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[National Anthem] hello, and good morning. Its saturday, the 23rd of april, 2016. Im anna kooiman. This is fox news alert. Search in ohio after a killing spree left eight people dead. Brand new details breaking overnight. Then, donald trump the undeniable frontrunner for the g. O. P. Nomination today Reince Priebus pushes back. We arent going to hand the nomination to anyone with a plurality no matter how close they get to 1237 you need a majority. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Never heard that before. The brand new numbers and backlash. Its all happening today. We have the latest. Thats going to be interesting today if you are donald trump. Democrats cheered when Hillary Clinton requested to release wall street speeches. Look, i made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what i thought. I answered questions. Did you have to be paid 675,000 . Well, i dont know. Thats what they offered. I know the feeling. Turns out its not what they offered because while her speeches might be locked in a vault, her list of demands somehow got out. We will share them because mornings remain better with friends, even weekend mornings. Everybody was kung fu fighting. Those chicks were fast as lightning. The moves that Everybody Needs to know. Also, its National Picnic day. We were having a spring party in the plaza. If you are in new york city come down and join us. A little violent broken out there. Its okay. Its controlled. That was lead form of seems to be mixed martial arts. Its a way to be lethal by the end of this 5 to 7 hour show. We can learn. Its only four hours. Dont add more. It could be more. We could learn the discipline to survive the streets in midtown manhattan. Chairman in de blasio age. It might be tough. Start with the head lions. We have a fox news alert. Massive hunt is on for deadly killer wanted for a string of brurettle murders. Eight family members, including a 16yearold boy shot in the head execution style in four different homes. Police in pike county, hio, are interviewing dozens of people trying to learn the identity of the shooter and saying there may be more than one killer on the run. At least two babies and one toddler survived. The youngest baby only four days home was found in bed next to her mothers body. The body of music legend prince is back with his family this morning. An autopsy is complete. It could take weeks before we know the exact cause of death. There were no obvious signs of trauma on the body at all. We have no reason to believe at this point that this was a suicide. This a tragedy for all of us. Prince was found dead in an elevator of his minnesota estate on wednesday. Fans gathering there with balloons and flowers to pay their respects. There are reports prince may have overdosed just days before his death on pain pills. A full toxicology scan will likely take several weeks. More than 500 pounds of dangerous explosives stolen from a Freight Train. Now the feds are trying to find out where they went. Atf official tells fox news commercial grade fireworks were on a train heading from chicago to detroit. Investigators say they may have been stolen during a stop in ohio and pose a great risk to the public. So far there are no signs this is terror related. And the standoff is over, my friend. Kelli ripa returning to live next week. Late last night she told her staff, quote, i wanted to thank you all to give me the time to process this new information. We are a family and i lock forward to seeing you all on tuesday morning. Ripa called out from work twice this week after cohost Michael Strahan announced he is leaving to anchor good morning america. She allegedly felt blindsided by the move. Those are your head line. Second time cohost didnt tell her he was leaving. Im fascinated by this story. Why . My life is empty. Thats not really how you should behave. You are letting your viewers down. Maybe she was needed Mental Health. I show up to work no matter who is sitting in that seat. You show up anyway. Yeah if you are here. Just gives me a woman and guy and you are happy. How many times you have said that, tucker . You are too fast for me in the morning. I need a cup of blends. Let me tell you what else we have for you. One last call for unity. Listen to this. Rnc chair Reince Priebus calling politics a team sport. Telling the party get behind whoever is the nominee as long as they reach the threshold for delegates. Two. Two new polls could break the Republican Party nomination. Steve harrigan is on the phone this morning. In florida ended up with the rnc chairman cautiously urging the delegates to do what they could to support the eventual nominee of the party, even if that means getting behind donald trump. Flrnl the sooner republicans unite, the sooner we will show america we are the only party ready to lead the course direction america is waiting for. [ applause ] donald trump was the only no show among the republican candidates that still remain at these meetings in florida. Instead, he was out on the campaign trail where part of his stump speech now includes a bit about bashing the republican primary process. Calling it over and over again a rigged system. Instead, he left it up to his subordinates his team here in florida trying to make the case to the delegates that eventually mr. Trump would change his tone to be one thats more president ial and that the Trump Campaign would be ready to work closely with the Republican Leadership general campaign. Back to you in new york. All right. Steve harrigan, live for us in miami you may remember when this whole controversy over clintons speeches famous speech to goldman saks began when she was asked this town hall question. Watch. This a couple weeks ago you were calling for senator sanders to release his tax returns, which he did. And you were calling for more transparency. So, in the sake of transparency and being fair, are you going to release your wall street well, thats a good question. Its a very fair question and let me answer it this way. I have released 33 years of tax returns and you go k. Go to my website and see the last eight years of my tax returns. Now, there is a new request to release transcripts of speeches that have been given when everybody agrees to do that i will as well. Because i think its important we all abide by the same standards. So lets do the tax return standard first because thats been around for a really long time. Hillary clinton is likely to be the nominee for the democratic party. Senator sanders has exposed weak points with this, calling her to release the transcripts when her numbers for honesty and trustworthy. Unbelievable. Trying to say that bernie sanders who released his tax returns already, him releasing his tax returns him only doing a couple years her doing 33 years has anything to do with the text in speeches. Bottom line is Bernie Sanders made this about receipt wall street. Supposedly antiwall street. You must know those transcripts must contain lavish words and phrases about wall street. Why else would Goldman Sachs be writing checks like that. That is a great question. By the way, she is making this about sexism, of course, only im being asked to meet this standard to. Answer your question why were they paying her over 200 grand per speech to hear nothing but benaltses a. P. Found. This federal records show almost all of the trade associations, and other groups who paid for and sponsored clintons speeches have sought to influence the government while clinton herself when secretary of state. Its influence buying. Thats why it matters. She speaks to the National Association of realtors. They spend 38. 5 million on government contracts. So, did the contracts have anything to do with her years as secretary of state . Was it quid propro . I dont know. By owe tech industry, pharmaceuticals, obviously, they spend between 7 and 8 million annually on lobbying, get 335 for a speech. Why do they need that much money . Because they are greedy, thats why. They are paid hundreds of millions of dollars. I know they have to pay their bills because when they came out of white house they were dead broke. Remember back in february when Hillary Clinton was on the debate staining and said this . Take a listen. You made three speeches for Goldman Sachs you were paid 675,000 for three speeches. Was a mistake . Was that a bad error in judgment . Look, i made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what i thought. I answered questions. But did you have to be paid 67 a thousand dollars . Well, i dont know. Thats what they offered. Thats what they offered. Thats not what she demanded. However, this seems to be commonplace for her. Old hat for her. We have learned from the Associated Press that there is a writer that the clinton team had that had a gulf stream 450. First class tickets for staff. President ial suite three rooms. All local transportation and meals and personal stenographer. No media was allowed inside. The staff would confiscate phones from audience members. Whats so disgusting is she wasnt just giving money to Goldman Sachs, she is giving speeches to public universities at a time when people are deep in debt with Student Loans and she is taking hundreds of thousands from public universities when she knew she was running for president. Why didnt someone on her staff stop her. Not only talking about Student Loans and average american worried about affording College Costs and wondering why they are too expensive. She is running on that college is too expensive. Closer and closer to Bernie Sanders Higher Education should be free. One example of one client that said this is what they put. This is what they put in their riders in order to get her to speak at that school. Also, keep in mind, too. That the stenographer that was present would provide the transcripts to her but not back to the university. So she she might have the only copy of some of these speeches. The stories like, this its going to be a tough fall for Hillary Clinton in the general election. Really the one way you can be certain that your candidate wins is if you change the composition of the voter roles. How do you do that. Governor of virginia found a slick way to do it by executive order. Terry mcauliff the governor of the commonwealth of virginia has included 200,000 new voters on voter rolls. Who are they . Convicted felons. Look how close the election was in virginia back last time around in 2012. 50. 8 of the vote went to obama, 47. 8 went to romney. There was a difference in just about 115,000 votes. Yeah. So, if you put and by the way just tell that to ed gillespie who was almost the next senator from virginia and he only lost by a few, i think about 20 or 30,000 votes. It was up in the air it was too close to call. But Terry Mcauliff doing this by executive order allowing felons to vote assumes that a lot of the felons will be voting democrat. He also went on to say and Hillary Clinton came out and tweeted this. Proud of my friend governor of virginia for continuing to break down barriers to voting. So, barriers to voting. He also went on to say that the state of virginia has a history of not allowing making it difficult for africanamericans to vote. Thats assuming that africanamericans are felons . Lets remember these convicted felons as we are calling them, they have already served their sentences. Theyre out. They are done. They have served their time. Are they reformed . And is this part of the reforms to the Justice System and penal system or is this a timing a little bit curious. Im all for people reforming. But voting is an act that effects me more than any other act. You are choosing my president and government. If they are reformed and ready to participate. Why havent they gun rights to be restored . If you are not allowed to be go hunting, why are you allow to do pick my president . I notice that nobody is calling for their gun rights to be restored. I wonder why. Thats true. That might be another thing for people to bring up next week. Do you think . No one will ever bring that up. I will keep hitting it though. Coming up the indiana primary may be Donald Trumps opponents l. S. U. Chance to keep him from the nomination. Do the opponents have the stop him. Brand new fox news polls in that state. Well bring them to you next. Remember the drunk doctor who went after beating up uber driver. Seriously, get some help. There is the video. 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Here to weigh in is radio talk show host tony cats. Tony, this is a stunner. Donald trump expected to do poorly there like he did in wisconsin, suddenly is up in indiana . What happened . Well, i dont think we have an answer yet to whats happened because i dont know if this poll is going to stick. Youve got the fox poll you are talking about 41 to 33 . Then you go to the whr poll and poll in indianapolis you are 37 31 . You are six point spread. You if you are trump i dont think you rest easy on 6 or 7 point spread here. He has had opportunities in michigan and kentucky, for example, where he underperformed his leads. He still won, lets be clear. He can win here but those leads of a 7 point lead is something that can be taken away over the course of the next week. It can be name recognition more than reality and voting reality. The socalled experts say lookout, is he not going to could well in nebraska. Is he going to struggle in the northwest. Is he going to have trouble in california and the polls look strong. Going to be a tough haul. Well, all we know about connecticut, delaware, maryland, pennsylvania, and rhode island he is going to do well. Then he has additional momentum may 3rd. If he takes indiana without the governors endorsement, i think he is going to be extremely tough to stop. Thats true, brine. Brian. Many im with you there 37 delegates. Three delegates per the nine congressional districts that we have here. So, if he can get a popular vote victory thats 30 delegates thats going to be a nice swing for him as he goes through the rest. If you are kasich and if you are cruz and cruz still has real fighting shots here, you have two choices. Can you either play the game for that popular vote or you are playing a delegate map that says how much can i grab and can i concentrate in certain specific congressional districts. Tony, how strong is the stop Trump Movement there and what do you think your callers are saying when they get on your show, the people of i cant indiana what they ex. Louder pal pit palpable stop trump is not real here. There is no cruz hate here. This is a state trying to figure it out. And in this state you have to think of north indiana, Northern Indiana and Southern Indiana differently than central indiana. And you have to really run a threestate strategy in one in order to do well. Its just how indiana is built. As for what the people are saying when they call me on wibc. Com. Its a mix. Have you trump haters. You have trump lovers. People get angry with me if im not engijed in multiple platitude or people happy with me hit something well on this talking point or that talking point. Indiana has a lot of we have a long way to go. Its only 9 days or so. Those nine days are going to make a huge difference. Tony, we all know you dont care if people are mad at you that means they are listening and they care. They are passionately listening. Tony, thanks for joining us this morning. Tony katz on the ground in indiana. Video shocking. The cairo patrol car tore cracking the back of a 4yearold baby. Extend her a little bit to get it in the right place. [baby crying] the video posted online sparking wrought rage beings next bess expert agrees with this practice. Nor on that in a moment be the new 2016 nissan altima. Built to stand out. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing the usaa car buying app iwas really helpful. Aa all the information was laid out right there. It makes your life so much easier when you have to purchase a car, so ive been telling everybody. Save on your next car with usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. Youto get the help yourefar looking for. Thats why at xfinity were opening up more stores closer to you. Where you can use all of our latest products and technology. And find out how to get the most out of your service. So when you get home, all you have to do is enjoy it. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Well, good morning, quick headlines for you, the Justice Department finally gets access to a locked iphone link to do a new York City Drug king pin without help from the court. Thats because unidentified person just handed over the pass code. That wasnt hard. The doj had been trying for months to get apple to unlock that phone with a court order but apple refused. U. S. Army captain bradley grim received a top order from stopping what would have been who are risk terror attack. Isis plan to do target school children in denmark but they didnt get a chance thanks to captain grim. He uncovered using intelligence program. Anna. All right, tucker. Shocking new video show as chiropractor newborn babys back. Get it in the right place. [baby crying] well, this baby was onlyfourg from colic. And the patient were looking for anything to try and help. Now, parents online and many in the medical world are up in arms about using that kind of treatment on infants. All right. Here to weigh in on what some are saying is controversy. Dr. Tim bain who uses this very med at his clinic bain complete wellness. Dr. Bain, are you surprised about the outrage and how would you define what is taking place there . Surprised, brian . No im not surprised by it you see it all the time. Any time somebody posts it on the internet with adjustment. I think the sounds are pretty vicious and, you know, i cringe when i hear that video a little bit. So, you know, although i practice chiropractic adjustments on babies, im a little less forceful and i think there is a lot to be said for doing them. I get the outrage. Dr. Bain what i find a little weird about this as far as i know there is no real Scientific Consensus what colic is we know what the no senses what the cause is a treatment like, this i mean, how do we know it works . Right, well, thats absolutely true, tucker. Nobody really knows what causes colic. And colic is really defined by crying episodes and stressed babies and we think that there may be something to do with gas in the intestine. Publes. The medical treatment is really accept chiropractor there are five or six treatments shows its better than the semecone. There is research out there. Not double blinded pier review people are looking for in the medical profession. Extremely hard to do that with some sort of therapy. Doctor, critics of this chiropractor, you know, they might think he is a quackopractor and stigma attached sometimes. Colic, isnt that something that infants often grow out of anyway . This infant was only four days old. What do you say to that. Colic is about 40 of babies grow out of it within the first three months of life. If you are a parent and ever had a colicky baby you will do anything to get them to stop. I have seen this happen a lot and parents bring in babies and truthfully the adjustment does work. It works really well with calming bebs. I think it works because you are affecting and activating nerves in the spine that are changing the stress modes of the baby and when the baby becomes less stressed, mom becomes less stressed and then everything starts to kind of wind down a little bit from there. Dr. Bain, lets back up a second. Whats the noise we hear and do you believe that adjustments help you stay cealthy . Yeah. The noise you hear is gas being released in the joint. Fairly normal thing. You hear it when you crk your knuckles. You do things like that. You are not cracking the back per se. What you are doing is creating motion where there is decreased motion. The spine is a joint. So its meant to move. Right . And really what you are looking for is just create a little bit of motion where there is decreased motion. And does it help in lots of different things. Studies show adjustments increase your immune response. In sports i work a lot in sports. You will see most professional athletes are using this to increase their performance. We know that it does decrease your cortisol level. So for those kind of things i think you can effect the stress response in a baby and that may be part of the reason why it works. I will tell you, we had it with two of our kids had a lot of congestion. One had asthma as a child. Found out it worked unbelievablably getting adjustments. Not four days but probably beginning four and six weeks. Im firmly in the column its good for you. Me, too brian. My kids both get adjusted. Theyre both athletes. But they dont get sick like other kids. And i think you know, people say its the lifestyle that they live. Part of that is the adjustment and thats just placebo. Im all for that placebo because my kid doesnt get sick. Any parent looks at that and says it works. Dr. Tim bain. Thank you. Thanks, guys, i appreciate it. Swear by it too. It isnt bones. You are getting adjusted a phrase i have used in different contexts. Donald trump outraged over the internet. I called up the guys checking in my car where are you from . Im from india. Great, thank you. Thats all i need. Wow. Shocking. Can you believe he said that . Do you even care . We will tell you what happened. We report. You decide. Terrifying video as a boat full of tourist sninks a matter seconds with more than 100 people on board. [screaming] its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Hey, friends, good morning, 34 minutes after the hour on your saturday morning. Donald trump has been raked over the coals on social media for saying this. You decide if you think its racist or not. Do you ever call up on your credit card. You want to find out your credit card. Guess what . You are talking to a person from india. You say how the hell does that work . I called up under the devise im checking on my card. Say where are you from . We are from india. Oh, great. Thats wonderful. Thank you very much. Thats all i need. People have been saying nasty things about him for saying that. Talking about outsourcing and how companies too it and government shouldnt be letting them do it. But he also thinks they also should be looking at companies and say why are they doing it . They are doing it to save money. Up the dividend rate. That was not an imitation or an insult in my humble opinion of anyone who is indian. But here are the facts. Of course its legitimate outsource something a real conversation wherever you stand ton it mimicking someones accent is not an act of racism. If i mimic your australian or indian accent is not racist because i mimic your race. We are crazy town. This whole country has gone bonkers on racism question. Where something i dont like is racist. Thats absurd. Not racist to mock or mimic or joke about someones accent. Even trolls on social media are out there to find some sort of headline. If you watch the video, its not bad. Its not just to find a head lion. People disagree with to shut up there is a reason for. This they are trying to sketch debate. They dont want to hear the other side and call names. You are a racist be quiet. Thats the point. Remember when joe biden was trying to become president of the United States when he was still running, he was ad libbing which oftentimes brings controversy. Remember, he said this in 2006. In delaware, the largest growth in population is indian american, moving from india. You cannot go to a 7 11 or duncan donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. Wow. Joe biden is a threat to society. I mean, like thats hilarious. By the way, truth is a defense. I mean, 7 11 running not a bad thing a good thing. Long island to new york city as well. Thats not a bad thing. What if they were british or australian. Im married to australian. I hope you never mimic his accent. Im sure she doesnt. 36 minutes after the hour. We do have stories making headlines. We will start with this one. Isis is trying to come in to the United States through mexico. Are ollie omar trying to join a terrorist group wanted to open up smuggling route from syria through our southern border. He then tell isis how he did it so fighters could use that exact same route to get into the United States to carry out terrorist attacks. Terrifying moments on the open sea. A tourist poet sinks near costa rica and its all captured on a students go pro camera. [screams] well, the boat tips over in rough waters. Sending nearly 100 tourists overboard. Passengers screaming for help as they float in the middle of the ocean. [screaming] well, it happened back in january of 2015 but the video is has just now surfaced online three people including one american were killed. The rest were rescued, unfortunately. Miami doctor is now out of a job. She was caught on camera hitting and berating an uber driver blackback in january. Oh, yeah. Let him go. Call 911. Seriously . Yeah, seriously. Get some help. Well, after the video went viral, the fourth year neurology resident was placed on administrative leave although she was fired from Jackson Health system she still is entitled to an appeals process. And those are your news headlines. All right, rick. Whats going on out there in the weather world out on our plaza. Good morning. Beautiful day, really, for almost everybody across the country today. And i tell you what. Big changes coming up this week. A lot of Severe Weather to talk about and summer across the southeast. Take a look at the map and show you what im talking about this morning as you are waking up. Here are your terms. Not that bad. Warm and muggy across the east. Little bit chillier across the up of michigan. That far Northern Tier of the country is going to be dealing with colder air this week. You see this rain that we have across the east . It is mostly gone. What is starting out as a bit of a foggy morning across the southeast be careful on the roads and some scattered showers across parts of the northeast. That will be out of here by kind of midmorning and then we will clear things out pretty nicely. The west, a little system moving in here. Tomorrow it will bring Severe Weather across parts of the Central Plains but a different system is going to bring a big chance of Severe Weather on tuesday. We will be talking a lot about that this weekend. Biggest Severe Weather day that we have talked about so far this year. Including tornadoes. All right. Go back towards the manhattan and northeast. Watch how that storm gets out of here by midmorning. And really pretty nice day is setting up. Cooler air coming in for tomorrow. Get outside and enjoy today. All right, guys. Send it over to you. Thanks a lot, rick. We appreciate it time to get to cooking and enjoying whats going on in the remember van enter it is National Picnic day. I think its time, erika, show us something perfect for a picnic. Hi, how are you . I actually took her cooking class this week how to cook thin. How was it . Amazing. I wish we could have had leftovers. Student in my class. It was so funny. Its almost summer. Its time to start grilling. National picnic day. You want things that you can take with you light, fresh, easy. This is grilledally flower. We will make this grilledally flower salad. Slice it up sort of into stakes straight up and down, throw them on the ground and get it on the grill. Grapes are picnic food. Kind of in between that fruit season. Winter is over but not into the berries this is the star trek cut it gives a little bit of crunch, i guess without having something very caloric. Slice it then it becomes thunder pause celery can become fibrous. Pickled ravens. Very easy to make. Salt, sugar, a little bit of scallion there. Who wants to do the honors . Im doing a little bit of toss . Just a little toss. And that is your finished product. I also like to use these, the celery leaves. Now, that is the finished product. The salad right there. Do you have meat here, chicken. Do i have meat. Some people want a Little Something more substantial. You want some protein or want to make it portable. How do you make chicken salad. Rotisserie chicken from the store and little bit of feta to bring it together. Scoop it right in. There scoop it right in those little buns. What are these . These look delicious. They are buns. Can you put it between your little buns, tucker . You like that . A lot of practice. I always wonder, you know, what the food rules are to make sure that nobody gets sick. If the mayonnaise could go bag bad. Thing about mayonnaise is actually not true. I keep buying discount mayonnaise. We have to get through this. Drop your sandwich. Drop your buns. This is a cold summer soup right into the vitamix. We have cucumber and more grapes. What about these . Almonds, chuck them in there and garlic. Throw in some olive oil. Vita mixer. Could you put them in a questions quisinart. Happens so quickly. So quick. Look at that. No water or milk in that. No, because the cucumbers are so use juicy. Actually, i was skeptical, this is delicious. Its so good. Creamy. Thanks so much. I feel like its summer. You have made our day better. Thank you. Shell be back later in the show to show some ideas tucker. Ert. What do we have. Any of the plans proposed by the president ial candidates put more money into your wallet . We have got the answer coming up. And here is one way to fit into a compact parking spot. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. My mmade a simple trip toonic the grocery storesis anything but simple. So i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. A shocking new study from the Federal Reserve system reveals that nearly half of americans, 47 are working paycheck to paycheck and have no reserve money at all. They say they would have trouble finding just 400 on a days notice to pay for any kind of emergency. Which candidate could change that. Peter more moreci joins us. This is a stunning statistic and suggests that real economic certainty is not defined to the bottom. Middle class cant come up with 400 bucks on a days notice. Does this shock you . It didnt at all. I see how people spend their money. They spend it very aggressively. And they dont put anything aside. Also, wages have been stagnant and your typical middle class family is becoming untypical. More and more people are falling out of the middle class because they simply dont earn very much. You never hear anybody mention, rarely, the effect of Credit Card Debt on the average family. Why is that . I think its so easy to use and so many people use it credit cards are a sound way of managing money if you are generally make your payment in full at the end of the month. But too many people check the box, make the minimum payment and then basically fall into debt servitude to the large banks and they never really get out. That seems like a looming crisis to me, not just federal debt but personal debt seems so big that were going to have to face that at some point. Which of the president ial candidates has a realistic plan for addressing it, if any . Well, they all talk about doing something about trade, other than cruz. I think thats very important. Because one of the reasons that incomes have been falling so rapidly is because of international trade. We have had lousy trade agreements. They have driven down wages. You know, the mainstream economists say that free trade is always good. Thats like saying vitamin c is always good. If i give you 10,000 units a day, you will get sick. Right. So its not a matter of being against free trade. But of adjusting or maybe enforcing our trade agreements in a way that benefits american workers. Is that what you are saying . Exactly. We probably have four million fewer jobs because of our trade with china and other asian nation because they dont let in our products but we let in theirs. If that were fixed trade would be great and wages would rise and americans would have more money. Even though they have more money they still have to spend it more prudently. So many families own a Ford Explorer when a ford escape would could them just as well. They have to get rid of spending to the limit and not worrying about tomorrow. Most people would handle that 400 emergency boy putting it on their credit card. Sooner or later we have another recession. We always do. Like we have another 25inch blizzard sooner or later. They are not prepared and we get a wave of bankruptcies. Every Government Official i have heard is encouraging the spend as much on goods. They want people to borrow money to get the economy going rather than fix whats broken structurally. Argument going around among the elites that the governments should borrow and spend more as a way of jump starting the economy. Havent we been trying that since 2008 . There are really fundamental structural problems been imposed by government, limb tapings on growth. Economy has been growing at less than 2 a year in this century. Reagans era, 4 a year. It seems like mass insanity to me. Peter, its great to see you this morning. Thanks a lot for doing that. Take care. Jesse watters is coming up with his confrontation with the reverend al sharpton. He will tell us how that went down. Martial arts moves that anyone can do to fend off even the strongest attackers. We will show you what they are. Everhas a number. Olicy but not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. For those whove served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. I could get used to this. Now you can, with the luxuriously transformed 2016 lexus es and es hybrid. Great time for a shiny floor wax, no . Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. Hi, everyone, good morning, been practicing martial arts since he was six. Now he has three minutes to turn us into black belt. Master Tony Morrison joins us now with the selfdefense moves you need to protect yourself. Great to see you. Krav maga you were just telling us Israeli Defense force came up with this. Whats the idea behind it. Basically its movements that are your natural movements all the techniques are based but highly aggressive. And its about really protecting yourself and being very agreaive when you are attacked. So much is knowing about your surroundings and try not to get into the situations. If you do tell us how to get out of it. Somebody is pulling me by the arm. Demonstrate on person. Grabbing her by the arm. Got you there at the end. Animal. Someone is grabbing you and pulling you are not going to resist. You are going to inclination is to go away. Realize that the threat is there and then go for it punch right to the face. Oh, good and more spawm strikes. Give me mean striction there krav maga groin techniques are very important. Why an open palm. Its thats a great question. Because if you are not used to making punches, the metacarpals in your hand are very easy to break. Its easier for you to use the heel of your palm. Less injury. Get into a conversation you dont have to worry about. How much force can you put behind that. As much force as you do with a regular, using the heal of the palm going for the soft spot in the face. So im going to push you back. Right arm up. Rotate your body good. Now my hand now started attacking me. Pow pow pow pow. You have to make sure you attack. Good, good. There is no chance you are getting mugged in new york. Tony, you are the best. Its amazing and highly aggressive. We can attest to that we have got a lot more coming up. Meanest mom in the world confiscate her kids ice cream. We will tell you why she did it stay tuned. How much do Donald Trumps haters really know about their cause . He says that he is going to make muslims register. How would you defeat isis . I would build hospitals and schools. That makes sense. Jesse watters live next hour. Dont go anywhere. [vet] two yearly physicals down. Martha and mildred are good to go. Heres your invoice, ladies. A few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. It might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office. Or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer, but. I wouldnt have it any other way. Look at that, i had my best month ever. And earned a shiny new office upgrade. I run on quickbooks. Thats how i own it. Wrely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United states Postal Service priority you what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. Truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is truecar. Hey, everybody, good morning. Saturday, the 23rd of april, 2016. Im anna kooiman. This is a fox news alert. The hunt for a killer now underway in ohio. After a killing spree that left 8 people from the same family dead execution style. The brand new details breaking overnight. And why was al sharpton caught on tape threatening cops . I just want to do ask you, crackers and off pigs. Would you like to apologize for that . You dont have footage saying that. Actually we dont have footage. Proof and sharptons excuse. Shilling was fired for espn Facebook Post against the bathroom bill. But that hasnt stopped the former all star from speaking his mind. Because what he is saying this morning he may be out of a job and definitely fired up. So are you because mornings are better with friends. Hey, everybody, welcome in to fox friends. Brian kilmeade in the house. Im privileged he to be here especially on picnic day. We have a chance to speak to one of foxs premier talents. Jesse watters is waiting. He is joining us. He is itching to get on. Inching ever closer. This is a fox news alert. A desperate manhunt is on. Cold blooded killer wanted for a string of brutal murders. Eight family members including 16yearold boy shot in the head execution style in four different homes. Police in pike county, ohio, are interviewing dozen of people trying to learn thentityd saying there may be more than one killer on the run. At least two babies and one toddler survived. The youngest baby only four days old was found in bed next to her mothers body. And the body of music legend prince is back with his family this morning. Autopsy is now complete. It could take weeks before we know the exact cause of death. There were no obvious signs of trauma on the body at all. We have no reason to believe at this point that this was a suicide. This is a tragedy for all of us. Prince was found dead in an elevator of his minnesota estate on wednesday. Fans gathering there with balloons and flowers to pay their finals are. This are reports prince may have overdosed just days before his death on pain pills. A full toxicology scan will likely take several weeks. And president Obama Holding strong to his opinion that the uk should stay a part of the european union. Speaking in london, he warned of economic fallout if voters choose to leave. Part of being friends is to be honest. And to let you know what i think. And speaking honestly, the outcome of that decision is a matter of deep interest to the United States because it effects our prospects as well. But it wasnt all business. Future prince king george got to stay up past his bedtime. Prince george, time to meet the first couple. And he thanked the obamas for the rocking horse they gave him when he was born. Those pictures are so cute. Sitting there with the bath robe on. I have never seen a kid that small wear a bath robe. Mono grammed bath robe. Got to have it dont want to use the wrong one. Mine says holiday glin they dont have bath robes anymore. They have good scrambled eggs. Anything terry cloth im for. Rnc chairman Reince Priebus calling politics a team sport calling the party to get behind whoever is the Party Nominee as long as they reach the 1237. Two make or break states that. Good morning, tucker, the Republican National chairman did not mention donald trump by name. After throw days of intense politics in hollywood, florida in his address to delegates, he did say they would have to get behind whoever was the eventual nominee even if that meant supporting donald trump. The sooner republicans unite, the sooner we will show america were the only party ready to lead the course correction america is waiting for. [cheers and applause] donald trump was only one of the throw remaining candidates in florida. He was doing the opposite. Instead of lobbying the delegates here he was on the campaign trail basically making the case that the republican primary system is rigged. It was really up to his surrogates here in florida to try to make the case that donald trump on the stump is a very different man than donald trump off the stump, that he would soon be moderating his tone to become more president ial and work well with the Republican Leadership. Back to you in new york. All right, steve. Its going to be very interesting as tucker you mentioned earlier, if he gets 1100, if he gets 1150 and doesnt get to 1237 are rereally going to go to a contested convention. They are going to give it to a man who got fewer votes. Good luck. Did you hear jesse watts was coming on the show. Where is the premier talent talking about. Is doocy here. Im looking. You are talking about peter, of course. Trying to get the picture of you in a bath robe out of my head. People are eating breakfast along with bath mat and washcloths. You have footage to your trip to antitrump rally. You went to tuxedo which is provocative. Dress to do impress. Overdressed for the protest. Okay. Lets watch. Hateful. He says is he going to make muslims register. How would you defeat isis . I would build hospitals and schools. That makes sense. Your sign says trump is a fascist. Do you know what that. Fascism is a system that is very hierarchal. What is that . Higher artical. Something to do with the artic. North pole. You see someone just handed me this sign. A lot of these protesters are paid protesters. Trump is already creating jobs before is he in the oval office. Fantastic. When you walked in there, where were you and set the scene for me. Angry . Very angry. They are angry at me because i was wearing a tuxedo. This was new york g. O. P. Gala where donald trump and all the other guys were speaking there was trump guy there who got punched in the face by other radicals. I didnti didnt want to get anything on the tux so i tried to stay clear of that they dont know why they dont like trump they think he is mean. Did you talk to anybody who did know why they were protesting. A lot of very angry latinos, upset about the wall. But they are not just mad about the wall. They said this is our land. You know, we were here first and this is we were indigenous americans. So there is a little bit of we are going to take things over. Whole santa ana principle. Article in vanity fair israeli jarrett describes al sharpton as as one of president obamas closest advisors. We have footage of him talking about police brutality. I think we have it here. Take a look. Offing the pig. they got pigs back here. You aint offed off of them. I believe what i do. What do you believe in. Played footage on watters world. We said we reached out to al sharpton. We havent looked back. Oreilly taught me if somebody doesnt get back to you, you go to them. We had the National Action conference here in new york. So i went to the conference and asked al, you know, whats going on with this . I think we have it here. We have footage of you saying off crackers and off pigs. Would you like to apologize for that . You dont have footage saying that you had where i said that a guy was they were talking about offing pigs and i said you aint going to do nothing. And i mocked him. Talked about. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Now you are changing. I actually have the transcripts right here. No. I watched the film i dont say in any of that. What did i was mock the guy. And you should deal with that. I have the transcripts right here. I dont need the transcripts. I know what i said. Yes. So here you have an open race baiter espousing violence and is he one of the president s closest advisors . Umhuh. Scary stuff, isnt it . I mean this guy has got like the side door to the white house. This guy is a race baiter. I guess maybe a difference of opinion. Maybe was. He has changed. Perhaps. I remember last week when he talked to megyn kelly. He could have kept walking like a lot of these people. He talked to you there. He could have avoided you. This is the fourth swipe i had at him. He dodged and weaved all afternoon. This wasnt like him being gracious. I had to chase this guy around his own conference for three hours. What he thinks off the pigs not a lot of nuances there. You didnt have to parse it. Read between the lines there. This is going to be part of your show. Not only that. We have trump who calls. In we have bill oreilly in oreillys world. He qualities me a cross dresser. So which bathroom are you using . Bill actually wants to build a separate gender neutral bathroom in North Carolina. You know what im thinking . Im going to use that bathroom because its the cleanest. Nobody will ever be in it. Thats the one im going to use. Real quick. One of the stories breaking, the ap did a study about Hillary Clintons appearances between 2013 and 2014. Most of the groups she lobbed with have got on contracts with the government. Could do you see a problem that can creep up and bite her in the general perhaps. Are you saying hillary might be a little corrupt . Is that what you are telling me . Shocking. There is no quid pro quo. Of course. Its like with the foundation. You give them a half a million dollars and bill gives a speech to russia. And then russia gets all the uranium. And then they say oh, there is no proof. There is no proof. Well, were not stupid. So you know what . She already put sanders to rest. She is going to get the nomination. He trump will have to take her out. If. Show 8 00 tonight repeats at 11 00. If you are boozing tonight you can watch it on sunday. Which one do you watch. I dont watch any of them. I will be drinking all weekend. I dont know if jesse had a chance to run across Rick Reichmuth. He comes up in basically gym clothes. Right before we toss to you you are dressed casually. Whats your point. I cant do that im amazed. You come with two outfits. I go to my office and change 30 seconds right before i need to. Who wants to be in a suit any longer than you have to. Might be upset you didnt bring your rain coat today. I was getting dristled on. It will be out of here pretty quickly and have a nice day. System that moved through the east coast. Same system that brought the flooding to texas this week. That is finally out of here. And then we are going to turn our attention to this next system here across the west. Bringing some rain and mountain snow. Mainly across the Northern Rockies. Tomorrow that dives in across areas of the Central Plains and i think i have got the wrong graphic up there i apologize for that we will see more Severe Weather tomorrow across the Central Plains. Could be talking about tuesday the biggest Severe Weather threat we have had so far this year. Major tornadoes possible across areas of kansas and down towards oklahoma. So we are going to watch that closely. Obviously election day. Election dates out across the east where we will see a little bit of rain as well. Thank you. Taking a selfie. Jesse is on instagram. Is he all excited about it. Im sorry. You just caught us. Im listening to Rick Reichmuth prepare to toss. Apparently im the only one paying attention. We were all huddled together taking pictures. But its more followers. Jesse has on instagram. His world. For the record, im not on it. Worry back to reality. Coming up next, donald trump is the only candidate who mathematically can still get the delegates need to do avoid a contested convention. Can he do it . What will he have to do to pull that off . A look at the scenarios coming up. A waitress surprises a group of officers with this receipt, paying for their entire meal and thanking them for their service. The reason why she did it will warm your heart. Well this a predicament. Homestyle sounds good. But country style, not without its charms. Brown sugar hickory. Who says no to hickory . Singleserve vegetarian . Sure there are no rules here. 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Right now i have millions more votes than cruz, millions more votes than kasich. I have almost 300 more delegates than cruz even though its a crooked system. Now there is no path for victory for cruz. So they should both get out. They should both get out. That was donald trump. Of course, yesterday pointing out what everyone always knows. He is dominating the delegate count. Is he still well short of the magic number, the majority, 1237. There are 20 contests roughly still left. Can he get to the nomination with the majority of delegates . University of virginia divlernt author politics and managing editor of sabatos crystal ball. Good to see you this morning. Thanks. Is what donald trump said in effect true . Is ted cruz mathematically incapable of getting the majority at this point . Is he unable to get the rec requisite number of delegates. In the nominating season if trump get get it on the first ballot. Cruz could get it on the second. Depends on how you define it. Delegates as awarded by voters rather than freelancing at the convention. He cant. But he could still get the nomination. How tough would it be for trump to get to the majority before the cleveland convention. I think its definitely plausible for him. He has to start off by doing really well on tuesday. There are a number of northeastern states that vote. Trump is probably going to win all those states and needs to run up the score on them. Indiana which cruz is targeting as a state which he is going to try to win like he did in wisconsin. If trump wins indiana. You know, it may trump may be probably cant top trump. If not california. What does it look like . Trump on tuesday. Five states in play wins all five. And i think most people predicting that is likely. And then he is up by 8 or 9, i think, in indiana in the one poll we have from that state. He wins that. Where is he delegate wise . He would be at about he would be plus about 150 from where he is now. Now, some of the contests in may are not as favorable to trump. Some of them are kind of proportional. You still have to do well in caflt. There is 172 delegates. Trump is still going to need 100 plus out there. But, you know, if he wins indiana, thats maybe about 40 delegates that otherwise you wouldnt necessarily be given to him. We just had the new numbers from california up on the board there delegates in california are awarded by congressional district. There are an awful lot of them. Trump seems to be leading in all of them in the state of california. Maybe a reflection of what a disaster that state is voters seem really angry there. Do you think there is a realistic chance at this point that we will really see a contested convention . I mean, really . I mean, there is a realistic possibility, but i think that a lot of people, particularly after cruz won wisconsin were saying oh, its a shoe in, were going to have a contested convention. I dont thinkthink trump definis a path. Particularly if he wins indiana. You know, this thing may be over than most people think. Yeah. So someone last question. Someone had covers politics thinks about this all day. Is it in anyones interest to have a contested convention and to go through the chaos that inevitably result from that . Well, you know, the public is used to the popular vote winner and the delegate leader, you know, winning the actual nomination. Its been the case for the last 40 years when the voters got more involved in the process. So, you know, i think that you could quibble with some of trumps arguments, but i think what he said in the clip you just played basically saying he has got the most votes, got the most delegates. Thats a compelling argument to a lot of people. Kondik, great to see you. Thank you. Coming up, you know her from reality television, perhaps. This morning she is being called the meanest mom in the world for tossing her childrens ice cream in the trash. There is reason she did that she joins us live to confront her critics. Thats next. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing if time is infinite, why is there never enough of it . A john deere 1 family tractor with quikpark lets you attach and go. Imatch quickhitch gives you more time for what you love. So it takes less work to do more work. Autoconnect driveover mower deck . Done. Theyre not making any more land. But theres plenty of time if you know where to look. All john deere compact tractors come with an industrybest, sixyear, nocost powertrain warranty. News by the numbers now. First up 1. 1 million how many dodge chargers, chrysler 300 sedans and suvs being recalled worldwide the issue they may roll away after the automatic parks have been put in park. Really . They may . Thats a big deal. Next, more than 82,000. Thats how much of your taxpayer money is being spent on crying to create stuttering mice. Scientists say its an effort to study speech disorders in humans. As usual, how you can tell if a mice is stuttering or a mouse . 5. 4 how much mcdonalds sales jumped since serving all day breakfast. Mcpick 2 its a value. Have you tried that. I havent but it looks delicious. 45 minutes after the hour. You know her from the reality show jersey bell. Jersey belle. I can make cannolis. I dont know what that is. You dont know what a cannoli is . Jamie is causing a different kind of commotion thanks to a post on facebook. The mother of three taking to social media site describing what happened when she took her kids out for ice cream. The post reads this way. The young lady may 17 handed each child ice cream. Not one looked her in the eye. Not one said thank you. Calmly collected ice cream and kids watched in horror as i deposited them into a nearby garbage can where 2yearold, too old at 8 7 5 to move through our days without exercising manners and basic human decency. To sewed, i am the meanest mom in the world. Jaime, meanest mom in the world. Reaction you feel good about what you did. You sent what message to your kids . I feel great about what i did, and i would do it again. To me it is, you know, we are living in a very selfie Centric Society right now. And i just will not have children who move through the world not seeing people. People are not meant to be invisible. I say it to my kids all the time. You have to look people in the eye. You have to acknowledge their presence. The Human Connection for me is everything. We speak about it in my home all the time. It is not a surprise to my children, so, when i express my disappointment in them, they were upset that they lost their ice cream but at the end of the day, they understood where i was coming from because we speak about social responsibility and the Human Connection at home all the time. You talk about this selfie Centric Society we live, in this entitlement generation that i know you are trying to stop. But what about the people who are calling you a devil woman for trying to teach your kids manners . They are probably the same people who believe that kids should get trophies just for showing up. And i dont you know, i dont subscribe to that. I will it is my job to raise good human beings. It not my job to be their friend. I am their mother. And i was raised by a mother who when she said no, she meant it. You ate what she cooked for you. And manners were expected. Not rewarded. And, you know what . Im better for it. Before i had children and i think we are august this way, we think we wont be that mom. You know, i wont be the mom that rides my kids. I will never be the mom that throws away the ice cream. And at the end of the day, you know, if i god forbid pass tomorrow, i want to leave the world with children who will make this a better place. Wait a second. Wait a second. Jamie, what about their selfesteem . These are precious little snowflakes dont you think by throwing heir ice cream away you are dooming their life full of therapy and prozac. Actually, i do not. Good for you. I dont subscribe to that. Listen, im sure that in some way i will mess up my kids but it wont be because im teaching them manners. It wont be because im teaching them respect. Good for you. For me, really, the most important thing for me and is that we have started a could dialogue now where moms feel empowered to take back the respect. Because, were raising kids in a world where people are like dont hit them. Dont spank them. Dont punish them. Dont take anything away. Just give them, give them, give them. The power for teaching our children manners and respect was being drained from us as parents. And now i feel like the dialogue is there for moms to go no, you know what . They are my kids. And i will teach them to respect other people. Are your kids. Its not up for discussion. Are your kids okay with the social media fame . My kids dont know really what social media is. So they dont really understand any of this. But i will tell you what they do understand, brian, they understand respect. Absolutely. 98 of your responders say bravo. Even Ashton Kutcher shared this whole story from facebook and was. He did. Or to the sense of essentially good for you. They support what you did. Jamie sullivan, you are a hero, at least in my view. Great to see you this, no. Thanks a lot for doing. This thanks so much, guys. Okay. Friends at home. What do you think about this . Would you take ice cream away from your kids if they didnt say thank you and look the person who served them in the eyes. Email us at fox news dot okay come. Hit us up on social media as well. A moment they free a baby from a hot car. [crying] oh, baby. What was the father doing while the baby was trapped inside . That story next. And they have been serving this country for over a century this morning. We celebrate the 108th birthday of the United States army reserve. Thats coming up next. Cut the cake. Introducing the 255 horsepower lexus is 300 allwheeldrive. With twentyfive percent more base horsepower. Once driven, theres no going back. You stay up. You listen. You laugh. You worry. You do whatever it takes to take care of your family. And when its time to plan for your familys future, were here for you. Were legalzoom, and for over 10 years weve helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. So when youre ready, start with us. 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Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is truecar. All right. They have been serving our nation for over a century. Today, they celebrate the u. S. Army reserves 108th birthday with a cakecutting ceremony. There is no better place to cut the cake than here on fox friends. Brine, we will do it right here. Here to do the honors is bryce parker special reservist of the year. Good morning, congratulations. 108 years. Thats amazing. First of all happy birthday and how did it start . It started as a medical reserve unit as a response to help out the active duty component to be to enhance medical readiness. To enhance. What are the role of the reserves especially over the last 15 years since the towers fell and we have been to afghanistan and iraq. The army reserve is here to fill in reserve components to assist our active duty component and better assist the mission. As you are recruiting, im sure you would like to do that whats the obligation like . Like they say one weekend a month we go and train there is a lot more than that you train and you are ready, and you do any time your country needs you or your unit needs you are there to protect and serve. Sergeant, i was trying to count my stripes but my eyes got blurry a lot. And a lot of medals, too. How long have you been. In i have been lucky enough to serve active duty, National Guard and army reserve. I was part of the 69 National Guard unit right here when we respond to do 9 11. Also i went to the army reserve. It gives me opportunity. Im ems lieutenant for the fire department. So the army reserve gives me a chance to both serve my community and the country. Its just been amazing. They support each other . Absolutely. Fire department understands. Not only do they understand but they support. When i talk about support. Im able to train and im able to use both skills. Wow. Thats the best thing we have got. We have citizen soldiers serving all over the world and woe use both what we learn at home and what we do for the country. It sounds tough though, because you guys are leading normal civilian lives and sometimes you go overseas and yanked out of that levee into a whole different life. Is that hard. It can be difficult. I was at work a few hours ago. It was very difficult to be on a desk and work one minute have. A break and be able to come back and do this in another uniform. General parker, how do you earn reservist of the year . How do i . Yeah. Its a serious competition. I trained and i was ready all my skills and put up against the best that the army reserve has. And im grateful that i have all the training that i have to be able to be the top. Were grateful for you. Were grateful you brought a cake. Can woe cut it. Thank you very much. You can grab that knife, sure . Yeah, sure. Do the honors. All right. What part do you want . Lots of icing. Its for you guys first and then we dig in. And you have a ceremonious way that you do it, right, the way its served . I dont know. Take a stab at it. Were just going to cut a nice big piece off. Thats the spirit. Cake boss. You dont look like you are eating a lot of cake in normal levee. We are always on the go. I know when im around cake eaters. Were going to cut that cake and obviously consume it. You celebrate this around the country . We do. Everybody will stop . Yes. 108 years. Thank you for your service . Thank you very much. Thanks, guys. Appreciate you coming down. Now we have cake. Rick reichmuth standing by with a report from the actual word. Save me a corner piece. I will be right. There Beautiful Day for irving across the country. Tomorrow not as much. Take a look at the maps. Here is the right graphic for tomorrow. Chances for Severe Weather. Maybe a tornado or two tomorrow right where you see that yellow blob primarily. Tuesday is the bigger severe day. And its going to be, i think, a very significant one. Today, the northeast a few showers to start the day but were going to year things out by the afternoon and pretty nice day. A little bit cooler across far interior sections. That cool air makes its way across the coast tomorrow a chillier day. Overall not that bad. In across the southern plains, take a look at this. Humidity dropping really dropping. Get ready across the southeast. Seeing readings into the 90s. Summer is coming. Sunny icon over the houston area. Great news with the flooding we saw there this week. Into the northern plains, another great day as well. Tons of sunshine. Temperatures log good. Out across the west. Snow across the far Northern Rockies as well as the Pacific Northwest but we will see more sunshine across the southwest. Pretty good day to get outside on a saturday. God. You are outside. So it works out well for you, rick. 22 minutes now before the top of the hour. We are going to tell you about other stories making headlines this hour. A father is facing child abuse charges after allegedly leaving newborn son in a sweltering car while donating plasma. [baby crying] capture the moment free that crying baby from the car. Thats when ran out of the Plasma Center still attached to iv. Police believe the you . Born was alone for over an hour. The baby was rushed to the hospital and is said to be okay. High School Teacher force to do resign after showing a john oliver clip about donald trump is fighting back. The name trump was not the family name. Ancestor changed it from donald drump again. Make donald drump again. Screening teacher submitted resignation but withdrew it last night. Other students started petition to save his job. Expected to boards meeting on tuesday. And former espn analyst Curt Schilling already lost his job so now he isnt holding back, expressing his views on the North Carolina socalled bathroom bill. Shilling getting into a twitter battle with dodgers pitcher Brandon Mccarthy after he tweeted he didnt agree with shillings stance on the issue. Shilling was fired from espn earlier this week for posting this picture mocking the transgender bathroom debate. Group of Police Officers force to do bury one of their own got unexpected surprise from a waitress. After an officers funeral they went to a red robin in ohio to grab a bite to eat. They didnt have to pay for a thing. Instead server paid for 123 bill all by herself and left a note saying this. Your bill is on me today. I cant imagine the day you all have it let alone what you go through every day. Police levees matter. The officers were so touched by her generosity they shared the story online and now were sharing it with you. Random act of kindness goes a long way. Absolutely. Especially Law Enforcement who seems to be under the gun especially democratic debate nonstop going after things have to be reformed. Thats for sure. Goes a long way 250,000 for a single speech. Thats what Hillary Clinton got when she spoke to Goldman Sachs. She says she is going to release the transcripts from all her transcript speeches once everybody else does. So who is everybody else . Not Bernie Sanders. We will tell you coming up. I guess we are going to have to release all our speeches too, tucker. Its up to you. Baseball has been around for more than a century. 21st century update. Could help your kid get closer to the big leagues how it works straight ahead. Jusdoes that mean they have toer grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do . With right at home, it doesnt. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals, and most of all, staying engaged in life. Oh, thank you, thank you. Youre welcome. Are you ready to go . Oh, i sure am. We can provide the right care, right at home. Vo it happens so often, you almost get used to it. 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Thats kind of out of the picture. Ing will at the republicans or owe opponents. Kasich says he has no transcripts to release. Unclear if cruz was given many speeches. He was in the bush white house. Prince secretary brian fallon says trump is the one they are really pointing this comment towards because they have reason to believe that trump has given speeches, highly paid speeches and it seemed like they are sort of hinting that trump should release his transcripts. So we heard him unveil his nickname for hillary last weekend crooked Hillary Clinton. Yep. I imagine we will continue to hear that what does he need to do to fight back if they both end up taking the nomination. Difficult to see. Trump played the same game on the other side. He hasnt released his tax returns which is not something you typically see at this staining of the race. Is he finding ways to put these requests off as well. It would be interesting if trump releases his transcripts and calls on hillary to release hers who knows. It was wild when Bernie Sanders released his taxes which was one of the preconditions she said she needed in order for her to release these transcripts but still hasnt done. So what he made in a year is about what she makes for one speech. A couple hours. Exactly. I wonder what she is saying there. There is Associated Press review and we want to get right to this. Federal records show almost all of the 82 corporations trade associations and other groups that paid for or sponsored clintons speeches have sought to influence the government or clinton herself when she was secretary of state. That comes to us from the Associated Press. Thats a big deal. Clinton has really been trying to deflect this press. She already has enough issues with her speeches, with her fundraising. With her ties to special interests. She has really been trying to deflect this and get the attention off of it. As long as sanders is in the race, these things will still come to light. And democratic voters will still Pay Attention to them. So why hundreds of thousands of dollars was she paid . This was her answer back in february on the debate stage. Listen. Youve made three speechts for Goldman Sachs. You were paid 675,000 for three speeches. Was that a mistake . Was that a bad error in judgment . Look, i made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what i thought. I answered questions. But did you have to pay 675,000 . Well, i dont know. Thats what they offered. It was just what they offered it seems like she is old hat at this. Clinton rider exposed. President ial suite up to three rooms. All local transportation and meals and personal stenographer. It looks like she had something in mind with. This thats what they offered. It would be interesting to see donald trump answer this question. I can see trump saying hey, i actually asked for 1 million. If they go head to head, that will be a really interesting conversation. But she you know, thats why a lot of people are calling on sanders to get out of race, the more he puts pressure on her, especially where it really hurts, this issue of honesty and trustworthy the more it could hurt clinton in the general election. Reports when she was making those speeches her staff would take cell phones of people in the crowd. Wouldnt write it down. Will we ever know if she doesnt release them . Shelby holiday wall street journal senior video editor reporter. Thank you so much. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. Donald trump the undeniable frontrunner for the republican nomination. But today chairman Reince Priebus pushes back. We arent going to hand the nomination to anyone with a plurality. No matter how close they get to 1237. You need a majority. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. The brand new numbers and the backlash happening today. Thats next hour. And baseball has been around for more than a century. But now its getting a 21st century update that could help your child get closer to the big league. How it works straight ahead i got my game on yeah, i got my game on better hang on tight i guarantee its going to be a hell of a ride i got my schmooze on. vo on the trane test range, you learn what makes our heating and cooling systems so reliable. If theres a breaking point, well find it. Its hard to stop a trane. Really hard. Im in charge of it all. Business expenses, so ive been snapping photos of my receipts and keeping track of them in quickbooks. Now im on top of my expenses, and my bees. Best 68,000 employees ever. Thats how we own it. Great time for a shiny floor wax, no . Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. All right, youth baseball is in full swing. Right, guys . Yeah. Thousands are logging in games Different Levels revolutionizing the way baseball is being played at every level. Ceo of game changer media good morning. Good morning. Great to be here. Tell us how it works. So we have a digital score keeping product that replaces the archaic paper score keeping book. Going to help a 9yearold team and 11yearold team. High school, college team. 8 and under through division one college. What are the advantages . The advantage is as you are scoring the game, really easy, anybody can learn thousand keep score. There is a double to left field. Were calculating spray charts so that the coach like coach mike can see where the ball has gone for every at bat the player has had. Helps them instruct and how they what kind of drills they would do on practice. Also 150 stats that give them insights, for instance, does this pitcher need to work on throwing strikes . Does this pitcher need to work on Something Else . And how much is it just about knowing what you are working with and positive visualization like putting a grade a on spelling test or matt test on the refrigerator. If you have got, this you know what you need to work on. Absolutely it makes it really helpful for the coaches to be able after the context of the game is over to go and sit down with a player and saying this is what we need to work on in practice. Always pulling in the ball. Opposite way that might be the issue. How many foul balls. How long has it been out and how many teams are using it over 100,000 Team Communities using the product this season so all over the country. We have been out five or six years now. So, the proswing folks here, one of 100,000 teams. Keep working. Blame it on the rain. Download it right from the app. Store. Game changer. How much is it . Its free. Well, how does that work . Its free. So everything is free for coaches and score keepers. Parents and fans actually can follow along live on their version of the app. They pay a few bucks a month. Do you see anything wrong with annas game because i dont. Good swing. Whats your name . This kid there has an arm. All right, mike, stand up a second. Does this actually help with you your team. Yeah, it does. It gives us a lot of different metrics that we can look at to improve the training that we do at proswing. It gist us sort of a real path on that training whereas we are not just doing random drills. We are looking at twostrike hitting or first pitch strikes for pitchers. Its something that we can take to the field. All right. Hey all you little leaguers whats the name of the team. We are bring it right here 1, 2, 3, whats the name of the team. Pride. One, two, three,. Pride. Good job. Mike. And where do we get it now. Go to the app. Store and download it called game changer. Could be a game changer for your team. We hope so. Mr. Sullivan, good to see you. Thank you. We appreciate that. Coming up straight ahead, donald trump is in hot water some say for expressing his frustration over this. I called up under the guise im checking on my card. Say where are you from . We are from india. Oh, great. Thats wonderful. Thank you very much. Thats all i need. Believe it or not, some people say thats racist. We report. You decide. 500 pounds of arrives at destinations without the explosives and no one knows where they went. The dangerous mystery is next. The sunll come out tomorrow. For people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever. Entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low Blood Pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow. Ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Harness the hardworking power of the peanut. I wanwho doesnt . Ape. So i bike. I get all of my greens. And i try not to faint. This. I can do easily. Benefiber healthy shape. Just a couple of spoonfuls every day means fewer cravings. Plus, its all natural, clear, tastefree and dissolves completely. Its clinically proven to keep me fuller longer and helps keep me healthy inside and out. Benefiber healthy shape. This, i can do. Find benefiber healthy shape in the fiber aisle. Its saturday, april 2016. Im can that kooiman. This is a fox news alert. Hunt is on for a killer in ohio after a killing spree that left 8 people from the same family dead execution style. The breaking details straight ahead. And then donald trump is now the undeniable frontrunner for the g. O. P. Nomination. Today, Reince Priebus chairman of the rny pushed back. We arent going to hand the nomination to anyone with a plurality no matter how close they get to 1237. You need a majority. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Were not going to hand the nomination. Who is we . The brand new poll numbers that could change anything. Wow, that whos we was not in the tucker. Breakup of americas favorite tv couple. Top executives sounding the alarm and rethinking the plan to put kelly ripa back on tv. There is word she could go rogue. That is a lot different in one hour. This is a story i cant get enough you have because mornings are better with friends. Hey, yeah awe. Hey, yeah. The moves you need to know to keep yourself safe without a weapon. Afr youve been scanning the area and making sure you are not surrounded by somebody who could put new danger, what if the unthinkable happens, would you know what to do . We will teach you coming up. These guys are phenomenal. Mom, dad, i dont want to be involved in sports or i dont want to do this. This is the perfect alternative for a lot of them. Plus, also enhances your athletic ability and keeps you safe on the street. Plus gets some of that rage out, too. I dont know what you are talking about. Do you have some inner rage. I dont have any because i let it out on tv. Every day we can talk about it here. There have been developments in this president ial race that you have been glued to for the past nine months. We have brand new fox news polls and they show the state of the race in the key states of indiana, which votes on the 5th of may and california june 7th, they are pivotal and we now know what voters think in those states. All right. Lets take a look first off on indiana. This is where ted cruz is thought to have best chances week of may 3rd to come up with a victory. According to this poll trending Donald Trumps direction. Listen on the radio 41 for trump. 33 for cruz, 16 for kasich. After donald trump won big in new york where did he go, anna . To indiana the next morning. He knows this is key. Trying to drum up support there. Tony katz was on the show earlier to talk about numbers. Take a listen. There is a louder, palpable, stop donald trump or never Trump Movement here is not real. Thats true north to the south. Same thing with cruz. There is no cruz hate here. This is a state trying to figure it out. You have trump haters. You have trump lovers. People get angry with me if im not engaged in multiple platitudes and people unhappy with me if i say well, he hit something well on this talking point or that talking point. Indiana we have a long way to go. Its only nine days or so. But those nine days are going to make a huge difference in figuring it out. It really is the last holdout, i think, for people who believe that cruz can stop donald trump. If he doesnt do it in indiana, its kind of hard to see where he does do it and these numbers, frankly i was surprised by them. There hasnt been any polling that im aware of in indiana other than this. We have rhode island, delaware rhode island. May will be tough. Not if he takes indiana. Anna, not if he is prepared not if he continues to trend this way in california in june. Thats right. Donald trump taking almost half of the vote right now. As it stands 49 going to donald tmump. 22 to senator ted cruz and 20 to kasich. So what does this mean . I mean it, looks like donald trump is on his way to becoming the republican nominee. Its actually happening. Things could occur in the meantime, unforeseen events could intercede. As of right now thats what it looks like. Tucker, the only one with the path to 1237 that magic number is donald trump at this point. Senator cruz had called on john kasich to get out of the race. Mathematically impossible. If he races. Ted cruz is too, right. Who gets to make the decision. Is the decision going to be made by voters or by delegates . By the way who are these delegates who get to pick the partys nominee. Deeper question is what does it mean to be republican . Is that decision made by the party, boy Reince Priebus or the voters . You have seen this for almost anyone than i know. For you to say if he gets to 1100, the average american is not knee deep in this says give it to them. Reince priebus success there is a reason why that number. That number gives you one more majority. Thats why its always been. If donald trump is not able to pull off what he seems to be doing now and if he gets close. He just told us close is not good enough. Lets listen. Politics is a team sport. And we cant win unless we rally around whoever becomes our nominee. The rules say you have to have 1237 delegates to be the nominee. We arent going to hand the nomination to anyone with a plurality no matter how close they get to 1237. You need a majority. And as the old phrase goes close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Yeah. I mean, look i understand the concerns donald trump. I think its terrifying to a lot of people and i certainly understand why. Spare me. We hand congressional seats for people who run for congress all the time. If you get more votes than anyone else i are the congressman. Its not a crazy concept. If not the guy from the most votes then who. We have put in the face time and ground game and put in the effort long term and if donald trump is such a dealmaker why didnt he know the rules and do the same thing. Entirely fair point but it still raises the question. Are you really going to put a guy with fewer votes into the nomination . Are you really going to do that . How are you going to do that exactly . Behind the scenes Donald Trumps people made it clear that donald trump is going to becoming more of a traditional candidate. Start doing fundraisers are to the rnc. The word bag is i want to see donald trump change his tone on the stump and start ripping the rnc and their process because then we will say we know for sure things have changed. Thats never going to happen. With the polls in indiana and california say is the people are rallying to trump. They are saying that he looks like. Can i say how silly that is . I understand Paul Manafort went before the rnc to say is going to raise a lot of money and be a loyal party guy. Really . He owes them nothing. They hate him. They tried to stop him at every turn. Is he not going to be a loyal party guy. I just dont believe that do you know what i mean pushing for him or not, thats just not true. So yesterday donald trump was on the stump. And he does not he didnt have the teleprompter handy but did want to bring out the real issue of outsourcing and said this when it came to Customer Service on certain organizations. Do you ever call up on your credit card you . Want to find out about your credit card. Guess what . You are talking to a person from india. You say how the hell does that work . So i called up under the guise im checking on my card. Say where are you from . We are from india. Oh, great, thats wonderful. Thank you very much. Thats all i need. I have no problem with that. People are making a big deal. Im shocked and appalled. They are saying he is mocking indians and racist for saying that. Its hilarious. I couldnt hardly hear it. If you mimic another persons accent does that make you racist . If you mimic australian accent. My husband is australian and i mimic him all the time. Accented is not a race its a language. Part of this is trolls on the internet and bloggers on the internet are trying to find a headline to run with and get as many clicks as possible. I actually think its other channels actually going to town on this. Are they really . Sunday shows. Absolutely. Hop can forget this Vice President trying to be President Joe Biden brought this up when he was in the state of delaware. In square, the largest growth in population is indian american, moving from india. You cannot go to a 7 11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. So, people got on him for that. But they let that go. That was something where you are definitely stereotyping. Do you know who has lost in this election . The press. Elevating the irrelevant moments like this to position of pressroom nens. If you dont like trump there is a lot to argue about trumps positions. You could take on trade position and explain whats wrong with it. Instead they are calling him a racist like indian. Insane, childish. You are weighing in on this. Debbie says. This trump telling the truth again. Every american can relate and has experienced this. Go trump. Christian writes its quite easy to make fun of someones accent but you shouldnt do it. But you are not making fun. You are saying we outsource to india. The point is outsourced to india and he thinks those jobs could be in america. Even if you are making fun of someones accent. Who cares . Im southern, yall. I get made fun of in new york city all the time. Other stories making headlines. Get straight to this one because a desperate manhunt is on for a cold blooded killer wanted for a string of bruttle murders. Eight family members including 16yearold boy shot in the head execution style in four different homes. Police in pike county, ohio, are interviewing dozens of people trying to learn the identity of the shooter. And they also say there may be more than one killer on the run. At least two babies and one toddler survived the incident. The youngest baby only four days old. And was found in bed next to her mothers dead body. Music legend princes body is back with his family. Autopsy is complete it could be weeks before we know the exact cause of death. There were no obvious signs of trauma on the body at all. We have no reason to believe at this point that this was a suicide. This is a tragedy for all of us. Prince was found dead in an elevator of his minnesota estate on wednesday. Fans gathering there with balloons and flowers to pay their final respects. This is there are reports out there that prince may have overdosed just days before his death on pain pills. The full toxicology scan will likely take several weeks. And get this more than 500 pounds of dangerous explosives stolen from a Freight Train and now the feds are trying to find out where they went. An atf official tells fox news the commercial grade fireworks were on a train heading from chicago to detroit. Investigators say they may have been stolen during a stop in ohio and pose a great risk to the public. So far there are no signs this is terrorrelated. All right, brian. This is all you. Your story of the morning. All right. Here we go. The standoff seems to be over. Kelly ripa returning live to her show next week confirming the news it her staff late last night. This is the first stage of the story. I want to do thank you all for giving me the time to process the new information. We are a family and i look forward to seeing you on tuesday morning. But, just moments ago, Pay Attention. Run to your televisions. The New York Post broke this story. Abc executives are reportedly very worried about ripa, fearing that once she is on Live Television, she will go rogue and pull an ann curry live event by breaking the script. Ripa called off sick earlier this week after cohost Michael Strahan announced he was leaving for gma. She could go rogue. She doesnt want to go out like that. Anna, have you ever been tempted to go rogue. No, i havent. We do tough things on Live Television and its part of the job. Right. So, you know, maybe she needed a Mental Health day or couple of them last week. Its a pretty easy job to be totally honest. Better than working in Customer Service. Dyou know what i what i mean . Really hard job. Super hard. Also here on yesterday there was a report that they werent even speaking. They only spoke through intermediaries. How do you that on air. You hear that all the time people on tv who dont like each other. Name some. We actually got in a fist fight before the show. Pour pulling ann curry is like a verb. Two professionals. Little bit of rain this morning across the midatlantic and northeast it will be out of here this afternoon and nice day. Tomorrow cooler air comes. In get ready for chillier day. Spectacular day. All across the east. Certainly to the southeast. The west we have a storm system, mostly in towards the Northern Rockies bringing some scattered showers and some snow. Tomorrow that moves across parts of the plains and a little bit of Severe Weather including some tornadoes, but the bigger story is going to be on tuesday. A major tornado outbreak potential in line for tuesday right here across the plains. Get ready for that. Talk a lot about elections on tuesday, guys. People arent necessarily going to be prepared but they need to because its a really bad one. Rick, if you want to talk to me and i said this before, call my agent. [ laughter ] please, please. No direct eye contact or can i go rogue. When you looked over, you were log slightly this way not making eye contact. All right. Coming up straight ahead, we will heal our wounds. Just when the president ial race couldnt get any more bizarre, convicted felons could actually help put Hillary Clinton in the white house. And she thinks thats great. Next guest says the timing way too convenient. Theres no going back. Wrely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United states Postal Service priority you my school could be bad. Ing fast. Could be a blast. Cant find a single thing to wear. Will they be looking at my hair . Wont be the same without you bro. When its go, the new Choice Privileges gets you there faster. And now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. Book now at choicehotels. Com youll have to pay five hundred bucks for your deductible. The truth . At allstate, you could pay zero. Allstate gives you a hundred dollars off your deductible the day you sign up. Then another hundred off every year you dont have an accident. Let the good hands reward your safe driving with a deductible that goes away. Deductible rewards. One more way youre in good hands with allstate. Well, could convicted felons be the deciding factor in choosing the next president. In the commonwealth of virginia that is now a real possibility. The states governor democrat Terry Mcauliff just signed a bill giving Voting Rights to the states 200,000 former felons. He did it by executive order. Critics are now blasting the move saying its entirely political to lock up more votes for the governors longtime friend Hillary Clinton. Here to tell us more, the weekly standards daniel halper. Great to see you this morning. Great to see you, tucker. Just to give our viewers some sense how close this state is virginia is one of the key states in any president ial election, just right on the knifes edge demographically. Here are the numbers from 2012. Barack obama 51. 2 . Mitt romney 47. 3. But, if you break it down by votes, the difference between them was less than 200,000. So, conceivably, this really could make a massive difference. Totally. And thats what i think its intended for. Look, Terry Mcauliff is a long time ally of the clintons. Long time booster. Really raised and donated millions of dollars to the clintons and to their causes. This is of huge helpful hand and a gift, really, right before the 2016 president ial election, adding 200,000, mostly democrats to the rolls going ahead in what will be a crucial state for Hillary Clinton to win should she want to be the president of the United States. Im for rehabilitating criminals, felons, even. I know a couple who are good guys who have done their time and paid their debt to society and i would be happy to see them vote. But Terry Mcauliff acted like this was the next move in a civil rights continuum and the implication was that these people were somehow imprisoned unfairly. Is there any evidence of that . And also the implication is if you oppose it you are racist. Virginia has had some of the strictest laws. Like you, there is a very strong case to make that if you have gone through the penal system, and you have, you know, and you believe in the penal system, well then you have done your time for the crime and you should be able to vote and have all your rights restored. Thats a different case than, look, Terry Mcauliff hasnt been making that case publicly. He hasnt been trying to build up the legislative support in the republicanled General Assembly in virginia. He hasnt been you know, he hasnt been trying to bring the public around him. This was sudden, surprising, done on a friday afternoon, obviously. Exactly. Its the politics behind it its not there is a legitimate case to make for this kind of action. By the way, not necessarily executive action because he was he did it by executive order in a similar way that president obama changes the immigration laws. So really quickly, is there any move to try to restore their gun rights which are enshrined in the bill of rights . If they are not allow to do hunt, why should they be allow to do vote . Right, of course not. No, Terry Mcauliff is not talking about that he it doesnt appear he is interested in restoring all rights. Its just the convenient ones. The ones that help him and his party. Terry mcauliff is not up for reelection. Can he not run for consecutive terms in the state of West Virginia. He has no skin in the game. It might hurt the party but it will help Hillary Clinton in virginia. There is no question. Were assuming that most convicted felons vote democrat. I think its a fair assumption. Daniel pal per, great to see you this morning. You are awake for this early. Thank you. Have a great day. Thank you. Coming up, shocking violence in schools on the rise with videos like this one making headlines all the time. One School Systems solution replace suspensions with counseling. Is that a good idea . Good idea . Will it not fix the problem . Former nypd detective bow deettle debate it next. Democratic candidates like you have never heard them before. This guy is a balding dude. Wow. He is balding. He is always balding. And he pinched my little feet because i saw him in his porsche. The debate you may never have seen before because it didnt actually take place. Well show it to you comingazin up. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing ah, my poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Enough. Take that. A breathe right nasal strip of course. Imagine just put one on and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. So you can breathe, and sleep. Better than a catnap. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Quickly to the world of sports. Let me tell you what is happening. Impressive multitasking here. Dad catching a homer with his bare hand and if that wasnt impressive enough. He caught it while holding his baby. High fly ball to left. And this ones gone. There you go. The baseball pitcher wellington casteel. The player who hit the homer. Bucks one a final game 8 to 7. Is tiger woods close to a come back when search saying he is done and through. Tiger comes out of nowhere healthy swings junior clinic in South Carolina this woke. Hasnt played competitive golf since having back surgery. Speculation is growing that he will return for the players championship next month. Wouldnt it be great if he is ready to be great again. On a different note. We have all seen this disturbing video of teachers being attacked by students all across the country. What about younger kids who act out in class . What happens to them . St. Louis the Public School system will stop suspending students before the 3rd grade and instead place them in counseling. Is this a good idea or enabling the problem . Last year they suspended 30 of those kids. Fox news medical a team analyst dr. Keith ablow and bo dealings join us right now. His psychology degree came from the streets. First, dr. Ablow. Are you happy about this . Is it a good move for st. Louis . Great move. I applaud it. Listen, heres the thing. You dont fix things by just saying not our problem, go home. You have got to fix these things by using counseling, timehonored techniques to reconnect these kids with their empathy, their feelings, their regard for other people. Thats the gold standard. It works. Its my profession and i know how powerful it can be. Bo, do you feel the same way that suspending a kid from school which has worked for generations is not necessary . Well, you want to know something . There are kids in that classroom that go to school and want to learn. You have to do something about this. You have to remove them out of the class. But you put them in another class. You just dont suspend them from school. You have got to get to the root. Because our kids are growing up right now and what they are looking at is all these rap guys. They look at all these drug dealers. Look at how these things are highlighted. What we have to do is bring some people in there, successful africanamerican businessmen to show them there is another way. Education is important. And you can do anything you want. I was a detective up in east harlem. All over this city and all the minority areas. And you know what . If you are just going to throw them away. Do you know where they go . Go directly to committing crimes and jail. But we have to take them out of the class. My daughter is second grade School Teacher, 3rd grade School Teacher. You cant have this disruption for the kids that want to learn, otherwise, they are not going to learn. Then when a teacher takes action now they are starting to call the teachers racist for removing them out of the classroom. Thats ridiculous. I want these kids to learn. You can save these kids in that young age but you have got it teach them. You cant have them get in the way with all of, this otherwise you are disturbing the kids that want to learn. Right, keith. Do you think thats a pretty good point that okay, you have got to move them out of the class and get them in counseling but maybe not send them home and tell them not to come . Listen, absolutely. This is about, by the way, kindergarten to second graders. We are not about we shouldnt be about to jetson them from the schools. Certainly can have community Mental Health centers come into the schools, provide some training and counseling. Bo knows the streets and ablow knows the streets. We should be offering this as well to first time violent offenders to some drug convicts. The bottom line is we know that when you provide counseling and medication as needed, you drop recidivism through the floor. We got to get back to that not just cycling people through the system. I want to to think about this bo before you answer. Could this also be a softening of ramifications for bad actions overall . We dont want to punish kids, we want to subtly tell them that they are doing wrong rather than directly tell them theyre doing wrong . I dont want to believe that these young kids cannot be can change their attitude. Change their attitude towards life. That they can be successful. The most important thing i think of being a former detective, you are able to change their life direction. You have got to have role models. Damn it, because all they see is on tv this rap crap and they see this other stuff as far as the sports bars. Thats one side of it there are Business People out there who are successful. Bring them into the classroom and know you can succeed in anything. You have got it change their direction, otherwise they are all going to jail. Keith, final thought . Brian, we all know this, right . What would we want for our own son or our own daughter. Would we want the kid sent home or later on in life jailed for 90 days no counseling, no nothing. We all know what we would provide as parents. We would provide counseling. Turn you around if we are good parents. You know what . Schools can act in some way to replicate some of the Good Parenting that we need by listening. I dont want to sound like a flower child but these kids need help. And you know what . We have got to help them. Try to get them. We know keith ablow that he is like a flower child bo dealings. Very similar. Ablow and bo, im waiting for the show. Take that aidala. He goes and gets married and gets a better partner and has more hair. Thats a good one, roger. Thanks a lot. Hey, guys have a great weekend. Take it easy. How do you get oneonone with the president of the United States . Google it. The secret meetings between the white house and the search giant next. And a middle school choir performing the National Anthem at the 9 11 memorial. Its pretty nice, right . The bombs bursting im sorry. Why were they ordered to cease and desist . Thanks, guys. Bright stars through the perilous fight a great part of using the usaa Car Buying Service was seeing the different discounts. It had like a manufacturer discount, it had a usaa member discount. All of them were already built in to the low price. I know that i got a better deal than i would have on my own. Usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. Check this out, all right. This guy is a balding dude. Wow. He is balding. Always balding. He pinched my little feet because i saw him in his porsche. Senator sanders she is saying you pinched her. Is that right . Jumping the ball oh, huh . [burp] they go viral every time they do it to everybody. The latest debate gets the bad lip reading treatment. The hilarious video 2 million views in just two that was the cnn debate. Not a lot of people saw it. Wasnt nearly as popular as the others. No at least they are debating on the left. I would like to is he a Republican Debate again. Thats what ted cruz. I think he is 100 percent right. You do . I love the debates. Would you like to see another debate. I do. Republican one, absolutely. I thought you were asking me if i wanted to watch cnn and you were putting me in a funny corner. I will watch the debate anywhere. I think its about time. All right. Other news 35 minutes after the hour. Police are questioning a person of interest who may be involved in a string of brutal members. Eight family members including 16yearold boy shot in the head execution style in four different homes. Police in pike county say while they were questioning a person there still be more than one killer involved. At least two babies and one toddler survived the incident. The youngest baby though only four days old was found in bed next to her mothers body. And its not just Illegal Immigrants from south america and mexico. The Border Patrol has to worry about. Now it appears isis is trying to cross through our southern border. Ollie omar an american accused of trying to join the taste group says he wanted to open up smuggling route from syria through mexico into the United States. He would then tell isis how he did it so his fighters could use that same route to get in the United States to carry out terrorist attacks. And goolg has been hanging out at the white house a lot. New data shows data elm Company Employees have been to four meetings at the white house since obama took office. Average of more than one meeting a week. His support for federal Communication Commission plan which some telecommunication executives have blasted as a google proposal. After Leonardo Decaprio takes his Climate Change crew aid crusade to the u. S. He complard it to slavery saying most pressing issue of our time. Our climate cannot be saved unless we leave fossil fuels in the ground where they belong. You are the last best hope of earth. We ask you to protect it or we and all living things we cherish are history. Thank you very much. More than 170 countries signed a landmark agreement if you will remember to fight Climate Change. Decaprio says it Means Nothing if they dont act now. Then brian where did he go . On his private jet to a Deserted Island where he has a yacht. Because it matters but not that much. His carbon footprint. He was good on silver spoons. Middle school choir cut short performing the National Anthem at new york city 9 11 memorial. Listen. And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting security guards ordering the North Carolina students to stop singing. Oh my goodness. Memorial rules say groups need permits to perform at the site. The students did not have one. Okay. Lets bend the rules. Did they go to jail for singing without a permit . Government didnt approve that singing. I think they need counseling. Frankly inappropriate. Absolutely. You could use a little bit of common sense and say they are singing a song thats a tribute. Brian, again, those are the rules, okay. How much change. A lot of change. Im look scrooge mcduck. All right. Lets talk about picnics. Trying to pack the perfect one and rick has our special guest, erika. Yes, we do. National picnic day perfect in the spring and want to be outside and good weekend for it we had to move inside because of the rain. One thing you have to do. Thats okay. Major meal earlier but now its desert so we have chef erika white. Culinary director at rose mary and vine. Have you amazing deserts. We do. Its really great. Like a hand held easy kind of desert to make for a picnic. Anna, totally. So its like a pan held really easy portable kind of desert. This is philo dough. Comes in a box, easy to work with lay outer a sheet. Brush it this is Grape Seed Oil and papal syrup. Butter, some kind of fat. Fold it in half like that. Brush it you want to do the brushing . Yeah. There you go. Feel free to eat. Are you guys hungry . Yeah. You are really patient and quiet sitting down there because its 7 00 in the morning and you are asleep. I had to hold them off in the hallway because i saw them trying to steal stuff out there. Just a quarter of a banana and down there chocolate, like little coins. Which can hat coins. Did you make those . Pocket instead or buy them like that. You buy them like that right . And super easy. You just photo like. This like rolling a burrito. Just like a burrito, a little more glue and we roll it up lick that. Brush the top a little bit more and bake them and you get these. Oh, wow. Yeah. Who wants to try this . They were in the rain. And you can slice it up like that, too. And do hors doeuvres style. Help yourself. What are the things you have there. These are the things from rose marry and vine on the consulting chef. House signature desert. Lemon olive oil rose marry rosemary fay grant. Bittersweet chocolate pudding which we actually make with coconut milk. For picnic you put it in jars super cute. No garbage. We have on fox friends. Ready to eat. We are ready. Make you wait another 30 seconds. Picnic time. Coming up on the program 20 minutes before the top of the hour. Federal regulators are proposing tougher rules on wall street bonuses. Is this just punishing peoples success . Fox Business Network gerri willis weighs in. She has a new book out. She is coming up. You aint nothing if you cant cook i need home home cooking yeah, i need home war drums beating fight heartburn fast. 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Im just kidding. Im a newlywed. I cant say that 44 minutes after the hour. Worry on wall street after federal regulators proposed new rules that would force big Bank Executives to wait four years before they receive their full bonuses. All this in hopes of incentive for risky trades with investor funds. What kind of impact will all of this have . Here now to react is fox Business Network anchor and the author of the new book rich is not a fourletter word gerri willis. Thank you for waking up early on a saturday. This new rule you have got to hear this is going to cause people to leave wall street big fortune 500 companies in new york. Big banks and Financial Companies and go work at hedge funds. Go work in Silicon Valley because they will not be able to get access to their money right await a minute wait a long time. And then on top of that there are claw back provisions which means if they do something that doesnt work out, they can take the money back from these executives. A Chilling Effect on wall street. More of the shaming and blaming we have seen. We have. Whats the effect on the average american . Why should they care about it . Well, i think its one of the things that has been done in washington that is hurting americans wallets overall. Its penalizing the financial sector. One thing a lot of people dont know, if you look at the top mortgage underwriters none of the big banks are on it. None of them. Fewer options and choices for americans out there. Of course what my book is about how you get around this corner. How do you beat back and fight back and become a Financial Success because, in my view, being a Financial Success is a good thing, not a bad thing. You know, we are so used to hearing about the 1 and how bad that is having money. I dont think so. If you want to be wealthy and send your kids to college, want to live in a nice neighborhood, have a nice house, work hard and get ahead. Thats right. Thats the goal. Bernie sanders though his message is really resonating attacking wall street. Cozying up with wall street and release the transcript that she wont do. Free stuff is he going to give away. Incredible. What can adults do for heir kids. They want them to go to college and be able to pay for it themselves. All right. Free college is a nonstarter. Its a bad idea. The country cant afford it i dont want to pay for other Peoples College that i am not benefiting from, right . So, here what you want do, right . Phil understand 39 kids go to school this year will be freshman will not graduate in four years. So you need to tell little johny or joanna, hey, you have got to be done in four years. Im not paying the extra 30,000, 40,000, 50,000. Negotiate tuition. You can do that. Admissions is the secret of admission officers. You know, those published numbers. They are a suggestion. They are a sticker price. They are not what you have to pay. And finally understand how much overall debt you should have. Have no more than your child is going to earn in their first year on the job. So, when you are graduating, you know, mom and dad and you have already paid a bunch of money. But the debt you should have when you get that diploma should be no more than what you will earn in that first year. 20 seconds to pitch your book. Well, thats what i have been doing. You will get this advice and more in the book rich is not a 4letter word. Im talking about how to get ahead reducing college debt and medical debt. A lot of people out there really struggling with the rates for 10 years. Big worry for people in that age category. I have solutions. Get the book. Rich is not a fourletter word. All right. Gerri willis. Thank you so much. Good energy today. Thank you. Thank you. Here is what is coming up on the program. Speaking of wall street. You know, rock stars have riders a list of things they are required to perform. Did you know Hillary Clinton had one, too for speeches with corporations . We will tell you about her demands next. Marshall art moves anyone can do to fend off even the strongest attackers she looked at me with her big brown eyes and said you aint seen nothing yet seen nothing, nothing yet. Heres something that and how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Hey everybody. It is 8 minutes before the top of the hour. Hes been practicing martial arts since he was 6 and now he has three minutes to get his black belt. Joining us now with self defense moves you need to protect yourself without a weapon. Krav ma ga. Im pronouncing it correctly. Yes, sir. And brutally effective. How do you protect yourself from behind. Behind, its no problem. Woe. Okay. Now teach me how do that. Okay. Good. Like the . Gonna bring them back. And i gonna call them straight down. And. Let me see you do that. And pull back. And grab my thumbs. And. There you go. Pull. Good. Now you have to turn and start attacking me. Most important part you have to remember is you have to attack your attacker. You have to attack your attacker. It is not a gentlemenly form of self defense. No its not. Its about the crosschetcha sure. The its about the side somebody comes up and. Is that what we. All right im going to choke you from the side. Use this hand. And grab my thumb and pull. Just one hand and pull it. Pull it that way . And i knee you in the groin. Point to me is just respond with overwhelming aggression. Exactly. Instead of just dont hit me in the face. Thats not a good thing. Third standard attack. We have lots of different attacks. What would you like to learn . Demonstrate. Lets do a rotational defense. Youre standing here, im going push you back. Wow. How good you look. Im going to grab you. And spin you backwards. And arms up to the ceiling. Turn, rotate. Now bring your elbow now. And take this hand and hit. Yes. And more. And more strikes and more strikes. Im going to out point him. [ laughter ] before we even get in this situation though, we really ought to make sure there is nothing around us and. Absolutely. Situational awareness is what we call it. Always being aware of what is going on around you you. Dont want to have your head in your cell phone. You dont want to walk into a building and not know where the exits are. What if i grab your arm. You should come right in and start triking immediately. Anybody grabbing you and immediately pulling you towards them is not a good person. You should immediately start to strike them. What have you learned about yourself in doing this . Its better to be safe than sorry. So i want to be prepare myself got forbid one of these situations ever occurred. So i will be prepared. Do you also learn that being you guys have become very skilled that you could really do some damage to somebody, not to unless you are attacked . Basically the entire point of the program is to learn when to use and it when not to use it. And also how to defend yourself. It is a great way i specially with great instructors that we have. What is your name. Im nicholas. Nicholas, tell me what you get out of this . Umm. What do you like about it . I learn how to defend myself. Right. And when someones choking me, like whenever im walking, i can get away. Quickly, right . Yes. Use the lethal weapon. All right. Guys, thanks so much for coming down. Four minutes before the top of the hours. Here is whats coming up on the program. The veep stakes begin. The candidates put together their short list of running mate, including Hillary Clinton. We weigh in on that this morning. Nothing unleashes power. Quite like the human foot. Introducing the 241 horsepower lexus is 200 turbo. With almost twenty percent more base horsepower. Once driven, theres no going back. And democrats cheered when Hillary Clinton laughed off the request to release her wall street speeches. Look i made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what i thought. I asked them questions. But did you have to be paid 675,000. Well i dont know. Thats what they offered. Turns out that is not what they offered. And a shocking new video shows a chiropractor adjusting a newborn babys back as the parents look on. I have to extend her a little bit to get it in the right place. Thats why it clicks. [ crying ] chiropractors say it is perfectly fine. Are they indeed right. Hey everybody. Brians in the house today. I had no idea this was four hours. You took a private plane here from long island. Right. Silver. Silver plane just to make everybody happy. But you have to bring extra snacks because it is four hours instead of three. Good news. Dayna is being cued i. We have a fox news alert. Police are questioning a person of interest who may be involved in a string of brutal murders. Eight family member, including a 16yearold shot in the head execution style. While they are questioning this person there is still a possibility there may be more than one killer involved. At least two babies and one toddler survived the accident. In t in the. And the body of music legend prince is back with his family this morning. Autopsy is complete but it could take weeks before we know the exact cause of death. No obvious signs on the body at all. We have no reason to believe this was the suicide. Prince was found dead on wednesday. Fans gathering to pay respects. Reports he may have overdosed days before his death on pain pills. A full toxicology scan will likely take several weeks. And president obama speaking in london, warned of economic fall out if voters choose to leave. Part of being friends is to be honest. And to let you know what i think. And speaking honestly, the outcome of that decision is a matter of deep interest to the United States. Because it effects our prospects as well. It wasnt all business. Take a look at this. Prince george got to stay up late past bedtime to meet the first couple. He thanked the obamas for the rocking horse they gave him when he was born. All right brian. The standoff is finally over. Kelly ripa is returning to her show. Its called live on tuesday. Moments ago the press broke this story. They are very worried about her fearing she could come back and go rogue and quote pull an ann curry on live tv and maybe expose something they dont want to expose. And after cohost Michael Strahan reported leaving her show without giving notice. And another report they were only talking through intermediaries. Wouldnt you always be worried about that with someone on Live Television who feels like they have been. Its a real threat. You could go rogue at any minute. Have you ever no. I wouldnt. If i ever did that would be like the most first of all, our show isnt script. Ever. That would be the most highly rated moment in fox history. But how do you work next to someone and never talk to them . I dont know. And what if the intermediary stops talking and it could have like layers and layers of intermediaries. Talk to my agent. My agent. We have the same agent. So we have brand new polls we want to run by you. Fox news polls. In indiana, trump 41, cruz 33. 16 for kasich. In california, 49 trump, 22 20 for kasich, 22 for cruz. What stands out for you dayna. I would say ted cruzs team is probably happy with that number. And they are working it really hard. They have a few weeks. The contest is may 3rd. So two weeks to see if they can close that gap. The california numbers amazing for trump. The California Republicans are thinking were finally relevant in a primary. Theres been a lot of talk about the contested convention and if somebody gets close. And not 1237. And Reince Priebus is saying once again if you dont hit that magic number you are not automatically the nominee. Politics is a team sport and we cant win unless we rally around whoever becomes or nominee. The rules say you have have to have 1237 delegates to be the nominee. We arent going to hand the nomination to anyone with a plurality. No matter how close they get to 1237. You need a majority. And as the old phrase goes close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Does he mean this . Do you think the gop is willing and planning to give the nomination to someone who didnt get the most votes if nobody gets the majority. The rules are 1237. And if you dont hit 1237 it will go to a second ballot. I dont think its fair to anybody to change the rules at this point. Public pressure is going to be intense. Well what do you mean . If you get to 1237 . You are not going to give it . There is another school of thought that says we played by the rules. You had to get to 1237 and if you didnt you had to have a delegate strategy. Which one will carry the day . I dont know. I admire him for saying there are rules and were going to stick to them. And said whoever the nominee is going to be the Republican Party has to unite behind them. That is really reinces job. Find the unite candidate. And if primaries cant get someone to 1237, that is what the conventions are for. I think it will be okay. I think the pressure mounts when or if trump gets to a thousand. If he gets over a thousand, with the way hes been on the stump now saying someone wants to facetime me . I didnt even know that was possible. Someone who is not watching this show obviously. Im already facetiming with america. Isnt that enough . What about the pressure from the other side of the people who say well, if you didnt get to 1237 . Theyre close, then its supposed to go to a second ballot. I think the best thing to do is follow the rules, as they are set. Not change them because it gets close. The gloves off with the candidates for sure. They need to kiss and make up at the end. I think the ultimate unifier could be Hillary Clinton. She has laid out some vp picks shes reportedly considering anyway. Tim cain, mark warner. Senator brown of ohio. Senator patrick of massachusetts. Thomas perez and elizabeth warren. I dont believe any of this. I think her team is so manipulative. They dont want us to focus on the fact of the investigation over her head and shes so unpopular and Bernie Sanders has been winning all of these contests. So what is the best way to get people to stap talk about these things . Oh ive not vp choices. Shes not going to choose elizabeth warren. Shes going need her help but i dont think thats true. And here is my thought on the Vice President ial choice. Dick cheney brought three electoral votes from wyoming. Thats not why she was chosen as Vice President. Around 1 of your votes will come because of your Vice President ial choice. So it really doesnt matter. You can only screw it up. Speaking of the rules, there is no rule against giving speeches to wall street for 250 grand a pop. But it is becoming increasingly tough for Hillary Clinton to explain why shes not releasing the transcripts. Will she be able to keep the position all the way through to november . I dont think she will be able to. Now you actually have senator gillibrand of new york saying yeah i think there should probably be some transparency here. So that is not easy for her. I go back to back judgment and Decision Making from the beginning. She knew she was going to run for president. She didnt need the money. But she did the speeches anyway. And now shes paying the price. The other is her ap report. 85 to 90 of the last speeches she gave have links to lobbyist associations in front of her when she was secretary of state and in two thousand and she wants to run for president again. Thats the perception. Thats the problem. You have the antiestablishment focus also on the democratic side, partly because of this behavior from both sides and shes going to pay a price for that. But ultimately are the demographics in her favor . Yes. Is her organization in much better shape than the republicans for a general election candidacy . Absolutely. Shell weather the storm. I dont know what the wall street transcripts say. I dont think she says anything in there like dont worry, im not going to regulate the big banks. They are probably really boring speeches. Her staff would take the cell phone from the people in the crowd the only person that has them. Apparently she requested that the speeches will be recorded. Whatever she said was trite. Probably filled with cliches too. And shes not leaving. Shes going to stay right here myself. Never heard account of george w. Bush inside the oval office. Everybody needs to hear it. T coming up. And being called the meanest mom in the world. This lady for tossing out her kids ice cream in the trash. The reason why is because they didnt mind their manners. Is it mean or just Good Parenting . Youre here to buy a car. What would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. Truecar has pricing data on every make and model, so all you have to do is search for the car you want, there it is. Now youre an expert in less than a minute. This is truecar. Frustrated with your overactive cant handle the side effects . Botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. Ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder and reduce your daily leakage episodes. The effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. 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One of the most popular things in the story is what it was like to work with president bush behind the scenes. I knew of this story so i included it. And ed was being asked to come in and be the counselor to the president for the last 18 months. The president comes in and has this interview. And says ed, you are very good at communicating to the American People and thats one audience and that is very important. But there are some things you need to know. Everyone listens to what i say. If they sense any weakness oi on my part they will be gone tomorrow the enemies sense any weakness. Or and there is another troop. And if they sense any weakness or provocation it will be bad for their morale. So at some point you may want me to Say Something very popular and sounds really good to the American Public but you wont know that i know it is going to hurt the troops or hurt that you are morale and you need to know i will never do that. And that was it. And had a chance to work with ed gillespie and the president until the end of the administration. And i thought it was important that president bush have a chance to be known as the person not just for his policies or politics. And that is one of the reasons i wrote the book and added these stories. The president comes out with a huge story in atlantic and his views. In it he mocks some people for what he did and im thinking that goes directly against what the president you worked for knew because our enemies see us as week in cuba and iran by not giving and they dont give a description to the atlantic but they see everything. So you have to think about all of your different audiences whenever you are speaking. And you wanted your readers to know what president bush was like with the troops. True. And also another great story in there about chad pfeifer. Hes the first Wounded Warrior to play on the web. Com tour which i understand is right before the pro tour. Right before the pga tour. And this was a double amputee. Never played golf before he was injured in iraq. Comes back a young man also injured says do you want to go on this golf thing with us today . And he said oh golf isnt a sport. But then he felt bad. The guy was trying. He went though on the excursion, hit his first ball and fell in love with the sport. Got invited to play with the president twice. And chad pfeifer just captures the president s imagination. And he hit a hole in one and the president said do you want to come and play with the me at the president s cup. It was that the president treated him like a regular guy. The president is not afraid to just treat them as civilians when they come back and make the transition. So the good news is he comes back. Hes now living in texas with his family. And hes going to be like the first pro golfer, Wounded Warrior. It is amazing. Amazing. One of my girls, weirdly enough. Playing golf in the winter and person walks up and spoke to her, says you are not a very good golfer. And drives on. Which i think is true. [ laughter ] and she wasnt hurt. She wasnt hurt. And good news is shes got a long day today. On the five. Were going to be there. All of us. 20 minutes after the hour, coming up. This video is shocking. A chiropractor cracking the back of a four day old baby. Have to unfortunately extend her just a little bit to get it in the right place. Thats why the click. The video posted online is sparking outrage. Our next guest will join us live to explain. And what a grab. Nabbing a home run ball wild holding a baby in his arms. My School Reunions coming fast. Could be bad. Could be a blast. Cant find a single thing to wear. Will they be looking at my hair . Wont be the same without you bro. When its go, the new Choice Privileges gets you there faster. And now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. Book now at choicehotels. Com hi. Quick headlines right now. More than 500 pounds of dangerous explosive stolen from a Freight Train. The commercial grade fireworks were heading from chicago to detroit. Investigators say they pose a great risk to the public. So far they say there are no signs this is terror related. And a tourist boat sinks off the coast of costa rica. Nearly a hundred people were on board when that boat capsized in rough waters. Three people, including one american, were killed. The rest were rescued. It happened in 2015 in january but the video just surfaced online. And more shocking video. This showing a chiropractor cracking a newborn babys back as the parents look on. Have to unfortunately just extend it a little bit to get it in the right place. [ cracking ] thats why you have this baby was only four days only. Earlier we spoke with a florida chiropractor who said it is not as dangerous as it may sound. The noise you hear is gas being released in a joint. Its a fairly normal thing. You hear it when you crack your knuckles, things like that. You are not cracking the back per se. What you are doing is creating motion where there is decreased motion. Truthfully the adjustment does work. It works really well with calming babies and i think because you are effecting and calming nerves in the spine that are changing the he would have done a softer adjustment he did say. We know colic has been around many thousands of years and in fact the father of medicine first described it and we know this effects a lot of children but despite it effecting so many children it is extremely common. Many studies have looked at the cause of colic. And colic means intestine in greek. But it is not actually related to the intestine. And problem we still dont know what causes colic. We know it is very distressing for baby and for parent to. Cry all day. Typically colic effects children later in the day. More than three hours of crying a day for three days a week. The rule of threes. It lasts for three weeks. But there is a time period it typically effects its children. Between the age of two weeks and four months. So children grow out of it. We must remember this does not have a medical cause. Children grow out of it. It is self limiting. But it is very distressing. When the child has colic. They get very red in the face. Piercing, uncontrollable screaming. Looking flushed andage tailli a. Do you have we have to understand what is the concern in the mid calratur. And there are lots of studies and it is not being shown to be more effective. That is the first issue. There is no evidence that this is feffective treatment for colic. And many babies with i know will grow out of it spontaneously. The other issue, regardless of effectiveness, is this dangerous . Studies have shown it is not as harmful as it may look. So really serious harm is not being shown. But really the first question is is it effective . Should we be doing it . And the problem for parents to reassure the parents the baby needs to be shrewd excluded by pediatrician. Other issues like fever, not maintaining weight or other issues. Not colic. How will a parent know what an effective treatment is . The first thing you need to do is the child needs to be evaluated by the pediatrician to exclude serious causes. The nature of the colic is quite typical with the symptoms and signs weve already discussed. But you do need to talk to your pediatrician. They will take a history, examine the child. Once they have done a thorough examination of the child they can reassure the parents that this is not going to have i longterm effects. Would you do it for your kid . I would not. Okay. I would not. Dont throw the baby out with the bath water. Okay. Thank you, doctor. Crossing the border into the u. S. Is easier than ever. And isis has taken note of this. Poor mouth breather. Breathe right. Welcome back. 33 minutes after hour. Could isis get into the United States as easy as this . Now it appears isis is also trying to cross our border through our southern border. Take look at this guy. This guy accused of trying to join the terrorist group. And he says he wanted to open up a smuggling route through syria through mexico and the United States. And then he said hed tell isis how he did it for its fighters to carry out terrorist attack. And. And a father facing charges after leaving his newborn son in a car all while donating plaza. You are watching an officers body cam capture the moment they free the baby. That is when the father reportedly comes running out still attached to an iv. The newborn was alone for over an hour. The baby rushed to the hospital is said to be doing okay this morning. Curt schilling already lost his job but he isnt done suppressing his expressing his views. Schilling was fired earlier this week for posting this picture mocking the trans gender bathroom debate. And he may know her from jersey bell but she has a new role as self proclaimed meanst mom ever. Her Facebook Post about taking away her kids ice cream going viral. I felt great about what i did. And i would do it again. I just will not have children who move through the world not seeing people. Jamie says her kids were disappointed to lose their ice cream but understand where she is coming from. And this topic got a lot of you talking this morning. Facebook says Good Parenting. If more did this we wouldnt have the disrespectful young adults with such huge sense of entitlement. Does she throw her kids breakfast and lunches out as well. And what a great job. Teaching manners at that young age will serve them well the rest of their lives. It is National Picnic day. And were not going to ignore that here. All the things you need to pack. You have some good stuff here for us. I want to start with the perfect picnic basket. Everything wants something cute but also functional. This is from outdoor oasis. You can actually get this at jk pe jc penney. Its on sale right now. You want to get this while you can. Flat ware for two. You can of course add more things as needed. And an alternative, do you remember the days when we had like bulky coolers and ice packs. Thats changed . It has changed. Because basket is a company that has come one the a picnic tote thats freezable. And a cooler thats freezable. And pop this in the freezer overnight and in the morning it is a cooler that is going to stay cold for 10 hours. Very cool. So all your mayonnaise products are totally fine. All the products. The juices, the beverages, the beers. It is such a lightweight alternative to those bulky containers. And what you need. I offered tucker 20 bucks if he would wear this i have one at home but im not comfortable. And this is a new innovation from and a head wrap. Outdoors, this blocks out the sun and protects you from uv, uva. Go for it rick. I like the white one on you. And finally. There we go. This is bug guard. No dont spray it. How does it taste . Its deet free and has no scent and repels mosquito, deer tick, you name it. Whats the perfect picnic without games to play . Picnic is a great way to get the whole family together. Unplug, get outside and play. We want something new and innovative like the easy grip football. Nothing more classic like a game of catch. But these have this great webbing on them. So it makes it easy for even the youngest kids to catch. Jim even you could grip it. Want to catch it . They will bounce on grass, sand, water. Concrete. You can take it anywhere. And once you have mastered this you can move on to pop fly which is a really fun game for two or four kids. You toss the bean bag onto the lever. And a ball will pop up. And you got to try and catch i it. Who want to catch it . Whoever catches the most balls wins. There you go. Almost. Theres one more. Oh there you go. And then a bubble machine . Yep. There is no soap here. These are bubbles of candy. Cherry flavor in there. So try and catch them in your mouth. They taste good right . Yeah. How much fun is that . All right. Pay attention. Short Attention Span theater over here. So there were actually official sacks. There was a time in official history we used potato sacks. But now some have handles. Hold up to 85 pounds. Nothing more classic than a potato sack race. I miss all those people. They have a great pocket on the front so you go. Put something in the pocket and then come back. And the sky ball . They can bounce up to 85 feet in the air. You can play hand ball, and sky bouncers. They can be tossed like a frisbee. They bounce in crazy directions. Guys you have a good time . Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you can grab in your pockets you can take home. Go ahead. Who wants the microphone downhill pretty quick when a photo on turned into a photo oomph. Mistakes from the past. Having a man like mike dukakis in a tank ground Emergency Warning System against nuclear attack. He even criticized grenada and our strike on libya. And now he wants to be our commander in chief. Dont take risk. It was a longstanding idea. The polls that summer were bad for dukakis. He wasnt showing gravitas as potential commander in chief. So they said lets get him to michigan, sterling height, reagan democrat country. And my man spent several days at the facility with him. Figured out all of the choreography of putting him in the tank. He had great misgivings. Told people back in boston this whole event sucks. Nevertheless they went with it. They went trying well can he not put on the helmet. The helmet went on at the last minute. And five weeks later made that ad. So it was not the advance mans fault. It was the candidates fault. Al gore the flood gate. Remind us. The nation is mourning. Gore wants to get an early start on campaigning. Goes to new hampshire, he and her paddling down the river. And there is a dam upstream called the wilder dam. And they release water every day if they changed the timing the river would rise 12 inches. So they said well this is great. Gore wont get stuck. He wont run aground. But bill salmon found a commissioner along the river and said, you know, they wont even do this to help us fish on this river but they do it for a president ial candidate. And for a week all they could talk was about food gate. I remember so rel. And this john kerry wind surfing. How did this happen . The republicans convened for the Republican National convention that weekend. Kerry was relaxing in his nantucket compound and said i have a new wind surfer i want to try out. And he thinks hes in a private cove but the pool says, you know, there is no privacy on the waters of cape cod bay. So they get these pictureses. Meanwhile Mark Mckinnon is here in new york and he says this fits perfectly with that back in West Virginia when he i voted before the war before i voted against it. Thats a flipflop moment. And so when you contort this video and the left and right with the wind and the he gets in the studio, puts the ad together applies the music of the blue danube waltz and suddenly you have wind surfing off of iraq. And hes a great wind surfer too actually. Didnt get credit for it. The book is off script, and its awesome. Cant decide what to get your mom for mothers day . Obviously a goat. war drums beating fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. Youto get the help yourefar looking for. Thats why at xfinity were opening up more stores closer to you. Where you can use all of our latest products and technology. And find out how to get the most out of your service. So when you get home, all you have to do is enjoy it. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. We only do she male goats. We do not eat those goats. We do not eat those goats she goat can deliver two kids a year and that is enough to put the kids for school and deliver meals etc. And ive been part of this a long time. This is part of making America Great again. Because americans are different than everybody else in the world. So today this is what im going to do. For the first 50 people that buy a goat. Thats about 60 to buy a goat, im going to buy you one of those necklaces. So for the first 50 im going buy necklaces and you will get one of those beautiful swarovski necklaces. And we also help here in the United States in terms of food n terms of nutrition. So sudan, america. A great partnership. What has this meant to you to be able to give back . Well, you know, i get more than we give. And i think darren does too. It is because we see how peoples faces light up. We see how families. We see the malnutrition go away. And we see our women who can support themselves now by making these beautiful can they sustain them . Yeah. And i lot of them are orphans or returning slaves from south sudan so it gives them an immediate sense of ownership. And the first time some of them have ever owned and can take care of something. Are they great pets . Yeah they are get pets. Peter, ellen, fantastic guys for you to come down. So if you want to donate, go goatsfortheoldgoat. C goatsfortheoldgoat. Com. Hey america, still not sure

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