Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20160403 10:00:00

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hey, everybody. good morning. it's sunday the 3rd of april, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is "fox & friends" weekend. the battle for the badger state. we are days away from the wisconsin primary and donald trump looking to keep the trump train rolling and the feud to go off with cruz, making his unprecedented move yet. what he did, straight ahead. and this morning, the white house on high alert as hundreds protest pot laws by lighting up a 50-foot joint on the president's front lawn. where were the cop? and a moment bringing the
internet to tears. >> i got in. i'm going to college! i got in. >> she got in. a teenager with down's syndrome opens a college acceptance letter. that student and her mom will join us us live this hour. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ take me out to the ball game >> oh, it feels like baseball weather, it's 20 degrees outside. happy opening day. >> windy and snowy. >> yeah. >> finish your baseball pics -- i think there's four games today. the first one kicks off at 1:05 in pittsburgh and janice said it will be freezing in pittsburgh later on. >> we'll have some fun later on. >> send us your baseball pictures. >> and peter doocy's in the house. >> thanks for having me. >> fresh off your big villanova victory. we'll get to that in a moment.
>> fresh is right. >> but first some politics, because two days until voters hit the polls in wisconsin. >> yeah, front-runner donald trump and ted cruz staying on the attack. >> garrett tenney has the very latest from the campaign trail. >> reporter: good morning. with two days until the tws primary, donald trump and ted cruz are not leaving much if anything off the table. with cruz leading, trump was relentless in his personal attacks on the texas senator throughout the day. but the donald also spent a lot of time trying to explain recent controversial comments he made about nato, abortion, and allowing japan and south korea to acquire nuclear weapons. trump told supporters all of the comments were taken out of context and blamed the media for making him look bad. >> there's such deception and such lying. in fact, when sarah came in today -- i saw her this morning. we were talking for a little while. i said this politics is really a dishonest business.
they say things and i'll go into it because i'm all about making america great again. very simple. very simple. >> reporter: and ted cruz took a quick detour to north dakota's republican convention to try and win other -- over voters there who are going to select 25 of the state's 28 delegates later today. he was the only candidate to make an appearance in person and he praised the state's energy industry while promising to keep the federal government out of the way. and he added this line about conservative values. >> you know, it's easy to talk about making america great again. you can even print that on the baseball cap, but the real question is do you understand principles and values that make america great in person?
>> reporter: not a subtle jab at trump and all the candidates are in wisconsin making one last push for the 42 delegates which could help trump win the nomination outright or give ted cruz and john kasich a chance to win it at the convention. >> thanks, garrett. well, meanwhile, donald trump is having to walk back some of the comments on abortion and he's trying to do what he can to get some of the women voters. three out of four women say they would not vote for him, even one out of three republican women say they would not vote for him, they would be upset. >> yeah. on the heels of having to walk back the abortion comments and his campaign manager, corey lewandowski, facing charges after michelle fields said he grabbed and bruised her so we're seeing a different side of donald trump though. he have's actually -- he's not apologizing but he said he regrets something. remember the war of the wives between heidi cruz and melania trump, the picture that he
retweeted, the pretty picture of melania and not so nice one of heidi, he regrets it. if i had to do it, i wouldn't have sent it, he says. >> what this shows is a kind of retail politicking that donald trump had not done before. because it comes about when maureen dowd said when you retweeted that picture of heidi cruz she said you lost my sister's vote. he said, tell your sister i'm improving. >> look, my wife is campaigning for me this week. melania is out there, i'm going to turn to my daughter ivanka to help handle the woman's side of things. >> how is senator cruz responding to this? >> take his apology? >> well, here he is with the answer. >> you know, it's gotten to the point where i could not care less about donald trump. [ cheers and applause ]
because he says it's a mistake, that's fine, it's a mistake. my focus is to ignore all of the nonsense and noise and focus on the issues of the -- that the people of wisconsin care about. >> there are women who like them and they're strong trump supporters and there's an opinion piece in "the new york post" which asks the question who are the women backing donald trump? if these numbers are to be believed one in three women would have a problem with trump winning the campaign. they're security mom, they don't really care about the main, traditional women's values issues. they're security moms, women who vote not on traditional women's issues. education, abortion, et cetera. but on foreign policy. >> yeah. the people who vote on other -- women who vote on issues other than those pertaining to their
uterus. >> it's a news story that the woman might want to vote for the front-runner of the two major parties. but it's a problem for him. >> like the democrats say, hey, if you're a woman and you don't vote for us, there's something wrong with you. >> right. it's hillary clinton. she's got the coronation. if you're a woman you have to fall in line. >> how is that fair? it's -- there's such a double standard. >> speaking of the race on the democratic side, hillary clinton anders and bernie sanders said hey, i want to debate you ahead of the april the 19th primary, she said i'll debate you if you change your tone. there's more squabbling. been quite a scrappy week between the two of them. and now we're learning that they are going to debate. they're just negotiating where they're going to do it and what time. she apparently wanted to do it on the night of some ncaa basketball game and they were like no, we want people to see the debate. >> yeah. really something that hillary clinton is the one who is say g saying, we need more debates because is that something you
would expect a strong front-runner to want? because the headlines that's come out of the debates it's never good. why would she want if she was in a strong opinion to debate? >> a great point. look, if she loses wisconsin, that's a huge story. if she loses and gets trounced in wisconsin, that's a huge story. then the new york primary. she's the senator from new york. >> that would be such a psychological blow. >> and remember the dnc tried to hide the debates and then hillary clinton emerged very strong during the debates. it was an opportunity for her to answer the narrative questions that bernie sanders has been laying out. >> she's still upset with his tone, that he points back to her being cozy with wall street. not happy about this. >> she tweeted this out. sort of hedging her bets.
you always had my back. i'm going to try, that means they're not doing to do it. i'm going to try to make it to your party. >> your backlash on twitter going really, you're putting loopholes in your tweets? >> you want to contrast it on the other side, trump everything he says, he says i will do it. even if it's something big and broad that would be really tough for a president to do, he says this is the problem, it will be better. not i'm going to try. >> donald trump is predicting a massive recession, but he has the plans to fix it. >> yeah, an interesting interview. a long ranging interview. we'll talk about it later in the show, bob woodward's interview with him. but first, big election coverage is starting tonight on fnc. greta hosts a special town hall with donald trump, 8:00 p.m. he'll be taking questions from the crowd. don't miss that. then on monday -- >> all three candidates are in primetime. john kasich is with greta, followed by an all new "o'reilly
factor" and ted cruz sits down with megyn kelly and donald trump on hannity. >> it's leading up to live on tuesday, here on fnc. at the moment we'll switch gears and tell you what else is making news, starting with a fox news alert. the brussels airport opening the doors for the first time today since last month's deadly terror attack. here's a live look outside that airport right now. only a few flights will take off today to italy, athens, portugal. the airport says it will take months to be back at full capacity. delta's suspended all flights from atlanta to brussels to 2017 saying demand is down. 270 people were hurt in the blasts. one person is dead, five injured when a plane crash lands and plows into the back of a car parked on the side of the road. the passenger in the back seat was killed on impact. the driver and two others are
recovering. the pilot is being dragged from the cockpit. the pilot and passenger both seriously hurt. it's unclear what caused the plane to crash. witnesses say it was scary. >> it was pretty nerve-racking seeing the plane over the top and hit the road and then hit that car. i didn't know if there was anybody in the car because it wasn't moving or anything. former san francisco catcher matt nokes said he once owned that very plane and even crash landed it on the highway 16 years ago. the grass is greener at the white house lawn yesterday. what do you think of this? pot activists lighting none protest claiming that obama hasn't done enough for marijuana reform nationwide. protesters also paraded a giant joint. no arrests were made though.
>> we heard -- >> yeah. peter, i'm going to -- you read this story. >> gladly. this year's final four was a blowout. number one north carolina entering -- ending syracuse's cinderella run, 86-66 and much the same between villanova and oklahoma. 95-51. the largest margin of victory in final four history. the championship match now set, villanova, my alma mater is going to take on north carolina monday night tip-off, 9:19 eastern. >> i think we have to go -- >> fresh off that victory yesterday, i think we have some photos. security cam footage at the bar. >> it was great. so this is -- i just looked -- you know, e-mail us -- hey, if you're alumni in the new york area, go to this giant bar. so we went. luckily it was the early game.
6:00. and people went crazy. it was so cool. villanova is a school on the small side compared to the others that always do well in basketball. >> right. >> and i have been looking for an excuse to wear my villanova tie for the last five years. yeah, some of my good buddies from college who were also out last night that's us celebrating at the end. last time they made the final four, i was a senior in college. >> what year was that? >> 2009. and drove my car from philadelphia to detroit and they lost pretty bad. >> well, good victory. so we'll be watching that. congrats, peter. all right, coming up on the show, two weeks removed from the terror attack in brussels and a new report says more than 5,000 jihadists are on the loose in europe right now. how are they slipping through the cracks? we'll talk about that. and plus, it's not the scene you expect to see outside the rink. hockey fans sent flying from an escalator. the wild moments caught on camera. ♪
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as the brussels airport reopens today, there are questions if the officials missed crucial warning signs leading up to the bombings. an a.p. report revealing that the airport bomber ibrahim passed through several background checks. what does this say about the intel jegs sharing? joining us right now is dr. zuhdi jasser. >> good morning. good to be with you.
>> there are countries now in the europe and the middle east who are concerned with getting these terrorist foreign fighters, but once they kick them out of their country they don't care what happens. is that about right? >> yeah. it really -- every time we go through this, peter, it's like we do this postmortem after a major attack and we wonder, well, how did this happen? we realize as we peel the onion we realize it's the sheer volume of the jihadists and the lack of coordination within the european countries and countries having different strategies and responding differently to communications they get. and the second one is more important, the lack of vetting for any ideological profiling. the european union does not vet for political ideology as far as islamists and jihadists. they said they're foreign
terrorist, not islamists. why? they're not vetting for the ideology that they're actually creating in their open countries. >> how would that kind of vetting work though? do you ask, are you a terrorist, islamic radical, how would that work? >> well, this is the problem because we're asks the terrorists themselves or the islamists that are coming, have you ever thought of committing an act of terrorism and of course they'll say no. if we look at principles that are a firewall between freedom and those that are islamists so we need to find out about caliphatism. do they believe in jihad, especially militant jihad. there are ways to vet. in the cold war we did this with communism and the countries we use to help us would be like in the cold war use cuba to help us
vet the communists. those are countries we would never trust in telling us who is coming into the west that are communists. >> why is it that turkey and saudi arabia, why don't they ever tip us off, hey, we found this guy and we deported him. keep an eye on him. he could do something bad, why don't they ever do that? >> well, because for them to tip us off truly would be to basically expose the ideologies within their own countries. saudi arabia is wahhabi islamists are radical militants in their government that are theocrats that are basically isis is their stepchild, so yes, they may say they're with us in exposing the terrorists that want to do acts of terror, but they're only focused on the last week or two and we always find out that that's very late and if we're going to vet against the thousands coming into europe we have to use our own vetting for our own ideals. the secularism, freedom and
democracy against caliphatism which they're part of. >> thank you dr. jasser. we have a great political panel, right after this. nothing else. it's a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. amazin prune juice and amazin prune light. from sunsweet, the feel good fruit. (two text tones) now? (text tone) excuse me. (phone tone) again? be right back. always running to the bathroom because your bladder is calling the shots? (text tone) you may have oab. enough of this. we're going to the doctor. take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq. that's myr-be-triq, the first and only treatment... its class for oab symptoms of urgency... ...frequency, and leakage. myrbetriq (mirabegron) may increase blood pressure. tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder, or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. if you experience...
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the new book. he said it gained traction in the white house and the cia and the president ignored the advice of then cia director david petraeus. over to you. >> thanks, anna. well, the candidates are busy making the final push in the wisconsin primary, two days away. but the front-runners on both sides could be in trouble in the badger state. so after hillary clinton was swept by senator sanders and donald trump's rough week, do both have a reason to be worried? joining us now is kathy lynn taylor, and former prosecutor judge and political commentator kenneth dell beck owe. and former at large council member. wisconsin, today. is this a big problem for donald trump? if he loses we have a number of primaries over the course of april, that looks like he can
lock it up. people are writing him off. >> wisconsin may not matter much in delegate count, although he has to hit that number because of the convention. if he could be blocked the establishment is uniting trying to find somebody else to come in and present and cruz is trying to seize this opportunity to make his case, although i don't think he's making it very well, as well as kasich. this is a point where you have two parties who are neck and neck. the establishment who is unifying to find alternatives and then you have donald trump who needs to win this. if he can't win it, that shows he's not this perfect candidate he's laying himself out to be. >> we saw this in iowa. loses pretty handily in iowa and storms through new hampshire. >> what happens in wisconsin is completely meaningless. first of all, donald trump can take wisconsin. if he doesn't, he'll get new jersey and california and new
york and he's going to steam roll right in. he'll get the magic number and all this contest the convention stuff is crap and not going to happen. >> wisconsin, not a big deal? 42 delegates up for grab, not a big deal? >> it's a big deal. i don't think it's the make or break moment for trump if he wins it or not. as you said, we have heard it this before. if i had a nickel where donald trump had a bad woke and we said that's the end of the trump train i would be much wealthier that's for sure. i think it's a turning point. i think we will see a different donald trump after this week. whether he wins or not. i think his beloved burgers might have some wisconsin cheese that have a little bit of holes on it this week. because he's had a rough week and he's had a rough week not because he's insulted someone or made outlandish statements. he's had a rough week because he's starting to show he needs more depth on the issues and people are starting to worry about that. so i think that's where he's going to improve. i think he knows the issues. >> you don't buy that though?
>> no no. he has a big problem with women. if you look at the numbers that we were talking about on the show. three out of four women who say -- they would be upset with a donald trump presidency. one out of three on the republican side say that. >> i don't buy that. >> i don't see that at all. i'm running for congress. i'm not delusional. i'm running for congress, i'm out there every day. i speak with women nonstop who are republican, some who aren't republican. women love this guy. >> an anecdote though. >> it's not. >> but the numbers don't show that. >> every single poll -- >> no gop nominee has won a general election without number one, having very strong numbers with women. and number two, having some sort of background on foreign policy, some sort of strength on foreign policy. he's avoiding the areas, i think it's suspicious. >> i don't think he's avoiding them at all. one thing you have to give donald trump credit for, he's disparaged women no more than
anyone else. he's disparaged everyone else, and that's why people like -- >> let me -- >> let me talk as a man here. >> let me finish. every single primary, they say he's not doing to carry minority, he's not going to carry women and he has. so those polling numbers are not adding up. that's -- >> we saw that in south carolina. >> women like this guy. talk to women who work with him. listen -- >> that doesn't translate into votes. >> it does. >> how? >> the poll numbers are showing that women like this guy. >> are you saying -- >> they are? >> are you saying when people get a phone call, do you like donald trump, they look at their husband and say, i don't like him. but when they go into the booth -- >> we're a woman we can change our minds any time. >> 73% of women -- donald trump says it like it is and he's powerful. >> five seconds left. hillary clinton, sander, who wins wisconsin?
>> sanders. i think it will be a big piece of momentum. every time he pulls above he'll do better. >> sanders will take wisconsin and there's a big problem for hillary clinton than donald trump than ted cruz. >> i think hillary will ebb and flow until the end. if there's no indictment she'll take it. but if there is -- >> unbelievable. sanders is up five points right now in wisconsin. >> thank you. lovely to debate at 6:30. if you're not awake, you are right now. a scary scene as a father is dragged by a school bus. watch. >> hey, stop the bus! >> holy smokes. you will hear from that dad, straight ahead. then, have you ever gone to the starbucks and they totally get your name wrong like they do to me? they do it all the time to me. coming up the one name that the coffee giant won't say out loud. it's not coyleton.
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♪ ♪ wrote me a letter, it's your shot of the morning. hillary clinton's online critics speculating she forget how to write her name in cursive. while in syracuse, she
autographed some basketballs for the orange's men and women's team. >> some supporters wondered why it looked so much different from the websites around the world. >> have you ever seen like a major league baseball player sign a baseball and they have to hold it oddly in their hand with a pen? i'm sure she's not used to signing basketballs on a regular basis. >> they're a little bumpy too. i'm going to defend her too. >> there's an item from page 6 in november that a "washington post" reporter said that per the clinton campaign t proer iffpre no rodham. shis how she -- this is how she signed her name. >> conspiracy. i wonder if there's someone on her staff that signed the basketballs for her. >> just saying. >> she could have written hillary and we would have known
who it was. kind of like madonna and cher. >> like before people go back to vote figure out what her name is. >> speaking of one-word names, everyone knows donald trump as the donald or as trump. what do you think he would do if he went to starbucks and put the name trump on the cup? >> here's the problem with starbucks. they get names wrong. i don't know why they do this. so here was my cup a few weeks ago. i don't know what that is. i might have gotten someone else's coffee. >> i call you clayton. because it was c-l-y. >> well, scott bio, chachi, went into a starbucks and he wanted them to put trump on the cup. scott, your order is up, anna, your order is up. when it was time for the trump cup, no one said anything.
maybe it's because of his boycott during the christmas season with the ridiculous snowflake conspiracy. my favorite made-up news story of the year, but he slammed them. remember trump was anti-starbucks for a why. maybe that's why no baristas. >> the twitter is going crazy. scott baio @real donald trump, maybe you invaded her safe space. good thing it wasn't written in chalk. >> they don't mess yours up. you have an easy name. >> i never get something so complicated that you have to give your name. i say i want a venti pike and they pore it for you and they hand it to you. >> you're a real man. >> my cinnamon latte -- >> right. >> let's start with this. 37 minutes after the hour. a manhunt under way after a
man is shot in chicago while live streaming on facebook. this video is disturbing. >> for the kids. [ gunshots ] >> oh, my goodness. 31-year-old brian fields a convicted murderer and known gang member was visiting his mother's house in broad daylight when he was gunned down. fields is in critical condition. police are now searching frame by frame for any clues. the alleged gunman is clearly caught on the video. if you recognize this person, please call the chicago police department. and another terrifying video, this out of boston. a father hanging on the a school bus for dear life all while his daughter watched from inside. >> i was getting dragged pretty much all the way down. she was screaming to the bus -- she was sitting behind the bus driver, like please stop. >> he said he grabbed the mirrors when the bus didn't stop at the normal spot. but the driver was told not to do that that day.
and he would have let the girl off, but the father started punching the door and screaming. so he kept going. that driver has been suspended. thankfully the father was not hurt. well, that escalated quickly. oh, well, yeah, this is nuts. an escalator at the wells fargo center in philadelphia malfunctions, speeding up and leaving a pile of people there at the bottom. as fans were trying to leave the flyers game, people who couldn't get out of the way fast enough had minor injuries. wow. that could have been real bad. have you ever caught dozing off at work? >> many in the field offices have reported disappointing deals. >> well, you're not the only one and the problem may be your
j-o-b. about half of the workers are losing sleep to think about work. that's causing them to become less productive and nearly half said they caught someone else sleeping at work. >> that's why i -- built a bed inside of his desk so he could just sleep in his office every day. >> make sure you lock the doors so no one comes in. >> janice dean built a bed over in the weather center. >> i'm awake. >> because it's 20 degrees outside. >> it's dropped 20 degrees from this time yesterday and it does not feel like opening day weather. let's get that out of the weather. it's 35 near in new york and there's a windchill, ladies and gentlemen. because we have arctic air pushing into the northeast and some snow. let's take a look at the map. oh, my gosh, i feel like beyonce right now. it's 37 in new york right now. 27 in cleveland. 31 in minneapolis. you can see where that trough is digging in where we have much
colder than average temperatures. it is can kind of like a music video. the past 24 hours there's where the snow is across the great lakes and midwest and then up towards the northeast. that's where we will continue to see snow. how much snow? in some cases, six inches to the new england area. there's the first clipper system and we have another one later on in the week. it's april, what happened? there's the snowfall map. so that's the good news. cold outside and there's wind. you too can look like beyonce. back to you inside. >> like i woke unlike this. i woke up like this. you look great out there. oh, yes. back to your modeling days. blew right away. >> check in later on her. see if she's okay. all right. coming up, it's the video bringing the internet to tears. >> i got in! i'm going to college. i got in.
>> a teenager with down's syndrome opens a college acceptance letter. that student and her student are joining us live ahead. >> looking forward to talking to her. plus, this small device is delivering faith to the battlefield. the former chaplain behind the biblestick joins us next. vo: across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas.
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the french president's speech. it's a term that president obama has refused to use and now the white house has posted an updated video complete with the audio revised on its website. anna and peter? all right. thanks so much. delivering faith to soldiers on the battle field that's what one organization has been able to do by donating small devices to allow the soldiers to listen to the bible anywhere in the world. >> joining us now is matt cassidy, the director of chaplaincy ministries for the military biblesticks. so matt, you have got one of these military biblesticks right here. >> absolutely. >> this is it. how does it work? >> pretty simple. there's a aaa battery in the back, put that in, and press play for three seconds. the red light comes on, which works in good -- good for low light conditions, put the earbuds in and you listen to scripture. if you want to forward through,
press the button. if you want to pause it, pause it and come back to it later. >> you can pick out what verses you want to listen to which is awesome. you said it lasts 16 hours on one battery pack. not too shabby. you came across these in 2007. what made you decide while you were serving you needed to share it? >> did. in 2007 i was in afghanistan. it came through to my brigade chap lain's office. he had some sitting out in white. that's where they started off, i grabbed about ten of them, i took them back to the troops. they were done like that. they're a great resource, you can use them anywhere literally. anywhere you can -- you can put them in your pocket for soldiers and you're ready to roll. >> a lot of people would listen to whatever they want to listen to on their phones, but not everybody that is deployed can have a phone with them. >> absolutely. so i talked to people all the time. you can go to an app, and pick whatever version you want to
listen to of scripture. download it, have it on your smartphone. when deployed in a remote location, you can't have a smartphone. the tech is fairly limited so this allows you the ability to listen to the spoken word of god wherever you're at. >> we heard from those who are serving us so heroically, they miss their warm beds and their families and they lean on their faith often if that's what they practice. >> absolutely. >> how has this helped? >> this is -- so this is a ministry that helps and actually is promoting the spread of the gospel and people's heart -- it's your mom talking to you when she was bouncing you on the knee when you were a little kid. that's what we're trying to put on the biblestick and it's a larger ministry, what it does throughout the world. we have almost 1,000 languages throughout the world. so people can listen to the spoken word of god in their heart language and bring this back to a time of strength and faith. >> it's great. if you want to donate one of the
devices to the soldier, visit >> i never heard of this. this is awesome. thanks. coming up, is ted cruz being used by the establishment to stop trump? only to be dumped at the convention in july? there's a claim causing a stir. and it's the video bringing the internet to tears. >> i got in! i'm going to college. i got in. >> a teenager with down's syndrome opens a college acceptance letter. that moment and that student and her mom join us to talk about that moment, coming up. soup and sandwich and clean and real and inside jokes and school night.
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hey, everybody. stretch and wake-up. hope you're doing well. as millions of michelle seniors find out where they're going to college, one teenager's acceptance video is going viral. >> read it. what does it they? >> dear rachel, it is -- with great pleasure to notify you of your acceptance into the program. i got it! i got into college! [ laughter ] >> i got in! >> makes me want to cry tears of joy. awesome. what a heartwarming moment as that excited teenager who happens to have down syndrome opens her acceptance letter to east strasburg university in pennsylvania in the fall. here to tell us more about the
moment and what it means is college-bound senior rachel grace. her dad, tom, and mother, deb. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. >> i understand that we actually only have one earpiece right now. so deb, i know we've got it in your ear, what was that like for you? you filled out all the paperwork in january. and then when you opened the letter, what was that like for the whole family? >> it was very exciting. we were really happy for rachel. >> can you ask rachel for us how she felt. >> rachel, how did you feel when you opened it up? >> i felt excited. and it was just cool about it. >> how hard have you been working in school, in high school? what has that been like for you? >> have you been working hard at high school? >> yes, i have been working hard in high school. >> yeah? what extracurricular activities has she been involved with?
>> what do you do at school outside of studying? what do you do at school? >> instead of studying, i -- i focus on the basketball team because it's a lot of fun. >> rachel's the manager of the basketball team, the girls basketball team. >> dedication for years, i understand. they just love having you around. >> yes. >> dad, tom, what's this like for you watching your daughter, rachel, grow up and being able to go off to college? >> you know, it's just been amazing. she has -- she has really done an incredible job. we're really proud of her. we never knew -- we knew it would be an exciting ride. we just never knew how exciting. >> if you can ask your husband how he feels with b it and why this college is a good one for her. >> how do you feel about all this, and why is this a great
college for rachel? >> i'm incredibly proud of rach empshe emp-- rachel. she's worked so hard through the years with a lot of support from a lot of people. this program's a great program. it's a great fit for rachel. we're really excited. >> all right. mom, tell the whole family that we're pulling for rachel, and everybody loves this video. it's inspiring. >> they're pulling for you, rache. they're ereally excited for you. your video's great. >> thank you. >> have a great weekend. thanks for being with us on "fox & friends." what a moment. 56 after the hour. coming up on the program -- a shocking moment in a courtroom. a judge finds himself on the other side of the law after ordering a deputy to taser a defendant inside the courtroom. what's next for the judge? then, heigh-ho silver. why donald trump is calling himself the lone ranger inside his revealing interview top of the hour. ♪
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good morning, my friends. it's the 3rd of april, 2016. happy sunday. i'm anna kooiman. ted cruz and donald trump in a badger state battle. both men on the attack ahead of tuesday's primary, now the donald is calling himself the lone ranger. his revealing interview straight ahead. then, the white house is on high alert. hundreds of protesters of pot laws lighting up a 50-foot joint on the president's front lawn. where were the cops? these three football players make big plays on the field. now they're hailed as heroes after saving a woman's life on spring break. we'll share the incredible story this hour. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now.
♪ it is the first -- opening day of major league baseball. we've got great little leaguers showing us some of their skills. it's freezing, though, like 20 degrees. >> somebody get them some scarves. >> we want you to send in your pictures this morning. heading out to the games today, the first in pittsburgh today at 1:05 p.m. it's going to be freezing out there. we've got a dunk tank outside. >> we're taking volunteers. >> anna has been brave enough -- >> no, no, no. no, no. >> she's going to go there -- >> no, i did it two years in a row. it's your turn. >> i've definitely taken one for the team. peter, it falls to you. >> chances are that you're going to fall one foot on to a block of ice outside. >> it's already frozen. >> super windy. how many miles an hour is the wind blowing now? >> stand by. stand by. >> ballpark it --
>> 40, 50 miles per hour. >> perfect dunk tank weather. >> and flurries. it is perfect food weather. this is one sandwich here. you see this thing? >> ballpark food. >> what is that? grilled cheese for the bun -- >> that is one sandwich. >> the hospitality manager coming up. >> we'll show you some other ballpark food this morning. happy opening day. first -- two days until voters hit the polls in wisconsin. >> donald trump and ted cruz staying on the attack. >> we have more live from washington, d.c., and the latest from the campaign trail. good morning, garrett. >> reporter: good morning. we saw two different strategies from the front-runners yesterday. wisconsin is the big prize on tuesday. before that, north dakota which will select its 28 delegates later today. north dakota is unique in that it isn't holding a republican primary or caucus this election, and its delegates are free to support whoever they want at the national convention. with that in mind, ted cruz took a quick defrour wisconsin
yesterday to make his pitch to voters at north dakota's republican convention which included going after trump. earlier in the day in wisconsin, cruz said he's over the inczyz ant attacks and lies coming from trump. >> you know, it's gotten to the point where i could not care less about donald trump. [ applause ] my focus is to ignore the nonsense and noise and focus on the issues the people of wisconsin care about. >> in wisconsin where trump is ten points behind cruz in the latest polls, the donald spent a lot of time trying to explain a string of controversial comments about nato, abortion, and allowing japan and north korea to acquire nuclear weapons. trump told supporters his comments were taken out of context, and the media was trying to make him look bad. he also blamed ted cruz for lying about him on the campaign trail. >> there's such deception and
lying -- in fact, when sarah came in today, i saw her this morning, and we were talking for a while. i said, this politics is really a dishonest business. they say things. i'll go into it because i'm all it making america great again. >> trump is also trying to improve his image with women voters who he's become unpopular with recently. he announced yesterday that his wife melania will join him on the campaign trail tomorrow. >> we haven't seen a lot from her. she's at his victory rallies. she was there after the fox newschannel debate. greta did an interview with her. she's a beautiful lady. she's going to be a big sur gatt for him. he said in an interview recently that she initially asked him ton run. she said, if you run, you're going to win. >> and he's been answering questions lately from reporters in long interviews. he sat down with maureen dowd from "the new york times," talked about the women's issue. that's why melania may be on the
campaign trail because of that. he also sat down with bob woodward for a 90-minute interview, bob woodward from the "washington post." we know his history and the watergate scandal. and his reporting there. he sat down in this long-ranging interview and talked about a host of things including the way our kuhn -- where our country is he headed. he says it's headed toward a major recession. he has friends on wall street, the stock market. he says he doesn't need these guys but said, i wouldn't put my money at all in the stark. we're heading for a major problem. >> he says he's the lone ranger, what he's saying is countering what economic forecasters are saying about the economy. he has a plan to do this, to pay down the national debt after $19 trillion -- >> -- renegotiating trade deals. he says we are losing so badly. we've heard him say that multiple times. we haven't heard him say that he thinks we're going to go into a recession. >> if he's the lone ranger,
who's tonight -- who's tonto? who would the vp be? trump says, i'm the one who knows how it works. i'm the one to fix it. who would -- >> he's saying i'm going to restructure things. $19 million -- analysts say that would be impossible. you literally have to shave off $2 billion out of the budget to get this done. he says i'm going to do it in eat years and restructure all of -- in eight years and restructure all of the deals on the table. we're a mess. $500 billion trade deficit to china. we'll restructure everything and get rid of debt. >> he's also concerned about others -- others critical of trump say that there could be a trade war, and that could spell real trouble. the other thing, how will this impact the financial markets on monday? we have that coming up in a bit. >> and how is this going to play out in the convention? the idea of a brokered convention, the behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing?
donald trump was in eau claire, wisconsin, talking about this whole process. he's not ruling out that he might pull out a third-party run even though he said it earlier. listen -- >> now, the republican party, they view me as a guy -- they don't want me because i don't want their money. i don't want the lobbyists' money. all these people, they're going to be saying we can't get to trump because it's a crooked system. we can't get to trump. so i got all these people against me. that's why it's important that i win -- i don't want nog looking at the second ballot. probably with the way the thing is, it's crooked as hell. >> donald trump says it's crooked. the question is, is it? is the convention set up as a crooked system? there's something in "the new york times" that the rnc chairman got together with reporters off the record for drinks. he was telling them, look, even if trump gets the nomination, we're not going to turn over the party apparatus to him even though that's what they do every time somebody gets the nomination. and if that is the case, if that's the way it plays out and
say that trump does go for a third-party run, doesn't that play to his hand where he says the gop insiders are sitting in a smoke-filled room or drink-filled room in washington, d.c., deciding everybody's fate and not others. >> we were interviewing rasmussen yesterday. he said if trump is such a good dealmaker, he would have known the rules and been playing by the rules and working his chess pieces across the board better knowing the way the delegates work and make sure he could get to that magic 1,237 number. that was his opinion. >> any way you shake it, this is super exciting now. that's why we have big coverage here on fox newschannel. you don't want to miss this. tonight here "on the record with greta van test earn -- greta van susteren," donald trump sits down with her. >> and in the capital, we the people were outside 1600
pennsylvania yesterday with this big giant joint that was inflated. 50-feet high on the president's lawn there. >> we were talking that police said, look, you're not allowed to smoke in public. the cops were going to be making arrests. they lit the massive joint. people smoking by the fence. and no arrests were made. >> no. it's interesting that they would pick in front of the white house to have the protest. for one thing, they couldn't let the joint get too close because the secret service was worried it would take off like a drone and deflate on the lawn or fence or on the facade. president obama said, hey, you're not going to get anything from me. executive action. if you want help, go to congress -- >> this is the thing, they're protesting his administration not doing enough to allow the legalization of marijuana. >> give me more! give me more! >> thankful basically turning a blind eye to it in the justice
department. >> red eye. >> they're saying, hey, we're looking the opposite way. >> and you know what, unfortunately the president did not see the 50-foot joint or any of the weed smoke outside because he was playing golf a couple hours away with aaron rogers, state guy. >> i'm going, i can't believe this is happening outside of the white house. good gracious. in other stories making news -- we have a fox news alert. the brussels airport opening its doors for the first time today since last month's deadly terrorist attacks. only a few flights will take off today italy, athens, and portugal. the airport says it will take months to be back at full working capacity. 32 people died, and 270 were hurt in the blast at the airport and metro stations. one person is dead and five others injured when a plane crash lands on a canada heavily and plows into the back of a car parked on the side of the roadway. the passenger in the back was
killed on impact. the pilot and passenger seriously hurt. it is unclear what caused the plane to crash. witnesses say it was scary. >> it was nerve-racking seeing it go on top of me and hitting the road. i didn't know if anybody was in the car because there was no movement. san francisco giants catcher matt noce claims he once owned the plane and even crashlanded it on the same highway 16 years ago. this year's final four blowout. i'm going to give this over to peter doocy. he's a little bit more of a happy camper than i am. >> yeah. first, number-one north carolina ending syracuse's cinderella run 83-66. then much of the same between villa nova, my alma matter, annihilating the sooners. the largest margin of victory in final four history.
villanova taking off north carolina and then tip-off at 9:19 p.m. eastern. i'll take it. >> my north carolina fans and friends taking you on. >> if anybody wants to wear my villanova tie this week -- i probably can't wear it twice in the same week. >> looks nice. earlier, the wind gusts were so strong. 50 mile-per-hour gusts. how are you doing? you back now? >> i missed the wind machine, i don't miss the temperatures. you were talking about this earlier, 40, 50 mile-per-hour wind gusts. this is an arctic cold front moving through. yes, it's april. look at the temperature difference from yesterday. 17, 20 degrees below what we had yesterday. you see the windchill, nine degrees in buffalo, 27 in new york, seven in marquette. dealing with snow. we're going to talk about this through the morning, of course. this is the big story, the northeast dealing with more snow in the forecast for april. it's going to be colder than average heading through monday, tuesday, wednesday. fingers crossed that spring will finally arrive at some point.
>> the pittsburgh pirates game at 1:00. first game. >> cold. frond the freezing mark. >> doesn't the cold mean that the polyen c-- pollen can go away? >> the bright side of things, peter doocy, i adore you. thank you very much. bring us more chick fill amp we've got a commercial now. here it goes! >> don't send her there. 13 minutes after the hour. we are follow something other stories. we'll tell you what's coming up after the break while janice gets some more chicken biscuits. what happens if ted cruz beats donald trump in wisconsin? former trump adviser roger stone says it will radically shift his campaign. he joins us to explain how coming up next. ♪ e*trade is all about seizing opportunity. so i'm going to take this opportunity to go off script. so if i wanna go to jersey and check out shotsy tuccerelli's portfolio, what's it to you?
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hello and good morning, everyone. all eyes are on wisconsin ahead of tuesday's big primary. our next guest says ted cruz is being used by the establishment to stop donald trump only to be dumped at the convention in july. >> roger stone is a former trump adviser and author of "the clintons' war on women." he joins us to weigh in. roger, sounds like there might be funny business going on behind the scenes with the party elites, so-called elites in washington, d.c. you think that they're propping up cruz just to tear him down senator. >> yeah. i think that because of his personality, not so much of his policies, i don't think the bush/romney/rubio/rnc establishment is too crazy about ted cruz. they're hoping to stop him in the ballot in the hopes of
dumping him on a subsequent ballot and nominate john kasich. >> or paul ryan. >> although i think the convention has a hard time nominating someone who has won no delegate votes. to john kasich's credit, at least he has won some delegate votes. >> you're calling for protests if that were to happen. >> well, two things can happen. trump can make the magic number of 1,237. he's got strong states coming up for him. new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, delaware, and perhaps the big enchilada, california. so he could hit 1,237, but you could have the mischief in rules and credentials to try to steal it from him in which case the streets would be the place to be in cleveland. or he could fall short on the first ballot and have to struggle in a second ballot. if it's not trump on the first, i think it will be kasich on the fourth. >> let's talk about wisconsin, all eyes there on tuesday. the polls, fbn and others, it
looks like trouble for donald trump. do you buy the polls and should donald be worry period wisconsin? >> put it this way, i think ted cruz must win wisconsin. he's got to get 82% of all votes going forward to get nominated. trump has to come out of wisconsin with some delegates because now you're moving to his stronger states, new jersey, new york, and so on. so if you're doing a running vote count, trump can afford to lose wisconsin as long as he gets some delegates. then he's got to pick up the pace going forward. also, the small states -- north dakota, arizona where they're still going to be delegate selection, colorado, those have got to be watched carefully to make sure trump get his fair share. >> and you had strong ties to the campaign being a former adviser. you think that the strategy will be shifting a bit before the communications exercise, wall-to-wall media coverage, not having to buy ads, it comes down to organization? >> i have no formal nor informal role in the trump campaign. i'm an fto, friend of trump, and
strong supporter. their strategy has been a brilliant one. it's really donald's strategy. it's been a communications-based strategy, a television-based strategy. he bows into these states -- he goes into the states, gets enormous crowds for rallies, gets wall-to-wall media coverage. he does every interview he can. he does the debates, and he's won. it's all communications based now. it's worked fabulously. now, you're moving into a phase of the campaign where the premium is on organization, knowledge of the rules, personal relationships, and the ability to horse trade. i think his campaign is wisely tooling up to do the last section of the process. >> roger stone. we pressure you joining us this morning. >> thanks. >> nice to be here. you've heard about the trump chalk drawings at campuses across the country. now students who support the donald say their grades and lives are being threatened. that story next. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn
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news by the numbers. $2 million, that's how much alaska airlines is willing to throw down to acquire virgin america. both companies reportedly close to a deal after alaska airlines outbid jetblue. next, 50%. that's how many tickets to the summer olympics in rio have not been sold yet. this could be because brazil is currently in the midst of multiple political and environmental controversies. finally, $118,000. that's how much a baseball glove belonging to babe ruth was just auctioned off for. it was the top item from a collection of memorabilia once belonging to new york talk show
host joe franklin. how about that? a teacher finds herself in hot water when she talks about jesus in the classroom. no, it's not the latest headline but, rather, hollywood's latest faith-based movie. is it worth your box office dollars? >> joining us is fox new contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy. happy sunday. >> good morning. >> one religious movie did well. so how this? >> the box office success of the first was incredible. cost reportedly $2 million to make and made over $60 million worldwide. this film now is melissa joan hart and jesse metcalf. it is inspired by real court cases. and melissa joan hart's character is a public school teacher who speaks about jesus in her classroom, and then goes into a legal battle in the idea between separation of church and state. the film itself has great message about faith. this has been an incredible year for faith-based movies. i loved "miracles from heaven"
and "risen." i sad down with melissa joan heart, and she spoke about how difficult it was to make a religious film in hollywood. and jesse metcalf talked about getting sober, and faith helped him through that. >> taking on this film, you knew there would be persecution. it's not easy to make a christian film in hollywood. these movies are doing well, so now there's a lot of christian movies are coming out. i was in arkansas, that's a friendly environment to talk about christ. l.a. is a little bit different. i think there's going to be a lot of persecution behind this. it's a matter of knowing we did the right thing. >> i think i was first introduced to the include of faith when i got sober five years ago through the 12-step program of alcoholics anonymous where you turn the will and care of your life over to god as you know it. find a higher power. >> i was surprised he opened up about that to me. and i gave the movie a 3.5 out of 5. i think the faith-based messages are amazing. i loved watching the messages. i think the overall theme of
standing up for what you believe in was amazing. the only problem i had was editing and dialogue was too long at times. overall, it's worth seeing with your family. great messages about faith. >> okay. tom hiddleston, fan of his as loki in "the avengers." now he's in something different. >> i loved him as loki, as well, i agree with you. he's phenomenal as hank williams. obviously this musician was such an impact on music today, he's an amazing musician, died at 29. in the six years he recorded, he had over 30 hit singles, sold over 11 million records. and tom hiddlston plays him in a phenomenal performance. the overall film itself is not as good as he is, but it is worth seeing for his performance. i had the chance to catch up with him in washington, d.c., recently. and i'm getting married in october, so he gave me a dance lesson for my wedding. check it out.
>> when hank played the music, the reason it was upbeat is people wanted to two-step to it. that was in the '40s and '50s. >> reporter: show me the art to the two step. >> can we have a little hank? ♪ hey good looking what you got cooking ♪ >> two steps to the right, one to the left. ♪ ♪ hey sweet baby who you got ♪ >> reporter: i like that. that's amazing. you nailed it. and you also look great in a suit, and i look like a nerd. i am an awful dancer. awful, awful dancer. i can't do. i look terrible. >> i'm right there with you. >> that's the one thing -- when i'm married in october, that's the one thing i'm not looking forward to is dancing at the wedding. >> you were a sport. i love to when you get interactive. >> your overall rating on this
movie? >> reporter: a 3.5 out of 5. right now the best movies in theaters are "10 cloverfield lane" and i loved "batman vs. superman," but i'm one of the few who liked it. clayton, did you see it? >> i saw it, and it was awful. i did not like it. >> reporter: no, no! >> we have to talk off line. it was a muddled mess. >> helen mirren and "eye in the sky." >> it was awesome. watch that. kevin, great to see you. >> reporter: thanks, guys. coming up -- >> ahead, a shocking moment inside the courtroom. [ screams ] >> whoa. >> a judge orders a deputy taser the defendant. now the judge is on the other side of the law. what happened to him just ahead. forget the peanuts and cracker jacks. how about a two-foot-long cheesesteak? ah. you're breaking my philadelphia heart. the incredible foods coming to a ballpark near you.
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dunking booth out there, as well. friends at home, we would love for you to send in pictures of your kids and what they've been up to and also pictures of yourself and your own jerseys. who are you supporting? >> and who is this kid? >> a lot of people when they think of 19 points in baseball, they think of -- 1990's baseball, they think of sammy sosa, but often overlooked, little leaguer peter doocy. >> you were so cute! aw! so cute. >> yeah. that was before. meanwhile, look at this. stadiums change something food. holy smokes. we've got -- is that a two-foot-long cheesesteak? we'll show more of the amazing stadium foods coming up here in a giant -- >> sandwich this big. >> and the mac daddy of grilled cheeses. first, this story. >> we'll tell you about a story making headlines. a manhunt underway right now after a man is shot in chicago
all while live streaming on facebook. we do warn you, the video we're about to show you is disturbing. >> for the kid -- [ gunshot ] >> 31-year-old brian fields, convicted murderer and known gang member, was visiting his mother's house in broad daylight when he was gunned down. fields is in critical condition. police are searching frame by frame of the video for clues. the alleged gunman clearly caught on the video. if you recognize this person, please call the chicago police department. it's the shocking moment a former maryland county judge brought a suspect to his knees. [ screams ] judge robert nally says he ordered a deputy to tase the defendant because he wouldn't stop talking. the man who was in court for unlawful possession of a firearm can be heard screaming before collapsing to the ground. now the judge who pleaded guilty to a civil rights violation is
facing probation, a $5,000 fine, and anger management courses. and trump supporters at nyu effortsed to keep their alethal injection -- forced to keep their allegiance underground. supporters must keep their support secret or face friends being assaulted. some have lied about political pfls beliefs -- political beliefs in class. now students meet in small groups in person or secretly through social media. and an air china's pilot sky-high narcissism lands himself a suspension. he would frequently stream live videos of himself as he prepared to take off to fly the friendly skies. although many complimented his handsome case, others say he's putting passengers' lives in danger. air china releasing a statement that the pilot thought to be named andy will face some harsh punishment.
oh, andy, andy, andy. >> this is your captain speaking. please like my instagram. my periscope page. now to extreme weather. a series of spring storms bring all kinds of chaos to the midwest. from snow to destructive winds. janice dean is tracking all of it since last night. 50 mile-per-hour wind gust? >> yeah. and it continues across the northeast. we'll talk it, of course, it's opening day for a lot of cities. the cold weather will continue throughout the day today and through much of the workweek next week. location at the current temperatures across the eastern 1/3 of the country. 27 in cleveland, 37 in new york, 28 in chicago. with the whindchill, it feels even colder. there's the 4-hour temperature changes. in some cases, 20-degree drop. single digits along the great lakes and then teens across the northeast. feels like 24 in caribou. 16 in cleveland. the bottom line is much colder
than average. it's so cold, we're seeing snow across the upper midwest, the great lakes, and the northeast. and you see some areas could see three six inch of snow. there's your model forecast. so the boston area, connecticut, massachusetts, i know this is not fun stuff, is it? times it snows. sometimes it snows in the northeast in april. and there are the wind advisories. we're talking about wind gusts 40, 50, 60 miles per hour. >> i remember a 1994 blizzard in early april. got us out of school for three days. >> it does happen. it's baseball season. opening day. dan smith is president of legends hospitality which serves yankee stadium. they have some of the best foot at yankee stadium. great to see you. >> good morning. >> seems like you're taking things to the next level with new stadium food. you think of like a pretzel and hot dog. you guys are going all out. what new things can we expect? >> this is the all-star lineup
for the season. leading assault rifle our tape-measured cheesesteak. >> how long? >> 24 inches. >> it has to be? >> has to be 24 inches. >> you actually have a measuring tape on all of these? >> absolutely. that's part of our quality control. >> not just like a one person -- >> speak for years, peter doocy. >> how many people are going to eat that? >> a lot of hearty yankee fans. we encourage sharing, so this did k feet mumt pell people. peep e people around you, people you don't know. >> the social sandwich. >> the big cheese is another sandwich you came up with. who came up with the big cheese? >> our chefs. again, all about the aspect of communal dining and sharing. so it's a double -- a double grilled cheese, and it has double ham -- double cheeseburger there. >> how much of this -- there's grilled cheese on top, then two cheeseburgers in the center? >> yes. >> did you come up with that? i've never seen that before.
>> yep. >> people are so object -- obsessed with taking pictures of food, you would think to ask, if i don't share this with my seat mates, you'll have a stomach ache later. >> it's gorgeous. like a kim kardashian in a burger. >> the greatest of all-time burgers. our custom get to burger. greatest of all time. has our custom blend cheeseburger, applewood smoked bacon. >> i've always wanted to be a hamburger model. >> and pastrami. i should have warned you. >> are you trying to compete with other ballparks, mets field or city restaurants? this is better than any ballpark i've been in. >> not at off. we're looking to bring the new york restaurant scene into yankee stadium. and we want fans to enjoy every bit of it. >> what's the salad doing on the
table? >> look at that lonely salad. >> why is that there? >> we have to have something for everyone. this we're we have soup and salad offerings. >> you have chili, healthier options, as well. >> we do. >> i want to point out, look at the ball caps -- >> how many people order this? >> you'd be surprised. we have fans and a farmer's market. you need to stop by if you're -- opening day, please stop by our farmer's market. >> final question, where can i find the pin-striped pepto bismal? >> i'm sorry -- >> look at the "star wars" ball caps. limited edition "star wars" ball caps, yankees. >> this stuff looks great. >> thank you again. >> thank you very much for coming in. >> appreciate it. appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> anna? never seen a grilled cheese stacked so high. the hit showtime series "the circus" being behind the scenes with the presidential campaigns in wisconsin. >> how about scott walker? would his endorsement have an impact? >> of course it would. we're in a different ball game.
>> mark mckinnon, co-host of "the circus" here next to take us behind the scenes. these three football players make the play of their lives. they weren't even on the football field, saving a woman's life while they were on spring break. all three will join us live next. et used to it. we got this. vo: which is why being put first takes some getting used to. ♪ nationwide is on your side nationwide is the exclusive insurance partner of plenti.
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where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at the presidential candidates are criss-crossing wisconsin ahead of the state's primary on tuesday. what are the candidates' strategies to winning this crucial state? >> we're getting a glimpse from showtime's most popular series called "the circus." i'm sure you've heard of it. "the circus: inside the greatest political show on earth." a documentary-like show that gives viewers behind-the-scenes access to the campaigns. with details, co-creator and co-host of "the circus," mr. mark mckinnon. thanks for being with us, good morning. >> great to be here. thanks. >> "the circus," coming from a tv background, this is cool that
you're getting unprecedented access. you shoot all week and crash edit saturday and airs on sunday. >> the idea was instead of seeing a documentary six months or a year after the campaign, to roll it up in realtime so viewers not only get a behind-the-scenes view of what is happening, interesting anyway, but to feel it as it's happening. you feel like you're in the cockpit of the plane as it's unfolding. >> and john kasich is still playing hard in wisconsin. >> it was interesting to see roger stone who was here, close to the trump operation. of course, he -- john kasich's a unique candidate. and he's in an interesting position in the campaign. this thing could go to a fourth or fifth ball on. he -- fifth ballot. he's in a position where something could happen. >> we've got a clip. look at this. >> reporter: good day some wisconsin? >> i thought this was really good tonight. very nice turnout. people were enthusiastic. >> reporter: wisconsin has a lot
of the same kind of voters as ohio, i would imagine. >> it's different. ohio is more center right in the primary. i think this is probably more conservative. you know, also the talk show people have a lot of influence and power here. >> reporter: how about scott walker? would his endorsement have an impact, you think? >> yeah, of course it would. we're in a different ball game. we're here to accumulate delegates. we'll see what he does. i can't tell you, i just know it that i've endorsed a lot of people, and they don't normally win. >> he's a refreshing guy. very different. he tells it like it is. >> that's why i wanted to ask you -- he's on this positive campaign, not get involved in the feud. people saying he's the only adult on the stage during debates at times. is he like that in person? >> yeah. he's unconventional. like my youngest daughter who was not a very good soccer player. in the games, everybody would be going toward the goal and she would look at like a rock in the
field. voters like that he's authentic. a lot of -- everybody likes kasich. nobody doesn't dislike him. you see in the fourth or fifth ballot situation that he could become the guy people go to. >> the last question about the show, you're in with everybody behind the scenes. which candidate on either side has given you the best access? >> bernie sanders. bernie sanders and jane sanders. and jane sanders has become the rock star of the show. she's this interesting person who's like your favorite neighbor or your aunt or sister. she's down to earth, very human, and a perfect example of the show, showing a human side to the candidate. >> do you think it's helpi sanders? >> yeah. people see the authenticity of the campaign. that's what the cirque us on is all about. >>. and folks can catch "the circus" tonight at 8:00 p.m. on showtime. thanks. ahead, a frightening scene as a father is dragged by a school bus.
>> yo, stop the bus! [ screams ] and these she footba-- thre players rescued a woman during their spring break vacation. all three join us live next. ♪ it's your home. it's everything you've always wanted. and you work hard to keep it that way. ♪ sometimes, maybe too hard. get claimrateguard® from allstate. it helps keep your homeowners' rate from going up just because of a claim. call an allstate agent first. 888-429-5722. accident forgiveness from allstate will keep his rates from going up. but not his blood pressure. michael james!
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without any hes taking, they jumped in the water and saved the driver. iowa state football players an thony, jack join us. good morning fellows. what did you notice outside of your hotel? >> josh was actually the first one to notice it. >> okay. >> but when i looked out of there on the balcony i had seen two taillights sticking out of the water and a car floating, half sinking floating there. >> josh, what instinct kicked in to say hey guys we need to see what's going on? >> i couldn't tell what was going on. all i could see is a couple of red taillights in the water and i started yelling at everyone i think someone just drove in the water. i didn't know if there was anyone in the car or what had happened, but i knew we had to get down there and do something. >> jack, what happened?
how did you decide to hop in and see what's going on and pull the woman out? >> yeah, we got down there, you know, there was a group of people standing there. they were dialing 911, so we just decided to get in the water and, yeah, we swam out to the car and we couldn't get the door open, so we busted the front windshield and made a hole big enough to pull her out. >> the driver was later arrested for dui and blowing like over double the legal limit or something like that. i'm sure she's thankful, for crying out loud to be alive this morning and thank you for your fellows. have you heard from her and how is she doing and will you stay in touch? >> yeah, we had talked to a couple -- for a little bit. me me and her talked on twitter some and she got joe dorn and jack's number from me and she reached out to them and they talk quite a bit. i haven't talked to her in the
last week or so. >> we hope efg is all right with her. josh, you are a big rou rough-and-tumble football player, did your training off the field help you in this situation? you deal with a lot of tense situations, don't you? >> you try to be put in situations like that and try to act as well as you can. i guess we're all physically fit. the adrenalin was rushing that they just kind of went out there and weren't really feeling any of the pain because they got like scratches. they were plead -- bleeding all up their arms because they were breaking up the windshield. they were all fine and it was all good. >> jack, what are people saying on twitter? >> i actually don't have twitter. any social media. yeah, i'm off the grid. >> how about you? i know that kids your age love to be on social media. what are you hearing from your fans or what are you hearing when you are walking down the street? >> we hear -- some people just
kind of saying good job, guys, and proud of you, and your fans and parents are proud of you as well. it's a nice thing to hear. >> we wanted to pat you on the back too. thanks for coming on "fox & friends." you guys have a great day. >> thank you. you too. >> 4 minutes before the top of the hour. we're two days away from the wisconsin primary and donald trump just took a huge step to win over female voters. his unprecedented moved at the top of the hour zblxt is that escalated quickly. hockey fans sent flying from an escalator. the crazy moment caught on camera. fortunately, nobody was seriously hurt here. it's a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad.
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it's the battle for the badger state. we're days away from the
wisconsin primary and donald trump looking to fend off ted cruz. just making an unprecedented move. what he did that could win back women voters ahead. and a father hangs on for dear life to the front of a school bus. >> yo, stop the bus! >> stop the bus is right. all this happening in front of an elementary school with a lot of kids and what prompted this nasty scene, coming up coming up, a father -- that father is going to join us live, actually. we're going to hear from that father. it was the retirement send-off he never saw coming. >> all cars in the station, it is a great pleasure to announce that as of 1800 hours on that day, after 28 years of service, my father police sergeant is retiring. >> a father-son team working for
the same police department share the emotional good-bye. the two join us live this hour. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, it is opening day. you wouldn't know it by the weather. today's first game, pittsburgh pirates in pittsburgh, pnc park, it's going to be like 35 degrees, but we got little leaguers playing. >> strong arms out there and somebody is going to be getting dunks in just a bit. it's freezing outside and we're asking at home to send us your baseball pictures. you know, we saw peter doocy as a little doocy. super cute. we love to see some of your kids cute in their uniforms. put on a jersey.
who are you supporting this season? >> i got my phillies colors on. you got your villanueva ---le villanova. >> we got to talk politics. all eyes on wisconsin this tuesday. donald trump has had trouble -- if you look at a lot of polls, donald trump has had trouble with women, three out of four in recent polls saying they would not want him to be present. one out of three republican women said they would be upset if he were elected president. in a new interview, he sat down and he regrets retweeting that picture of melania trump and heidi cruz side by side. >> it was a mistake. if i had to do it again, i wouldn't have sent it. he stopped short of an apology. he doesn't typically back down. what does senator cruz think about that? here's his answer.
>> you know, it's gotten to the point where i could not care less about donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] >> if he says it's a mistake, that's fine. it's a mistake. my focus is to ignore all the nonsense and noise and focus on the issues that people of wisconsin care about. >> for somebody who says he doesn't care about what donald trump thinks, he certainly doesn't talk a lot about donald trump. but to the greater point of trump's problem with women, it's amazing that in 2016, it is a big news story that a woman might want to vote for the frontrunner of one of the two major political parties. the democrats, you know, you have hillary clinton out there saying don't vote for me because i'm a woman. while all democrats are saying if you are a woman, you have to vote for democrats because we're the only ones big with social issues. well, guess what, not every woman has social issues as the number one top priority how they are going to pick a president. there's a thing in the post, a
lot of the women who like trump the most, they are these security moms. they want to have a safe country. democrats are giving them a hard time saying what about the women's issues. that's not important. >> it has been a tough week for donald trump. having to walk back his abortion comments and corey lewandoksi being charged after grabbing the jourmt by the arm. it's part of the pile-on. he's sending melania out. she's on the campaign trail. >> shouldn't women be able to decide for themselves? instead of having the democra c democratic -- democrats saying you can't vote for donald trump. look at this tweet. >> you guys can't think for yourself. >> wisconsin is important. 42 delegates is up inferior
grabs right now. that moment multiple could -- momentum could propel him threw to convention. if cruz gets it, do we end up in this brokered convention and back-and-forth mess. donald trump says the convention process is a mess. it's totally crooked. listen. >> the republican party, they don't want me because i don't want their money. i don't want the lobbyist money. i don't want all these people we can't get to trump. it's a crooked system. we can't get to trump. i've got all these people against me. it's important that i win. i don't want to go in there looking at the second ballot, the way this thing is it's crooked as hell. >> he's saying it's a crooked system. we had a friend on the program of donald trump earlier, roger stone, former adviser to him. he has a theory that's actually what's going on is the gop
establishment is using senator ted cruz to stop donald trump from hitting that magic 1237 number so there will be a contested conventions and once that happens roger stone thinks the gop establishment is going to drop him like a hot potato. >> because of his personality, not so much of his policies. i don't think the bush-romney-rubio rnc establishment is too crazy about ted cruz. they are using him to try to stop donald trump on the first ballot in the hopes that they can dump him on a subsequent ballot and probably nominate john kasich. if it's not trump on the first, i think it will be kasich on the fourth. >> and there are a lot of questions. they are calling this convention process crooked already. there's this piece in "the new york times" says rieeince prieb told reporters even if donald trump gets the domgs, he's not going to turn over the republican party apparatus to the trump team even though that's what they do every time
somebody wins the nomination. even if trump wins wisconsin, good luck getting any help from the rnc. that's why roger stone says if there's any funny business, pro trump people should do what the anti-trump people do, is take it to the streets. >> people are going to be sick of this if the party bosses are still, despite the candidates who are popular right now, you know, the biggest crowd, trump and sanders because they say we're on our own, we're not getting help from the party. if the republican party cannot recognize that it is not helpful to their brand to sit behind closed doors and pick who the president is going to be instead of letting voters pick, maybe a third party run by trump or if sanders wanted to do that would be more successful than -- >> it hasn't been ruled out. they have all backed away from the pledge to support the eventual nominee. one more thing that roger stone said, though, about donald
trump, that he may shift his campaign strategy from having this communications exercise where he would go into a city and give a big speech and rally huge crowds and win and get more victory and being organizational should there be a second, third, fourth ballot. >> we'll talk to chris wallace later on in the show. greta hosts a special town hall from trump tonight. all three presidents in prime time. kasich is on greta. followed by "riley factor." ted cruz is with megyn kelly. and donald trump on hannity. we're your election headquarters. don't miss a minute. fox news alert. headlines, it's a look at the
first flight taking off moments after last month's deadly terror attacks in brussels. 32 people died and 270 people were hurt in the blast at the airport and metro station. the grass was definitely greener at the whitehouse lawn. protester paraded a giant inflatable joint. smoking pot. a father hanging on to a school bus for dear life all while his daughter was on the ride. >> she was screaming to the driver. >> he grabbed the mirror when the bus didn't stop at its normal spot.
however, the driver said he was told not to stop in that place on that day and he would have let the girl off. but that girl's daughter started punching the door and screaming, so the driver kept on going. the driver has now been suspended and thankfully this father wasn't hurt. peert, this is all you. this year's final four was a blow-out. number one north carolina ended syracuse's cinderella run. same story between villanova and oklahoma. the while cats annihilated the sooners. 95-51. the championship match all set. villanova going to play north carolina tomorrow night. tip-off 9:19 p.m. eastern. that's why i got my villanova tie on. we're very excited in the nova nation. we have pictures from last night. you ge the alumni email. this was the scene when the clock ticked to zero and there
was a big celebration, and then i think we have another vote where i was reuniting with some of my class of 2009 classmates. class of 2009, last time they made the final four and i was so excited then that i drove my car from philadelphia to detroit and back and i got it actually after the show or during the break, see how part of the drive is to houston. >> diehard fans. >> are you suspicious -- are you superstitio superstitious? >> if my superstitions were to hole i got to go back to that bar and sit in that back booth. >> i wear the phillies shirt the entire season. >> where is it? >> it's right under here. super man. >> weather today, 32 degrees. >> a lot of sad faces down the hallway when i walk.
when stg is it going to be spring time, janice dean? >> we have an arctic plunge across the great lakes and the northeast and that's bringing more snow. tweet me your pictures. i've already gotten snow-covered cars and lawns this morning. some areas could get 3 to 6 inches of new snow on the ground. so this is the past 24 hours and my husband just called me and said the power is out, so on long island, with 50 miles per hour winds, power is out, 35 in new york. with the windchill, it feels colder than that. that's what i'm going to be doing this afternoon is waiting for the repairman. back to you. >> that's janice. >> we'll lend you some blankets. donald trump just told chris wallace that he won't say no to a third party run. chris wallace joinds us next with more on his sitdown with the gop frontrunner it's the video bringing everybody to tears this morning. >> i got in!
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are you ruling out running as an independent third party candidate? are you ruling that out? >> look, look, i'm -- >> it's that simple. >> it's not that simple. i'm by far the frontrunner as a republican. i want to run as a republican. i will beat hillary clinton. >> but if you don't get the
nomination. >> we'll have to see how i have treated. it's very simple. >> there he is, donald trump, the frontrunner doubling down in a cnn town hall meeting that prompted a meeting with reince priebus. we'll see more of that interview with trump a little bit later today. did you ask him about what happened in the unity meeting? what did he tell you? >> no, i didn't ask him specifically about that because he hadgun on the record already about that, and said it had been a very nice meeting. we're going to be talking today live and we'll get a reaction to that new comment from the chairman of the rnc, reince priebus. it will be interesting to hear what he says. donald trump we went through what i think -- and i guess he thinks or were the worst two week of his campaign. we talk about the confusion of his remarks about abortion. we talk about his tweeting pictures unflattering pictures of heidi cruz out.
we talk about his support of his campaign manager each after he's been charge with battery against that reporter, michelle fields. we talk about the whole deal and his very controversial comments about nato and japan and south korea getting nuclear weapons. we go through the whole thing. you'll hear what he has to say and there is one area where a rare donald trump admission of regret. says he wish he hadn't done something and you don't hear that very often from him. i want to go back to the third party potential for him to run as an independent. how big a deal is that? what does that say right now about the convention process which as you know donald trump last night in eau claire, wisconsin, described as crooked. crook as hell was his quote. >> it depends on what he does. trump is a negotiator. he's good at it. the art of the deal and he may be wanting leverage and even holding out the possibility that he wouldn't endorse the nominee
if it's not him and would run as a therd party candidate. he may think that gets him better leverage to get better treatment leading up to the convention in cleveland. if he decides to run as a third party candidate, it would ensure that the democrat, whoever it is, hillary clinton or somebody else would be the president. it would show the split of the republican party right down the middle and mean that millions of republicans would be voting for trump instead of the nominee. >> all right. chris wallace, washington, thanks, chris. 40 minutes or so until "fox news sunday." chris, thanks as always. and coming up, outrage growing at one airline this morning. what some flight attendants are being forced to wear on flights simply passing through iran. for his last day on the job, one officer gets a send-off he never saw coming.
>> after 28 years of service, my father is retiring and given his final code 3. >> his son gives a final call. hear their emotional story after the break. ♪ ♪ hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go? ♪ when it's go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at you can't breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right
welcome back to "fox & friends." quick headlines on a sunday. the fbi now offering to help local authorities unlock i phones. this after the feds were flded by requests by local police departments to share the method it used to hack into the san bernardino shooter's iphone and the white house playing the blame game after omitting the
word islamic terrorism from the speech from the french president. thanks so much. on thursday, a new jersey police officer signed off for the last time in his 28-year career. his son, the dispatcher on the other end, sent him off in style. >> to all local cars and stations, it is with great pleasure to announce as of 1800 hours on this date, after 28 years of service, my father police sergeant badge number 612 is retiring and his giving his final code three. it's my honor to acknowledge this final code three. you are officially code three at 1800 hours.
>> thank you, sir. >> quite emotional, wasn't it? that video has been seen a million times and the men behind it join us live. douglas hogate senior and his son join us. good morning. >> good morning. >> doug sr, what is it liking watching the video playing back and knowing that more than a million people have watched it along with you? >> it was something that i wanted to do just really for me, to document my last day on the road, and i never dreamed it would grow this big. the greatest part about it was that my son was on the other end, the dispatcher. i know it's been done before but having my son acknowledge me that was the best part of it. >> doug jr, what was it like for you to be able to sign him off the last time and say all those
nice things about him. did you have a notes? >> i kind of prepared for a dayo twor two. i had to make it short and sweet. i couldn't tie-up all the radio channels with announcements. with doing announcements all the time, this being an opportunity that i can really make an announcement for dad and everything that he's done with his career and everything, it was a great thing to do and it's amazing that, you know, one-minute message turned into everything that it has. >> how did it all work? i understand your daughter was involved too and you had a couple other siblings taking part? >> my daughter was with me at the station, and doug -- -- by must son ryan was there at the videoing at the dispatch center.
there was a split screen for us. not so much to reach the world like it has. it was something that we wanted to do for us. >> doug, jr, it's a beautiful thing that you decided to share it with us. we see very often that law enforcement kind of runs in the family or military service, serving the community. what about your dad's service made you want to become a dispatcher? >> well, i mean, i said this several times, especially throughout the course of the last two weeks since this video originated and it grew so much attention, that it wasn't so much -- it's more than just the fact that, you know, you served 28 years of being a law enforcement officer. you know, he literally raised me and my brother and my sister as a single parent, and he put everything aside throughout that -- throughout his entire life to take care of us and being a police officer, of course, helping take care of us,
and, you know, just being able to see everything he sacrificed just to be able to take care of his kids, us, and what we became. obviously, i want to be -- i want to follow in his footsteps because like i said in the message, the greatest man i know. so that's kind of why i wanted to get into it. >> an amazing thing to be able to say about your father and be able to share it with the world. gentlemen, thank you so much for being with us and doug sr, i hope that you have an amazing retirement and you get to do a lot of hunting and fishing and sitting on the beach with a book or whatever it is you like to do. thankds for being with us and what your service. >> thank you. >> have a great day. 28 minutes after the hour. here's what's coming up on "fox & friends" weekend. it's a clash of the establishment candidates. ted cruz and john kasich battle it out. hockey fans sent flying down an escalator. the crazy moments caught on
camera. my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? because you can't beat zero heartburn! i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn [ voice of dennis ] indeed. ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
take a look bp. it's opening day. baseball official under way.
little leaguers from new york, the new york sluggers are warming up on the plaza. they are showing us their strong arms a bit ago and we've got our own jerseys too. tricked them out on the back with our name on the back. >> all-star harold reynolds is going to be here with one us of one of us might be dunked. we're thinking it's anna. >> it's 30 degrees this morning and. >> i got a train at 11:00. they don't let you on if you are wet. >> they let you on any train in any condition. have you been on a train? meanwhile, we want you to send us your pictures this morning. maybe little league pictures. head to spring training. major league baseball opening day. here is me and my kids philly
spring training. >> is that you? >> that's my first t ball picture. i my my -- i think my teeth are missing. shoe strings. can you see the resemblance there. >> 7-year-old matthew spending opening day on the diamond. looking good. look at that kick. >> 4-year-old noah got his first hit yesterday and his coach gave him the ball. >> kim send us a picture of her son rooting for the cubbies. >> start them young. >> this could be the year for the cubs. the cubs fans have pictures of themselves and it still hasn't been the year for them. it's now two days away from the next gop contest, tensions running high between ted cruz and john kasich. >> we've got more from the
campaign trail. >> reporter: good morning. gloves are off in wisconsin as governor john kasich and senator ted cruz battle it out for the anti-trump vote. cruz has a ten-point lead in wisconsin over trump and 23 points ahead of kasich but a pro cruz super pac is targeting kasich in a new ad for expanding medicaid. kasich said he doesn't play counterpunch at cruz. his counterpunch to cruz said his nomination -- >> it's impossible. not going to happen. >> cruz has repeatedly called for kasich to drop out of the race, but kasich pledges to take his campaign all the way to the convention in cleveland. here's cruz and kasich
yesterday. >> in that situation, i think we will be in a very, very strong position. i believe we will earn a majority of the delegates either before the convention or on the convention floor. >> there is a weight that suddenly descends on a delegate. they will begin to think about who has the talent, the experience, the record, and the ability to be president of the united states. >> cruz continues his wisconsin swing today campaigning with governor scott walker and kasich campaigns in new york tomorrow. anna, clayton, and peter, back to you. >> thank you very much. we got some crazy video we want to show you. take a look. can you imagine? an escalator at the wells fargo center in philadelphia
malfunctions, speeding up and leaving a pile of people at the bottom. nobody was seriously hurt. after an eight-year break, air france will resume service to iran. women are rerequired to wear head scarves and loose clothing. union heads are calling the literal cover-up, quote, a threat to their dignity and an attack on freedom. a handicap man rescued after being stranded at sea for nine days. he got stranded after a person he was renting on a sail boat did not come back. the man fortunately is expected to be okay. it's the politics of this video that's going viral. the heart warming moment that
rachel gray finds out she got in. >> i got in. i'm going to college. i got in. >> a college bound rachel and her parents joined us earlier on "fox & friends" to talk about what all this means to the family. >> i was exciting and it was just kooxt. >> we never knew -- we knew it would be an exciting ride. we never knew how exciting. >> rachel is headed to east stroudsburg university in pennsylvania in the fall. >> story of the day right there. >> let's get out to jan disdean -- janice dean. we had snow, destructive wind. what's happening, janice? >> snow and destructive wind is what's happening across the northeast. and i have some weather casters with me today.
they are not only great ballplayers but they are great forecasters. how is new york today? >> freezing. >> cold. >> cold and freezing, already. you are hired. >> let's take a look at the maps and we'll show you what is happening across the map in new york city. come on over here, guys. do some temperatures for me. 27 in cleveland? >> 27 in cleveland. >> 32 minneapolis. >> 39 in denver. 61 in phoenix. >> oh, my gosh. that's awesome. do you know what windchill, it's the real feel temperature, what it feels like. let's do cleveland. >> it's 17 in cleveland. feels like 24 in minneapolis. >> fantastic. and it's snowing across the northeast and the great lakes, right? >> yes. >> but you are still going to play ball? >> yes! >> weren't they awesome? big round of applause for our new york sluggers. it's opening day and you guys are doing a fine job.
take a bow! very nice. >> thanks, janice. coming up here on the show, attack aims aimed at donald trump flooding the air waves ahead of toous's primary in wisconsin. >> hypocrit. one bellows. one bellows malarkey. that's one of the worst ads he's ever seen. he will explain why next. and is buying in bulk all it's cracked up to be and what are the best items to cash in on. we're going to help you save next. ♪ ♪ a great part of using the usaa car buying service
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some say "free the whales." for them, nothing else is acceptable. but nothing could be worse for the whales.
most of the orcas at seaworld were born here. sending them into the wild wouldn't be noble. it could be fatal. when they freed keiko, the killer whale of movie fame, the effort was a failure and he perished. but we also understand that times have changed. today, people are concerned about the world's largest animals like never before. so we too must change. that's why the orcas in our care will be the last generation at seaworld. there will be no more breeding. we're also phasing out orca theatrical shows. they'll continue to receive the highest standard of care available anywhere. and guests can come to see them simply being their majestic selves. inspiring the next generation of people to love them as you do. welcome back.
some quick headlines for you. a social security benefit loophole will soon close and it could cost seniors up to $50,000 in benefits. on april 29th, any seniors who do not use the so-called file and suspend strategy, where a spouse can file for their benefits but hold off on collecting them right away will lose their chance? the rule was lost in the last round of budget cuts. and there's a ride sharing service just for you. chair yot for women is an uber-like service will only hire women or boys under the age of 13. the service is intended to help women feel safer. the app will launch nationwide april 19th. two days before the wisconsin primarien attack ads are flooding the air waves most of them aimed at the frontrunner donald trump. in fact, nearly $1.7 million has
been spent in anti-trump ads in wisconsin alone but are his opponents really getting their money's worth? here to tell us is frank luntz. good morning. there have been 45 ads that we have already tested against donald trump. it is an unprecedented attempt to figure out how to make an impact on his relatively commanding lead and a few of them work, but most of them don't. so let's start with one of them that you think is effective against trump. it's called out forcer. wbr id "wbr99363" remember when we used to have made in the usa, right? when was the last time you've seen it? where are the ties made. the ties are made in china? the ties were made in china. i don't know where they were made, but they were made someplace. where are the shirts made. /b
bangladesh. we're many deals outside the united states. wbr id "wbr99663" why does that one work, frank? it works because you got to look at donald trump's face when david letterman holds him accountable for the ties and shirts. you can't talk about creating jobs in america if you are manufacturing your own items in a foreign country. it's the single most effective wbr id "wbr99966" anti-trump ad on the air right now. not all of them are like this one called hypocrit. hypocrit. one bellows. one bellows malarkey. he says he's champion of american rkers. some of the laborers of his hotel, illegal immigrants. /b
america needs proven honorable leadership. john kasich. new day america is responsible for the content of this advertising. wbr id "wbr100276" why is that one not likely to do any damage to the donald? the people saw it and found it offensive. it made people angry with john kasich's campaign because kasich said we shouldn't be doing this negative. we should be talking about what we are for, not what we're against. it's insulting, amateurish, childish. trump does better when the ad is aired because they are so angry with it. wbr id "wbr100567" and there are pro trump ads. i get some grief when i say i'm voting for donald trump. i want a president that will keep us safe. we need to control our borders and stop letting in dangerous people. trump will do that and ted cruz wanted to let in more syrian refugees and give am nest at /b
this to illegal immigrants. how does that help trump? it's an attack on cruz that wbr-id "wbr100867" isn't accurate. wisconsin voters are under which more -- are much more sophisticated than average. if voters know the truth, cruz isn't for amnesty and he isn't in for letting more people in from syria. the ad gets to the point that women are afraid of what's going on, republican voters prioritize national security than any other issue. it's a smart, effective ad, even if it's not quite an accurate ad. we're a couple of days away from seeing who comes out on top there in wisconsin. thank you very much for the insight. thank you. coming up, hillary clinton has lost five in a row to bernie sanders and wisconsin may make it six. so what happens if she loses that and then new york? former speaker of the house newt gingrich is going to weigh in top of the hour.
plus is buying in bulk all it's cracked up to be? what are the best items to crash in on. we're going to help you save next.
one way to save is to buy in bulk. here to explain why this is happening with shopping tips is retail analyst heata herzog.
>> a couple of things are happening. we know what's going on with unemployment. we're seeing whole communities not have jobs and, therefore, stores, big box stores like walmart are leaving these areas and we're going to have a whole generation ending up shopping at these smaller stores just to get their necessities or at gas marts. there's that. there's also packaging, these small stores have vendor relations where they buy packaging of products that are actually smaller, so you are using more products, you are going back to the store more. also, they can't take advantage of that strategy where we could go to a store, buy bulk, buy more stuff, up front for more money, but actually ends up saving us in the long run. >> buying in bulk does save us money on a key item. >> it does. the problem with costko i was to buy a tv. >> or jewelry or something. >> however, some of these big
items, you put them in your storage, whatever, down in the basement, you can last for months and months. >> i've never seen a bigger thing of toilet paper in my entire life. this roll of toilet paper, 36 rolls. if you buy it individually, it's $1.27. if you multiply $1.27 by $36, you are spending almost $45 dollars. >> big savings. >> big saves if you boo i in bulk. paper towels. this is a 12 count. this is $16.77 on if you buy it individually, $1.29, it costs you $21. >> water? >> yes. we all buy individual water. this guy right here costs about $1.29. this is a pack right here for
24. this ended up costing $5.49. so if you are buying 24 of these, it's going to cost you $30.96. >> you could also drink out of your fawcett at home. >> coca-cola. >> a 12-can case right here, $3.67. if you buy it individually, from the vending machine right outside, $you are spending $7.20. if you are buying coca-cola every week, you almost spend $500 more on that coca-cola. we'll get to the toothpaste you'll need after drinking all that coca-cola. let's go to the tide. detergent. >> we are talking about packaging. we're looking at this tide here, 150 ounces. i'm going to get a little math wonky on you. for $21, it cost you 14 cents an ounce. look at this. i buy the smaller one because
it's more convenient. $8.99 per ounce. it's 29 cents per ounce. you go through it more. even though you are saving more with smaller packaging, you are using more. you are losing -- using less with this packaging here. >> let's do the toothpaste. >> this is interesting. the individual tooth pastes here cost $3.79. together it cost $4.47. you are actually saving if you buy the bulk two pack. the way you can save, you go to, retail me not and download coupons. coming up here, the media has called it the worst week ever for donald trump so is it too early to count him out? we'll find out. former house speaker newt gingrich joins us at the top of the hour to react. hillary clinton tells new
yorkers you've always had my back and i've always tried to have yours. turns out even her tweets have a few loopholes. if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here.
i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle.
why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear? good morning. it is sunday the 3rd of april, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. breaking right now. reports of a deadly amtrak train crash happening just south of philadelphia. local reports say at least two people are confirmed dead. the breaking details we'll have for you straight ahead. and it's the battle for the badger state. we're days away from the wisconsin primary and donald trump looking to keep the trump train rolling and send off ted cruz. just making some unprecedented moves. donald trump is, what he did and fresh reaction from newt gingrich. have you ever gone to a starbucks and they have totally
gotten your name wrong? it's not coilton. it's a name they won't say outloud. that's the one i got a few days ago. hour four, "fox & friends." peter doocy is in for tucker. ths a train crash two people are dead. amtrak tweeted this out. service on the northeast corridor is currently suspended. we will provide updates as they become available. a witness tweeted on amtrak train 89, we were struck by something south of philly and made emergency stop. there was a fire and a window blew out. i'm okay. we'll continue to bring you details as we get them. another fox news alert, this is a look at the very first flight taking off from brussels
airport this morning since last month's deadly terror attack. officials say it will take months to be back at full working capacity. 32 people died. 270 people were hurt at the blast at the airport and metro station. one person is dead, five others injured when a plane crash lands on a california highway and plows into the back of a car parked on the side of the roadway. the passenger in the backseat was killed on impact. the driver and two others are said to be recovering. the pilot being dragged from the cockpit. it is unclear what caused the plane to crash. witnesses say it was scary. >> it was pretty nerve-racking seeing the plane right on top of me. and hit that car. i didn't know if there was anybody in the car. there was no movement around or nothing. >> giants catcher matt nokes
owned that same plane and crash landed on that same highway 16 years ago. this years' final four was a blow-out. >> first you got north carolina beat syracuse. much the same, between villanova and the oklahoma sooners. the while cats annihilated them. the championship match now set. villanova is going to take on north carolina monday night. that's tomorrow, 9:19 p.m. eastern and we're very excited in the nova nation. that's why i got my tie. i think i got this as a graduation gift and this is the first time i've worn it to work and i'm going to keep wearing it. >> proud of you. >> one more. one away! we want to bring in former speaker of the house newt gingrich, not to talk basketball this morning but to talk politics. >> wait a second.
i want to take a minute to relish you wearing the tie. this is your big moment. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. >> i think that's pretty cool. >> thank you. do we. very excited. >> moment over. >> moment over. there's another big contest this week and donald trump who has been having some problems in the polls with female voters now telling maw rene dowd that he take back that unflattering tweet of a photo with heidi cruz. yeah, it was a mistake. how significant is a change from position from trump ahead of wisconsin? >> i don't know what does from wisconsin, but it's healthy for him to admit it was a dumb thing to do it. it's very unlike trump who doesn't like to back up and apologize. it's finally getting through to them that some of the stuff he's done didn't work and he needs to be more like a normal person
when he blows something, admit you blew it and in that case, he sure as heck did. my guess is that crews will win wisconsin but probably not win it decisively. that he will gain a lot of delegates but trump will gain some delegates and we'll go on to new york where i think trump will win decisively. he's ahead by more than 2-to-1. it's important to remember. people gathering around saying trump is in trouble. these are the same people last june who said he was a joke. the very large part of the analytical world and washington establishment is terrified that trump will get the nomination. every chance they get to make themselves feel better they say things that may in fact not have anything to do with reality. >> all five of the candidates are out campaigning in wisconsin ahead of the primary.
donald trump no exception to that and he's saying that because he's getting the most votes, he thinks he's got to walk in with the most votes, he may not reach that 1237 magic number. he said this whole delegate process is crooked as hell. >> the republican party view me, they don't want me because i don't want money. i don't want their money. i don't want the lobbyist money. all these people are saying we can't get to trump, it's a crook system. we can't get to trump. i got all these people against me. that's why it's important that i win -- i don't want to go in there looking at the second ballot because the way this thing is, it's crooked as hell. >> could you have a -- do you have a problem with the process? >> i think if you are donald trump, this has got to be a big shock. bernie sanders' yesterday won clark county at a convention even though hillary clinton had won clark county which is las
vegas in the primary. he's probably going to getting up more delegates out of the convention process than hillary even though they got more votes back when they first voted. somebody like trump, you've never been through it before, you find out you go through box a you win the primary, by the way, the primary guarantees you a vote on the first ballot. it doesn't guarantee you the delegates. now you have to build an organization to bring in the delegates. when he brought in paul maniford, i think it's a sign. he really understands how to do conventions, and i think that was a sign that trump is going to take seriously that he can't just rely on media and on winning primaries. he actually has to go out and step by step win the delegate fight on the ground which is a big challenge. >> roger stone was on the show earlier. former trump adviser, of course.
he has a theory about ted cruz and the establishment falling in love with ted cruz. >> because of his personality, not so much of his policies, i don't think the bush-romney-rubio rnc establishment is too crazy about ted cruz. they are using him to try to stop donald trump in the first ballot in the hopes they can dump him on a subsequent ballot and nominate john kasich. if it's not trump on the first, i think it will be kasich on the fourth. >> do you buy that? >> look, think there's an email out this morning from an insider who said what if trump fails in the first ballot and cruz fails in the second and third ballot, it could be kasich or this particular person's favorite is paul ryan. anything is possible. it is clear that cruz is walking a real tight rope because he was originally the insurgent
candidate, remember? if donald trump weren't around, cruz would be the guy who is getting all the votes of the people who are anti-washington. now he's campaigning with scott walker. he's beginning to resemble marco rubio who kept getting governors to endorse him while he lost their states. cruz has got to play a balancing act here with jeb bush and others endorsing him. at what point does he begin to be the establishment candidate in this particular year is bad for you. >> on the other side we're seeing the clinton team really needling bernie sanders saying, hey, hillary wants to debate, why won't you come and debate us here in new york. they are thinking ahead in wisconsin. they must think she's doing well there. they want to duke it out in new york state, the site of the next contest. for hillary clinton to be calling for my debates, if she was such a strong frontrunner on
thought she was going to do really well racking up delegates for the next couple of months, would she be wanting to expose herself to attack on a stage from her primary rival right now, bernie sanders? >> well, no, it tells you that she knows she's losing ground. she's going to lose wisconsin, i think, by a big margin. she's behind by five or six points in the polls, but the polls have consistently adjourned estimated of the intensity of sanders turn out. in places like madison it's going to be enormous. he's going to beat her by huge margins in a state with a large university system. she's losing ground in nevada as i said a minute ago. she's eroding at the margins in ways that are very dangerous if you are the frontrunner and it's reasonable an act of desperation to say why don't you come debate me and my hunch is bernie
sanders is going to debate her and that's going to take away that issue. she should win new york. if she loses new york, it's catastrophic. >> what kind of psychological blow would that be? aside from the delegates and momentum and all that, just psychologically for the campaign and heading into the general election if she's the nominee? >> remember what happened to rubio when he lost florida, he did the right thing that night, he dropped out. it's hopeless. john kasich said if he lost ohio, he would drop out. she's not going to drop out. if she loses new york, she won't be the nominee. she has to win new york. this is an absolute moment of survival for her. >> unbelievable. mr. speaker, always great to see you here on the show. >> thank you. have a great day. coming up here more, we'll have more on the deadly train accident south of philadelphia. brussels airport back open. pictures moment ago first time since the terror attacks and president obama says we should
expect more attacks in the future. the lieutenant general ralph peters says the campaign against isis is too late. he joins us next. protests light up a 50-foot join on the white house lawn. kennedy is here to react just ahead. ♪ ♪ what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. here's the plan. you want a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like you're trying to wrangle a hurricane. the rest of the time, they're asleep. then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. and it's the worst 19 minutes of your career. but you don't sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. and when the best offer means you're moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. but you pretend it's not so bad.
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seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept i don't play ...quite like i used to. but i'm still bringing my best. and going for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... ...if switching... eliquis is right for you. zblp good morning, friends. a quick update on that fox news alert. an amtrak train crash just south of philadelphia reportedly leaving at least two people dead this morning. hundreds more could be hurt. officials say the train hit a backhoe on the tracks, draling the lead line, the lead engine there. the service on the northeast corridor is suspended. we will bring you live pictures as soon as they come in. now another major story we're following.
the brussels airport reopened today. these are pictures a short time ago. that comes after the terror attack two weeks ago. it comes after president obama says we shouldn't be surprised to see similar attacks in the future because we're winning. >> in syria and iraq, isil continues to lose ground. that's the good news. our coalition continues to take out its leaders, including those planning external terrorist attacks. as isil is squeezed in syria and iraq, we can anticipate it lashing out elsewhere as we've seen most recently and tragically in countries from turkey to brussels. >> so should we expect more attacks and is our campaign against isis the reason behind it? fox news strategist analyst lieutenant colonel peter is joining us now. we're winning. that's why we should expect more
attacks. >> he sudden tell me that the dead and wounded in brussels. the stot syrian refugees, and the christians being executed. the idea that we're winning against the islamic state is due pl plistous. we have made some inroads that matter. we've killed some leaders of islamic state. we have hampered their finances and infrastructure. in vietnam we won every battlefield victory but we lost strategically and president obama shily shally and played hamlet to be or not to be for years refusing to end gij islamic state and hit them hard, he allowed islamic state to build a global brand. this is the starbucks of jihad. it spans the globe from baghdad
to san bernardino. while i cheer on every advance our military make against them, this timid meshed out by the -- measured out teaspoonful, president obama's weight watchers approach to war where you measure everything out so carefully is a prescription for ultimate defeat. >> the white house overall is claiming that isis is faltering in the middle east. is that accurate? do you think that that assessment is accurate? >> i think isis is experiencing some real difficulties in the middle east. they are far from being defeated. we're not contrary to our government's pronouncements, mosu lixt will not be retaken thisser yes, i do. if raqqah is retaken, it's going to be by the syrian government backed by russia and iran. not by our guys. we've made some inroads in the middle east but meanwhile, obama with his -- his eternal hesitation has allowed islamic
state to expand to philadelphia, pakistan -- to philippines, pakistan, san bernardino. now we have to address it in the heart land of the middle east, it's not the only place. in much of the world, islamic state still has the initiative. they have lost the initiative in the middle east but they are far from being defeated. it's a complex, disgusting mess. the next president, whoever he or she may be is going to inherit and the only way to approach it now is with utter determination and resolution, with ferocity and relentless pursuit of your enemies wherever they may be and that's the sort of thing that president cool guy was never willing to do. >> there seems like a tone did he haveness -- deafness. obama says it's a symptom of us
winning. part of a strategy. coming up here on the show, donald trump took a huge step to win over some female voters saying he made a mistake attacking heidi cruz. will trump's admission make any impact with voters at all? kennedy is here to react with us next. peanuts can work for you? that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. heywhether to stay or go?re ♪ when it's go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at
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service is suspended between new york city and philadelphia at this time. >> so this backhoe parked on the tracks, construction workers saying that in that area there, they tend to lay fiberoptic lines right near the railroad tracks. it was parked there when it was struck. that's all that remains. it's unclear at this point whether there was anyone operating the backhoe and these two people who were killed, were they on the train or were they on the backhoe. >> we're still waiting to find that out and we're monitoring social media and hearing from people who say they were passengers on the train. one twitter user was in the second car window across from me blew up. there was a small fire. most of the damage was in the first car. another user at amtrak, small crash. saw fire. heard bren windows. heard from crew. there was one crew fatality. this is according to one twitter
us user. this is all fluid and coming in. >> in philadelphia, these conductors are supposed to be careful on the tracks right there because they had a very deadly derailment last spring. we don't know what happened. the philadelphia area is a particular concern for these conductors. >> very busy and think about monday is going to be, you know the commuters are going to have a tough time too. >> of course, i lived there and covered that area well when i lived in philadelphia and that whole area, very congested corridor there south of philadelphia. no choppers on the weekends. we're trying to get pictures right now, usually the choppers are not up and available for news stations on the weekends. we'll bring those pictures for you as soon as we can with updates. a lot to talk about this morning in politics and other news. all eyes on tuesday's primary in wisconsin. we have kennedy here this morning who joins us here on the curvy couch to talk about it. let's talk about women. >> clayton, let's talk about women.
you are the ladies man. >> donald trump in an interview with maureen dowd walking back that retweet of that picture of his wife and heidi cruz. he said yeah, it was a mistake. if i had to do it again, i wouldn't have sent it. >> is that going to matter to him? >> it has mattered, according to the latest fox business poll in wisconsin, he's 19 points behind ted cruz and women. it's one of the more important states coming up. there's going to be a lot of coverage here tuesday night. i think it's been a tough week for him with women. with corey lewandowski for allegedly manhandling a female reporter and the campaign's comments about that and his comments about abortion and
reclarifying that. he's someone who likes to eclipse and control the news cycle and it's not just the fact that these things have gotten away from him. there's a very tangible effect you are seeing in a big voting state. >> ted cruz is looking pretty good in wisconsin. that's got to be troubling for donald trump. are we going to start to see a shift in the way that his campaign is being run? we had roger stern on the show earlier, one of his former advisers. he sis his rallies get a lot of media attention and crowds. now he has to get organizational to figure out to to get delegates. >> i think it's the most important shift. going from something that's so fantastic cal, something more analytical and someone better for him as a negotiator. we move into that delegate hunt. because if there is a contested convention and he's the supreme
gaucher, he should be able to figure out now between now and cleveland how to shore it up, the ultimate deal. >> and interests this -- there's this cheech and chong event at the white house yesterday. they took a big 51-foot joint. the president could not look out and see it because he was golfing with aaron rodgers and tony cornhighser. >> is that a serious thing? >> what marijuana activists are looking for president to reschedule marijuana. right now, marijuana is a schedule i drug. it's up there with heroin and lsd, and marijuana activists want to see it rescheduled to schedule iii where researchers don't need the sort of draconian permission from the federal
government to do medical research for things like alzheimer's and epilepsy and of course helping patients with cancer and aids who have already been proven to have medical benefits from marijuana. >> a blunt message. >> there you go. >> do you get it? >> you are so street. >> thanks for stopping by. tell everyone where they can see you. >> thursday -- monday through thursday, four nights a week on fox business network. 8:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. pacific and i'll join you monday on outnumbered. these are new pictures coming into the fox news channel and you can see the window blown out on that amtrak car. the lead train hitting a backhoe. two people are dead. the backhoe was reportedly parked on the track. this is all that is left of that backhoe. we're going to bring you more pictures when we come back, including an eyewitness who saw the whole thing happen. we'll be right back. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates.
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that's why the orcas in our care will be the last generation at seaworld. there will be no more breeding. we're also phasing out orca theatrical shows. they'll continue to receive the highest standard of care available anywhere. and guests can come to see them simply being their majestic selves. inspiring the next generation of people to love them as you do. we're back now with a fox news alert. our first look right now at the train involved in that deadly crash south of philadelphia. you can see a window there completely blown out. federal investigators and the medical examiner now on the scene. the train reportedly hit a backhoe on the track as it was traveling from new york city to savannah, georgia. at least two people are dead. hundreds more could be hurt. administer than 300 people were on board. all service from philadelphia to
new york city, a very busy corridor, shut down right now and we have someone on the phone who was on the train. stephanie burroughs, can you tell us what happened? >> hi. we felt a big jerk. well, some people rose up out of their seats just a bit. not a lot. some folks reported they saw a fire ball out of the window. i didn't. i saw sunlight and the guy next to me leaning across me, but definitely a hard hit underneath the train. i talked to the conductor and a little bit later because there was no p.a. system, so it took a minute. they had us move from the front car to the back car. the conductor did inform us that there was a fatality. that there were people working on the track, and although the train -- they did blow the horn and let them know they were domg coming, the people couldn't move fast enough. i didn't know there was two.
i did hear there was definitely one fatality and the engineer took some hits. engine, i don't know if you saw the pictures, the engine lifted off little off the tracks and most of the people -- there was some folk that were shaken up a little bit. there was some injuries in the front car, but someone told me the worst is a broken arm. i don't know. we're in a church right now and i'm seeing a lot of people in here and there's pretty good spirits. i walked around making sure people were all right. >> you were evacuated from the train. taken across a marsh area into a church. >> yeah. it was a little bit of a marsh. literally, they put boards down for us to cross over. it was slippery. we climbed up over and out. got a good bit of that exercise, dragging our luggage along with us and we're in the church. what's a better place to be on a sunday morning after something like this. >> i want to ask you about the
injuries. in the front, you spoke to the conductor and there was some backhoe that was apparently parked on the tracks. >> yes. >> we know that at least two people are dead. do you know if those who were killed were on the train or were they a part of that construction crew that was working on the tracks? >> i was told by the -- by one of the conductors that it was one person at that time killed on the tracks. they were working on the tracks. they were calling for our attention right now, in fact as we speak. >> stephanie, i understand that you are traveling between -- are you getting an announcement actually? let us know what they are saying. >> can you hold up the phone to the announcement? >> okay. [ poor audio ] >> they are saying something about getting to your final destination. what's the word, stephanie? [ poor audio ] >> it's hard to hear on a cell phone. >> stephanie was traveling
between maryland and new jersey. if you come back in, staech -- stephanie, let us know. >> i didn't know if you could hear it. >> what did they say? >> they are basically letting everybody know what they are going to do to get people to their destination. they have buses coming in right now, and they will take us to some other stations and from there, we'll get to our final destination. >> we should mention to our viewers who are waking up and tuning in the northeast corridor right now, amtrak service is completely shut down, to bussing passengers from that train, passenger train number 89 to their final destination. you are trying to get to savannah, georgia. >> no, no, no. not me. >> it was heading to savannah. >> it was heading to savannah. >> i understand you were traveling between maryland and new jersey. is it a trek that you make often and did the train feel like it was out of control? did it feel like it was going fast? did it feel like everything was normal? >> no, i don't make this trek often. i don't make this trek very often.
this is a trip that i'm making to maryland for business, and it was just a pleasant trip. >> stephanie, do you see a lot of police and paramedics that are there? is the fire department there and what are they doing? >> he didn't, ems, quickly. there are lots of them. fire department trucks. but a lot of people ems. they were on the train and all around the train, assisting us, helping us. bringing water, and making sure sure that everybody checking anybody that had anything hurting whatsoever. >> stephanie, we're hearing there were approximately 30 injuries. that's the latest update into our newsroom right now. >> yes. of course. they haven't given us any information on injuries or anything like that. the information i received was by talking directly to the conductor on the train before we disembarked. >> we're looking at new photos
from our affiliate in philadelphia, wtxf. you can see the windows blown out. some passengers described a fire ball and being thrown as it struck this backhoe parked on the tracks. stephanie burroughs was on the train. you were telling us that the conductor informed you that one of the construction crew, we now know two might have been killed and not anybody on the train was killed. >> exactly. in fact, when i spoke to ems a little while later, they said that the worse of the injuries or not the train up in the front car was a broken arm. i asked how the engineer was doing? he said he's doing fine. so i don't know if they were able to give me all the information but i did ask and that's what was given to me. >> stephanie burroughs, we're happy that you are doing all right this morning and give our best to everybody around you as you try to make to your final
destinations on the buses that will be shuttling these passengers. we appreciate your time today. stay with us and let us know if anything changes, okay? >> will do. thank you. >> this is a busy corridor south of philadelphia. this train heading to savannah, georgia. carrying 340 passengers. at least 30 people, approximately right now, federal investigators arriving there will get a better sense of how many people are injured. 30 injuries and two fatalities. >> when you start to think about what kind of injuries that folks may have, our last eyewitness said there were many ems and they were on the train quickly. nobody is ever bracing for impact on these trains. there are no seatbelts which is important to keep in mind. it's not -- not that there are on many trains, but there are no seatbelts, so if there is any kind of a big event at the front, any kind of a jolt, you are at the very least likely to jolt forward or possibly into the aisle and also the luggage is overhead and unsecured, so
you have to worry about big heavy bags falling down and we have another eyewitness, ari neman he was on the second train as well. can you tell us what you saw? >> well, first, we've been evacuated to a local church, and it looks like most folks here are okay. i was in the second car. to be honest, i was napping when the commotion started. the train started to shudder and we smelled smoke, and the window across the aisle from me started to break apart. it broke apart and sort of moved out of the train which looked like it was functioning as it was supposed to. there were no shards breaking into the train in the second car. and, you know, after a bumpy period, and i think there was a
small fire, the train came to a stop, and the amtrak personnel were very quick to make sure that folks did not leave the train, which was absolutely right and they worked quickly to evacuate us to the rear cars where it was safer. >> we're learning, trying to find out this morning from authorities there and it seems this may be the case at this hour as eyewitness reports and the conductor and investigators tell us that there were two people working on the track with a backhoe that was parked on the tracks at the time. it appears at this stage that those two individuals were the fatalities. those were the two individuals that were killed. they were not on the train. are you hearing the same thing from the people that have been evacuated to the church where you are? >> so far the only fatality we've heard was the backhoe driver, and what we've been told is that this was an accident. it looks like that is the case.
you know, i had actually only heard about one fatality, you probably have better information there than i do, but it does not look like there were fatalities among the passengers. i'll say, we don't have definitive information on that, but the emergency personnel here have been great, and, you know, they are seeing to everybody's needs. >> again to our friends who are just waking up with us, amtrak crash that had about 350 passengers on board, 341 passengers and 7 crew members on board has struck a backhoe that was on the tracks. we're told that two people are dead and approximately 30 people are injured, and our guest on the phone ari was on the train at the time napping and is now in a church. people around you, what's the mood like? what's the tone? is everyone trying to be there for one another? are they scared? what are they thinking? >> i think there's a tremendous
sense of solidarity. honestly that was the case, you know, from the moment it happened. you know, there was somebody -- there were some folks on the second car who had the presence of mind, as we were still moving, you know, tell everybody to keep low to the ground and, you know, to not panic. everybody helped each other with the evacuation. folks remained pretty calm given the circumstances, and you know, i would say that's largely kept to the case here. everybody is helping each other. if you've got a cell phone, you are helping folks contact family. it looks like most people here are fine, and, you know, i think there's a real sense of everybody is pitching in to help out. >> ear, there in the second car, we're seeing a picture of what looks like maybe the first car behind the engine with some
windows blown out but when you were evacuating after you had been awakened by this accident, what was the car looking like? did you see smoke? was there luggage strewn about? did you see any of the bags that are loosely stowed overhead hit anyone? can you tell us a little bit about the scene as you evacuated and how frantic was the evacation? >> there was no luggage hitting anyone. in fact the amtrak personnel reminded everybody not to take their luggage during the evacuation. you know, i think the evacuation was not panicked, at least not in the second car. you know, it was -- in fact the amtrak personnel who communicated again quite rightfully so the sense of urgency to have us leave the second car. >> were people running though or were they just calmly walking in a single file line? because some of the pictures
we're seeing are very dramatic. it's hard to imagine what we would do in that situation. us just there, though. were people really running for their lives? >> no, no. i think folks were evacuating calm and orderly fashion. i would say by and large folks were very responsible in the evacuation. you know, some of the folks in the back cars, once we got interest -- there, made sure that people had places to sit down. the luggage did not, you know, fall everywhere, at least not in the second car. i can't speak to the first car. i think all in all, amtrak personnel and emergency services handled the difficult situation in the best possible fashion. >> and ari, is it your understanding that after impact the train continued to move and run over possibly these victims or the backhoe or did the train
stop right away? >> i don't know what happened with the backhoe and the folks that were hit. there was a period where the train sort of ground to a halt over, you know, a period of, you know, if i had to guess, i would say maybe between 10 and 30 seconds. frankly, i would say that was probably a good thing because it limited the degree to which we would, you know, kind of get whiplash or something like that. you know, so it was a little bit of a bumpy stop and it happened, you know, over a period of time, but you know, i'm not an expert, but my impression was that was probably a safer way to stop, at least for the passengers than if we had had the capacity to stop on the dime, which i'm pretty sure -- a stop on a dime, which i'm pretty sure trains can't do anyway. >> yeah. all right. we want to thank our eyewitness
who was there, who has been evacuated to the -- to a local church. ari, thank you so much for joining us. we're glad you are safe and sound and bringing us some of the details from inside that second car. you can see on the right side of your screen, that is a picture of the train derailment. it appears that the train is upright and at least the engine appears to be off the tracks in the front. the windows is blown out as it hit the backhoe on the tracks. this northeast corridor shut down. one of the busiest corridors in all of the united states. this is going to snarl traffic for, you know, at least most of today if not into the early part of the week. >> what this is reminding me is that awful crash that happened last may. eight people were killed and a couple hundred were injured in that and it was sort of the same type of deal. an amtrak train was heading from washington, d.c. to new york city and it ended up crashing in a neighborhood around philadelphia. >> this is a tricky area.
look, the northeast corridor has all kinds of problems. you have the trains. here's our video we're getting in to an eyewitness who was there, pete bannen was on the scene. cell phone videos are arriving. stephanie was telling us that tons of ambulances pug up -- pulling up right now as they are checking that the 30 people injured are doing okay. she described a broken arm of someone who was in front of her. it doesn't appear the other injuries are life-threatening. >> 2200 trains a day for the northeast corridor for amtrak. this incident, now that we know a little bit more about it, raises new questions about how safe those 2,200 trains a day, 260 million annual passengers are because last year in may, the derailment that anna just brought up, that was because a
conductor was going too fast around a curve. this is for something completely different. this is a new issue and these tracks, you know, there are often concerns about train safety in the context of terror that does not look like that's what this is. but why is it that close to the tracks when there's a train full of people vulnerable. >> get on any of these train stations, lancaster, p.a. you can walk right in as i've done many times. you mentioned that derailment last year. that came on the heels of another derailments a year prior to that. we have a series of crashes along the northeast corridor which is frightening. for those of you just tuning in with a few minutes here left in "fox & friends" this morning, a train derailment south of philadelphia, near chester, pennsylvania. this is new video of ambulances arriving on the scene. and it appears that the train
struck a backhoe that was parked on the tracks. two construction workers appear to have been killed. none of the passengers on the train from our eyewitnesss and those we've been talking to on the ground have been killed. two construction workers on the track, those killed who were operating the backhoe and couldn't move it in time as that train struck it. >> amtrak train number 9 operating from new york and heading to savannah, georgia. then hitting that backhoe was apparently on the tracks. we've seen the remnants of it, some pictures of it and pictures you're looking at here, windows were blown out and some passengers on board have told us that they saw a fireball, there was some sort of small fire that they saw. there were some injuries. one of our eyewitnesss we spoke to mentioned there was a broken arm and people were shaken up. the passengers were evacuated out of the back end of the train that they said that was a safer route for them to go. they were then escorted over
through a marshy type area into the gymnasium of a church and that's where they are now. some buses are headed to them to shuttle them to their final destination. you can only imagine what they are going through. this is happening on sunday. this is a very, very busy area during the week for all the commuters, the northeast corridor right now the service has been shut down between new york and philadelphia. at the moment it's been suspended. what will that look like tomorrow. >> this is another new photo we're seeing shared by social media user. if we can go back to the video of the ambulances. the moving pictures. it gives you a sense where this happened. this just didn't happen in the middle of nowhere. this looks like it's in the crowded part of southeast pennsylvania where it looks like there are some maybe low rise apartment buildings and some shops. probably pretty busy area on a sunday morning anyway.
that obviously would help get first responders to the accident site faster, which is, obviously, time is of the essence with things like this. this just didn't happen from the looks of it in the middle of an open field, middle of nowhere in pennsylvania. this is a populated area. that raises some concerns. some of these trains come close pop allocati to population centers. >> we're getting an update from delaware county officials that confirm it was two construction workers that were killed. we have been getting this from eyewitnesss who thought there was one person killed. we now officially can say there are two people that were killed who were on that construction crew working on that backhoe that couldn't move it in time according to eye witnesses. they sounded the horns.
there's a picture of the window. it looks like it's up like an accordion. two construction workers in that backhoe struck and killed who couldn't move in time as the engine struck them. >> we're learning about those fatalities. both of them are construction workers who were operating that backhoe. we hate to be reporting that this morning. 30 injuries that we've been report, we learn from the same delaware county officials they confirmed four others were taken to area hospitals and that one person was seriously injured. >> you look at the speed that would be required to cause a gash in the side of a steel train car like the picture we just saw, the closer up image of some of the damage. that doesn't just happen when you're going slow and something nicks into you. that's a serious impact and thank goodness at least at this
point we have not heard about anybody being killed inside the train. but you want to talk about a close call, that would be for whoever was sitting in that seat and you would think that that train car or part of the car would be pretty crowded because there were about 350 people. >> you mentioned them blowing the horn. that's what the eyewitnesses we spoke to said they did hear the horn. you wonder why didn't the two operators of the backhoe, why didn't they hear? were they wearing ear protection and the machinery was loud around them? how did they miss that? >> having the construction equipment, fiber lines are laid next to these tracks. there you can see the electrical lines above the train. they have to switch to a diesel engine from east to west. philadelphia the hub. what happens you take these trains from pittsburgh, on a
diesel engine, you park in philadelphia. they have to switch out that diesel engine and put on the electric engine. then it's a peaceful quiet ride through the northeast corridor which is very, very busy. we're not just talking amtrak trains. they run and own most of these tracks. there's all kinds of local commuter trains being affected by this. all shut down this morning because they rely on these tracks. it's a sunday. if you can imagine this on a monday with all of the snarling traffic, people who rely to get from washington, d.c., new york, a train that joe biden takes on a regular basis. >> this is a train that peter doocy was going to take back to washington, d.c. >> something else, secondary concern until we know about the condition of the victims, but there could have been if there's a backhoe and a train colliding on train tracks and pretty significant damage to the actual infrastructure to those tracks. so you want kind of plot out how
long it might take to fix. they got to get train out of there. they got to get all the passengers out there was. then they have to bring in new equipment, new rails. that can take up a lot of time. >> amtrak has a $151 billion plan to revitalize this area. we've seen a number of accidents along this corridor where speeds on the acela train can get up to 125 miles per hour. they have to slow down for most of the journey because tracks can't handle those high speeds and when you go around these curves -- >> 150 mile-per-hour at top speeds. >> there's a huge plan to be completed by 2040 along the northeast corridor to make these travel times cut them in half, make it safer but that's many, many years away. >> a quarter of a million people ride these trains through that area between new york city, through philadelphia and on to d.c. a day. so you think about what's that
is going to be like on monday. hopefully they can get things cleaned up. our big focus is loss of life, those two backhoe operators that were killed while working on tracks and the injuries. tomorrow will be a headache potentially. >> and amtrak is clarifying on social media, you can get on the northeast corridor, can you travel between new york and boston. it is points south that become problematic with either severe, severe delays or possibly you would think some train cancellations. >> d.c. into philly. 79 miles per hour, this is an area of track that can go very fast south of philadelphia before you have to slow down, come through that curve there. and parallels route 95 all the way up to the east. 79 miles per hour, having to slam on the brakes, blow an air horn to get the attention of these two workers who were using that backhoe in the way of this train who were struck and killed. obviously we're trying to move
it so perhaps it didn't derail the train but they were killed in the process. we're following -- >> clayton, we're going to reset one more time for our viewers just waking up. we're following a deadly train crash south philadelphia. two construction workers operating a backhoe on the tracks confirmed to be the two dead. 30 people reportedly hurt. 347 passengers on board. all the service right now from new york city to philadelphia has been shut down which could have a massive effect on tomorrow morning's commute. the train was traveling from new york city to savannah, georgia when it hit that backhoe. a witness we just spoke to said the conductor blew thorn to get the workers off the track but it was too late. witnesses say the train windows blew out and there was a fire. investigators and the medical examiner are all on the scene. >> old tracks. this opened early in the 1800s.

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Giraffidae , Giraffe , Deer , Water Bottle , Home Accessories , Octopus , Drinking Water , Chemistry , Bottled Water , Liquid , Bird , Competition , Aerial Photography , Wood Flooring , Laminate Flooring , Tile , Sofa Bed , Loft , Varnish , Countertop , Plywood , Chest Of Drawers , Drawer , Window Covering , Kettlebell , Fitness Professional , Chip , Guard Dog , Treadmill , Office Chair , Gym , Swiss Ball , Off Roading , Off Road Racing , Jeep , Sport Utility Vehicle , Rally Raid , Mercedes Benzg Class , Natural Environment , Desert , Aeolian Landform , Soil , Wadi , Sahara , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Badlands , Mini Suv , Dune , Bicycle Part , Bike , Bicycle Wheel , Mountain Bike , Bicycle Frame , Bicycle Tire , Spoke , Handgun Holster , Camera Operator , Cameras Optics , Camera , Lexus , Jeep Wrangler , Fender , Hardtop , Tread , Pilot , Porsche Cayenne , Ecoregion , Geology , All Terrain Vehicle , Terrain , Hill , Desert Racing , Formation , Valley , Plain , Dust , Plateau , Dirt Road , Truggy , Erg , Vehicle Brake , Fisheye Lens , Automotive Engine Part , Exhaust System , Military Vehicle , Hummer H2 , Nissan Patrol , Toyota Fj Cruiser , Safari , Toyota , Mini Mpv , Compact Mpv , Honda , Media Player , Kayak , Kayaking , Water Transportation , Canoeing , Sea Kayak , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Paddle , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Surface Water Sports , Waterway , Canal , Watercraft Rowing , River , Outdoor Recreation , Oar , Canoe Sprint , Whitewater Kayaking , Skiff , Hobby , Rowing , Dinghy , Reflection , Watercourse , Lake , Canoe Slalom , Water Resources , Loch , Inlet , Bayou , Reservoir , Bank , Wind Wave , Fish , Lake District , Floodplain , Channel , State Park , Wetland , Wakeboarding , Towed Water Sport , Boardsport , Inflatable Boat , Lifejacket , Pond , Arch Bridge , Bridge , Fixed Link , Viaduct , Concrete Bridge , Beam Bridge , Brug , Aqueduct , Statue , Sail , Surf Kayaking , Panorama , Sunset , Dawn , Dusk , Afterglow , Track And 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Light , Combat Vehicle , Road Surface , Speedboat , Net Sports , Volleyball , Cheering , Basketball Official , Space Station , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Shopping Mall , Photobombing , Astronomical Object , Neon Sign , Neon , Pianist , Alley , Performing Arts Center , Opera House , Place Of Worship , Video Game Software , Cupboard , Hotel , Window Blind , Sink , Sewing Machine , Tap , Bathroom , Plumbing , Silver , Software Engineering , Office Supplies , Vegetable , Leaf Vegetable , Vegetarian Food , Salad , Stuffing , Cruciferous Vegetables , Ceviche , Korean Food , Mexican Food , Art Exhibition , Street Food , Camping , Rural Area , Artificial Turf , Lawn Game , Meadow , Cornhole , Snack , Choreography , Telephone , Wildfire , Bassist , Cave , Caving , Lava Tube , Supervillain , Surfer Hair , Clothes Iron , Small Appliance , Ipad , Cake Decorating , Fiat , Suzuki , Street Fashion , Lens Flare , Plant Stem , Bowling , Narrow Body Aircraft , Wide Body Aircraft , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Boeing , Airbus , Airbus A320 Family , Boeing 767 , Jet Aircraft , Aerospace Manufacturer , Boeing 757 , Boeing 737 , Flap , Takeoff , Jet Engine , Airport , Boeing 777 , Airbus A380 , Airbus A330 , Landing , Boeing 737 Next Generation , Airport Apron , Trijet , Runway , Boeing 747 , Twinjet , Boarding , Boeingc 40 Clipper , Futsal , Leisure Centre , Heptathlon , Decathlon , Hurdling , Racewalking , Race Track , Steeplechase , Long Jump , Jumping , Obstacle Race , High Jump , Soccer Specific Stadium , Glove , Sports Gear , Safety Glove , Baseball Glove , Batting Glove , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Protective Gear , Circus , Trial , Professional Wrestling , Striking Combat Sports , Bowed String Instrument , Guitar , String Instrument Accessory , Bass Guitar , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Violin , Guitar Accessory , Jazz Club , Baking , Cheesesteak , Supermarket , Bakery , Grocery Store , Convenience Food , Delicatessen , Middle Eastern Food , Training , Transparent Material , Seminar , High Heels , Boot , Ice Skating , Sport Kite , Kite Sports , Football , Baseball Park , Field , College Baseball , Dodger Dog , Hot Dog , Scale Model , Parliament , Temperature , Arctic , Tropics , Biome , Estuary , Buffet , Submarine Sandwich , Bocadillo , Pan Bagnat , Bánh Mì , Roti John , Blt , Choripán , Original Chicken Sandwich , Polish Food , Chicago Style Hot Dog , Melt Sandwich , Ham And Cheese Sandwich , Egg Sandwich , American Cheese , Bologna Sandwich , Patty Melt , Cheddar Cheese , Spam , Big Mac , Apple , Fruit , Rubiks Cube , Rose Family , Breakfast Roll , Patty , Mcmuffin , Fried Food , Thai Food , Chinese Food , Seafood , Shrimp , Laser , Billiards , Brassiere , Bag , Handbag , Beige , Luggage And Bags , Skin Care , Kitchen Appliance , Watch , Bread Machine , Watch Phone , Parrot , Macaw , Cockatoo , Cockatiel , Parakeet , Budgie , Perching Bird , Toe , Bmw M3 , Bmw 3 Series F30 , Bmw 3 Series E90 , Bmw 3 Series , Bmw 5 Series , Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution , Classic Car , Antique Car , Volkswagen Beetle , Tesla Model S , Subaru , Subaru Impreza Wrx Sti , Volkswagen , Tartan , Full Size Car , Kia Motors , Porsche , Plaid , Toyota Prius , Nissan Leaf , Ford Motor Company , Mitsubishii Miev , Honda Fit , Honda Civic Hybrid , Iphone , Telephony , Infiniti , Bmw M5 , Bmw X6 , Bmw 6 Series , Bmw 3 Series Gran Turismo , Volvo Cars , Range Rover , Volvo V70 , Volvo Xc90 , Bmw 335 , Afro , Solution , Cylinder , Perfume , Personal Care , Coach , Food Truck , Ambulance , Emergency , Hill Station , Vegetation , Forest , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Wilderness , Nature Reserve , Rainforest , Jungle , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Old Growth Forest , Woodland , Conifer , Spruce Fir Forest , National Park , Shrubland , Pine Family , Evergreen , Fir , Spruce , Grumman Llv , Compact Van , Mitsubishi Pajero , Ford Flex , Land Rover , Crop , Mountain Pass , Canyon , Highland , Fjord , Mountain , Motor Ship , Coast , Sunrise , Flock , Bird Migration , Animal Migration , Haze , Ship , Container Ship , Motherboard , Tank Ship , Cargo Ship , Electronic Component , Icicle , Freezing , Acrylic Paint , Glacial Landform , Subway , Tunnel , Metro Station , Warehouse , Hangar , Factory , Ice Rink , Steel , Aluminum Can , Mesh , Pipe , Mining , Construction , Bulldozer , Lumber , Door Handle , Hardware Accessory , Coffeemaker , Composite Material , Corporate Headquarters , Headquarters , Convention Center , Forklift Truck , Industry , Fire Station , Brutalist Architecture , Light Bulb , Lamp , Tripod , Musical Ensemble , Whole Food , Local Food , Marketplace , Market , Natural Foods , Greengrocer , Convenience Store , Selling , Bazaar , Grocer , Aisle , Trade , Public Utility , Prairie , Overhead Power Line , Transmission Tower , Electricity , Wind Farm , Steppe , Windmill , Wind Turbine , Cowboy Hat , Hat , Stage Equipment , Podium , Gmc , Amusement Ride , Bangs , Herb , Flowerpot , Vascular Plant , Fern , Hardware , Handrail , Outdoor Play Equipment , Cottage , Ladder , Garden Buildings , Balcony , Deck , Driveway , Concrete , Gate , Swing , Playground Slide , Acura Rl , Chrysler , Mazda3 , Cool , Wetsuit , Cuckoo Clock , Clock , Wall Clock , Alarm Clock , Botany , Flash Photography , Medical Assistant , Physician , Felidae , Animal Figure , Big Cats , Kangaroo , Macropodidae , Squirrel , Marsupial , Elephant , Rabbits And Hares , Rabbit , Elephants And Mammoths , Flightless Bird , Penguin , Laboratory , Engineering , Denim , Leggings , Espresso Machine , Barista , Soccer , Soccer Player , One Day International , American Football , Gridiron Football , Football Equipment , Sports Uniform , Tabletop Game , Fur Clothing , Poodle , Spanish Water Dog , Lagotto Romagnolo , Standard Poodle , Research , Spring , People In Nature , Autumn , Conference Hall , Tights , History , Rebellion , Locomotive , Hyundai , Tennis Court , Tennis , Racquet Sport , Weights , Prom , Greco Roman Wrestling , Carmine , Avengers , Fokker 70 , Cruise Ship , Bugatti , Ford Mustang , 3x3 Basketball , Applause , Interview , Hoodie , Polar Fleece , Book , Publication , Award , Lego , Figurine , Movie Theater , Choir , Cosplay , Output Device , Cook , Cooking Show , Fire Department , Rescue , Paramedic , Martial Arts , Japanese Martial Arts , Drinking Game , Boxing Ring , Weightlifting , Crossfit , Weight Training , Pull Up , Health Care , Tongue , Red Hair , Toothbrush , X Ray , Brush , Toothbrush Replacement Head , Cable , Tool , Hand Tool , Cosmetic Dentistry , Dentures , Tooth Brushing , Refrigerator , Sole , Barefoot , Baby Activity , Comfort , Sleep , Dreadlocks , Eyelash Extensions , Still Life , Kindergarten , Crawling , Baby Products , Bedtime , Linens , Wool , Artificial Hair Integrations , Cg Artwork , Feathered Hair , Stone Carving , Cathedral , Wig , Lace Wig , Feather , Natural Material , Bumper Sticker , Mixing Console , Disc Jockey , Cdj , Boeingc 32 , Air Sports , Arcade Game , Tide , Beach , Sun , Mist , Fog , Acura Rdx , Mazda , Kia Optima , Sports Car Racing , World Rally Car , Touring Car Racing , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Stock Car Racing , Drifting , Group B , Folkrace , Time Attack , Motorcycle Helmet , Hard Hat , Acura , Acura Tl , Acura Tsx , Second Generation Lexus Is , Powerboating , Lamborghini Aventador , Lamborghini , Mclaren Automotive , Honda Nsx , Lexus Gs , Pleased , Step Cutting , Engineer , Construction Worker , Blue Collar Worker , Lincoln Navigator , Honda Ridgeline , Lincoln Motor Company , Volvo Xc70 , Limousine , Mazda Cx 9 , Mazda Cx 7 , Volkswagen Touareg , Kia Sportage , Cadillac Srx , Ford Focus Electric , Ford Mondeo , Fordc Max , Head Restraint , Bentley Continental Flying Spur , Jaguars Type , Bmw 7 Series , , Cardigan , Sweater , Washing Machine , Clothes Dryer , Kitchen Stove , Cuisine Classique , Dishwasher , Microwave Oven , Granite , Oven , Bearing , Camera Lens , Lens , Gopro , Disco , Tattoo , Cold Weapon , Fencing , Fashion Model , Microphone Stand , Blackboard , Ape , Nissan , Nissan Altima , Bugatti Veyron , Baseball Bat , Strength Athletics , Strongman , Thunderstorm , Lightning , Thunder , Drizzle , Greenhouse , Plantation , Agriculture , Farm , Birch Family , Twig , Wheelbarrow , Cart , Pasture , Golf Club , Golf Equipment , Mower , Lawn Mower , Outdoor Power Equipment , Riding Mower , Golf Cart , Agricultural Machinery , Power Tool , Tractor , Roller Coaster , Roadster , Classic , Golf , Putter , Golf Course , String Trimmer , Weeder , Mobility Scooter , Lawn Aerator , Gardener , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Optical Instrument , Electric Generator , Pressure Washer , Slope , Mulch , Gardening , Trail , Waste , Natural Landscape , Deciduous , Baggage , Sports Training , Scooter , Segway , Groundcover , Butterfly , Maple , Wildflower , Maidenhair Tree , Fungus , Botanical Garden , Hedge , Campus , National Trust For Places Of Historic Interest Or Natural Beauty , Box , Cardboard , Carton , Packaging And Labeling , Package Delivery , Loveseat , Baby Safety , Baluster , Baby Gate , Shower , Bathing , Bunk Bed , Mural , Coffee Table , End Table , Bed Sheet , West Highland White Terrier , Toilet Seat , Bathtub , Toilet , Ankle , Sock , Bathroom Cabinet , Bathroom Sink , Bathroom Accessory , Boutique Hotel , Dishware , Plate , à La Carte Food , Canapé , Elliptical Trainer , Lock , Urinal , Christmas Decoration , Carrot , Tomato , Solanum , Nightshade Family , Root Vegetable , Potato Salad , Bar , Pub , Hacienda , Mansion , Pitch , Baseball Positions , College Softball , Arecales , Pitcher , Baseball Player , Infielder , Catcher , Boeing 747 400 , Mcdonnell Douglas Md 80 , Jet Bridge , Hippopotamus , Household Supply , Laundry Detergent , Paper Towel , Banknote , Money Handling , Peugeot , Honda Fcx Clarity , Honda City , Peugeot 407 , Cash , Mo Ney , Currency , Superfood , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Nissan Rogue , Nissan Juke , Nissanx Trail , Nissan Murano , Nissan Qashqai , Mitsubishi Triton , Mercedes Benzm Class , Coffeehouse , Film Noir , Vernissage , Mason Jar , Display Case , Shopping , Snails And Slugs , Snail , Molluscs , Palm Tree , Parachute , Paragliding , Parachuting , Crescent , Psychedelic Art , Stained Glass , Coloring Book , Mosaic , Kaleidoscope , Porsche Panamera , Vehicle Audio , Gear Shift , Decapoda , Crustacean , Invertebrate , Lobster , Crab , Insect , Roasting , Pest , Chocolate , Barbecue , Grilling , Frying , Membrane Winged Insect , Carbon , Audi , Killer Whale , Marine Mammal , Cetacea , Dolphin , Fin , Whale , Great White Shark , Shark , Common Bottlenose Dolphin , Rough Toothed Dolphin , Porpoise , Lamniformes , Lamnidae , Cartilaginous Fish , Spinner Dolphin , Short Finned Pilot Whale , Humpback Whale , Grey Whale , Striped Dolphin , Wholphin , Carcharhiniformes , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Scuba Diving , Freediving , Divemaster , Diving Equipment , Manta Ray , Tiger Shark , Requiem Shark , Dry Suit , Yacht , Sea Lion , Bony Fish , Coral Reef Fish , Printer , Printing , Machine Tool , Printmaking , Angry , Elder , Memorial , Cemetery , Church , Headstone , Grave , Garmon , Château , Villa , Manor House , Official Residence , Classical Architecture , Palace , Historic House , Stately Home , Column , Mosque , Steeple , Basilica , Monastery , Spire , Byzantine Architecture , Medieval Architecture , Chapel , Parish , Classical Sculpture , Carving , Mythology , Relief , Electric Guitar , Acoustic Guitar , Floodlight , Jazz Guitarist , Folk Instrument , Bajo Sexto , Ukulele , Cuatro , Orchestra , Energy Drink , Spray , Red Bull , Circuit Component , Arcade , Potato Chip , Toilet Paper , Lactose , Soy Milk , Bodybuilding Supplement , Beer , Present , Mineral Water , Playset , Motor Oil , Newspaper , Mecha , Scrapbooking , Comic Book , Drip Coffee Maker , Outdoor Grill , Outdoor Shoe , Hiking Boot , Sneakers , Walking Shoe , Snow Boot , Hiking Shoe , Resort , Inn , Outlet Store , Woodwind Instrument , Cookware And Bakeware , Indian Cuisine , Chocolate Cake , Frying Pan , Chocolate Brownie , Artifact , Kitchen Sink , Recycling Bin , Aluminium , Gravy , Wok , Curry , Soup , Egg , Egg Yolk , Poached Egg , Fried Egg , Mushroom , Bean , Legume , Cookies And Crackers , Buttercream , Whipped Cream , Icing , Cake , Torte , Waffle , Barbecue Grill , Pie , Pastry , Medicinal Mushroom , Oyster Mushroom , Cage , Hot Pot , Man Go , Brown Sauce , Steak , Beef , Sirloin Steak , Braising , Gomashio , Rice , Risotto , Steamed Rice , Stove , Muffin , Diet Food , Vegan Nutrition , Garnish , Capsicum , Dip , Coleslaw , Pollen , Flowering Plant , Lily Family , Malvales , Cattleya , Alstroemeriaceae , Violet Family , Eggplant , Chocolate Syrup , Dough , Drum , Swamp , Gautama Buddha , Neanderthal , One , Four , 89 , Two , 32 , 270 , Five , 16 , 19 , 9 , 1 , 2 , 1237 , Six , 50 , 17 , 22 , 7 , 6 , 51 , 00 , 8 , 5 , 300 , 30 , 340 , 341 , 350 , 10 , Eight , 2200 , 260 Million , 125 , 151 Billion , 51 Billion , 150 , 2040 , A Million , 79 , 95 , 347 ,

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