial time. People care about what you are talking about on the issues. This candidate donald trump has given speeches on middle class tax release, deeating in radical islam tick terrorism. Childcare. Hes giving policy speeches. I am gracious reform. You can look at that and say i agree or disagree. Martha a piece in the wall street journal says thats thanks to Steve Ba Bannon and y. Its all donald trump. I walk in the trump towrp every day and im quickly reminded this man did well for himself before i came along. I wasnt going to tell him the polls are fine. Let me sugar coat it. Thats not my style. And the fact is that i think he just need an environment created around him that let him be him, the him that those of us who are around him and see every day. Generous, funny, engaged, getting oxygen from those crowds. But also someone who has a great deal to say about public policy. The one message i think we havent gotten across. People should step back and see why these two people are running for president. For her, shes next in line and its her turn. He lots of people run for politics because they want money, prestige, status, power. And he has all of that. Bill martha both candidates are about the same age. Hillarys Health Problems have been documented over the course of the last few days. John roberts reported hes going on dr. Oz today but hes not going to release the results of his physical. On a tv show . Hes going to talk about thad that he had a physical. But i think on dr. Oz they are talking about concerns for america. They are taking questions from the audience. Im sure he will talk about addiction within zika and other Health Concerns for people. If hes asked a question about his health he will answer. He had a physical before Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with the pneumonia and long before we knew she was diagnosed before she stumbled outside underzero. And he will release it this week. Martha the childcare reform a lot of people say sounds like Government Spending expand and a democratic plan for the government to pay for six weeks of people to stay home after they have kids. Thats something a lot of tbhis this country will say not again, not another expense for knee in a difficult environment. How is that owe kay . I invite everyone to go to our website and look at the plan. It pays for itself through payroll tax reductions and expansion of the earned income tax credit and also by cracking down on fraud in our unemployment system. W its going incentivize people to be responsible consumers of their care. Martha im going to say let the government pay for it. You may. But you want quality people to pay for you. I could say that about 01ks or a gym or a childcare center. Employers are looking at what can i do to attract and retain a quality work pool. Its groundbreaking, exciting, and i dont know why republicans havent dont before except somebody told them it doesnt poll well. He never says to a pollster, who am i, what should i say, what should i think. I want to mention, too, because i think it gets lost in the conversation. Elder care. We have a growing number of women in this country who choose not to be mothers but end up being the caregiver for elderly mothers. Bill Russian Hackers have released private medical records of many the olympickians. The hackers claiming these women along with others all tested positive for doping. Thats not the case. The documents so they got the okay to take the drug for their if i reasons. Simone took to twitter. She said i believe in clean sport and have always followed the rules. The sport is very important to me. U. S. Officials call it a smear. I think everything we do this moscow. All these stories are tied back. Your emails, possible. My emails. Maybe your emails are in the hands of russians already. Martha wikileaks is promising to put out more stuff. So i think its a huge, huge story and something that obviously Public People and private people will be dealing with for quite some time. Hold on to your hats for more on that. A wall of silence from Hillary Clintons former tech team. Here is what lawmakers heard again and again at the hearing yesterday. On the advice of counsel i respectfully decline to answer and assert my fifth amendment privilege. On the advice of counsel i respectfully decline to answer and assert my fifth amendment privilege. Martha they know nothing. Sounds familiar . How do you get answers from these individuals . Well talk about that coming up. Bill the last colleague who spoke to Chris Stevens before the benghazi attack. When ambassador stevens talked to you perhaps minutes before he died, as a dying declaration. What precisely did he say to you . He said, gregg, we are under attack. Did he mention one word about a protest or demonstration . No, sir, he did not. Martha the white house admitting that land mark nuclear deal with iran may actually be making iran more aggressive rather than less so. Here is an exchange between the state spokesman and james rosen. Its gotten worse. Well, i dont have all the facts and figures in front of me, but we have seen some disturbing trends. But you cant disallow that the deal has served to increase the aggressive actions. I cant rule that out. Martha iran threatened to shoot down two american spy planes in International Wall terse. Who told you to delete the emails. Under advice of counsel i respectfully decline to answer and assert my fifth amendment constitutional privilege. Bill that was happening this hour yesterday. Republicans hitting a wall over Hillary Clintons server. The i. T. Specialist who set up the system ignored a subpoena to appear. Florida congressman ron desantis sits on the oversight committee. Bill how do you get a subpoena from congress and ignore it . Congress needs to show we have teeth in these matters and take this seriously. Well see what we end up doing. But i think it was a devastating day not only for clintons behavior, but also for the f. B. I. s investigation. You have the investigation with the Platte River Network technician. Once the news of the server broke, the next day congress sent a subpoena to preserve and produce the contents of those emails. In the meantime he meets with clinton lawyers and chief of staff cheryl mills, then he decides to take bleachbit to delete the emails that are under subpoena. When hes asked about it, he takes the fifth amendment. When he was talking to the doj, he invoked attorneyclient privilege. By the wasnt his privilege. He was invoking it on behalf of secretary clinton. When you have a situation where something is subpoenaed, and its destroyed, and there is a Conference Call that took place in between that. People will draw the inference someone told them to bleachbit it. Bill disjustin cooper give you information to take you to the next step . He highlighted the recklessness of having that server. He said he had no idea if there were security features or encryption. He said he didnt have a security clearance. Had access to it. Pagliano had access to it. In terms of the top secret information, it was open season and he confirmed that to be the case. Bill Jason Chaffetz says he will explore a full range of options. What next then . I think the chairman is going to have to died how he wants to enforce this subpoena. One way is you find pagliano in contempt of congress. We have done that in the past. That is something i would be inclined to support. But at the end of the day, when you have people who blow off the congress. Its not just us on the committee they are blowing off. They are blowing off the American People because we are trying to get answers on the American Peoples behalf. Bill stay tuned, i guess. We are waiting. Thank you for your time today, sir. Martha there were terrifying moments for three police Police Officers. Watch this. Land right into their patrol suv. All of that caught on camera as you can see clearly there. Well show you what happened next. They were victims of an unprovoked violent intentional act. And i thank god we are not planning three funerals right now. Martha this is scary video out of arizona. Three Police Officers were seriously injured in this attack. A man targeted them with his car. Crashed into the convenience store. The man is being held in police custody. Jonathan hunt is piecing together what happened here. What do we know about all this . Its pretty extraordinary. We see the whole thing thanks to the security cameras at that Quick Trip Convenience store and gas station. You see the suspect pull into the gas station. He pulled up into a parking space. Then he sat there for a couple minutes. Then take a look at this full screen. The police hear the car coming at them, then that hit really hard with the car careening into the convenience store. Two of the cops try to take the suspect into custody. He fights really hard until one of the cops pulled out a taser and subdued the suspect. The Phoenix Police chief says there is no doubt this was a deliberate attack. They are in uniform. They are in a lit area. They are right next to a police car. There is the top right in front of them, and our detectives analyzed the video and done a lot of witnesses at the scene and gathered information, and we are confident this an intentional act and thats why hes being charged with attempt murder. Reporter the 33yearold officer you denying through the air. This is his first day on the job. He suffered a head injury, another officer has a broken leg. Martha first day on the job, amazing. What do we know about this driver . Not a great deal at the moment. Hes 44 years old. His name is mark laquan payne. They believe he was driving impaired. They believe this was a deliberate act. It was interesting listening to the police chief at his press conference. He would not even say that suspects name. Listen here. No, not going to talk about the suspect. You can do your research on him. Im not going to mention his name, not even once. Reporter hes expected to be arraigned today. When you look at this, hes lucky to be alive. When you look at what he did and the way he got out of that car fighting the officers it its its extraordinary they didnt draw their weapons. Why are drivers 50 and over. And find out. Hey, well, tell me about your experience when you switched to the hartford. They saved me a bunch of money. Im sitting there thinking, man, i should have turned 50 years ago. Im getting older, and theyre still taking care of me. Theyre just so caring. Theyve got this thing called accident forgiveness. Theyre not gonna raise your rate just because you had an accident. Not to raise my rate in case something does happen where am i gonna find a policy like that . Just make the call. [ female announcer ] drivers 50 and over. Save 420 on average and you could get other incredible benefits like accident forgiveness. Call the hartford for your free quote at. Or go to gohartfordauto. Com today. Martha so the Trump Campaign returns fire after coming under attack from president obama on the campaign trail and from former secretary of state colin powell in those hacked emails that have been released. Welcome, everybody, brand new hour now of americas newsroom. Good morning to you. Good morning to you again. Im martha maccallum. Bill im bill hemmer. Trump getting it from both sides, longtime republican colin powell, calling trump a National Disgrace while president obama condemned trump while campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway last hour blasting the president here on americas newsroom. She said this. He can tell jokes in front of a comfortable, friendly, audience, martha, donald trump trying to ridicule him. He sound like most of the pundits on tv, especially on other networks. I know the left is getting desperate theyre starting to wonder if donald trump can do this and win. We had amazing several weeks. She has had a rough knew days. I dont think he wants his legacy squandered on Hillary Clinton loss. Martha lets backtrack a moment here. Here is what president obama said about donald trump at rally yesterday. He spent most of his life trying to stay away from working people as he could. Now this guy will be the champion of working people. Huh . I mean he wasnt going to let you on his golf course. [laughter] he wasnt going to let you buy his condos. Now suddenly this guy will be your champion . Martha Fox News Contributor marc thiessen, columnist for the Washington Post and fellow at American Enterprise institute. Mark, good to have you here this morning. Good to be here. Martha this is fascinating, clearly the president is concerned that some bluecollar workers may be drifting away from his party . No, that is very true. Look, donald trump, you know, donald trump at least he didnt go play golf after an american was beheaded. The fact is barack obama probably spent more time on the golf course than donald trump has. Making jokes about not letting on the golf course is a little ridiculous. The reality is, Hillary Clinton is the weakest democratic nominee that we have had in a generation. 11 of americans believe that she is honest or trustworthy. Donald trump should be running away with this election she is so weak and he is not running away with it. Take a sate like ohio, neck and neck with Hillary Clinton that is 83 white and 3. 5 hispanic. It is filled with ethnic, working class reagan democrats who are his natural constituencies and he is fighting for ohio when he should be running away from it. They want to stop him from making gains there but he should be doing a lot better. Martha well, they do seem concerned. There is a bloomberg poll this morning shows in ohio, donald trump up by five. It may be an outlyer. It is one poll but an indication perhaps he is getting some traction there. Well see if others back it up. Go to the colin powell story which is just incredible on some levels. The things that he discussed in those emails, how clearly he had disdain for both Hillary Clinton and for donald trump who he called an international pariah. What do you make of all that . First of all im not surprised colin powell feels that way. He is part of the establishment donald trump is challenging and taking on but what is really fascinating about it he says this, not surprising he says this in the private emails. What is fascinating he hasnt said anything publicly. That he hasnt endorsed Hillary Clinton. He clearly has minimum of low reguard, donald trump will be terrible president. Also thinks Hillary Clinton will be a terrible president. She is dishonest about the emails. She keeps having these character mistakes. This is fascinating because in 2008 and 2010, and 2012, he publicly endorsed barack obama. At the time barack obama was running against moderate republicans like john mccain and mitt romney, who he clearly didnt think were international pariahs or would be terrible president s. He publicly endorsed them. He has withheld endorsement of Hillary Clinton. His silence speaks volumes about her. Martha it is a very good point. When you look at this email debacle that just keeps sort of leaking out of every open orifice you can find lately, you got to be wondering, people in the beltway, am i next . Who is next in all of this because clearly hackers are getting their hands on very Sensitive Information across the board, marc . No, they clearly are and you know, its this just shows the danger of what Hillary Clinton did quite frankly. The fact that emails are so vulnerable. This is the thing colin powell seems upset about in the emails, he says he did not use his emails for classified information. In one of the emails he says i used secure state. Gov server for classified information. She put classified information on the private emails. It is one thing to hack Colin Powells emails saying bad things about donald trump. Quite another thing to hack Hillary Clinton emails where she is talking about Top Secret National Security information. In this era where everybodys emails are vulnerable, incredibly dangerous for her to put that stuff on the interweb as they say. Martha marc, good to see you this morning. Bill a bit more on the colin powell taking aim at Hillary Clinton and her emails problems and hackers leaking emails from. He wrote this, having fun with email gate. Hillarys mafia keeps trying to suck me into it. That was march of 2015. That was a critical month. Senior Political Correspondent mike emanuel live in chappaqua, new york, with the Clinton Campaign. Any reaction. Good morning . Reporter no reaction from the Clinton Campaign so far. I reached out to several senior members about her team. Some examples of what colin powell wrote about Hillary Clinton, everything hrc touches she kills with hubris. I had to throw a mini tantrum at Hamptons Party to get her attention. She keeps tripping into character minefields. He was hacked. These are his emails. Im told his office will have no further comment at this time. Bill that is not all he says. There is a lot in there. He made explosive comments as well, mike. What did he say . Reporter thats right, bill. Expressing frustration because he says he lost out on a paid speaking opportunity, and he blames Hillary Clinton writing, quote, i told you about the gig i lost at a university because she is so overcharged them, they came under heat and couldnt pay any fees for a while. I should send her a bill. As for clinton, she continues recuperating from her bought of pneumonia at her nearby home. She is due back on the campaign trail tomorrow after a few days of rest. First stop at greensboro, North Carolina, yes, one of those critical Battle Ground states. Bill . Bill no doubt about that. Mike emanuel in chappaqua. Well see what happens tomorrow. Thanks, mike. Martha. Martha somebody that knows a thing or two about leaks, Edward Snowden asking for a president ial pardon, arguing the world is better place because of him. Telling the guardian, if not for these disclosures, if not for these revelations we would be worse off. Amy kellogg live with the latest on that. Amy, how likely is a pardon for snowden . Reporter white house spokesman earlier this week says snowden committed serious crimes and it is policy of this administration that he should come back to the United States and face charges. That the aclu and Amnesty International are launching an appeal for a pardon for snowden that he only exposed human rights abuses and for that he shouldnt be prosecuted. The former nsa contractor who exposed details of extensive systemic internet and phone surveillance by american intelligence back in 2013 could face 30 years in prison under the espionage act. On the eve of the National Release after film about him by oliver stone, snowden claims subsequent changes to the way metadata is dealt with vindicates him. He sticks to the individual line that indiscriminate spying does not make us more secure. People all over the world are realizing those programs dont make us more safe. They hurt our country, they hurt our country, they limit our ability to speak and think and live and be creative, have relationships, to associate freely. Reporter martha, in an interesting twist last spring, former attorney general eric holder says he believes snowed den has a done a Public Service to the country but to very many others he is simply a traitor, martha. Martha how does the exile in russia impact all of this, amy . Reporter well, you know, it certainly begs the question, this hospitality by the russians, martha, what exactly has snowden given in return for it in terms of information possibly . Snowden claims that he actually has no contact with kremlin officials and few ties there. The film about him opened in moscow last night. Snowdens residency permit in russia runs out next year. He says that actually, martha, he considers he is still working for the United States even though the United States does not realize that. Martha interesting. He is hoping the movie engenders sympathy for his cause. Amy, thank you very much. Bill donald trump in a moment here, will tape an appearance with dr. Oz, as we learn the Campaign Says his physical will not be made public. So what will we learn then. Dr. Siegel in the house. He is going to examine that in a moment. Martha the attack on benghazi coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton. Ambassador susan rice, she blamed this attack on a video. In fact she did it five different times. What was your reaction to that . I was stunned. My jaw dropped. And i was embarrassed. Martha remember that moment . That was greg hicks, testifying about the attack in 2013. Why the former state Department Number two man right after Chris Stevens in libya and the last person to speak to him alive does not trust Hillary Clinton to secure this country, he says. He will tell us why. Bill there is powerful new documentary revealing the untold stormry of the Unsung Heroes of aleppo. 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Dr. Oz saying just the kind of thing that voters today expect. Generation ago we would have hidden this. Ronald reagan, no one knew he had issues. Certainly fdr, president kennedy, there is long litany of president s not telling americans about their health. I think the world has changed. I think we have expectation as nation. Bill what is that expectation . Dr. Marc siegel, member of fox news medical ateam and lang he is not doing the exam. He will analyze what the doctor did. He is card vast lar surgeon. If questions are asked about Donald Trumps health, he will answer them. He will report on what the physical shows. Bill what is this about then . I think a step right direction in releasing health information. Trump also said he will release his entire Health Records which i really want to see. Ive been calling for this kind of transparency ever since 2008 with mccain where we had to look at 1100 pages like reporters. Both candidates should release records. Trump is 70 years old. As weve been reporting for days now, Hillary Clinton has Health Issues going on we want to see more information on. Information takes the place of speculation. Bill let me get back to hillary in a moment. Last night with hannity, donald trump said this and talked about the following. Can only speak for myself. Were going from early in the morning until late in the evening. I get home sometimes 1 00 in the morning. In any event were not having any time off. It is really, it is really dart to the finish. Bill it is a grueling run for anyone, doc. And youre making the argument that we should know a lot of information. Others may suggest how much do you need to know . We know donald trump has low blood pressure. That is good thing. He says its a grueling run. We know that. He is not sleeping that much. Eats a lot of fastfood. There is a lot of pressure. Stress causes disease to occur. Elderly people, 70 years old. Hillary clinton is 68 years old. More information we have the better. This is a time of full disclosure. The publics right to know. Of future president s. Bill Kellyanne Conway last hour with martha said this as well. Dr. Oz will talk about what he talks on the show, addiction, zika, other Health Concerns about for people. If he is asked a question about his Health Status im sure he is happy to answer. Bill you have the case of Hillary Clinton. She suggests this week she will put more medical information out. You have looked at her medical history carefully. Have you been able to draw any conclusion what is you saw this past weekend . Ive been able to draw questions, not answers. I have a question about the blackout that she had in 2012 which led to the head trauma and discussion and blood clot was found. Now we see her stumbling into the car. My view of video looks like she is about to pass out there. Then bill clinton and Hillary Clinton came forward about that and talked aboutrecurrent episodes. Im wondering does she have tendency to faint. You know why i want to know that, bill . She is on blood thinners. If youre on blood thinners and faint and youre hurt that is risk associated associated witht is on my mind. I have questions about pneumonia. People are talking about pneumonia like it is nothing. How is she responding to treatment. These are Health Concerns and information instead of speculation. Bill she is on antibiotic i assume with your pneumonia. Which her doctor released she is. Bill it can interact with bad ways with blood thinners like coumadin. Extremely smart what you said. You generally need a lot less coumadin when youre taking antibiotics. Bill less . A lot less. It poe 10 eights it. Coumadin levels can go up too high and blood gets thin. A doctor has to watch that carefully with patient on antibiotics. Im glad to be she is at home resting. The place for pneumonia is in bed not the on the trail. Thank you, bill. Martha they are saving lives in wartorn syria. A place where few dare to go and most can not see anything at all these days. A new documentary that looks into the people who saved this little boy and some others tell their incredible story with us next. Martha so president ial election is heating up, one of the men in libya during the attack in benghazi is coming forward with his own story and a warning he says about Hillary Clinton. Four americans were murdered that night in the attack including our u. S. Ambassador, christopher stevens. Greg hicks was the last person to speak with the ambassador before he died. He told him he was clearly under attack in that consulate. Here he is testifying back in 2013. When ambassador stevens talked to you, perhaps minutes before he decide, as a dying declaration, what precisely did he say to you . He said, greg, were under attack. Would a highly decorated, career diplomat told you or washington, had there been a demonstration outside his facility that day . Yes, sir, he would have. Did he mention one word about a protest or a demonstration . No, sir, he did not. Martha we all remember that very powerful moment from the congressional testimony and then we have this from Hillary Clinton last week when she was asked questions during the commanderinchief forum about libya and our activities there. In libya, when gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, i put together a coalition that included nato, included the arab league, and which were able to save lives. We did not lose a single american in that action. Martha exempt for those four people at the consulate would beg it differ. Greg hicks joins us now. Former executive chief of mission for libya. Very good to have you on the program this morning. Thank you for having me. Martha when you hear Hillary Clinton say that at the commanderinchief forum, what goes through your mind . Well, as you might imagine the flames of the burning consulate erupt in my mind and also i vividly remember seeing my four fallen comrades on the hospital beds in the, in tripoli afterwards. This is very emotional reaction i have, sorry about that. Martha i dont blame you, sir. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be with this story. You know, i also wonder, you know there are people almost make fun of the word benghazi. You know, oh, it is just benghaziian this or that, making a big deal out of things that shouldnt be made a big deal out of. What do you say to them . I would say to them mrs. Clinton sent our people in benghazi into harms way. She then delegated her responsibility, her legal obligation to protect our overseas americans to others, and those people then reduced our security compliment in tripoli from 34 to six. So that when Chris Stevens went to benghazi, he could only take two security agents with him instead of the dozen or more that he should have had with him. I also tell them that she delegated the decision to to divide our people in benghazi into two separate facilities. The law says that decision cant be delegated. So we have the very vivid standdown controversy that was portrayed in the 13 hours movie. Martha as you tell the story, because the two spaces were divided into two different buildings, they basically had to cover each other. And that provided the moment when there was a decision whether or not one side would stand down while the other side was under attack. These are the words of colin powell. I know youve been hearing this morning so much discussion about the leaks from his email. I thought this would be of interest to you. He says, benghazi is a stupid witchhunt. Basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thought libyans now love me and im okay in this very vulnerable place. Chris stevens had some very serious work to do. One of his primary missions in benghazi was to correct the mistake of being, of having two facilities, to combine our personnel into one permanent consulate and Hillary Clinton asked him to do that. And i would also note that the majority report of the Benghazi Committee details that mrs. Clinton was planning to visit tripoli in october of 2012. And where we hoped she would be able to announce that consolidation of the facilities. So Chris Stevens was doing his job in benghazi and he knew the risks, yes, but that is the definition of courage. To understand the risks, to understand that you have a job to do, and then you go and do it anyway. Martha so in the course of the benghazi investigation it was discovered that Hillary Clinton had a server at home in chappaqua. Since then thousands of emails have disappeared. Many wonder how many dealt with issue of benghazi. There was fbi investigation into that and he said there was no intent on her part to mislead anyone or misuse the information. Do you think anyone has dropped ball in earlies of it your companions, your work companions who lost their lives that day and if so, who . The disappearance of American History that is taking place is a very serious breach of trust of the American People and of americas democracy and it is shameful. Now i think that congressman gowdy and the committee, Benghazi Committee has done as good a job as they could given the amount of information that was made available to them but they didnt receive all of the information that was available. When i testified before the committee in april, that was readily apparent. The majority confirmed in the course of my discussions that deliberative documents that they had requested from the state department were not provided to them, yet, when the minority questioned my, they presented to me deliberative documents as part of their inchoirry. So whats the story there . Martha greg hicks, thank you. I wish we had more time. I know you have retired from 25 years of service at the state department. We thank you for your service to our country. And we look forward to speak with you again, sir. Thank you very much. Bill 10 30, market had been open for an hour. Massive merger on the horizon. Bayer to buy monsanto. Will regulators allow that to go through and why you should care. Martha donald trump getting help from a hollywood icon, jon voight joins us straight ahead. I can only feel, if god allows truth to be said and heard, that we will see donald trump the next president second [cheering] for partners in health, time is life. 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I feel there is a dark cloud over the country now. And we are all witness to Hillary Clintons lies and corruption. My heartaches watching donald trump day after day telling American People what he wants to do to save the nation. Bill that is Jon Voight Hollywood actor, calling trump a visionary who can solve problems. He is campaigning for him around the country. He is my guest in washington, d. C. , which is im sure a town you love. Welcome, jon voight. Hey, bill. Bill you endorsed mitt romney and he lost. And you endorsed john mccain and he lost. Were still fighting. Bill right on. What is different about donald trump you believe . He is a interesting, unique person. Whats, what i find impressive about him and there are many things that are impressive about him but he is a doer. He he is used to solving problems. That is what we have this country right now, huge problems that accumulated over the past eight years, and we certainly need tremendous amount of energy to combat these problems. Somebody who can gather good minds together to find solutions and i have been very impressed with donalds gathering of great people and addressing the problems one by one in these major speeches. And, i dont, i dont remember a candidate doing exactly that, allowing people to see exactly what the problems are and then, you know, solving them you know, piece by piece in front of the American Public so that theya ws going to do. This has been very impressive. Bill you know, being on the road, you know some republicans cant back him and refuse to do that they dont think he is a true republican. They consider him a new republican. What do you say to them . Well i say a lot of things but hes, hes a very unusual fellow. I say sometimes he speaks in ways that are unusual, like the idea of saying that obama founded isis. You says Something Like that. Then hugh hewitt is with me on the tour, you mean, dont you he pulled the troops out and left a vacuum and donald doubles down, says, no, he founded isis. Initially people say, what is going on here . Then think about it and it gets them to go to the, get on their cell phones, go to the different places that they might find information and indeed, they say, well, if it hadnt been for the pulling out of those troops, and leaving no status of forces agreement, no energy between us and the government of iraq, they wouldnt have come forth. Bill so youre making the case he has got a way of saying things that break through, that is what i hear you say . Thats exactly right. Bill but this is very important question here now because this is the world in which you live. How does hollywood feel about donald trump . How does hollywood consider potential Trump Presidency . Well, hollywood, most of the people who are outspoken are on the left but there is a great contingent of people who are conservative people in hollywood. They just dont, they dont speak out quite often, you know. But, there is a good group in hollywood that are for donald trump. Bill back to the trail. Thank you,. Bill thank you, jon voight being with us on the trail. Well see whether or not you have luck this time around. Okay. Bill 22 minutes before the hour. Thanks. Martha a Major Corporate merger is underway. Pharmaceutical giant bayer, agreeing to buy agribusiness firm monsanto in a 66 billion allcash deal and Charlie Gasparino Senior Correspondent of Fox Business Network broke the news as he often does. Thanks for having me. Martha good morning to you. What does this mean for everybody . This is financial aspect as you said, biggest deal of the year, 66 billion. If youre a shareholder in the deal, it goes through, your stock will go wherever it is now, from 106 a share to a 128 a share which is a nice chunk of change. There is breakup fee on this, if the the deal doesnt go through the share hold is of monsanto get a few bucks. There is the whole social story which is i think fascinating. Bayer is Big Pharmaceutical Company located in germany. Mon san toe is a huge Agribusiness Company here. Bayer is buying them here because theyre taking a big bet on gmos, which is hugely controversial you will see mother jones, george soros, the left will attack this deal because they hate the notion of genetically modified foods. Bayer with the power behind it, a huge company with all the skills and research will buy this company and create this sort of monolith that will be shoving genetically modified foods down everybodys throats. Be clear you want to solve world hunger which bayer wants to do and profit from that . The only way you do that through geneticallymodified foods. Science is the only way to eradicate hunger. That is the bet bayer is making. There are a couple other hurdles on this thing. Regulators have to approve this. Martha right. Theyre a german company. E. U. Has to approve it. Will they approve it. Will the u. S. Justice department do it. It will be a different justice department. It wont be Obama Justice department. It might be the trump justice department. I think u. S. Will approve it. Hillary clinton wildcard that is interesting. Do they give in to the left to say no, we dont want this deal, we dont want a huge global powerhouse producing genetically modified foods because we believe it is bad. I believe it is good. If you believe there is a problem with world hunger we know there is in certain parts. World, the only way to produce food fast and cheaply is through this science. Martha you think it goes through, quickly . No. Martha no . Sorry pgh rosanna part two,. Shining light on her row i can efforts to volunteers saving lives of thousands of men and women in caught in wartorn syria. Well talk to the film makeers about their project, next. When this busy family. Got a cracked windshield. Their dad went to the new safelitedotcom. And scheduled a replacement. In just a few clicks. With safelite you dont have to miss a thing. Yall did wonderful thank you. girls sing safelite repair, safelite replace. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Martha so right now a very fragile ceasefire appears to be holding in the early stages in wartorn syria. It went into effect on monday. It is expected to last a week. Meanwhile we are getting a closer look now, at the situation and the darkness and some of the light as you saw those children playing, look at some of these images, that were now getting from recent history in aleppo. All of this comes to us through a brand new documentary that is premiering today at the toronto film festival. It follows the syrian civilian rescue volunteers who are known as the White Helmets. Theyre ordinary people who put on the White Helmets and go out into extremely dangerous situations to arrive on the scene after bombs drop. They risk their lives to save children. Watch this. Lord, i want to be in that number,. [shouting] when the saints go marching in. [speaking native tongue ] martha very, very powerful stuff. The moment where the baby is pulled out of that rubble brings tears to my eyes. It is incredible. I look forward to seeing the whole thing. We have the director and producer of the movie called the White Helmets. Which launches globally on netflix. Very good to have you both of you with us today. Orlando, let me start with you. What do you want the world to understand through this film . Well i think there is a number of things. I think the first thing is that there are ordinary people just like me and you, just like me or you, doing extraordinary heroic things inside of syria and i think the narrative from syria has really been, the main news coming out of syria seems to be isis and terrorism and refugee crisis in europe. Those are really clearly important stories. But what is happening to the civilian population has definitely taken a back seat, and the story of White Helmets is a way to show exactly whats happening daily to civilians inside of syria where they experience hundreds of bombs every few days, and we hope that people understand that story. Martha you know, it is such a courageous act, there are very few journalists in there. Very difficult for aid workers to get inside of aleppo. Essentially assad, this is a oppositionheld city but civilians and regular folks and little kids, moms and dads who are there as well are the targets of his violence day after day after day. Joanna, is that accurate . Yeah, that is absolutely right, martha. I mean all the risk here is taken by the White Helmets themselves. Not only do they live in the theater and subject to the bombs, they are in fact a target for the regime for these attacks. Theyre very much only thing that the civilian population can rely on. Yet they run into this smoke and the bombs every day risking their lives. They lost 140 of their own. They continue to do this work which is most heroic work weve seen. Martha you say they lost 140 of their own. I happened to watch this trailer on 9 11 and it reminded me of that, of the regular people who go running into the wreckage and risk their own lives rather than run away. And this is picture of a barrel bomb being dropped from the helicopters that fly over the city all the time. Orlando, i guess, what do you hope this film does in terms of the conversation of whats happening in syria . Well, you know, i, i really hope that people, two things i think. I think first i hope this film resonates with people and that they can get behind the White Helmets. I think, the International Community over the last couple of years has struggled to find a viable solution to this conflict but many people can agree of the need to support the White Helmets. Martha you know, joanna, there are critics, when i was googling about your movie who say its, that its some form of propaganda that is designed to engender sympathy for the refugees who are pouring out of this area. What do you say to those critics . I would say, you know, if you had seen the amount of footage wed seen and amount of rescues that these White Helmets have done i dont think critics would say anything. There will always be detractors in a complex situation like syria. This team has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. Theyre having incredible amount of endorsers across the world. We really think their work is worth supporting. Martha these images speak for themselves. They are rare and they are very worth seeing. I think anybody on any side of this equation needs to watch this and see what they take away from it. Joanna, orlando, thank you very much for being with us today. And for making this important film. Many thanks. Thanks for having us. Bill important to know too. Selfdriving cars are coming to pittsburgh today. Now you can actually hail one of those using your smartphone. What a great combination. Would you do it . Well take you there live in a moment. Six minutes away on happening now. New details on the leaked emailf state colin powell. He goes after Hillary Clinton over her email controversy and calls donald trump, an international pariah. As for clinton, shes expected to return to the campaign trail as she recovers from pneumonia. As we learn dr. Oz will not address Donald Trumps health in muchhyped interview. Newsweek goes after trumps company in scathing investigation. New poll of ohio has trump leading for first time in that critical battleground state. All ahead, happening now. Come on and take a free ride bill it is not free but starts today. We told you uber is testing selfdriving cars in pittsburgh. Rob schmitt is there live. Got inside look on one of these cars, where there will be humans inside by the way. Rob, good morning. Tell us about it. Reporter good morning, bill. You know, Car Accidents in this country kill more than 30,000 people every single year and Companies Aiming to fix that. Companies like google, like uber, tesla, ford, everybody racing for this technology. Uber giving the first offering, Autonomous Ride Service in steel city, pit burke to its customers today. We tried this out. Well shoal you what it is like to let your car drive you. Here we are coming off a bridge. The car knows the light turned grind. As you can see it is turning itself. Turn signal and everything. I had nothing to do with that. Obviously there is a lot of skepticism about the safety of these cars but you cant deny that the technology is amazing. Take a look at what these look like. Spinning lidar units on top provide 360 scan of everything around the car. Seven lasers, 20 cameras, you watching for anything and everything. It is truly a feat of technology, bill. It is beautiful. Bill wow. Rob, enjoy it. I saw your hand very close to the wheel. So perhaps it takes a little bit of time before we get confidence together, right . Rob schmitt there, live in pittsburgh. Thank you, rob. It starts today. Thanks. Martha hackers at work again. This time revealing what colin powell really thinks about donald trump and Hillary Clinton. It is not pretty for the either one of them. [cellphone vibrat] do you want to answer that . Nah, id never with a kid in the car. [phone vibrating multiple time] im there. Martha today is wednesday. We have been thinking that its thursday. Labor day drag. Martha i will see you in oreilly. We wont be in the radio today. Martha no. Would you take a car thats driving you . Martha i like to driver. Some people hate driving. I love driving. I drive to cape cod. So, no, i dont want anybody else driving my car. We will steer this car until another day tomorrow. Martha have a good day, everybody. John we will handle the driving from here less than eight weeks now until election day. New developments on the health front for both candidates. What the Trump Campaign is saying about medical records as Hillary Clinton says she will be back on the trail thursday after staying home for three days to recover from pneumonia. Good morning, to you, im john scott. Jenna trying to keep it on the road, john. Hi, everybody, im jenna lee. Hope youre keeping it on the road as well. Donald trump heading off to michigan as Campaign Says they

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