Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140827 10:00:00

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caleb says, "this is foul! there's no harm for an atheist to hold hands with his gridiron brothers and listen to a prayer." tammy writes "the most positive words i know come from the bible and the most positive person i know is jesus." thank you to everyone who respond responded. "fox & friends" starts right now. good morning. it is wednesday, august 27th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. he's the face of the newly homegrown terror. this american killed in syria fighting for isis. and this morning the u.s. being warned he is not alone. great. and a big primary night last night but an unlikely candidate steals the spotlight. could the man who captured saddam hussein be one step closer to working in washington? we'll break down all the races on our post-game show. hey, don't mess with this school in texas. they're armed, they're ready and letting everyone know about it. how do you feel about it? and by the way, mornings are
better with friends. >> you're watching "f "fox & friends," the number one morning cable news show in america. yeah, you see that sign going into one of the argyle texas schools, you think twice. >> of course you do. >> knowing that some of the teachers might be armed. >> yeah, if you're a lunatic looking to shoot up a school. >> great warning there. that is meant to protect the kids. >> of course, there's another side to that story. but the biggest story again today at some point we're going to cover is how ainsley gets all the way up here, taking the stairs. >> that's the biggest story? >> i've decided to track her to find out. >> you did track her? >> yes. record time today. >> yes, exactly. well, leah took the last little block of the show so i could make it down. thank you to leah. filling in this morning. glad to be with y'all. primary results are pouring in from four states this morning. in arizona retired air force combat pilot martha mcsally easily winning her republican
house primary. she got 68% of the votes. she'll face former gabrielle giffords' aide ron barber in the fall. >> we need people in d.c. who are going to make sure that those things that the government should be doing like protecting americans, securing the border, taking care of veterans, they do well. and then the things that they really shouldn't be doing they stop overreaching like get out of the way of small businesses so they can thrive and grow the economy. >> stick around because she's going to be on fox later this morning. also in arizona, state treasurer doug ducey, he was the ceo of coldstone creamery, he's taking the gop primary for governor. now to oklahoma where steve russell, a member of the military team that captured saddam hussein, won the republican nomination against patrice douglas. russell is going after the seat being vacated by republican congressman james langford. and then down in florida, the former republican charlie crist won the democratic primary for governor. he's going to face the incumbent, rick scott.
florida has not elected a democratic governor since 1994. developing overnight after two years of captivity, an american hostage finally arriving home from syria. brand-new pictures just released show journalist peter theo welcomed home by his mother in boston. they are all smiles, of course. and then back in 2012, he was kidnapped by a terrorist group with links to al qaeda near the syrian border. the u.s. and qatar negotiated his release without paying a ransom. a football hero now under investigation. university of southern california star josh shaw sprained his ankles jumping from a balcony, allegedly. he said that he was doing that to save his drowning nephew. but emergency response teams say that they never got a call about a drowning or an ankle injury. we're also learning that shaw's reportedly named in a burglary report on that very same night. his coach says that he has no reason to doubt his story at this point. this famous rock song making history this morning.
♪ way way down inside ♪ i want to give you love ♪ i'm about to give you every inch of my love ♪ ♪ oh ♪ wanna whole lotta love >> led zeppelin's song just voted the greatest of all time. it beat out "sweet child o' mine" and "back in black" by ac/dc. >> rockin' headlines. >> whole lotta news! >> i was junior high clarinet, so i know music. but i just -- >> clarinet. >> i played kindergarten accordion. >> thank you. so you understand where i'm coming from. what is a riff? you make it up, right? >> a riff is like just your part. your little solo. >> so it was written down. they're not saying he ad-libbed like that. >> i'm not going to riff this,
though, s becaubecause it's a "s alert." thanks. an american jihadist born in chicago killed fighting with the terror group in isis in syria. brand-new information emerging about his connection to the group and the new threat here at home. doug is live in washington. doug, when we heard this, everyone's head sort of just nearly twisted. what information do we have this morning about this man? >> and you know, the scary thing, not a unique story behind this guy. the u.s. officials say they were aware that doug mccain was over in the region, but the fbi thinks there are about 100 americans perhaps fighting in syria, and the real concern is that they won't just contain their fight to syria and parts of iraq alongside isis. that some of them could return here to the united states to carry out an attack. >> we don't know much about this gentleman, and we can't really confirm that he is, in fact, an american foreign fighter. but i will tell you this. it does bring home to us, and
it's a stark reminder of the real threat of foreign fighters inside an organization like isil. >> and while the white house has been back and forth on this, the state department yesterday acknowledged that isis is a real threat here at home. >> but it's important to note that they, of course, have threatened to attack the homeland. we take those threats very seriously, and i think what you're seeing here is a response to our growing concern about the counterterrorism threats. >> and the state department also acknowledging yesterday what has been widely believed by many for some time that isis has gained a lot of power, a lot of strength, a lot of land over the past six months or so. elisabeth, steve and brian. >> all right. doug, thank you very much. what's so terrifying about this, and we've been detailing how blood thirsty isis is in the last week or so it's become even more evident, when that british speaker, that english speaker, the british guy, cut off the
head of jim foley. and now the second most famous member of isis who we know of is a guy who was, as doug just told us, born in illinois. he went to school in minneapolis. he used to love pizza hut. he was a rapper. there he is right there. douglas mcarthur mccain, described by his friends as a regular kid. and yet he became so radicalized apparently on his own that he decided to take up arms with isis. why do young kids do this? douglas hunter who is an iraq war vet had this idea. duncan. >> last century you had a lot of especially liberal elitists downthe communist party. they went to europe. ernest hemingway wrote about it "with whom the bell tolls." this happened. instead of joining the communist party now, you have disaffected youth joining radical islam. and i think you're going to see this more and more. you're always going to have disaffected youth. you're always going to have that
pull to go fight for something greater than yourself. people like me join the yits marine corps. people like mccain join isis. so i think you're going to see as long as our homeland security agency, the fbi, the cia keep tabs on these guys and the women, and for god's sake, if we could secure the border once and for all. >> you know what the crazy thing is, mccain and mcarthur, two famous american military names. i almost thought that was the joke. that was the anti-american joke by using two pro-american names. but he was called a goofball in high school but a fun guy. converted to islam in 2004 and then all of a sudden decides that islam is everything. >> declared that on twitter and his handle and his bio, showing his commitment. >> they go through his pockets. they find a passport and $800 cash, tattoos on his neck and go my goodness, this is another american. and the fbi says yeah, we were tracking him along with dozens of other americans. >> so this isn't the regional
issue. this isn't, quote, their problem. it's actually a problem that's being home grown here and other nations. and we're wondering why duncan hunter just gave us insight into how serious this is and how it's been happening for quite some time. we're talking a deck ate back as it related to this gentleman. but yet the president says no boots on the ground because it just might give extremism a snack. >> and let me say it again. american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq, will not allow the united states to be dragged back into another ground war in iraq. the answer is not to send in large-scale military deployments that overstretch our military and lead for us occupying countries for a long period of time and end up feeding extremism. >> really. >> shocking. >> troops on the ground equal extremism. when you listen to things like
that, andy mccarthy who's been on this program a number of times, he's a writer as well, he likens the lawyerish white house language on isis to the same response it had to fort hood. >> they're ideologically entrenched in the idea of the threat not being that serious to the point where they're now also politically invested in that because that's the story that they've been trying to run for six years to the point where, you know, you have the jihadist atrocity at fort hood where twice as many people get killed as were killed in the 1993 world trade center bombing that you just mentioned in my background. and they won't even call it a jihadist attack. they won't call it islamic terrorism. i don't think they're taking this seriously enough. >> the president also, according to "the new york times" today has called jordan, not egypt, strangely, but called -- asked turkey to shut undo the border,
has asked britain and australia to join us in air strikes. now they're up to 1,000 advisers. now air strikes in two separate countries. but we're not going to get too involved. >> i don't care who he's calling. you should never call out the fact that our military occupancy would feed extremism. in fact, it does quite the opposite. terrorists certainly don't fuel on the fact that we're fighting for freedom. they're just doing it because they are filled with hate. we're going to shift here now. there's a school system at argyle that the staff, they're warning everybody there's a sign out there catching some attention of those moving by. the sign says "please be aware that the staff at argyle independent school district are armed and may use whatever force is necessary to protect our students." what do you think about that? >> that's right. in january, they decided to allow teachers to carry guns there as long as they go through all the checks and all the safety lessons and things like that. how do the parents feel? well, one parent said this.
quote, i trust that the administrators of this school district will put my kid's best interest at heart. i think if a tragedy does occur, lives can be saved by guns being in the right hands. and i think teachers here might be able to stop something like that, and lives can be saved. >> coming up on the show, we have a special forces veteran. he's out there training these teachers and schools with the shield 91 program. really letting them understand how they can properly enforce safety to protect the students and avoid events that we've seen too often. >> so many people profile the targets of the killers that go into these schools and they're looking for soft targets and easy access. they're not going to get either with that school. so do background checks on the teachers carrying guns, absolutely. but then again, if you want to drop your kid off and know they're going to be protected, you know at least in that school they're going to be protected. >> how do you feel about that? e-mail us, tweet us, send us a facebook note and we'll read them. thousands of illegals, some
convicted murderers now back on the streets. arizona sheriff joe arpaio says the president is rewarding criminals, and he joins us live from arizona. and blackhawks get a bubble bath? but this was not on purpose. the mistake that should have never happened.
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thousands of illegals, some convicted murderers are now back on the streets of america and free to kill again, but who is to blame for this? well, in a new letter, arizona sheriff joe arpaio writes, quote, our country is under attack. and barack obama is the aggressor. that's right. our own president has overseen the release of thousands of illegal immigrants, hundreds of whom are convicted criminals, even felons which are flooding into america. the man who wrote that letter, sheriff joe arpaio, joins us live right now from arizona. good morning to you. >> well, i run maricopa county jail, third largest in the country and did a little survey recently, the last seven months, and we looked into all those booked into the jail for serious crimes, and checked 3,000 that happened to be here illegally, turned them over to i.c.e., the
federal government, and guess what? about 36% had been coming back into the jails that i run. either they're being deported and they keep coming back, or they're let out the back door on the streets of phoenix. so something has to give. i've written letters to the new homeland security and inspector general. i want an answer. but you know, i get the typical bureaucratic letters back. but i want something done. >> well, we all do, especially when we hear from the administration, sheriff, that, you know, we catch people, but if they don't have a criminal record, we just release them. well, they're releasing the bad guys, too, and that's disturbing. you wrote in your letter that you felt that the president of the united states was rewarding criminals. how so? >> well, i guess if his agencies are letting them out on the streets and not being deported or they're being deported and keep coming back, what do you
call that? now, the president has stuck his nose, which is good but maybe the wrong way, into this immigration situation. it's been going on for years. in fact, when he took office, he started a department of justice investigation against me and my office, and it's still going. why don't they spend their money enforcing the laws and catching people crossing the border? >> sure. all good points. you know what, sheriff? they've got a cable tv outfit in the white house, there's a real good chance the president is watching. what would your message be to him? >> well, i'd like to meet him. i met him three years ago before i started an investigation regarding him. i won't get into that. but i'd like to meet him. you know, i spent 34 years at the border. i was head of the federal drug enforcement in mexico city, south america, central america, texas, arizona, plus sheriff for 22 years. i think i know where mexico is.
and i'd like to meet him, but i don't think he's going to invite me to the white house. >> well, you just never know. all right, senator -- sheriff joe arpaio from maricopa county out in arizona. sir, thank you very much for getting up real early with us today. >> thank you. >> thank you. it's exactly 20 minutes after the top of the hour on this wednesday. coming up, when nobody was looking, two terrorists being held in a u.s. prison just got released back to yemen. but why were they let go, and why didn't anybody know about it? until now? and cops lay their lives on the line for us each and every day. how do they train? leah gabrielle goes behind the scenes with one of the most high-risk forces in the country to see what their job is really like, and she joins us live in the studio. good morning to you. again. ♪ it's the eye of the tiger who's more excited about back to school savings at staples?
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a few quick headlines now. the u.s. has turned over two suspe suspects over to yemen. they were held at the u.s. prison in afghanistan. their release can be seen as a trial run for the transfer of yemeni terror suspects being held at gitmo. the problem with yemen is they let their prisoners go. and the justice department's the decision is a huge incentive for guatemalans to cross the border to get instant u.s. citizenship as well as our benefits. nice immigration reform. take a look at this. on average, 15,000 police officers in the u.s. are injured each year.
and more than 150 are killed each year in the line of duty. >> they lay their lives on the line each and every day for all of us. but following events in ferguson, missouri, misconceptions are running wild. leah gabriel got a firsthand look at what their job is really like, and she joins us live this morning. good morning. >> thanks for having me. i recently trained with a new jersey s.w.a.t. team, and they're a group of men who are volunteers who handle some of the most dangerous situations. i also got their thoughts on current attitudes towards cops. take a look. >> reporter: in the wake of the controversy surrounding the death of unarmed missouri teen michael brown and the firestorm surrounding the video of eric garner who died after new york city police locked him in a chokehold, the motives and attitudes of our country's cops have been called into question. >> this country unfortunately is suffering from a lot of police brutality all over the country. >> this is about police brutality. this is about racism. >> they're poorly trained.
they need to be trained to wound, not kill. >> what do we want? justice. >> reporter: recent polls show that americans still think of police as more friend than enemy. >> i think it's important that they understand that there are people that stand behind them. >> reporter: but does anyone really understand what it means to be a cop? the newark police department in new jersey opened its doors to "fox & friends" to give us a glimpse into law enforcement life. >> the mission statement of what we do is to save lives. so today we're working on our most important aspect of everything we do. >> reporter: sergeant rossi is the commander of newark's emergency response team, a force of specially trained officers that handle the most high-risk, violent situations. so you're all geared up. you've got your body armor and weapons and equipment, but you're still very vulnerable. >> these guys are specially selected. they're specially vetted. what we have to do is get in there and save lives, and that's what we're for. that's why we exist. we exist to save lives.
>> reporter: do you think sometimes people don't really get that "a," the risk that you take and "b," the fact that you're trying to protect the lives? >> you'll get that from the media, from movies. we don't take a shot we don't ever need to take. so that when we do shoot, we hit what we're shooting at. we don't ever want an innocent person harmed in any way. the last resort is for my guys to have to go ahead and set up and to do some of the stuff we're doing today. >> reporter: what we're doing today is a simulated hostage situation. it's a firsthand glimpse of what an emergency team could encounter any day of the week. >> it takes a total dedication and lifestyle dedication. it's very disruptive to a normal family life. these guys have volunteered, accepted that and set themselves up to be that last line of defense when lives need to be saved. >> reporter: it seems to me that there's a reason that police officers have to put on the demeanor that they do. >> right. >> reporter: when they confront something that they don't know what the scenario's going to be. >> it could be something as
simple as a traffic stop. you don't know what you're going to encounter during that time. i've never heard a cop say they want to come to work to shoot someone. >> reporter: it seems like there's a lot of misconceptions about police officers. you know, they see people in big trucks with lots of weapons that look tough. what do you wish people knew? >> it's never an offensive measure. we're not out there to hurt the public. our primary concern as law enforcement is public safety. always key, public safety is what we do. >> an interesting note, the average starting salary for a police officer in the u.s. varies from each department, but it's often below $50,000. here in new york city, the starting salary is just over $30,000. >> so they're not in it for the money. >> they're not no it for the money. having served in the military, i really understand what these men sometimes go through, the dangers they put themselves through. and several of these guys actually did serve in the military. >> like that last fellow said, it's all about public safety at the end of the day. >> and you have a protest with thousands of people who come out against the cops on saturday, and the cops have to guard them and make sure they stay safe.
think about how upsetting that is, knowing you're starting at $30,000 a year. >> incredible sacrifice that they make just to really keep everybody safe here. they don't ask for the thanks, but we certainly give it to them. and to you for your service. and for hanging out with us on the couch. leah gabrielle, great work. coming up, call it obama 101. teachers now forced to add the, quote, significance of the obama presidency to their lesson plans. we're going to tell you about that. and he's one of the greatest college football coaches of all time. and guess what? florida state's bobby bowden isn't all about xs and os. he also talks about faith and more in his brand-new book, and according to reports, he's right here. coach bowden. >> good morning, coach. >> yes, you do. come on. nice to see you. my name is jenny, and i quit smoking with chantix. before chantix, i tried to quit... probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is
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dueling hurricanes on both coasts. the cat 2 storm packing winds at 100 miles per hour. that's creating dangerous and deadly waves. a surfer in malibu, california, was killed after being warned by lifeguards the ocean was too rough. he apparently didn't listen. the waves are expected to reach up to 25 feet. on the other side of the country, hurricane cristobal is churning in the atlantic ocean, bringing dangerous rip currents all the way from the state of georgia right up through the state of maine. meanwhile, there's some more news going on. ainsley's going to tell us about that, and then we're going to welcome in a very special guest. >> very special guest. thank you, brian. listen to this story if you're a mom or a dad. they're paid to keep our children safe, but a day-care owner accused of doing the exact opposite. duct taping a child to a mat so that he wouldn't get up during naptime.
this all unfolding in willow park, texas. a former employee shocked by what she saw snapped these photos and then showed them to the boy's parents. he was just 18 months old. his parents are now suing. >> i think it's heartbreaking. i think it's a mother's worst nightmare. >> he would fight us tooth and nail to go into the classroom, which was very unusual for him. >> police are now investigating that case. those are blackhawks covered in helicopters drowning in fire suppression foam at the oklahoma army national guard base. a company testing that safety system accidentally triggers all of that foam. three of the ten blackhawks required maintenance because the foam got inside them. learning the significance of the obama presidency is now a law in california. the state passing a bill encouraging schools to teach about the historical significance of barack obama
becoming the nation's first african-american president. the bill had overwhelmingly bipartisan support, but critics say it is unusual, and it's unnecessary to tell schools to include a president in classroom curriculum. we have a new contender for the worst first pitch ever. >> go back to our first pitch of the night. and it was near perfect, although not exactly a strike. >> slam dunk. >> straight down, it bounces. the fan at the houston astros game getting a chance to throw out that first pitch. believe it or not, that might not have been the worst one. remember miss texas, the ballerina toss in and then, of course, 50 cent? remember that one? wrong direction. those are pretty funny. you can actually watch the top ten if you google it. we do that in our household sometimes. those are your headlines. >> sounds like a fun house there, ainsley. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. he's the most victorious in the ncaa division i football.
and at age 84, bobby bowden has learned a thing or two about life and credits christianity for his successful career. he has a new book out called "the wisdom of faith." bobby bowden back with us in studio. >> it's good to be with you. >> you start off your book with a tragedy that prompted you to write this. your son-in-law and your grandchild. >> yeah, we've lost two of our grandchildren. we had 21 of them. and it was probably the most tragic thing that's ever happened. you know, you're always looking for people older than you to pass away, not children, you know. tough. >> test your faith. >> yeah. >> test your faith. >> and faith is right at your core. it's with you all the time, in yo your book you have some of the things that help you through life. we're going to share some of them. you ha you say "good character does not come ready-made.
experience is required. time must pass." and "let me tell you, grace is needed in life and grace tastes good. it takes the sting out of failure." >> wow. >> that's the christian belief, and that's what i believe. you know, that we are saved through our faith by grace. now, what do you mean by grace? well, we believe that christ was the son of god and that he died for our sins, you know. you know, a person can say i'm a christian, but they don't make jesus their lord and savior. now, you've got to do that, you know what? and faith -- the wisdom of faith is what you believe and what you stand by. that's what i learned from the book. >> you know what i loved in the book when you said this. "when i die and go to heaven, if all of you and your family are not there with me, when your time comes, i will consider myself to have failed in life. all the statues, trophies, championships, et cetera will be in vain. some along the line, if i fa--
failed you if you are not there." wow. here we are, the best coach in the world arguably will feel himself a failure if you don't share that message of christ with others. but now teams are not going to be allowed -- orange county right now saying no place for faith in football. so the message that you're giving, coach, is not going to perhaps be allowed on the football field anymore. what do you think about that? >> i'd do it anyway. i did it anyway at florida state. i don't care about political correctness. i want to be spiritually correct, you know what? because that's where we're going to spend eternity. anna and i were blessed with six children. 21 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildr great-grandchildren. and gosh, it just kills you if one of them goes astray. you know? and so i wrote that -- >> a handwritten letter in your book. >> yeah, i did. i think we were going to play
miami the next day. i was setting up my room. so our children, when we lost bowden, named after me, he was 16 years of age. he and his dad. my youngest daughter's husband and child. death is a reminder that we're all going to die one of these days. everybody thinks everybody else is going to die. y'all are going to die. >> but were you angry? >> was i angry? >> you got angry at god, right? >> that's a good question because you're right. i know of people who lost their faith because they lost a son and feel like god took him away from them. i never felt that way. i think the big thing on faith is the belief -- the belief in god, the belief in christ as far as we christians are concerned, that that has to come first. and by having our faith and trust in him, you know, why worry? >> you know, bobby, we get a chance to talk to you afterwards. steve and i could have went pro and been a football player -- >> came that close. >> -- but we didn't have a
chance to do that. we'd like to bring in somebody who coached under you and now running his own program at the university of georgia, mark richt, to talk about -- who was your offensive coordinator -- talk about what kind of impact he's made. coach, you there? >> i'm here. >> hey, tell us about this guy that we just booked for our show. >> well, he did share his faith, actually, with the entire football team after the death of pablo lopez, one of our players. and i was a young graduate assistant coach in the back of the room. and he basically presented the gospel to the team and asked and said men, you're 18 to 22 years old. you think you're going to live forever. and just like pablo thought he was going to live forever. now he's gone. and he said men, if that was you last night instead of pablo, do you know where you'd spend eternity? and he was talking to the team, but i was a young graduate assistant coach in there taking roll and that kind of thing. and i thought to myself where i would be if it was me the night before. and i knew that it would be a bad spot.
right there i was convicted to go see coach the next morning and pray to receive christ as my lord and savior. and coach provided an atmosphere for me to grow in my faith and for me to love my family in a profession you just put so many hours in. it truly is about faith and family and football with coach bowden. you set a great example. >> coach, what does it feel like to have somebody talk about the impact you made like that? >> it makes you feel like maybe you've done something in life, you know. coaches have got the greatest opportunity to help young men grow up. you know, the kids you're getting nowadays, so many of them don't have a family, man. i had a mother and i had a daddy, and they were good folks and they raised me, but i get kids coming to college 17, 18, 19 that have never had a male figure in the home. now, if we can keep them for four years, we've got a chance that when they leave there, they're going to mount
something. >> you're pretty convinced this guy is a heck of a coach? >> he is. he's great. he's a fine a man as he is coach. wonderful christian. >> nice words from mark richt, the university of georgia head coach. >> yeah. >> coach, thank you very much. and bobby, good luck to you. the book, folks, if you'd like to read all about it, available everywhere. it's called "the wisdom of faith." >> thank you very much. >> we're saving is for our boys, too. thank you, coach. >> good to see you. >> i'll talk to you on the radio in a little while, unless you're really sick of me, which could happen. >> no, i'm not. no, i'm not. >> bobby, thank you. it is 18 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, isis posting gruesome pictures and messages online including the video of jim foley's execution. why is that allowed to happen online? can't we shut that off the internet? the former information officer for president george w. bush comes up next. and expect some major changes in the media world. what cnn and "the new york times" are doing to try to save themselves. hmm. introducing nexium 24hr
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second, seemingly to not just simply spread their message but also recruit those to follow their philosophy. you say? >> you're absolutely right. one of the challenges is, they see something like the als ice bucket challenge, and they want to capitalize on something so good that went viral, they're jealous. they want something to go viral, too. so they've invested in cameras that are high-res cameras so that they can record their evil deeds in high digital. and then the other thing they've invested in are these bots. so one member of isis can actually appear as if there are hundreds or thousands of people on social media promoting their propaganda. and you're right, they're using it for marketing. they're using it to threaten people and as a recruiting tool. >> so as you just said, let me clarify here. you're saying they're taking a hashtag that has a million or thousands of followers and using that to piggyback off of something that's already
spreading like wildfire. so they're sophisticated in their social media skills. here's one tweet for an example. it says, quote, "just as you lay waste to your nation, so shall we lay waste to yours. #stevensheadinobamashands. should they be taken down? some argue to say look, everyone should read this to know exactly what isis is about. where do you stand? >> well, you bring up a great point. and i don't think we have the perfect answer. and obviously, like if you're one of the cities in the united states right now that's been threatened online by them, it's the equivalent of yelling "fire" in a crowded room. so obviously we're thinking about should these posts even be there to begin with? but this is america and we want to make sure we walk that fine line between free speech and censorship. one of the things that i've seen that people have done is they've actually warned each other on social media not to retweet. so during the grisly images of
mr. foley's murder, the social media group basically came up with #isismediablackout, basically warning people when you retweet thr, they win. you want to make sure you don't have automatic posts happening that are retweeting pop culture or something about people that are being held captive. and the second piece is if you see something, it's actually in violation of the terms of service for youtube, twitter and facebook to promote terrorism. report it to those social media services. and then lastly, if you see something really disturbing, report it to the fbi at >> great notes there. teresa payton, we want to thank you for joining us with all of that information and action items for online and social media. coming up, a new bombshell in the irs targeting scandal of the lois lerner's blackberry wiped clean as investigators start requesting questions. and hundreds of people
videotaped without them knowing. they might be drunk, but do they have a right to privacy? it's an interesting debate and that's up next. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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he can watch live tv from over 50 channels and xfinity on demand movies and shows wherever he wants. have fun, make some friends. alright? did i mention his neck pillow? (blowing) ♪ new york neighborhood up in arms right now over the drunken patrons from an all you can drink and eat brunch. while management claims it's fixing the problem, neighbors are fighting back with this video of boozey brunchers hunched over, stumbling to the ground, unable to even get into a cab if you watch this whole thing. about 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. is this right? is it legal to tape someone, embarrass someone in order to change their behavior?
here for a fair and balanced debate, david schwartz and attorney lisa. welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> first off, you see that video. i feel bad for these people because on monday when they're sober, this is going to be out there. mr. attorney, can i do anything? >> you can't do anything. you have no expectation of privacy on the streets of the city of new york. so if you're going to get drunk and you're going to act in that way in an unruly manner, the person doing the videotaping has every right to videotape and post it. >> is that true? they do not have any laws. but you do have a sense of privacy, don't you? >> when somebody targets a club. >> even if she's outside the club. >> outside the club, the people that they're videotaping, they could have a sense of harassment. he did follow people down the street. we're look at somebody using a camera as a video vigilante. in that sense, do you have a sense of privacy? do they feel like they're being harmed or feel like you will not leave them alone?
has he encroached on their privacy? the first amendment, sure, everybody has freedom of speech. however, when somebody takes it too far, like this video vigilante, then have they now created a crime, harassment? >> i'm in the neighborhood and i'm seeing these people every sunday afternoon destroy it because they're drunk and bridge rent. what options do we have? >> the option you have obviously is to call the police, but the videotaping this unruly, unlawful behavior and post it to show how bad the neighborhood is getting -- >> you have no problem with that is this. >> i have no problem with that. if you're going to act like a moron and get into fights -- >> that's your problem. >> it's targeted. this man is using the video camera to police his own neighborhood. you said it, he should call the police and use other avenues. if we have everybody takes the law into their own hands -- look, you can post anything on the did you tube, but --
youtube, but that's kind of the issue. maybe they need to be regulated. >> videotape is allowed. >> if on sunday you want to throw back a few, i guess you can't because they can destroy you on monday. the owner says sometimes people drink more alcohol than they can control and then when see -- we see this, our aim is get them home safely. it's with al planned and executed video. tell me this isn't an attack. we just want people to come and enjoy and you guys feel differently. if you're one of those people in the white shorts, you're very upset about it. >> we're not going to prom, i guess. >> just one more thing we can't do. thanks a lot. >> thank you. coming up, governor scott walker was critical of mitt romney's last run for the white house. but now romney says another bid is not out of the question. he says circumstances could change. does governor walker think that is a good idea? plus he's in a tough election fight of his own.
sounds like a big expense for back to school shopping. but it does not have to be. you won't believe the price tags that we have found. what are those two doing? ♪ ♪
good morning. today is wednesday, august 27. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, he's the new face of home grown terror, an american killed in syria being killed by isis. the united states warns he's not alone. a new bombshell in the irs targeting scandal. lois lerner's blackberry apparently was wiped clean, erased, destroyed after congress started asking questions. that's not what they're supposed to do. >> why does she have a blackberry? that's so yesterday. meanwhile, if you lost out there and you're all alone, there is news this morning --
>> what is that? >> carry you home. that was lauren petson's idea. she thought i should sing the beginning of "full house." >> is that what that was? >> yeah. ♪ ♪ >> that's what you were singing? >> i didn't have the band and back up singers, steve. you can't put -- it's not exactly the karaoke back up that you get every thursday night at your local club. >> we would have backed you up. >> you would have? >> yeah. you just rolled with your own version. >> by the way, you got an antenna. >> at this a whole interview with a pen in my ear a few weeks ago. >> good morning. thanks for being with us. >> big news about "full house," which i didn't watch, but my kids do as if they come out with new episodes every day. this syndication has really
taken off. >> we still watch it with the kids. watched it then, watch it now. we're glad you're watching us. we want to get right to a fox news alert for you. an american jihaddist born in chicago killed fighting with the terror group isis in syria. brand-new information emerging about his connection to the group and the new threat here at home. doug luzader is live in washington. good morning to you. what is the very latest on this. >> good morning. the f.b.i. thinks that there are perhaps 100 americans now fighting in syria. the washington times this morning puts that number closer to 300. either way, you take a look at a guy like doug mccain, who was allegedly fighting alongside isis, and killed doing so. the most dangerous tool may have been his u.s. passport. >> we speak about the immediacy of the threat that isil pose, this is one of those factors, this idea of foreign fighters,
getting radicalized and potentially working their way back to their homelapped. we're not the only government concerned about this, but it's on our minds. >> reporter: also on the minds of the administration, u.s. hostages being held in that part of the world. u.s. journalist james foley was executed by isis last week. now we're hearing a 26-year-old aid worker has been held by isis for several months. the state department addressed this yesterday. >> we have confirmed in the past that there are a small number of americans being held. obviously we follow those cases and work on those closely. i'm not going to confirm details about other detained americans for their safety and privacy. i would ask to you take that into account as well. >> reporter: it's not clear what avenues the administration is pursuing to win the release of any remaining u.s. hostages, but it may involve the use of a third country, for instance, like qatar, to help play a role to help win the release of these
hostages. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. you know what he said was important. he said perhaps the most dangerous tool that this doug mccain had was his american passport. according to the u.s. government, he was on a watch list for international flights because some of the crazy things he had written on facebook and twitter and things like that. it's interesting. we got a note from our dc people that say the tsa is now measuring and tracking individuals of interest who are returning from that particular region to the united states for 72 hours before they fly. but the system doesn't flag everybody. that's key. it doesn't flag everybody. in the case of doug mccain, that could be terrible. >> his tweet actually said -- he tweeted to an isis fighter on june 9, quote, i will be joining you guys soon. i mean, that's startling. but it's not also those who are here, grown up here, leave, as
in this case, to go to syria and then commit to fight with isis in the name of killing us and choking us in our own blood. it's also those who may just want to come here for the first time with vengeance and duncan hunter out of california, representative there said, i have an idea, why don't we remove visas completely from people in the middle east? take a listen. >> i remember 9-11, every single hijacker had a visa that overstayed it. that's why you start denying visas in totality from the middle east. we got to say time out. stop, hold the game. we have to make sure our ally, the british, french, germans, make sure the people we allow to travel back and forth from and to the u.s., make sure they're doing a better job, too, of screening the people that they have to screen so that they don't unwittingly allow bad guys to come here from their country. >> yeah, good luck. the australians got to control their people.
the british absolutely have to control theirs and france has a huge islamic population. this guy nicknamed himself dwal, the slave of allah, found with a tattoo on his neck and american passport on his body. as effective as what duncan huntser is saying, i'm worried about the guy with the american passport that comes back and blows me away that the joint chiefs of staff still said as of sunday, don't worry about eye circumstances as of now it's a regional threat. really? when they're coming back armed and angry and call themselves american citizens? i think it's more than a regional threat. >> right. and our own government is saying we don't know exactly how many americans are on isis' side right now. but just keep in mind, with these lone wolves, it only takes one. and this particular guy, doug mccain, apparently self radicalized. went over there and started shooting at people that he felt he was on a jihad against.
but it just takes one. september 11 is coming up and you just never know where these people are. >> the administration telegraphing inaction, limited action when it comes to syria and what is to come. we're standing by with air surveillance that could and seems to be poised -- set to really shift over to air strikes. but he said there will be no more boots on the ground because it may indeed cede extremist. >> he went to 1,000 advisors, to 100, to none. in iraq, now iraq. now possibly get not guilty syria. now we're talking about arming different factions on the ground. the president's message yesterday was perplexing. >> because he doesn't really have a plan, unfortunately. eight minutes aftethe top of the hour. we have been detailing on this channel the scandal with the irs on how they had to apologize because they illegally targeted conservative groups and lois lerner famously about a year ago
planted that question. now we're learning that lois lerner, the woman taking the oath right there, she had a blackberry and as it turns out, it was destroyed intentionally and wiped clean after she was called in front of congress and talked to congressional staff members about the targeting. behind closed doors, they talked to her about it and next thing you know, she goes to the i.t. guy and apparently says, i don't need this. blow it up. and they did. >> wrote in part by thomas cain, deputy assistant chief counsel for the irs. that questioning is key because she was already under questioning. jim jordan said, wait a minute, we asked her about this. she lied to me. >> had brought lois lerner in, our personal staff in our office and committee staff, sat down ask asked her, we confronted her and said is targeting going on? we heard from groups in ohio and around the country.
she lied to us and said no, this is a normal course of how we determine whether someone gets the status. a few months later they wipe her blackberry clean. all i know is it sure looks suspicious when you follow the time line and frankly, this entire ordeal, all kinds of suspicious and ridiculous things take place when you look at the time line. >> up to 26 democrats agrees with republicans. there needs to be a special prosecutor. this woman must travel with a rubber mallet, between destroying her hard drive and her blackberry. >> the key was, her hard drive suppose lead had already crashed. so some of the e-mail that they needed were on her blackberry. but instead, it got wiped clean. >> remember the days when they just used a shredder. now we got to destroy hard drives and destroy blackberries. >> in a timely fashion, of course. >> right. >> ainsley earhart joins us right now with headlines. hey there. how are you? >> i'm great. let me tell you about the
primary results. four different states this morning, arizona, martha mcsally easily winning her republican house primary with 68% of the vote. she will face the former gabriel giffords' aide. >> we need people in dc who will make sure those things that the government should be doing like protecting american, securing the border, taking care of veterans they do well. and the things they shouldn't be doing, they stop overreaching, like get out of the way of small business so they can thrive and grow the economy. >> she'll be on "fox & friends" this morning. also in arizona, state treasurer and ceo of cold stone creamery, doug doocy, taking the gop primary for governor. oklahoma, retired lieutenant colonel steve russell, member of the military team that captured saddam hussein won the primary contain. russell is going after the seat vacated by republican congressman languageford.
in florida, former republican charlie crist won the democratic primary for governor. he will face rick scott. florida has not elected a democratic governor in 20 years. a 13-year-old boy is alive and sharing his unbelievable story from california. >> just as i put my right knee on the floor, the chimney collapsed on my back. if i hadn't moved, i'm telling you, i wouldn't be here right now. >> doctors say it will be six more months until he can walk again. a football hero under investigation. university of southern california star josh shaw sprained his ankle jumping from a balcony. he said that it was to save his drowning nephew. but emergency response teams say they never got a call about the drowning or an ankle injury. and we're also learning that shaw is reportedly named in a burglary report on that same night. his coach says he has no reason
to doubt his story at this point. "full house" coming back to tv. ♪ ♪ >> there is word this morning a revival is in the works. john stamos is said to be spear heading the project. some of the original cast is on board, including bob saget. that series was on air from 1987 to 1995. takes us all back. >> and what about the olsons? >> they're billionaires. maybe they're busy. >> they have been on at our house from 1987 to today. >> exactly. he surprised a lot of people by criticizing mitt romney's plan to take the white house in 2012. so what does wisconsin governor scott walker think now with romney saying another run isn't out of the question? the governor from wisconsin
joins us next. and there are big changes in store at cnn and the "new york times," but this isn't welcome news for many. stay tuned. ♪ ♪
17 minutes past the hour. quick headlines for you. the u.s. quietly releasing two terror suspects to yemen. they were released at the u.s. prison in afghanistan. the release could be seen as a trial run for the transfer of yemeni terror suspects being held at gitmo. doj will allow women fleeing domestic violence in guatemala to win asylum in the u.s.? authorities in guatemala do not always protect women from abuse and this decision now a huge incentive for women to cross the border for u.s. citizenship and benefits. i'm going to cross over to brian now. thank you. despite growing pressure from the left, governor scott walker is focusing on job creation and promoting wisconsin comeback, he says, in his latest political ads. >> i'm scott walker. before we took office, 133,000 wisconsin workers had lost their
jobs. we set a big goal of creating 250,000 jobs because i know wisconsin can do great things. today even lambeau field couldn't hold the more than 100,000 people who have gotten a job since we took office. >> his book comes out today in paperback and expands on his mission, as well as his recall and victory, as well as the tough fight he's in right now. welcome back, governor. >> great to be with you. >> your numbers look pretty strong. unemployment is down three points. you went from a definite sit of 3.6 billion, now up 1 billion. yet you're in a fight with mary burke and in a virtual dead heat in every poll. what does wisconsin not happy about? >> well, i think part of it is this is just a tough state. even though i won and ron johnson won four years ago, they haven't elected a republican for president since i was in high school 30 years ago in 1984. so it's a blue leaning state. but i think in the end, when
people the r next to my name is about republican, it's about reforms. it's not only about the reforms we've done, but those in the future to put money back into people's pockets. we're going to be fine. but it's going to be tight here. >> you did do it. that's just it. you're not saying i'm going to try. you did do it. one thing you didn't do, you wanted 250,000 jobs. you added 100,000 jobs. is that a failure? >> no. i think of all the promises we made, we've met just about every one of them. but we aim big. my predecessor, a democrat, my opponent, mary burke was hand picked by him to be his secretary of commerce. they created about half as many jobs in the three years she worked for jim doyle, as i did in my first three years. i think when people compare that and see i am big. i make up for the 133,000 jobs we lost under jim doyle's last term, we made more than 100,000 new jobs. our unemployment is the lowest since 2008. they see that we've put $2 billion back in the hands of the hard-working taxpayers and frozen tuition in all of our university campuses.
if they look at our record and what we're promising going forward, compared to the idea of going back to a third term with jim doyle, i think there is a big contrast. but there is a lot of money coming in from big-time unions to try to take us back. >> if you're able to win again and win reelection, everyone is going to be talk being governor scott walker for president. but first you might be dealing with governor mitt romney. word is, and yesterday's interview on radio, he says, i don't think i'm going to run unless circumstances change. you've been critical of mitt romney in the past. would that help or hurt your party if he ran again? >> i don't know. i think mitt romney would have been a great president. it gets clear every day that if we made a different decision two years ago, america would be in a much better place than we are today. so i think mitt is a good man, would have been a good president. veal to make a good -- he'll have to make a decision on his own across the country. i think he had a chance two years ago. i was frustrated not so much at him but the campaign. because i thought if he made the case he was a reformer, he could have won. that's my hope.
>> governor, thanks so much for your time. good luck in your run. >> thank you. coming up, laptops, cheap for your kids. we have the exclusive here. i have two seconds to fill and i just wasted them explaining them i had two seconds. ♪ ♪
fox news alert. after two years of captivity, an american hostage family arrived home from syria. brand-new pictures show journalist peter theo curtis welcomed home by his mother in boston. wxft reporter elisabeth hopkins is live in cambridge, massachusetts outside peter's home with the latest. elizabeth? >> reporter: good morning. it's incredible, when you think about it, peter curtis was being
held for two years not knowing what was going to happen to him and what a difference just a couple of days makes. this morning he is waking up in a home just behind me here on parker street in boston. a statement he released last night reflects some of the sentiments that he was feeling then. he said, i've been so touched and moved beyond all words by the people who have come up to me today. strangers on the plane, the flight attendants and most of all, my family to say welcome home. i'm also deeply indebted to the u.s. officials who worked on my case. i especially want to think the government of qatar for intervening on my behalf. he was reunited last night at logan airport. these photos that you see here are of him with his mother, nancy. she said in a statement that she was overwhelmed with relief that he's home. curtis was kidnapped 22 months ago by al-qaeda-linked terrorists. he is a photo journalist who has written for the new republic and released on sunday to united nations representatives and after a positive medical check, transferred to u.s. officials. his long journey saw him travel to tel aviv, to finally home at
logan airport last night. over the weekend, we covered the memorial service of executed journalist james foley of new hampshire. this morning the foley family, curtis family are standing together in the hopes that all of the hostages who have been held by syrian extremists will soon be released. live in boston, elisabeth hopkins, fox news. >> thank you very much. over to you. >> thanks. this week kids across the country are heading back to school. moms, dads, if you haven't checked everything off your list, it's not too late. some of the best back to school bargains are in stores right now. our savings expert is here. thankful you're here. let's start with clothes. one of the first things parents want to get. >> most parents will head to the stores and look at the fall fashion. i recommend going to the back of the store and look at the clearance racks. you can find summer clothes like tank tops, t's, shorts and dress for 75% off.
plus your kids will get a lot of use out of them for the first month or two months of school. that will buy you time to save on the fall fashion when that goes on sale during the holiday holidays. denim, you can find lots of sears. at sears, you can find deals onó bongo jeans. and for deals. >> gadgets, tell us how we can save with those right now. >> according to, the best sales on lap tops are in august. actually last august you found 62% more sales on laptops than in july and september combined. you can find bundled deals. at best buy, you can get an hp laptop with a sleeve, with a usb drive, wireless mouse and internet security for as little as $300. at apple you can get a 50-dollar
gift card with your ipad purchase or mac for college purchase. >> and school supplies, you feel like, gosh, we can't get enough. we need them all right away. where do we get a deal? >> go to the office supply stores. you can find lots of sales. staples have 50% of composition books. they have dollar deals where you can get markers for as little as a dollar. office depot, they offer penny deals. these spiral notebooks are one cent each. you can stock up there and get lots of sales as well. >> on those bulk items, you can go in with a friend. >> exactly. and back packs, i recommend shopping on line. at, they're offering 15% off of their reduced price. so this swiss gear laptop bag was originally $100. you can get it for as little as 33.99. >> there is still time to get it with normal shipping? >> exactly. and you can get free shipping on some orders. office depot is offering a 25%
off jansport as well. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, a bus driver smoking synthetic pot behind the wheel. what? this right here is your brain on drugs, folks. caught on camera next. and you've got to have thick skin to be around this guy. >> what does it take? but you served it to me! >> giving myself a pep talk now. host of "restaurant impossible" chef irvine is here next with brian taking it to the streets of new york with some food issues. ♪ ♪
well, it's your shot of the morning. ee remarks ie pictures of malaysian airlines flight looking more like a flying ghost town. >> that's right. photos of terminals and near empty flights following the disappearance of flight 370 and the downing of flight 17 posted to social media. some customers enjoying all the extra space to lounge here. look at this. shifting gears, now that is called leg room. >> plenty of room. >> you forget, we still haven't found that plane, right? >> we haven't. >> people still looking? >> i think people are still looking. i think that's one of the reasons why they've got plenty of leg room on those flights. who is going to fly on air malaysia? 27 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley earhart joins us this morning doing head line duty and you start with the story about a bus driver. >> yeah. listen to this story. a city bus driver in sydney pulling a pipe out of his pocket and then lighting up with synthetic pot while behind the
wheel. and it gets even worse. whoa. the first time that he hit, it didn't wake him up. he passed out, as you can see, crashing right through that fence. and then into a house. luckily no one else was on board. the driver, who also tested positive for other drugs, no longer has a job. 50,000 illegal immigrant children will attend schools across america this fall. 3,000 starting in maryland just this week. and the influx is putting a strain on the education system. administrators estimate one teacher for every 30 international middle and high schoolers and just one for every 40 elementary students. >> they may have only gone to second or third grade, have limited literacy in their first language.
that does create a different kind teaching impact on the schools than our traditional immigrant family. >> county schools are requested 20 additional teachers to teach english as a second language. but only seven of those positions are funded. big news at cnn this morning. but it's not good news. the struggling cable news network planning layoffs to try to save its business as ratings continue to fall. more than 500 employees will be offered buyout packages if there aren't enough volunteers, there will be pink slips. and it's the sound that hasn't been heard in news rooms since the '80s. the old-fashioned typewriter ringing once again in the time uk news room. a speaker now pumping out the audio to increase productivity. the punching starts out slowly, then gradually increases as the deadline nears. and before you head out this
morning, can you name the city with the worst drivers in the country? they're both in massachusetts. there they are. boston and worcester, voted the most dangerous in all states annual report. the best drivers in fort collins, colorado. fourth year in a row at the top. the report based on frequency of car crashes. those are your headlines. >> thanks. while people say their driving is wicked fine in massachusetts. >> speak of wicked, on his prime time food network series "restaurant impossible," chef robert irvine sent out to rescue restaurants on the brink of disaster with two days and $10,000. he's also loud. >> what does it taste like? >> bad. >> but you served it to me! >> i'm at papa's restaurant and i'm disgusted by the sorry excuse for greek food that i've been served. did you make that? you don't deserve to be called a cook! you're the reasons this place is
failing! >> wow. fighting words. now chef robert is using that same resourcefulness to help dieters who like dining out, who want to make healthier choices and teaming up with gold's gym for the first ever golden plate award promoting the healthiest restaurant chains ever! >> and we're celebrating these meals today, right? >> it's important. gold's gym is not only a gym where you work out t has a social conscious. the restaurant association says that now each person per week eats out 5.8 times. that's a lot. it used to be 2.4. now california, olive garden and red robin are giving you options that are healthier. you pick and choose what you eat for your healthy lifestyle. >> i think it's great. these are places we all go. americans frequent often. we can actually get there and get a healthy meal?
>> yep. the interesting thing is when we travel, we work so hard, we don't want to cook at home anymore. so we can go and have tilapia with shrimp that's low cal. >> let's start over here. arugula salad? >> yeah. it's really simple. pour over that a balsamic dressing or oil and vinegar, it's meal in itself. you can add chicken breast. >> even with the cheese, you're still happy with that? >> yeah. because you need some fat. >> quinoa is great. >> a lot of people don't use it. but it's really good for energy and protein. >> i'm not a salad guy, so what do we do? >> i would go for either the turkey burger at red robin because i love them, tore tilapia and shrimp from olive garden. very simple. a baked or steamed process instead of frying or adding lots of fat. this part is real interesting because lemon juice, lime juice,
grapefruit juice cuts fat. so we start to cook with that at home, it helps us. >> look out for the thick sauces 'cause you might feel like you're eating healthy, but the cream sauce kills it. >> let's go over to red robin. that's not a regular red meat burger of the it's turkey burger. >> 665-calories in there. real meal. it's interesting because we should be eating smaller meals more frequently instead of what we're used to, breakfast, lunch and dinner. >> how many do you eat? >> seven o to eight. >> what's key is the sides. >> that's eight ounce right there. by the time you put all the vegetables with it, that's good meal. >> sure. >> you don't need to be like... . >> you put a bunch of fries with it. >> you don't need do that. and a nap behind it. >> the calorie count on that there is? >> 665 calories there.
>> okay. >> great options there. these are places people go. the big choice, when you get there, what happens when you're tempted with the other meals? >> don't be tempted. save a little room -- you can have a small dessert. but you've got to work out. and working out is not just going to a gym and putting as much weight as you possibly can, this is very smart. don't do that because of your back. >> i'm going to go on line and check out the gold's gym suggestions. >> do you work out? >> no. i'm trying. gold's gym gave may membership. i'm trying to get some guns. >> be patient. be patient. >> it's a long time. >> takes dedication. >> thank you very much. >> go to gold's gym. i'll give you the membership and hang out with you. you can hang out with me like out there. >> i'm just glad you're getting along at this point. >> thank you, robert. still ahead on this wednesday morning, terrorists making millions of dollars off of ransomed hostages.
the united states doesn't pay, but should we, or will it only make the situation worse if we paid millions? would they grab more from the usa? >> democratic law maker calling to boycott burger king for going to california. but warren buffet is the one making it happen. what about that? who is patriotic now? >> first, "fox & friends" trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1969, this animal lover was nicknamed dog boy while growing up on his grandfather's farm. be the first to e-mail us, friends at fox with the correct answer. ♪ ♪
a fox news alert. all eyes watching wall street hoping for another record breaking day after the s & p 500 index notched its first ever above 2,000. yep, that happened yesterday.
the market is on track for its best august in 14 years. president obama is set to shmo. >> e with heavy weights at a labor day barbecue, 250 high rollers will pay $32,000 a head to attend. it's seen as a huge cash haul for the democratic national committee's effort to fight off gop's challenges in the offyear elections coming up in november. burger king now facing major public backlash over its new deal to purchase tim horton and move to canada. democratic house senator says burger king abandoned the u.s. and consumers should eat wendy's or white castle. both companies are based in ohio and involve meat. steve? >> that's a whopper. brian, thank you. isis terrorists are now demanding $6.6 million for the release of an american woman. she's not the only american they hold. an estimated 20 journalists are currently being held hostage in
syria. it is estimated. over the last five years, al-qaeda and its affiliates have been paid $125 million in ransom. that adds up to $5.4 million per hostage. the united states, however, not giving a dime. but other countries are. as a threat of terror napping grows, should the united states reconsider its stance? let's talk to peter johnson, jr. >> it is terror napping. that's the new word and that's the new term we're coming to terms with in the united states. what should we do? there is a moral question. don't pay and have the hostage die, or don't pay and make sure the terrorists, like isis and al-qaeda, don't come after americans. there is a new poll out. 62% of americans are opposed to the notion of ransom. 21% want the ransom paid. now, is it enough for america to say, well, we're not going to pay, so they're not going to kidnap us anymore. the theory now is, we're not
going to pay, but the greater issue is, will we pay back? will we pay back? >> good question. >> will there be a punishment? will there be a vengeance for what goes on with americans? up to the fact that we learned about this one raid to rescue mr. foley, there hasn't been. so i believe there needs to be a new focus, a new reset on saying to isis, to al-qaeda, if you take americans, you will die. we will catch you or kill you or both. let's see what foreign governments are doing with regard to ransoms. france, almost 59 million. qatar and oman, 20. switzerland, 12 million. spain, 11. austria, a lot of people, including americans are saying you countries are encouraging isis and al-qaeda to do exactly what we don't want, kidnapping. >> because these terror outfits run on cash, although now isis has got control of oil assets and things like that.
but otherwise, you look at that list that you just presented, if i'm a bad guy, i'm going to go grab somebody from france because they're going to cough up millions and millions of dollars. >> that's correct. america has been disciplined, but we need to go beyond discipline and beyond the calculus and beyond saying we're really smart about this. we won't pay. it's not enough in my view, to say we won't pay. you, isis, you, al-qaeda, need to pay back. we need to create a deterrent. we need to create a system and circumstances by which they will be killed, that they will become world wide criminals and sought by the f.b.i., by navy seals, by green berets, by every power america has. we will kill you if you kill americans. unfortunately, that's the only language i believe these people understand. at this point we're trying to contain it. but i say let's stop it. if we change our policy on this, we might be able to do that. >> we need to hear from the president. the president needs to articulate what you just said,
peter johnson, jr. >> i hope so. >> isis, anybody else, if you take an american hostage, we're not going to pay. but we will hunt you down and we will kill you. it might not be today. it might not be tomorrow. but eventually we will get you. >> i think it's well said. >> sure point. thank you. >> thank you. what do you think about that? e-mail us. meanwhile, does your teen-ager think he's too old for a hug? are you ever too old? is that normal or is that nuts? dr. keith ablow has the answer straight ahead. first on this date in 1985, "the power of love" by huey lewis and the news, number one song on the planet. ♪ ♪ 2y
sweater, extra sweater oh and this is the xfinity tv go app. he can watch live tv from over 50 channels and xfinity on demand movies and shows wherever he wants. have fun, make some friends. alright? did i mention his neck pillow? (blowing) ♪
the answer to the aflac trivia question was caesar milan. the question was who is caesar milan? our winner is joan glop from pennsylvania. she will get that book, "george washington's secret six". >> poor john, just got a little whited. >> it's joan. who is normal and ho is nuts is a question we ask dr. keith every week and he joins us right now. hey there, dr. keith. >> hey, thanks for having me. >> thanks for being here. we've got some questions for you. we're going to start with this one. my 15-year-old son won't display any loving emotions. he doesn't hug or say i love you or show any signs of depression, does well in school and seems well adjusted. is this lack of affection nuts?
>> listen, teen-agers are unpredictable. they're going through a lot of things. their emotions may sometimes be underground. so i'm going to say normal. but here is the thing, with a caveat, 'cause anxiety can do this. even things like asburgersyndrome is which is on that spectrum that includes autism. but very minor, it can lead people to take a step back and not embrace. >> but a lot of people are like that. >> just to keep an eye on it is your advice. >> that's true. you can't hug stuart varney, by the way. he won't let me hug him. >> you're right that. is so true. >> i think i've given him a hug. >> well, you can hug him. but you could hug anybody. >> in the introduction to you, there was something about you hear a voiceover of somebody talking about how they sleep with a stuffed animal. this relates to this question. my 53-year-old colleague always brings her stuffed animals on vacation. she buckles them into her car and tucks them into the hotel bed at night.
she's single and a true animal lover. but isn't this nuts? >> yes. yes, they shouldn't wonder. they should know this is nuts. she's using the stuffed animal as a way to not address underlying fears that she has. >> like what? >> literally from childhood with her. >> does this indicate a trauma from the past, do you think? >> it certainly could, or maybe she was anxious as a kid and she continues to be. the part i love about the question is it says she's single. well, yes she's single. can you imagine taking paddington on a romantic weekend? this is not a formula for a romantic weekend. >> but at least she wants to keep the stuffed animal safe. here is one from harry potter. >> it's about harry potter. >> oh, it is? >> yeah. >> when work gets too noisy, and i can't focus i put on my head
set and play harry potter movies. my boss allows it. i've been through the movie series at least 20 times. am i nuts? >> here is the thing, not nuts. normal. whatever helps you focus, it's okay. maybe because you know what's coming you're able to pay attention to the things you're learning aside from listening to the movie. i'm taking a point from this. rocky, i've watched it maybe 20 times. maybe i put that in my said set and i can focus even more. >> is it the part where he calls adrian? >> i love when he calls adrian but i love when he wakes up and he says it doesn't matter if i wake up tomorrow. i just don't want to be a bum. >> right, because he doesn't win. >> exactly. you watched the movie, too. >> spoiler alert. >> thank you very much. we'll see you back next week. >> thank you. coming up, call it obamacare 101. one state forcing teachers to include the significance of the obama administration in their
lesson plan. >> this adorable little girl shows the heart that she has and twice her size, she's using a lemonade stand to help her friend, a disabled veteran, just ahead.
good morning. today is wednesday, august 27. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. he liked pizza hut, the chicago bulls, and killing americans. take a close look because you are staring at the new face of homegrown terror and this guy has whole lot of company. >> he's an american. and a big primary night last night, but an unlikely candidate steals the spotlight. could the man who captured saddam hussein be one step closer to washington, d.c.? we're going to break down all the races from yesterday. and chaplains being replaced by life coaches and high school sports. what does coach bobby bowden think about that?
>> i do it anyway. i did it at florida state. i don't care about political correctness. i want to be spiritually correct. >> wow. more from the politically incorrect mind of bobby bowden. by the way, according to everybody, including bobby bowden, mornings are better with us friends. >> i'm bobby bowden. you're watching "fox & friends". ♪ we will, we will rock you ♪ sing it >> one of our fox news personnel, former navy pilot and there you can see her training with a swat team just to find out exactly how tough it is to be on the front lines as a police officer in the united states of america these days. it's tough. >> we'll show you more of that coming up. >> law enforcement has been under fire in this country. marches against it. you act as if every cop is
destroying the nation and not keeping us safe and is out for his own gratification. as you will find out, it's not about the money. it's about protection. >> they're not making a ton of money. they do it to keep us safe and she'll give us a close look on that. two minutes after the top of the hour on this wednesday. fox news alert, an american jihaddist born in chicago killed fighting with the terror group isis in syria. brand-new information emerging about his connection to the group and the new threat here at home. doug luzader is live in washington, d.c tell us about douglas mcarthur mccain. >> good morning. we're still in the process of learning more about this guy. from a number of reports, he represents really a frightening scenario for u.s. counterterrorism officials and the concern here is that he appears to have embraced radical islam while living in the united states. he eventually made his way to syria and u.s. officials say they knew he was in the region.
the bigger concern isn't that he was allegedly fighting alongside isis there in syria. it's that someone like him could use a valid u.s. passport to travel back here to the united states to carry out an attack on the homeland. >> when we speak about the immediacy of the threat that isil poses, this is one of those factors, this idea of foreign fighters, going over there, getting radicalized and potentially working their way back to their homelands. we're not the only government concerned about this, but it's on our minds. >> reporter: a reality is that isis is really building on its own success, by getting so much power, so much land so quickly, it's been able to recruit fighters from around the world, even if the ideologies are not an exact fit. >> they don't have to see eye to eye on all details. they don't have to agree on everything isis is doing. but they see isis is leading the jihad. >> reporter: while we are actively fighting against isis and the use of air strikes in iraq is also a concern about u.s. hostages being held by
isis, including a 26-year-old woman, an aid worker that's been held by that group now for a number of months. elisabeth, steve and brian, back to you. >> doug luzader live on capitol hill. so here is the headline from the "new york post." douglas macarthur mccain killed fighting for isis in syria. this is the face of the traitor who was born in chicago, went to high school in minneapolis and then joined isis to kill as many people as he could. >> he called goof ball in high school, but a fun guy. appeared to convert to islam in 2004. he tweeted things like, it's islam over anything. next thing you know, he is fighting against our guys. they found him dead over the weekend and an american passport on his body, along with american cash and distinctive tattoo on his neck. they said this is the guy. and there are more like him. the f.b.i. is following dozens of homegrown isis members. >> as far back as june or july
he tweeted, in relation to isis saying he was coming to join them. his twitter bioindicated his full commitment there. >> and here is the problem, we've been talking for years, ever since september 11, how do we protect ourselves from somebody from another country who wants to kill us? the problem with this particular guy, doug mccain, is he's an american. he's got an american passport. and that is the problem. so we do understand apparently he was on some sort of a watch list because of some of the crazy things, radical things he said on twitter and on facebook. and the tsa says that they are taking new measures to tracals y say. but they say people who are returning to the united states from that region for 72 hours. what if they make a stop in london or stop in paris or amsterdam for a couple of days and then come back? are they tracking them? they do admit the tsa, apparently not everybody is flagged and that's a problem.
>> it's a problem. isis is a problem. we've heard from everyone from the pentagon moving forward through the administration, stopping at the president that this is al-qaeda times two, exponential al-qaeda, that the threat is severe. they tried to backtrack on those statements. but when you see the training videos and an american beheaded, this american who went to syria with commitment to commit jihad and kill american, drown them in their own blood as all the social posts indicate, we have a big problem, but yet the president says, you know what? we're not going to put any more boots on the ground because it just might feed extremism. >> let me say it again. american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq, will not allow the united states to be dragged back into another ground war in iraq. the answer is not to send in large-scale military deployments that overstretch our military
and leave for us occupying countries for a long period of time and end up feeding extremism. >> hearing that, it bothered me. the very end of that was troublesome and i think americans probably feel that way when you listen closely, end up fueling extremism. look, evil doesn't need fuel. evil doesn't need a reason. evil is just evil. to place some of the responsibility on military presence for isis' growth seems grossly revealing. >> think about this, if you're a man or woman who sat there and trained the iraqi or afghan army, you said here is a gun, here is a uniform. here is what you do. here is how to be a good teammate. here is how to fight battle and here is how to form a government. here is how to set up a banking system. you would think that would be a positive. the extremists are extremists. they're going to kill you anyway. but the people there that want a shot at life are appreciative of americans and what they try to do and gave iraq and afghanistan an opportunity. now in terms a plan going forward, evidently according to
the "new york times" today, australia, turkey, uae, among the nations, u.s. is asking to help them start taking down isis. but we're not supposed to be on the ground. >> the headline is today that isis is in some cases, american. that makes it a lot harder. >> yep. we're going to turn to ainsley. >> also an american. >> yes, she sure is. you do have primary results and info. >> i do. they're just coming in. primary results pouring from four different states this morning. in arizona, retired air force combat pilot martha mcsally easily winning her republican house primary with 68% of the vote. she'll face former gabrielle giffords aide. >> we need people in dc who will make sure those things are the things government should be doing, like protecting americans, securing the border, taking care of veterans, they do well. and the things they shouldn't do well, stop overreaching, like get out of the way of small business so they can thrive and
grow the economy. >> and she will be here on "fox & friends" in ten minutes. stick around for that. also in arizona, this guy, the state treasurer, former ceo of cold stone creamery, taking the gop primary for governor there. now to oklahoma where retired lieutenant colonel steve russell, a member of the military team that captured saddam hussein, won the republican nomination against patrice douglas. russell is going after the seat being vacated by james lankford. in florida. charlie crist won the democratic primary for governor. he'll face rick scott. florida has not elected a democratic governor in 20 years. developing overnight, after two years of captivity, an american hostage finally arriving home from syria. brand-new pictures just released showing journalist peter theo being welcomed home by his mother in boston. all smiles, of course. two years ago he was kidnapped near the syrian border by a
terrorist group with links to al-qaeda. the u.s. negotiated his release without paying a ransom. a key piece of evidence in the irs scandal destroyed. according to irs lawyers, lois lerner's blackberry was deliberately wiped clean after the start of a congressional probe. thomas cain, admits that her blackberry was scrapped for disposal in june of 2012. some members of congress want to know why. >> so all i know is it sure looks suspicious when you follow the time line. frankly, this entire ordeal, all kinds of suspicious and ridiculous things take place when you look at the time line, like mr. koskinen not disclosing for two months when he should have. on and on it goes. >> some congressional members are hoping the district court will force the irs to turn over evidence which is critical to determining if that agency targeted conservative groups. learning the significance of
the obama presidency is now a law in california. the state passing a bill encouraging schools to teach the historical significance of barak obama becoming the nation's first african-american president. the bill had overwhelming bipartisan support, but critics say it is unusual and unnecessary to tell schools to include a president in classroom curriculum. those are your headlines. back to you guys. >> we do a pretty good job of doing the history in american schools. >> this is true. >> but he is a historic figure and will always be. >> absolutely. 11 minutes after the hour. one of the big debates in high school and college football, can you say a prayer before a game? can you do that in the locker room, at half time? can you hold hands and repeat after me? the answer today seems to be no, as more and more are getting replaced by so-called life coaches. the anthony robins of the world and chaplains.
>> the pastor, but they're changing his name. we asked for the most winning coaches out there. coach bowden, legendary football coach if he would still continue to teach his athletes about christ and all that he's done for him and this is what he said. >> i'm doing it anyway. at this it anyway at florida state. i don't care about political correctness. i want to be spiritually correct. because that's where we're going to spend eternity. the belief in god, the belief in christ, as far as we christians are concerned, you know, that has to come first and by having our faith and trust in him. >> he's not interested in being politically correct. he's interested in being spiritually correct. we asked you for comments. we got a tweet, then we wonder why our youth have no moral compass. >> a tweet from mike says if it isn't a private school, then abide by the law. that's a different view. >> terry says as soon as political correctness took the
place of spiritual correctness, this country was on the fast track to decline. >> keep them coming. what do you think about it? e-mail us. 12 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, he was on his way to college when he disappeared without a trace. so what happened to him? we're going to take a closer look at brand-new video because it could be the clue that could break the case wide open. and they're armed, ready and letting everybody know about it. but you can bet arming teachers is creating a little bit of controversy. what do you think? is that a good idea for teachers to pack heat?
fox news alert. potential new lead in the case of missing university of montana student. the 21-year-old possibly spotted on a gas station surveillance camera in idaho. this morning investigators are trying to confirm whether or not it is his car spotted near his last ping from his cell phone as well. claire is a long-time family friend of the roby family who is helping coordinate the search effort and she joins us today from madison, wisconsin. good morning to you.
>> good morning. >> okay. so the two best bits of information you've got are the fact that somebody on your team, your search team, was able to isolate a frame from a chevron gas station that shows a vehicle that sure looks like lucius' subaru, right? tell us about it. >> yeah, it does look very similar. unfortunately, this video is unconfirmed as a solid lead. the video shows only one kayak on top of the car and you can't see that second kayak. it's possible that it's tied on in such a way that we just can't see it because of the angle. but other photos of the car with the kayaks on top lead us to believe that maybe you should be able to see that second kayak in the video. >> exactly. we should point out for people who are unfamiliar with the story, he had worked the summer with a kayak company and then it was time for him to go to
college and he said i'm going to take a couple of days to get there and then he never showed up. and that's what has a lot of people worried. tell us a little bit about his cell phone that apparently you have tracked down some of the pings which indicate he could be where? >> yes. so the last ping from his cell phone came from a tower in an area called smith ferry, which is closer to route 55, more on the western side of his route. the unfortunate thing about that is that of course we know the tower that the ping came from, but the area that he could have been in and contacted that tower is really quite large. >> yeah. it is a large area. and the thinking is maybe, because he had told people with the kayak company, i'm going to take a couple days to get there, maybe he took a back road. maybe something happened. maybe he lost track of time.
that's really what you're clinging to, that he just doesn't know that the whole world is looking for him. >> yeah. i don't think that's too likely of a scenario at this point. it's very out of his character to not be in contact with anyone and miss his college orientation like this. so something must have happened, but we are hoping for the best that he is all right and we will find him soon. >> as we all are. all right. claire joining us from madison, wisconsin, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> if you have information, contact the boise county sheriff's office. 208-392-4411. coming up, she's a little girl with a heart twice her size. how she used a lemonade stand to help a total stranger, a disabled veteran and his service dog. they all join us next. and with all the controversy surrounding ferguson, missouri, we wanted to know what it's like to be a police officer in america. our own vet leah gabriel got the
answer first happened and what she found out may change the way you think about the men and women who protect and serve. ♪ ♪
time for news by the numbers. first, two. that's the number of terror suspects the u.s. just turned over to yemen. they were held at bagram prison, afghanistan. the release seen as a trial for a transfer of all the terror suspects at gitmo and there is a lot. next, 100 years. that's how long it's been since the river flowed freely. the biggest dam removal project in history just completed in washington state.
finally, 151 years later, civil war hero cushing will receive the nation's highest military honor. it took a special exemption from congress to clear the way. here is elisabeth. >> thank you, brian. she is only eight years old, but when rachel heard about a local army veteran who needed help, she jumped into action herself, putting together a lemonade stand to raise money for his service dog. rachel joins me now, along with army veteran nick bailey and his service dog, abel. we're so glad to have you here today. nick, we know your story. in 2007, you were severely wounded by a dual rocket blast there in iraq. when you returned, the daily challenges are there, but you're tough. you pushed through. when you found abel, you thought, wow. what a great buddy to really get me through some tough times, but training abel really put in front of you some challenges financially, which is where
rachel jumps in. you needed to raise $6,000 to rain abel. what did you think when you heard that an eight-year-old girl was going to jump in to be your hero? >> i was actually really shocked. in the very beginning a guy at one of the pet shops told us that his sister was going to be putting together a lemonade stand for us. it didn't quite dawn on me that it was an eight-year-old girl at first. then he showed me pictures and i couldn't believe that somebody at age of eight was even considering helping out adults, let alone an army veteran for a cause. so for me, it was complete shock that she was wanting to do this. >> it is sure amazing. rachel, why did you want to do this? tell us. >> i wanted to help him because he helped our country, so i thought i would help him.
>> wow. credit to your family for raising such a patriot there in you, rachel. i know your grandfather served in world war ii. didn't get a chance to be with him. he died before you were born. but i have to say, he must be so proud of you. nick, what do you say to rachel here? you look right at her and you got abel between you, what do you have to say to her? >> there is not a whole lot that somebody can express to somebody at her age of appreciation. she's not only helped us by raising the money for the -- at the lemonade stand. but because of her story, americans have helped to pitch in as well. but if it wasn't for this little girl right here, it wouldn't have happened. i would have to say 14 days prior, we were sitting at $1,000 and our gofundme account.
within 14 hours of her story hitting, it was maxed out at $6,000. it was amazing. >> that sure is amazing. rachel, and i hear is it true you're going to continue raising funds through the lemonade stand to help other veterans? >> yes, it is. >> wow. you have a great heart. you sure do. let me say, abel i know is so special to you, nick. and to be able to really get the training and funding needed to stay, i know that abel jumps in in the middle of the night if you're having a night terror dream. what does abel do? >> to wake me up, i guess he's more keen on what i need than i am. he'll lick my hand versus jumping up on top of me or something like that. with him coming up and jumping on top of me would cause more of a startle to me. so he gently gets up there and he'll lick my hand to wake me up
and usually with it does is that preemptive where you start petting before you're even awake kind of deal. so he's just really aware of it. if i'm hurting, he's right there at my side. >> true companion. >> yes. absolutely. >> it is an honor to have you here. we want to thank you for your service and abel, for your service. you're a good dog and we're thankful that the two of you can stick together because of rachel's great work. rachel, you are such a patriot. keep up the good work, my friend. and come visit us again soon. great story. >> thank you. >> should raise patriots like that. that's incredible. coming up, former fighter pilot martha mcsally landing a win in arizona's republican primary. so how is she going to fight the gridlock in washington? find out next in her first interview since last night's victory coming up.
and why is this famous song making history this morning? stay tuned. ♪ ♪
snowe ♪ ♪ >> look at that. >> your shot of the morning. batman returning, yep. wake the kids. apparently to patrol the streets of japan? drivers couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the dark figure zooming through traffic. why not? >> why not is right. it's the unknown who is -- it's still unknown who he is and what he was doing. >> right. we don't know who robin is either. >> he was actually taking the pictures. >> oh, i didn't know that. >> there were not selfies then.
>> a riddle to you. >> very good, you joker. >> stop it. fox news alert now, the results are in. martha mcsally wins the gop nomination for congress in arizona. this sets up a rematch with ron barber. >> what can we expect in the general election? joining us now is retired air force colonel herself, martha mcsally joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> big night. what is the message. 68% of the votes there. what's the message there from the people? >> well, the message is that people are ready for a change. we ran in 2012 and just 147 days and we went to bed election night ahead and lost by only .84%. so my rematch with ron barber this year is now seen as the most competitive race in the country. he's seen as the most vulnerable member of congress. this is a very split district, very diverse.
but across the spectrum, people are frustrated with washington, d.c they're looking for leadership. >> in terms of leadership as it crosses with military here, when we look at our commander in chief, a lot of people are still searching for leadership, particularly now in how isis is being dealt with. what do you think is a mistake right now of the president and where do you think we need to go? >> the blunders began years ago. just walking away from iraq after all the blood and treasure that we sacrificed there, watching this terrorist organization metastasize in syria. and now obama is working on a short game instead of a strategy. this is a threat to america and it's got to be taken seriously and obama seems to be asleep at the wheel. we've got to have people in congress to provide oversite to our national security and our military to make sure we can defend america from threats like this. the best thing the people can do are elect veterans like me to
congress in order to provide that oversight. this is a well-organized and disciplineed operation that is now being bank rolled. they've got their capability. they've got territory. they've got now people with american and european passports, so this is a very serious threat to us and obama is more interested in his putting game than defending america at this point. >> what's curious about your candidacy is you've got a unique perspective not only military, but you're there in arizona. how many times have people on the political right said if we really want to keep america safe, we got to do something about our southern border? for the most part, it's just like a turnstile down there. if you want to come through, you get through. if the cops catch you, they turn them over to ice. next thing you know, ice releases them whether they got a criminal record or not. >> yeah. our border is not secure. we here in southern arizona know that. i spent a lot of time down at the border with the ranchers and the residents there. i was there just recently. i myself could have crossed back
and forth a couple times if i wanted to. i didn't do it. the barriers and the fences are helping, but we have a failed strategy. we need to be using intelligence driven operations, manpower we have actually at the border, foot patrols, horse patrols and vehicles so we can actually detect, monitor and intercept the illegal activity. that's not what's happening now. we have men and women in uniform doing the best they can. but they have a failed strategy from washington, d.c. >> i just feel -- i think it's better for the country, the more people who serve in the military who go to serve in congress, whether democrat or republican. best of luck. you have another shot at this and let's see if america is going to give you the nod. >> thank you. >> 69 days 'til election day. mcsally for we can definitely win, but we need support from across the country. so thanks for the opportunity to come on this morning. >> thank you for joining us. it's now 23 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley earhart joins us with a look at the news. you start with daycare?
>> crazy story. a daycare owner accused of doing the exact opposite, duct taping a child to a mat so that he would not get up during nap time. it's all unfolding in willow park, texas. a former employee shocked by what she saw snapped these photos and showed them to the boy's parents. the child, just 18 months old. his parents now suing. >> i think it's heart breaking. it's a mother's worst nightmare. >> he would fight us tooth and nail to go into the classroom, which was very unusual for him. >> police are investigating that case. look at this. those are blackhawk helicopters covered in bubbles. ten of them drowning in foam at the oklahoma army national guard base. a company was testing the safety system when it accidentally triggered that foam. three of the ten helicopters required maintenance because the foam got inside them.
the feds treating back to school lunches as a national security concern? the usda says obesity is more than a health issue. it's an economic and a national security issue. the obama administration is cracking down on those lunches. banning drinks like gatorade and the salty snacks like crackers and cheese dip. this famous rock song making history this morning. ♪ ♪ led zeppelin "whole lot of love" voted the greatest guitar rif of all time. and those are your headlines. >> thank you. you're still rocking out. coming up, they're armed, ready and letting everybody know about it. you can bet it's creating some
controversy. you're going to hear from the former special operator who is behind this program that tells people that teachers are armed at that school. >> they are packing heat. and with all the controversy surrounding ferguson, we wanted to know what it's really like to be a cop in america. our own leah gabriel found out and it may change the way that you think about those who serve and protect you each day. ♪ ♪
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because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. welcome back. over the passion few weeks, you probably heard a lot of negative headlines about police and use of force. what if you asked those officers for their side of the story? >> we did. we asked leah gabriel to find out what it was like to serve.
she served in afghanistan and she also wanted to have a sense of what it is like being a law enforcement officer in america. >> that's right. in serving afghanistan. i saw how seemingly innocuous situations could turn deadly, even with what you thought were friendly locals. it helps you understand what it's like from some of these law enforcement officers on high alert every day. i recently spent the day training with the newark, new jersey swat team. they're a unit that handles some of the most dangerous and volatile situations. they all volunteer to be part of the elite unit, regardless of the risk to their own lives and the toll it takes on them personally. here is an inside look. in the wake of the controversy surrounding the death of unarmed missouri teen michael brown, and the fire storm surrounding the video of eric garner who died after new york city police locked him in a choke hold, the motive and attitudes of our country's cops have been called into question. >> it's a question, unfortunately of suffering from
a lot of police brutality all over the country. >> this is about police brutality. this is about racism. >> they're poorly trained. they need to be trained to protect. not kill. >> recent polls showed americans still think of police as more friend than enemy. >> i think it's important that they understand that there are people that stand behind them. >> does anyone really understand what it means to be a cop? the newark police department in new jersey opened its doors to "fox & friends" to give us a glimpse into law enforcement life. >> the mission statement of what we do is to save lives. today we're working on our most important aspect of everything we do. >> soldier rossi is a commander of the newark response team, a force of specially trained officers that handle the most high risk violent situations. you're all geared up. your body armor, weapons, all kinds of different equipment. but you're still very vulnerable. >> these guys are specially
selected. what we have to do is get in there and save lives. that's what we're for. that's why we exist. we exist to save lives. >> you think sometimes people don't get that a, the risk you take and b, the fact that you're even to try to protect the lives of criminals? >> you don't get that from the media. you get that from the movies. we don't take a shot that we don't need to. when we shoot, we hit what we're shooting at. we don't want an innocent person harmed in any way. the last resort is for my guys to set off and do some of the stuff we're doing today. >> what we're doing today is a simulated hostage situation. it's a firsthand films of what an emergency team could encounter any day of the week. >> it takes a total dedication and lifestyle dedication. it's very disruptive to a normal family life. these guys have volunteered for this, accepted that and they've set themselves up to do that last line of defense when lives need to be saved.
>> it seems there is a reason that police officers have to put on the demeanor that they do when they confront something that they don't know what the scenario could be. >> it could be something as simple as a traffic stop. you don't know what you're going to encounters during that time. i've never heard a cop say they want to cop to work to shoot someone. >> this is a lot of misconceptions about police officers. they see people in big trucks, with lots of weapons that look tough. what do you wish people knew? >> we're not out there to hurt the public. our primary concern as law enforcement is public safety. always keep public safe is what we do. >> it's worth pointing out that the average starting salary for a police officer in the u.s. varies from department to department. it's often below $50,000. just as an example, in new york city, the starting salary is just over $30,000. and it's also worth mentioning that all three of the officers i interviewed for the stories, they're husbands, fathers. they have personal lives and they need to come home every night. >> they protect so many with
risk of injury and death every year. >> and how do they feel when there is anti-law enforcement protests in new york with the whole country covering led by al sharpton over the weekend? >> i think it's challenging for them and i think they appreciate us bringing this to people's attention that these are people, even something like a routine so-called routine traffic stop can quickly turn deadly for them. they don't know what they're dealing with. >> people need to remember the cop's side of the story. >> and their intention. >> exactly. >> thank you very much. great report. coming up, take a look at this sign. it says the staffer armed and may use whatever force to protect it for the students. not everybody thinks it's a good idea. the special op behind the program here to defend it. first we're going to check in with martha mccallum. >> good morning. is the white house really out there working to build a coalition to fight isis? tensions build as an american is killed fighting for the enemy in syria. senator john mccain joins us this morning.
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it's a sure sign to fire up gun activists all across the country. i'm talking about this story. a texas school district warning its visitors be aware that the staff at argyle independent school district are armed and may use whatever force is necessary to protect our students. and texas is not alone. seven states have now passed legislation that makes it legal for teachers to carry guns. all in the wake of the sandy hook shooting. is that what we need to prevent another massacre or could it
make things worse? shield 91 program creator is here which trains teach force carry guns and he is a u.s. special forces veteran. you came up with this 15 years ago. what made you double down and say now is the time to spread the word and get districts to use this program? >> yes, sir. after sandy hook, immediately following, i had this program and it kept going back and forth with it. so i said it's time to do something. so i took it out and started showing it to folks in school districts, sro's, people that i know all around north texas here. >> we know most school shootings, they say, are over in about two minutes. so maybe just one monitor at the wrong entrance might not be there in time however well-intentioned. how does your program differ than just giving one person one gun? >> yes, sir. it's a process that we select these folks and i get with the
superintendent and the principal and they have to be physically fit. they have to be mentally fit. they have to have a psych evaluation. one person, there is four numbers that come to mind. so 30 seconds, if i can show them where we can slow that person down for 30 seconds, they're going to move to the next breach point. 60 seconds, they can draw and shoot in 60 seconds. five minutes, most are over in five minutes. ten minutes is about the average for law enforcement response time to any incident. >> one district has, you want the country to pick tup. but you also want people to know who is doing it. why put the sign out there? >> well, it's to show folks and to tell people that they're going to use all means to protect our children and our faculty. >> what feedback are you getting from parents and others? >> extremely positive. >> what about those who say having guns will escalate the
situation, not deescalate the situation? >> well, yes, sir. i always tell them that if there is something that they could have done or we could have done to save one life, then it is worth it. again, it's a campaign, so to speak, just to let people know that if we can slow them down or get them to think for a few seconds, move on to the next wherever they're going or whatever they're going to do that day, then we won. >> all right. greg coker is putting his program, 15 years in the making, now getting more interest than ever as we get set to go back to school. many districts go back to school right after labor day. thanks so much. >> thank you, sir. have a good day. >> you, too. >> we'll finish with a flourish. three stories that mean the most to us as we take one for the road. more "fox & friends" in just a second
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time for one for the road. worst pitch ever, a fan at the houston astros game throws the ball directly into -- watch this. here it goes. where does the ball go? almost took off her foot. >> she tried. she tried. >> elisabeth? >> and stacy isn't old enough to drive a car, but that's not stopping her from taking the u.s. open by storm. >> she's done it! >> the 15-year-old tennis phenom takes down the 12th seeded player to advance to the next round. brian wanted to read that, but i did. >> right. i got to tell you this, have mercy, "full house" may be coming back to life.
♪ everywhere you look ♪ there is a heart ♪ . >> if john stamos has his way, he'll be back as uncle jesse. we'll see if we can talk to the olesons. martha: thanks, guys. allies joo fight isis? that's the question as the u.s. works behind the scenes to get countries to help kill his terrorist group. can the administration pull this off and will the airstrikes happen at all? sean: i'm eric shawn in more bill hemmer. as the white house mulls possible military action, we are learn being that american who was killed who was killed fighting with a terrorist group. friend of douglas mcarthur

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Circuit Prototyping , Cpu , Video Card , Electrical Network , Personal Computer Hardware , Electronics Accessory , Hardware Programmer , Evening , 3d Modeling , Electricity , System , Electrical Supply , Black And White , Engineering , Electrical Wiring , Industry , Factory , Mass Production , Warehouse , Steel , Disc Jockey , Machine Tool , Engine , Scale Model , Office Equipment , Typewriter , Office Supplies , Printing , Concept Car , Hood , Lamborghini , Supercar , Auto Show , Darkroom , Netbook , Output Device , Space Bar , Computer , Computer Keyboard , Touchpad , Input Device , Corporate Headquarters , Scion , Audi , Lexus , Classroom , School , Academic Institution , Class , Teacher , Chef , Culinary Art , Chief Cook , Pastry Chef , Chefs Uniform , Recipe , Cooking Show , Food Processing , Plan , Automotive Navigation System , Multimedia Software , Seminar , Professor , Vehicle Audio , Tropical Cyclone , Cyclone , Astronomy , Tide , Planet , Water Sport , Rowing , Outdoor Recreation , Canoeing , Canoe , Inflatable Boat , Watercraft Rowing , Paddle , Swimming , Dragon Boat , Surfing , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Waterway , Coast , Ferry , Port , Bodyboarding , Haze , Geology , Mountain Range , Arctic , Rural Area , Plaza , Headstone , Gas , Grave , Cricket , Bird Feeder , One Day International , Wicket , Goal , Bat And Ball Games , Net , Cemetery , Historic Site , Black Hawk , Airliner , Narrow Body Aircraft , Airline , Precipitation , Water Resources , Military Helicopter , Military Aircraft , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Nature Reserve , Grass Family , Meadow , Rainforest , Pasture , Artificial Turf , Baseball Park , Baseball Positions , College Softball , Pitch , Infielder , College Baseball , Pitcher , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Player , Football Player , Artistic Gymnastics , International Rules Football , Gymnastics , Catcher , Baseball Protective Gear , Throwing , Baseball Uniform , Space Station , Talent Show , Solar Energy , Comedy , Super Bowl , Blizzard , Light Commercial Vehicle , Hotel , Publication , Mo Ney , Cash , Currency , Banknote , Money Handling , Heat , Fast Food , Sandwich , Market , Supermarket , Street Food , Fried Food , Fried Chicken , Chicken Nugget , American Food , Crispy Fried Chicken , Mcdonalds Chicken Mcnuggets , Deep Frying , Chicken Meat , Karaage , Chicken Fingers , Comfort Food , Asian Food , Produce , Frying , Side Dish , European Food , Southern United States Food , Finger Food , Vegetable , Vegetarian Food , Supper , Southwestern United States Food , Superfood , Dinner , Buffet , French Fries , Appetizer , Dip , Steamed Rice , Thai Food , Staple Food , Scone , Polish Food , Eastern European Food , Pastry , Bakery , Kids Meal , Natural Foods , Local Food , Peach , Head Restraint , Chevrolet Uplander , Car Seat Cover , Nissan Quest , Tesla Model S , Ford Motor Company , Nissan Leaf , Volvo Cars , Volvo Xc90 , Peugeot 3008 , Volkswagen Touareg , Hyundai , Seat Belt , Baby Activity , Cactus , Bus Driver , Race Car , Formula One , Open Wheel Car , Formula One Car , Formula One Tyres , Formula Racing , Motorsport , Indycar Series , Racing , Auto Racing , Race Track , Sports Car Racing , Sports Prototype , Convertible , Mercedes Benz Sl Class , Mercedes Benz , Roadster , Porsche , Mercedes Benza Class , Mercedes Benze Class , Monochrome Photography , Monochrome , Moonlight , Mercedes Benzs Class , Mercedes Benz Cls Class , Mercedes Benzc Class , Hardtop , Rifle , Airsoft Gun , Air Gun , Assault Rifle , Hair Accessory , Honda Element , Kia Motors , Car Dealership , Kia Sportage , Makeover , Feathered Hair , Horse Racing , Bear , Grizzly Bear , Parliament , Bungee Jumping , Cable Car , Climbing , Rock Climbing , Bouldering , Rings , Pole Vault , Acrobatics , Abseiling , Wakeboarding , National Historic Landmark , Electronic Drum , Pianist , Bmw 3 Series E90 , Bmw 320 , Camera Lens , Cameras Optics , Camera , Lens , Digital Camera , Camera Accessory , Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Audi A5 , Audi Allroad , Center Console , Mazda3 , Reflex Camera , Rickshaw , Art Exhibition , Exhibition , Art Gallery , Museum , Paint , Grocery Store , Convenience Store , Customer , Aisle , Convenience Food , Outlet Store , Shopkeeper , Selling , Ball , Shopping , Marketplace , Shopping Cart , Street Fashion , Collection , Soft Drink , Inventory , Cola , Cookies And Crackers , Chocolate Chip Cookie , Cookie , Chocolate Chip , Gluten , Soda Bread , Breakfast Cereal , Cereal , Guitar , Acoustic Guitar , String Instrument , Plucked String Instruments , String Instrument Accessory , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Guitar Accessory , Slide Guitar , Cuatro , Tiple , Electric Guitar , Cooling Tower , Bandola , Bajo Sexto , Colorfulness , Bike , Office Chair , Major Appliance , Photocopier , Cabinetry , Hospital , Videoconferencing , Cutlery , Kitchen Knife , Belt , Corded Phone , Telephony , Telephone , Answering Machine , Desktop Computer , Training , Gopro , Tongue , Sports Uniform , Collar , Playground , Toy , Shorts , Outdoor Play Equipment , Carnivorous Plant , Nepenthes , Swing , Place Of Worship , Chapel , Cathedral , Basilica , Elder , Fire Station , Paramedic , Fire Marshal , Fireman , Non Commissioned Officer , Military Rank , Batman , Russell Terrier , Terrier , Fox Terrier , Whiskers , Jack Russell Terrier , Small Terrier , Border Terrier , Parson Russell Terrier , Kooikerhondje , Animal Shelter , Camera Operator , Ancient History , Classical Sculpture , Bronze Sculpture , National Monument , Carving , Cg Artwork , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Bronze , Wat , Good Friday , Fitness Professional , Exercise Equipment , Weightlifting , Weight Training , Plaster , Signaling Device , Track And Field Athletics , Water Park , Swimming Pool , Cheerleading , Public Utility , Pedestrian Crossing , Herbal , Herbaceous Plant , Phyllanthus Family , Superfruit , Clock , Home Accessories , Measuring Instrument , Speedometer , Cream , Art Model , Cityscape , Skyline , Overpass , Junction , Bridge , Track , Skyway , Dusk , Panorama , Unesco World Heritage Site , Village , Alley , Badlands , Butte , Formation , Sunset , Red Sky At Morning , Sunrise , Wadi , National Park , Canyon , Afterglow , Dawn , Plateau , Escarpment , Valley , Mountainous Landforms , Wilderness , Fault , Terrain , Cliff , Makhtesh , Depression , Outcrop , Bedrock , Sill , Mountain , Intrusion , Klippe , Grassland , Field , Prairie , Savanna , Highland , Natural Landscape , Farm , Hill Station , Plantation , Paddy Field , Mount Scenery , Agriculture , Celestial Event , Ridge , Fjord , Fell , Glacial Landform , Summit , Sound , Loch , Massif , Crater Lake , Reservoir , Lake District , Alps , Ice Cap , Bank , Inlet , Body Of Water , Glacial Lake , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Bay , Arctic Ocean , Waterfall , Watercourse , Rapid , Whitewater Kayaking , Stream , Winter Squash , Pumpkin , Tank Ship , Container Ship , Cargo Ship , Freight Transport , Tugboat , Floating Production Storage And Offloading , Harbor , Ocean Liner , Casino , Slot Machine , Vovinam , Trial , Camel , Camelid , Wildfire , Motocross , Freestyle Motocross , Theatre , Flag Day Usa , Memorial Day , Independence Day , Pool , Aquarium Lighting , Sleep , Mattress , Bedtime , Nap , Balloon , Gym , Medical Equipment , Medi Cal , Birth , Gridiron Football , Canadian Football , American Football , Arena Football , Football Gear , Rugby , Touchdown , Soccer , Six Man Football , Football Equipment , Football Helmet , Tackle , Hurdling , Football , Soccer Player , Referee , Kick , Forward , Soccer Ball , Goalkeeper , Twenty20 , Sailboat , Kindergarten , Kiss , Meat , Mexican Food , Brazilian Food , Bun , Bread Roll , Botany , Glove , Figurine , Home Door , Window Treatment , Door Handle , Emoticon , Eclipse , Corona , Elephants And Mammoths , Elephant , Horse , Rhinoceros , Stallion , Airport Terminal , Sail , Steeple , Mosque , Rocket , Missile , Obelisk , Space Shuttle , Dome , Stupa , Khanqah , Spire , Byzantine Architecture , Classical Architecture , Hot Air Ballooning , Aerostat , Mixing Console , Acrylic Paint , Denim , Handbag , Sandal , Bag , Luggage And Bags , Pocket , Linens , 5 Hour Energy , Distilled Beverage , Liqueur , Food Group , Energy Drink , Red Bull , Baggage , Backpack , Hand Luggage , Taxi , Cab Driver , Forde Series , Microvan , Gmc , Neon , Singing Bowl , Idiophone , Outdoor Grill , Barbecue , Picnic , Chest Of Drawers , Cupboard , Drawer , Filing Cabinet , Cardboard , Treadmill , Compact Van , Ford Transit , Wine , Wine Glass , Stemware , Cocktail , Whisky , Beer , Dreadlocks , Cool , Path , Range Rover , Hot Hatch , Fila Brasileiro , Tosa , Mitsubishi , Golfer , Professional Golfer , Lawn Game , Hickory Golf , Pitch And Putt , Volvo Xc70 , Wetsuit , Stage Equipment , Autocross , Rally Raid , Giraffe , Giraffidae , Scooter , All Terrain Vehicle , Motorcycle , Speedboat , Suzuki , Mini Suv , Boutique , Dry Cleaning , Bazaar , Closet , Tour Bus Service , Window Blind , Headquarters , Printer , Scientific Instrument , Automotive Exhaust , Exhaust System , Pipe , Billiards , Refrigerator , Cage , Middle Eastern Food , Greek Food , Mediterranean Food , Iranian Cuisine , Shrimp , Seafood , Tempura , Pakora , Bakwan , Japanese Cuisine , Fried Clams , Caridean Shrimp , Salad , Leaf Vegetable , Indonesian Food , Herb , Chinese Food , Diet Food , Perennial Plant , Cruciferous Vegetables , Broccoli , Legume , Laotian Cuisine , Vegan Nutrition , Risotto , à La Carte Food , Hamburger , Whopper , Breakfast Sandwich , Veggie Burger , Blt , Patty , Salmon Burger , Lettuce , Cheeseburger , Burger King Premium Burgers , Big Mac , Rou Jia Mo , Management , Armored Car , Korean Food , Meze , Halter , Mare , Mane , Mustang Horse , Rein , Bridle , Horse Tack , Horse Harness , Pack Animal , Steppe , Ranch , Animal Sports , Western Riding , Equestrianism , Horse Trainer , Livestock , Horse Supplies , Saddle , Herd , Bovine , Off Roading , Agricultural Machinery , Tractor , Off Road Vehicle , Cattle , Dairy Cow , Wetland , Tundra , Floodplain , Marsh , Bog , Pond , Tarn , Lacustrine Plain , Off Road Racing , Construction Equipment , Endurocross , Sofa Bed , Recliner , Loveseat , Airport , Pontiac G8 , Tesla , Acura , Acura Zdx , Acura Mdx , Honda City , Honda , Acura Tsx , Acura Tl , Acura Rdx , Honda Civic Hybrid , Acura Rl , Fog , Mist , Dust , Kitesurfing , Kite Sports , Sun , Backlighting , Road Trip , Wind Farm , Windscreen Wiper , Graphics Tablet , Honda Accord , Judo , Jujutsu , Japanese Martial Arts , Banquet , Rehearsal Dinner , Nissan Gt R , Bugatti Veyron , Bugatti , Drag Racing , Nissan , Honda Fit , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Beach , Mudflat , Drifting , Silhouette , Optical Instrument , Trailer , Enclosure , Tire Care , Tread , Synthetic Rubber , Hubcap , Automobile Repair Shop , Automotive Engine Part , Steering Part , Mountain Pass , Ravine , Moraine , Mountaineering , Crescent , Toyota , Mazda Mazda5 , Toyota Venza , Land Rover Discovery , Land Rover , Ford Flex , Ford Expedition , Rolls Royce , Volvo V70 , Cadillac , Cadillac Dts , Volvo C30 , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Labrador Retriever , Golden Retriever , Drawing , Comfort , Chiropractor , Stop Sign , Bowling , Pilot , Crew , Recreational Fishing , Fishing Rod , Hobby , Fly Fishing , Casting Fishing , Newspaper , Comic Book , Book , Cue Stick , Crumble , Cherry Pie , Streusel , Pie , Strawberry , Strawberries , Streuselkuchen , Red Hair , Popcorn , Tints And Shades , Food Court , Macaroni And Cheese , Hard Hat , Construction Worker , Blue Collar Worker , Construction , Engineer , Bricklayer , Scaffolding , Tool , Sewing Machine , Aquarium , Reef , Coral Reef , Marine Invertebrates , Coral , Coral Reef Fish , Echinoderm , Anemone Fish , Seahorse , Invertebrate , Syngnathiformes , Freshwater Aquarium , Cephalopod , Octopus , Giant Pacific Octopus , Crab , Decapoda , Molluscs , Dragon , Extinction , Starfish , Dinosaur , Peking Opera , Drama , Party Supply , Cellular Network , Bedroom , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Kia Sephia , Cottage , Flowering Plant , Rose , Rose Family , Garden Roses , Rosales , Wildflower , Malvales , Annual Plant , Orchid , Moth Orchid , Violet Family , Seed Plant , Sweet Peas , Mallow Family , Viola , Peony , Cattleya , Creative Arts , Porch , Whippet , Reptile , Crustacean , Motorcycle Helmet , Mouse , Outer Space , Turquoise , Brain , Trade , Reading , Toy Block , Baby Products , Gingerbread , Homework , Sibling , Daughter , Family Pictures , Infant Bed , Nursery , Centrepiece , Bmw 335 , Bmw Z4 , Bmw Z3 , Aston Martin Rapide , Bmw 7 Series , Lexus Gs , Lexus Is , Fender , Bicycle Part , Bicycle Frame , Bicycle Wheel , Bmw 1 Series E87 , Bmw X5 E53 , Volkswagen , Recruiter , Diamond , Gemstone , Wallet , Tattoo , Insect , Moths And Butterflies , Perfume , Cosmetics , Lavender , Lamiales , Trophy , Award , Pen , Ball Pen , Fountain Pen , Ipad , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Fluid , Rapper , Cheering , Marching , Penguin , Sled Dog , Flightless Bird , Working Animal , Rebellion , Marching Band , Triathlon , Middle Ages , Commemorative Plaque , Palace , Courthouse , University , Official Residence , Campus , Seat Of Local Government , Vitis , Lacrosse , Stick And Ball Sports , Stick And Ball Games , Rugby League , Cnidaria , Filling Station , Coffee , Barista , Cappuccino , Pottery , Espresso , Cup , Latte , Blouse , Dietary Supplement , Liquid , Juice , Dairy , Afro , Cornrows , Sketch , Garage , Limousine , Ford Escape , Ford Edge , Saturn Vue , Forklift Truck , Warehouseman , Moisture , Incandescent Light Bulb , New Years Eve , Universe , New Year , Fireworks , Diwali , Christmas Lights , Christmas , Christmas Decoration , Christmas Tree , Fête , Glitter , Christmas Ornament , Bling , Gold , Meditation , Yoga , Dancer , Wig , Lace Wig , Actors , Nissanx Trail , Nissan Qashqai , Mazda Cx 5 , Mazda Cx 9 , Mazda Cx 7 , World Rally Car , Rallycross , Suzuki Kizashi , Toyota Aurion , Toyota Avensis , Nissan Altima , Nissan Sentra , Railway , High Speed Rail , Train , Guard Rail , Trailer Truck , Cargo , Chemistry , Vending Machine , Ford Ecosport , Mini Mpv , Hero , Kayak , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Welsh Corgi , German Shepherd Dog , Siberian Husky , Shiba Inu , Fighter Pilot , Gauge , Tachometer , Odometer , Trip Computer , Hardware , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Moon , Microwave Oven , Granola , Toyota Sienna , Academic Dress , Satellite Radio , Sugar Paste , Fondant , Mitsubishi Pajero , Porsche Cayenne , Mazda , Hyundai Veracruz , Buick Enclave , Mirror , Buick Regal , Buick , Audi A6 , Audi A4 , Buick Lacrosse , Lincoln Mkx , Lincoln Motor Company , Lincoln Mkt , Lancia Ypsilon , Buick Verano , Ford Focus , Cadillac Cts V , Cadillac Srx , Fordc Max , Hyundai I30 , Hyundai Veloster , Opel Mokka , Opel , Seat Ibiza , Kia Carens , Mecca , Fluvial Landforms Of Streams , Tributary , Canal , Powerboating , Christmas Eve , Yorkshire Terrier , Felidae , Basenji , Australian Terrier , Norwich Terrier , Cairn Terrier , Guard Dog , Military Camouflage , Canis , Pony , Wolfdog , Obedience Training , Cat , Nativity Scene , Aircraft Engine , Circus , Fitness And Figure Competition , Compound Bow , Grilling , Coach , Volkswagen Golf , Volkswagen Polo , Volkswagen Gti , Volkswagen Tiguan , Volkswagen Polo Gti , Volkswagen Golf Mk6 , Citroën , Hydrogen Vehicle , Toyota Prius , Peugeot , Dungeon , Clock Tower , Mime Artist , Goth Subculture , Bodybuilding , Inflatable , Playground Slide , Ice Rink , Sun Tanning , Energy Bar , Confectionery , Coupon , Milkshake , Iced Coffee , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Frappé Coffee , Smoothie , Irish Cream , Health Shake , Hot Chocolate , Frozen Dessert , Ice Cream , Gelato , Mousse , Apple , Mobile Phone Accessories , Bake Sale , Present , Petit Four , Hamper , Batida , Aguas Frescas , Italian Soda , Slush , Strawberry Juice , Motorcycling , Auto Race , Robot , Radio Controlled Toy , Motorcycle Speedway , Dishwasher , Concrete Mixer , Humvee , Vintage Car , Kia Sorento , Canary , Bird Supply , Stitch , Diaper Bag , Shoulder Bag , Landscape Lighting , Chevrolet Astro , Mercedes Benz Sprinter , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Dodge , Dodge Ram Van , Fordf Series , Fordf 550 , Shipping Container , Railroad Car , Digital Clock , Alarm Clock , Strength Training , Swiss Ball , Pda , Air Sports , Combat Sport , Boxing , Lucha Libre , Automotive Parking Light , Coffeehouse , Washing Machine , Clothes Dryer , Laundry , Camouflage , Waste , Dollar , Still Life , Baby Shower , Graphics Software , Typing , Headpiece , Caving , King Crab , Fisheye Lens , Town Square , Flea Market , Stall , Fair , Hawker , Roasting , Barbecue Chicken , Ribs , Tandoori Chicken , Churrasco Food , Steak , Beef , Pork Steak , Pork , Pork Chop , Spare Ribs , Carnival , Pan Frying , Curry , Eggplant , Braising , Portuguese Food , Model Car , Supermini , Toyota Auris , Jeep , Jeep Trailhawk , Jeep Commander Xk , Book Cover , Dodge Nitro , Jeep Compass , Jeep Liberty , Toyota Land Cruiser , Toyota Land Cruiser Prado , Chevrolet Hhr , Toy Vehicle , Muscle Car , Bentley , Honeymoon , Romance , Mansion , Villa , Hacienda , Manor House , Château , Farmhouse , Historic House , Hardware Accessory , Sari , Ritual , Wedding , Drums , Membranophone , Elliptical Trainer , Tapestry , Ford Five Hundred , Santa Claus , Projection Screen , Muesli , Transparent Material , Eyelash Extensions , Coat , Japanese Idol , Cosmetic Dentistry , Aurora , Racket , Tennis Player , Tennis Court , Tennis Equipment , Soft Tennis , Net Sports , Real Tennis , Tennis Ball , Heptathlon , Decathlon ,

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