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Again suggesting impeachment is back on the table. President trump this is a very dishonest thing joe biden did and said he never spoke to his son. Does anyone believe that one . He said long before that he did speak to his son. He lied again. Why is he on the phone with a foreign leader trying to intimidate a foreign leader . Trump is doing this because he knows ill beat him like a drum and using the abuse of power and every element of the presidency to try to do something to smear me. I have been very reluctant to go down the path of impeachment. If the president is essentially withholding military aid at the same time that he is trying to browbeat a foreign leader into doing something illicit that is providing dirt on his opponent during a president ial campaign, then that may be the only remedy. Can you imagine if this was the trump family doing cbusine like this . So i like joe biden. I like him a lot. You cant have it both ways here. What role, if any, did the bideens have with ukraine. Was it proper or was it not . John roberts annual trip to new york city begins today. Nothing like the u. N. General assembly. Bill great job yesterday working for wallace on Fox News Sunday. Where are we . The president has six meetings today at the United Nations. That means well hear a lot from the president about all of this. Overhanging everything that happens at the u. N. Today and probably for the rest of the week for the president. He is here until thursday morning, is the phone call he had on july 25th with Volodymyr Zelenskiy and the whistleblower complaint about that. Yesterday the president acknowledged he spoke with zelenskiy about biden and his son hunter. President trump the conversation i had was largely congratulatory, was largely all of the corruption taking place. Largely the fact that we dont want our people like Vice President biden and his son creating to the corruption already cin the ukraine. A couple of developments. Ukrainian foreign minister yesterday said he didnt see any pressure in that phone call. Remember the wall street journal, bill, said on friday the president about eight times said to zelenskiy why dont you get ukraine to work with Rudy Giuliani on investigating biden. Democrats are making the leap to this being an impeachable offense. Nancy pelosi saying she wants to see the evidence first. She wants this complaint that the Intelligence Committee Inspector General has. In a statement pelosi said violations about our National Security, Inspector General said it was urgent and we face and emergency that must be addressed immediately. Serious possible breach of constitutional by the president the acting director of National Intelligence joe mcguire will be testifying before the house Intelligence Committee behind closed doors on thursday. Bill this week. You can bet the democrats will try to bill youre right on that. You went toetotoe with cRudy Giuliani yesterday. What meetings did he have in august and with whom . And the country of spain . To our viewers you have to read deep and long to follow this story. Lets go. There are so many layers like an onion. Rudy giuliani met in spain in early august with an official from the ukraine, an aide to zelenskiy. Giuliani now acknowledging that he asked that official about joe biden and his son. Watch this exchange from Fox News Sunday yesterday. When did this morph into an investigation of joe biden . It appears to line up. You went there for one thing and found out something else. The probiden media lines it up. He insists it was at the behest of the state department trying to build relations with the new zelenskiy government. Giuliani and the president openly banging the drum for their to be an investigation of biden and his son, hunter. The president is meeting with zelenskiy on wednesday and again, president has six bilateral meetings today. A pool spray at every one of those and you can bet well hear a clot about that. Good to see you. Bill john roberts. Now back to julie. Sandra questions about ukraine following former Vice President biden on the campaign trail peter doocy is joining us from des moines live with the latest. Hi, peter. Julie, if there was an abuse of power or conflict of interest, joe biden insists it wasnt him and it wasnt his son. Have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings . Ive never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. Here is what i know. I know trump deserves to be investigated. Trump is doing this because he knows ill beat him like a drum and using the abuse of power and every element of the presidency to try to do something to smear me. Joe biden says no talk of business with his son. His son says some talk of business with dad, the former v. P. Hunter biden cooperated with an article in july that contains this passage about the Energy Company burisma. His father discussed burisma with him once. What youre doing. You know i said i do. Theyre more interested in President Trumps phone call with ukraine about biden and what the director of National Intelligence is going to Tell Congress about it this week. Makes sense for the dni to be called and what appears to be a political and at best irresponsible. He sits in fourth place in a new iowa poll that sees sanders in third, Elizabeth Warren in first and she is watching this whistleblower story play out from the trail, too. Congress failed to act and now donald trump has shown that he believes he is above the law. He has solicited another Foreign Government to attack our election system. It is time for us to call out this illegal behavior and start impeachment proceedings right now. Progressive candidates have been talking less and less about possible crussian interference in the election in the past and they are now starting to talk more and more about possible ukrainian election interference and the president. Sandra all right. Peter doocy. Bill for more on this james freeman, associated tore. Hello, james. Devin nunes was with marie on sunday morning futures and described the ukraine story in the following way. The left knows that bidens son is a problem for him and why when Hillary Clinton was running these stories first originated. First originated. Maybe there is a whistleblower is not a partisan. We want to hear from that whistleblower but it sure looks like a scheme backfired. I think is probably the end of bidens campaign. I really do. Bill that would be a headline for a week. What do you think is going on here . I dont know if its the end of his campaign but its a question that you had to expect joe biden was going to have to answer at some point in this campaign. Whether its now or later. The business that his family and specifically his son, hunter, did while he was cVice President. We dont know how many prosecutors around the world joe biden got fired but it is quite a coincidence that this is a prosecutor in the ukraine investigating a company where bidens son serves as a director. Its not just the ukraine where there are questions. There is also a business deal in china and what is particularly troubling about the case is hunter biden is a lobbyist. Not someone who spent his entire career in the Energy Industry in ukraine or china. If he wasnt named biden would these deals have happened. Bill here is the headline. Do we really want a president s private talks with World Leaders exposed for all to hear . Do we see the transcript of the conversation . Whether this person is really going to be called a whistleblower, that term has a very positive connotation in the press of someone who ferrets out wrongdoing and reports it. Maybe it is someone who is just sharing information that they shouldnt have. Obviously we cneed president s be able to have candid conversations with foreign leaders. This is not to say that it was appropriate for President Trump to raise this issue. I think some people might have told him better to just let Rudy Giuliani, your lawyer, raise the issue. I do think its an issue. Bill take you up to 35,000 feet. Is there a sense listening to you talk, do you get a sense of momentum in this story . As i ask that question you believe the momentum is toward biden explaining it. What about the momentum toward people like nancy pelosi and others saying it should give you more encouragement in the house to pursue impeachment . On the president s side there is no evidence to this point that there was any quid pro quo, that he was demanding some kind of biden inquiry or action in exchange for something. So unless there is, i think its mainly on the biden side where there will be momentum until he gives a credible explanation for these deals that his son was striking overseas in places he was doing business as Vice President. It looks bad. It smells bad. I think he has to come up with an answer to why this cukraini Energy Company and then a Chinese Investment vehicle thought hunter biden of all people was the one to do business with. Bill okay. More to come on this clearly. Thats how well leave it for the moment. Thank you, james freeman, wall street journal. Nice to see you. 12 minutes past. Sandra a murder trial getting underway for a Police Officer accused of fatally shooting and unarmed black man in his own home thinking it was actually her home. We have a live report coming up plus this. Bill from new york to washington the Nations Capital bracing for a stand still. Climate change protestors in the streets demanding action. Well take you there live coming up. Sandra President Trump says there will be no talks with iran during the u. N. General assembly as the Administration Pushes for a diplomatic solution. What is the next step with tehran . There is a handful of countries supportive of iran and what iran is doing and unwilling to push back. This is the worlds responsibility to respond from these state on state acts of war. Julie a new jersey man set to be arraigned on terror charges in federal court this morning. 42yearold saab is accused of scouting u. S. Landmarks as targets for terror attacks by hezbollah. Including u. N. Headquarters, statue of liberty, fenway park in boston. He is an american citizen who entered the u. S. On a lebanese passport. President trump would like to have a diplomatic solution. Thats the task in front of us and what weve been aiming for for a little over two years now with the strongest sanctions that have ever cbeen put in place against this revolutionary regime. Bill mike pompeo and growing attention the iran. They are threatening all out war if military strikes are against iran. U. S. Deploying more troops to the region after an attack on saudi arabias oil facility. Senior fellow from the heritage foundation, thank you for your time. When you listen to mike pompeo speak, it is as if they have moved iran to the place where they want to have them. Would you agree with that . Yeah, i do. Its clear that iran does not respond to anything other than force or the threat of force. So we can do all the diplomatic discussions we want to do but unless its backed up with a credible pain or the threat of that, we dont see any change in iranian behavior. Bill what is the appropriate response . Weve been waiting on this now and believe there will be a lot of meetings in new york to figure out what that response is. What do you expect . Sure. I do think there there will be a lot of discussions. Nobody wants war. Saudi arabia would take a huge hit cto its economy, global interruption in the flow of energy which raises prices for everybody concerned. There is no good path down that war path. But again absent this fullcourt press, we continue to see iran supporting terror groups, maintaining dictatorial hold on its own people. Threatening war certainly in the region. They attacked saudi arabia. Under what provocation, right . So i think this flow of forces to the region is good. I think a strong u. S. Military presence is good. Assurance to the World Community that we will guarantee the free flow of energy out of the gulf region. And in maintaining these sanctions. Apparently theyre the only thing that is really bringing iran to the table. We see this lashing out because of the economic pain it has been causing. Bill you know the Iranian Foreign minister, the public face of this in this country and for the world. On cbs yesterday he said this, sir. Were ready to talk but talk in terms of something that is not going to be for 1 1 2 or 5 1 2 years. We need to talk about something that is permanent. That will last. We already hivd an agreement. These were difficult negotiations. It wasnt just a twopage document we signed so we could do another topage document. Bill he is saying there is a deal on the table going back to 2015 and he is suggesting he will not even entertain a meeting with the president because he is afraid it might be some sort of photo op. Your take on that. The iranians are scrambling, right . Theyre trying to get back to a deal they were willing to walk away from. A bad deal to begin with. Did nothing about iranian support to terrorism, development of missile technologies, reported relationships with north korea. Evidence came out that they continued developments in that area and not allowing access to military facilities and anything else. Flawed to begin with. The president was right to walk away. Were seeing the reaction where theyre trying to get back to this agreement that they benefited via 100 billion when we all signed it under the previous president. Again, i think bill what you dont know, though, is what iran does next . Theyve been whiley over the past six months. Pompeo says  so there arent leaks in the system. The french trying to find work arounds for money and banking transactions. This is the way were going vand to see how iran responds to it. Julie three people are dead in one major city, four others hospitalized. What do authorities think happened here . Bill tens of thousands of travelers stranded around the world today. The oldest travel company on the planet suddenly goes dark. There was no communication about it whatsoever. c what . . . No, no no no no. Battery power runs out. Lifetime Retirement Income from tiaa doesnt. Guaranteed monthly income for life. Nooooo dealing with Psoriatic Arthritis pain was so frustrating. Guaranteed monthly income for life. My skin. It was embarrassing. My joints. They hurt. The pain and swelling. The tenderness. The psoriasis. I had to find something that worked on all of this. I found cosentyx. Now, watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of Psoriatic Arthritis. It even helps stop further joint damage. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms. 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Bill police in pittsburgh did not immediately say which drug or combination of drugs has been involved. More to come. Julie a fireed dallas Police Officer goes on trying for murder today. Amber geiger is accused of shooting a man in his own apartment. She confused his apartment for hers and miss took him for a burglar. Casey stiegel is live in dallas with more. This trial is expected to last for several weeks. The former d. P. D. Officer just arrived here at the courthouse about an hour ago with her defense team. We want to show you video of that. We have certainly seen some steppedup security here at the Frank Crawley courts in downtown dallas. This is shaping up to be a highprofile case. A pool camera is allowed inside the courtroom and this is a live look inside court as we speak. Judge tammy kemp is expected to take the bench shortly. Things will get underway. The 31yearold former dallas Police Officer said the whole thing was aucmistake. She claimed last year she finished a 15hour shift, was exhausted when she got to her apartment complex and accidentally parked one floor above her own and went to the wrong apartment. Geiger, who was still in uniform, says the door was ajar and she thought someone had broken in. Turns out it was the apartment of 26yearold john who was home an unarmed. Geiger said she saw a shadow move inside the dark apartment and fired, killing the young accountant. Johns death sparked protests around dallas. Three days after the shooting geiger was arrested for manslaughter and fired from her job at Dallas Police department and a grand jury later bumped those charges up to murder. Now geigers lawyer has been petitioning the whole defense team has been petitioning this judge to get this trial moved to a different county. A change of venue saying this has been so highly publicized and they were fearing they would not be able to get a fair trial for their client. But the judge did deny that request and here we go, day one of this pretty big trial today. Well keep you posted. cbill how do americans fee about the economy . New numbers show how consumers feel about the chances of a recession. Charles payne has answers coming up. Julie new fallout from the whistleblower complaint about President Trump. What the top democrat on the house Intelligence Committee is threatening to do to get access to it. Congressman andy biggs will join us live next. President trump Vice President biden did a terrible thing. Something where he said im not going to give billions of dollars to ukraine unless they remove this prosecutor and they removed the prosecutor supposedly in one hour. Upbeat music no coverup spray here. Cheaper aerosols can cover up odors in a flowery fog. But febreze air effects eliminates odors. With a 100 natural propellent. It leaves behind a pleasant scent youll love. [ deep inhale] freshen up. Dont cover up. Febreze. When i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Thats why we take a totalaking approach to health and wellness, so you can age actively. And we simplify medicare by connecting you to the right coverage, resources and care. So you can keep pursuing the life you love. Aetna medicare solutions. Bill 9 31 in new york. This happened a moment ago, opening bell wall street. First Lady Melania Trump is doing the honors with her be best campaign. The trumps due in town all week which should be great for traffic. Here we go. Down 93 points at the open. Well see which way the wheel spins this week. Cool there for a first lady. Nice to see her down there. Have you ever done that by the way . Julie i have not. Have you . Bill one time i did with a group of green beret. It is active. You never forget it, either. The day that you ring the bell at the new york stock exchange. Julie a big deal. Worth sharing for sure. Bill we wanted to share that with the viewers. Julie by the way if youre in new york city today, walk. Wouldnt withholding funds from the Intelligence Community put the nations safety at risk, though . Depends on what funds with withhold. It is a blunt remedy and one im reluctant to use. At the same time the Inspector General has said it is not only serious and credible but urgentc if there is a fire burning it needs to be put out. Julie adam schiff threatening to defund the Intel Community unless the details of a whistleblowers complaint are disclosed to the Intelligence Committees. Lets bring in republican congressman andy biggs member of the house judiciary committee. Thank you for talking to us. Schiff now is throwing out threats. He has continued to demand access to the whistleblower complaint, legally congress is entitled to see that complaint and the details. The president calls it a democratic witch hunt and continues to do that. Which is it . This is the soup du jour, the accusation of the day. If you think about it over the last two weeks the different accusations including one that he stole President Trump stole pancakes. It gets into the narrative we always see. This is adam schiff really pushing this. His credibility and veracity should be challenged. And the fact that he leaks stuff as the chairman of the Intelligence Committee is a problem, too. This is a real problem because it ccontinues to be an accusation when even the foreign minister of the ukraine said there was no pressure in that phone call whatsoever. Julie adam schiff. Congress hasnt had a transcript of the phone call. Joe biden is calling for a transcript of the phone call since bidens name is dragged through this. What do you make of schiff threatening to defund Intel Community. That is quite a threat and not necessarily the smallest threat i would imagine to defund the Intel Community until the whistleblower details are disclosed. Is he playing with fire here . I really think he is. If you look at it we have so many things going on right now in the country whether its north korea, iran, china, even russia. The very notion that you are going to defund our intelligence apparatus, that doesnt even make sense. If he wants to find it he needs to go somewhere else. He wont get support. I cant imagine him getting support to do. That julie the pressure is back on. Democrats are pressuring nancy pelosi who has been in the middle on all of this. Now pelosi comes out with a letter to her colldqgues and writes this, violation is about our National Security. Inspector general determined that the matter is urgent and therefore we face an emergency that must be addressed immediately if the administration persists in blocking this whistleblower from disclosing to congress a serious breach of constitutional duties by the president , they will be entering a grave new chapter of lawlessness which will take us into a whole new stage of investigation. Now the democrats are upset about this. There is nothing wrong first of all about a house leader or the leader of the free world speaking with another world power as in the president of the ukraine. The question is, is there quid pro quo. The Trump Administration approved a 250 million aid package to ukraine this month. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are concerned about the delay in getting the money. As a bargain. You investigate biden and you get the money. The president says this isnt how it went down. Why do the democrats persist in this angle . They continue to throw something up every day to see if there is something that will stick. They are looking for an impeachment post to hang a hat on and what ctheyre talking about. The reality is here as i said the foreign minister said there is nothing wrong with the phone call, no bribe, no lever by the president. It was a long conversation. I dont know how long. It looks like it covered a wide variety of areas. You know what . There is not one of them talking about the reality that weve actually known about for a long time of joe biden actually putting pressure and the Obama Administration putting pressure on ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating joe bidens son. So in a way its a distraction from the underlying issue. Also, though, it is what they want. They want impeachment. They want to discredit this president and this is their narrative. They will stick to that narrative until maybe they can get some traction with the american public. Thats what theyre trying to do. Julie the narrative on behalf of the squad, alexandria ocasiocortez, again she is trying to apply pressure to impeach on twitter and here is what she put up on the social media website. At this point the bigger National Scandal isnt the president s law breaking behavior but the Democratic Partys refusal to impeach him for it. I dont believe the Democratic Party is refusing to impeach. Thats a discussion and decision cthat needs to be mad that could have catastrophic results and clearly nancy pelosi has been in this game a little longer than alexandria ocasiocortez. So she is not going to be making any rash decisions. Do you believe, though, that pelosi will push forward on impeachment proceedings before Congress Even sees this . You cant go forward on Something Like this without actually seeing the evidence. At this point nobody in congress has any idea what this conversation really entailed. Right, julie. I think youre right. I think nancy pelosi i disagree with her on policy but she is a very astute politician and very strategic and she is getting pressure from the radical wing of her party and they are getting pressure from the radical base of her party. To think that nancy pelosi would just jump in with two feet at this point belies what ive seen from her experience and her leadership. You know, i disagree with her on 99 of things but i think she understands the ramification here is so grave and i think she is trying to walk a thin line between the radicals and moderates in her party. Julie congressman andy biggs, great to see you on a monday morning. Thank you. Bill back to washington we go. Climate activists disrupting monday morning ccommute in a significant way. What do we want . That was from friday before things got going today. Two dozen groups calling for action on Climate Change and ellison barber is watching the traffic lights in d. C. With more. What do you see . This is one of a few groups that have come out to stop traffic in d. C. They say their goal is to get politicians to take action on Climate Change. Police for a last hour have been trying to remove protestors that have tied themselves to this ship. You can see if you look at one of the tubes here there is a triangle cut out basically people were on either side of those tubes. Six protestors in all. Police came in with a saw and cut out and into that metal pipe where there was a string apparatus holding the protestors hands together and physically removed protestors out of this area. We havent seen any arrests. If you look back here again you can see the tire on this ship is flat. They tell me the protestors here this is what they call a hard blockade trying to make it difficult for police to move them out of this area. Can see some of the protestors who have been with the group all morning. A sizeable group. You will hear their chanting. A number of different signs. One of the signs here says politics dont matter if everyone is dead. That is part of their message today. They dont believe Climate Change and Climate Action should be a partisan issue. They say so far Neither Party is doing enough and they want to see something done. Listen here. Solutions calling for is what the science is calling for. We cant base our policy on what is supposedly politically possible. We have to go beyond that because this is a matter of survival now and so were calling for net zero Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2025. If you look down there you can see the white house over there. This area is kstreet is the name often used in derogatory terms where lobbyists and special Interest Groups who have offices in the area. If you walk down this state you can be at the capitol. They chose this area for that reason. At the intersection of all the groups who they think should be doing something and they cthin are causing the climate crisis. Bill thank you, ellison, based on some of the reports were getting from colleagues the morning commute is sticking. Hang in there on the streets of washington Cleveland Browns playing their first sunday night game in 11 years. They had a chance to tie it up in the final seconds of the game late last night. Here is your ballgame. And the pass is bill or maybe not. The interception. L. A. Rams win it 2113 to hang on. Meanwhile rookie quarterback daniel jones making an impact. First start for the new york giants and here is what you get. Second quarter there is the catch and run and then jones here. Running again. Got a fist pump from the man he replaced. Giants legend eli manning. A tough day for him sitting on the bench. Final seconds on the game. The bucs missed a field goal and the giants win 3231 the final. There you have it. Julie. Look at that. Look. Just wide cright. Julie im hoping for the giants and can pull it through. I feel bad. Theyve had some rough years. Bill they lost barkley, one of the best players in the league, running back. Julie do you think it will hurt them more . Im surprised fox sports hasnt offered you a job. Pretty good. I think you can do it all. Bill there was a time. Julie joe biden accusing President Trump of abusing his power to smear him as questions emerge over his sons past dealings and business dealings in particular with ukraine. How will it affect the democratic frontrunners campaign . His family has been taking money from his Public Office for years. 1. 5 billion from china, when our Vice President is supposed to be impartially and independently negotiating for us. Premium products, from 12 countries, over 10 years. Olays hydration was unbeaten every time. Olay, face anything. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free not owing anyone anything is the best feeling in the world, i cannot stop smiling about it i think this raises very, very serious constitutional issues. I think its wrong as a general matter to have private conversations between the president of the United States whether its donald trump or Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren or anyone else. Those conversations with a foreign leader being somehow made public. Bill congressman peter king weighing in on president ial privacy. Tom dupree here now former a. G. Under president bush. Good morning to you. Simple law questions here, all right . Can democrats legally force the disclosure of the whistleblower report, tom . If the democrats want to take the administration to federal court and force the disclosure of this report they have a long road ahead of them. I think the administration would have decent arguments for one thing this report may or may not be covered by the c intelligence come unkey whistleblower statute and executive privilege. A conversation between the president of the United States and head of a foreign nation. For the democrats to get a federal court to order the disclosure of it. They would have to overcome those two obstacles. Bill i feel as if were in the early stages of washingtons latest story. I was going to go deeper but not. Should the president do something . I think there is a very good argument, bill, for the president just to put out the transcript of the call or readout of the call so the American People can see what he said. This president has not been shy about saying everything that he said on that conversation was on the up and up. It was a wonderful conversation. So i think to support that story it would be helpful for him just to put it out there. To say here is what i said. There is nothing there. Lets move on. Bill what about the balance of impeachment . Does it lean one way or the other or not . Weve been hearing a lot how it may tilt the balance. The underlying dynamics that made nancy pelosi skittish about pushing for impeachment are still in place. President trump remains strong. Not Widespread National support for impeachment at this time. c the senate will never vote to remove the president from office under the current political circumstances. None of that has changed from when we were dealing with the Mueller Report. It may change a few votes here and there. Those problems for the democrats are still in place. Bill what king said. If it goes to congress and made public this went on during russia. It was all leaked to the New York Times, tom. You know, its interesting. The timing of this, bill, is a little curious in that it appears the president had this conversation the day after mueller testified before congress and so either the president somehow felt empowered to have this conversation or maybe the person who was listening in the on the whistleblower thought the mueller thing didnt work we need to do something else. The timing is suspicious. Well learn more. Bill the conversation took place the day after mueller testified . Thats what were hearing. Bill that was july. And so this was something that would have happened right after muellers testimony as we know. The democrats had high hopes for it. Didnt materialize and so its possible either that the president felt well, he is in the clear but also possible that whoever the whistleblower is felt now we have to move on to the next thing. Bill thank you. Well move on as well. Come back csoon. Tom dupree. I think this will be with us for a while. Appreciate your analysis. Julie fox news alert. Iran threatening all out war after drone attacks on saudi oil facilities. Could we see a u. S. Military response . Tens of thousands of travelers stranded after the worlds oldest travel company suddenly goes belly up. We paid all our money and the insurance. Weve come here and we will lose that money now and we have nothing left. Thats the way it goes. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. We have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son] who are you talking to . [son] that guys scary. The first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the. For the Advisory Board whats this . As well as use the remaining. Child care options run out. Lifetime Retirement Income from tiaa doesnt. Guaranteed monthly income for life. Julie well, tens of thousands of travelers left stranded. Greg palkot is following this for us. This is a huge travel disruption. It is estimated as many as 600,000 vacationers could be affected by the collapse over the weekend of the thomas cook tour operator. One of the oldest travel companies around t. 21,000 employees in 16 countries working on its airlines, hotels and agencies were laid off when the company went bust. Now the u. K. Is staging its biggestever peacetime repatriation booking all kinds of getting brits back. Over in greece they have 50,000 tourists stranded. Listen to a few folks. It was a shock. Left in the lurch at the last minute. We just have to go home and make the most of it. c a stiff upper lip from that traveler. The company ran short about 250 million on friday causing it to go out of business. They blame a lot of things but mostly trends in the travel business, airbnb, working against the traditional tour operators and even though theyre trying to get back in the air earlier this year we saw wow air go out of business. Not a smooth time right now in the travel field, back to you. Julie greg palkot. Thank you so much. Bill another alert. Nancy pelosi now the House Speaker suggesting impeachment is back on the table. Our ateam will join us and well take thaup. A shakeup on the 2020 field. How real is the shakeup today . Our headliner today wants the nomination but trails many. Former maryland congressman john delaney will join us in a matter of minutes. Come back at the top of the hour on a monday morning. Bill 10 00 in new york. A new hour. Warning from the president of iran as he heads to new york city for the u. N. General assembly. Tensions between tehran and washington ratchet up over drone strikes on the saudi oil facilities. Im bill hemmer. Great to have you along with us today. Sandra has a day off. How are you doing . Julie how are you doing monday . I like to see you this happy c a monday. Julie banderas if n for sandra smith. Julie additional troops and hardware to the middle east for deterrents. Mike pompeo reiterates the president s goal is to avoid conflict there. Listen. Our mission has been very clear. President trump would like to have a diplomatic solution. Thats the task in front us. Putting Additional Forces in the region to support the iranian people so they can get the regime to cease behaving in a way so destructive not only to their own country but the entire middle east. Bill yesterday. Today rich edson live from the state department. Begin a new hour. Good morning. Good morning, bill. World leaders are gathering in new york for the annual United Nations General Assembly. U. S. Officials are pushing the United Nations to respond to iran for irans responsibility for the attack on the oil facility. We hope the United Nations will take a strong position. One country attacks another country and we hope the United Nations will rally around what i know the iranian people want. Peaceful cresolution and irani regime is not engaged in five countries in terror and mayhem. Iran denies responsibility for the attacks more than a week ago on saudi arabia. Boris johnson says his government has concluded iran is responsible for this attack and johnson also says the british will consider joining the u. S. Military in boosting its presence in the region. In response to the attack the United States has implemented more sanctions against iran. Additional restrictions against Irans Central Bank among others. The iranian president says the latest sanctions show the United States is desperate and Trump Administrations maximum Pressure Campaign is failing. U. S. Officials say theyll pursue even more sanctions and economic pressure against iran. President trump and president rouhani are supposed to be in new york this week. They have no interest in meeting with one another at this meeting. The french president has been trying to get the two countries together saying theyre both here and perhaps something will happen. Bill rich edson at the state department. Thank you, sir. Julie so House Democrats are warning President Trumps phone call with the leader of ukraine could be the turning point in the push for impeachment. House Intelligence Committee chairman adam cschiff saying yesterday the new revelations may demand it. Listen. I have been very reluctant to go down the path of impeachment. If the president is essentially withholding military aid at the same time that he is trying to browbeat a foreign leader into doing something illicit, that is providing dirt on his opponent during a president ial campaign, then that may be the only remedy that is coequal to the evil that conduct represents. Julie Kristin Fisher is live in washington kristin. Speaker pelosi is warning the white house to turn over the full whistleblowers complaint by thursday or risk a serious escalation by congress. In a letter yesterday pelosi never mentioned the word impeachment but did allude to the fact this really could be a turning point in the battle between House Democrats and the white house. She said quote if the administration persists in blocking this whistleblower from disclosing to congress a serious possible breach of constitutional duties by the president , they will be entering a grave new chapter of lawlessness that will take us into a whole new stage of investigation. It is not just democrats, republican senator mitt romney is saying this, if the c president asked or pressured ukraines president to investigate his political rival directly or through his personal attorney it would be troubling in the extreme. Critical for the facts to come out. Over the weekend President Trump acknowledged that a july phone call with the president of ukraine did include a conversation where the president raised a Corruption Allegation against former Vice President joe biden and his son, hunter. The president insists there was no quid pro quo. President trump conversation i had was largely congratulatory, was largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place. Was largely the fact that we dont want our people, like Vice President biden and his son, creating to the corruption already in the ukraine. Now everybody is going to be watching on thursday when the acting director of National Intelligence testifies in an open hearing before the house Intelligence Committee. The big question, will he hand over that full whistleblowers complaint . If he does not do it, what are House Democrats going to do next . Bill and julie. Julie thank you so much. Bill want to bring in the ateam before we all die. David avella, mary canne marsh and Chris Stirewalt fox News Politics editor. I say that because of the politics. You want to make sure you get it all in. I guess well start stage left over here. What is up with this story . Are we at the beginning, the middle or what is your sense . It depends on whats in there. Look, the Administration Made a serious error in excessive secrecy. If it is what the president says it is, then the effort to conceal it makes it worse, right . It drags the story out. It goes on day after day. And it creates all of this space where people can cast onto it whatever they imagine it might be. If it is what the president says it s then the transcript has to come out. Everything has to come out and it will be a story for one more day and if it is what he says it is, it will be over. Bill transcript out of a conversation with a foreign leader who expected it to be private. They shouldnt have put themselves in this pickle. It has to come out. Bill you would concede we dont know what the pickle is just yet. The pickle here is the pickle related to the secrecy that was cengaged in, right . Choice by the acting director of National Intelligence working with the Justice Department to conceal and not let the complaint go through the normal process. Now the payoff at the end for that choice to conceal at that point the payoff is that it has to come out. Bill the way you describe it is a coverup. What do you think about that . Interesting the democrats will get behind adam schiff to try to put this message. Honestly, if the president of the United States wanted to use the abuse of power he could look to his predecessor barack obama dealing with foreign leaders. Whether it was when he leaned over to Vladimir Putin and said let me get through the 2012 elections and i can better deal with you or allowed lois learner to let the i irs go after conservative opponents. The Obama Administration used the Justice Department and his administration to get all kinds of good deals. How about the Justice Department trying to put pressure on ukraine to go after Paul Manafort or lets go back to 1964 when it was Barry Goldwaters campaign who Lyndon Johnson it is comical cto suggest abuse of power is happening given their track record. I didnt have 1964 on my bingo card. It might be in the halftime report. Julie adam schiff is on a mission. Wants congress to get this information. They want all the information off the whistleblower as they are entitled to by law. To come out and threaten to defund intel funds. That to me seems like you are walking into muddy waters. Is that a safe and smart bet . There are two pieces here. The first is donald trump is in trouble for his rehe can election. The wall street journal came out and said 69 of voters dislike him. At 42 was george bush after at that time reina. He is seeking a Foreign Government. The problem for donald trump, the real crime here, is when he picked up the phone and called the president of ukraine he did it for his own political benefit. Not the benefit of the United States of america. And its National Security interests. That is the problem. Doesnt matter who he talked about, what he talked about. Bill they made it clear there was no quid pro quo. No this cfor that. Wall street journal. Hang on. Let me squeeze in some stuff. Wall street journal. Do we want a president s private talk for World Leaders go for all to hear . Stephanie grisham said this. The president made it clear he did absolutely nothing wrong. This is just another reason for democrats and for the media to attack and look for things that arent there. The fact of the matter is the president has calls with foreign leaders all the time. There is transcription made and the president knows that. He is working for the American People. Bill devin nunes believes the shoe is on joe bidens foot and he said the following. We want to hear from that whistleblower but it sure looks like the scheme has backfired. Like i said i think this is probably the end of bidens campaign. End of his campaign . I really do. Not that he is still formidable and has a block of support. If you look his lead is down to zero if you look what happened in iowa now. It looks like warren is in the lead. c bill he is putting it on the other foot. All three get a crack at it. This may have ancillary consequences for joe biden. The nature of the scandal may have ancillary consequences that harm biden in the long run. I dont know. Nunes, this administration and every republican in washington has to deal with the first question first, right . They have to address you are right, dave, you are 100 right whether its 1964, barack obama or all of the thing. In each of those cases what was necessary . Transparency. At the end when you screw up you have to go to transparency and thats what they should have done with lois learner and the i. R. S. And what they have to do now. They have to deal with this before they can move on to nuness suggestion its about the iowa eye caucuses. Julie they admit they went ahead and spoke to the ukrainian president. The question is if there is quid pro quo. Im about to lose my voice. Did they do it for 250 million in military aid . The president says know. Here is giuliani once cagain o that. When biden got the prosecutor fired, the new prosecutor who biden approved, you dont get to approve a prosecutor in a foreign country unless something fishy is going on. The new prosecutor dropped the case on bidens kid and the crooked company that bidens kid worked for. Julie now is this not about quid pro quo . About biden and his son and his dealings . The president of the United States using his office to get political benefits from a Foreign Government. Thats illegal. If he engaged in that and did the withholding of aid that had already been approved by congress, now you are talking conspiracy, bribery, and a whole host of other things. That is serious and why trump is being so careful about this. Because of transparency. You give a lot of credibility to a whistleblower we dont know much about. It could be an Elizabeth Warren supporter trying to to get this attack really on joe biden. The press has been reporting on and off about the deals that hunter biden has been getting at the benefit because of who his father is. And maybe they just needed the focus to be on cdonald trump s it becomes a big issue nationally and well get a real investigation about did Vice President biden help his son get contracts . Trump admitted to the call and talked about biden. Were halfway there. He should put out the transcript. Biden says desperate donald trump knows i can beat him and now he is enlisting the help of a Foreign Government. Its an abuse of power and violates every basic norm of the presidency. We cannot give him four more years. Sleepy joe has a nickname for the president. Bill a new poll from cnn in iowa shows the following, Elizabeth Warren up two points for what i believe is the first time in the polling in iowa. Two points on joe biden, Bernie Sanders dropping down to 11 . Go ahead, chris. So the biden has bad news for joe biden is the first two primaries are not well suited to him. He is not well gated. These states are very white, theyre very liberal. Iowa and New Hampshire for both parties have more ideological extremity than most normal c states. Not that youre not normal, iowa, i love you. Joe biden can he survive to South Carolina and can he survive to nevada and make it into super tuesday . The stakes are high for democrats and this is how democrats could lose the election, which is the beginning of the calendar is really good for Elizabeth Warren. She could actually win. Julie incredible for the frontrunner to slip back this early in the game in iowa. Iowa is weird. Lets just remember cruz definitely won iowa. Julie he should be worried. Three things, warren is the only one hitting on all three cylinders. When you add up first and second choice key in a caucus she is up by 12 points. To chriss point the first two states are very white. Iowa and New Hampshire. You go to nevada white and hispanic. Elizabeth warrens best numbers are white and hispanic voters. She does that and has the nomination by super tuesday. Those numbers are worse for Bernie Sanders than joe biden. Where is she picking up her support . Bernie sanders supporters. Second thing that came out this weekend. The president s unpopularity and came out with a focus group in wisconsin while women votersc may agree with Elizabeth Warren they dont like her. Were heading to a general election where we have two very unfavorable candidates personally but the ideas will matter and if you go into wisconsin and trumps ideas versus warrens ideas have to feel good about that as republicans. Bill you come back, okay . 2016 the reboot. Bill save it, okay . Thank you all. Back in a moment with that. Julie all right. Will the shakeup in iowa last . Well talk to one of the 2020 hopefuls. John delaney is our headliner. Bill looking forward to speaking to him. New numbers on the economy. To americans feel a recession is on the way . How do you feel . The money man is Charles Payne and he will tell us coming up next. Payroll jobs are coming in well above the level that new people entering the labor market. I wouldnt see recession as the most likely outcome for the United States or World Economy for that matter. And we switched to geico; saved money on our boat insurance. How could it get any better than this . Dad, i just caught a goldfish theres no goldfish in this lake. Whoa its pure gold. Were gonna be rich. Were gonna be rich it only gets better when you switch and save with geico. groans hmph. food grunting menacingly when the food you love doesnt love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. Tum tumtum tum tums with tums smoothies. Go where my baby lives b[ growl ]olle s good boy. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Bill check out the big board. 56 sharply unchanged. Charles payne host of making money with Charles Payne. You start a brandnew week. What do you see out there . I see the same theme i saw last week. The ccalm before the next big move, okay . Its interesting because the headlines. Two major headlines for the last year and a half the fed missed steps and the china trade situation. It felt like we got a Little Something on both of them last week but not enough to determine if there is still head winds. They havent become tail winds. Bill what you say the next big move what are you referring . The markets. Weve had huge moves, more volatility of late. Were still in the shadows of alltime highs but you need a catalyst to get through there. Sometimes it has to be really big news. It could be the next round of corporate earnings, the next jobs report. More than likely we still need to see more understanding not necessarily resolution of trade but more understanding. The idea the talks were constructive over the weekend according to the chinese. This whole thing that saw the markets go down on friday that china pulled out of the farm thing, you know, that was misleading. Bill the way you describe it were treading water. Were spinning our wheels right now. But these are the kinds of markets where it something happens quickly. We have not stayed in this sort of state of flux for a long0c time. We either make sharp moves up or down. Anyone has been in the market the last few years knows that. Julie we have watched the market teter and the tariffs have leant to that. American Economic Confidence in our economy is weakening. I dont understand that. Maybe you can explain. There is a gallup poll we put it up on the screen shows that 48 think it is Getting Better but im surprised 46 believe it is getting worse. There are a lot of people who measure confidence for the markets. The most important entity is the Conference Board. They measure Consumer Confidence and sentiment. On this poll it really is all about politics. If you look at the breakdown between democrat, republican, and independents, the republicans are like 83 say the economy is going great. Half of independents say that. Only 27 of democrats see that. How can they all live in the same country . It is more politically tainted than other confidence measures that move markets. Julie are you concerned its the lowest level since the shutdown . I would be more concerned ifc it came from the Conference Board. As far as the Market Indicator is concerned, something that happens to move markets more is again the Conference Board is the main entity for that. The last time they came out present condition how we all felt about our current economic status was the best second best in history. We feel good about where we are now. Americans are concerned about where were going. Bill what about illinois . Pension problems. Unfunded pension liability 133 billion. This is one of the ticking time bombs we stopped talking about. Glad were bringing it back up. The city firefighters in east st. Louis, illinois, asking the state when you collect money there is at least put 2. 2 million in our pension, not to the city. They are so underfunded. They didnt fund for 2017 or 2018. They only have 11 of the money in that pension that they should have right now according to the most recent audit. The third city in illinois to make this request. Bill chicago, harvey, east st. Louis. Back to the board here, harvey, illinois, cpopulation 25,000, pensioned at 87 million. Layoffs tied to pension debt, 18 firefighters and 13 Police Officers. And these small towns its amazing how much money they generate and how much obligations they have. You guys remember back to dixon, illinois, the controller of the city. 15,000 people and she stole 54 million. She stole it. These small towns generate a lot of money and they have a lot of obligations. They are saying hey, if these cities cant control this money we need to get our backs. Julie theyre taking money from the firefighters and Police Officers and the one most necessary part of any town. It is a huge, huge red flag. We talked about it all the time. It faded away. These issues havent gotten better. Bill if they face seizure of state funds in the pension, what happens . The city would have to make it up in its budget some other way. Bill would it go bankrupt . In this case its 2. 2 million. They passed an emergency law in 1990 for these kind of issues and theyve requested you are collecting taxes, before you give the city all the money take out a ccouple million for us because we need it. They have not been funding our pensions. Bill thank you, charles. Worrisome. Bill great to see you right over there. Charles in from london. Nice to see you. Fox news alert live look at the u. N. Get ready for a lot of this starting today. President trump will arrive later this morning. He will give remarks in a moment on religious freedom and well bring it to you live when it begins in new york. Julie is Elizabeth Warren making a move . New poll numbers showing a potential shift in the race. 2020 candidate john delaney is todays headliner and he joins us live next. I know the polls, were months away from the Iowa Caucuses and the first primary election. What this is about is about a message. Will find you when Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Breathe freely fast, with vicks sinex. My congestions gone. I can breathe again ahhhh i can breathe again ughh vicks sinex. Breathe on. Julie about one hour from now President Trump will arrive new york city. He is the company note speaker for the religious freedom event. Eric is watching it for us on the east side of manhattan. As you said, President Trump and Vice President mike pence and secretary of state mike pompeo will be here within the a star studded morning. The president will be addressing the special summit on religious freedom that is key especially in light on the attacks on christians in the middle east and in china. It is the u. N. Climate change summit. World leaders are addressing and trying to deal with that issue, the number one priority at the United Nations. Secretary general urged the world to move beyond call. Tomorrow all eyes will be on the president when he addresses the General Assembly. And it will likely focus on iran. Expecting to call for a Global Coalition to face irans aggression after the attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fields that they blame on iran. That will also be a top agenda on the when the president sits down with her prime minister, boris johnson. He gets on well with President Trump and look forward to seeing the cpreside. I think theyll discuss iran. I think they may also discuss trade in the wake of bright an leaving the european union. We hope for a strong trade deal with our american friends. Were not under any illusions. America is good negotiators but we think were good, too. And at the healthcare summit this morning, alex azar took a few shots at the u. N. Saying it undermines the family unit and u. N. Policies encourage abortion. There is no international right to an abortion and these terms should not be used to promote proabortion policies and measures. The issue of iran, Saudi Arabian sources is expected to present direct evidence that tehran was behind the attack on its soil. Bill thank you, eric. Gaining ground in iowa, warren, pushing ahead of biden. That brings us to our headliner president ial candidate former maryland congressman john delaney. How are you . Good morning. We have five minutes here and see how much we can get cthrou. The numbers of iowa. Warren up two points on biden. Do you see that as significant . I think its early. I think the early states will start disconnecting from the National Polling as people, including myself, do a real strong push in iowa and New Hampshire the next several months. So i just think these things are going to move around a lot. Julie they are going to move around. How troublesome do you believe it is for joe biden . Its very early but joe biden was a clear frontrunner. For him to now be trailing by 2 in iowa that is something the biden camp would be worried about. Everyone focuses on the polls. The issue we have in the democratic primary. I think most democrats know theyre vulnerable and thats a real problem that i think will have to get sorted out in the next several months during the iowa caucus process. I think were just going to see a lot of moving around. Our top three candidates i think have significant weaknesses in a general election. Thats really got to be pointed out. Bill you are fighting for oxygen yourself. Here are the candidates who qualified for the debate in october. You are not cone of them. I dont know if you can turn this around or not. Im certain you are here to tell us you can. However, you seem to have a more moderate voice. When you think about the green new deal, medicare for all. Trillion dollar plans on behalf of so many candidates, is there room for a moderate voice such as yours in this party . I dont think there is any question there is because thats where most of the American People are. And i think thats what im saying is going to happen in this process before the iowa caucus. I think the good democrats in iowa are going to do what they always do. Which is to sort through the candidates carefully and make sure were putting up someone who can win. The number one issue for democrats by any measure is beating donald trump. And if we put forth a candidate that are running on things that not even a majority of democrats support by the way. Like medicare for all. Making private insurance illegal is not supported by a majority of democrats. If we put up candidates running on some of those kind of things i think we have a real problem. My strategy is really simple. Ill spend a lot of time in rural iowa talking about economic insecurity, how you create jobs, all of these towns have been left behind in the last several decades as the world has cchanged. Im the only democratic candidate who is actually running on kind of a protrade agenda. Im the only one who sports the Transpacific Partnership is. That would be the best thing to happen to rural iowa. Thats the message ill focus on and i think people will understand the president is going to run on his economic track record and we need a candidate who can go toetotoe with him on the economy. As a former entrepreneur who started two business from scratch and took them public im the only would be in the who can do that. Julie i want to talk more about the democrats strategy here when it comes to the whistleblower story. Warren has come out strongly now and is talking about it. Joe biden has come out and said lets release that phone call, the transcript. He wants to see it even though he is mixed into the whole thing. I want your take on the whole impeachment thing and if it could potentially hurt Democratic Candidates. Warren calls for the president s impeachment with iowa over the weekend. Lets listen. He believes he is above the law. He has solicited another Foreign Government to attack our election system. It is ctime for us to call out this illegal behavior and start impeachment proceedings right now. Julie is jumping on the impeachment train do you believe a positive strategy for Democratic Candidates . The way to think about impeachment. No one really likes to speak honestly about this topic. Impeachment is a political process. Do i believe the president has done things that could justify impeachment . Absolutely. But impeachment is a political process. Nancy pelosi knows more about this decision than all of the 2020 candidates combined. I believe we should be following her lead. The one thing that nancy pelosi always says. Ive heard her say this 100 times, she says public sentiment is everything. And i dont believe she will pursue impeachment until she sees that the public sentiment is behind her. She may be forced to do it to get information. Bill she doesnt have a consensus yet and a debate inside the party. I want to share something with you. Wall street journal poll, President Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, joe biden. You see cthe righthand column . Its comfortable versus uncomfortable. All four are under water significantly. How come . As i said listen, i think trump is a terrible president. I think he is reckless and lawless in his policy. Put him aside. Bill warren and sanders and biden. I think theyre vulnerable. Elizabeth warren and Bernie Sanders are fundamentally running on almost like a government takeover of the economy of the United States of america. People dont want that. Vice President Biden isnt putting forth the kind of new ideas that i think the American People are looking for. The American People want someone who can tell a story about how we actually can be better and put forth new ideas and try to bring us together. And i dont think the American People are seeing that from any of these four people that you just put on the screen. Thats why those numbers are so bad. Thats why its also early. Bill perhaps. John delaney, thanks for coming back. Appreciate your time today. Talk to you soon. Thank you. Julie Police Investigating a mass overdose in pittsburgh over the weekend. Three people died, four others had to be hospitalized. David lee miller is here with more. What happened . Julie, ca medical mystery i unfolding in pittsburgh that has authorities warning there could be tainted and deadly batches of drugs in the community. So far three men have died and four others hospitalized after using some type of substance. Those who died are 32yearold martinez of columbus, ohio. 38yearold from missouri and a 34yearold who lived outside of pittsburgh. Authorities havent said what type of drug or drugs might have been used. All but one of the victims were found at an upscale apartment building. All men were at the same apartment before they were stricken. None of them lived in that building but they had permission from the unit owner to be there. All the victims dead and alive have at least one thing in common. Common factor between all these patients is they were wearing orange wrist bands. We are appreciative to the publics help so far in trying to identify where these orange wrist bands have come from. Currently we know of two venue sites in separate locations throughout the city. Bill Public Safety officials put out a statement saying the victims all used knar cnarcotics at the same ti and same location and all were at the same venue together and overdosed at a private residence. To be clear, it was not a case of a tainted drug being passed around or distributed at a large venue which could have affected more people. It appears to have been isolated to a single location. And now about those orange wrist bands. The victims were all wearing them. Authorities say multiple events over the weekend used them and that anyone attending one of those events should not be worried about their own health. Meanwhile the investigation continues. Julie david lee miller, great to see you. Bill several 2020 dems now campaigning on medicare for all. Is that really what voters want . You just heard us talking about that. The ateam comes back to weigh in on some rather revealing poll numbers next. Under our medicare for all program, not only will everybody have freedom of choice with regard to the doctor, hospital you want to go to, but nobody in america will pay more than 200 a year. Way down you can refinance at newday usa with no income verification, no appraisal and no points and save over a thousand dollars a year. Lower rates mean lower payments. Get the most from your va mortgage benefits. Refi now at newday usa. O . Around here, the only predictable thing about the weather is its unpredictable. So we make the most of it when the sun does shine. Thats why bp is partnering with lightsource, europes largest solar company. 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Bill awaiting the president to arrive at the United Nations here at new york. The General Assembly kicking off. The president delivers a speech on religious freedom next hour. Were watching that for you and we will bring it to you when it begins. Julie all right. Were also watching this, a new poll showing that more than 2 3 of registered voters support the expansion of medicare but they also want to keep the option of private Health Insurance on the table. Can you do both . Lets bring back our ateam. David avella, mary anne marsh and Chris Stirewalt. Can you do both, david . Medicare for all some would say where will you come up with the money . Middle america will pay for it in their taxes. Can you do both . Its why 25 of democrats think its a bad policy idea and biden is hoping those democratic voters will propel him to the nomination. The bigger discussion and why this cslogan of medicare for a is such a scam. Even if you had government providing the payments were a country within the next 10 years will have between 40,000 and 100,000 shortage in doctors and nurses. And none of the democratic proposals talk about that. About how to get more men and women into the healthcare field. You can have the best medicare for all program and the best insurance program. If there is not a doctor to go to youve sold people a bill of goods like they did with obamacare. Waiting for the republican Healthcare Plan for 10 years now, but i digress. Bill i have a guy, sorry, mary anne. The president arrived at the United Nations. Drop on in. President trump well see what happens. We have a long way to go. Well see what happens. Were doing very well with the economy. Numbers came out that are fantastic. Our economy is better than anybodys in the world and has been for the last two years. Were doing very well and as far as the meeting is concerned well see what happens. [inaudible question]c i would like to invite you to visit this President Trump invite me. [inaudible question] i have a comment about [inaudible] President Trump i dont know what you said. How seriously are you taking the impeachment process . President trump not at all seriously. The phone call with the president of the ukraine. It is a democrat witch hunt. They failed with russia and recession and with everything and now they are bringing this up. The one who has the problem is biden. If you look at what biden did. Biden did what they would like to have me do. One problem. I didnt do it. What biden did is a disgrace, what his son did is disgrace. The son took money from ukraine and china, a lot of money from china. China would love to see they would think of nothing they would rather see than biden get in. They would have themselves a deal. Let me cjust tell you what bid did was wrong. [inaudible question] President Trump you will see because what we are doing is we want honesty. When we deal with a country we want honesty. With the new president youll see much more honesty in the ukraine. Thats what were looking for. Were supporting a country. We want to make sure that country is honest. Very important to talk about corruption. If you dont talk about corruption why would you give money to a country that is corrupt . One of the reasons the new president got elected is he was going to stop corruption. So its very important that on occasion you speak to somebody about corruption. Very important. [inaudible question] bill well get a lot of that this week and a lot of these bilateral meetings that will have cameras inside of them and well see the president come up in minutes when he gives his speech on c religious liberty. He called it a democratic witch hunt. They failed with everything, pointed out russia, etc. , what biden did was wrong and i expect to hear that more from the president. I interrupted, mary anne. Continue your point. On the democratic primary medicare for all is very, very popular. You can see that in the polling but as you move into the general election, more voters, they are not as interested in medicare for all. They would like a private buy in and like to buy into medicare earlier but they want to keep a private piece ofist of it as well. Medicare for all is a driving force in the democratic primary. If we called it fun time magic pizza. We put words together that sound good and said how do you like this for your solution, fun time magic pizza. I would like to. People dont know what medicare for all is. Thats why you see the delta between when you lay actual policy provisions say no, i dont want that. The thing you called it something nice. Bernie sanders was smart. The branding on medicare for all is lovely and americans like those kinds of words. Sounds fair and accessible. People have positive cfeelings about medicare. The meltdown of Kamala Harris was perfect. We all like it and we find out whats in it its like we never meant that. Bill in a moment here Antonio Brown says he will never play another play in the nfl. And the legal battle is just starting. Bill Antonio Brown says he wont play in the nfl again. Jared max is here to tell us the story. The tweet. Will not be playing in the nfl. These owners can cancel deals, do whatever they want at any time. Well see if the Players Association holds them accountable. Sad they can just void guarantees any time. Going on two months well see if they pay up. Does this mean we can look forward to him in the xfl or cfl . Antonia brown is due 5 million from the patriots today. He had a 9 million signing bonus. If that payment is not made and expected it wont be made, the patriots then put the onus on brown to recover that money. He will reach out to the nfl Players Association will fight on his behalf to try to recover this million. 9 million in the signing bonus with the patriots, c 29 millio from the raiders he believes he has. Both sides would argue he voided terms of the contract. The patriots argue that when he didnt tell them about certain deals about the sexual accusations. Interesting 11 days he was employed by the patriots and he earned six times more what the annual meeting in salary is in america, 283,000 plus in just bill does it go before a judge in the end . Thats a good question. We were talking about the helmet. Unfortunately there are probably more chapters to go here. Julie jared max, great to see you. Much more. President trump speaking out for religious freedoms at the United Nations. That address coming up. We called and got 55,856 dollars. I called and got 63,400 dollars. We called and we got 58,800 dollars. To get more from your va mortgage benefits, call newday usa. 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Good morning, everybody. New hour starts now. It will be packed. Well get to all of it. Hope you had a great weekend. Good morning, julie. Julie im in for sandra smith this morning. Moments now the president will be speaking on the subject of religious freedom. Right now he is inside the General Assembly for the Climate Change summit earlier. The president also acknowledged discussing his 2020 rival joe biden with the president of ukraine. c chief White House Correspondent john roberts is here in studio in new york city with us. Hey, john. Good morning. The president arrived a little early today. He wasnt supposed to be at the u. N. Until 20 after 11 00 but he came early because he would drop by the Climate Change summit. The president taking some questions as he entered the United Nations building asked whether he was worried about impeachment the president said no, he wasnt. And also proceeded to tear a strip off of joe biden and talk about that phone call that the president had on july 25th with the ukrainian president zelenskiy. Listen here. President trump not at all. We had a perfect phone call with the president of ukraine. Everybody knows it. It is just a democrat witch hunt. Here we go again. They failed with russia, they failed with recession, they failed with everything. And now they are bringing this up. The one who has the problem is biden. If you look at what biden did. Biden did what they would like to have me do except one problem, i didnt do it. What biden did is a disgrace. What his son did is a disgrace. The son took money from ukraine. The son took a lot of money from china. China would love to see they would think of nothing they c would rather see than biden get in because they will take this great deal that were about to make and they would really have themselves a deal. Let me just tell you, what biden did was wrong. The issue of impeachment the House Speaker nancy pelosi still taking a wait and see approach but worked up about this demanding to see the Intelligence Community Inspector Generals complaint about the president s phone call with Volodymyr Zelenskiy and whether the president was doing a quid pro quo to investigate joe biden and his son hunter. In a letter she said this violation is about our National Security. The Inspector General determined that the matter is urgent and therefore we face an emergency that must be addressed immediately. If the administration persists in blocking this whistleblower from disclosing to congress a serious possible breach of constitutional duties by in the theyll enter a chapter of lawlessness to take us into a whole new stage of investigation. Calls to release the transcript of the zelenskiy call. It is being considered by cthe white house. Stephanie grisham said that may set a bad precedent. Thats weighing into all this and whether or not that transcript will be released. Julie. Julie potus, giuliani not backing down. Tell us more about that. Just the opposite. He insisted there was a lot more evidence regarding Hunter Bidens business dealings in the ukraine and china suggesting that joe biden knew a lot more about what his son was up to than he has acknowledged in the past. Even yesterday to peter doocys question in iowa. Well know which direction all of this is heading in today when the president has his first bilateral meeting. He warned there is no there there with all this and the media will end up covered in egg. He has the bilateral meeting with pakistan this afternoon at 1 00. The president with a short statement a little while ago but probably will go into more greater detail when he is asked questions about this with pakistan this afternoon. Julie lots going on. Thank you for coming in to new york city to cover it. Bill john sununu former chief of staff to george h. W. Bush. A long deep dive to understand the ukraine stuff. What cdo you think is going on your view . It looks like the democrats and friends are going through what you might call the russia fantasy part 2 using the ukraine. Schiff goes out making an outrageous statement as he did with the russia claims and Mueller Report made it clear all those claims that came out of schiff were pure, unadulterated lies. So now he is out there. Theyve got the leaks going on. They have their friendly media. They are claiming all kinds of outrageous things. The interesting thing to me is what they are trying to claim the president did is parallels exactly what we have a videotape of joe biden bragging that he did with american taxpayer money in the ukraine protecting his son hunter. Bill that was the comment about this has a long way to go. A lot of information will come out. The dems will do what they did. The press will do what they did. Youll probably get Carl Bernstein claiming its another watergate and so on. Its a rerun, a sequel to what they did with russia. Bill let me croll out a fe things here. Fox news sunday here is Rudy Giuliani on this. When biden got the prosecutor fired the new prosecutor who biden approved. You dont get to approve the prosecutor in a foreign country unless something fishy is going on. The new prosecutor dropped the case. This will be bigger than spiro agnew. Bill tom dupree thinks the timing is askew. Here is what he said. This was something that would have happened right after muellers testimony as we know, the democrats had high hopes for it. Didnt materialize. Its possible either the president felt he is in the clear but also possible that whoever the whistleblower is felt well now we have to move on to the next thing. Bill the reason why thats important is that mueller testified on one day, apparently this phone call happened the next. Go ahead, governor. I dont know anything about the sequence and timing. I think you can make a case in any direction on any sequence you want. I think the interesting thing here is, though, that there is some concern if i were the white house, i would try and release as much of cthe transcript of the conversation as possible. But i do understand the problem with that is that you will then create a situation where foreign leaders will not speak frankly on the telephone with the president for fear that the Intelligence Community and the u. S. Cant be trusted to keep secrets. Bill its an important point. 2020 quickly, john delaney was with us last half hour. He has a lot of work to do but here is how he characterizes his fellow democrats in that field. I have think the issue that we have in the democratic primary is our three frontrunners joe biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, i think most democrats know are inherently vulnerable. Our top three candidates, i think, have significant weaknesses in a general election and that has to be sorted out. Bill new polling from iowa shows the following. Warren is on top of biden by two points. First time weve seen that. Bernie sanders in double digits at 11. Your view today, sir. Biden will continue to drift down. He has problems in iowa. He will have a serious problem in New Hampshire as the neighbor from vermont, sanders, and the neighbor from warren, massachusetts, continue to work here. But joe biden creally does hav this ethical problem and it is going to get worse. In an odd way, the fixation of the liberal press on the issue is actually going to end up being the thing that puts biden into real, real trouble politically. Bill glad to have you back. Julie growing tensions between the u. S. And iran on full display. President rouhani is headed to the United Nations General Assembly in new york and will unveil a new peace plan. We have more on this, high, trey. Today iranian president rouhani claimed the United States is desperate. He believes the maximum Pressure Campaign is not working. Speaking in tehran at a meeting with iranian officials he added that the situation in the middle east is what he calls intense. As he boarded his flight he confirmed his government will present a plan for gulf security rile in the United States. The plan will be called the hope planning. Despite the skilled unveiling of this document iran continues to push strong rhetoric against the United States and is c accused of launching the september 14th attack against the Worlds Largest oil plant in saudi arabia. Americans are sanctioning institutions that have already been black listed. This signals americas complete desperation and shows that its maximum sanctions and maximum pressure has failed and the great iranian nation has resisted successfully during the past year and a half. His comments come amid developments with a british flagged oil tanker. It has been held by ranian forces for two months and be released this week. As tensions do remain high in the middle east following a summer filled with attacks by iran or iranian banked proxies on Oil Infrastructure things are heating up. An Important Note to look at the United Nations. You have the iranians releasing their own plan for what they call regional stability and the United States looking the form a Stronger Coalition against iranian aggression. Julie thank you very much. Bill fox news alert waiting the president who will be at the u. N. There. He arrived and right now a moment ago listening to an address there on Climate Changec he will give his speech on religious freedom any moment now. Well cover that live as soon as it begins on manhattans east side. Julie the white house accusing iran of attacks on saudi arabia. We are going to be seeing progress on these attacks in saudi arabia on the world stage this week. Retired four star general jack keane weighs in next. 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Our economy is better than anybodys in the world and has been for the last two years. But were doing very well. As far as the meeting is concerned well see what happens. Julie well see what happens. The president not saying anything. He has in the past talked about the fact that military action right now while it could be on the table is not something he plans on pursuing as of yet. That was President Trump moments ago. He just arrived at the United Nations. Well take you to his speech live. He is keeping his options open about meeting with iranian leaders as the u. S. Tries to build a United Global front against iran in response to recent attacks on saudi oil facilities. Joining us now is retired four star general jack keane and chairman of cthe institute for the study of war. Thank you so much for talking us to. There is so much to talk about. Lets first start about the attacks on the saudi oil refineries. This is just the tip of the iceberg and you tell us basically much greater ramifications could come out of this. You call it an egregious act of war by iran. Very much so. What the iranians have been doing is escalating kinetic attacks from drone attacks to seizing tankers in the gulf. They attacked a saudi pump station and then a saudi pipeline and attacked one of the Largest Oil Fields in the entire world. Whats the purpose of that . Well, their objective is they want to drive up the price of oil to such an extent that it will affect the World Economy and their hope would be to produce a global recession which clearly would impact many nations and impact the United States and therefore the United States would pull back on its maximum Pressure Campaign on sanctions. It has been, julie, a Core National interest to the United States since post world war ii that the middle east oil flow is directly related to a stable world ceconomy. And that is why we have always insisted on attempting to maintain that oil flow and safeguard it, despite the fact we have oil independence. Julie iran denies being responsible for the attacks. Secretary of state mike pompeo says he is confident of irans involvement in this entire process and recent attacks and here is pompeo right now. Listen. These weapon systems have ranges that could come from the houthi. This is nut on its face. This was iran true and true and United States will respond in a way that reacts to the act of war by this. Julie iran is responsible. The u. S. Will respond accordingly. Iran will likely persist attacks, you know this, they have. We dont need a crystal ball to figure that out. If they do and thats the question, it is more like when they do, how should the u. S. Retaliate . First of all, lets see what the administration is currently doing. Declassifying the information and the evidence. Theyre at the u. N. Today and all week and ctheyll expose t u. N. General assembly members, many are president s of nations to this evidence. The purpose of that is to further isolate iran politically, diplomatically and emotionically. They are the culprits here and no one else. And having achieved that i think theyll also try to build something of a coalition to conduct some kind of an adequate response against iran. You asked the question what is an adequate response . We have to admit to ourselves that increasing sanctions has not deterred iran from the kinetic escalation of attacks they have oep been doing for weeks now. Increasing sanctions, good thing in terms of the maximum Pressure Campaign. But dont make the mistake that that somehow is going to change irans behavior and the escalation of attacks. That wont work. What will work . A retaliation strike that imposes significant cost on iran but not an allout strike that would lead to war. Something out of the page of what Ronald Reagan did in the late 1980s when they were interfering with the traffic of oil in the persian gulf. He attacked the irgc navy base and its cfrigates there and economic target dealing with oil fields. Julie im running out of time. You wouldnt be concerned that iran would fulfill its threat of an allout war if we were to act militarily in lets say a base as we have in the past . Lets look at the face of that. What would be the logic of iranians doing that . Thats their bravado and what causes people to lose spine in dealing with this. The reality is they would lose their regime over that. They dont want that. Not at all. They have had chief success in lebanon, syria, yemen. More political influence in irrelevant rack than we have. Theyre on the move in the middle east. They wont lose it all over this. We need to hit them hard enough to get them to stand down. I believe the targets in syria where irgc are are always vulnerable to our retaliation strike. Julie we need to do more. General jack keane. Always great to get your expertise. Thank you so much. Bill live at the u. N. Fox news alert. Any moment the president will make a speech on religious freedom. Well cover that for you. Stand by. c were in a Holding Pattern for that. Father Jonathon Morris in a previous life known as the priest will join us in a moment coming up next. This is the first time its been done. We live in a country were fortunate to get to worship any way we want to and the president wants to reaffirm that thats important. 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[ applause ] its an honor to tell you that Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. And now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Were getting ready dr. For a competition. Our help how do you know my name . We looked through your wallet after we wrestled your pants off. Is this hell . Alright, im gonna help you. Matthew mcconnisnake, youre gonna need to puff out your chest like youre ready to mate. Dont do that. We have a chance to do something amazing and he is a part of that no matter how low, or hated, or despised. Okay, okay. Youve made your point. Thank you. Mhmm bill fox news alert now at the United Nations. President trump about to make remarks on religious freedom. He dropped by an event a moment ago con Climate Change. Were watching all the movements here. Jonathan morris, fox news contributor. Still getting used to the new name, all right . I know youll cut me some smrak. What kind of a message does he have in a world that you see with the lens that most of us do not . I think most people and most countries would prefer the country go and speak about Climate Change because religious liberty is a tough issue that makes a lot of governments very embarrassed or skittish. Why . Pew Research Just done and they looked over a 10year period. Listen to this, bill. The number of countries the finding of the pew research that independent study. The number of countries where people are experiencing the highest levels of social hostilities rose 40 in that 10year period compared to the previous 10 years. Those are huge numbers. We think about the 17 countries in the middle east where its a stateimposed religion. Thats a lot of people who are not able to exercise one of the most fundamental human experiences and that is the freedom cto worship god. Bill you mention this poll. Here it is. 192 countries in the study. Government restrictions in 26 of them. Which equates to 52 countries. Social hostilities 28 . I was thinking that number might be higher. How do you see it . Well, you know, i think we dont realize what an unbelievable gift religious freedom is until its restricted. My guess is People Living in those countries are saying something drastically must change because this goes against who we are as human beings. It touches the very fabric of who we are. We are so lucky in the United States we have religious freedom and im happy our president is aware that there are lots of people who are being controlled by their governments and also just by social hostilities. Their churches being bombed out of hate. So many other harassment and violence done because of religious beliefs. Bill increased since the last time 12 years ago, significant increase of the numbers we just put on the screen. What about in the north and south america. What did they find in our part of the world . What were experienceings c the United States, for example, is a control by activists to say that you keep your religion in your homes or in your places of work. Let me ask you this, rhetorical question. Our viewers can answer this based on their own experience. Is it more acceptable at a Cocktail Party in new york city or los angeles to say tomorrow morning is sunday, im going to be putting on my yoga pants and going and having brunch or saying ill take my kids and were going to Church Tomorrow morning . I think people would be afraid, many people, of saying im going to take my kids to church in the morning. Bill why is that . There are so many activists the Democratic National Committee Just had their candidates sign off on this paper that says that they need to be aware more aware and to play into the many people who dont believe in this country, who are nonbelievers. It is 1 3 of the Democratic Party affiliate with nonbelief. Now thats wonderful but what about the 2 3 who do believe . Any attention given to them . Were so conditioned by cthese activists to say im not allowed to talk about my religious belief because it imposes on other people who dont have belief. Bill thank you for coming back. In north america they have some of the lowest levels of hostility but in the survey you find the middle east and north africa are always really near the top of all of it. Thank you, Jonathan Morris, nice to see you again. Julie. Julie a suspect in federal court this morning on terror charges. He is accused of scouting locations for attacks by hezbollah on u. S. Landmarks. Were live outside the manhattan courthouse coming up. Former Vice President biden facing new questions on the campaign trail for his role in that ukraine controversy. What biden is saying now. President trump this is a very dishonest thing that joe biden did and then he said he never spoke to his son. Does anybody believe that one . Then he also said long before that he did speak to his son. So he lied again. Nt see psoria. You see clear skin. You see me. But if you saw me before cosentyx. I was covered. It was awful. But i didnt give up. I kept fighting. I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you. Cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me now. Im still clear. How sexy are these elbows . Get clear skin that can last. Ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. 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To get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. Clean. Bill just waiting on the trump event on religious freedom at the United Nations. People in the room have been told to take their seats. The strongest indication were getting close. Well bring you there live in a moment. 11 32. Julie fox news alert. Naturalized american in court this morning on terror charges. The new jersey man is accused of scouting locations like even the statue of liberty and other major u. S. Landmarks for terror attacks by hezbollah. Rick leventhal is following this from lower manhattan. Hi, rick. The arraignment ended 40 minutes ago. The defendant pled not guilty. He walked into the courtroom in blue prison scrub and blue slip onshoes, tall, thin, balding, short chair. He told the judge he understands and speaks english. Became a citizen in 2008 but was a covert agent for hezbollah the entire time. The feds say he received extensive military training in weapons and also bomb making skills. Primary mission was gathering intelligence and looking for soft spots onds potential targets including the statue of liberty, new york stock exchange, Rockefeller Center and other highprofile landmarks including washington the white house and u. S. Capitol. Boston prudential center, fenway park and quincy market. For video he learned to start by recording an unrelated subject before panning the camera to the object of surveillance and took videos from different zoom ranges to show perspective relevant to hezbollah. Saab pled not guilty to providing support to hezbollah and weapons training and the citizenship and marriage fraud charges. There is another court date, julie, just two days from now on september 25th. We heard in Court Lawyers talking about the potential forc a pretrial resolution. This is something well be keeping an eye on. Julie thank you, rick leventhal. Designed to intimidate Justice Kavanaugh and the book is designed to continue a narrative to destroy this mans life and to send a shot to every conservative nominee. If you come here well try to destroy your life. We need to push back on all fronts. Bill senator Lindsey Graham slamming the new book about Justice Kavanaugh written by two reporters from the New York Times talks about another Sexual Assault charge. The victim named in the book declined to be interviewed and friends say she doesnt remember it. Im joined by liberty file and fox nation judge and drew napolitano. Senator grahams point. Do you agree or not . I disagree he says its an effort to intimidate Justice Kavanaugh. I dont think he can be intimidated. From having had a lifetime appointment myself you dont care what anybody thinks. You do your job and you go on to the next case. This is intended to undermine his credibility so that 54 decisions in which he cis with the five, the legal and Judicial Community who believe these allegations will say this is kavanaugh, big deal. We shouldnt take it seriously. He should do what Justice Thomas did who endured the same thing. Do your work, stay out of the limelight, dont challenge these people publicly and eventually he will acquire the type of respect that Justice Thomas now has. Which is as a serious legal scholar and one of the most sought after speakers in the United States. Bill do you think it leaves a stain on kavanaugh and does that stain with every allegation get deeper or longer lasting . I hope he can overcome it. He is in a position where he cant come on television and deny it or shouldnt. Justices and judges are not supposed to address Public Events from a Vantage Point other than on the bench. He is just going to have to endure this and it will pass away patiently. It may undermine his credibility in the minds of people that want to believe it but it is unworthy of belief in light of the way the New York Times dit. cbill did you feel immune criticism . Because i had lifetime tenure. New jersey, rhode island and massachusetts are the only states that grant it. The vast majority of judges in america are state judges who have to get reappointed or reelected. When you have lifetime tenure youre immune from criticism, totally immune from what the editorialists or people outside the courthouse say. Do your job and get on with it. Bill on judicial appointments here we go. Wall street journal editorial board. Judicial makeup call with two more trump nominees patrick and lawrence vandyk. This is not obamas ninth circuit. Donald trump has done what no republican president has done in the modern era with respect to the ninth circuit. It is huge, the 15 westernmost states of the United States. Thats 43 judges on it. No federal court like it in the land. He has ignored the wishes of california senators and put people on the court that he promised he would put on. People who are conservative or libertarian in their view of c the constitution. Even Ronald Reagan didnt do this with the ninth circuit. There are 43 judges, 29 active. They hear the cases. 10 are donald trump appointees in 2 1 2 years. Bill word that based on that answer thats impressive. Absolutely impressive and required a lot of political courage to do it. Those who said the ninth circuit couldnt be changed didnt envision trump in the white house. Julie fox news alert as we await remarks from President Trump at the United Nations on religious freedom there on the right of your screen, joe biden questions about that mans dealings with ukraine after questions raised after the whistleblower complaint concerning President Trump. Were watching it all. Peter doocy joins us live from dike, iowa with the latest. Joe biden insists nobody has used the name biden to apply pressure or earn a profit from a foreign entity. Have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings . I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. Here is when what i cknow. I know trump deserves to be investigated. Trump is doing this because he knows ill beat him like a drum and he is using the abuse of power and every element of the presidency to try to do something to smear me. There is no pressure on joe biden coming from other democratic primary candidates about this. Instead primary rivals trying to beat him are siding with him trying to get voters to focus instead on President Trumps phone call with ukraines president about his biden suspicions. Congress failed to act and now donald trump has shown that he believes he is above the law. He has solicited another Foreign Government to attack our election system. One of the most disappointing things about this president he has failed in so many ways to live up to the standards that we expect of a president. Whether its enriching himself or this phone call to the ukrainian leader. It makes sense for the dni c to be called. In what appears to be a political and at best irresponsible move. Primary rivals arent treating it like an issue that affects biden and trump but affects biden and trump but anybody participating in the julie thank you very much, peter doocy. Bill squeezing in a quick commercial break. The Vice President and president seated at the center of the table. Well bring you that address in a moment as we continue next. Eat to present to you today. [son] who are you talking to . [son] that guys scary. The first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the. For the Advisory Board whats this . As well as use the remaining. Child care options run out. Lifetime Retirement Income from tiaa doesnt. Guaranteed monthly income for life. Vo my car is more than four wheels. Y . Its my afterwork decompression zone. So when my windshield broke. Woman what . vo . I searched for someone who really knew my car. I found the experts at safelite autoglass. Woman hi vo with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield. Then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my Safety Systems still work. Who knew that was a thing . woman safelite has service i can trust. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Bill here is the Vice President mike pence with his addrmsr and following him we do believe to be the president. The religious forum is one of the main events today and that kicks off the week. Tomorrow the president will deliver his main address there at the General Assembly and that is something that we will be keenly interested in especially with his language to iran. Stay tuned for all that. In the meantime when the president starts well take you there live. Julie has more at the moment. Julie House Speaker nancy pelosi hinting at impeachment if a whistleblower complaint is not released to the Intelligence Committees as adam schiff believes the time may have to come to impeach the president. I have been very reluctant to go down the path of impeachment. If the president is essentially withholding military aid at the same time that he is trying to browbeat a foreign leader into doing something illicit, providing dirt on his opponent during a president ial campaign, that may be the only remedy that is coequal to the evil that conduct represents. Julie lets bring in tennessee congressman mark green, a member of the House Oversight and Homeland Security committees. Thank you very much for ctalki us to. Were tight on time waiting for the president to speak and well go to that as soon as he does. Democrats are once again chomping at the bit with impeachment calls House Speaker nancy pelosi is hinting at it over the whistleblower complained and adam schiff saying impeachment may be the only remedy. But all of this is before anyone has had a chance to actually discover the facts. The transcript nor the audio of that phone call between President Trump and the president of ukraine has yet to be heard by any of these politicians. Are democrats jumping the gun here . Absolutely. Listen, everywhere joe biden goes, his son follows and gets millions of dollars from the government. In the case of china, its billions. The American People want to know what happened here. The president is right to ask for an investigation. And think of this. Joe biden admitted to pressuring with a billion dollar loan threat the government of ukraine to fire an investigator who maybe was getting a little close to the 3 million payment that went to bidens son routed through two different countries. Maybe getting too close and why the billion dollar bribe happened. Thats okay to the Democrat Party . c their concept of right and wrong is upside down. Biden is okay, pressuring a Foreign Government with a billion dollar loan to fire an investigator but trump cant ask for an investigation into this corruption . Its crazy. Julie i apologize for breaking in congressman mark green. We have to go to the United Nations where the president is speaking at a religious persecution. President trump i would be the first, thats very sad in many ways. And its great to be with you. I want to thank Vice President pence for the outstanding job he is doing. He has been a fantastic and valuable representative of our country. Likewise, secretary mike pompeo, ambassador kelly craft, secretary ross, secretary mnuchin, ambassador sam brown beck all for joining us today and we have other representatives of our cabinet and the administration in the room. Weve done a lot. The Johnson Amendment doesnt get spoken about enough but im very proud to say weve obliterated the Johnson Amendment within cour country that now we can listen to the people that we want to listen to, religious leaders without recrimination against them. It is an important thing. I said that at the beginning and i say it now. Ist is something im very proud of. Were also grateful the u. N. Secretary General Gutierrez could be here along with so many of his friends and my friends, World Leaders. I have gotten to know a lot of them and i would imagine you know all of them. I would imagine. If you dont you arent doing your job. And also i want to thank my daughter, ivanka for being here. She works so hard on all of the things that are very important to the people in this room so thank you, ivanka, for being here. [applause] the United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government, they come from god. This immortal truth is proclaimed in our declaration of independence and enshrined in our First Amendment of the bill of rights. Our founders understood that no right is cmore fundamental to peaceful, prosperous and Virtuous Society than the right to follow ones religious convictions. Regrettably, the religious freedom enjoyed by american citizens is rare in the world. Approximately 80 of the worlds population live in countries where religious liberty is threatened, restricted or even banned. When i heard that number i said please go back and check it because it cant possibly be correct. And sadly, it was. 80 . As we speak, jews, christians, muslims, buddhists, hindus, sikhs and many other people of faith are being jailed, tortured and even murdered often at the hands of their own government simply for expressing their deeplyheld religious beliefs. So hard to believe. Today with one clear voice the United States of america calls upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution. [applause]c to stop the crimes against people of faith, release prisoners of conscience, repeal laws restricting freedom of religion and belief, protect the vulnerable, the defenseless and the oppressed, america stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts. As president , protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities and always has been. Last year our secretary of state mike pompeo hosted the firstever ministerial to advance International Religious freedom. In this years ministerial secretary pompeo announced plans to create the International Religious freedom alliance. Alliance of likeminded nations devoted to confronting religious persecution all around the world. I have appointed a special enjoy to monitor and combat antisemitism where standing up for 250 million christians around the world who are persecuted cfor their faith. It is estimated that 11 christians are killed every day for the following just think of this, 11 christians a day for following the teachings of christ. Who would even think thats possible in this day in age . Who would thip its possible . With us today is Pastor Andrew Brunson who was imprisoned in turkey for a long period of time. Last year my administration was thrilled to bring him back home after a very short and respectful negotiation with a very strong man and a man who has become a friend of mine fortunately, president erdogan of turkey. I called the president and i said he is an innocent man. They have been trying to get andrew out for a long time, previous administration. I dont think they tried too hard, unfortunately. But i want to thank president erdogan and i want to thank you, pastor, for being here with us today. Where is andrew . Is he around someplace . Thank you, andrew. [applause]c we did a good job with that negotiation, andrew. You got back. Wasnt easy, wasnt pretty, but you got back and were proud of you. You have a great family. The love when andrew came back, the love from so many people. I hadnt seen anything quite like it. Congratulations and i understand you are doing fantastic work with your family, thank you very much, thank you, andrew. [applause] i always want to thank franklin graham. He has been so instrumental in everything were doing. He has done such an incredible job in so many different ways including floods and hurricanes and every time i go i see franklin there. He is always there before me. I dont know how he gets there before me. He is always at these places of really disaster areas. He is right there with an incredible, large staff of volunteers that are just amazing. Thank you very much. Cici, thank you very much. Paula white, thank you very much. In july i met cwith survivors religious persecution at the white house and were honored that many of them could be here today as well. Some of these individuals suffered as a result of statesponsored persecution. Others at the hands of terrorists and criminals. No matter the case, america will always be a voice for victims of religious persecution everywhere no matter where you go, you have a place in the United States of america. Could i ask those folks to stand up, please . Please stand up. [applause] thank you. Thank you very much. In recent times the world has also witnessed devastating acts of violence in Sacred Places of worship. In 2016 an 85yearold Catholic Priest was viciously killed while celebrating mass in normandy, france. In the past year the United States endured horrifying antisemitic attacks against Jewish Americans in synagogues in pennsylvania and california. In march muslims praying with their families cwere murdered new zealand. On Easter Sunday this year terrorists bombed Christian Churches in sri lanka killing hundreds of faithful worshippers. Who would believe this is even possible . These evil attacks are a wound on all humanity. We must all Work Together to protect communities of every faith. Were also urging every nation to increase the prosecution and punishment of crimes against religious communities. There can be no greater crime than that. This includes measures to prevent the intentional destruction of religious sites and relics. Today the Trump Administration will dedicate an additional 25 million to protect religious freedom and religious sites and relics. Were also pleased to be joined today by many of the partners from the Business Community as we announce a very critical initiative. The United States is forming a coalition of u. S. Businesses for the protection of religious freedom. This is the first time this has been done. This initiative will encourage the private sector to protect people of call faiths in the workplace. And the private sector has brilliant leadership. Thats why some of the people in this room are among the most successful men and women on earth. They know how things get done and they know how to take care of things and theyre with us to the First Time Ever to this extent and were really honored to have you in the room. Great business leaders, great people of strength. Too often people in positions of power preach diversity while silencing, shunning or sentencing the faithful. True tolerance means respecting the rights of all people to express their religious beliefs. I want to thank all the survivors in the room for their courage and resilience. You are an inspiration to the world. No force on earth is stronger than the faith of religious believers. The United States of america will forever remain at your side and the side of all those who seek religious freedom. Today i ask all nations to join us in this urgent moral duty. We ask the governments of the world to chonor the eternal right of every person to follow their conscience, live by their faith and give glory to god. The United States has a vital role in this critical mission. Secretary General Gutierrez will now share a few words on the u. N. s efforts to promote religious liberty for all and he has been a champion of exactly what were in this room for. So i want to thank everybody for being here. God bless you. God bless the faithful, and god bless america. Thank you very much. Thank you. [applause] bill first of many addresses at the u. N. Ending religious persecution is the message there. Attacks are a wound on humanity. The quick comment from Jonathan Morris watching this. Its impressive just to see the president of the United States looking out on all these leaders of the world saying our belief is so fundamental that our human rights come not from government but god. Thats the American Foundation of religious liberty and saying s an eternal right to live by our conscience, to practice our religion and to give glory to god. Thats the president of the United States of america telling leaders around the world. That is their duty and obligation to defend. Bill thanks, jonathan. Julie he said all religions are welcome here in the United States. Persecution in other countries but here all are welcome. Bill tomorrow morning well have the president s big speech at the u. N. Nice to see you, julie. We have to rocknroll. Have a good number. Julie also want to point out, he said all religions are welcome here in the United States. Persecution and other countries, but here all are welcome. Bill we will have the big speech. Nice to see her. Weve got to rock n roll. Have a good monday. Julie newsroom news vault five starts now. Harris fox news alert, President Trump arriving at the United Nations General Assembly, a short time ago. We just carried his remarks there on religious freedom. He begins a series of meetings with World Leaders as democrats are now ramping up calls for impeachment. This comes amid the controversy over his phone call with ukraines leader. If you are watching on a fine monday. Outnumbered. Im harris faulkner. Here today, melissa francis. Former aide to president obama, johanna maska. And a host of kennedy on the fox business network, kennedy. In center seat, chris wilson. Republican pollster. He said hes outnumbered, but always welcome. Chris thank you periods good to be here. Harris another

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